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常规石蜡切片方法的改良   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
针对传统石蜡切片方法中的缺陷,对制片方法进行了相应的改良。总结了切片制作过程中可能存在的问题以及处理对策;提出了一些能缩短实验周期,解决实验有毒物质二甲苯污染的方案。结合教学实践发现改良方案有助于提高石蜡切片的质量。  相似文献   

针对常规石蜡切片方法步骤繁多,耗时长,所用的二甲苯试剂对人体健康有较大毒害性的缺陷,探讨提高制作兔卵巢组织石蜡切片质量的方法。试验从脱水和透明环节进行技术改良,用正丁醇与无水乙醇混合剂取代常规的脱水剂和透明剂。该混合剂具有良好的脱水和透明作用。实验结果表明:通过该技术改良,镜下观察组织结构清晰可辨、颜色鲜艳、对比度好、层次分明,组织切片效果良好。试验改良技术的工艺简单,具有质优、省时、快捷和实用性较好等优点,有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

石蜡切片贴片法的改良   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统的石蜡切片贴片操作费时,而且效果不太理想。作者经过多次摸索试验,对其进行了改良,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

适合原位RT-PCR的石蜡切片制作方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石蜡切片是原位RT-PCR中常用一种生物制片技术,简要阐述原位RT-PCR的原理以及适合于原位RT-PCR的石蜡切片的制作流程,对其易出现的问题和解决办法作了简要的概述。  相似文献   

植物组织石蜡切片的扫描电镜观察方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石蜡切片的扫描电镜观察法有其独到之处:集光镜和扫捕电镜特长于一体,在大量的石蜡切片光镜观察的基础上,挑选具有研究线索的切片,采用此法转移到扫描电镜下作高分辩研究,既可普查切片全貌,又可处得切片中亚微结构的三维图像,这对结构的准确分辩十分有利,且便于作连续切片观察。本文简要介绍这一实验技术。  相似文献   

全自动密闭式组织脱水机在石蜡切片组织处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全自动密闭式组织脱水机问世以来,以其安全、高效和良好的处理效果等优点,深受病理学、解剖学、动物实验和组织胚胎等技术人员的青睐。我科自2002年使用全自动密闭式组织脱水机处理组织以来,组织的处理效果明显改观,石蜡切片质量显著提高,现将应用经验简介如下。材料和方法1·材料1·1标本组织来源于我院手术的活检标本。1·2仪器和设备樱花VIP-E150型全自动密闭式组织脱水机为日本原装进口,附带不锈钢脱水篮1只,可容150个包埋盒;塑料包埋盒为国产。1·3试剂冰乙酸,甲醛原液,95%乙醇,无水乙醇,二甲苯,石蜡(58-60℃)均为国产试剂。AAF固定…  相似文献   

目前,病理科普遍开展的常规石蜡技术,制片程序时间较长,三个工作日才能发出病理诊断报告;而有时在某些特殊情况下,送检组织已固定,不能行冰冻切片检查时,就必须在很短的时间内制好片。目  相似文献   

动物组织石蜡切片及染色技术是普通生物学及动物学实验中必需的实验技能.经过多年的积累和摸索,对组织切片中的苏木精-尹红( hematoxylin - eosin,H-E)染色技术进行了改进,取得了良好的教学效果和实验效果.  相似文献   

目的:探讨微小组织HistoGel预包埋的石蜡切片制作方法和优势。方法:选择拟胚体(embryoid body, EB)为微小组织,将人 类胚胎干细胞(human Embryonic Stem Cell, hESC)切割成小块,用拟胚体培养基在低贴附培养皿中悬浮培养形成拟胚体。收集拟 胚体,4 %的多聚甲醛固定。将HistoGel 加热到60 ℃熔解,离心去除拟胚体中的固定液,把液态的HistoGel 加到拟胚体上,调整拟 胚体的相对位置使其相对集中,待胶冷却凝固,将含有拟胚体的胶块取出,进行常规的石蜡切片操作,包括脱水、透明、浸蜡、包 埋、切片和苏木素- 伊红(hematoxylin-eosin, HE)染色。显微镜下观察拟胚体的形态,并用拟胚体的形态完好度来评判这种方法。结 果:HistoGel 仅在60 ℃便可熔解,室温可以冷却凝固,含有拟胚体的胶块在整个操作过程中很方便。展片过程中,石蜡和HistoGel 能够保持平整。HE 染色的结果可以看出,拟胚体内部结构完好,细胞核和细胞质清晰可辨。结论:HistoGel可以作为一种微量细 胞组织的预包埋胶制作石蜡切片,而且相比琼脂预包埋,HistoGel 因其操作更加方便和特有的物理特性显示出更多的优点。  相似文献   

