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A double quantum filter is inserted into a two-dimensional correlated (COSY) 1H NMR experiment to obtain phase-sensitive spectra in which both cross peak and diagonal peak multiplets have anti-phase fine structure, and in which the cross peaks and the major contribution to the diagonal peaks have absorption lineshapes in both dimensions. The elimination of the dispersive character of the diagonal peaks in phase-sensitive, double quantum-filtered COSY spectra allows identification of cross peaks lying immediately adjacent to the diagonal, which represents a significant improvement over the conventional COSY experiment.  相似文献   

The use of multiple quantum filters for simplification and editing of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of proteins is demonstrated. Three, four and five quantum-filtered spectra have been recorded. The technique is applicable to proteins of molecular weight up to at least 18,000. Examples obtained for a mixture of amino acids and for the proteins plastocyanin and myoglobin are reported. A remarkable degree of spectral editing can be achieved by judicious choice of experimental parameters.  相似文献   

Double-quantum filtered COSY and triple-quantum filtered COSY techniques have been compared for the tripeptide Gly-Tyr-Gly and for human lysozyme. The insertion of a triple-quantum filter in the COSY experiment leads to dramatic spectral simplification in the fingerprint region of the spectrum and permits the specific identification of glycine spin systems in the complex 1H NMR spectra of proteins. The assignment of these peaks to glycine H alpha can be confirmed using 2D double-quantum correlated spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The 1H NMR spectra of seven branched alpha-cyclodextrins (alpha-CDs) were observed and analyzed in detail. They were compared with spectra of alpha-CD and amylose. Although these branched alpha-CDs consist only of alpha-D-glucose with the same alpha-(1-->4) O-glucosyl binding, aside from one exception, differences in chemical shifts of corresponding signals were significantly large. Especially, differences in the chemical shift in anomeric protons were considerably large. Subtle differences in glucosyl binding directly influences chemical shifts of these protons because anomeric protons are located adjacent to the glucosyl binding sites.  相似文献   

The increase in dimensionality of three-dimensional (3D) NMR greatly enhances the spectral resolution in comparison to 2D NMR. It alleviates the problem of resonance overlap and may extend the range of molecules amenable to structure determination by high-resolution NRM spectroscopy. Here, we present strategies for the assignment of protein resonances from homonuclear nonselective 3D NOE-HOHAHA spectra. A notation for connectivities between protons, corresponding to cross peaks in 3D spectra, is introduced. We show how spin systems can be identified by tracing cross-peak patterns in cross sections perpendicular to the three frequency axes. The observable 3D sequential connectivities in proteins are tabulated, and estimates for the relative intensities of the corresponding cross peaks are given for alpha-helical and beta-sheet conformations. Intensities of the cross peaks in the 3D spectrum of pike III parvalbumin follow the predictions. The sequential-assignment procedure is illustrated for loop regions, extended and alpha-helical conformations for the residues Ala 54-Leu 63 of parvalbumin. NOEs that were not previously identified in 2D spectra of parvalbumin due to overlap are found.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional single quantum correlation NMR spectroscopy (COSY) and two-dimensional double quantum NMR spectroscopy (2QT) are used to study spin systems in the 1H NMR spectrum of polymyxin B. Because of different frequency relationships, the two types of two-dimensional NMR experiments are found to be highly complementary. This is demonstrated by combined use of COSY and 2QT spectroscopy to obtain a complete analysis of the complicated spectral overlap which occurs in the 1H NMR spectrum of polymyxin B.  相似文献   

S W Englander  A J Wand 《Biochemistry》1987,26(19):5953-5958
A strategy for assigning the resonances in two-dimensional (2D) NMR spectra of proteins is described. The method emphasizes the analysis of through-space relationships between protons by use of the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) experiment. NOE patterns used in the algorithm were derived from a statistical analysis of the combinations of short proton-proton distances observed in the high-resolution crystal structures of 21 proteins. One starts with a search for authentic main-chain NH-C alpha H-C beta H J-coupled units, which can be found with high reliability. The many main-chain units of a protein are then placed in their proper juxtaposition by recognition of predefined NOE connectivity patterns. To discover these connectivities, the 2D NOE spectrum is examined, in a prescribed order, for the distinct NOE patterns characteristic of helices, sheets, turns, and extended chain. Finally, the recognition of a few amino acid side-chain types places the discovered secondary structure elements within the polypeptide sequence. Unlike the sequential assignment approach, the main-chain-directed strategy does not rely on the difficult task of recognizing many side-chain spin systems in J-correlated spectra, the assignment process is not in general sequential with the polypeptide chain, and the prescribed connectivity patterns are cyclic rather than linear. The latter characteristic avoids ambiguous branch points in the analysis and imposes an internally confirmatory property on each forward step.  相似文献   

