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Previous studies have suggested that older adults may be more resistant to muscular fatigue than young adults. We sought to determine whether motor unit firing rate might be a factor that determines the response to fatiguing exercise in young and older subjects. Motor unit recordings and muscular forces were obtained from the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle of 11 young and 8 older individuals. Maximal voluntary force was first measured during maximal-effort dorsiflexion contractions. Each subject then performed a series of 15 maximal isometric contractions, with each contraction lasting 30 s. A 10-s rest period separated the fatiguing contractions. As a result of the fatiguing exercise, both subject groups demonstrated a significant loss in maximal force. The force decline was less in the older adults (20.4%) than in the young adults (33.8%). As expected, prior to muscle fatigue, maximal firing rates in the TA muscle were greater in the young (28.1 ± 5.8 imp/s) than in the older adults (22.3 ± 4.8 imp/s). The decrease in motor unit firing rate with fatigue was also greater in the young adults (34.9%), than in the older adults (22.0%). These results suggest that the greater fatigue-resistance exhibited by older individuals might be explained by the fact that the decline in motor unit firing rate during fatigue is greater in young persons than it is in older adults.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in motor unit firing behavior during prolonged contractions in young and older adults. Motor unit activity was recorded from the tibialis anterior of 16 subjects (8 young and 8 older), while they performed isometric dorsiflexion at 50% MVC until task failure. Mean motor unit firing rate, the standard deviation (SD), and coefficient of variation (CV) of the interspike intervals, and number of doublet discharges were calculated for a total of 52 motor units, tracked for an average of 92.9 ± 68.6 s. There was no age-related difference in the time to task failure. A modest decline in firing rate was observed in 71% of the motor units, with no significant age-related difference. The SD and CV of the interspike interval had a positive slope in 65% and 69% of the motor units, respectively, with no significant age-related differences. The number of doublet discharges remained stable throughout the contraction. Both groups exhibited motor unit dropout (discharge cessation) during the contraction. Thus, a fatiguing task producing modest changes in firing rate in young and older adults is accompanied by an appreciable increase in firing rate variability. The incidence of doublet discharges is not increased during fatiguing contractions.  相似文献   

Motor unit recruitment patterns were studied during prolonged isometric contraction using fine wire electrodes. Single motor unit potentials were recorded from the brachial biceps muscle of eight male subjects, during isometric endurance experiments conducted at relative workloads corresponding to 10% and 40% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), respectively. The recordings from the 10% MVC experiment demonstrated a characteristic time-dependent recruitment. As the contraction progressed both the mean number of motor unit spikes counted and the mean amplitude of the spikes increased significantly (P<0.01). This progressive increase in spike activity was the result of a discontinuous process with periods of increasing and decreasing activity. The phenomenon in which newly recruited motor units replace previously active units is termed motor unit rotation and appeared to be an important characteristic of motor control during a prolonged low level contraction. In contrast to the 10% MVC experiment, there was no indication of de novo recruitment in the 40% MVC experiment. Near the point of exhaustion a marked change in action potential shape and duration dominated the recordings. These findings demonstrate a conspicuous difference in the patterns of motor unit recruitment during a 10% and a 40% MVC sustained contraction. It is suggested that there is a close relationship between intrinsic muscle properties and central nervous system recruitment strategies which is entirely different in fatiguing high and low level isometric contractions.  相似文献   

Changes accompanying long-lasting intermittent muscle contractions (30%–50% of the maximal) were investigated by tracing the activity of 38 motor units (MU) of the human biceps brachii muscle recorded from fine-wire branched electrodes. The motor task was a continuous repetition of ramp-and-hold cycles of isometric flexion contractions. During ramp-up phases a significant decline in recruitment thresholds was found with no changes in the discharge pattern. During ramp-down phases the unchanged mean value of derecruitment thresholds during the task was accompanied by increased duration of the last two interspike intervals (ISI). These findings would suggest that during fatigue development the main compensatory mechanism during ramp-up contractions is space coding while for ramp-down contractions it is rate coding. During the steady-state phases the mean value of ISI, as well as the firing variability, had increased by the end of the task in most of the MU investigated . In addition 17 recruited MU were also investigated. These units revealed a lower initial discharge rate and a faster decrease in the mean discharge rate with the development of fatigue. The gradual reduction of the recruitment threshold of already active MU and the recruitment of new units demonstrated an increased excitability of the motorneuron pool during fatigue. A typical recruitment pattern (a first short ISI followed by a long one) was observed during ramp-up contractions in units active from the very beginning of the task, as well as during sustained contractions at the onset of the stable discharge of the additionally recruited MU. Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

