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Salmonid fishes exhibit extensive local adaptations owing to abundant environmental variation and precise natal homing. This extensive local adaptation makes conservation and restoration of salmonids a challenge. For example, defining unambiguous units of conservation is difficult, and restoration attempts often fail owing to inadequate adaptive matching of translocated populations. A better understanding of the genetic architecture of local adaptation in salmonids could provide valuable information to assist in conserving and restoring natural populations of these important species. Here, we use a combination of laboratory crosses and next-generation sequencing to investigate the genetic architecture of the parallel adaptation of rapid development rate in two geographically and genetically distant populations of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Strikingly, we find that not only is a parallel genetic mechanism used but that a conserved haplotype is responsible for this intriguing adaptation. The repeated use of adaptive genetic variation across distant geographical areas could be a general theme in salmonids and have important implications for conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

What is the extent and scale of local adaptation (LA)? How quickly does LA arise? And what is its underlying molecular basis? Our review and meta-analysis on salmonid fishes estimates the frequency of LA to be ∼55–70%, with local populations having a 1.2 times average fitness advantage relative to foreign populations or to their performance in new environments. Salmonid LA is evident at a variety of spatial scales (for example, few km to>1000 km) and can manifest itself quickly (6–30 generations). As the geographic scale between populations increases, LA is generally more frequent and stronger. Yet the extent of LA in salmonids does not appear to differ from that in other assessed taxa. Moreover, the frequency with which foreign salmonid populations outperform local populations (∼23–35%) suggests that drift, gene flow and plasticity often limit or mediate LA. The relatively few studies based on candidate gene and genomewide analyses have identified footprints of selection at both small and large geographical scales, likely reflecting the specific functional properties of loci and the associated selection regimes (for example, local niche partitioning, pathogens, parasites, photoperiodicity and seasonal timing). The molecular basis of LA in salmonids is still largely unknown, but differential expression at the same few genes is implicated in the convergent evolution of certain phenotypes. Collectively, future research will benefit from an integration of classical and molecular approaches to understand: (i) species differences and how they originate, (ii) variation in adaptation across scales, life stages, population sizes and environmental gradients, and (iii) evolutionary responses to human activities.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion into estuaries creates stressful conditions for nektonic species. Previous studies have shown that Gambusia affinis populations with exposure to saline environments develop genetic adaptations for increased survival during salinity stress. Here, we evaluate the genetic structure of G. affinis populations, previously shown to have adaptations for increased salinity tolerance, and determine the impact of selection and gene flow on structure of these populations. We found that gene flow was higher between populations experiencing different salinity regimes within an estuary than between similar marsh types in different estuaries, suggesting the development of saline‐tolerant phenotypes due to local adaptation. There was limited evidence of genetic structure along a salinity gradient, and only some of the genetic variation among sites was correlated with salinity. Our results suggest limited structure, combined with selection to saltwater intrusion, results in phenotypic divergence in spite of a lack of physical barriers to gene flow.  相似文献   

This paper explores my shifting understandings of interactions primarily between salmonid fish culture and fish conservation during the latter half of the 20th century. The idea that conspecific natural and cultured fish were largely interchangeable among phenotypically similar populations began to change with the advent of molecular genetic markers. With the gradual clarification of major geographic lineages beginning in the 1970s came awareness that translocations among anadromous lineages were generally destined for failure; in contrast, gene flow more readily occurred among non-anadromous lineages and sometimes, species. Within lineages, data concurrently were accumulating that showed adaptations to their respective environments distinguished cultured and wild populations. Reduced obstacles to gene flow at this level often resulted in homogenizations among wild and cultured fish in areas where widespread hatchery releases occurred; conversely, adaptive radiations in vacant habitats sometimes occurred over a few decades from single source hatchery releases. Current ideas relating to salmonid interbreeding, population substructure and culture evolved from these observations. Among lineages, resistance to gene flow is much greater between anadromous than purely freshwater populations or species. Within lineages, ease of gene flow in both anadromous and freshwater populations is problematical with regard to cultured and wild populations because large-scale supplementation programs erode local adaptations and fine-scale population substructures. At this level, a potential ability to regenerate natural substructure upon relaxation of supplementation is offset by uncertainties of time scales and intrinsic capabilities of homogenized populations. However, management that separates harvest and reproduction of wild and cultured subpopulations can minimize these losses. Some generality of this strategy to other fishes is supported by losses of local adaptations and outbreeding depression in black basses following population admixtures that parallel those observed in salmonids.  相似文献   

