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Karyotypic analysis of plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L., and cod, Gadus morhua L., revealed that the chromosome numbers in both species vary but that chromosome arm numbers (NF) stay constant. The C-, Q- and R-banding patterns also confirmed that the population of plaice studied shows Robertsonian polymorphism. The tendency of reduction in chromosome number in fishes suggests that Robertsonian fusions play a role in karyotype evolution in fishes.  相似文献   

Growth and mortality of post-metamorphosed plaice were studied by means of daily increments in the sagittal otoliths. The Gompertz model was the best fit to length-at-age data and there were no significant differences between length-at-age and back-calculated lengths. The microstructure pattern of the otoliths at metamorphosis was also used to estimate hatching and settlement distributions. Differential growth and mortality occurred among sub-cohorts; growth rates and mortality were higher in fish that settled earlier. In 1986, the best survival was for a sub-cohort settling in late May to early June. In contrast, in the warmer season of 1987, survival was highest for the second and third sub-cohorts settling in late April and mid May.  相似文献   

The rate of somitogenesis was observed in plaice embryos reared at 5 and 12°C. Somite formation occurred relatively later in development at 12 than at 5°C. At any given stage of development 5°C plaice embryos had significantly more somites than embryos reared at 12°C.  相似文献   

The ability of juvenile plaice (18–190 mm) to bury in sands varying in grain size from 0.062–2 mm was examined. For fish greater than approximately 30 mm in length the relationship between the proportion of the body covered with sand ( C ), total length ( L , mm) and grain size ( S , mm) can be estimated from the equation: logit C = 3.250 + 0.069 L – 6.771 S . Based on their performance in coarser sediments, fish smaller than approximately 30 mm did not bury as well as expected in the finest sediments (0.062 and 0.125 mm).  相似文献   

Philopatry to spawning grounds combined with well-known migratory patterns in the flatfish Pleuronectes platessa (plaice) has led to the hypothesis that regional populations may reflect relatively discrete, genetic stocks. Using six microsatellite loci we genotyped 240 adult individuals collected from locations in Norway, the Faeroe plateau, the Irish Sea, the Femer Baelt, Denmark, and the southern North Sea, and 240 0-class juveniles collected from five nursery-ground locations in Iceland, northwest Scotland, two sites in the Wadden Sea, and the Bay of Vilaine in Southern Brittany. The mean number of alleles/locus ranged from 5.3 to 20.4, with a mean of 13.9. Expected heterozygosity was uniformly high across all locations (multilocus H(exp)= 0.744 +/- 0.02). Pairwise comparisons of theta; among all 11 locations revealed significant differentiation between Iceland and all other locations (theta = 0.0290*** to 0.0456***), which is consistent with the deep-water barrier to dispersal in plaice. In contrast, no significant differentiation was found among any of the remaining continental-shelf sampling locations. This suggests that regional stocks are themselves composed of several genetic stocks under a model of panmixia which persists even to the spawning grounds. The presence of significant heterozygote deficiencies at all locations (not due to null alleles) suggests a temporal Wahlund effect yet the absence of significant population differentiation among continental shelf localities makes this explanation alone, difficult to reconcile. Sampling of eggs at the spawning grounds will be required to resolve this issue. Causes of the mismatch between genetic and geographical stocks is discussed in the context of high gene flow.  相似文献   

Leif Pihl 《Hydrobiologia》1990,195(1):79-88
Year-class strength of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) has been studied over periods of 10 and 35 years, respectively, in two shallow sandy areas on the Swedish west coast. In one area, Gullmar Bay (N 58 ° 19 – W 11 ° 33), 0-group plaice were sampled quantitatively with a drop trap at 0–0.7 m depth and densities between 0.2 and 3.8 ind./m2 were recorded in early summer. In the other area, Laholm Bay (N 56 ° 30 – W 12 ° 55), 0-group plaice were sampled semi-quantitatively in August with young-fish trawl at 1.5 m depths. Densities between 0.001 and 0.28 ind./m2 were assessed.The effects of temperature and wind (in the winter and early spring) and predation (in early summer), on the recruitment of 0-group plaice were investigated. In Gullmar Bay high recruitment occurred after severe winters and in years when on-shore winds dominated during spring. No such correlations were found in Laholm Bay. In Gullmar Bay a significant inverse relationship was found between the density of O-group plaice in early summer and the biomass of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) and the shore crab (Carcinus maenas), the main predators in the nursery area.The importance of physical and biological factors regulating recruitment in plaice are discussed.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and energy content of North Sea plaice during the spawning period were examined in mature males and females and in immature fish, to study differences in the allocation of energy over reproduction and somatic growth between the sexes. At the beginning of the spawning period mature males and females had equal dry weights of lipid that were 70% higher than in immatures. Protein content in mature males was equal to that in immatures but was 23 % higher in mature females. Immature males and females did not differ in chemical composition. At the end of the spawning period, spent and immature fish had equal lipid contents, but protein content in spent females was 10% lower than in spent males, and 17% lower than in immatures. Gross energy content of the body decreased by 44% (65·2 to 36·3 J cm-3) in mature females, 27% (55·0 to 40·OJ cm-3) in mature males, and 9% (48·7 to 44·2J cm-3) in immatures. Energy content of plaice eggs was estimated at 6·60 kJ per 1000 eggs. Reproductive investment was estimated from the energy loss during the spawning period and included the energy of sex products and spawning metabolism. Somatic growth comprised the annual increase in energy content of fish. The pattern of energy allocation over reproduction and somatic growth differed between males and females. Males started their reproduction at a smaller length and a younger age and allocated a higher proportion of the available energy into reproduction than females. Available energy resources for somatic growth and reproduction (surplus production) were equal between the sexes up to a length of about 30 cm. Beyond this length male surplus production levelled off whereas female surplus production continued to increase. The differences in surplus production and the allocation patterns are discussed. For female plaice the energy allocated into egg production was estimated as between 48 and 64% of the total amount of energy lost during spawning. The remaining energy is used for metabolism during the spawning period, yielding an estimate of the metabolic rate of mature females of between 6·4 and 9·1 kJ day-1. A maximum estimate of the metabolic rate of mature males was 7·4 kJ day-1.  相似文献   