Medial gastrocnemius surface electromyographic activity and intramuscular electromyographic activity were recorded from six individuals with chronic cervical spinal cord injury to document the recruitment order of motor units during clonus. Four subjects induced clonus that lasted up to 30 s while two subjects induced clonus that they actively stopped after 1 min. Mean clonus frequency in different subjects ranged from 4.7 to 7.0 Hz. Most of the 166 motor units recorded during clonus (98%) fired once during each contraction but at slightly different times during each cycle. Other motor units fired during some clonus cycles (1%) or in bursts (1%). When 59 pairs of units were monitored over consecutive clonus cycles (n = 5-89 cycles), only 8 pairs of units altered their recruitment order in some cycles. Recruitment reversals only occurred in units that fired close together in the clonus cycle. These data demonstrate that orderly motor unit recruitment occurs during involuntary contractions of muscles paralyzed chronically by cervical spinal cord injury, providing further support for the importance of spinal mechanisms in the control of human motor unit behavior.  相似文献   

The human triceps surae (soleus, medial (MG) and lateral (LG) gastrocnemii) is complex and important for posture and gait. The soleus exhibits markedly lower motor unit firing rates (MUFRs; ∼16 Hz) during maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) than other limb muscles, but this information is unknown for the MG and LG. During multiple visits, subjects performed a series of 5–7, ∼7-s plantar flexor MVCs with tungsten microelectrodes inserted into the MG and LG. During a separate testing session, another group of subjects performed submaximal isometric contractions at 25%, 50%, and 75% MVC with inserted fine-wires in the MG, LG and soleus. Maximum steady-state MUFRs for MG and LG (∼23 Hz) were not different, but faster than prior reports for the soleus. No differences between the three triceps surae components were detected for 25% or 50% MVC, but at 75% MVC, the MG MUFRs were 31% greater than soleus. The triceps surae exhibit similar torque modulation strategies at <75% MVC, but to achieve higher contraction intensities (>75% MVC) the gastrocnemii rely on faster rates to generate maximal torque than the soleus. Therefore, the MG and LG exhibit a larger range of MUFR capacities.  相似文献   

Firing rates of motor units and surface EMG were measured from the triceps brachii muscles of able-bodied subjects during brief submaximal and maximal isometric voluntary contractions made at 5 elbow joint angles that covered the entire physiological range of muscle lengths. Muscle activation at the longest, midlength, and shortest muscle lengths, measured by twitch occlusion, averaged 98%, 97%, and 93% respectively, with each subject able to achieve complete activation during some contractions. As expected, the strongest contractions were recorded at 90 degrees of elbow flexion. Mean motor unit firing rates and surface EMG increased with contraction intensity at each muscle length. For any given absolute contraction intensity, motor unit firing rates varied when muscle length was changed. However, mean motor unit firing rates were independent of muscle length when contractions were compared with the intensity of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) achieved at each joint angle.  相似文献   

The aim of this human study was to investigate the effect of experimentally induced muscle pain on the modifications of motor unit discharge rate during sustained, constant-force contractions. Intramuscular and multichannel surface electromyographic (EMG) signals were collected from the right and left tibialis anterior muscle of 11 volunteers. The subjects performed two 4-min-long isometric contractions at 25% of the maximal dorsiflexion torque, separated by a 20-min rest. Before the beginning of the second contraction, hypertonic (painful; right leg) or isotonic (nonpainful; left leg) saline was injected into the tibialis anterior. Pain intensity scores did not change significantly in the first 150 s of the painful contraction. Exerted torque and its coefficient of variation were the same for the painful and nonpainful contractions. Motor unit discharge rate was higher in the beginning of the nonpainful contraction than the painful contraction on the right side [means +/- SE, 11.3 +/- 0.2 vs. 10.6 +/- 0.2 pulses/s (pps); P < 0.01] whereas it was the same for the two contractions on the left side (11.6 +/- 0.2 vs. 11.5 +/- 0.2 pps). The decrease in discharge rate in 4 min was smaller for the painful (0.4 +/- 0.1 pps) than for the control contractions (1.3 +/- 0.1 pps). Initial value and decrease in motor unit conduction velocity were not different in the four contractions (right leg, 4.0 +/- 0.1 m/s with decrease of 0.6 +/- 0.1 m/s in 4 min; left leg, 4.1 +/- 0.1 m/s with 0.7 +/- 0.1 m/s decrease). In conclusion, stimulation of nociceptive afferents by injection of hypertonic saline did not alter motor unit conduction velocity but reduced the initial motor unit discharge rates and the difference between initial and final discharge rates during sustained contraction.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between morphology and muscle-tendon dynamics of the quadriceps femoris muscle of 11 men using velocity-encoded phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Thigh muscle electromyography and joint range of motion were first measured outside the MRI scanner during knee extension-flexion tasks that were performed at a rate of 40 times/min with elastic bands providing peak resistance of 5.2 kp (SD 0.4) to the extension. The same movement was repeated inside the MRI scanner bore where tissue velocities and muscle morphology were recorded. The average displacement in the proximal and distal halves of the rectus femoris and vastus intermedius aponeuroses was different (P = 0.049), reflecting shortening (1.6%), but the tensile strain along the length of the aponeuroses was uniform. The aponeurosis behavior varied among individuals, and these individual patterns were best explained by the differences in relative cross-sectional area of rectus femoris to vastus muscles (r = 0.71, P = 0.014). During dynamic contraction, considerable deformation of muscles in the axial plane caused an anatomic measure such as muscle thickness to change differently (decrease or increase) in different sites of measurement. For example, when analyzed from the axial images, the vastus lateralis thickness did not change (P = 0.946) in the frontal plane through femur but increased in a 45 degrees oblique plane between the frontal and sagittal planes (P = 0.004). The present observations of the heterogeneity and individual behavior emphasize the fact that single-point measurements do not always reflect the overall behavior of muscle-tendon unit.  相似文献   

