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Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 11601 was tested for its ability to maintain viability in minimal, chemically defined solutions. Periodic monitoring of growth and survival in microcosms of different ion concentrations, maintained at various temperatures, showed a gradual decline in culturable organisms ( approximately 235 days) at 5 degrees C. Organisms maintained at a higher temperature (21 degrees C) showed continuous, equivalent CFU per milliliter ( approximately 10(6)) up to 400 days after inoculation. Fluorescence microscopy with Baclight revealed that nonculturable cells were actually viable, while observations with scanning electron microscopy showed that the cells had retained their structural integrity. Temperature upshift (56 degrees C +/- 0.5, 15 s) of the nonculturable organisms (5 degrees C) in Trypticase soy broth followed by immediate inoculation onto Trypticase soy agar (TSA) gave evidence of resuscitation. Interestingly, S. enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 from the microcosms at either 5 degrees C (1 to 200 days) or 21 degrees C (1 to 250 days) did not show enhanced growth after intermittent inoculation onto catalase-supplemented TSA. Furthermore, cells from 21 degrees C microcosms exposed to oxidative and osmotic stress showed greater resistance to stresses over increasing times of exposure than did recently grown cells. It is possible that the exceptional survivability and resilience of this particular strain may in part reflect the growing importance of this multidrug-resistant organism, in general, as a cause of intestinal disease in humans. The fact that S. enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 11601 is capable of modifying its physiological characteristics, including entry into and recovery from the viable but nonculturable state, suggests the overall possibility that S. enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 may be able to respond uniquely to various adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Vibrio parahaemolyticus is known to exist in a viable but nonculturable state when incubated at low temperature under starvation. It has long been debated whether the culturable cells which appear after temperature upshift are the result of true resuscitation or regrowth of a few residual culturable cells. Starved V. parahaemolyticus cells at 4 degrees C reached the nonculturable stage in about 12 days. The true resuscitation of nonculturable cells of V. parahaemolyticus occurred after spreading them onto an agar medium supplemented with H(2)O(2)-degrading compounds such as catalase or sodium pyruvate. The proposed method may be applicable to detecting the enteropathogen from environmental samples.  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent-antibody (IFA) technique, which employed adsorbed Behring polyvalent I O antiserum, was used to detect Salmonella spp. in environmental water systems. The IFA method used in this study detected 95% of Salmonella serotypes encountered in human infections in France, with a sensitivity threshold of 7.5 x 10(3) bacteria per ml of wastewater. Specificity was assessed by testing IFA against Salmonella-free seawater and a variety of bacteria other than Salmonella spp. When used to examine raw and chlorinated wastewater over a 2-month period, the IFA method was successful in detecting Salmonella spp. in all 12 of the samples examined, with total numbers determined to be 4.5 x 10(5) to 3.3 x 10(7) salmonellae per 100 ml. In comparison, for the same samples, enumeration by culture, using the most-probable-number technique, was effective in detecting Salmonella spp. in only four of eight raw-water samples and one of four chlorinated water samples tested. Three samples were further tested by using the direct viable count procedure combined with IFA and results showed that 5 to 31.5% of the Salmonella spp. enumerated by this method in chlorinated water were substrate responsive.  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent-antibody (IFA) technique, which employed adsorbed Behring polyvalent I O antiserum, was used to detect Salmonella spp. in environmental water systems. The IFA method used in this study detected 95% of Salmonella serotypes encountered in human infections in France, with a sensitivity threshold of 7.5 x 10(3) bacteria per ml of wastewater. Specificity was assessed by testing IFA against Salmonella-free seawater and a variety of bacteria other than Salmonella spp. When used to examine raw and chlorinated wastewater over a 2-month period, the IFA method was successful in detecting Salmonella spp. in all 12 of the samples examined, with total numbers determined to be 4.5 x 10(5) to 3.3 x 10(7) salmonellae per 100 ml. In comparison, for the same samples, enumeration by culture, using the most-probable-number technique, was effective in detecting Salmonella spp. in only four of eight raw-water samples and one of four chlorinated water samples tested. Three samples were further tested by using the direct viable count procedure combined with IFA and results showed that 5 to 31.5% of the Salmonella spp. enumerated by this method in chlorinated water were substrate responsive.  相似文献   

The potential of intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy to detect and differentiate viable but nonculturable bacteria in the presence of culturable bacteria was explored. Escherichia coli cells, starved for 210 days in nutrient-free normal saline, show new fluorescence emissions near 400 and 440 nm, and reduced emission near 340 nm. Received 7 July 1997/ Accepted in revised form 26 November 1997  相似文献   

