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1. The concentrations of zinc in the pyloric caeca and body wall were c. 10-fold greater than lead and nickel and c. 100-fold greater than cadmium and silver.2. The concentration of metal in the pyloric caeca to that in the body wall was equal or significantly greater for cadmium, equal or significantly less for silver and zinc, and significantly less for lead and nickel.3. The profiles of the metal concentrations in the organs were site specific, but the concentrations in the pyloric caeca and body wall were usually greater in the populations in the Bay than those in the Gulf of Mexico.4. The concentrations of metals in the body wall were less in small than large L. clathrata, and in proximal than distal parts of the arms of L. senegalensis.  相似文献   

Aim Although vascular epiphytes are important components of species richness and complexity of Neotropical forests, vascular epiphytes are under‐represented in large scale biogeographical analyses. We studied the diversity, biogeography and floristic relationships of the epiphytic flora of the Yasuní region (Western Amazonia) in a Neotropical context, with special emphasis on the influence of the Andean flora on floristic composition and diversity of surrounding lowland forests. Location Western Amazonian lowland rainforest, Tiputini Biodiversity Station (0°38′ S 76°09′ W, 230 m a.s.l., 650 ha), Yasuní National Park, Ecuador. Methods We compared the vascular epiphyte flora of Yasuní with 16 published Neotropical epiphyte inventories. Secondly, based on a floristic database with records of more than 70,000 specimens of vascular epiphytes from the Neotropics the elevational composition of eight selected inventories was analysed in detail. Results The vascular epiphyte flora of Yasuní is characterized by a very high species richness (313 spp.). A moderate portion of species is endemic to the Upper Napo region (c. 10%). However, this figure is much higher than previous analyses primarily based on woody species suggested. Geographical ranges of these species match with a proposed Pleistocene forest refuge. Compared with Northern and Central Amazonian sites, Western Amazonian epiphyte communities are characterized by a higher portion of montane and submontane species. Species richness of vascular epiphytes at the sites was correlated with the amount of rainfall, which is negatively correlated with the number of dry months. Main conclusion Recent and historic patterns of rainfall are the driving forces behind diversity and floristic composition of vascular epiphytes in Western Amazonia: high annual rainfall in combination with low seasonality provides suitable conditions to harbour high species richness. The proximity to the Andes, the most important centre of speciation for most Neotropical epiphytic taxa, in combination with the climatic setting has allowed a continuous supply of species richness to the region. At least for epiphytes, the borderline between the Andean and Amazonian flora is much hazier than previously thought. Moreover, the comparatively moist climate in Western Amazonia during the Pleistocene has probably led to fewer extinctions and/or more speciation than in more affected surrounding lowlands.  相似文献   

In the pure stand of tropical seagrass,Syringodium isoetifolium, in a small oceanic island, Fiji, grazing effects of the seagrass-associated gammarid,Ampithoe sp., on seagrass and epiphytes were assessed in October 1989, November 1991, November 1992. Density of the gammarid was estimated with two methods, mesh bag method and tuft method. During the three years surveyed the density of the gammarid increased remarkably from 1989 to 1991, with heavy epiphytism. Gut contents of the gammarid were examined. Grazing rates on seagrass leaf with and without epiphytic blue-green algae were measured in a bottle experiment. Litter bag experiments were conducted using different mesh sizes each containing seagrass only and seagrass and gammarids. The seagrass leaf biomass in the litter bag reduced abruptly in both bags. After one week, 78–86% of seagrass biomass disappeared from the bags. Enhancement of decomposition of seagrass leaf by the gammarid grazing was observed. Oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion rates were measured simultaneously in bottle experiments. Carbon budget in the seagrass bed was estimated as follows: 0.9 gC m−2 day−1 in seagrass growth, gammarid grazing was about a half of it and further assimilated a half of it, about 0.1 gC m−2 day−1, and more than half of it become CO2 by respiration. Grazing effects on epiphyte and seagrass growth and production were discussed through the carbon budget and indirect interactions between seagrass, epiphytes and associated gammarids to explain the temporal change of seagrass and epiphyte dynamics.  相似文献   

