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Coaggregation is hypothesized to enhance freshwater biofilm development. To investigate this hypothesis, the ability of the coaggregating bacterium Sphingomonas natatoria to form single- and dual-species biofilms was studied and compared to that of a naturally occurring spontaneous coaggregation-deficient variant. Attachment assays using metabolically inactive cells were performed using epifluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Under static and flowing conditions, coaggregating S. natatoria 2.1gfp cells adhered to glass surfaces to form diaphanous single-species biofilms. When glass surfaces were precoated with coaggregation partner Micrococcus luteus 2.13 cells, S. natatoria 2.1gfp cells formed densely packed dual-species biofilms. The addition of 80 mM galactosamine, which reverses coaggregation, mildly reduced adhesion to glass but inhibited the interaction and attachment to glass-surface-attached M. luteus 2.13 cells. As opposed to wild-type coaggregating cells, coaggregation-deficient S. natatoria 2.1COGgfp variant cells were retarded in colonizing glass and did not interact with glass-surface-attached M. luteus 2.13 cells. To determine if coaggregation enhances biofilm growth and expansion, viable coaggregating S. natatoria 2.1gfp cells or the coaggregation-deficient variant S. natatoria 2.1COGgfp cells were coinoculated in flow cells with viable M. luteus 2.13 cells and allowed to grow together for 96 h. Coaggregating S. natatoria 2.1gfp cells outcompeted M. luteus 2.13 cells, and 96-h biofilms were composed predominantly of S. natatoria 2.1gfp cells. Conversely, when coaggregation-deficient S. natatoria 2.1COGgfp cells were coinoculated with M. luteus 2.13 cells, the 96-h biofilm contained few coaggregation-deficient S. natatoria 2.1 cells. Thus, coaggregation promotes biofilm integration by facilitating attachment to partner species and likely contributes to the expansion of coaggregating S. natatoria 2.1 populations in dual-species biofilms through competitive interactions.In nature, most biofilms are not composed of one bacterial species but instead contain multiple species (24). These multispecies communities can be responsible for the fouling of ships (9, 44), the corrosion of liquid-carrying vessels (3, 14), and chronic infections in higher organisms (41, 42, 57). Recent research has demonstrated that in order for multispecies biofilm communities to develop, interbacterial communication is often essential (62) and facilitates the coordination of bacterial activities to promote the formation and to maintain the integrity of multispecies biofilm communities (28, 32, 60). Interspecies communication can be mediated by chemical or physical means. Mechanisms for chemical communication between different species include the secretion and uptake of metabolic by-products (11, 19), the exchange of genetic material (40), and the production and recognition of interspecies signal molecules such as short peptides (36) and autoinducer-2 (10). Mechanisms for interspecies physical communication can involve cell surface structures such as flagella or fimbriae (31, 48) and also include nonspecific adhesion between bacterial species (5) as well as highly specific coaggregations mediated by lectin-saccharide interactions (48).Coaggregation, the highly specific recognition and adhesion of different bacterial species to one another, was first discovered to occur between human oral bacteria in 1970 (23). Since then, research has shown that coaggregation occurs between specific bacterial species in environments other than the human oral cavity (48). Coaggregation interactions have been detected between bacteria isolated from canine dental plaque (21), the crop of chickens (61), the human female urogenital tract (30), the human intestine (34), and wastewater and freshwater biofilms (27, 37, 53). In particular, Buswell et al. (8) first demonstrated that coaggregation occurred between 19 freshwater strains that were isolated from a drinking water biofilm. Further studies by Rickard et al. demonstrated that coaggregation between these 19 strains was mediated by growth-phase-dependent lectin-saccharide interactions (49, 50) and occurred at the interspecies and intraspecies levels for nine different genera (50). From this aquatic biofilm consortium, coaggregation between the gram-negative bacterium Sphingomonas (Blastomonas) natatoria 2.1 and the gram-positive bacterium Micrococcus luteus 2.13 have been studied further. Coaggregation between this pair is mediated by the growth-phase-dependent expression of a lectin-like adhesin(s) on S. natatoria 2.1 and a complementary polysaccharide-containing receptor(s) on the cell surface of M. luteus 2.13 (47, 49). The addition of millimolar concentrations of galactosamine resulted in the dispersion of the coaggregates (47, 49). Coaggregation between this pair also occurs after growth in artificial biofilm constructs composed of poloxamer (47). These findings suggested that coaggregation may contribute to the integration of S. natatoria 2.1 into freshwater biofilms through specific adhesive interactions with M. luteus 2.13. Indeed, while coaggregation is hypothesized to contribute to the integration of species into freshwater biofilms (31, 32, 48), no direct evidence has yet been presented. If coaggregation promotes the integration of species into a freshwater biofilm, it may contribute to the retention of pathogens in drinking water pipelines (7) as well as the maintenance of the species diversity of aquatic biofilms that are exposed to shear stress (52, 53).S. natatoria and M. luteus are commonly isolated from moist environments. M. luteus is environmentally ubiquitous and is found in biofilms of aquatic ecosystems (8, 35), in soil (54), and on human and animal skin (17, 29). Cells of M. luteus are gram positive, coccus shaped, arranged in clusters of tetrads, and nonmotile. S. natatoria is indigenous to freshwater environments (55) and has been isolated from swimming pools, deep-ice boreholes, and drinking water systems (1, 50, 56). Cells are gram negative, are rod shaped, and have the propensity to form rosettes containing 4 to 14 cells (55). Each rosette-forming cell has a polar tuft of fimbriae at its nonreproductive pole by which it attaches to other S. natatoria cells and, possibly, solid surfaces (46, 55). Reproduction occurs by asymmetric division (budding) to produce an ovoid daughter cell, which is highly motile, with a single polar flagellum. These ovoid daughter cells do not coaggregate, and only mature cells within rosettes can attach to other species of bacteria. Previous studies indicated that while coaggregation between S. natatoria 2.1 and M. luteus 2.13 is inhibited by the addition of galactosamine, the propensity of S. natatoria 2.1 to form rosettes was unaffected (46, 49).The aim of this work was to determine if coaggregation enhances the attachment of planktonic S. natatoria 2.1 cells to clean glass surfaces as well as glass surfaces precoated with M. luteus 2.13 cells under static and flowing conditions. This study also aimed to provide insight into whether coaggregation contributes to the expansion of S. natatoria 2.1 populations within dual-species biofilms containing M. luteus 2.13. Epifluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) coupled with three different computer-based analysis programs were used throughout this study. Attachment assays were performed using metabolically inactive planktonic coaggregating or coaggregation-deficient variants of S. natatoria 2.1 that were suspended over or that were flowed across metabolically inactive glass-surface-attached M. luteus 2.13 cells. The potential role of coaggregation in promoting the expansion of S. natatoria 2.1 populations within biofilms containing M. luteus 2.13 was investigated by inoculating flow cells with viable cells and monitoring spatiotemporal development. By achieving these two aims, this work demonstrates that coaggregation contributes to biofilm integration and indicates that there is a possible role for coaggregation interactions in the establishment and expansion of S. natatoria populations in freshwater biofilms.  相似文献   