Locally adapted populations are often used as model systems for the early stages of ecological speciation, but most of these young divergent populations will never become complete species. The maintenance of local adaptation relies on the strength of natural selection overwhelming the homogenizing effects of gene flow; however, this balance may be readily upset in changing environments. Here I show that soapberry bugs (Jadera haematoloma) have lost adaptations to their native host plant (Cardiospermum corindum) and are regionally specializing on an invasive host (Koelreuteria elegans), collapsing a classic and well‐documented example of local adaptation. All populations that were adapted to the native host—including those still found on that host today—are now better adapted to the invasive host in multiple phenotypes. Weak differentiation remains in two traits, suggesting that homogenization across the region is incomplete. This study highlights the potential for adaptation to invasive species to disrupt native communities by swamping adaptation to native conditions through maladaptive gene flow.  相似文献   

Changes in gene regulation may play an important role in adaptive evolution, particularly during adaptation to a changing environment. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying adaptively significant variation in gene regulation. To address this question, we are using environmental adaptations in populations of a fish, Fundulus heteroclitus as a window into the molecular evolution of gene regulation. F. heteroclitus are found along the East Coast of North America, with populations distributed along a steep thermal gradient. At the extremes of the species range, populations have undergone local adaptation to their habitat temperatures. A variety of genes differ in their regulation between these populations. We have determined the mechanism responsible for changes in lactate dehydrogenase-B (Ldh-B) gene regulation. A limited number of mutations in the regulatory sequence of this gene result in changes in its expression. Both the phenotypic (increased LDH activity) and genotypic (changes in Ldh-B regulatory sequences) differences between populations have been shown to be affected by natural selection, rather than genetic drift. Therefore, even a small number of mutations within important regulatory sequences can provide evolutionarily significant variation and have an impact on environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

Most species are superbly and intricately adapted to the environments in which they live. Adaptive evolution by natural selection is the primary force shaping biological diversity. Differences between closely related species in ecologically selected characters such as habitat preference, reproductive timing, courtship behavior, or pollinator attraction may prevent interbreeding in nature, causing reproductive isolation. But does ecological adaptation cause reproductive incompatibilities such as hybrid sterility or lethality? Although several genes causing hybrid incompatibilities have been identified, there is intense debate over whether the genes that contribute to ecological adaptations also cause hybrid incompatibilities. Thirty years ago, a genetic study of local adaptation to copper mine soils in the wildflower Mimulus guttatus identified a locus that appeared to cause copper tolerance and hybrid lethality in crosses to other populations. But do copper tolerance and hybrid lethality have the same molecular genetic basis? Here we show, using high-resolution genome mapping, that copper tolerance and hybrid lethality are not caused by the same gene but are in fact separately controlled by two tightly linked loci. We further show that selection on the copper tolerance locus indirectly caused the hybrid incompatibility allele to go to high frequency in the copper mine population because of hitchhiking. Our results provide a new twist on Darwin''s original supposition that hybrid incompatibilities evolve as an incidental by-product of ordinary adaptation to the environment.  相似文献   

