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正杂交构树作为一种新型优质的木本饲料,具有很好的饲用价值,饲料中的营养成分及其消化降解率可以反映饲料的营养价值。农业农村部饲料效价与安全监督检验测试中心及中国农业科学院饲料研究所对杂交构树的营养成分及消化吸收特性等进行了深入细致的测定分析,证实杂交构树粗蛋白含量高,微量元素和氨基酸含量丰富,为更好地开发利用杂交构树这一宝贵的饲料资源提供了可靠的科学理论支撑。杂交构树的基本营养成分杂交构树叶片的粗蛋白含量为26.1%,部分  相似文献   

当植物从暗中转到光下时 ,其体内叶绿素 (Chl)荧光强度会随照光时间产生有规律的变化 ,这就是植物荧光诱导现象。由于它能够灵敏、快速、简便和无损伤地探测植物体内光合生理状况及环境因子对植物的影响 ,近年来在植物生理、植物生态、农业、林业、环境污染和遥感等领域得到重视和应用[1,2,3]。植物动力学荧光仪有调制式和非调制式两类 ,非调制式荧光仪特别适合于荧光诱导上升曲线及曲线中偏转荧光 (FI)和荧光上升互补面积 (CA)的研究 ,其中FI 是快速简便地探测体内PSII无活性中心相对含量的重要途径 ,后者与光合激发能…  相似文献   

植物基因组研究与利用的新型工具——异源单体附加系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭光轩 《遗传》2008,30(1):35-45
在高等植物中, 以种间杂交和回交把有益基因从一个物种转移到另一个物种为目的育种项目中, 单个外源染色体常常被附加到含有受体细胞完整一套染色体中, 形成异源单体附加系。这种异源单体附加系是阐明基因组结构和转移基因的有效工具。它可以通过回交形成覆盖整个基因组的渗入系重叠群, 用于建立以受体物种基因组为载体的外源物种基因组文库。另外, 一套完整的异源单体附加系也可看作是一个拥有分散供体基因组成为单个染色体单位的文库, 便于精确高通量地将标记分配到单个供体染色体上, 从而可以比较供体染色体和各自的直向同源受体染色体之间的标记位置和同线性关系。同时, 也便于研究同源染色体的渗入机制和配对状态。文中介绍了异源单体附加系的培育和特性, 并着重阐明了它在遗传育种和基础研究中的应用。  相似文献   

新型禾本科模式植物——二穗短柄草   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍二穗短柄草这一种新型的禾本科模式植物的分类地位、生物学特性和基因组学等方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

为了给黄河三角洲地区野生饲用植物资源的开发和利用提供理论依据,对该区域的野生饲用植物资源进行了调查和研究,初步统计黄河三角洲地区野生饲用植物有40科118属172种.并介绍了该区域饲用植物的科属种组成、区系分布、地理分布及饲用价值等,并对其利用提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

王祺 《植物分类学报》2007,45(3):415-420
讨论了木本石松植物鳞皮木属Lepidophloios Stemberg的正确名称。基于Stemberg 1825年的原始描述和相关文献以及模式标本,Lepidophloios实际上是一个晚出的拼写变体,它的原始拼写为Lepidopfloyos。根据《国际植物命名法规》(维也纳法规规则60.1和61.1),Lepidofloys Stemberg应该是鳞皮木属的正确名称。作者给出了鳞皮木属模式标本的图片和描述。  相似文献   

叶绿体转基因植物--一种新型生物反应器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶绿体转基因植物作为生物反应器,具有外源蛋白表达量高和环境安全性好等优点,近年来呈现出诱人的发展前景。本文综述了叶绿体基因工程的优越性,并重点介绍了叶绿体转基因植物作为生物反应器在生产疫苗、药用蛋白及生物可降解塑料等物质方面的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

叶绿体转基因植物作为生物反应器, 具有外源蛋白表达量高和环境安全性好等优点, 近年来呈现出诱人的发展前景。本文综述了叶绿体基因工程的优越性, 并重点介绍了叶绿体转基因植物作为生物反应器在生产疫苗、药用蛋白及生物可降解塑料等物质方面的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

酵母:一种模式生物   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘擎  余龙 《生命的化学》2000,20(2):61-65
1996年 4月 ,在国际互联网的公共数据库中公布了酿酒酵母 (以下简称酵母 )的完整基因组顺序 ,它被称为遗传学上的里程碑。因为首先 ,这是人们第一次获得真核生物基因组的完整核苷酸序列 ;其次 ,这是人们第一次获得一种易于操作的实验生物系统的完整基因组。酵母是一种较好的模式生物 ,通过对其基因组的深入研究将有助于人们了解高等真核生物基因组的结构和功能。酿酒酵母作为一种模式生物在实验系统研究方面具有许多内在的优势。首先 ,酵母是一种单细胞生物 ,能够在基本培养基上生长 ,使得实验者能够通过改变物理或化学环境完全控制其生长。…  相似文献   