怎样制作好实验动物病理的石蜡切片   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有关动物实验病理组织切片的制作文献报告甚少,本文小结了我们十多年来制作不同种类的实验动物病理组织切片的经验,对必须选用缓冲中性甲醛固定液和控制各类组织的脱水、透明浸蜡时间以及动物组织切片的过程特殊处理事宜作了说明。  相似文献   

以木本植物杨树(Populus sp.)和核桃(Juglans regia L.)为材料,对内源生长素免疫胶体金定位技术在固定、烤片、免疫染色、显色等关键环节进行了改进优化与验证.结果显示,优化后适合木本植物定位方法的主要技术要点是:在染色中,通过采用尿素-胰蛋白酶联合消化技术和增加牛血清白蛋白处理大大地改善了抗原修复结果,提高了染色的敏感性和特异性.利用优化后的方法对核桃幼胚和杨树嫩茎诱导生根过程中的吲哚乙酸(IAA)进行定位研究,发现杨树试管嫩茎生根过程中,形成层及周缘维管束有很强的IAA信号,核桃子叶生根中,胚中有很强的IAA信号,胚根中有半圆形、胚芽中有>"形强信号区,胚轴信号较弱,胚根信号最强.研究表明,与传统免疫染色方法相比,优化后的方法对木本植物生长素定位具有敏感性高,特异性强,银颗粒明显,背景清晰,耗时少等特点.  相似文献   

植物材料快速石蜡制片方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
真空干燥箱已越来越广泛地应用于现代生物学研究领域。该文利用真空干燥箱温度和负压的可控制性能,将固定、脱水、透明和石蜡渗透等过程在真空干燥箱中进行,建立起一套可行的植物组织快速石蜡制片方法。结果显示,真空干燥箱的应用加速了多种试剂的渗透速率,提高了切片质量,达到了优化实验步骤、节省实验时间和减少室内有毒化学气体污染的目的。  相似文献   

An incubation protocol to immunolabel Lowicryl semithin sections was applied to paraffin probes. To improve the labeling density, colloidal gold complexes of different preparations and sizes were compared. The type of colloidal gold preparation used was found to affect the specificity of the immunostaining. Gold colloid of 5 nm diameter particle size prepared with white phosphorus minimized nonspecific background labeling of β-casein in paraffin embedded sections of the mammary epithelium of pregnant mice. Gold colloids of 5 nm and 9 nm diameter particle size prepared in varying concentrations of tannic acid generated significant nonspecific staining in similar tissue preparations.  相似文献   

An incubation protocol to immunolabel Lowicryl semithin sections was applied to paraffin probes. To improve the labeling density, colloidal gold complexes of different preparations and sizes were compared. The type of colloidal gold preparation used was found to affect the specificity of the immunostaining. Gold colloid of 5 nm diameter particle size prepared with white phosphorus minimized nonspecific background labeling of β-casein in paraffin embedded sections of the mammary epithelium of pregnant mice. Gold colloids of 5 nm and 9 nm diameter particle size prepared in varying concentrations of tannic acid generated significant nonspecific staining in similar tissue preparations.  相似文献   

Performance of immunofluorescence staining on archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded human tissues is generally not considered to be feasible, primarily due to problems with tissue quality and autofluorescence. We report the development and application of procedures that allowed for the study of a unique archive of thymus tissues derived from autopsies of individuals exposed to atomic bomb radiation in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. Multiple independent treatments were used to minimize autofluorescence and maximize fluorescent antibody signals. Treatments with NH3/EtOH and Sudan Black B were particularly useful in decreasing autofluorescent moieties present in the tissue. Deconvolution microscopy was used to further enhance the signal-to-noise ratios. Together, these techniques provide high-quality single- and dual-color fluorescent images with low background and high contrast from paraffin blocks of thymus tissue that were prepared up to 60 years ago. The resulting high-quality images allow the application of a variety of image analyses to thymus tissues that previously were not accessible. Whereas the procedures presented remain to be tested for other tissue types and archival conditions, the approach described may facilitate greater utilization of older paraffin block archives for modern immunofluorescence studies.  相似文献   

