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Past theoretical models suggest fishing disease-impacted stocks can reduce parasite transmission, but this is a good management strategy only when the exploitation required to reduce transmission does not overfish the stock. We applied this concept to a red abalone fishery so impacted by an infectious disease (withering syndrome) that stock densities plummeted and managers closed the fishery. In addition to the non-selective fishing strategy considered by past disease-fishing models, we modelled targeting (culling) infected individuals, which is plausible in red abalone because modern diagnostic tools can determine infection without harming landed abalone and the diagnostic cost is minor relative to the catch value. The non-selective abalone fishing required to eradicate parasites exceeded thresholds for abalone sustainability, but targeting infected abalone allowed the fishery to generate yield and reduce parasite prevalence while maintaining stock densities at or above the densities attainable if the population was closed to fishing. The effect was strong enough that stock and yield increased even when the catch was one-third uninfected abalone. These results could apply to other fisheries as the diagnostic costs decline relative to catch value.  相似文献   

We consider combinations of three types of control measures for the management of fisheries when the input information for policy decisions is uncertain. The methods considered include effort controls, catch quotas and area closures. We simulated a hypothetical fishery loosely based on the Icelandic cod fishery, using a simple spatially explicit dynamic model. We compared the performance with respect to conserving the resource and economic return for each type of control measure alone and in combination. In general, combining more than one type of primary direct control on fishing provides a greater buffer to uncertainty than any single form of fishery control alone. Combining catch quota control with a large closed area is a most effective system for reducing the risk of stock collapse and maintaining both short and long-term economic performance. Effort controls can also be improved by adding closed areas to the management scheme. We recommend that multiple control methods be used wherever possible and that closed areas should be used to buffer uncertainty. To be effective, these closed areas must be large and exclude all principal gears to provide real protection from fishing mortality.  相似文献   

The commercial fishery for northern cod off Newfoundland has been closed since 1992. Since then, the recreational “food fishery”; has also been closed, as have the fisheries for many additional cod and other groundfish stocks. The Newfoundland fisheries had been commercially unviable for many years before the closures. This article records the federal and provincial governments’ financial outlays (expenditures, transfer payments to individuals, subsidies, net equity purchases, and net loans) on the fishery during the decade following 1981. Special emphasis is placed on the cost of the financial restructuring of the industry in the mid‐1980s, net unemployment insurance payments, and social overhead capital expenditures.  相似文献   

Lake Pátzcuaro, a97.5 km2 lake in central México, has animportant artisanal multi-species fishery thatis currently overexploited. Twelve fishes andone amphibian are important in the fishery,which is conducted largely from small woodenboats using seines, gill nets, and thetraditional butterfly net. Fishery yields fromthe lake peaked in 1988, but have declined tonear record lows since then. We propose amanagement plan to restore the fishery. Keycomponents of the plan include: 1) licensingand restricting the number of fishermen; 2)continuing a recent ban on seines andimplementing limits on the number and meshsizes of gill nets to allow fish to complete atleast one spawning before they are vulnerableto harvest; 3) establishing a closed season andareas closed to fishing to protect spawningfish; 4) increased education for fishermen inbasic skills, fishing technology, andalternative jobs; 5) continued monitoring andresearch to assess trends in the fishery and todevelop culture techniques to help restore fishpopulations; and 6) compliance and enforcementmechanisms to make the plan effective,including perhaps establishment of propertyrights for particular areas of the lake forspecific groups of fishermen and more generallyan equitable assignment of lake ecosystem usesbetween fishery and non-fishery users. Werecommend the plan be implemented in anadaptive fashion with provisions for adjustingregulations as conditions warrant. If at leastsome elements of this plan are not adopted thenthe Lake Pátzcuaro fishery is likely tocollapse.  相似文献   