我国饲用植物资源丰富、种类繁多,是草地资源的主要组成部分。开发利用饲用植物资源,不仅有利于缓解畜牧业发展过程中饲草、饲料紧缺的现状,有助于破解"人畜争粮"的问题,而且能够满足在石漠化综合治理中草食畜牧工程建设的需要,促进石漠化地区生态恢复,达到治石与治贫相结合的目的。该文通过查阅文献资料调查石漠化地区饲用植物资源的概况,并对饲用植物资源的生态价值、经济价值和社会价值进行研究。同时,针对饲用植物综合开发利用,分析其在石漠化地区生态恢复、区域经济发展以及生态文明建设中的作用,并从饲用植物自身特性、石漠化地区地质地貌特点以及当地居民的意识等方面出发,探讨了石漠化地区饲用植物资源开发利用存在的问题,提出了相应的解决对策,并指出综合开发利用石漠化地区饲用植物资源,有利于促进石漠化地区草食畜牧业的发展,有利于促进石漠化地区生态文明建设与区域经济发展,是缓解人地矛盾、促进石漠化综合治理的有效途径,具有较大的开发利用前景。  相似文献   

Despite its high economic importance, little is known about rose genetics, genome structure, and the function of rose genes. Reasons for this lack of information are polyploidy in most cultivars, simple breeding strategies, high turnover rates for cultivars, and little public funding. Molecular and biotechnological tools developed during the genomics era now provide the means to fill this gap. This will be facilitated by a number of model traits as e.g., a small genome, a large genetic diversity including diploid genotypes, a comparatively short generation time and protocols for genetic engineering. A deeper understanding of genetic processes and the structure of the rose genome will serve several purposes: Applications to the breeding process including marker-assisted selection and direct manipulation of relevant traits via genetic engineering will lead to improved cultivars with new combinations of characters. In basic research, unique characters, e.g., the biosynthesis and emission of particular secondary metabolites will provide new information not available in model species. Furthermore comparative genomics will link information about the rose genome to ongoing projects on other rosaceous crops and will add to our knowledge about genome evolution and speciation. This review is intended as a presentation and is the compilation of the current knowledge on rose genetics and genomics, including functional genomics and genetic engineering. Furthermore, it is intended to show ways how knowledge on rose genetics and genomics can be linked to other species in the Rosaceae in order to utilize this information across genera.  相似文献   

Attempts to classify certain habitats as vulnerable to invasion or plant traits as invasive have met with limited success and applicability. Clearly, not all plant invaders are able to exploit all habitats and not all habitats are equally susceptible to invasion. Here we argue that it is critical for a successful model for invasions to incorporate both environmental and species traits and present just such a framework. Although disturbance has been targeted as a crucial event which renders habitats vulnerable to invasion, disturbances are often integral parts of ecosystems (e.g. floods, tree-falls, fire, etc.) and are not always associated with invasion events. We argue that disturbances that are associated with invasions alter historical patterns of turnover, or flux, of resources in an ecosystem. Given this perspective on the relationship between invasions and disturbances, and the need to integrate species traits with those of invaded ecosystems, we have developed an approach to characterize plant invasion patterns that we call the Disturbed Resource-Flux Invasion Matrix or DRIM. This is a 16-cell matrix that classifies habitats by the quality of changes in physical and chemical resource flux either increasing or decreasing flux relative to historical patterns. Within each matrix cell, it is then possible to apply basic ecological principles to target species traits that can facilitate successful invasion of habitats experiencing that particular kind of disturbance. We present examples from the literature of how habitats and species can be classified according to the DRIM, and demonstrate the application of this theoretical model.  相似文献   

Recent observations of pollen tubes show that these tubes may grow in a pulsatory fashion (Pierson et al., 1995; Plyushch et al., 1995; Li et al., 1996; Geitmann et al., 1996a, 1996b), in which phases of fast and slow growth alternate regularly. The occurrence of pulsatory growth has been used by Geitmann and coworkers (1996b) to study factors that might control growth. Their results emphasize the role of the cell wall and secretory events in regulating pollen tube growth. Here we will briefly review recent results related to the role of exocytosis, cytoskeleton, calcium and the cell wall in pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

A model animal showing spontaneous onset is a useful tool for investigating the mechanism of disease. Here, I would like to introduce two aging model animals expected to be useful for neuroscience research: the senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM) and the klotho mouse. The SAM was developed as a mouse showing a senescence-related phenotype such as a short lifespan or rapid advancement of senescence. In particular, SAMP8 and SAMP10 show age-related impairment of learning and memory. SAMP8 has spontaneous spongy degeneration in the brain stem and spinal cord with aging, and immunohistochemical studies reveal excess protein expression of amyloid precursor protein and amyloid β in the brain, indicating that SAMP8 is a model for Alzheimer’s disease. SAMP10 also shows age-related impairment of learning and memory, but it does not seem to correspond to Alzheimer’s disease because senile plaques primarily composed of amyloid β or neurofibrillary tangles primarily composed of phosphorylated tau were not observed. However, severe atrophy in the frontal cortex, entorhinal cortex, amygdala, and nucleus accumbens can be seen in this strain in an age-dependent manner, indicating that SAMP10 is a model for normal aging. The klotho mouse shows a phenotype, regulated by only one gene named α-klotho, similar to human progeria. The α-klotho gene is mainly expressed in the kidney and brain, and oxidative stress is involved in the deterioration of cognitive function of the klotho mouse. These animal models are potentially useful for neuroscience research now and in the near future.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo model for the growth of phytoplankton in a regenerative system has been constructed. This model assumes that nutrients are regenerated randomly in time and space at the scale which is important to the individual organisms. Under such a regime, organisms originally arrayed in a random fashion assume a patchy distribution within fifteen or twenty divisions, with some species becoming nonrandom in their distribution within five divisions. Other factors, physical or biological, may also induce or enhance patchiness, but normal regenerative processes in a nutrient-limited system are sufficient in themselves to explain the phenomenon. Patchiness should be considered as the normal state for nonmotile organisms.  相似文献   