Summary The extracutaneous pigment cell system of the plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) was examined by light and electron microscopy in selected regions, including two cutaneous regions for comparison. The extracutaneous pigmentation consists of guanocytes and melanocytes with differing distributions within the body. The eyeless side lacks melanocytes. The pigment cells are differentiated as very flat elements with long processes. They display an affinity for loose connective tissue at boundary layers such as the peritoneal epithelium, organ capsules or blood vessels, to which they are parallelly arranged at a very constant distance. In some locations guanocytes are intimately associated with melanocytes forming reduced chromatophore units. Extracutaneous pigment cells are poor in mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, microfilaments, caveolae intracellulares, ribosomes and glycogen granules, all of which are more abundant in cutaneous pigment cells and pigment cells of the eye. In extracutaneous guanocytes the crystals are loosely arranged parallel to the cell surface, in cutaneous guanocytes perpendicular. Cells with rod-like vesicular cisternae are described as guanoblasts. No single pigment cell was found exhibiting different types of pigment granules. The varying colors of extracutaneous pigmentation arise from varying combinations of guanocytes and melanocytes in addition to the color of the tissue itself.In partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Medicine under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. H.-R. Duncker (Giessen)  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question as to whether natural mortality ( M ) can be estimated reliably in a heavily exploited fish population. Several methods, including a new opitimization technique based on Pope's cohort model, were used to estimate M from a large series of tagging experiments carried out on the Irish Sea plaice off North Wales and Ireland during the early 1960s, and off North Wales during 1979 and 1980. The assumptions underlying the new method were: (i) that the product of initial survival after tagging and the reporting rate of recaptures ( SB ) was constant for all experiments, and (ii) that the number of recoveries were log-normally distributed. Simulations showed that the estimator was robust to errors in input data. The SB values were low (0.37) but were more precise than the estimates of natural mortality for both sexes. The annual M values were 0.17 and 0.11 with standard errors 0.06 and 0.08 for males and females, respectively. The estimate of M for mature males was low, indicating a low M for older fish. The less precise estimate of M for females because of the inadequate dataset, and the higher M values obtained by applying traditional methods to the same dataset, indicated that a value of 0.2 is more appropriate for both sexes. Suggestions are made for designing and analysing tagging experiments to estimate M .  相似文献   

An antigen abstract of Proleptus obtusus an intestinal nematode of the common dogfish has been shown to precipitate with a serum component of plaice. As the parasite has never been shown to infect plaice it is suggested that perhaps the serum component might be C–reactive protein (CRP). However, characterization of the component revealed that it was specific immunoglobulin analagous to antibody of the IgM class. It is suggested the helminth antigen involved is cross–reacting with a common antigen to which the plaice is normally exposed.  相似文献   

The conclusion from two in vivo experiments is that a significant proportion of the lactic acid, normally formed by glycolysis from glycogen and held in the muscle cells following exhausting exercise of the anaerobic swimming muscle of the teleost fish Pleuronectes platessa L, is converted by gluconeogenesis to form glycogen in the recovering muscle.
In the first experiment a technique for measurement of [3H]glucose turnover in the plaice was developed and applied to measure turnover in resting and exhausted fish. It is concluded that insufficient glucose was moved through the circulation to account for the rate of glycogen formation observed in the recovering exhausted muscle.
In the second experiment, an intramuscular injection of [14C]lactate to exhausted fish revealed a direct uptake of [14C]lactate by the recovering muscle cells, and the incorporation of substantial proportions of lactate into the restored glycogen. Simultaneous use of [3H]-mannitol allowed measurement of the isotope distribution between extra- and intracellular spaces.  相似文献   

