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Abstract. Mass spectrometry has been used to measure the rates of CO2 uptake of acid- and alkali-grown cells of the green algae Chlorella ellipsoidea (UTEX 20) and C. saccharophila (UTEX 27). The time course of CO2 formation on addition of 100mmol m−3 K2CO3 to cells in the dark was used as an assay for external carbonic anhydrase (CA). No external CA was detected in acid-grown cells of either species or in alkali-grown cells of C. ellipsoidea but was present in alkali-grown C. saccharophila . In the absence of external CA, or when it was inhibited by 5mmol m−3 acetazolamide, cells of both species, on illumination, rapidly depleted the free CO2 in the medium at pH 7.5 to near zero concentrations before maximum photosynthetic O2 evolution rates were established. Addition of bovine CA rapidly restored the equilibrium CO2 concentration in the medium, indicating that the cells were selectively taking up CO2. Transfer of cells to the dark caused a rapid increase in the CO2 concentration in the medium largely due to the efflux of inorganic carbon from the cells as CO2. This rapid light-dependent CO2 uptake takes place against pH and concentration gradients and, thus, has the characteristics of active transport.  相似文献   

Abstract. The uptake and accumulation of inorganic carbon has been investigated in Chlorella ellipsoidea cells grown at acid or alkaline pH. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) was detected in ceil extracts but not in intact cells and CA activity in acid-grown cells was considerably less than that in alkali-grown cells. Both cell types demonstrates low K1/2 (CO2) values in the range pH 7.0–8.0 and these were unaffected by O2 concentration. The CO2 compensation concentrations of acid- and alkali-grown cells suspended in aqueous media were not significantly different in the range of pH 6.0–8.0, but at pH 5.0, the CO2 compensation concentrations of acid-grown cells (57.4cm3 m−3) were lower than those of alkali-grown cells (79.2cm3 m−3). The rate of photo-synthetic O2 evolution in the range pH 7.5–8.0 exceeded the calculated rate of CO2 supply two- to three-fold, in both acid- and alkali-grown cells, indicating that HCO3 was taken up by the cells. Accumulation of inorganic carbon was measured at pH 7.5 by silicone-oil centri-fugation, and the concentration of unfixed inorganic carbon was found to be 5.1 mol m−3 in acid-grown and 6.4mol m−3 in alkali-grown cells. These concentrations were 4.6- and 5.9-fold greater than in the external medium. These results indicate that photorespiration is suppressed in both acid- and alkali-grown cells by an intracellular accumulation of inorganic carbon due, in part, to an active uptake of bicarbonate.  相似文献   

Chlorella saccharophila can utilize the amino acids arginine, glutamate. ornithine and proline as sole sources of nitrogen for growth. By comparison C. autotrophica utilized only arginine and ornithine. Following osmotic shock of Chlorella autotrophica from 50 to 150% artificial seawater rapid synthesis of proline (the main osmoregulatory solute in this alga) occurred in cells grown on arginine or citrulline. However, little proline synthesis occurred in ornithine-grown cells. Distribution of radiolabelled carbon from [14C]-arginine assimilation following osmotic shock of C. autotrophica agrees with the following pathway of arginine utilization: arginine→citrulline→ornithine→glutamate semialdehyde→pyrroline-5-carboxylate→proline. These 4 steps are catalysed by arginine deiminase (EC, citrullinase (EC, ornithine transaminase (EC and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (EC, respectively. Of these 4 enzymes, only arginine deiminase and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase were detected in the crude extract of the 2 Chlorella species. Arginine deiminase did not require specific cations for optimal activity. The deimi-nase showed maximal activity at pH 8.0 and followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with an apparent Km for L-arginine of 0.085 m M for the C. autotrophica enzyme and 0.097 m M for that of C. saccharophila. The activity of arginine deiminase was not influen-ced by growing C. saccharophila on arginine. Ornithine competitively inhibited arginine deiminase with an apparent K, of 2.4 m M for the C. autotrophica enzyme, and 3.8 m M for that of C. saccharophila . Arginine utilization by Chlorella is discussed in relation to that of other organisms.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the chemical characterization of the mucilage sheath produced by Chlorella sorokiniana. METHODS AND RESULTS: Algal mucilage sheath was hydrolysed with NaOH, containing EDTA. The purity of the hydrolysed sheath was determined by an ATP assay. The composition of polysaccharide in the sheath was investigated by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. Sucrose, galacturonic acid, xylitol, inositol, ribose, mannose, arabinose, galactose, rhamnose and fructose were detected in the sheath as sugar components. Magnesium was detected in the sheath as a divalent cation using inductively coupled argon plasma. The sheath matrix also contained protein. CONCLUSIONS: It appears that the sheath is composed of sugars and metals. Mucilage sheath contains many kinds of saccharides that are produced as photosynthetic metabolites and divalent cations that are contained in the culture medium. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first report on chemical characterization of the sheath matrix produced by C. sorokiniana.  相似文献   

The CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) was induced in the green unicellular alga Chlorella when cells were transferred from high (5% CO2) to low (0.03%) CO2 concentrations. The induction of the CCM correlated with the formation of a starch sheath specifically around the pyrenoid in the chloroplast. With the aim of clarifying whether the starch sheath was involved in the operation of the CCM, we isolated and physiologically characterized a starchless mutant of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, designated as IAA-36. The mutant strain grew as vigorously as the wild type under high and low CO2 concentrations, continuous light and a 12 h light/12 h dark photoperiod. The CO2 requirement for half-maximal rates of photosynthesis [K0.5(CO2)] decreased from 40 μM to 2–3 μM of CO2 when both wild type and mutant were switched from high to low CO2. The high affinity for inorganic carbon indicates that the IAA-36 mutant is able to induce a fully active CCM. Since the mutant does not have the pyrenoid starch sheath, we conclude that the sheath is not involved in the operation of the CCM in Chlorella cells.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of the alga Chlorella saccharophila was investigated under different growth conditions. Using glucose as the sole carbon source, heterotrophically-grown Chlorella saccharophila produced a greater proportion of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (C18: 2 and C18: 3) than photosynthetic cultures, with linoleic acid (C18: 2) predominating. An unexpected discovery was the observation that at the lowest glucose concentration (2.5 gl–1) the lipid content of the algae increased to between 36–47% of the cell weight, depending on the temperature. At glucose concentrations of 5 g l–1 or more, the lipid content fell to 10–12% of the cell, although total fatty acid yield was higher due to higher biomass concentrations. Aeration of heterotrophic cultures promoted the production of unsaturated fatty acids compared to non-aerated cultures.  相似文献   

When acetate-adapted cultures of Chlorella fusca were transferred to nitrogen-free medium containing glucose, isocitrate lyase activity was lost over a period of about 25 h. Using a combination of in vivo isotope labelling and immunoprecipitation with anti-isocitrate lyase IgG it was shown that: 1. The onset of loss of enzyme activity preceeded the complete cessation of enzyme synthesis. 2. Disappearance of isocitrate lyase activity was accompanied by loss of enzyme protein, without accumulation of antigenic protein distinguishable from the normal subunit polypeptide of the enzyme, as judged by SDS gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitated samples from supernatant cell-free extracts. 3. SDS gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitated isocitrate lyase revealed the presence of antigenic protein bands of Mr about twice that of the normal subunit polypeptide, but the appearance of these apparent dimer forms did not obviously correlate with enzyme degradation. 4. Isoelectric focusing of immunoprecipitated isocitrate lyase showed that the enzyme became progressively more oxidised during the period of its degradation in vivo. 5. By titrating crude broken cell suspensions with anti-isocitrate lyase antibody, preliminary evidence was obtained for transfer of the enzyme from the soluble fraction to an insoluble form as part of the process of disappearance.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between electrical potential difference and acid secretion by the bullfrog gastric mucosa was measured in the presence and absence of acetazolamide. At every value of potential the acid secretory rate was less with the drug present.  相似文献   