苔藓植物小立碗藓,功能基因组学研究新的模式系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董文  李卫  郭光沁  郑国锠 《遗传》2004,26(4):560-566
苔藓植物具有相对简单的发育模式,单倍体的配子体在其生活史中占主导地位,作为研究植物生物学过程的模式系统具有诸多的优越性。苔藓植物小立碗藓能够高效地通过同源重组的方式将外源核酸整合到其核DNA,这就使得基因打靶在此物种中就像在小鼠胚胎干细胞和酵母中一样成为一个非常便利的技术。另外由于小立碗藓与高等植物在生物特征上有很大相似之处加之其有其他诸多优越性,它有望成为一个诱人的植物生物学和功能基因组学研究的模式系统。Abstract:The potential of moss as a model system to study plant biological process is associated with their relatively simple developmental pattern and the dominance of the haploid gametophyte in the life cycle. The moss Physcomitrella patens exhibits a very high rate of homologous recombination in its nuclear DNA, making gene targeting approaches in this plant as convenient as in yeast or in ES cells of mice. Sharing many biological features with higher plants and having many other advantages, the moss Physcomitrella patens will be an attractive model system for plant biology and functional genome analysis.  相似文献   

Skin is a comparatively accessible organ possessing many conserved regulatory and signaling pathways, drawing researchers from varied fields toward its study. Hair follicle (HF) biology in particular has expanded rapidly over the preceding decade, helping to shape and develop scientific knowledge across diverse areas of biomedical research, beyond the skin. The hope in compiling this review is to inspire more researchers to utilize the HF as an instructive biological model, bringing with them fresh perspectives and experience from differing fields of study. The authors also wish to further motivate seasoned hair researchers to explore the further reaches of their understanding and the discoveries yet to be made. For this reason, the authors have endeavored to collate an eclectic mix of some of the most thought-provoking and scientifically intriguing articles associated with the field of HF research, published in the preceding two years.  相似文献   

梁运飞 《蛇志》2006,18(2):85-91
许多蛇类,例如响尾蛇属,洞蛇属,饭匙倩蛇属,竹叶青蛇属和蝮蛇属等在头部具有一对能在黑暗中探测和捕获猎物的凹陷器官。这种凹陷器官对红外射线非常敏感,因此也称为红外线感受器官。凹陷器官在中间部位被一层约为15μm厚的薄膜(红外线感受膜)分隔为外腔和内腔,红外线感受膜由三叉神经节中的特化假单极神经细胞(红外线感受细胞)的外周轴突所支配,红外线感受膜内相邻的游离神经末梢聚合形成约40μm直径的团块,构成了基本的红外线感受野单元。三叉神经节中的红外线感受细胞的中枢轴突投射到同侧延髓中的三叉神经束外侧降核,该神经核团为此类蛇属所特有。从三叉神经束外侧降核二级神经元发出的轴突投射到对侧视顶盖。由于蛇类不具有分化的半球新皮质,因此视顶盖为红外线感受系统的感觉与行为的整合中枢。在三叉神经节,延髓三叉神经束外侧降核及视顶盖均可记录到神经细胞对红外线刺激的反应电位,从而可观察红外线刺激强度与各级红外线感受神经元反应强度的关系。本文简述了蛇类红外线感受系统的形态学和生理学特征及其研究进展,并且探讨了利用蛇类红外线感受系统作为生物体接受外气功研究的实验动物模型的可能性。  相似文献   

风景园林信息模型(LIM)需要面向设计实践的体系化应用研究。在此背景下探索硬件、软件、网络、人员相结合的LIM技术应用体系构建方法,以形成有效地应用于设计实践的企业LIM平台。研究采取基于项目的设计研究方法,历经理论研究阶段、系统规划阶段、分步实施阶段,构建了以LIM工作流为核心的风景园林信息模型技术应用体系原型。该体系的构建方法包括开发Autodesk Civil 3D和Revit等关键软件的企业模板,部署基于雾计算的LIM协同设计平台,编制LIM平台使用管理手册等。12项实践项目的验证结果表明:LIM平台是具有实践意义的行业信息化发展技术路径。  相似文献   

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