Butyrate is a preferred energy source for colonic epithelial cells and is thought to play an important role in maintaining colonic health in humans. In order to investigate the diversity and stability of butyrate-producing organisms of the colonic flora, anaerobic butyrate-producing bacteria were isolated from freshly voided human fecal samples from three healthy individuals: an infant, an adult omnivore, and an adult vegetarian. A second isolation was performed on the same three individuals 1 year later. Of a total of 313 bacterial isolates, 74 produced more than 2 mM butyrate in vitro. Butyrate-producing isolates were grouped by 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. The results indicate very little overlap between the predominant ribotypes of the three subjects; furthermore, the flora of each individual changed significantly between the two isolations. Complete sequences of 16S rDNAs were determined for 24 representative strains and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. Eighty percent of the butyrate-producing isolates fell within the XIVa cluster of gram-positive bacteria as defined by M. D. Collins et al. (Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:812–826, 1994) and A. Willems et al. (Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 46:195–199, 1996), with the most abundant group (10 of 24 or 42%) clustering with Eubacterium rectale, Eubacterium ramulus, and Roseburia cecicola. Fifty percent of the butyrate-producing isolates were net acetate consumers during growth, suggesting that they employ the butyryl coenzyme A-acetyl coenzyme A transferase pathway for butyrate production. In contrast, only 1% of the 239 non-butyrate-producing isolates consumed acetate.  相似文献   