Surface electromyograms (EMGs) were analysed on the short and long head of the biceps brachii (BBSH and BBLH) during single (F and S) or dual (F+S) flexion and supination tasks. It was confirmed, by the analysis of EMG root-mean-square (RMS) values, that the highest activations of BBSH and BBLH were obtained during a maximal dual task. This study was essentially concerned with the analysis of power spectra data obtained during progressive or ramp contractions (RCs). The shape of the power spectra established during the first second of the RCs differs between F, S and F+S tasks. Differences in mean power frequency (MPF) calculated during RCs would be representative of a recruitment of motor units (MUs) that is, at least partly, task-dependent. In order to compare MPF values calculated from RCs performed under different mechanical conditions (F, S and F+S), MPF-RMS(PSD) relationships have been established (RMS(PSD) being defined as the power spectrum density RMS). Both BBSH and BBLH exhibited initial MPF values higher in supination RC than in flexion RC. Because of plateau values reached at the same level of muscle activation whatever the task performed, the slope of the MPF-RMS(PSD) relationship was lower in S than in F. These results are in favour of MU recruitment that is, at least partly, different in F and in S conditions. Dual submaximal tasks seem to mix the activation of the F and S subpopulations of MUs as revealed by the spectral parameters obtained during F+S ramp contractions. This study could find some implication in the field of muscle rehabilitation or reinforcement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the association between the rate of torque development and maximal motor unit discharge frequency in young and elderly adults as they performed rapid submaximal contractions with the ankle dorsiflexors. Recordings were obtained of the torque exerted by the dorsiflexors during the isometric contractions and the surface and intramuscular electromyograms (EMGs) from the tibialis anterior. The maximal rate of torque development and integrated EMG (percentage of total EMG burst) at peak rate of torque development during fast contractions were lower in elderly than young adults by 48% (P < 0.05) and 16.5% (P < 0.05), respectively. The young adults, but not the elderly adults, exhibited a positive association (r2 = 0.33; P < 0.01) between the integrated EMG computed up to the peak rate of torque development and the maximal rate of torque development achieved during the fast contractions. These age-related changes during fast voluntary contractions were accompanied by a decline (P < 0.001) in motor unit discharge frequency (19, 28, and 34% for first 3 interspike intervals, respectively) and in the percentage of units (45%; P < 0.05) that exhibited double discharges (doublets) at brief intervals (<5 ms). Because aging decreased the maximal rate of torque development of fast voluntary contractions to a greater extent ( approximately 10%) than that of an electrically evoked twitch, collectively the results indicate that the age-related decline in maximal motor unit discharge frequency likely limit, in addition to the slowing of muscle contractile properties, the performance of fast voluntary contractions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether HD-sEMG is sensitive to detecting changes in motor unit behavior amongst healthy adults and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients presenting diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) at different levels. Healthy control subjects (CON, n = 8) and T2DM patients presenting no DPN symptoms (ABS, n = 8), moderate DPN (MOD, n = 18), and severe DPN (SEV, n = 12) performed isometric ankle dorsiflexion at 30 % maximum voluntary contraction while high-density surface EMG (HD-sEMG) was recorded from the tibialis anterior muscle. HD-sEMG signals were decomposed, providing estimates of discharge rate, motor unit conduction velocity (MUCV), and motor unit territory area (MUTA). As a result, the ABS group presented reduced MUCV compared to CON. The groups with diabetes presented significantly larger MUTA compared to the CON group (p < 0.01), and the SEV group presented a significantly lower discharge rate compared to CON and ABS (p < 0.01). In addition, the SEV group presented significantly higher CoVforce compared to CON and MOD. These results support the use of HD-SEMG as a method to detect peripheral and central changes related to DPN.  相似文献   

