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《Journal of Physiology》1998,92(3-4):209-213
While trying to mimic the dose and time course of nicotine as it is obtained by a smoker, we found the following results. The initial arrival of even a low concentration of nicotine increased the firing rate of dopaminergic neurons from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and increased the spontaneous vesicular release of GABA from hippocampal neurons. Longer exposure to nicotine caused variable, but dramatic, desensitization of nicotine receptors and diminished the effects of nicotine. The addictive properties of nicotine as well as its diverse effects on cognitive function could be mediated through differences in activation and desensitization of nicotinic receptors in various areas of the brain.  相似文献   

Vascular plants diverged more than 400 million years ago into two lineages, the lycophytes and the euphyllophytes . Leaf-like organs evolved independently in these two groups . Microphylls in lycophytes are hypothesized to have originated as lateral outgrowths of tissue that later became vascularized (the enation theory) or through the sterilization of sporangia (the sterilization hypothesis) . Megaphylls in euphyllophytes are thought to represent modified lateral branches . The fossil record also indicates that the seed plant megaphyll evolved uniquely in the ancestor of seed plants, independent of megaphylls in ferns, because seed plants evolved from leafless progymnosperm ancestors . Surprisingly, a recent study of KNOX and ARP gene expression in a lycophyte was reported to indicate recruitment of a similar mechanism for determinacy in both types of leaves . We examined the expression of Class III HD-Zip genes in the lycophyte Selaginella kraussiana and in two gymnosperms, Ginkgo and Pseudotsuga. Our data indicate that mechanisms promoting leaf initiation, vascularization, and polarity are quite different in lycophytes and seed plants, consistent with the hypotheses that megaphylls originated as lateral branches whereas microphylls originated as tissue outgrowths.  相似文献   

Proneural genes are crucial regulators of neurogenesis and subtype specification in many areas of the nervous system; however, their function in dopaminergic neuron development is unknown. We report that proneural genes have an intricate pattern of expression in the ventricular zone of the ventral midbrain, where mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons are generated. Neurogenin 2 (Ngn2) and Mash1 are expressed in the ventral midline, while Ngn1, Ngn2 and Mash1 are co-localized more laterally in the ventricular zone. Ngn2 is also expressed in an intermediate zone immediately adjacent to the ventricular zone at the ventral midline. To examine the function of these genes, we analyzed mutant mice in which one or two of these genes were deleted (Ngn1, Ngn2 and Mash1) or substituted (Mash1 in the Ngn2 locus). Our results demonstrate that Ngn2 is required for the differentiation of Sox2(+) ventricular zone progenitors into Nurr1(+) postmitotic dopaminergic neuron precursors in the intermediate zone, and that it is also likely to be required for their subsequent differentiation into tyrosine hydroxylase-positive dopaminergic neurons in the marginal zone. Although Mash1 normally has no detectable function in dopaminergic neuron development, it could partially rescue the generation of dopaminergic neuron precursors in the absence of Ngn2. These results demonstrate that Ngn2 is uniquely required for the development of midbrain dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Manganese is an essential nutrient, integral to proper metabolism of amino acids, proteins and lipids. Excessive environmental exposure to manganese can produce extrapyramidal symptoms similar to those observed in Parkinson's disease (PD). We used in vivo and in vitro models to examine cellular and circuitry alterations induced by manganese exposure. Primary mesencephalic cultures were treated with 10–800 μM manganese chloride which resulted in dramatic changes in the neuronal cytoskeleton even at subtoxic concentrations. Using cultures from mice with red fluorescent protein driven by the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) promoter, we found that dopaminergic neurons were more susceptible to manganese toxicity. To understand the vulnerability of dopaminergic cells to chronic manganese exposure, mice were given i.p. injections of MnCl2 for 30 days. We observed a 20% reduction in TH-positive neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) following manganese treatment. Quantification of Nissl bodies revealed a widespread reduction in SNpc cell numbers. Other areas of the basal ganglia were also altered by manganese as evidenced by the loss of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 in the striatum. These studies suggest that acute manganese exposure induces cytoskeletal dysfunction prior to degeneration and that chronic manganese exposure results in neurochemical dysfunction with overlapping features to PD.  相似文献   