Summary Two new protocols for the three-dimensional, triple resonance, constant-time HCA(CO)N NMR experiment are presented that significantly increase the experimental resolution attainable in the C frequency dimension. Experimental verification of the new experiments is provided by spectra of the IIA domain of glucose permease fromBacillus subtilis.  相似文献   

2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR is used by the metabolic engineering community for determining (13)C-(13)C connectivities in intracellular compounds that contain information regarding the steady-state fluxes in cellular metabolism. This paper proposes innovations in the generation and analysis of these specific NMR spectra. These include a computer tool that allows accurate determination of the relative peak areas and their complete covariance matrices even in very complex spectra. Additionally, a method is introduced for correcting the results for isotopic non-steady-state conditions. The proposed methods were applied to measured 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR spectra. Peak intensities in a one-dimensional section of the spectrum are frequently not representative for relative peak volumes in the two-dimensional spectrum. It is shown that for some spectra a significant amount of additional information can be gained from long-range (13)C-(13)C scalar couplings in 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR spectra. Finally, the NMR resolution enhancement by dissolving amino acid derivatives in a nonpolar solvent is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A sequential assignment procedure is outlined, based on two-dimensional NOE ( NOESY ) and two-dimensional J-correlated spectroscopy ( COSY ), for assigning the nonexchangeable proton resonances in NMR spectra of oligonucleotides. As presented here the method is generally applicable to right-handed helical oligonucleotides of intermediate size. We applied it to a lac operator DNA fragment consisting of d( TGAGCGG ) and d( CCGCTCA ) and obtained complete assignments for the adenine H8, guanine H8, cytosine H6 and H5, thymine H6 and 5-methyl, and the deoxyribose H1', H2', H2", H3', and H4' resonances, as well as some H5', H5" (pairwise) assignments. These assignments are required for the analysis of two-dimensional NOE and J-coupling data in terms of the solution structure of oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for rapid analysis of lipid protonNMR spectra. Identification of lipid content is possible becauseof the presence of unique peaks or ratios of peaks for individuallipids. Spectra can be subdivided into regions where peaks representcertain chemical groups held in common, or uniquely by the variouslipids. Vectors (B) are made up of the areas of these subdivisionsof peaks from spectra of unknown components. A new FORTRAN algorithm,LIPICK, tests for the presence of unique peaks or combinationsof peaks to determine which lipids may be present. The spectravectors of known identified lipids are then placed in the (A)matrix of possible solution candidates. Quantitation of lipidsin an H NMR spectrum (B) of an unknown mixture then proceedsby solving the equation AX = B for X (the concentrations ofthe individual lipids present) by singular value analysis. Atthis time, it is possible to test 1 mg of total lipid for thepresence and relative concentration of 15 common lipids: cholesteroland its esters; phosphatidyl-ethanolamine, -choline, -serine,-inositol, -glycerol; tri- or di-glycerides; fatty acid; lysophosphatidylcholine; sphingomyelin; cerebrosides and sulfatides; dolicholand dolichol P; and phosphatidic acid. This procedure is suitablefor membrane lipid analysis and has been evaluated using knownmixtures of purified standard lipids. Received on July 24, 1989; accepted on August 1, 1989  相似文献   

In this study, we use HRMAS NMR as a non-invasive technique to monitor the in vivo metabolism of a xenobiotic. The antituberculosis Ethionamide is a pro-drug that has to be activated in mycobacteria before inhibiting its cellular target. The use of (1)H HRMAS NMR has allowed to detect a metabolite (ETH*) of the drug directly in living bacteria, even with a spectrometer operating at the relatively low magnetic field of 300MHz. We show that metabolism monitoring of an unlabelled drug at a therapeutically relevant concentration as low as 5mug/ml is within reach of the technique. (1)H HRMAS NMR in combination with diffusion filtering leads to the conclusion that the metabolite is located inside the intact cells. The comparison of the metabolite NMR signature with that of synthetic molecules proves the non-identity of ETH* with the ETH derivatives described previously in the literature.  相似文献   