Wild plaice from two locations were examined for liver metallothionein and liver and serum zinc content, before, during and after the breeding season. During the early stages a number of females had very high liver metallothionein and zinc levels. Egg formation and ripening were accompanied by a reduction in serum zinc. In males, the metallothionein levels did not reach such high values and were not correlated with gonad development.
There was a correlation between the zinc concentration of the liver and the metallothionein concentration of the liver. Above the threshold value for metallothionein formation, approximately half the additional zinc was found in the metallothionein and half in non-metallothionein pool(s).
Intramuscular injection of oestradiol 3-benzoate into immature females caused a significant increase in liver weight but a depression in metallothionein concentration relative to the controls.  相似文献   

Plaice were immunized against rabbit red blood cells (rbc) and the haemagglutinating activity in their sera and eggs was isolated by gel filtration in Sephacryl S300 SF. A "heavy" (greater than 6.69 X 10(5) Daltons) and a "light" (less than 2.32 X 10(5) Daltons) component of haemagglutinating activity were present in plaice immune serum and eggs. The "heavy" haemagglutinating component had the characteristics of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody. By contrast the "light" component was suppressed greatly by monosaccharides but not by 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) and it was not precipitable against heterologous rabbit anti-plaice Ig immune serum. Since this "light" component was also identified in the serum and eggs of non-immunized plaice the activity was attributed to non-specific lectin-like activity. The presence of an inducible, high molecular weight, haemagglutinating Ig-like protein in plaice serum and eggs suggests the possibility of transfer of passive adaptive immunity from mother to young in this fish.  相似文献   

The chitinolytic properties of a facultatively anaerobic bacterium isolated from the hindgut of plaice were compared with those of Clostridium sp. strain 9.1, a bacterium isolated from anoxic estuarine sediment. The chitinolytic enzyme systems of the gut isolate and strain 9.1 both released N,N'-diacetylchitobiose (NAG2) as the major hydrolysis end-product. During the hydrolysis of chitin, there was transient accumulation of a non-sedimentary chitin fraction which was not detectable by high-performance liquid chromatography. Growth on NAG2 repressed chitinase synthesis in the gut isolate but not in the Clostridium species. Thiol reagents were strongly inhibitory to the chitinase of the strict anaerobe but did not affect the hydrolytic enzymes of the gut isolate. When the two bacteria were cocultured with chitin as the sole carbon and energy source, Clostridium sp. strain 9.1 was always outcompeted. Experiments with batch and phauxostat cultures showed that the competitiveness of strain 9.1 could be improved dramatically by the inclusion in the cocultures of a non-chitinolytic bacterium capable of fermenting chitin oligomers. The cooperation between the oligomer-fermenting species and the Clostridium sp. is discussed in relation to the regulation of chitinolytic activity in the latter organism.  相似文献   

NAD-linked lactate, malate, glycerophosphate, alcohol and nonspecific dehydrogenases, aspartate aminotransferases, and soluble esterases from extracts of tissues of individuals from a wild population of Calomys musculinus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) have been analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis and specific staining. Allelic frequencies and heterozygosity have been determined. Mendelian inheritance of some of the variants detected was confirmed by breeding experiments. Ten out of fifteen (66.6%) of the genetic loci investigated presented polymorphism. Mean heterozygosity per locus was very high (H=0.2014, se 0.046).This work has been supported, in part, by grants from the Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación (National Program for Endemic Diseases) and from the Fundación Emilio Ocampo. C. N. G. is a Fellow and A. B. a Career Investigator of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas of Argentina.  相似文献   

Populations of sole and plaice were sampled on and around a nursery on the North Wales coast during May, July arid October 1989 and 1990, and the distribution of age-groups described. Pre-recruit sole were tagged and reieased on the same area during September 1988 to provide information on their larger scale movements. Juvenile sole remained on the nursery ground close inshore until after their first winter, whereas plaice of the same age—group became more widely dispersed. Both species were still associated with the coastal zone as 2-groups, when they were vulnerable to capture by commercial trawls. The gradual movement of sole out of the nursery was almost complete by October of their third year. Sole tag returns were obtained mainly from the NE Irish Sea. and also from the E coast of Ireland. Only three of the 68 returns came from outside the Irish Sea, one from the SE Irish coast, one from Swansea Bay and another from the outer Bristol Channel. Published data indicated that plaice undergo more rapid and more extensive migrations within and away from the Irish Sea than sole of the same age-group. Juvenile plaice and sole populations from nursery grounds throughout the NE Irish Sea would become mixed, and could contribute to any of the spawning populations in that area.  相似文献   

Genetic stability was investigated at a polymorphic haemoglobin gene-locus in 13 124 Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. A total of 30 year-classes, sampled over 18 years, were variously sampled in 33 named localities. Regional populations showed distinctive allele frequencies, and each major cod fishery showed some degree of genetic imbalance, which was expressed as excessive numbers of homozygotes. This imbalance occurred seasonally in a proportion of the population samples in each of the major cod fisheries. The findings are attributable to migrations of distinctive genetic populations.  相似文献   

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