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Cross-linking site in fibrinogen for alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A plasma proteinase inhibitor, alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI), is cross-linked with alpha chain of fibrin(ogen) by activated coagulation Factor XIII (plasma transglutaminase). alpha 2PI serves only as a glutamine substrate (amine acceptor) for activated Factor XIII in the cross-linking reaction, and the cross-linking occurs between Gln-2 of the alpha 2PI molecule and a lysine residue (amine donor) of fibrin(ogen) alpha chain, whose position was investigated. alpha 2PI and fibrinogen were reacted by activated Factor XIII. The resulting alpha 2PI fibrinogen A alpha chain complex was separated and subjected to two cycles of Edman degradation using phenyl isothiocyanate for the first cycle and dimethylaminoazobenzene-isothiocyanate for the second cycle. The aqueous phase after the cleavage stage of the second cycle, containing dimethylaminoazobenzene-thiohydantoin-Gln cross-linked with A alpha chain, was subjected to CNBr fragmentation and tryptic digestion. Only one of the peptides was found to have the peak of absorbance at 420 nm, indicating the presence of dimethylaminoazobenzene-thiohydantoin-Gln in that peptide. The peptide was identified as corresponding to residues Asn-290-Arg-348 of A alpha chain by analyses of the NH2-terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition. The peptide contains a single lysine at position 303, indicating that Lys-303 of fibrinogen A alpha chain is the lysine residue that forms a cross-link with Gln-2 of alpha 2PI.  相似文献   

Structure of human alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor deduced from the cDNA sequence   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have isolated three cDNA clones for human alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2-PI). Two clones are from human hepatoma cell line, Hep G2, and cover the entire protein coding region plus the 3'-flanking region up to the poly(A) sequence, and the other clone is from human liver and contains the carboxyl-terminal half. The total length of the cDNAs is 2.29 kb, corresponding to more than 95% of the full-length mRNA. alpha 2-PI seems to consist of 452 amino acid residues plus 39 amino acid residues for the signal peptide. The amino acid sequence shows 23 to 28% homology to those of five other protease inhibitors, plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI), protein C inhibitor (PCI), alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1-AT), antithrombin III (AT III), and alpha 1-antichymotrypsin (alpha 1-AC). alpha 2-PI seems to be the most distantly related among these inhibitors. Comparison of the phylogenetic trees of proteases and their inhibitors indicates that four proteases, namely elastase (or trypsin), chymotrypsin, plasminogen activator, and thrombin, may have evolved concurrently with the corresponding inhibitors. However, alpha 2-PI and PCI seem to have evolved asynchronously from their substrates. The data suggest that alpha 2-PI may originally have inhibited some protease other than plasmin, and protein C may have had an inhibitor different from the present one early in its evolutionary history.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI) was purified directly from human plasma by using a monoclonal antibody affinity column, which recognizes the reactive site of alpha 2PI. alpha 2PI was eluted from the column under mild conditions with 50% v/v ethyleneglycol containing 0.05% Tween 80 in phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4. The yield was around 50% and the specific activity of the purified protein was the same as that of the best product of preparation conventionally purified alpha 2PI.  相似文献   

Expression and characterization of pro alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
alpha s-Plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI), one of the serine protease inhibitors in plasma, was expressed in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cell line. The expression vector was constructed with its genomic DNA and cDNA, and was transfected into BHK cells by the calcium phosphate method. The recombinant alpha 2PI which was secreted from the cells was estimated by SDS-PAGE to have a molecular mass of 67 kDa, which is indistinguishable from that of normal plasma alpha 2PI. The leader peptide of 12 amino acids was retained at the amino terminus of the recombinant alpha 2PI. This finding suggests that alpha 2PI has pre-pro type processing and the propeptide of 12 amino acids is not removed in BHK cells. This pro-alpha 2PI shows essentially the same inhibitory activity on plasmin and the same affinity for plasmin(ogen) as those of normal alpha 2PI. However, the cross-linking ability to fibrin is reduced to less than one-third of that of normal alpha 2PI. The cross-linking site is the glutamine residue located at the second position from the amino terminus of normal alpha 2PI. The conformational change of this region caused by the addition of the propeptide may have affected the cross-linking capacity of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