Rebecca Hsu  Jan H.D. Wolf 《Flora》2009,204(8):612-627
We present the first checklist of vascular epiphytes in Taiwan, based on herbarium specimens, literature records, and field observations. Epiphyte phytogeography was analyzed using Takhtajan's modified division in floristic regions. We ascertain the presence of 336 species of vascular epiphytes (24 families, 105 genera) in Taiwan. Pteridophytes contribute most species (171 species), followed by orchids (120 species). Epiphytes contribute 8% to Taiwanese floristic diversity and epiphyte endemism is near 21.3%. The extensive mountain system is probably the most effective driver for epiphyte diversification and endemicity in Taiwan. Phytogeographically, Taiwanese epiphytes exhibit equal affinity to the Malesian region, southern China and Indo-China and Eastern Asiatic regions. However, some species have a disjunctive distribution between Taiwan and SW China and/or E Himalaya, presumably related to low habitat similarity with adjacent China and/or the legacy of Late Quaternary climate change. Vascular epiphyte distribution patterns corroborate the phytogeographical separation of the island of Lanyu from the main island of Taiwan along Kanto's Neo-Wallace Line.  相似文献   

附生植物作为山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性成分,在维持森林生态系统生物多样性格局、水分和养分循环等方面发挥着重要作用。本文通过野外调查、标本查阅并结合相关文献,对云南哀牢山地区附生维管植物物种组成及分布进行了系统研究。结果显示,哀牢山地区附生维管植物共有23科83属218种,其中附生蕨类和兰科植物最丰富。附生蕨类有34属93种,以附生-石生蕨类生活型占优势,其中水龙骨科17属62种,占附生蕨类的66.67%,瓦韦属(Lepisorus)和石韦属(Pyrrosia)分别有13种和10种。附生兰科植物有26属65种,其中石斛属(Dendrobium)和石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)分别有12种和8种。该地区附生维管植物属的分布具有明显的热带性质并以热带亚洲分布居多。附生植物生长于生境因子变化剧烈、资源有限的林冠,对环境变化敏感,极易遭受破坏且破坏后难以恢复,不少附生植物具有很高的药用、观赏等价值。因此,应加强对附生维管植物这一特殊类群的保护。  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of benthic malacological communities associated to Thalassia testudinum beds was studied at four localities of Mochima Bay, Sucre state, Venezuela. At each locality, samples were taken monthly on perpendicular transect at different depths (0-4 m), from January 1991 to December 1991, using a quadrate (0.25 m2) for collecting mollusks and sediments. A total of 2,988 organisms of infauna and epifauna belonging to 81 species of the classes Gastropoda (41) and Bivalvia (40) were collected. More abundant species were Anadara notabilis, Codakia orbicularis, Cerithium litteratum, Cerithium eburneum, Batillaria minima, Modiolus squamosus, Modulus modulus, Chione cancellata, Turritella variegata, Arca zebra, y Laevicardium laevigatum. There were significant differences in number of organisms between depth and month at La Gabarra which presented the highest value of total (4.51 bits/ind) and monthly diversity (2.71-3.90 bits/ind). Biomass and abundance were low in the Mochima Bay while Varadero station presented the highest value. The bivalve A. notabilis and gastropod M. modulus were species common to the four stations.  相似文献   

Aim To document the elevational pattern of epiphyte species richness at the local scale in the tropical Andes with a consistent methodology. Location The northern Bolivian Andes at 350–4000 m above sea level. Methods We surveyed epiphytic vascular plant assemblages in humid forests in (a) single trees located in (b) 90 subplots of 400 m2 each located in (c) 14 plots of 1 ha each. The plots were separated by 100–800 m along the elevational gradient. Results We recorded about 800 epiphyte species in total, with up to 83 species found on a single tree. Species richness peaked at c. 1500 m and declined by c. 65% to 350 m and by c. 99% to 4000 m, while forests on mountain ridges had richness values lowered by c. 30% relative to slope forests at the same elevations. The hump‐shaped richness pattern differed from a null‐model of random species distribution within a bounded domain (the mid‐domain effect) as well as from the pattern of mean annual precipitation by a shift of the diversity peak to lower elevations and by a more pronounced decline of species richness at higher elevations. With the exception of Araceae, which declined almost monotonically, all epiphyte taxa showed hump‐shaped curves, albeit with slightly differing shapes. Orchids and pteridophytes were the most species‐rich epiphytic taxa, but their relative contributions shifted with elevation from a predominance of orchids at low elevations to purely fern‐dominated epiphyte assemblages at 4000 m. Within the pteridophytes, the polygrammoid clade was conspicuously overrepresented in dry or cold environments. Orchids, various small groups (Cyclanthaceae, Ericaceae, Melastomataceae, etc.), and Bromeliaceae (below 1000 m) were mostly restricted to the forest canopy, while Araceae and Pteridophyta were well represented in the forest understorey. Main conclusions Our study confirms the hump‐shaped elevational pattern of vascular epiphyte richness, but the causes of this are still poorly understood. We hypothesize that the decline of richness at high elevations is a result of low temperatures, but the mechanism involved is unknown. The taxon‐specific patterns suggest that some taxa have a phylogenetically determined propensity for survival under extreme conditions (low temperatures, low humidity, and low light levels in the forest interior). The three spatial sampling scales show some different patterns, highlighting the influence of the sampling methodology.  相似文献   