利用RAPD标记研究几种淡水腹足类的亲缘关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以软体动物腹足纲、中腹足目的光滑狭口螺、长角涵螺、纹沼螺、赤豆螺、大沼螺几个形态分类的近缘种及梨形环棱螺(对照)作为研究对象,用随机扩增多态DNA技术对上述动物进行了20个引物的扩增,共获得117条扩增谱带,单个引物扩增的RAPD标记在3-12个之间,片段长度在30—3000bp之间。试验结果显示:淡水螺类的RAPD标记具有明显的多态性,而且种间的扩增标记及差异程度可以反映出物种间系统演化过程的亲缘关系。通过数值聚类制图后得到:长角涵螺、纹沼螺、大沼螺、赤豆螺之间的亲缘关系较近,而光滑狭口螺、梨形环棱螺与上述4个种的亲缘关系较远,其结果与新修订的淡水中腹足目科级分类方案相当吻合。  相似文献   

Manganese-oxidizing heterotrophic bacteria were found to comprise a significant proportion of the bacterial community of Lake Washington (Seattle, Wash.) and Lake Virginia (Winter Park, Fla.). Identification of these freshwater bacteria showed that members of a variety of genera are capable of oxidizing manganese. Isolates maintained in the laboratory spontaneously lost the ability to oxidize manganese. A direct correlation was found between the presence of plasmid DNA and the ability of the organism to oxidize manganese.  相似文献   

Thirty-two strains of nonflocculating bacteria isolated from sewage-activated sludge were tested by a spectrophotometric assay for their ability to coaggregate with one other in two-membered systems. Among these strains, eight showed significant (74 to 99%) coaggregation with Acinetobacter johnsonii S35 while only four strains coaggregated, to a lesser extent (43 to 65%), with Acinetobacter junii S33. The extent and pattern of coaggregation as well as the aggregate size showed good correlation with cellular characteristics of the coaggregating partners. These strains were identified by sequencing of full-length 16S rRNA genes. A. johnsonii S35 could coaggregate with strains of several genera, such as Oligotropha carboxidovorans, Microbacterium esteraromaticum, and Xanthomonas spp. The role of Acinetobacter isolates as bridging organisms in multigeneric coaggregates is indicated. This investigation revealed the role of much-neglected nonflocculating bacteria in floc formation in activated sludge.  相似文献   

Coaggregating strains of aquatic bacteria were identified by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The coaggregation abilities of four strains of Blastomonas natatoria and one strain of Micrococcus luteus varied with culture age but were always maximum in the stationary phase of growth. Each member of a coaggregating pair carried either a heat- and protease-sensitive protein (lectin) adhesin or a saccharide receptor, as coaggregation was reversed by sugars.  相似文献   

植物内生细菌的生物薄膜(biofilm)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物薄膜(biofilm)指微生物菌体互相黏附一起或附着到一些材料表面,并由胞外多聚物基质对其包埋的生长状态。生物薄膜是微生物形成的对生存环境(包括定殖宿主)相适应的结构。近年来随着人们对微生物与环境相互作用研究的日益重视,对生物薄膜的研究已经迅速发展起来。该文从植物内生细菌的角度,总结并论述了生物薄膜结构形成、生理生化性质、以及生物学功能等,并针对当前国内对生物薄膜概念使用不规范甚至不正确的问题,提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