A 1.7 kilobase cDNA clone isolated from a human liver cDNA library contained 822 nucleotides encoding the carboxyl-terminal 274 amino acid sequence of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor, a stop codon and a 3' noncoding region of 0.9 kilobases. The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA shows 29-31% homology with those of other plasma protease inhibitors. The inhibitor's putative reactive-site peptide bond was Met-Ser, and the Met residue was located at the 91st position from the carboxyl-terminal end. The plasminogen binding site was located in the carboxyl-terminal region.  相似文献   

The alpha(2)-plasmin inhibitor (A2PI) is a main physiological regulator of the trypsin-like serine proteinase plasmin. It is composed of an N-terminal 15 amino acid fibrin cross-linking polypeptide, a 382-residue serpin domain, and a flexible C-terminal segment. The latter, peptide Asn(398)-Lys(452), and its Lys452Ala mutant were expressed as recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli (r-A2PIC and r-A2PICmut, respectively). CD and NMR analyses indicate that r-A2PIC is flexible, loosely folded, and with low content of regular secondary structure. Functional characterization via intrinsic fluorescence ligand titrations shows that r-A2PIC interacts with the isolated plasminogen kringle 1 (r-K1) (K(a) approximately 69.9 mM(-)(1)), K4 (K(a) approximately 45.7 mM(-)(1)), K5 (K(a) approximately 4.3 mM(-)(1)), and r-K2 (K(a) approximately 3.2 mM(-)(1)), all of which are known to exhibit lysine-binding capability. The affinities of these kringles for r-A2PIC are consistently larger than those reported for the ligand N(alpha)-acetyllysine, a mimic of a C-terminal Lys residue. The r-A2PICmut, with a C-terminal Ala residue, also interacts with r-K1 and K4, although with approximately 5-fold lesser affinities relative to r-A2PIC, demonstrating that while Lys(452) plays a major role in the binding, internal residues in r-A2PIC tether the kringles. (1)H NMR spectroscopy shows that key aromatic residues within the K4 lysine-binding site (LBS), namely, Trp(25), Trp(62), Phe(64), Trp(72), and Tyr(74), selectively respond to the addition of r-A2PIC and r-A2PICmut, indicating that these interactions proceed via the kringles' canonical LBS. We conclude that r-A2PIC docks to kringles primarily through lysine side chains and that Lys(452) most definitely enhances the binding. This suggests that multiple Lys residues within A2PI could contribute, perhaps in a zipper-like fashion, to its binding to the in-tandem, multikringle array that configures the plasmin heavy chain.  相似文献   

Plasminogen-binding human alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor is converted by human granulocyte elastase into its non-plasminogen-binding and finally into the inactive form of the inhibitor. This degradation of the plasmin inhibitor, described earlier as "spontaneously" occurring conversion, is shown in dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis and by measuring the kinetics of plasmin inhibition. Experiments in the presence of normal human plasma required unphysiologically high concentrations of elastase to inactivate alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor, suggesting a role of elastase in this type of indirect fibrinolysis in a microenvironment only and not in systemic events.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Plasmin inhibitor, a primary inhibitor of fibrinolysis, is cross-linked to fibrin by plasma transglutaminase (glutaminyl-peptide:amine gamma-glutamyltransferase, EC, activated fibrin-stabilizing factor) when blood coagulation takes place. alpha 2-Plasmin inhibitor was found also to be cross-linked to fibrinogen by plasma transglutaminase. The inhibitor was corss-linked exclusively to the A alpha-chain of fibrinogen, and the cross-linking reaction proceeded very rapidly. The reaction was almost completed before the formation of the gamma-chain dimers of fibrinogen which precedes cross-linking polymerization of the A alpha-chain of fibrinogen. The maximum level of inhibitor cross-linking achieved was approx. 30% of the inhibitor present at the start of the reaction. The level of cross-linking of the inhibitor was not changed when the cross-linking reaction was preceded by dimerization of fibrinogen. The cross-linking reaction was found to be a reversible one, since the cross-linked complex of the inhibitor and fibrinogen was partly dissociated to each of its components when the complex was incubated with plasma transglutaminase. These results suggest that the self-limiting nature of the cross-linking reaction between alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor and fibrin(ogen) is due to the reaction equilibrium favoring dissociation of the complex, and not due to the development of structural hindrance in polymerizing fibrin(ogen).  相似文献   