This study estimates the effect of a sea lion ( Phocarctos hookeri ) population management plan on both the sea lion population and the associated squid ( Nototodarus sloanii ) fishery. The goal of the management plan is to rebuild the sea lion population and involves closing the squid fishery when a threshold level of sea lions have been caught. The threshold level is calculated from a generalized simulation analysis which conservatively allows for adequate population rebuilding for a number of different species and populations. Our analysis uses Bayesian theory to describe uncertainty in the sea lion population site and squid catch under the implementation of the management plan. The priors represent this particular sea lion population, and the analysis represents expectation rather than calculating conservative levels of safe fishing-related mortality. The results show that the squid catch is very sensitive to whether or not the squid fishery is closed when it exceeds the threshold level for sea lion bycatch. The sea lion population size is much less sensitive to the closure of the squid fishery. For an economically important fishery, the estimates of uncertainty in both loss of catch and increase in sea lion population are needed to allow informed decision-making about trade-offs between sea lion conservation and full exploitation of the fishery.  相似文献   


The 200‐mi fishery zone is a reality presenting opportunities for coastal states to create new institutions or pursue new management strategies. The strategies followed by the United States and by Canada in the initial stages of their extended‐jurisdiction management programs have similarly stated goals yet offer a number of striking contrasts in development and application. These domestic fishery management programs are discussed in their sociolegal and historical contexts. The domestic legal authority for the management programs is reviewed, planning procedures and available sanctions are outlined, and the control of domestic and foreign fishing is discussed. Finally, an argument is advanced for greater participation in the development of fishery management plans and a possible system for implementation is suggested. It is concluded that the American management system is open, decentralized, and highly structured. In contrast, the Canadian system is closed, relatively centralized, and very flexible. Both approaches are considered extreme yet there is no evidence of the development of new procedures for management decision making.  相似文献   


This article focuses on measuring and explaining noncompliance in federally managed U.S. fisheries. Novel measurement techniques are used to characterize the extent and patterns of noncompliance in the northeast groundfish fishery. According to the authors’ estimates, noncompliance increased substantially in 1986 and remained high through 1988 in the groundfish fishery. On Georges Bank during 1987, a quarter to a half of all groundfish vessels were identified as frequent violators, committing closed area violations on about one‐third of their trips and using illegal mesh on nearly all trips. Illegal earnings by a typical frequent violator operating in the groundfish fishery on Georges Bank amounted to $225,000 per year in 1987.

A theory of compliance in fisheries is developed and applied to explain the trends and patterns of noncompliance in the northeast groundfish fishery. Biological and economic forces are shown to be dominant causes of the recent deterioration in compliance. Other contributing factors include weak sanctions and insufficient enforcement resources. The article concludes with a prognosis for the fishery and recommendations for improving compliance.  相似文献   

A stochastic age-structured population model was developed to explore biologically favourable levels of effort and closing periods within the sardine pelagic fishery in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Results suggested that the developed age-structured model captured the observed biomass fluctuations and catches reasonably well and represents the first comprehensive investigation of alternative management strategies for eastern Mediterranean sardine fishery that include stochasticity. The present study provided direct evidence for the importance of the correct timing of the temporal fishing ban. Significant benefits were found both in terms of biomass and catch from a corrective shift in the fishing closed period. The current findings suggested that protecting the younger age groups from fishing in the period October–December, by shifting the ban period earlier than December may profit, biologically, the stock and economically the fishing sector. Progressive reductions in fishing mortality/effort also yield significant positive biological and fishery benefits in the short term.  相似文献   

A new fishery has been developing in the Amazon that uses dolphin and caiman species as bait to catch piracatinga (Calophysus macropterus), having thus the potential to cause adverse food‐web impacts; however a lack of basic understanding of this fishery is a limitation to the necessary management action. Interviews with fishers and analyses of fishing records in Brazil were used for the study, including harvest methods, types of baits used, commercialization chains, and the rate of increase of piracatinga yields in recent years. Piracatinga fishers are subsistence fishers who harvest piracatinga as a means to alleviate economic constraints when the catch of other species is not profitable or banned due to (reproductive) closed seasons. Harvesting is done with wooden and nylon crates and cages in which whole or pieces of caimans and dolphins are placed to attract the piracatinga, entrapping them. The piracatinga are then sold to intermediate sellers for resale to a few large fish freezing and processing plants for export to Colombia. Annual piracatinga yields in the study area increased at an average rate of 446.5% per year, from 865 kg in 2003 to 23 176 kg in 2009. Because dolphins and caimans comprise various endangered species, the Brazilian government has recently implemented a ban on this fishery, which can be enforced at fish freezing and processing plants. However, there is a danger that such enforcement will lead to the development of a geographically dispersed chain of commercialization and export, such as currently exists for other species including caimans, which would be impossible to control.  相似文献   