The generation of muscle-actuated simulations that accurately represent the movement of old adults requires a model that accounts for changes in muscle properties that occur with aging. An objective of this study was to adjust the parameters of Hill-type musculo-tendon models to reflect nominal age-related changes in muscle mechanics that have been reported in the literature. A second objective was to determine whether using the parametric adjustments resulted in simulated dynamic ankle torque behavior similar to that seen in healthy old adults. The primary parameter adjustment involved decreasing maximum isometric muscle forces to account for the loss of muscle mass and specific strength with age. A review of the literature suggested the need for other modest adjustments that account for prolonged muscular deactivation, a reduction in maximum contraction velocity, greater passive muscle stiffness and increased normalized force capacity during lengthening contractions. With age-related changes incorporated, a musculo-tendon model was used to simulate isometric and isokinetic contractions of ankle plantarflexor and dorsiflexor muscles. The model predicted that ankle plantarflexion power output during 120 deg/s shortening contractions would be over 40% lower in old adults compared to healthy young adults. These power losses with age exceed the 30% loss in isometric strength assumed in the model but are comparable to 39-44% reductions in ankle power outputs measured in healthy old adults of approximately 70 years of age. Thus, accounting for age-related changes in muscle properties, other than decreased maximum isometric force, may be particularly important when simulating movements that require substantial power development.  相似文献   

Contractile failure during various types of exercise has been attributed to intramuscular metabolic changes. We examined the temporal changes in force-generating capacity and metabolic state during intermittent isometric contractions in humans. One-legged quadriceps contractions at 30% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) were executed for 6 s, with 4 s of rest between. The decrease in force-generating capacity was tested from brief MVC's and short bursts of 50-Hz stimulation applied at 5-min intervals. After 1 min of exercise, the MVC force declined linearly and in parallel to the 50-Hz stimulation force, indicating that the contractile failure was due to intramuscular processes. After 30 min of exercise the MVC force had declined by approximately 40% compared with the value obtained after 1 min. In separate experiments the same contraction protocol was followed, but two-legged contractions were used. Muscle biopsies taken after 5, 15, and 30 min of exercise showed only minor changes in the concentrations of glycogen, lactate, creatine phosphate (CrP), and ATP. However, at exhaustion, defined as loss of ability to sustain the target force, the concentrations of CrP and glycogen were reduced by 73 and 32%, and muscle lactate concentration had increased to 4.8 mmol/kg wet wt. Thus the gradual decline in force-generating capacity was not due to lactacidosis or lack of substrates for ATP resynthesis and must have resulted from excitation/contraction coupling failure, whereas exhaustion was closely related to phosphagen depletion, without significant lactacidosis.  相似文献   

Lee HJ  Chou LS 《Journal of biomechanics》2007,40(11):2530-2536
Stair negotiation is among the most challenging and hazardous types of locomotion for older people. However, the effect of aging on balance control during stair negotiation has not been investigated. Instantaneous inclination angles between the center of mass (CoM) and center of pressure (CoP) have been reported to detect gait instability effectively in the elderly. The purpose of this study was to compare the CoM-CoP inclination angles between 12 healthy elderly and 13 healthy young adults when performing stair ascent (SA) and descent (SD) on a three-step staircase. Whole body motion data were collected with an eight-camera motion analysis system. Four force plates were mounted on the floor as well as the first two steps to measure ground reaction forces. No significant group differences were detected in any of the temporal-distance gait measures and CoM-CoP inclination angles during SA and SD. Compared to the floor-to-stair transition phase, both groups demonstrated a significantly greater CoM-CoP medial inclination angle while ascending the stairs. However, a significant reduction in medial inclination was only detected in young adults when transferring from SD to level ground walking. Elderly adults were found to demonstrate a significantly greater medial inclination angle during the stair-to-floor transition phase when compared to young adults. Age-related degenerations in the elderly could compromise their ability to regulate body sway during the stair-to-floor transition, which may subsequently increase the risk of falling.  相似文献   

