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Aberrant oncogenic signals are typically counteracted by anti-proliferative mechanisms governed principally by the p53 and Rb tumour-suppressor proteins. Apoptosis is firmly established as a potent anti-proliferative mechanism to prevent tumour growth but it is only in recent years that oncogene-induced senescence has achieved similar recognition. Senescence is defined as an irreversible cell-cycle arrest suggesting that entry of oncogene-expressing cells into this static yet viable state is permanent. However, tumours do develop and express the very same oncogenes that landed them in jail. We ask whether this is because rogue incipient cancer cells find ways to escape this imposed imprisonment or otherwise entirely avoid capture by senescence gate-keepers.  相似文献   

Oncogenic stress-induced senescence (OIS) prevents the ability of oncogenic signals to induce tumorigenesis. It is now largely admitted that the mitogenic effect of oncogenes requires metabolic adaptations to respond to new energetic and bio constituent needs. Yet, whether glucose metabolism affects OIS response is largely unknown. This is largely because of the fact that most of the OIS cellular models are cultivated in glucose excess. In this study, we used human epithelial cells, cultivated without glucose excess, to study alteration and functional role of glucose metabolism during OIS. We report a slowdown of glucose uptake and metabolism during OIS. Increasing glucose metabolism by expressing hexokinase2 (HK2), which converts glucose to glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), favors escape from OIS. Inversely, expressing a G6P, pharmacological inhibition of HK2, or adding nonmetabolizable glucose induced a premature senescence. Manipulations of various metabolites covering G6P downstream pathways (hexosamine, glycolysis, and pentose phosphate pathways) suggest an unexpected role of the hexosamine pathway in controlling OIS. Altogether, our results show that decreased glucose metabolism occurs during and participates to OIS.  相似文献   

The expression of β-catenin, a potent oncogene, is causally linked to tumorigenesis. Therefore, it was surprising that the transgenic expression of oncogenic β-catenin in thymocytes resulted in thymic involution instead of lymphomagenesis. In this report, we demonstrate that this is because the expression of oncogenic β-catenin induces DNA damage, growth arrest, oncogene-induced senescence (OIS), and apoptosis of immature thymocytes. In p53-deficient mice, the expression of oncogenic β-catenin still results in DNA damage and OIS, but the thymocytes survive and eventually progress to thymic lymphoma. β-Catenin-induced thymic lymphomas are distinct from lymphomas that arise in p53−/− mice. They are CD4 CD8, while p53-dependent lymphomas are largely CD4+ CD8+, and they develop at an earlier age and in the absence of c-Myc expression or Notch1 signaling. Thus, we report that oncogenic β-catenin-induced, p53-independent growth arrest and OIS and p53-dependent apoptosis protect developing thymocytes from transformation by oncogenic β-catenin.  相似文献   

Two major mechanisms have been causally implicated in the establishment of cellular senescence: the activation of the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway and the formation of senescence-associated heterochromatic foci (SAHF). Here we show that in human fibroblasts resistant to premature p16(INK4a) induction, SAHF are preferentially formed following oncogene activation but are not detected during replicative cellular senescence or on exposure to a variety of senescence-inducing stimuli. Oncogene-induced SAHF formation depends on DNA replication and ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related). Inactivation of ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) or p53 allows the proliferation of oncogene-expressing cells that retain increased heterochromatin induction. In human cancers, levels of heterochromatin markers are higher than in normal tissues, and are independent of the proliferative index or stage of the tumours. Pharmacological and genetic perturbation of heterochromatin in oncogene-expressing cells increase DDR signalling and lead to apoptosis. In vivo, a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) causes heterochromatin relaxation, increased DDR, apoptosis and tumour regression. These results indicate that heterochromatin induced by oncogenic stress restrains DDR and suggest that the use of chromatin-modifying drugs in cancer therapies may benefit from the study of chromatin and DDR status of tumours.  相似文献   

Kaposi sarcoma is a tumor consisting of Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV)-infected tumor cells that express endothelial cell (EC) markers and viral genes like v-cyclin, vFLIP, and LANA. Despite a strong link between KSHV infection and certain neoplasms, de novo virus infection of human primary cells does not readily lead to cellular transformation. We have studied the consequences of expression of v-cyclin in primary and immortalized human dermal microvascular ECs. We show that v-cyclin, which is a homolog of cellular D-type cyclins, induces replicative stress in ECs, which leads to senescence and activation of the DNA damage response. We find that antiproliferative checkpoints are activated upon KSHV infection of ECs, and in early-stage but not late-stage lesions of clinical Kaposi sarcoma specimens. These are some of the first results suggesting that DNA damage checkpoint response also functions as an anticancer barrier in virally induced cancers.  相似文献   