Population genetics and phenotypic structures are often predicted to vary along the geographic range of a species. This phenomenon would be accentuated for species with large range areas, with discontinuities and marginal populations. We herein compare the genetic patterns of central populations of Coccinella septempunctata L. with those of two phenotypically differentiated populations considered as rear‐edge populations and subspecies based on phenotype (Algeria and Japan). According to the central‐marginal model and expected characteristics of rear‐edge populations, we hypothesize that these rear‐edge populations have (1) a reduced genetic diversity, resulting from their relative isolation over long periods of time, (2) a higher population genetic differentiation, explained by low contemporary gene flow levels, and (3) a relationship between genetic diversity characteristics and phenotypes, due to historical isolation and/or local adaptation. Based on genotyping of 28 populations for 18 microsatellite markers, several levels of regional genetic diversity and differentiation are observed between and within populations, according to their localization: low within‐population genetic diversity and higher genetic differentiation of rear‐edge populations. The genetic structuring clearly dissociates the Algerian and Eastern Asia populations from the others. Geographical patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation support the hypothesis of the central‐marginal model. The pattern observed is in agreement with the phenotypic structure across species range. A clear genetic break between populations of Algeria, the Eastern Asia, and the remaining populations is a dominant feature of the data. Differential local adaptations, absence of gene flow between marginal and central populations, and/or incapacity to mate after colonization, have contributed to their distinct genotypic and phenotypic characteristics.  相似文献   

In an effort to elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms that determine the genetic architecture of a species, we have analyzed 17 populations of the microcrustacean Daphnia pulex for levels of genetic variation at the level of life-history characters and molecular markers in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. This species is highly subdivided, with approximately 30% of the variation for nuclear molecular markers and 50% of the variation for mitochondrial markers being distributed among populations. The average level of genetic subdivision for quantitative traits is essentially the same as that for nuclear markers, which superficially suggests that the life-history characters are diverging at the neutral rate. However, the existence of a strong correlation between the levels of population subdivision and broadsense heritabilities of individual traits argues against this interpretation, suggesting instead that the among-population divergence of some quantitative traits (most notably body size) is being driven by local adaptation to different environments. The fact that the mean phenotypes of the individual populations are also strongly correlated with local levels of homozygosity indicates that variation in local inbreeding plays a role in population differentiation. Rather than being a passive consequence of local founder effects, levels of homozygosity may be selected for directly for their effects on the phenotype (adaptive inbreeding depression). There is no relationship between the levels of variation within populations for molecular markers and quantitative characters, and this is explained by the fact that the average standing genetic variation for life-history characters in this species is equivalent to only 33 generations of variation generated by mutation.  相似文献   

The objective of this multidisciplinary project was to study the intra-specific morphometric and genetic variability between two adjacent populations ofMastomys natalensis Smith, 1834 living in different environments. The study of micro-evolutionary processes at work by using geometrical morphometrics allowed us to define two groups, characterized by different features of the skull shape. Using molecular microsatellites analysis, we showed that the two populations exchanged high gene flow and could be considered as a single panmictic unit. These results suggest that this widely-distributed species exhibits a local population-level differentiation in shape variation of skulls, probably due to different ecological situations. We speculate that the variability in the cranial characteristics (connected with the feeding ability) could reveal a local adaptation preferentially based on the food availability. We propose an explanation linking the shape differences to the fitness gain in the exploitation of resources available in the two environments. Since we suggest a potential differentiation process between populations, we believe that the two groups constitute even better models to understand the factors involved in the early stages of local adaptations.  相似文献   

Genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity are two ways in which organisms can adapt to local environmental conditions. We examined genetic and plastic variation in gill and brain size among swamp (low oxygen; hypoxic) and river (normal oxygen; normoxic) populations of an African cichlid fish, Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae. Larger gills and smaller brains should be advantageous when oxygen is low, and we hypothesized that the relative contribution of local genetic adaptation vs. phenotypic plasticity should be related to potential for dispersal between environments (because of gene flow’s constraint on local genetic adaptation). We conducted a laboratory‐rearing experiment, with broods from multiple populations raised under high‐oxygen and low‐oxygen conditions. We found that most of the variation in gill size was because of plasticity. However, both plastic and genetic effects on brain mass were detected, as were genetic effects on brain mass plasticity. F1 offspring from populations with the highest potential for dispersal between environments had characteristically smaller and more plastic brains. This phenotypic pattern might be adaptive in the face of gene flow, if smaller brains and increased plasticity confer higher average fitness across environment types.  相似文献   

