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While glycosyltransferases are known to display unidirectional enzymatic activity, recent studies suggest that some can also catalyze readily reversible reactions. Recently, we found that mammalian sialyltransferase ST3Gal-II can catalyze the formation of CMP-NeuAc from 5'-CMP in the presence of a donor containing the NeuAcα2,3Galβ1,3GalNAc unit [Chandrasekaran, E. V., et al. (2008) Biochemistry 47, 320-330]. This study shows by using [9-(3)H]- or [(14)C]sialyl mucin core 2 compounds that ST3Gal-II exchanges sialyl residues between CMP-NeuAc and the NeuAcα2,3Galβ1,3GalNAc unit and also radiolabels sialyl residues in gangliosides GD1a and GT1b, but not GM1. Exchange sialylation proceeds with relative ease, which is evident from the following. (a) Radiolabeleling of fetuin was ~2-fold stronger than that of asialo fetuin when CMP- [9-(3)H]NeuAc was generated in situ from 5'-CMP and [9-(3)H]NeuAcα2,3Galβ1,3GalNAcβ1,3Galα-O-Me by ST3Gal-II. (b) ST3Gal-II exchanged radiolabels between [(14)C]sialyl fetuin and [9-(3)H]NeuAcα2,3Galβ1,3GalNAcβ1,3Galα-O-Me by generating CMP-[(14)C]- and -[9-(3)H]NeuAc through 5'-CMP; only 20.3% (14)C and 28.0% (3)H remained with the parent compounds after the sialyl exchange. The [9-(3)H]sialyl-tagged MN glycophorin A, human chorionic gonadotropin β subunit, GlyCAM-1, CD43, fetuin, porcine Cowper's gland mucin, bovine casein macroglycopeptide, human placental glycoproteins, and haptoglobin were analyzed by using Pronase digestion, mild alkaline borohydride treatment, Biogel P6, lectin agarose, and silica gel thin layer chromatography. Sulfated and sialylated O-glycans were found in GlyCAM-1 and human placental glycoproteins. This technique has the potential to serve as an important tool as it provides a natural tag for the chemical and functional characterization of O-glycan-bearing glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Mammalian sialyltransferases play a role in the metastasis of various cancers in humans. Inhibitors of these enzymes will in principle be able to directly inhibit aberrant sialylation in cancer. Inhibitors of ST3Gal-I resembling the donor component of SN1 Transition State structures were previously evaluated as part of a kinetics study. Here, using classical dynamics simulations and free energy perturbation calculations, we rationalize the performance of three of these donor analogue ST3Gal-I enzyme inhibitors. We find to inhibit the mammalian ST3Gal-I enzyme a donor analogue requires configurationally limited functionality. This is mediated by the binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme. The inhibitor’s ability to interact with Y194 and T272 through a charged group such as a carboxylate is especially important. Furthermore, a conformational rigid form approximating the donor substrate is central. Here this is achieved by an intramolecular hydrogen bond formed between the carboxylate group and one of the ribose hydroxyl groups of the cytidine monophosphate (CMP) leaving group. This intramolecular interaction results in the donor substrate conformer complimenting the form of the catalytic binding site. Finally the carboxylate charge is essential for electrostatic pairing with the binding site. Substituting this group for an alcohol or amide results in severe weakening of the ligand binding. The carboxylate thus proves an to be an irreplaceable functional group and an essential pharmacophore.  相似文献   