We have found that the partial inverse benzodiazepine agonists Ro 15-4513 and FG 7142 antagonize the depressant electrophysiologial effects of locally applied ethanol in the cerebellum. Although absolute tissue concentrations are not known, dose-response curves constructed using pressure-ejection doses as previously described (31, 25) we found that FG 7142 was more efficacious, but less potent than Ro 15-4513. Our observation that ethanol and inverse benzodiazepine agonists have interactions which are not competitive might suggest that these two drugs act through separate, but interactive mechanisms in order to produce the observed ethanol antagonism. If such independent interactions were mediated at different sites on a given macromolecular complex, such as the GABAa/Cl channel, then one might expect to find allosteric interactions between those sites as well as with the functional response of the complex to GABA activation. Indeed, this hypothesis is consistent with the recent finding of Harris and collaborators that ethanol potentiates the inverse agonist actions of Ro 15-4513 and FG 7142. On the other hand, we were unable to find large ethanol-induced potentiations of GABA effects on all neurons which showed depressant responses to ethanol administration in rat cerebellum. However we did find that the GABAa antagonist, bicuculline, blocks the depressant effects of ethanol on the same neurons. We conclude that the interaction between ethanol and GABA probably does not occur directly at the GABAa receptor site, but that the GABAa mechanism does play a permissive role in the ethanol-induced depressions of cerebellar Purkinje neurons. Thus, although a postsynaptic GABAa mechanism may not be the primary locus of action at which ethanol causes depressant electrophysiological responses of neurons, activation of the GABAa receptor may be required to make cerebellar Purkinje neurons responsive to the depressant actions of ethanol. Further investigations will be required to determine the pre vs postsynaptic nature of this interaction of ethanol with the GABA mechanism of action.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Erminio Costa  相似文献   

Delta-like 1 (Dlk1), a member of the Delta/Notch protein family, is expressed in the mouse ventral midbrain (VM) as early as embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5) followed by exclusive expression in tyrosine 3-monooxygenase (TH) positive neurons from E12.5 onwards. To further elucidate the yet unknown function of Dlk1 in VM neuron development, we investigated the effect of soluble Dlk1 protein as well as the intrinsic Dlk1 function in the course of VM progenitor expansion and dopaminergic (DA) neuron differentiation in vitro . Dlk1 treatment during expansion increased DA progenitor proliferation and the proportion of NR4A2+ neurons expressing TH after differentiation, whereas Dlk1 treatment during the course of DA precursor differentiation did not alter TH+ neuron counts. In contrast, silencing of endogenously expressed Dlk1 prior to DA precursor differentiation partially prevented the expression of DA neuron markers, which was not accompanied with alteration of overall or local proliferation. Due to the latter finding in combination with the absence of Dlk1 negative DA neurons in differentiated cultures, we suggest that Dlk1 expression might have a permissive effect on DA neuron differentiation in vitro . The study presented here is the first publication identifying Dlk1 effects on ventral midbrain-derived DA precursor differentiation.  相似文献   


Septin 5, a parkin substrate, is a vesicle- and membrane-associated protein that plays a significant role in inhibiting exocytosis. The regulatory function of Septin 5 in dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons of substantia nigra (SN), maintained at relatively low levels, has not yet been delineated. As loss of function mutations of parkin are the principal cause of a familial Parkinson's disease, a prevailing hypothesis is that the loss of parkin activity results in accumulation of Septin 5 which confers neuron-specific toxicity in SN-DAergic neurons. In vitro and in vivo models were used to support this hypothesis. In our well-characterized DAergic SN4741 cell model, acute accumulation of elevated levels of Septin 5, but not synphilin-1 (another parkin substrate), resulted in cytotoxic cell death that was markedly reduced by parkin co-transfection. A transgenic mouse model expressing a dominant negative parkin mutant accumulated moderate levels of Septin 5 in SN-DAergic neurons. These mice acquired a progressive l-DOPA responsive motor dysfunction that developed despite a 25% higher than normal level of striatal dopamine (DA) and no apparent loss of DAergic neurons. The phenotype of this animal, increased striatal dopamine and reduced motor function, was similar to that observed in parkin knockout animals, suggesting a common DAergic alteration. These data suggest that a threshold level of Septin 5 accumulation is required for DAergic cell loss and that l-DOPA-responsive motor deficits can occur even in the presence of elevated DA.  相似文献   

