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A family is described in which three normal females transmitted to seven males X-linked mental retardation associated with macro-orchidism and a fragile site on the long arm of the X chromosome -- fra(X)(q27). The affected males also had minor clinical features in common: a large forehead, long face, large ears, a long upper lip and large extremities.  相似文献   

We have examined seven pedigrees that include individuals with a recently described X-linked form of severe mental retardation associated with alpha-thalassemia (ATR-X syndrome). Using hematologic and molecular approaches, we have shown that intellectually normal female carriers of this syndrome may be identified by the presence of rare cells containing HbH inclusions in their peripheral blood and by an extremely skewed pattern of X inactivation seen in cells from a variety of tissues. Linkage analysis has localized the ATR-X locus to an interval of approximately 11 cM between the loci DXS106 and DXYS1X (Xq12-q21.31), with a peak LOD score of 5.4 (recombination fraction of 0) at DXS72. These findings provide the basis for genetic counseling, assessment of carrier risk, and prenatal diagnosis of the ATR-X syndrome. Furthermore, they represent an important step in developing strategies to understand how the mutant ATR-X allele causes mental handicap, dysmorphism, and down-regulation of the alpha-globin genes.  相似文献   

Characterization of several male-viable deletions and duplications with 20 random DNA probes has enabled us to subdivide the Xq21 region into seven discernible intervals. Almost all of the deletions spanning part of Xq21 are associated with choroideremia and mental retardation, with deafness being another common feature. The gene locus for choroideremia was assigned to interval 3 spanning the loci DXS95, DXS165, and DXS233. Genes for X-linked deafness and mental retardation were tentatively assigned to interval 2. Deletions of intervals 4 through 7 were not associated with any clinical abnormality. We have constructed a preliminary long-range restriction map of intervals 2 and 3 using field-inversion gel electrophoresis. The DXS232, DXS121, and DXS233 loci are located on the same SfiI fragment, whereas the DXS165 and DXS95 loci could not be linked to this cluster using SfiI and SalI.  相似文献   

The proband and two maternal uncles were similarly affected by a unique constellation of mental retardation and physical abnormalities. There were severe retardation, growth less than the third percentile, and significantly delayed bone age. They manifested deafness, a flat nasal bridge, several ocular abnormalities, and a rudimentary scrotum with cryptorchidism, and one had a small penis. The proband also had onychodystrophy of his fingers and toes. Their birth weights and lengths were less than expected. No chromosomal or biochemical abnormality was detected. Both uncles died, but the proband is healthy at 4 years. Their phenotype is distinguished from other forms of X-linked mental retardation and appears to be a new syndrome.  相似文献   

Linkage mapping of a severe X-linked mental retardation syndrome.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A four-generation Swedish family with a new type of X-linked mental retardation syndrome was recently reported by Gustavson et al. The complex syndrome includes microcephaly, severe mental retardation, optical atrophy with decreased vision or blindness, severe hearing defect, characteristic facial features, spasticity, seizures, and restricted joint motility. The patients die during infancy or early in childhood. Twenty-one family members, including two affected males, were available for study. Linkage analysis was conducted in the family by using 11 RFLP markers and 10 VNTR markers spread along the X chromosome. A hypervariable short tandem repeat of DXS294 at Xq26 showed a peak two-point lod score of 3.35 at zero recombination fraction. Calculations using the same markers revealed a multipoint peak lod score of 3.65 at DXS294. Crossover events with the centromeric marker DXS424 and the telomeric marker DXS297 delimit a probable region for the gene localization. It is noteworthy that hte disease loci of two other syndromes with overlapping clinical manifestations recently were shown by Turner et al. and Pettigrew et al. to be linked to markers at Xq26.  相似文献   

From personal observations and reported cases of translocation X-Autosome, a study of the breakpoint showed that Xp11 is more frequently associated to mental retardation. This finding is in agreement with linkage analysis in families with X-linked mental retardation non X-fra.  相似文献   

The frequency of cytologic expression and the replication pattern of the fragile (X) [fra(X)] were investigated in 28 fra(X) heterozygotes, of which 25 agreed to psychological assessment. One-third of the heterozygotes in this study are mentally retarded. The intellectually impaired carriers had a higher frequency of fra(X) and a higher proportion of early-replicating fra(X) than the normally intelligent carriers. The early-replicating fra(X) accounted for 39% of the variability in IQ and the late-replicating fra(X) for 12%. Age had a minimal inverse effect on fra(X) expression and replication pattern. Thus, it appears that mental retardation in females heterozygous for the fra(X) may largely be a function of the proportion of cells with an early-replicating, active X chromosome possessing the fragile site.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis has been carried out in a family with severe congenital sensorineural deafness with a structural abnormality of the inner ear. Recombinations show the gene responsible for deafness in this family to lie between the loci DXS255 (Xp11.22) and DXS94 (Xq22). Close linkage was found to locus DXS159 (cpX289) in Xq12, with a LOD score of 3.155 and 0 recombination. This location is consistent with other linkage studies of X-linked deafness.  相似文献   