While only about ten percent of the databank entries are defined as glycoproteins, it has been estimated recently that more than half of all proteins are glycoproteins. Mucin-type O-glycosylation is a widespread post-translational modification of proteins found in the entire animal kingdom, but also in higher plants. The structural complexity of the chains initiated by O-linked GalNAc exceeds that of N-linked chains by far. The process during which serine and threonine residues of proteins become modified is confined to the cis to trans Golgi compartments. The initiation of this process by peptidyl GalNAc-transferases is ruled by the sequence context of putative O-glycosylation sites, but also by epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, which can be mediated by enzyme competition. The cellular repertoir of glycosyltransferases with their distinct donor sugar and acceptor sugar specificities, their sequential action at highly-ordered surfaces, and their localizations in subcompartments of the Golgi finally determine the cell-specific O-glycosylation profile. Dramatic alterations of the glycosylation machinery are observed in cancer cells, resulting in aberrantly O-glycosylated proteins that expose previously masked peptide motifs and new antigenic targets. The functional aspects of O-linked glycans, which comprise among many others their potential role in sorting and secretion of glycoproteins, their influence on protein conformation, and their multifarious involvement in cell adhesion and immunological processes, appear as complex as their structures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In approximately 80% of patients, ovarian cancer is diagnosed when the patient is already in the advanced stages of the disease. CA125 is currently used as the marker for ovarian cancer; however, it lacks specificity and sensitivity for detecting early stage disease. There is a critical unmet need for sensitive and specific routine screening tests for early diagnosis that can reduce ovarian cancer lethality by reliably detecting the disease at its earliest and treatable stages. Results: In this study, we investigated the N-linked sialylated glycopeptides in serum samples from healthy and ovarian cancer patients using Lectin-directed Tandem Labeling (LTL) and iTRAQ quantitative proteomics methods. We identified 45 N-linked sialylated glycopeptides containing 46 glycosylation sites. Among those, ten sialylated glycopeptides were significantly up-regulated in ovarian cancer patients' serum samples. LC-MS/MS analysis of the non-glycosylated peptides from the same samples, western blot data using lectin enriched glycoproteins of various ovarian cancer type samples, and PNGase F (+/-) treatment confirmed the sialylation changes in the ovarian cancer samples. Conclusion: Herein, we demonstrated that several proteins are aberrantly sialylated in N-linked glycopeptides in ovarian cancer and detection of glycopeptides with abnormal sialylation changes may have the potential to serve as biomarkers for ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

All eukaryotic sialyltransferases have in common the presence in their catalytic domain of several conserved peptide regions (sialylmotifs L, S, and VS). Functional analysis of sialylmotifs L and S previously demonstrated their involvement in the binding of donor and acceptor substrates. The region comprised between the sialylmotifs S and VS contains a stretch of four highly conserved residues, with the following consensus sequence (H/y)Y(Y/F/W/h)(E/D/q/g). (Capital letters and lowercase letters indicate a strong or low occurrence of the amino acid, respectively.) The functional importance of these residues and of the conserved residues of motif VS (HX(4)E) was assessed using as a template the human ST3Gal I. Mutational analysis showed that residues His(299) and Tyr(300) of the new motif, and His(316) of the VS motif, are essential for activity since their substitution by alanine yielded inactive enzymes. Our results suggest that the invariant Tyr residue (Tyr(300)) plays an important conformational role mainly attributable to the aromatic ring. In contrast, the mutants W301F, E302Q, and E321Q retained significant enzyme activity (25-80% of the wild type). Kinetic analyses and CDP binding assays showed that none of the mutants tested had any significant effect in nucleotide donor binding. Instead the mutant proteins were affected in their binding to the acceptor and/or demonstrated lower catalytic efficiency. Although the human ST3Gal I has four N-glycan attachment sites in its catalytic domain that are potentially glycosylated, none of them was shown to be necessary for enzyme activity. However, N-glycosylation appears to contribute to the proper folding and trafficking of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The functional properties of glycoproteins are strongly influenced by their profile of glycosylation, and changes in this profile are seen in malignancy. In mucin-type O-linked glycosylation these changes can result in the production of mucins such as MUC1, carrying shorter sialylated O-glycans, and with different site occupancy. Of the tumor-associated sialylated O-glycans, the disaccharide, sialyl-Tn (sialic acid alpha2,6GalNAc), is expressed by 30% of breast carcinomas and is the most tumor-specific. The ST6GalNAc-I glycosyltransferase, which can catalyze the transfer of sialic acid to GalNAc, shows a highly restricted pattern of expression in normal adult tissues, being largely limited to the gastrointestinal tract and absent in mammary gland. In breast carcinomas, however, a complete correlation between the expression of RNA-encoding ST6GalNAc-I and the expression of sialyl-Tn is evident, demonstrating that the expression of sialyl-Tn results from switching on expression of hST6GalNAc-I. Endogenous or exogenous expression of hST6GalNAc-I (but not ST6GalNAc-II) always results in the expression of sialyl-Tn. This ability to override core 1/core 2 pathways of O- linked glycosylation is explained by the localization of ST6GalNAc-I, which is found throughout the Golgi stacks. The development of a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line expressing MUC1 and ST6GalNAc-I allowed the large scale production of MUC1 carrying 83% sialyl-Tn O-glycans. The presence of ST6GalNAc-I in the CHO cells reduced the number of O-glycosylation sites occupied in MUC1, from an average of 4.3 to 3.8 per tandem repeat. The availability of large quantities of this MUC1 glycoform will allow the evaluation of its efficacy as an immunogen for immunotherapy of MUC1/STn-expressing tumors.  相似文献   