The Isostichopus fuscus fishery in Mexico was heavily exploited until 1994, when it was closed due to overfishing. However, no information existed on the status of the populations. The fishery was evaluated through an age structured simulation model, and according to our analysis of the stock, the fishery can be feasible and sustainable as long as fishing mortality and age of first catch are optimized. In order to evaluate exploitation strategies, several scenarios were simulated considering different combinations of fishing intensities and ages of first catch. Input data for the model included population parameters, commercial catch and costs and benefits of the fishing operations. Yield production was strongly influenced by the fishing pressure and by the age of first capture. When the first one increased, significant decreases in yield and profits occurred. The best exploitation strategy was these parameters: fishing mortality level F = 0.15, age at first capture t(c) = 4 years, and yielding of approximately 430 tons. However, since the species reproduces for the first time at 5 years, extracting younger specimens would collapse the population. The critical value of fishing mortality was detected at Fc = 0.25. If exceeded, the population tends to exhaustion and the fishery is no longer profitable. In conclusion, I. fuscus fishery is highly vulnerable to overfishing and age of catch. It must be taken into account that the management policies should be considered as pilot and used on a regional basis. Continuous monitoring of the stock, control of the number of fishing licenses and extracting only specimens 5 yeasr-old and older (around 20 cm and >400 g), will allow the populations to recover from fishing activities. Rev. Biol. Trop.  相似文献   

The estimated breeding population of wandering albatrosses on Macquarie Island increased from 17 in 1956 to a maximum of 97 in 1966, and then declined at an average rate of 8.1% per year. Mark-recapture analysis shows that the population is not closed (i.e., subject to immigration and emigration). The decline is correlated with the onset of large-scale fishing for tuna in the southern hemisphere using longlines. The effect of longline mortality on the population dynamics of the wandering albatross is estimated. An annual number of longline hooks in the southern hemisphere tuna fishery of 41.6 million is calculated as the ceiling below which the population would begin to recover.  相似文献   

In Costa Rica, the Gulf of Nicoya shrimp fishery originated in 1952 and represented one of the most important economic activities in the region. Nevertheless, overfishery reduced the captured volumes to levels that prevent this commercial activity. I analyzed official fishery statistics between 1991 and 1999. These species involved are: two species of white shrimp, (Litopenaeus occidentalis and L. stylirostris), the "titi" shrimp (Xiphopenaeus riveti), the brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus californiensis), the "pinki" shrimp (F. brevirostris) and the "fidel" shrimp (Solenocera agassizi). All the species reached the Maximum Sustainable Yield in the decades of 1970 and 1980 and are now found at over-exploitation levels. I recommend that this shrimp trawl fishery be completely closed down.  相似文献   

Both the prevalence and tissue titer of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) increased in Pacific herring Clupea pallasi following their introduction into net pens (pounds) used in the closed pound spawn-on-kelp (SOK) fishery in Prince William Sound, Alaska. VHSV was also found in water samples from inside and outside the SOK pounds after herring had been confined for several days; however, water samples taken near wild free-ranging, spawning herring either failed to test positive or tested weakly positive for virus. Little or no virus was found in tissue samples from free-ranging, spawning herring captured from the vicinity of the pounds, nor did the prevalence of VHSV increase following spawning as it did in impounded herring. The data indicated that increased prevalences of VHSV were correlated with confinement of herring for the closed pound SOK fishery and that infection was spread within the pounds through waterborne exposure to virus particles originating from impounded fish. In addition, pounds containing predominantly young fish had higher prevalences of VHSV, suggesting that older fish may be partially immune, perhaps as a result of previous infection with the virus. Operation of SOK pounds during spawning seasons in which young herring predominate may amplify the disease and possibly exacerbate the population fluctuations observed in wild herring stocks.  相似文献   