Summary Three years ago, we detected H-Y antigen in the white blood cells of a phenotypic female with several of the stigmata of Turner's syndrome, and the mosaic karyotype: 45,X/46,X,i(Xq). We surmised at the time that the isochromosome, i(Xq), may have contained occult Y-chromosome-derived material. We have now confirmed the presence of H-Y in this patient and we have obtained evidence for the presence of H-Y in four of five other similar patients, all of whom are notable for carrying at least a single cell line with the karyotype 46,X,i(Xq). Although we cannot categorically exclude the presence of Y-chromosomal genes in the cells of these patients, there is no cytogenetic evidence of structural rearrangement involving the Y in any of the cases. Expression of H-Y antigen in association with i(Xq) thus implies that H-Y structural genes are X-situated, or alternatively that they are autosomal and X-regulated. It would follow that the H-Y+ cellular phenotype per se is not a valid marker for the Y-chromosome, and that H-Y genes that have been mapped to the pericentric region of the Y may be regulatory.  相似文献   

Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease (KFD) is a benign and self-limited disorder, characterized by regional cervical lymphadenopathy with tenderness, usually accompanied with mild fever and night sweats. Less frequent symptoms include weight loss, nausea, vomiting, sore throat. Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease is an extremely rare disease known to have a worldwide distribution with higher prevalence among Japanese and other Asiatic individuals. The clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical features appear to point to a viral etiology, a hypothesis that still has not been proven. KFD is generally diagnosed on the basis of an excisional biopsy of affected lymph nodes. Its recognition is crucial especially because this disease can be mistaken for systemic lupus erythematosus, malignant lymphoma or even, though rarely, for adenocarcinoma. Clinicians' and pathologists' awareness of this disorder may help prevent misdiagnsois and inappropriate treatment. The diagnosis of KFD merits active consideration in any nodal biopsy showing fragmentation, necrosis and karyorrhexis, especially in young individuals presenting with posterior cervical lymphadenopathy. Treatment is symptomatic (analgesics-antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, rarely, corticosteroids). Spontaneous recovery occurs in 1 to 4 months. Patients with Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease should be followed-up for several years to survey the possibility of the development of systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

X-linked albinism-deafness syndrome (ADFN) was described in one Israeli Jewish family and is characterized by congenital nerve deafness and piebaldness. The ADFN mutation probably affects the migration of neural crest-derived precursors of the melanocytes. As a first step toward identifying the ADFN gene, a linkage study was performed to localize the disease locus on the X chromosome. The family was found to be informative for 11 of 107 RFLPs along the X, and two-point analysis showed four of them--factor 9 (F9), DXS91, DXS37, and DNF1--to have definite or suggestive linkage with ADFN. Multipoint linkage analysis indicated two possible orders within this cluster of loci, neither of which was preferable. In both orders F9 was the most distal, and the best estimate for the location of ADFN was between F9 and the next proximal marker (8.6 cM from F9 [Z = 8.1] or 8.3 cM from F9 [Z = 7.9]). These results suggest that the ADFN is at Xq26.3-q27.1. Disagreement between our data and previous localization of DXS91 at Xq11-q13 was resolved by hybridization of the probe pXG-17, which detects the DXS91 locus, to a panel of somatic cell hybrids containing different portions of the X chromosome. This experiment showed that this locus is definitely at Xq24-q26. Together with the linkage data, our results place DXS91 at Xq26 and underscore the importance of using more than one mapping method for the localization of molecular probes.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and verbal studies were done on members of four families with non-specific X-linked mental retardation. Cytogenetic analysis was done using media 199 and GTG-banding; one family had a marker X with a fragile site in band Xq27 or 28. Preliminary results indicate variation of culture conditions can effect the frequency of the marker X. A generalized language disability was found which tended to concentrate in the areas of auditory reception, auditory sequential memory, visual closure and grammatic closure. Articulation errors involved the same sounds which are late in normal development and occur most frequently in both the general population and a Down syndrome population.  相似文献   

Summary An Indiana family segregating a syndrome of X-linked mental retardation and skeletal anomalies was tested for linkage of the mutant gene to X-chromosome molecular markers. Lod scores of 3.27 and 3.06 (-0) for the molecular probes St14-1 (DXS52) and Dx13 (DXS15), respectively, indicate that the disease gene is located in the terminal portion of Xq.  相似文献   