In marine sediments cathodic oxygen reduction at the sediment surface can be coupled to anodic sulfide oxidation in deeper anoxic layers through electrical currents mediated by filamentous, multicellular bacteria of the Desulfobulbaceae family, the so-called cable bacteria. Until now, cable bacteria have only been reported from marine environments. In this study, we demonstrate that cable bacteria also occur in freshwater sediments. In a first step, homogenized sediment collected from the freshwater stream Giber Å, Denmark, was incubated in the laboratory. After 2 weeks, pH signatures and electric fields indicated electron transfer between vertically separated anodic and cathodic half-reactions. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed the presence of Desulfobulbaceae filaments. In addition, in situ measurements of oxygen, pH, and electric potential distributions in the waterlogged banks of Giber Å demonstrated the presence of distant electric redox coupling in naturally occurring freshwater sediment. At the same site, filamentous Desulfobulbaceae with cable bacterium morphology were found to be present. Their 16S rRNA gene sequence placed them as a distinct sister group to the known marine cable bacteria, with the genus Desulfobulbus as the closest cultured lineage. The results of the present study indicate that electric currents mediated by cable bacteria could be important for the biogeochemistry in many more environments than anticipated thus far and suggest a common evolutionary origin of the cable phenotype within Desulfobulbaceae with subsequent diversification into a freshwater and a marine lineage.  相似文献   

Biofilm is bacterial population adherent to each other and to surfaces or interfaces, often enclosed by a matrix. Various biomolecules contribute to the establishment of biofilms, yet the process of building a biofilm is still under active investigation. Indole is known as a metabolite of amino acid tryptophan, which, however, has recently been proved to participate in various aspects of bacterial life including virulence induction, cell cycle regulation, acid resistance, and especially, signaling biofilm formation. Moreover, indole is also proposed to be a novel signal involved in quorum sensing, a bacterial cooperation behavior sometimes concerning the biofilm formation. Here the signaling role and molecular mechanism of indole on bacterial biofilm formation are reviewed, as well discussed is its relation to bacterial living adaptivity.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic Ecology of the Freshwater Actinobacteria acI Lineage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The acI lineage of freshwater Actinobacteria is a cosmopolitan and often numerically dominant member of lake bacterial communities. We conducted a survey of acI 16S rRNA genes and 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer regions from 18 Wisconsin lakes and used standard nonphylogenetic and phylogenetic statistical approaches to investigate the factors that determine acI community composition at the local scale (within lakes) and at the regional scale (across lakes). Phylogenetic reconstruction of 434 acI 16S rRNA genes revealed a well-defined and highly resolved phylogeny. Eleven previously unrecognized monophyletic clades, each with ≥97.9% within-clade 16S rRNA gene sequence identity, were identified. Clade community similarity positively correlated with lake environmental similarity but not with geographic distance, implying that the lakes represent a single biotic region containing environmental filters for communities that have similar compositions. Phylogenetically disparate clades within the acI lineage were most abundant at the regional scale, and local communities were comprised of more closely related clades. Lake pH was a strong predictor of the community composition, but only when lakes with a pH below 6 were included in the data set. In the remaining lakes (pH above 6) biogeographic patterns in the landscape were instead a predictor of the observed acI community structure. The nonrandom distribution of the newly defined acI clades suggests potential ecophysiological differences between the clades, with acI clades AI, BII, and BIII preferring acidic lakes and acI clades AII, AVI, and BI preferring more alkaline lakes.  相似文献   

Standardization of methodology and interpretation has proved essential to scientific progress in studies of the activity of antimicrobial agents against planktonic bacteria. Current studies of antimicrobial activity against biofilm bacteria lack standardization of methodology. The principles applied to standardization of methods for planktonic bacteria can serve as a template in developing standards for studying biofilm bacteria. Such standards are essential to allow meaningful comparison between published studies.  相似文献   

Direct microscopic examination of natural freshwater samples reveals a variety of small microorganisms having elaborate cellular appendages. Several strains have been isolated from crude cultures containing low concentrations of organic nutrients. All of the isolates are procaryotic. They are aerobic chemoorganotrophs that require vitamins for growth. Because they cannot be assigned to any of the existing bacterial genera, two new genera are proposed: Ancalomicrobium for organisms which have several long appendages and which reproduce by budding; Prosthecomicrobium for organisms which have many short appendages tapering toward a blunt tip and which reproduce by binary fission. Gas vacuoles have been found in strains of each genus. The term prostheca is proposed for the rigid appendages of procaryotic cells bounded by the cell wall, and is defined to include the structures on these new bacteria, as well as the stalks of the caulobacters and the hyphae of the hyphomicrobia.  相似文献   