During blood coagulation alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI) is cross-linked with fibrin by an activated fibrin-stabilizing factor (FSFa) plasma transglutaminase, activated coagulation factor XIII). When alpha 2PI was treated with FSFa in the absence of acceptor amino groups, the inhibitor lost more than 90% of its capacity to be cross-linked to fibrin because of hydrolysis of the gamma-carboxamides of FSFa-susceptible glutamine residues. Chemical modifications of the inhibitor's lysine epsilon-amino groups did not affect the cross-linking capacity of the inhibitor with fibrin, whereas the same chemical modifications in fibrinogen resulted in a remarkable loss of cross-linking capacity. These observations suggest that alpha 2PI plays a role as an acyl donor with its FSFa-susceptible glutamine residues in the cross-linking reaction with fibrin, and fibrin serves as an acyl acceptor with its lysine residues. The number of FSFa-susceptible glutamine residues/molecule of the inhibitor was estimated by measuring the maximum incorporation of [3H]histamine into the inhibitor and by analyzing the distribution of radioactivity in a tryptic digest of [14C]histamine-incorporated alpha 2PI.l It was found that each inhibitor molecule has one glutamine residue that is most susceptible to FSFa. When the radioactive histamine-incorporated inhibitor was reacted with excess amounts of plasmin, a small fragment carrying all the released radioactivity was rapidly released from the NH2-terminal part of the inhibitor moiety of the complex. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of the inhibitor was analyzed before and after treatment with FSFa or before and after incorporation of radioactive histamine. The glutamine residue at the second position from the NH2-terminal end was converted to a glutamic acid residue when the inhibitor was treated with FSFa. When the radioactive histamine-incorporated inhibitor ws analyzed, the radioactivity was found predominantly at the second position from the NH2-terminal end. These results indicate that the glutamine residue susceptible to FSFa in alpha 2PI is located next to the NH2-terminal residue.  相似文献   

When the extent of plasminogen activation by staphylokinase (SAK) or streptokinase (SK) was measured in human plasma, SAK barely induced plasminogen activation, whereas SK activated plasminogen significantly. When the plasma was clotted with thrombin, the plasminogen activation by SAK was markedly enhanced, but that of SK was little enhanced. Similarly, in a purified system composed of plasminogen, fibrinogen and alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2-PI, alpha 2-antiplasmin), such a fibrin clot increased the activity of SAK significantly. However, when alpha 2-PI was removed from the reaction system, enhancement of the SAK reaction was not observed. In addition, SAK as distinct from SK, showed very little interference with the action of alpha 2-PI. Plasminogen activation by SAK is thus essentially inhibited by alpha 2-PI, but this reaction is not inhibited in fibrin clots. These results suggest that SAK forms a complex with plasminogen, which binds to fibrin and induces fibrinolysis.  相似文献   

A Ichinose  T Tamaki  N Aoki 《FEBS letters》1983,153(2):369-371
The NH2-terminal 12-residue peptide of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor, Asn-Gln-Glu-Gln-Val-Ser-Pro-Leu-Thr-Gly-Leu-Lys-NH2 . AcOH, was found to be a good substrate for plasma transglutaminase (activated blood coagulation factor XIII) and rapidly incorporated into fibrin by the enzyme. A high concentration of the peptide inhibited the enzyme-mediated cross-linking of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor to fibrin probably by competing with the inhibitor for the same site of fibrin alpha-chain.  相似文献   