The X-chromosome was studied in blood lymphocytes of 68 males with aspecific mental retardation (MR), their 57 relatives and 15 intellectually normal males. The incidence of a fragile X-chromosome (fra(X)) was found to be 4.7% in an unselected group of 42 patients, 50% among 10 probands in which pedigree data were suggestive of X-linked MR diagnosis, and 75% in the group of 15 patients selected for phenotype characteristic of the fragile X syndrome. The fra(X) was present in 1-43% of metaphases in different individuals, no such marker being observed in cells of 15 normal individuals. No significant difference was found when the incidence of the fra(X) was compared in cells cultured in the medium 199 with low folic acid content and the Eagle's medium supplemented with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (10.62 +/- 2.94 SEM and 13.53 +/- 2.85 SEM, respectively). The possibility of false-positive diagnosis of the fragile X syndrome was quantitatively appreciated. A half of the patients showing a fra(C) in conventionally stained chromosomes were found to have fragile 6 autosome as the only marker in these cells, and in patients with the evident fragile (X) syndrome the fra(6) constituted about one-third of the fra(X) frequency. Both culture media employed were similar in the fra(6) induction.  相似文献   

Summary The coinical and cytogenetic features of 15 families with mental retardation linked to the fragile site on the X chromosome are presented.The 15 propositi were all prepubertal, and one was a girl. Although the clinical picture varied in severity, it was sufficiently constant to suggest the diagnosis from the facial features and the encephalopathy with language retardation and disturbed behavior. Macroorchidism was not seen before puberty.The fragile X chromosome was found in seven of the nine mothers studied and in two mildly retarded sisters and has also been demonstrated in fibroblasts in eleven subjects with the abnormality.Supported by grants from INSERM (ATP 79-110)  相似文献   

Summary Twelve fibroblast clones from two males with X-linked mental retardation expressed the fragile site Xq27 in 3%–38% of metaphases analyzed. The number of in vitro doublings during the cloning procedure had no evident influence on the induction of fragile X expression. The variability of fragile X expression seems to depend on cell properties acquired during culture rather than on properties originally inherent in the cells.  相似文献   

A locus for X-linked nonsyndromic deafness has previously been allocated to the Xq13-q21 region based on linkage studies in two separate pedigrees. This has been substantiated by the observation of deafness as a clinical feature of male patients with cytogenetically detectable deletions across this region. The question of a second locus for deafness in this chromosomal region has been raised by the audiologically distinct nature of the deafness in some of the deleted patients compared to that observed in those patients upon whom the linkage data are based. We have performed detailed clinical evaluation and linkage studies on seven pedigrees with nonsyndromic X-linked deafness and conclude that there is evidence for at least two loci for this form of deafness, including one in the Xq13-q21 region. We have observed different radiological features among the pedigrees which map to Xq13-q21, suggesting that even among these pedigrees the deafness is due to different pathological processes. Given these findings, we suggest that the classification of nonsyndromic X-linked deafness based solely on audiological criteria may need to be reviewed.  相似文献   

Summary Data are presented suggesting that the form of X-linked mental retardation with macro-orchidism and the form associated with a fragile site at Xq27 or 28 are the same entity.  相似文献   

Selective advantage of fra (X) heterozygotes   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Summary The high incidence of the fra (X) syndrome (about 12000 male newborns) requires an explanation in view of the low fitness of mentally retarded hemizygous males and heterozygous females. In the past, it has been proposed that the mutation rate may be unusually high, and that mutations occur exclusively in male germ cells. According to an alternative hypothesis, a moderately high mutation rate might combine with a selective advantage of clinically unaffected heterozygotes. In earlier studies, such a combined hypothesis was shown to lead to plausible implications regarding mutation rate and fitness. Moreover, a mutation rate in male germ cells of the magnitude required by the exclusive mutation hypothesis was excluded by studies on comprehensive pedigree data. In this third study in the series, an increased fitness of heterozygous females is demonstrated directly by a comparison of the reproductive performance of heterozygotes with that of adequate controls (mothers and grandparents of Down's syndrome patients). Since average numbers of children have decreased during recent decades in populations of industrialized countries, heterozygotes (mothers of affected probands and their female relatives in their own generation) were subdivided into those born before and after 1940. Moreover, sibship sizes of probands' mothers and fathers were analyzed separately for family branches in which the fra (X) trait segregated (mostly the maternal branch), or did not segregate (in most instances the paternal branch). In all four categories reproductive performance in heterozygotes was found to be higher than in the controls. This difference was significant statistically for two of the four groups: it was small and nonsignificant only for the parental family branch in which the fra (X) mutant did not segregate and for mothers born after 1940. Fitness estimates ranged between 1.11 and 1.36. A higher incidence of dizygotic twinning suggests a biological component for this increased fertility. On the other hand, fra (X) families have a significantly lower social status than the controls. This suggests a socio-psychological component of their higher fertility. Apparently, both components contribute to their fertility: at present, their relative importance cannot be assessed.  相似文献   

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