Weight–length relationships are presented for 63 fish species sampled with a commercial trawl vessel at depths ranging from 28 to 370 m between February 2005 and April 2006 in Saros Bay, Turkey. Saros Bay was closed to trawl fishery in 2000, thus, most of the demersal fish species sampled were relatively undisturbed.  相似文献   

Catchability: a key parameter for fish stock assessment   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Summary Catchability is a concept in fishery biology which reflects the efficiency of a particular fishery. Its quantitative magnitude is expressed by the catchability coefficient, which relates the biomass abundance to the capture or fishing mortality. This paper is a comprehensive review of catchability including the development of our knowledge, interpretation and estimation.Catchability patterns indicate that the catchability coefficient has been used in two main lines: (a) increased efficiency of fishing effort and (b) its relation to population fishery processes for assessment and management purposes. It involves various aspects of the fishery, such as individual and population biology, characteristics of the fishing gear, amount of fishing, fishing strategies, and environmental fluctuation, among others.The concept is proposed of an integrated model of the catchability coefficient, which incorporates various of the aspects mentioned above. It is illustrated with two examples of its application: the red grouper (Epinephelus morio) fishery from the Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico, and the sardine (Sardinops caeruleus) fishery from the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study intends to give recommendations to the management of Paraty fishery in Brazil through an interplay of local and scientific knowledge. In particular, the objectives are the following: 1) to describe the Paraty fishery; 2) to compare the fishermen's local ecological knowledge with recorded fish landings and previous studies in Paraty; 3) to combine the data on local fishing and on local/Caicara livelihoods with the SES (social-ecological systems) Model. The methods include a systematic survey of fishing in Tarituba and Praia Grande, which are located in the northern end and the central part of the Paraty municipality, respectively. For four days each month, systematic data on catches at landing points were collected, as well as macroscopic gonad analysis data for the fishes Centropomus parallelus and C. undecimalis (snook, robalo), Epinephelus marginatus (grouper, garoupa), Scomberomorus cavalla (King mackerel, cavala), and Lutjanus synagris (Lane snapper, vermelho). Spring and summer are important seasons during which some species reproduce, and the integration of fishing periods for some target species could assist in fishing management through the use of closed seasons. Fishermen could obtain complementary earnings from tourism and from the "defeso system" (closed season including a salary payment) to conserve fishing stocks. The SES model facilitates an understanding of the historical context of fishing, its economic importance for local livelihoods, the constraints from conservation measures that affect fishermen, and the management processes that already exist, such as the defeso. If used to integrate fishing with complementary activities (tourism), such a system could improve the responsibility of fishermen regarding the conservation of fish stocks.  相似文献   

丘岗农区观山村渔业生产结构优化及生态效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹孟杰 《生态学报》1989,9(3):193-200
丘岗农区渔业生产结构优化的核心是调整鱼类混养的种类结构,使其充分利用当地饲料资源提高鱼产量。 观山村鱼业生产结构优化后,草食性鱼类放养比例由3.4%增大到40%。青饲料资源渔业利用率由0.8%上升到5.33%。在全村农业生产结构总体优化模型约束下,青饲料资源总量的9.93%可用于渔业。形成了以牧促农;以农养牧;农、牧养渔;渔促农、牧;农、牧、渔协调发展的良性生态循环格局。  相似文献   