A restriction fragment length polymorphism within the human alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor gene has been detected by Southern blot hybridization using an alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor cDNA probe. This restriction fragment length polymorphism can be attributed to the presence of two alleles, A and B, that are distributed in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with frequencies of 73.5% and 2.65%, respectively, in 66 unrelated Caucasian individuals or with frequencies of 51.0% and 49.0%, respectively, in 50 unrelated Japanese individuals. The minor allele, B, is due to a deletion of about 720 base pairs in intron 8 of the alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor gene. Sequence analysis of the deletion junction in allele B and the corresponding regions of allele A demonstrated the presence of oppositely oriented Alu sequences at the 5' and 3' deletion boundaries. These data suggest that this restriction fragment length polymorphism was caused by intrastrand recombination between Alu sequences.  相似文献   

We have previously characterized the molecular and cellular mechanisms of alpha(2)-plasmin inhibitor (alpha(2)PI) deficiency. The mutant alpha(2)PI-Nara and alpha(2)PI-Okinawa proteins were found to be retained and degraded in cells stably expressing these mutant forms of alpha(2)PI. Degradation of the two mutant alpha(2)PI proteins, mediated by proteasomes, occurred after a lag time of 1.5 h during which glucose trimming took place. The mutant alpha(2)PI proteins were not ubiquitinated. Inhibition of mannosidase activity blocked the degradation of the mutant alpha(2)PI proteins without resulting in any changes in their binding to calnexin. Inhibition of glucose removal completely blocked the interaction between the alpha(2)PI proteins and the molecular chaperone calnexin. Under these conditions, mannose residues were removed from the oligosaccharides even when glucose residues were not processed. With mannose removal, the glucose-untrimmed mutant forms of alpha(2)PI, which failed to bind to calnexin, were degraded by proteasomes. The initiation of mannose trimming was a prerequisite for their degradation. Our findings show that modification of oligosaccharides of the mutant forms of alpha(2)PI determines their recognition by the degradation apparatus and that mannose trimming is important for targeting the mutant alpha(2)PI proteins for the degradation pathway.  相似文献   

A procedure is presented for purifying a novel proteinase inhibitor in human plasma whose apparent unique biological property is to inhibit efficiently the lysis of fibrin clots induced by plasminogen activator. The final product is homogeneous as judged by disc gel electrophoresis, and immunoelectrophoresis. Its molecular weight estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis or sedimentation equilibrium is 67,000 and 63,000, respectively. The inhibitor is a glycoprotein consisting polypeptide chain containing 11.7% carbohyrate. It migrates in the alpha2-globulin region in immunoelectrophoresis. The inhibitor is chemically and immunologically different from all the other known inhibitors in plasma. Inhibition of plasmin by the inhibitor is almost instantaneous even at 0 degrees, in contrast to the slow inhibition of urokinase (plasminogen activator in urine). Plasminogen activation by urokinase-induced clot lysis is inhibited by the inhibitor mainly through a mechanism of instantaneous inhibition of plasmin formed and not through the inhibition of urokinase. The inhibitor also inhibits trypsin. Consequently, it is suggested that this newly identified inhibitor is named alpha2-plasmin inhibitor or alpha2-proteinase inhibitor. A specific antibody directed against the inhibitor neutralizes virtually all inhibitory activity of plasma to activator-induced clot lysis. Immunochemical quantitation of the inhibitor was specific antiserum to the inhibitor and the purified inhibitor as a standard indicates that the concentration of the inhibitory in the serum of a healthy man is in or near the range of 5 to 7 mg/100 ml, which is the lowest concentration among the concentration of the proteinase inhibitors in plasma. The inhibitor and plasmin, trypsin, or urokinase form a complex which cannot be dissociated with denaturing and reducing agents. The formation of the enzyme-inhibitor complex occurs on a 1:1 molar basis and is associated with the cleavage of a unique peptide bone, which is most clearly demonstrated in the interaction of the inhibitor and beta-trypsin. In the complex formation between the inhibitor and plasmin, the inhibitor is cross-linked with the light chain which contains the active site of plasmin. It is suggested that, in a fashion analogous to complex formation between alpha1-antitrypsin and trypsin, the cross-links are formed between the active site serine of the enzyme and the newly formed COOH-terminal residue of the inhibitor, with cleavage of a peptide bond.  相似文献   