Studies suggest that Hsf4 expression correlates with its role in cell growth and differentiation. However, the role of Hsf4 in tumorigenesis in vivo remains unexplored. In this article, we provide evidence that absence of the Hsf4 gene suppresses evolution of spontaneous tumors arising in p53- or Arf-deficient mice. Furthermore, deletion of hsf4 alters the tumor spectrum by significantly inhibiting development of lymphomas that are normally observed in the majority of mice lacking p53 or Arf tumor suppressor genes. Using mouse embryo fibroblasts deficient in the hsf4 gene, we have found that these cells exhibit reduced proliferation that is associated with induction of senescence and senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal). Cellular senescence in hsf4-deficient cells is associated with the increased expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, p21 and p27 proteins. Consistent with the cellular senescence observed in vitro, specific normal tissues of hsf4(-/-) mice and tumors that arose in mice deficient in both hsf4 and p53 genes exhibit increased SA-β-gal activity and elevated levels of p27 compared with wild-type mice. These results suggest that hsf4 deletion-induced senescence is also present in vivo. Our results therefore indicate that Hsf4 is involved in modulation of cellular senescence, which can be exploited during cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Dysfunctional telomeres induce p53-dependent cellular senescence and apoptosis, but it is not known which function is more important for tumour suppression in vivo. We used the p53 ( R172P ) knock-in mouse, which is unable to induce apoptosis but retains intact cell-cycle arrest and cellular senescence pathways, to show that spontaneous tumorigenesis is potently repressed in Terc -/- p53 ( R172P ) mice. Tumour suppression is accompanied by global induction of p53, p21 and the senescence marker senescence-associated-beta-galactosidase. By contrast, cellular senescence was unable to suppress chemically induced skin carcinomas. These results indicate that suppression of spontaneous tumorigenesis by dysfunctional telomeres requires the activation of the p53-dependent cellular senescence pathway.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that feeding flaxseed (FS) or its lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) to rat dams during lactation enhances the differentiation of rat mammary gland in the female offspring. This study determined whether exposure to a diet with 10% FS or SDG (equivalent to the amount in 10% FS) during suckling could protect against 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene (DMBA)-induced rat mammary tumorigenesis later in life. Dams were fed the AIN-93G basal diet (BD) throughout pregnancy. After delivery, dams were randomized to continue on BD or were fed BD supplemented with 10% FS or SDG during lactation. Three-day urine of dams was analyzed for mammalian lignans. After weaning, all offspring were fed BD. At postnatal Days 49 to 51, during proestrus phase, offspring were gavaged with 5 mg of DMBA. At Week 21 post-DMBA administration, compared with the BD group, the FS and SDG groups had significantly lower (P < 0.05) tumor incidence (31.3% and 42.0% lower, respectively), total tumor load (50.8% and 62.5% lower, respectively), mean tumor size (43.9% and 67.7% lower, respectively), and tumor number (46.9% and 44.8% lower, respectively) per rat. There was a significant decreasing trend (P < 0.05) in final tumor weights in rats fed FS or SDG. The high urinary lignan excretion in dams fed with FS or SDG corresponded with the reduced tumor development. The FS and SDG groups did not differ significantly in tumor indices, indicating that the effect of FS is primarily due to its SDG. There were no significant changes in selective reproductive indices measured among dams and offspring. In conclusion, exposure to FS or SDG during suckling suppressed DMBA-induced rat mammary tumorigenesis, suggesting that exposure to lignans at this early stage of mammary gland development reduces susceptibility to mammary carcinogenesis later in life without adverse effects on selective reproductive indices in dams or offspring.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that c-MYC-induced mammary tumorigenesis in mice proceeds via a preferred secondary pathway involving spontaneous activating mutations in Kras2 (C. M. D'Cruz, E. J. Gunther, R. B. Boxer, J. L. Hartman, L. Sintasath, S. E. Moody, J. D. Cox, S. I. Ha, G. K. Belka, A. Golant, R. D. Cardiff, and L. A. Chodosh, Nat. Med. 7:235-239, 2001). In contrast, we now demonstrate that Wnt1-induced mammary tumorigenesis proceeds via a pathway that preferentially activates Hras1. In addition, we find that expression of oncogenic forms of Kras2 and Hras1 from their endogenous promoters has markedly different consequences for the progression of tumors to oncogene independence. Spontaneous activating Kras2 mutations occurring in either MYC- or Wnt1-induced tumors were strongly associated with oncogene-independent tumor growth following MYC or Wnt1 downregulation. In contrast, Hras1-mutant Wnt1-induced tumors consistently remained oncogene dependent. Additionally, Kras2-mutant tumors exhibited substantially higher levels of ras-GTP, phospho-Erk1/2, and phospho-Mek1/2 compared to Hras1-mutant tumors, suggesting the involvement of the ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in the acquisition of oncogene independence. Consistent with this, by use of carcinogen-induced ras mutations as well as knock-in mice harboring a latent activated Kras2 allele, we demonstrate that Kras2 activation strongly synergizes with both c-MYC and Wnt1 in mammary tumorigenesis and promotes the progression of tumors to oncogene independence. Together, our findings support a model for tumorigenesis in which c-MYC and Wnt1 select for the outgrowth of cells harboring mutations in specific ras isoforms and that these secondary mutations, in turn, determine the extent of ras/MAPK pathway activation and the potential for oncogene-independent growth.  相似文献   