The red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) is a highly valued delicacy on the international market and currently contributes significantly to the income from fisheries in the regions where it is harvested. Russian income from red king crab export is $200–250 million per year. We review both the biology and fishery of the two largest populations of this species in Russia, i.e., in western Kamchatka (Sea of Okhotsk) and in the Barents Sea. The latter was established in the mid-1990s after introduction of red king crab to the area in the 1960s. The Barents Sea crabs are larger, grow faster and mature earlier than the crabs from the Sea of Okhotsk owing to more favorable temperature conditions in the Barents Sea. Additionally, we provide fishery information for the Prymorie population of red king crab (Sea of Japan) that remains depressed and closed for commercial fishery at present. Although the fishery period of red king crab in western Kamchatka is much longer than in the Barents Sea (1930–present time vs. 2004–present time), similar patterns were observed for the exploited king crab populations. High annual landings led to a pronounced decrease in population density and total abundance that, in turn, led to closures or some limitations of fisheries. Subsequent rehabilitations of the populations provided an opportunity for reopening of the fisheries and further exploration of red king crab populations under sustainable management. The main reason explaining a decline in red king crab populations both in the North Pacific and in the Barents Sea is high, mainly illegal, fishing pressure. Sustainable harvest strategies for the fisheries could prevent negative scenarios (overfishing) in the future.  相似文献   

The Gulf of California is one of the most mega-diverse regions in the world, for which few fishery information is available. We present here latitudinal and bathymetric distribution of the most abundant and frequent bycatch species from the Gulf of California. The samples were obtained from a total of 111 hauls taken during seven research cruises of the closed shrimp season (2002-2005-2007), and also, from research cruises made at depths up to 90 m. Due to the high variety species in this experimental shrimp bycatch, only those with highest biological value index (BVI) were selected. A total of fifteen species had the highest BVI and represented about 60% of the total abundance. A total of 16 508 organisms were analyzed, representing 243 fish, crustacean, mollusk and echinoderm species. Fish were the most abundant, being the most frequent species: Urobatis halleri, Synodus scituliceps, Diplectrum pacificum, Haemulopsis nitidus and Eucinostomus argenteus. A wide latitudinal distribution of these species along the study area, as well as a bathymetric distribution from 9 to 67 m depth, was observed. Two of these species were found at 325 m depth. Due to the wide bathymetric distribution obtained, total abundances and sizes for each species by depth strata should be determined, and one can assume that deeper than 25 m, the capture of these species decreases, and these areas can be used as natural repopulation areas, for depths where they are mainly captured by the commercial shrimp fishery.  相似文献   

Bycatch of unwanted, prohibited, or protected species is a problem in most commercial fisheries. Trawl fisheries are particularly prone to bycatch problems because trawls are not species-selective. In this paper, I review the history of finfish bycatch research in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawl fishery and explore the use of quotas to reduce finfish bycatch by examining four fisheries that currently use bycatch quotas: (1) the arrow squid trawl fishery of New Zealand, which uses fleet bycatch quotas for sea lion bycatch, (2) the Alaskan groundfish trawl fisheries, which use fleet quotas under a vessel incentive program for prohibited species, (3) the groundfish trawl fishery of British Columbia, Canada which uses individual vessel bycatch quotas for prohibited species, and (4) the multi-species trawl fisheries of New Zealand, which use catch balancing, or individual transferable quotas, for most commercially landed species. Based on the bycatch quota experiences in these fisheries, elements of successful bycatch quota programs include: (1) individual accountability, in the form of individual or cooperative bycatch quotas, rather than fleet quotas, (2) 100% observer coverage, (3) relatively small, manageable fleets, (4) limited landing ports that can be easily monitored, particularly if observer coverage is incomplete, (5) reliable enforcement, (6) penalties that are true disincentives, and (7) some flexibility in the system for fishermen to have alternatives to manage their bycatch. The Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawl fishery, with an estimated 20,000 licensed boats, is currently too large for individual bycatch quotas to be practical, although individual or cooperative bycatch quotas would be excellent strategies for reducing the bycatch of a smaller fleet. Mobile closed areas might be beneficial for reducing the bycatch of particular species, but these short-term closures would require real-time monitoring of bycatch rates and vessel monitoring systems on all vessels. However, under any management regime, incentives and/or rigorously enforced disincentives are the key to successful bycatch reduction.  相似文献   

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