Delipidated proteins from a fraction of mouse lung homogenate enriched for lamellar bodies of type 2 pneumocytes were characterized by a combination of gel filtration and enzyme immunoassay for the presence of a surfactant-associated antigen. Immunoreactivity was associated with a protein of Mr 250-270,000 as well as its multimers and proteolytic fragments. The characteristics of the antigenic protein closely resembled those of a surfactant-associated protein termed alveolyn which is reported to be secreted by type 2 pneumocytes of various other species. Surfactant-associated proteins of M 32-38,000 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid may be derived from this molecule by proteolysis.  相似文献   

The CD8 coreceptor plays a crucial role in thymocyte and T cell sensitivity by binding to class I MHC and recruiting downstream signaling molecules to the TCR. Previous studies reported considerable changes in TCR-independent CD8/class I MHC binding (i.e., CD8 noncognate interactions) during T cell development, changes that correlated with altered glycosylation of surface molecules. In particular, expression of the sialyltransferase ST3Gal-I has been proposed as a critical factor regulating the attenuation of CD8 avidity during the double-positive to CD8 single-positive progression. This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that ST3Gal-I(-/-) animals show a profound disregulation of CD8 T cell homeostasis. In contrast to this model, however, we report in this study that ST3Gal-I deficiency had no detectable impact on CD8 noncognate binding to multimeric peptide/MHC class I ligands at any stage of thymocyte development. We also found that the susceptibility to CD8-induced cell death is not markedly influenced by ST3Gal-I deficiency. Thus, the profound effects of ST3Gal-I on CD8 T cell survival evidently do not involve a role for this enzyme in controlling CD8-class I binding.  相似文献   

The presence of biotinylated proteins in detergent extracts of cells is demonstrated using 125I-streptavidin. Four components with apparent molecular masses (Mr) ranging from 70 to 220 kDa have been detected. These probably represent the biotinylated subunits of the carboxylase enzymes. The proportions of the four components were found to vary from cell type to cell type and also the Mr varied from species to species.  相似文献   

Mammalian rpS3, a ribosomal protein S3 with a DNA repair endonuclease activity, nicks heavily UV-irradiated DNA and DNA containing AP sites. RpS3 calls for a novel endonucleolytic activity on AP sites generated from pyrimidine dimers by T4 pyrimidine dimer glycosylase activity. This study revealed that rpS3 cleaves the lesions including AP sites, thymine glycols, and other UV damaged lesions such as pyrimidine dimers. This enzyme does not have a glycosylase activity as predicted from its amino acid sequence. However, it has an endonuclease activity on DNA containing thymine glycol, which is exactly overlapped with UV-irradiated or AP DNAs, indicating that rpS3 cleaves phosphodiester bonds of DNAs containing altered bases with broad specificity acting as a base-damage-endonuclease. RpS3 cleaves supercoiled UV damaged DNA more efficiently than the relaxed counterpart, and the endonuclease activity of rpS3 was inhibited by MgCl2 on AP DNA but not on UV-irradiated DNA.  相似文献   