附生植物是山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性成分。因受林冠调查技术限制, 人们对林冠附生植物知之甚少。本文在前人有关西双版纳植物区系研究的基础上, 结合野外调查和标本资料, 对该地区附生植物的物种组成与分布进行了整理。结果表明, 西双版纳热带森林附生维管植物共有29科134属486种, 约占全部维管植物的11%。附生兰科是最丰富的类群(69属293种), 其中以石斛属(Dendrobium) (49种)和石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum) (48种)物种数最多。蕨类是仅次于兰科的附生类群(13科38属97种), 其中水龙骨科(51种)占附生蕨类总数的50%以上。基于生活史和养分来源的划分标准, 该地区48%的附生物种属于兼性附生, 其次是以兰科为主的专性附生(46%), 半附生仅占6%。从区系上看, 西双版纳附生植物属的分布具有明显的热带亚洲性质。附生植物主要分布于资源受限的林冠生境, 对环境变化极为敏感, 在人为干扰日益加剧的背景下, 这类植物正面临严重威胁。因此, 需要加强对西双版纳林冠亚系统的保护。  相似文献   

Herbaceous vascular epiphytes were screened in a total sample of 13 445 trees (in 153 species) and 348 lianas (in 30 species) 30 cm girth at breast height in a 30 ha plot of tropical evergreen forest at Varagalaiar, Indian Western Ghats. Of these, 4.3% of trees and 3.7% of lianas were infested with epiphytes. Epiphyte diversity totaled 26 species in 19 genera and 10 families. Sixteen species were angiosperms in three families (Orchidaceae 54%; Piperaceae and Araceae 8%) and 10 species (38%) were pteridophytes in seven families. The orchid, Pholidota pallida was most abundant and occurred on 178 (29.6%) stems. Asplenium nidus occurred on the maximum of 62 host species. The species richness estimators employed for species accumulation curves after 100 times randomization of sample order have stabilized the curve at 18th and 19th hectares respectively for Incidence-based Coverage Estimator and Chao2. A total of 588 trees and 13 liana stems lodged epiphytes, 74% of which were evergreen species and 26% deciduous. Epiphyte density was greater (56%) in deciduous species (Bischofia javanica 30% and Vitex altissima 8%). A significant positive relationship was found between trunk size and epiphyte association. Larger epiphyte species occurred mostly on middle and larger stems and smaller epiphyte species occurred on smaller stems. The majority of epiphytes (92%) were of autochorous dispersal type, bearing capsule or dust diaspores, while the remaining species with berries and nutlets are dispersed by small vertebrates.  相似文献   

海南岛热带天然针叶林附生维管植物多样性和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作为热带林中一个重要的特征性组分, 附生维管植物对于维持热带森林的物种多样性及其生态系统功能均具有重要作用。该文首次系统地报道了热带天然针叶林中的附生维管植物多样性和分布特征。以海南岛霸王岭国家级自然保护区保存完好的热带天然针叶林(我国唯一较大面积分布的南亚松(Pinus latteri)天然林)中的附生维管植物为研究对象, 通过样带调查(共设置12个10 m × 50 m的样带, 记录每个样带内胸径(DBH) ≥ 5 cm树木上附生维管植物的物种名称、株数及附生高度), 分析附生维管植物的物种多样性和空间分布特征。结果表明: 1)热带针叶林0.6 hm 2面积内共有附生维管植物769株, 分属于7科17属27种, 附生兰科植物和萝摩科植物为优势类群; 2)附生维管植物在水平方向上呈现出聚集分布; 3)附生维管植物在垂直方向上, 在中等高度层次(10-20 m)分布最多, 在下层(0-5 m)也有较多的分布; 4)少数附生维管植物对南亚松表现出一定的选择性, 如华南马尾杉(Phlegmariurus fordii)、玫瑰毛兰(Eria rosea)、眼树莲(Dischidia chinensis)和铁草鞋(Hoya pottsii)等; 5)附生维管植物的物种丰富度及多度与宿主胸径均存在显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