通过以环己酮为唯一碳源的选择培养基富集培养和细菌环己酮降解能力的测定,从巴陵石化公司环己酮生产车间排水口的污泥样品中分离到12株降解环己酮性能强的细菌菌株。根据形态观察、部分生理生化试验和16SrRNA基因序列的比对分析,初步确定这些菌株代表8个物种,属于3个大的系统发育类群/门(Actinobacteria,Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes)的5个科、7个属;大多数菌株与其系统发育关系最密切的典型菌株之间存在一定的遗传差异。结果表明降解环己酮性能强的细菌具有较丰富的系统发育多样性。  相似文献   

The occurrence of tetrodotoxin (TTX) in sediment from Lake Suwa, Japan, was confirmed by a tissue culture assay, high-performance liquid chromatography, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Altogether, 17 TTX-producing bacteria belonging to five genera were isolated from Lake Suwa and Pond Inokasira. Our results indicate that TTX and TTX-producing bacteria occur even in freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Filamentous bacteria with a conspicuous morphology were found in the majority of the bacterioplankton samples from a variety of freshwater habitats that were studied. These heterotrophic filaments typically account for <1 to 11% of the total number of bacteria. The biovolume of this morphotype can exceed 40% of the biovolume for all bacteria. Surprisingly, we found hardly any data on these morphologically conspicuous filaments in the literature. Mixed cultures containing these filamentous bacteria were established by cultivation and isolation experiments with samples from different freshwater lakes. Nearly full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained from several mixed cultures and environmental samples from habitats in Europe, Africa, China, Australia, and New Zealand. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences showed that three groups form a single monophyletic cluster, the SOL cluster, in the family Saprospiraceae. We developed a set of six nested probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization. Of the six probes, one probe was specific for Haliscomenobacter hydrossis, three probes were specific for the three subclusters (each probe was specific for one subcluster), one probe was specific for the entire SOL cluster, and another probe targeted almost the entire Saprospiraceae family. Specific hybridization of environmental samples and enrichments showed that the members of the three subclusters exhibited the same filamentous morphology. So far, using the subcluster-specific probes, we have not been able to detect any bacteria with a differing morphology. We conclude that the SOL cluster bacteria are an integral part of bacterioplankton in many freshwater habitats. They potentially account for a large fraction of the total bacterial biomass but have been underrepresented in molecular diversity studies so far.  相似文献   

Abstract Genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) released into the environment may persist and spread, depending on their features and conditions encountered. In streams, the extent of dispersion depends largely on cycles of attachment to, and detachment from, biofilms, because distribution of microorganisms is limited only by stream flow and settling rates, and because biofilms are the primary generator of bacterial cells. To simulate dissemination of introduced bacteria, multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria (Chryseobacterium (Flavobacterium) indologenes) were introduced into microcosms containing water, sediments, and leaves. Marked bacteria reached greatest abundances in sediments, and contributions of bacteria from sediments to other habitats was relatively low. Bacterial attachment and detachment occurred rapidly, but the ability of marked bacteria to successfully exploit receiving habitats was comparatively low. Current speed influenced bacterial dissemination. A mechanistic model, using mortality and attachment/detachment rates, determined experimentally, was developed to predict bacterial exchanges in nature. The model was predictive of experimental results when only 5% of bacteria in sediments were available for detachment. Based on model results, an introduced bacterial strain, with mortality rates comparable to those of the model strain, is predicted to maintain highest abundances in sediments. However, within a month, abundance was predicted to be reduced by 98%; long-term persistence is possible if these low population sizes can be sustained. Received: 11 August 1997; Accepted: 9 December 1997  相似文献   