Many bacterial species are known to become viable but nonculturable (VBNC) under conditions that are unsuitable for growth. In this study, the requirements for resuscitation of VBNC‐state Vibrio cholerae cells were found to change over time. Although VBNC cells could initially be converted to culturable by treatment with catalase or HT‐29 cell extract, they subsequently entered a state that was not convertible to culturable by these factors. However, fluorescence microscopy revealed the presence of live cells in this state, from which VBNC cells were resuscitated by co‐cultivation with HT‐29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells. Ultimately, all cells entered a state from which they could not be resuscitated, even by co‐cultivation with HT‐29. These characteristic changes in VBNC‐state cells were a common feature of strains in both V. cholerae O1 and O139 serogroups. Thus, the VBNC state of V. cholerae is not a single property but continues to change over time.  相似文献   

AIMS: In Botrytis-affected wine, high concentrations of SO2 are added to stop the alcoholic fermentation and to stabilize the wine. During maturing in barrels or bottle-ageing, an unwanted refermentation can sometimes occur. However, results of the usual plate count of wine samples at the beginning of maturing suggest wine microbial stability. The aim of this study was to investigate the mode of yeasts survival after the addition of SO2 and to identify surviving yeasts. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using direct epifluorescence technique, we observed the behaviour of cells after SO2 addition and compared the cell number determined by this method with the result of plate counts. The persistent yeast species were identified using two methods: polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. They were identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida stellata, and after few months of maturing, other spoiling yeasts appeared, like Rhodotorula mucilaginosa or Zygosaccharomyces bailii. CONCLUSIONS: All characteristics of the cells lead to the conclusion that yeast persisted in wine in a viable but nonculturable-like state (VBNC). Suppression of the effect of free-SO2 did not lead to the resuscitation of the cells; however, another method proved the capacity of the cells to exit from the VBNC-like state. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study permits the characterization of the presence of VBNC-like yeasts in wine. The 'refermentation' phenomenon is probably due to the exit of the VBNC state.  相似文献   

The behavior of Aeromonas hydrophila stored at 4 degrees C and 25 degrees C in nutrient-poor filtered sterilized distilled water was investigated. At 4 degrees C, the A. hydrophila population declined below the detection level (0.1 cell mL(-1)) after 7 weeks, whereas the number of cells with intact membrane as determined by the LIVE/DEAD method decreased only by 1 log unit. Although, this response is reminiscent of the so-called VBNC state, the cells could not be resuscitated by an upshift to 25 degrees C. A mixture of rods with normal size and elongated cells was observed in this state. At 25 degrees C, viable cells and cells with intact membrane declined only by 0.8 log unit over the 10-week storage period, and thus A. hydrophila entered the classical starvation survival state. During this state, a mixture of rods and cocci was observed. Prestarvation at 25 degrees C for 24 h and especially 49 days delayed significantly the rate of entry into the VBNC state. However, stationary phase cells were not significantly more tolerant than exponential phase cells. No significant improvements in recovery yield were obtained on LB agar plates amended with catalase or sodium pyruvate. During cold incubation, high variability in responses was observed. Intermittent cryptic regrowth might be responsible for this variability in responses.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella tarda is pathogen of fish and other animals. The aim of this study was to investigate the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state and virulence retention of this bacterium. Edwardsiella tarda CW7 was cultured in sterilized aged seawater at 4 degrees C. Total cell counts remained constant throughout the 28-day period by acridine orange direct counting, while plate counts declined to undetectable levels (<0.1 CFU/ml) within 28 days by plate counting. The direct viable counts, on the other hand, declined to ca. 10(9) CFU/ml active cells and remained fairly constant at this level by direct viable counting. These results indicated that a large population of cells existed in a viable but nonculturable state. VBNC E. tarda CW7 could resuscitate in experimental chick embryos and in the presence of nutrition with a temperature upshift. The resuscitative times were 6 days and 8 days, respectively. The morphological changes of VBNC, normal, and resuscitative E. tarda CW7 cells were studied with a scanning electron microscope. The results showed that when the cells entered into the VBNC state, they gradually changed in shape from short rods to coccoid and decreased in size, but the resuscitative cells did not show any obvious differences from the normal cells. The VBNC and the resuscitative E. tarda CW7 cells were intraperitoneally inoculated into turbot separately, and the fish inoculated with the resuscitative cells died within 7 days, which suggested that VBNC E. tarda CW7 might retain pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Little is known about the survival mechanisms of Erwinia amylovora outside its hosts. It has been demonstrated that it enters the viable but nonculturable state (VBNC) when exposed to different types of stress. In the VBNC state, bacterial cells remain viable but unable to grow on the solid general media where they usually do, and are thus undetectable by conventional culture-dependent methods. In this work, we have evaluated the recovery of E. amylovora VBNC cells by passage through pear plantlets, in comparison with other recovery methods commonly used for this pathogen: incubation in KB broth and inoculation of immature fruits. VBNC cells were obtained by exposure of bacterial cells to different types of stress (oligotrophy, nutrient deprivation and chlorine), and recovery assays were performed at 26°C. In all cases, the recovery of VBNC cells was more effective in plantlets than in liquid KB or immature fruits. In fact, when cells were exposed to chlorine for more than 30 min, only passage through host plant gave positive result, enabling recovery of E. amylovora cells few days after inoculation of plants. These results suggest a higher effectiveness of in planta recovery than those performed with liquid KB or detached fruits. Our results support the hypothesis of the VBNC state being part of the E. amylovora life cycle. The potential existence of this physiological state in nature should be taken in consideration in epidemiological studies of fire blight, with the aim to optimize the management and control of this disease.  相似文献   