Changes in macroalgae assemblages over more than a decade are described for Sepetiba Bay, Brazil. Variations in macroalgae abundances and functional diversity were compared with older data to test the hypothesis that their diversity decreases following anthropogenic stress that negatively impact environmental characteristics. Four field sampling excursions were undertaken at two different sites from December/2012 to May/2014. Destructive sampling per effort used six box cores (25 × 25 cm) distributed randomly along a shallow sublittoral rocky shore. Biomass was used to quantify macroalgae assemblages identified to the species level. Multivariate analyses demonstrated decreases in total biomass at both sites as well as changes in community physiognomies. The predominant corticated algae found were classified as Ecological Status Group IIA, characteristic of sites in the process of degradation and indicating that anthropogenic stress had negatively affected the macroalgae communities as evaluated by the Ecological Evaluation Index.  相似文献   

In general, epiphytes have detrimental effects on the growth of their basiphytes due to competition for light and nutrients. Therefore, basiphyte species must expend energy suppressing epiphytes. Some studies suggest that phlorotannins, i.e. brown algal polyphenols, prevent colonization by epiphytes, whereas others question their allelopathic function because there is not necessarily a negative correlation between epiphyte abundance and the phlorotannin content of the basiphyte algae. Various phlorotannin components are found in brown algal species, thus we hypothesized that the antifouling activities of polyphenolic compounds may differ and that the analysis of phlorotannin profiles could be useful for estimating their ecological functions. We surveyed the epiphyte richness in the apical portions of 373 thalli from 15 sargassacean species, demonstrating that the variation and abundance of epiphyte species differed remarkably among the basiphyte species. However, there was a weak negative correlation between the density and total phlorotannin content of the basiphyte algae in only one of the 18 epiphyte species. The interspecific differences in the phlorotannin profile were characterized by quantitative 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (qNMR), and four major groups were categorized based on cluster and principal component analyses of polyphenolic signals in the qNMR spectra. The epiphyte Neosiphonia harveyi was more abundant on Sargassum hemiphyllum, S. patens and S. piluliferum than on other basiphyte species, and these three species were similar according to the cluster analysis. These results suggest that some phlorotannin components may be more effective for antifouling; thus interspecific differences in the phlorotannin profile could affect the variation and abundance of epiphytes.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered an autoimmune demyelinating disease of the CNS and myelin‐derived glycolipids are one of the targets of this autoimmune attack. In this study, we examined for the first time the plasma distribution of sulfatide isoforms. Sulfatides with long‐chain (C24 : 0 or C24 : 1) and short‐chain (C16 : 0 or C18 : 0) fatty acids were quantified in plasma of relapsing–remitting MS patients by ultra‐high‐performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. We found that C18 : 0 and C24 : 1 sulfatide plasma levels positively correlated with the Expanded Disability Status Scale. C16/C18 : 0 and C16/C24 : 0 ratios also correlated with the age and the time since last relapse. Healthy women showed higher levels of C16 : 0 sulfatide than healthy men; however, this gender difference disappeared in MS patients. Our data underline the potential use of sulfatides as biomarkers in relapsing–remitting MS and points to a possible association with the higher susceptibility of women to develop MS.


The concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the porewaters of shallow-water tropical marine sediments can be as high as 50-100 μM, at sediment depths of shallow as 20 cm. These concentrations are at least two-orders of magnitude greater than the DIN concentration in the overlying water. High porewater concentrations, and the resulting concentration gradient, result in substantial efflux of DIN from the sediments to the water column. This sediment-derived DIN may be an important nutrient source for benthic algae. In Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, a mean ammonium efflux rate of 490 μmolm(-2)day(-1) and a mean nitrate+nitrite efflux rate of 123 μmolm(-2)day(-1) were measured on reef slopes in the habitat occupied by benthic algae. It has been demonstrated that this nutrient source is essential for the growth of at least one abundant alga, Dictyosphaeria cavernosa, and possibly others. The DIN concentrations in Kaneohe Bay sediment porewaters, and the rates of DIN efflux from those sediments, are greater than porewater concentrations and efflux rates reported for other, more pristine tropical sites. The rate of sedimentation of particulate nitrogen is similar to rates reported from other tropical lagoons, and about twice as high as the efflux rate of total dissolved nitrogen. Given the present low nutrient concentrations in the water column of the Bay, these results support the view that nutrient efflux from the benthos is in part responsible for the persistence of D. cavernosa on these reefs. It is possible that efflux of DIN from sediments may be responsible for sustained benthic algal productivity in similar habitats on other tropical reefs.  相似文献   