Here we critically review the scale and extent of adaptive genetic variation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), an important model system in evolutionary and conservation biology that provides fundamental insights into population persistence, adaptive response and the effects of anthropogenic change. We consider the process of adaptation as the end product of natural selection, one that can best be viewed as the degree of matching between phenotype and environment. We recognise three potential sources of adaptive variation: heritable variation in phenotypic traits related to fitness, variation at the molecular level in genes influenced by selection, and variation in the way genes interact with the environment to produce phenotypes of varying plasticity. Of all phenotypic traits examined, variation in body size (or in correlated characters such as growth rates, age of seaward migration or age at sexual maturity) generally shows the highest heritability, as well as a strong effect on fitness. Thus, body size in Atlantic salmon tends to be positively correlated with freshwater and marine survival, as well as with fecundity, egg size, reproductive success, and offspring survival. By contrast, the fitness implications of variation in behavioural traits such as aggression, sheltering behaviour, or timing of migration are largely unknown. The adaptive significance of molecular variation in salmonids is also scant and largely circumstantial, despite extensive molecular screening on these species. Adaptive variation can result in local adaptations (LA) when, among other necessary conditions, populations live in patchy environments, exchange few or no migrants, and are subjected to differential selective pressures. Evidence for LA in Atlantic salmon is indirect and comes mostly from ecological correlates in fitness-related traits, the failure of many translocations, the poor performance of domesticated stocks, results of a few common-garden experiments (where different populations were raised in a common environment in an attempt to dissociate heritable from environmentally induced phenotypic variation), and the pattern of inherited resistance to some parasites and diseases. Genotype x environment interactions occurr for many fitness traits, suggesting that LA might be important. However, the scale and extent of adaptive variation remains poorly understood and probably varies, depending on habitat heterogeneity, environmental stability and the relative roles of selection and drift. As maladaptation often results from phenotype-environment mismatch, we argue that acting as if populations are not locally adapted carries a much greater risk of mismanagement than acting under the assumption for local adaptations when there are none. As such, an evolutionary approach to salmon conservation is required, aimed at maintaining the conditions necessary for natural selection to operate most efficiently and unhindered. This may require minimising alterations to native genotypes and habitats to which populations have likely become adapted, but also allowing for population size to reach or extend beyond carrying capacity to encourage competition and other sources of natural mortality.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridizations have often been observed between native and introduced trouts of North America (Oncorhynchus spp.) and Europe (Salmo spp.), including some lineages that have been isolated for more than a million years. These observations have suggested that introgression is the expected result between introduced and indigenous conspecific salmonids. However, an examination of published information reveals a high variability in such anticipated gene flow. Many studies have noted the relative ease of translocating freshwater over anadromous salmonids, and this difference has been related to the more complex adaptations of anadromous populations (e.g., freshwater and marine residence, smoltification, juvenile and adult migration) that obstruct their translocation to conspecifically colonized areas. This contrast extends to introgressive capabilities where examples of introgression among freshwater populations predominate. Despite intensive introductions of non-native salmonids, indigenous anadromous populations commonly resist introgression. However, within major lineages, anadromous populations appear to be more susceptible to introgression. Measuring the extent and dynamics of such introgressions remains challenging because subgroups within major lineages lie on or below the threshold for detection by molecular genetic markers. These substructures appear to reflect the more rapid evolution of directional selection promoting, for instance, temporal or microgeographic divergence within a population unit defined by genetic markers. Consequently, management that assumes panmixia within a particular region based on even intensive molecular genetic analysis will inevitably erode and prevent reformation of this substructure to the detriment of the overall genetic variability and productivity.  相似文献   