Summary Double immunostaining was performed for electron microscopy to analyze the synaptic connections between glutamate decarboxylase (GAD)-immunoreactive axons and cholecystokinin (CCK)-immunoreactive neurons in the hilar region of the rat hippocampal formation. Following immunostaining for CCK, the diaminobenzidine (DAB) reaction product was silver-intensified and gold-substituted. In a subsequent second immunostaining for GAD, the immunoreactive elements were labeled using a single DAB reaction. Electron microscopic analysis of the double-stained Vibratome sections demonstrated that the single DAB-labeled GAD-immunoreactive boutons form symmetrical synaptic connections on the soma and primary dendrites of the DAB-gold-labeled CCK-immunoreactive neurons.  相似文献   

Ni H  Huang L  Chen N  Zhang F  Liu D  Ge M  Guan S  Zhu Y  Wang JH 《PloS one》2010,5(10):e13736


Loss of a sensory function is often followed by the hypersensitivity of other modalities in mammals, which secures them well-awareness to environmental changes. Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cross-modal sensory plasticity remain to be documented.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Multidisciplinary approaches, such as electrophysiology, behavioral task and immunohistochemistry, were used to examine the involvement of specific types of neurons in cross-modal plasticity. We have established a mouse model that olfactory deficit leads to a whisking upregulation, and studied how GABAergic neurons are involved in this cross-modal plasticity. In the meantime of inducing whisker tactile hypersensitivity, the olfactory injury recruits more GABAergic neurons and their fine processes in the barrel cortex, as well as upregulates their capacity of encoding action potentials. The hyperpolarization driven by inhibitory inputs strengthens the encoding ability of their target cells.


The upregulation of GABAergic neurons and the functional enhancement of neuronal networks may play an important role in cross-modal sensory plasticity. This finding provides the clues for developing therapeutic approaches to help sensory recovery and substitution.  相似文献   

Chronic mitochondrial dysfunction, in particular of complex I, has been strongly implicated in the dopaminergic neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease. To elucidate the mechanisms of chronic complex I disruption-induced neurodegeneration, we induced differentiation of immortalized midbrain dopaminergic (MN9D) and non-dopaminergic (MN9X) neuronal cells, to maintain them in culture without significant cell proliferation and compared their survivals following chronic exposure to nanomolar rotenone, an irreversible complex I inhibitor. Rotenone killed more dopaminergic MN9D cells than non-dopaminergic MN9X cells. Oxidative stress played an important role in rotenone-induced neurodegeneration of MN9X cells, but not MN9D cells: rotenone oxidatively modified proteins more in MN9X cells than in MN9D cells and antioxidants decreased rotenone toxicity only in MN9X cells. MN9X cells were also more sensitive to exogenous oxidants than MN9D cells. In contrast, disruption of bioenergetics played a more important role in MN9D cells: rotenone decreased mitochondrial membrane protential and ATP levels in MN9D cells more than in MN9X cells. Supplementation of cellular energy with a ketone body, D-beta-hydroxybutyrate, decreased rotenone toxicity in MN9D cells, but not in MN9X cells. MN9D cells were also more susceptible to disruption of oxidative phosphorylation or glycolysis than MN9X cells. These findings indicate that, during chronic rotenone exposure, MN9D cells die primarily through mitochondrial energy disruption, whereas MN9X cells die primarily via oxidative stress. Thus, intrinsic properties of individual cell types play important roles in determining the predominant mechanism of complex I inhibition-induced neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

The structure and projection patterns of adult mesodiencephalic dopaminergic (DA) neurons are one of the best characterized systems in the vertebrate brain. However, the early organization and development of these nuclei remain poorly understood. The induction of midbrain DA neurons requires sonic hedgehog (Shh) from the floor plate and fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) from the isthmic organizer, but the way in which FGF8 regulates DA neuron development is unclear. We show that, during early embryogenesis, mesodiencephalic neurons consist of two distinct populations: a diencephalic domain, which is probably independent of isthmic FGFs; and a midbrain domain, which is dependent on FGFs. Within these domains, DA progenitors and precursors use partly different genetic programs. Furthermore, the diencephalic DA domain forms a distinct cell population, which also contains non-DA Pou4f1(+) cells. FGF signaling operates in proliferative midbrain DA progenitors, but is absent in postmitotic DA precursors. The loss of FGFR1/2-mediated signaling results in a maturation failure of the midbrain DA neurons and altered patterning of the midbrain floor. In FGFR mutants, the DA domain adopts characteristics that are typical for embryonic diencephalon, including the presence of Pou4f1(+) cells among TH(+) cells, and downregulation of genes typical of midbrain DA precursors. Finally, analyses of chimeric embryos indicate that FGF signaling regulates the development of the ventral midbrain cell autonomously.  相似文献   

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