Inhibitory activities of alpha2-plasmin inhibitor against various proteases were investigated. The inhibitor promptly inhibited the esterolytic activity of alpha-chymotrypsin and progressively inhibited the esterolytic or amidolytic activities of bovine plasma kallikrein, bovine thrombin and bovine activated factor X. Heparin had no effect on the reaction of the inhibitor with thrombin or activated factor X. However, the inhibitor had no effect on the activities of human C-1-esterase, papain and snake venom kininogenase. On the basis of its rapid inhibition of kallikrein, alpha2-plasmin inhibitor is considered to exert some regulating effect on kallikrein activity in plasma.  相似文献   

The human alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor gene (PLI) was mapped by in situ hybridization using a genomic DNA probe which contained exons coding for the signal peptide and a portion of the mature protein. The results allowed the chromosome localization of the gene to 18p11.1----q11.2.  相似文献   

Binding and activation of human plasminogen (Plg) to generate the proteolytic enzyme plasmin (Plm) have been associated with the invasive potential of certain bacteria. In this work, proteomic analysis together with ligand blotting assays identified several major Plg-binding spots in Mycobacterium tuberculosis soluble extracts (SEs) and culture filtrate proteins. The identity of 15 different proteins was deduced by N-terminal and/or MS and corresponded to DnaK, GroES, GlnA1, Ag85 complex, Mpt51, Mpt64, PrcB, MetK, SahH, Lpd, Icl, Fba, and EF-Tu. Binding of Plg to recombinant M. tuberculosis DnaK, GlnA1, and Ag85B was further confirmed by ELISA and ligand blotting assays. The binding was inhibited by epsilon-aminocaproic acid, indicating that the interaction involved lysine residues. Plg bound to recombinant mycobacterial proteins was activated to Plm by tissue-type Plg activator. In contrast with recombinant proteins, M. tuberculosis SE enhanced several times the Plg activation mediated by the activator. Interestingly, GlnA1 was able to bind the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein fibronectin. Together these results show that M. tuberculosis posses several Plg receptors suggesting that bound Plg to bacteria surface, can be activated to Plm, endowing bacteria with the ability to break down ECM and basal membranes proteins contributing to tissue injury in tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The reactive site of human alpha 2-antiplasmin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human alpha 2-antiplasmin rapidly forms a stable, equimolar complex with either its target enzyme, plasmin, or with trypsin. Perturbation of the inhibitor-trypsin complex results in peptide bond cleavage at the reactive site of the inhibitor with the concomitant release of a small peptide fragment which apparently represents the carboxyl-terminal segment of the inhibitor. Sequence analysis of this fragment, together with that of an overlapping peptide obtained by treatment of native inhibitor with either Staphylococcus aureus V8 proteinase or human neutrophil elastase, yields data which indicate that the reactive site of alpha 2-antiplasmin encompasses a P1-P'1 Arg-Met sequence. However, unlike alpha 1-1-proteinase inhibitor which has a Met residue in the P1-position, oxidation of alpha 2-antiplasmin has no effect on its inhibitory activity toward either plasmin, trypsin, or chymotrypsin, indicating the lesser mechanistic importance of the P'1-residue during enzyme inactivation by this inhibitor.  相似文献   

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