Normal somatic cells divide only a limited number of times reaching a state known as replicative senescence. This restraint in reproductive potential has been proposed as a mechanism evolved in higher eukaryotes to protect the organism from developing cancer. However, despite this protection there is a positive correlation between tumor incidence and organism aging when cells are potentially closer to their replication limit. We use simple mathematical models derived from quasispecies theory to analyse the role of senescence in various scenarios with different cell types according to their replicative capacity. The models predict that a situation with cells launching more often the senescence response plays against tissue homeostasis favoring tumor initiation. It is also shown that cancer cells arising early in organism life are more sensitive to genetic instabilities progressing less often toward tissue invasion. The passage of cells through crisis emerges as a mechanism to maintain tissue homeostasis that is weakened in aged individuals. The models introduced, though simple, help to integrate experimental information relating tumorigenesis with cellular and organism aging phenomena.  相似文献   

H Nagasawa  M Ishida 《Life sciences》1986,39(5):389-393
As a possible step to clarify the relationship between mammary gland growth during youth and mammary tumorigenesis at advanced age, the long-term effects of the temporary stimulation of mammary gland growth at youth on spontaneous mammary tumorigenesis was studied in a high mammary tumor strain of SHN virgin mice. They received a single pituitary graft under the kidney capsule or a subcutaneous implantation of progesterone for 60 days between 30 and 90 days of age. Both treatments enhanced mammary gland growth and the effect of pituitary grafting was higher. Spontaneous mammary tumorigenesis paralleled mammary gland conditions at youth. The results indicate that the stimulation of mammary gland growth during youth enhances spontaneous mammary tumorigenesis at advanced age in mice, which is quite contrary in rats, and they explain the cause of the higher mammary tumor potential in breeders than in virgin mice.  相似文献   

The effects of glucocorticoids and prolactin on murine mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) RNA expression in preneoplastic outgrowth lines and mammary tumors in BALB/c mice were investigated. Hyperplastic alveolar nodules (HAN) and a ductal hyperplasia (DH) are induced in virgin BALB/c mice by prolonged hormonal stimulation or treatment with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene or both. Mice bearing HAN or DH outgrowth lines and mammary tumors that arose from the outgrowth lines were treated with glucocorticoids or prolactin. MuMTV RNA was quantitated by hybridization with a representative complementary DNA probe specific for MuMTV RNA. Prolactin treatment did not increase MuMTV RNA in the BALB/c HAN or DH outgrowth lines or tumors. MuMTV RNA increased after glucocorticoid treatment in the C3, C4, and C5 HAN outgrowth lines and in tumors that arose from the D1, D2, C4, and C5 HAN and CD8 DH outgrowth lines. No increase in MuMTV RNA with glucocorticoid treatment was observed in the D1 or D2 HAN outgrowth line, in the CD8 DH outgrowth lines, and in tumors that arose from the C3 HAN outgrowth line. The ability of glucocorticoids to stimulate MuMTV expression was specific since the response was dose dependent and specific for glucocorticoid hormones. Glucocorticoid treatment did not increase the level of type C viral RNA in the majority of hormone- or 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced HAN outgrowth lines or tumors. These observations suggested that glucocorticoids may influence MuMTV expression during mammary tumorigenesis in BALB/c mice.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the cyclin D1 oncogene and inactivation of the p53 tumor suppressor have both been implicated in substantial proportions of sporadic human breast cancers. Transgenic mice with cyclin D1 overexpression targeted to mammary tissue by the MMTV enhancer-promoter have been shown to develop mammary cancers. To investigate the relationship between pathways driven by cyclin D1 overexpression and p53 loss during the development of breast cancers, we crossed MMTV-cyclin D1 mice with p53 heterozygous null (p53+/–) mice. In such crossed mice, cyclin D1-driven mammary neoplasia would need to be substantially accelerated by p53 loss in order for mammary tumors to develop prior to the expected onset of non-mammary tumors characteristic of the p53-deficient background alone. Instead, in mice heterozygous or homozygous for p53 deficiency and simultaneously carrying the MMTV-cyclin D1 transgene, only tumors typically found in p53-deficient mice developed and mammary tumors were not observed. Interestingly, MMTV-cyclin D1/p53+/– mice appeared to develop these non-mammary tumors more rapidly than p53+/– mice, and a majority of the sampled non-mammary tumors from MMTV-cyclin D1/p53+/– mice showed ectopic expression of the MMTV-driven cyclin D1 transgene. Within the constraints of possible genetic background effects and limited sensitivity due to the early emergence of non-mammary tumors, these observations provide no evidence that inactivation of p53 confers a major additional selective advantage to mammary cells overexpressing cyclin D1 in this animal model of human breast cancer. Interestingly, the results do raise the possibility that p53 inactivation might complement or cooperate with cyclin D1 deregulation during the development of some types of non-mammary tumors.  相似文献   

A major N-glycosylated protein was purified from hormonally stimulated pregnant and lactating rabbit mammary tissue. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate, immunodiffusion and amino acid analysis showed the protein to be transferrin. The rate of synthesis of the protein during tissue development was studied and found to parallel the whey proteins casein and alpha-lactalbumin. The function of the protein during lactation is discussed.  相似文献   

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