CMP-sialic acid:lactosylceramide sialyltransferase is induced in HeLa cells by butyrate which also causes the cells to undergo morphological changes including the extension of neurite-like processes. The activity of this enzyme is more than 20-fold higher in butyrate-treated cells than in cells grown without this short chain fatty acid. In vitro synthesis of hematoside from endogenous acceptors is also elevated in cells grown in the presence of butyrate. The levels of induced enzyme activity are influenced by the pH of the culture medium, being higher in more acidic cultures, but are not affected markedly by varying the cell density over a wide range. Detergent is required for in vitro sialyltransferase activity, and this activity is stimulated almost fivefold by cardiolipid. The optimum pH for in vitro activity is 6.0 and the apparent Km value for lactosylceramide is 3.5 × 10?5m. Although there are several sialyltransferase activities in HeLa cells, the induced enzyme is specific for lactosylceramide.  相似文献   

Toxocara excretory-secretory antigens (TES) were isolated from the culture media of T.canis and T.cati larvae and their O-glycan content was investigated using fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry (FAB-MS), gas chromatography and electron impact mass spectrometry. The major oligosaccharides released by reductive elimination of T.canis TES glycoproteins were shown to be two, approximately equi-abundant, trisaccharides: 2-O-Me-Fucp(alpha 1----2)-4-O-Me-Galp(beta 1----3)GalNAcitol and 2-O-Me-Fucp(alpha 1----2)-Galp(beta 1----3)GalNAcitol. In contrast T.cati TES O-glycans are predominantly one component, shown by FAB-MS to be a di-O-methylated trisaccharide, which is probably identical to the di-O-methylated trisaccharide from T.canis. The O-methylated trisaccharides are strong candidates for the carbohydrate epitopes recognized by a panel of monoclonal antibodies which exhibit multiple reactivity against TES antigens. This study constitutes the first rigorous characterization of glycans from a parasitic nematode.  相似文献   

Oxygen-sensing pathways have been extensively explored in the context of homeostatic responses to hypoxic episodes; however, little is known of their involvement in the morphogenesis of respiratory structures (mitochondria, placenta, lung) during development in utero. This review identifies four essential loci where oxygen signalling pathways may cue the development of respiratory structures as: (i). mitochondrial biogenesis coupled with muted oxidative function dependent on the hypoxia-sustained production of NO; (ii). the generation of oxygen gradients which drive trophoblast differentiation and the formation of the chorionic gas exchange interface of the placenta; (iii). the proliferation and epithelial/endothelial differentiation of mesenchyme during the initiation of lung morphogenesis; and (iv). the regulation of epithelial fluid secretion/absorption in the lung. The identification of these oxygen-regulated developmental stages clarifies the close association between oxygen availability, reactive oxygen species and the morphogenesis of gas exchange structures and bears with it the implication that these pathways set the scope for aerobic metabolic performance throughout life.  相似文献   