On the mechanism of acid secretory inhibition by acetazolamide   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Copper tolerance in the green alga, Chlorella vulgaris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The effect of sub-lethal concentrations of copper upon tolerant and non-tolerant strains of Chlorella vulgaris was investigated. Copper concentrations of 0.2 and 0.4 mg dm−3 increased the lag phase of both strains, the effect being greater in the non-tolerant strain. No difference was observed in the toxicity of copper to the photosynthetic rates of the isolated chloroplasts of either strain. However, significant differences were shown at the whole cell level.
Lower copper uptake was shown by the tolerant cells. In both strains initial uptake of copper was followed by a phase of desorption before cell division occurred. In cultures of both strains the concentration of ionic copper was decreased by complexation with extracellular organic material. Over a 14 day growth period more organic material was produced by the tolerant cells. The organic material produced by the tolerant cell formed organo-copper complexes which had a higher conditional stability constant.
It is proposed that the cell wall acts as a barrier to copper in the tolerant cells and prevents copper from affecting cell metabolism. Organo-copper complexation occurs at this barrier and this complex is then released into the medium.  相似文献   

Introduction of foreign DNA into Chlorella saccharophila by electroporation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Plasmid, pBI221, was introduced into protoplasts of Chlorella saccharophila c-211-1a prepared from the cells in the stationary phase by electroporation. Transient expression of the introduced plasmid was observed under a field strength of between 600 and 900 V/cm, and a pulse duration of around 400 ms, where high membrane permeability to 70-kDa FITC-dextran was ascertained.  相似文献   

Taurine entered the alga Chlorella fusca Shihira et Krauss strain 21l-8b via a pH and energy-dependent system ("permease"). Transport followed triphasic kinetics from 10−6 to 10−2 M with Km values for taurine of 5.4 × 10−5, 4.1 × l0−4 and l.5 × 10−3 M. This uptake system was specific for sulfonic acids and showed no affinity for α- and β -amino acids or Na+; thus the permease of C. fusca is different from all known taurine transport systems with respect to structural specificity and lack of Na+ -dependence. Uptake was not observed in sulfate-grown algae but developed as a response to sulfate limitation within 2 h. Sulfate addition caused a rapid decline in taurine transport capacity. Labeled taurine was rapidly metabolized in C. fusca to sulfate and ethanolamine, suggesting oxidative hydrolysis as the mechanism of C-S bond cleavage. Further incorporation of these catabolic products in C - and S -metabolism was demonstrated. Taurine catabolism was also detected in other green algae and some cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Regulation of transport of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)in response to CO2 concentration in the external medium hasbeen compared in two closely-related green algae, Chlorellaellipsoidea and Chlorella saccharophila. C. ellipsoidea, whengrown in high CO2, had reduced activities of both CO2 and transport and DIC transport activitieswere increased after the cells had acclimated to air. However,high CO2-grown C. saccharophila had a comparable level of photosyntheticaffinity for DIC to that of air-grown C. ellipsoidea and thiswas accompanied by a capacity to accumulate high internal concentrationsof DIC. The high photosynthetic affinity and the high intracellularDIC accumulation did not change in cells grown in air exceptthat the occurrence of external carbonic anhydrase (CA) in air-grownC. saccharophila stimulated the intracellular DIC accumulationin the absence of added CA. These data indicate that activeDIC transport is constitutively expressed in C. saccharophila,presumably because this alga is insensitive to the repressiveeffect of high CO2 on DIC transport. This strongly supportsthe existence of a direct sensing mechanism for external CO2in Chlorella species, but also indicates that external CA isregulated independently of DIC transport in Chlorella species. Key words: Carbonic anhydrase, Chlorella, CO2-insensitive, DIC transport, wild type  相似文献   

External carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity in Chlorella saccharophila is suppressed by growth at high dissolved inorganic carbon and at acid pH. External CA activity was shown to be suppressed by growth at pHs below 7.0, with total repression at pH5.0. Growth in the presence of the buffer 3-[N-Morpholino]propane-sulphonic acid (MOPS) between pH 7 and 8 suppressed CA activity. Cells grown at pH8.0 aerated at 6 dm3 h?1 exhibited external CA activity of 5 units mg?1 Chl once the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was reduced to 300 mmol m?3, and this increased to 30 units mg?1 Chl over a period of 3d while the DIC dropped to 30mmol m?3. Cells aerated at 180 dm3 h?1 showed a similar trend in CA activity, although the onset was delayed by 1 d and the DIC did not drop below 300 mmol m?3. Cells grown at pH 7.8 near an air equilibrium DIC of 300 mmol m?3had no detectable external CA activity. It is probable that it is the CO2 supply to the cell, and not total DIC or HCO?3 which controls external CA activity. Cells grown at pH 5.0 had no detectable activity, although they reduced the CO2 concentration to 0.6 mmol m?3. The loss of CA upon transfer of air-grown cells to 10 mmol mol?1 CO2 took place over 48 h and was light dependent, while the loss upon transfer from alkaline pH to acid pH look place over 12 h and was independent of light. The effects of pH are independent of the response to CO2.  相似文献   

Thiosulfate-reductase activity (TSR) measured as sulfide release from thiosulfate was detected in crude extracts of Chlorella using dithioerythritol (DTE) as electron donor. Purification of this activity by ammonium-sulfate precipitation between 35% and 80% followed by Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, diethylaminoethyl-cellulose chromatography, and gel filtration on Biogel A 1.5 M led to four distinct proteins having molecular weights of: TSR I, 28000; TSR II, 26500; TSR IIIa, 55000; TSR IIIb, 24000 daltons. These thiosulfate reductases were most active with DTE; the monothiols glutathione, l-cysteine, and -mercaptoethanol had little activity towards this system. The following pH optima were obtained: for TSR I and TSR II, 9.0; for TSR IIIa, 8.5; and for TSR IIIb, 9.5. The apparent-Km data for DTE and thiosulfate were determined to: TSR I, 0.164 mmol·l-1 and TSR II, 0.156 mmol·l-1; KmDTE TSR I, 1.54 mmol·l-1 and TSR II 1.54 mmol·l-1. The thiosulfate reductases IIIa and IIIb were further stimulated by addition of thioredoxin. All TSR fractions catalyzed SCN formation from thiosulfate and cyanate and thus had rhodanese activity; this activity, however, could only be detected in the presence of thiols.Abbreviations DTE dithioerythritol - TSR thiosulfate reductase Dedicated to Professor Dr. Hubert Ziegler on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA, 9(Z),12(Z),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic acid) derivatives are important plant lipids which play a critical key role in cold tolerance. The final steps of ALA biosynthesis feature a series of regio- and stereoselective dehydrogenation reactions which are catalyzed by a set of enzymes known as fatty acid desaturases. In conjunction with ongoing research into the structural biology of these remarkable catalysts, we have examined the mechanism of double bond introduction at C15,16 as it occurs in a model photosynthetic organism, Chlorella vulgaris. The individual deuterium kinetic isotope effects associated with the C-H bond cleavages at C-15 and C-16 of a thialinoleoyl analogue were measured via competition experiments using appropriately deuterium-labelled 7-thia substrates. A large kinetic isotope effect (KIE) (k(H)/k(D)=10.2+/-2.8) was observed for the C-H bond-breaking step at C-15 while the C-H bond cleavage at C-16 was found to be relatively insensitive to deuterium substitution (k(H)/k(D)=0.8+/-0.2). These results point to C-15 as the site of initial oxidation in omega-3 desaturation and imply that the Chlorella and corresponding plant systems share a common active site architecture.  相似文献   

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