Complete assignment of the (1)H and (13)C NMR spectra of all possible d-glucopyranosyl-d-glucopyranosides was performed and the (1)H chemical shifts and proton-proton coupling constants were refined by computational spectral analyses (using PERCH NMR software) until full agreement between the calculated and experimental spectra was achieved. To support the experimental results, the (1)H and (13)C chemical shifts and the spin-spin coupling constants between the non-hydroxyl protons of alpha- and beta-d-glucopyranose (1a and 1b) were calculated with density functional theory (DFT) methods at the B3LYP/pcJ-2//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. The effects of different glycosidic linkage types and positions on the glucose ring conformations and on the alpha/beta-ratio of the reducing end hydroxyl groups were investigated. Conformational analyses were also performed for anomerically pure forms of methyl d-glucopyranosides (13a and 13b) and fully protected derivatives such as 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-acetyl-d-glucopyranoses (14a and 14b).  相似文献   

The structures of malylated anthocyanins from carnation Dianthus caryophyllus flowers were confirmed as the 3-O-(6-O-malyl-β-D-glucopyranosides) of pelargonidin and cyanidin by 400 MHz FT-NMR.  相似文献   

This work describes the application of (1)H magic angle spinning (MAS) nmr to the study of hydrated 1Dx5 wheat high-M(r) subunit. 1Dx5 is a water-insoluble 88 kDa protein, associated with good baking performance, and whose structure in the solid and low-hydration states is not known. High-resolution MAS (HR-MAS) results in a threefold resolution improvement of the (1)H spectra of the hydrated wheat protein, compared to standard MAS. The spectral resolution achieved enables, for the first time, two-dimensional nmr methods to be employed for the study of hydrated 1Dx5 and the assignment of the spectrum to be carried out on the basis of total correlated spectroscopy and (13)C/(1)H correlation experiments. Considerable shifts are observed for some resonances, relative to the chemical shifts of amino acids in solution, indicating that specific interactions occur in the hydrated protein network. Two main environments are identified for glutamine residues, Q(1) and Q(2), and these were characterized in terms of possible conformation and relative dynamics, with the basis of comparison between the single 90 degrees spectrum and the Carr-Purcel-Heiboom-Gill (CPMG) spectrum. The Q(1) residues are proposed to be situated in protein segments that adopt the beta-sheet conformation and that remain relatively hindered, possibly by hydrogen bonds involving the glutamine amide groups. On the other hand, Q(2) residues are proposed to be situated in a more mobile environment, adopting a looser conformation, possibly a beta-turn conformation. Based on the proximity of the Q(2) residues with glycine residues, as viewed by the nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy experiment, it is proposed that the protein segments that form the more mobile (or loop) sections of the network are rich in both glutamine and glycine residues.  相似文献   

单链d(TTTCCTCGCCGGAAA)易溶于水,且由于其本身存在序列特异性,即可形成分子内“发夹”结构,本实验分别测得其在全重水(D2O)、92?O 8%H2O溶液中的一维1H谱,认为环出区域碱基质子的共振峰与其他同种质子的共振峰有明显的区别,主要表现在其共振峰会明显移向高场区。  相似文献   

The underlying basis of the main chain directed (MCD) resonance assignment strategy for the analysis of 1H NMR spectra of proteins is reexamined. The criteria used in the construction of the patterns used in the MCD method have been extended to increase the robustness of the approach to the presence of variable protein secondary structure and significant spectral degeneracy. These criteria have led to the development of several dozen patterns exclusively involving the short distance relationships between main chain amide NH-C alpha-H-C beta H (NAB) J-coupled subspin systems of the amino acid residues. The MCD patterns have been examined for fidelity and frequency of occurrence in a database composed of the high resolution crystal structures of 39 proteins. The analysis has identified several extremely robust patterns, suitable for initiating a hierarchical construction of units of secondary structure based upon a systematic analysis of two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect spectra. A formal procedure, suitable for the computer assisted application of the MCD strategy, is developed. This procedure, termed MCDPAT, has been applied to the analysis of the crystal structures of human ubiquitin, T4 lysozyme, and ribonuclease A. It has been found that the MCDPAT procedure is conservative producing no significant errors and is globally successful in correctly identifying the appropriate units of secondary structure contained in these three proteins.  相似文献   

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