Local adaptations to environmental conditions are of high ecological importance as they determine distribution ranges and likely affect species responses to climate change. Increased environmental stress (warming, extreme drought) due to climate change in combination with decreased genetic mixing due to isolation may lead to stronger local adaptations of geographically marginal than central populations. We experimentally observed local adaptations of three marginal and four central populations of Fagus sylvatica L., the dominant native forest tree, to frost over winter and in spring (late frost). We determined frost hardiness of buds and roots by the relative electrolyte leakage in two common garden experiments. The experiment at the cold site included a continuous warming treatment; the experiment at the warm site included a preceding summer drought manipulation. In both experiments, we found evidence for local adaptation to frost, with stronger signs of local adaptation in marginal populations. Winter frost killed many of the potted individuals at the cold site, with higher survival in the warming treatment and in those populations originating from colder environments. However, we found no difference in winter frost tolerance of buds among populations, implying that bud survival was not the main cue for mortality. Bud late frost tolerance in April differed between populations at the warm site, mainly because of phenological differences in bud break. Increased spring frost tolerance of plants which had experienced drought stress in the preceding summer could also be explained by shifts in phenology. Stronger local adaptations to climate in geographically marginal than central populations imply the potential for adaptation to climate at range edges. In times of climate change, however, it needs to be tested whether locally adapted populations at range margins can successfully adapt further to changing conditions.  相似文献   

A central goal of evolutionary genetics is to trace the causal pathway between mutations at particular genes and adaptation at the phenotypic level. The proximate objective is to identify adaptations through the analysis of molecular sequence data from specific candidate genes or their regulatory elements. In this paper, we consider the molecular evolution of floral color in the morning glory genus (Ipomoea) as a model for relating molecular and phenotypic evolution. To begin, flower color variation usually conforms to simple Mendelian transmission, thus facilitating genetic and molecular analyses. Population genetic studies of flower color polymorphisms in the common morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea) have shown that some morphs are subject to complex patterns of selection. Striking differences in floral color and morphology are also associated with speciation in the genus Ipomoea. The molecular bases for these adaptive shifts can be dissected because the biosynthetic pathways that determine floral pigmentation are well understood and many of the genes of flavonoid biosynthesis have been isolated and extensively studied. We present a comparative analysis of the level of gene expression in Ipomoea for several key genes in flavonoid biosynthesis. Specifically we ask: how frequently are adaptive shifts in flower color phenotypes associated with changes in regulation of gene expression versus mutations in structural genes? The results of this study show that most species differences in this crucial phenotype are associated with changes in the regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

Unveiling the genetic basis of local adaptation to environmental variation is a major goal in molecular ecology. In rugged landscapes characterized by environmental mosaics, living populations and communities can experience steep ecological gradients over very short geographical distances. In lowland tropical forests, interspecific divergence in edaphic specialization (for seasonally flooded bottomlands and seasonally dry terra firme soils) has been proven by ecological studies on adaptive traits. Some species are nevertheless capable of covering the entire span of the gradient; intraspecific variation for adaptation to contrasting conditions may explain the distribution of such ecological generalists. We investigated whether local divergence happens at small spatial scales in two stands of Eperua falcata (Fabaceae), a widespread tree species of the Guiana Shield. We investigated Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) and sequence divergence as well as spatial genetic structure (SGS) at four genes putatively involved in stress response and three genes with unknown function. Significant genetic differentiation was observed among sub‐populations within stands, and eight SNP loci showed patterns compatible with disruptive selection. SGS analysis showed genetic turnover along the gradients at three loci, and at least one haplotype was found to be in repulsion with one habitat. Taken together, these results suggest genetic differentiation at small spatial scale in spite of gene flow. We hypothesize that heterogeneous environments may cause molecular divergence, possibly associated to local adaptation in E. falcata.  相似文献   

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