This study compared motor unit rate coding and muscular force control in the first dorsal interosseous muscle of older (n = 11, mean 72.3 yr) and young (n = 12, mean 18.7 yr) adults. Rate coding during a sinusoidal isometric force-matching task was evaluated using spectral analysis of the time-varying changes in firing rate. The task required force modulations to match a trajectory comprising the sum of 0.15- and 0.45-Hz sine waves. Based on the amplitude of spectral peaks at 0.15 and 0.45 Hz, the amplitude of force modulation was similar in young and older adults at both frequencies (F = 1.9, P = 0.17). Force modulation gain (FMG) was computed as the ratio of the amplitude of force modulation to the amplitude of firing rate modulation. To account for rate coding differences related to the properties of the motoneuron, recruitment threshold force was used as a covariate in age-group comparisons. At both task frequencies, firing rate was modulated with less amplitude (F = 0 14, P < 0.001) and FMG was greater (F = 0 27, P < 0.001) in the older adults. In its transformation of neural input to mechanical output, muscle is known to act as a low-pass filter. Compared with modulation at 0.15 Hz, less change in force per change in firing rate at 0.45 Hz (lower FMG; F = 0 67, P < 0.001), independent of age group, is consistent with this filtering effect. Our conclusion is that there is a reduced amplitude of firing rate modulation in older adults.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to create a model which enables to observe the mechanomyographic (MMG) wave generated during single motor unit contractions in a muscle, while the muscle is immersed in paraffin oil. The muscle model is described as a rheological membrane. Both the muscle and the medium models have been built by using Stiff-Finite-Element-Method (SFEM), which allows one to simulate the muscle surface displacement and the acoustic propagation of this effect in the oil. Such a modelling enables one to determine the impact of the rheological properties of the liquid environment on the shape of the MMG wave. In order to verify the model, the MMG signals and the contraction forces have been recorded in vivo from the medial gastrocnemius muscle of a rat. In these experiments single motor units were stimulated with various stimulation frequencies. A piezotransducer, immersed in paraffin oil, has been used to record the MMG signal recording. The signals recorded during individual twitches of the motor units have been used to estimate the parameters of the model. Subsequently, the model has been experimentally verified. The signals recorded in experiments during unfused and fused tetani have been compared with the simulated model responses in the analogous stimulation program. It has been observed that the MMG signals obtained with the proposed linear model have been consistent with the results of in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

Motor unit properties were analyzed in patients with upper motor neuron syndrome (UMNS). Multi-channel surface electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded for 300 s from the biceps brachii muscle of seven male subacute patients (time from lesion, mean ± SE, 4.9 ± 1.0 months). In three patients, both arms were investigated, leading to 10 recorded muscles. Patients were analyzed in rest-like condition with motor units activated due to pathological muscle overactivity. For a total of 12 motor units, the complete discharge pattern was extracted from EMG decomposition. Interpulse interval variability was 7.8 ± 0.9%. At minimum discharge rate (6.4 ± 0.4 pulses per second, pps), conduction velocity was smaller than at maximum discharge rate (12.0 ± 0.9 pps) in all motor units (3.60 ± 0.21 m/s vs. 3.84 ± 0.20 m/s). Conduction velocity changed by 1.35 ± 0.48% (different from zero, P < 0.01) for each increase of 1 pps in discharge rate. It was concluded that conduction velocity of low-threshold motor units in subacute patients with UMNS had similar values as reported in healthy subjects and was positively correlated to instantaneous discharge rate (velocity recovery function of muscle fibers).  相似文献   

Seven healthy subjects were investigated in cyclic ramp-and-hold long lasting isometric contractions. Wire branched electrodes were used for selective recording of single motor unit (MU) potentials from m. biceps brachii. MU behaviour was defined in terms of recruitment/derecruitment thresholds (RT and DT) and the duration of interspike intervals (ISI). A total of 63 MUs was investigated: 40 units were active from the beginning of the task performance and another 23 were recruited later. There were no changes in the recruitment pattern of MUs with fatigue development - a short first ISI followed by a very long second one and an almost constant firing rate after this transient phase. The tendency of RT to gradually decrease dominates the results. Thus, the required constant rate of force increase with fatigue development was maintained mostly by the mechanisms of space coding (i.e., decrease of RT and recruitment of additional MUs). Oppositely, the time behaviour of the DT changes was not uniform and rate coding was an essential mechanism in the adaptation of MU activity to muscle fatigue during relaxation phases. The recruitment pattern and fatigue related behaviour of the additionally recruited MUs were similar to those of MUs active from the first cycle of the motor task performance.  相似文献   

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