This work evaluates the possible changes in 24 h variations of striatal aspartate, glutamate, glutamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and taurine content after oral cadmium treatment. Male rats were submitted to cadmium exposure at two doses (25 and 50 mg/L of cadmium chloride (CdCl2)) in the drinking water for 30 days. Control rats received cadmium-free water. After the treatment, rats were killed at six different time intervals throughout a 24 h cycle. Differential effects of cadmium on 24 h amino acid fluctuations were observed. Metal exposure modified the daily pattern of the amino acids concentration found in control animals, except for GABA and taurine with the lowest dose used. Exposure to 25 mg/L of CdCl2 decreased mean content of aspartate, as well as GABA concentration. These results suggest that cadmium exposure affects 24 h changes of the studied amino acids concentration in the striatum, and those changes may be related to alterations in striatal function.  相似文献   

Question: Disturbance effects on dry forest epiphytes are poorly known. How are epiphytic assemblages affected by different degrees of human disturbance, and what are the driving forces? Location: An inter‐Andean dry forest landscape at 2300 m elevation in northern Ecuador. Methods: We sampled epiphytic bryophytes and vascular plants on 100 trees of Acacia macracantha in five habitats: closed‐canopy mixed and pure acacia forest (old secondary), forest edge, young semi‐closed secondary woodland, and isolated trees in grassland. Results: Total species richness in forest edge habitats and on isolated trees was significantly lower than in closed forest types. Species density of vascular epiphytes (species per tree) did not differ significantly between habitat types. Species density of bryophytes, in contrast, was significantly lower in edge habitat and on isolated trees than in closed forest. Forest edge showed greater impoverishment than semi‐closed woodland and similar floristic affinity to isolated trees and to closed forest types. Assemblages were significantly nested; habitat types with major disturbance held only subsets of the closed forest assemblages, indicating a gradual reduction in niche availability. Distance to forest had no effect on species density of epiphytes on isolated trees, but species density was closely correlated with crown closure, a measure of canopy integrity. Main conclusions: Microclimatic changes but not dispersal constraints were key determinants of epiphyte assemblages following disturbance. Epiphytic cryptogams are sensitive indicators of microclimate and human disturbance in montane dry forests. The substantial impoverishment of edge habitat underlines the need for fragmentation studies on epiphytes elsewhere in the Tropics.  相似文献   

大连渤海老虎滩海域沉积物可培养放线菌的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究大连渤海老虎滩海域可培养放线菌的多样性。【方法】利用5种不同的培养基分离、培养海洋沉积物中的放线菌,并用16S rRNA基因序列对部分放线菌株进行系统发育分析。【结果】根据菌落表型共分离到1215株放线菌。选择271株具有代表性的菌株进行16S rRNA分析,结果表明,251株(92.26%)属于放线菌门,覆盖11个科,15个属;其余20株属于厚壁门和变形菌门;有7株为潜在的新种。【结论】大连渤海老虎滩海域的沉积物中存在较为丰富的放线菌和新种资源,这些菌株为将来开发新的微生物代谢产物奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition of the vascular epiphyte flora at the Río Changuinola, Panama, was examined and complemented with an analysis of biogeographic affinities and physiological parameters related to plant water and nutrient relations. In an area of ca. 1000 ha, we found a total of 476 species of vascular epiphytes. This marks a new diversity record among lowland rainforest sites. Species composition was closely related to nearby lowland forest sites but not to montane sites. The floristic similarity with lowland sites decreased with distance and relative position towards the Andes. On basis of isotope discrimination, the proportion of species with Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) was found to be low compared to other studies, and many of these species showed a rather weak expression of this photosynthetic pathway. This observation and distributional shifts in 15% of the species in the study area towards lower elevations suggest that local water availability is high which in turn is arguably responsible for the high species richness.  相似文献   

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