许双  戴强  张丕珠  郑渝池 《四川动物》2020,39(3):274-280
石蜡切片是量化两栖动物各种皮肤特征的常用技术,但在两栖动物中缺乏取样标准。血管密度等无法直接度量的特性可能需要较大的样本量,探讨这类特征的取样标准有利于实践工作。本研究对雄性峨眉髭蟾Leptobrachium boringii表皮下毛细血管丰富度进行量化,并通过重抽样分析该特征所需样本量。实验获得2只个体10个部位数据,每个部位模拟29种抽样。结果显示,体型较小个体多数部位需接近20条组织或更高的样本量,体型较大个体多数部位所需样本量接近15条或更高。建议在两栖类皮肤石蜡切片工作中对全部有效切片进行制片,以满足不同特征对样本量的要求。表皮下毛细血管丰富度与所需样本量呈负相关关系,可能缘于高密度部位的血管分布更均匀。如在其他两栖动物类群中亦观察到该相关性,则有助于在量化该特征时合理选取样本量。  相似文献   

人体及动物组织H.E染色石蜡切片法的技术改进   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵惠玲  王青  王蔚魁 《动物学杂志》2004,39(3):42-43,F002
报道人体及动物组织石蜡切片方法的全面革新技术。以组织块的固定、苏木精染色和脱水同时进行为主要技术特征,改进了某些操作细节,获得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Chemical dehydration can be accomplished using 2,2-dimethoxy-propane (DMP). In the presence of an acid catalyst, this liquid reacts with water generating methanol and acetone as products. Although DMP is more expensive per milliliter than ethanol and other solvents used for dehydration, it is an economical alternative because a much smaller volume is needed. Slow penetration of DMP was previously thought to restrict its use to tiny specimens, but we now show that pieces of tissue as thick as 2 cm are dehydrated by overnight immersion in acidified DMP. We also show that dehydration in acidified DMP does not impair the staining of UNA or other basophilic components of animal tissues. The temperature and concentrations of methanol and H+ in the chemical dehydrating agent are too low to produce histochemicaUy detectable methylation or nucleic acid extraction.  相似文献   


Neurosurgical image-guidance has historically relied on the registration of the patient and preoperative imaging series with surgical instruments in the operating room (OR) coordinate space. Recent studies measuring intraoperative tissue motion have suggested that deformation-induced misregistration from surgical loading is a serious concern with such systems. In an effort to improve registration fidelity during surgery, we are pursuing an approach which uses a predictive computational model in conjunction with data available in the OR to update the high resolution preoperative image series. In previous work. we have developed an in vivo experimental system in the porcine brain which has been used to investigate a homogeneous finite element rendering of consolidation theory as a tissue deformation model. In this paper, our computational approach has been extended to include heterogeneous tissue property distributions determined from an image-to-grid segmentation scheme. Results produced under two different loading conditions show that heterogeneity in the stiffness properties and interstitial pressure gradients varied over a range of physiologically reasonable values account for 1-3% and 5-8% of the predicted tissue motion, respectively, while homogeneous linear elasticity is responsible for 60-70% of the surgically-induced motion that has been recoverable with our model-based @approach.  相似文献   

【目的】蚊虫是传播人类多种疾病的重要媒介害虫, 对其组织形态学的认识是开展众多领域研究的基础。本文通过研究致倦库蚊Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus成虫组织结构及形态, 为媒介蚊虫的抗药性研究及有效防治提供基础材料。【方法】采用改进的石蜡切片法和HE染色, 结合活体内脏器官解剖及光学显微镜观察, 从形态学和组织学水平对致倦库蚊组织结构做详尽展示。【结果】获得结构完整、 染色清晰、 定位准确的消化排泄系统、 生殖系统、 神经系统、 呼吸系统等HE染色石蜡切片。【结论】探讨了改进制片和染色过程中一些步骤及注意事项。研究结果为利用原位杂交、 免疫组化等方法研究蚊虫体内抗药性基因的准确定位及基因功能分析提供了可靠的基础。  相似文献   

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