The 16S rRNA sequences and selected phenotypic characteristics were determined for six recently isolated bacteria that can tolerate high levels of hydrolyzable and condensed tannins. Bacteria were isolated from the ruminal contents of animals in different geographic locations, including Sardinian sheep (Ovis aries), Honduran and Colombian goats (Capra hircus), white-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from upstate New York, and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) from Oregon. Nearly complete sequences of the small-subunit rRNA genes, which were obtained by PCR amplification, cloning, and sequencing, were used for phylogenetic characterization. Comparisons of the 16S rRNA of the six isolates showed that four of the isolates were members of the genus Streptococcus and were most closely related to ruminal strains of Streptococcus bovis and the recently described organism Streptococcus gallolyticus. One of the other isolates, a gram-positive rod, clustered with the clostridia in the low-G+C-content group of gram-positive bacteria. The sixth isolate, a gram-negative rod, was a member of the family Enterobacteriaceae in the gamma subdivision of the class Proteobacteria. None of the 16S rRNA sequences of the tannin-tolerant bacteria examined was identical to the sequence of any previously described microorganism or to the sequence of any of the other organisms examined in this study. Three phylogenetically distinct groups of ruminal bacteria were isolated from four species of ruminants in Europe, North America, and South America. The presence of tannin-tolerant bacteria is not restricted by climate, geography, or host animal, although attempts to isolate tannin-tolerant bacteria from cows on low-tannin diets failed.The toxicity of phenolic compounds in the environment has fostered studies of bacteria that are able to tolerate and/or metabolize high levels of these compounds, particularly under anaerobic conditions (1, 4, 14, 21, 30, 36). Tannins are secondary polyphenolic compounds known primarily for their ability to bind to and precipitate proteins and other macromolecules. Tannins have been found in many habitats, including sewage sludge, forest litter, and the rumen (9, 14, 15, 28). Bacteria capable of degrading or tolerating tannins have been isolated from sewage sludge (14) and from the alimentary tracts of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) (33), goats (Capra hircus) (4, 30), and horses (Equus caballus) (31). Most of the isolates have been characterized phenotypically, and phylogenetic characterization has been limited to studies conducted in Australia (4, 34, 35) and Japan (31). Little is known about the geographic diversity and host species diversity of tannin-tolerant and tannin-degrading bacteria.The objective of this study was to characterize six recently isolated tannin-tolerant bacteria by examining their phenotypic characteristics and molecular phylogeny. These bacteria were isolated from the ruminal contents of goats (C. hircus), sheep (Ovis aries), white-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni), all of which had consumed forage containing tannins. Our goal was to genetically and biochemically characterize tannin-tolerant bacteria isolated from different host animals in various geographic locations.  相似文献   

固定化脱氮细菌协同除氨氮废水及生物膜观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
联合利用本实验室分离得到的亚硝酸菌Ochrobactrum anthropi CZ和好氧反硝化菌Alcaligenes faecalis CZ处理模拟氨氮废水.O. anthropi CZ在7d内将50mg/L的初始氨氮氧化成亚硝氮,平均速率为0.28mg/L·h.A. faecalis CZ在有氧条件下,于2d内将200mg/L的初始硝态氮完全降解,平均降解速率为4.17mg/L·h.分别将两种菌用海藻酸钙(CA)包埋固定化、聚氨酯泡沫(PUF)固定化、海藻酸钙吸附生物膜和游离法处理模拟氨氮废水.结果发现,各种固定化细胞的降解能力明显比游离细胞强.其中CA包埋细胞法效果最好,可以在24h内将23mg/L初始氨氮完全降解.表面吸附生物膜方法也显示了良好的除氮能力,通过核酸染料染色,在荧光显微镜下进行了两种细菌在CA表面的生物膜表征方法的探索.  相似文献   

Biofilm forming bacteria play a vital role in causing infectious diseases and for enhancing the efficiency of the bioremediation process through immobilization. Different media and conditions have been reported for detecting biofilm forming bacteria, however, they are not quite rapid. Here, we propose the use of a simple medium which can be used for detecting biofilm former, and also provide a mechanism to regulate the expression of biofilm formation process.  相似文献   

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