Using nuclear magnetic resonance line broadening, longitudinal relaxation and magnetization transfer from water, we have measured the imino proton exchange times in the duplex form of the 10-mer d-CGCGATCGCG and in seven other deoxy-duplexes, as a function of the concentration of exchange catalysts, principally ammonia. All exchange times are catalyst dependent. Base-pair lifetimes are obtained by extrapolation to infinite concentration of ammonia. Lifetimes of internal base-pairs are in the range of milliseconds at 35 degrees C and ten times more at 0 degrees C. Lifetimes of neighboring pairs are different, hence base-pairs open one at a time. Lifetimes of d(G.C) are about three times longer than those of d(A.T). The nature of neighbors usually has little effect, but lifetime anomalies that may be related to sequence and/or structure have been observed. In contrast, there is no anomaly in the A.T base-pair lifetimes of d-CGCGA[TA]5TCGCG, a model duplex of poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)]. The d(A.T) lifetimes are comparable to those of r(A.U) that we reported previously. End effects on base-pair lifetimes are limited to two base-pairs. The low efficiency of exchange catalysts is ascribed to the small dissociation constant of the deoxy base-pairs, and helps to explain why exchange catalysis had been overlooked in the past. This resulted in a hundredfold overestimation of base-pair lifetimes. Cytosine amino proteins have been studied in the duplex of d-CGm5CGCG. Exchange from the closed base-pair is indicated. Hence, the use of an amino exchange rate to evaluate the base-pair dissociation constant would result in erroneous, overestimated values. Catalyzed imino proton exchange is at this time the safest and most powerful, if not the only probe of base-pair kinetics. We propose that the single base-pair opening event characterized here may be the only mode of base-pair disruption, at temperatures well below the melting transition.  相似文献   

Wang J  Yu S  Jiao S  Lv X  Ma M  Zhu BZ  Du Y 《Mutation research》2012,729(1-2):16-23
Tetrachlorohydroquinone (TCHQ) is a major toxic metabolite of the widely used wood preservative, pentachlorophenol (PCP), and it has also been implicated in PCP genotoxicity. However, the underlying mechanisms of genotoxicity and mutagenesis induced by TCHQ remain unclear. In this study, we examined the genotoxicity of TCHQ by using comet assays to detect DNA breakage and formation of TCHQ-DNA adducts. Then, we further verified the levels of mutagenesis by using the pSP189 shuttle vector in A549 human lung carcinoma cells. We demonstrated that TCHQ causes significant genotoxicity by inducing DNA breakage and forming DNA adducts. Additionally, DNA sequence analysis of the TCHQ-induced mutations revealed that 85.36% were single base substitutions, 9.76% were single base insertions, and 4.88% were large fragment deletions. More than 80% of the base substitutions occurred at G:C base pairs, and the mutations were G:C to C:G, G:C to T:A or G:C to A:T transversions and transitions. The most common types of mutations in A549 cells were G:C to A:T (37.14%) and A:T to C:G transitions (14.29%) and G:C to C:G (34.29%) and G:C to T:A (11.43%) transversions. We identified hotspots at nucleotides 129, 141, and 155 in the supF gene of plasmid pSP189. These mutation hotspots accounted for 63% of all single base substitutions. We conclude that TCHQ induces sequence-specific DNA mutations at high frequencies. Therefore, the safety of using this product would be carefully examined.  相似文献   

This report describes the cloning and characterization of a plant cDNA coding for a protein which shows high amino acid sequence similarity with prohibitin, whose gene is associated with antiproliferative activity in mammalian cells. Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum prohibitin complete cDNAs were isolated, and the expression pattern of prohibitin was examined using polyclonal antibodies raised against the Arabidopsis recombinant prohibitin expressed in Escherichia coli. A single immunoreactive protein was detected in various plant species and in all Arabidopsis organs examined. Subcellular fractionation using tobacco leaves revealed prohibitin in a mitochondrial-enriched fraction. Phylogenetic conservation of prohibitin's amino acid sequence and subcellular localization suggests a similar function in plants, yeast and mammals.  相似文献   

Laccases isolated from the lacquer tree Rhus vernicifera and the fungus Polyporus versicolor show fluorescence emission near 420 nm and phosphorescence emission in the 440–465 nm region. The fluorescence and phosphorescence excitation spectra for both laccases show maxima in the 315–330 nm range, a spectral region corresponding to the absorbance maxima for the type 3 binuclear Cu centers of the two enzymes. Additional evidence is presented for the association of the newly discovered emissions with the type 3 Cu centers of the two laccases.  相似文献   

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