The protein expression patterns of exponentially growing, starved, and viable but nonculturable (VBNC) Enterococcus faecalis cells were analyzed to establish whether differences exist between the VBNC state and other stress responses. The results indicate that the protein profile of VBNC cells differs from that of either starved or exponentially growing bacteria. This demonstrates that the VBNC state is a distinct physiological phase within the life cycle of E. faecalis, which is activated in response to multiple environmental stresses.  相似文献   

We examined a virulent strain of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 after induction into the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state for its ability to (i) maintain the Shiga toxin (stx) gene; (ii) maintain biologically active Shiga toxin (ShT); and (iii) adhere to intestinal epithelial cells (Henle 407 cell line). PCR was used to amplify the stx gene from VBNC cells of S. dysenteriae type 1, thereby establishing its presence even when cells are in the VBNC state. VBNC S. dysenteriae type 1 ShT was monitored by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with mouse monoclonal antibodies against the B subunit of ShT and affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies against ShT. We used the Henle 407 cell line to study the adhesive property of VBNC S. dysenteriae type 1 cells in a series of tissue culture experiments. Results showed that VBNC S. dysenteriae type 1 not only maintained the stx gene and biologically active ShT but also remained capable of adhering to Henle 407 cells. However, S. dysenteriae type 1 cells lost the ability to invade Henle 407 cells after entering the VBNC state. From results of the study, we conclude that VBNC cells of S. dysenteriae type 1 retain several virulence factors and remain potentially virulent, posing a public health problem.  相似文献   

Abstract: The nonculturable form of Legionella pneumophila in multiple-nutrient starvation culture was studied. During extended starvation, the total direct counts (TDC) of L. pneumophila did not change significantly, but no colonies were detected on day 50. Quantitative PCR detection of L. pneumophila DNA demonstrated that nonculturable cells retained PCR-detectable DNA even after starvation for 300 days, and part of the nonculturable population possessed nonspecific esterase activity. However, resuscitation trials of nonculturable L. pneumophila on day 100 of starvation recovered no colony-forming units, and electrophoresis of nucleic acids extracted from nonculturable cells revealed rRNA subunit (23S, 16S and 5S) degradation. When legionellae have lost the ability to multiply, at least some DNA and enzyme functions may be retained for prolonged periods.  相似文献   

Stationary-phase-grown cells of the estuarine bacterium Vibrio vulnificus became nonculturable in nutrient-limited artificial seawater microcosms after 27 days at 5 degrees C. When the nonculturable cells were subjected to temperature upshift by being placed at room temperature, the original bacterial numbers were detectable by plate counts after 3 days, with a corresponding increase in the direct viable counts from 3% to over 80% of the total cell count. No increase in the total cell count was observed during resuscitation, indicating that the plate count increases were not due to growth of a few culturable cells. Chloramphenicol and ampicillin totally inhibited resuscitation of the nonculturable cells when added to samples that had been at room temperature for up to 24 h. After 72 h of resuscitation, the inhibitors had an easily detectable but reduced effect on the resuscitated cells, indicating that protein and peptidoglycan synthesis were still ongoing. Major changes in the morphology of the cells were discovered. Nonculturable cells of V. vulnificus were small cocci (approximately 1.0 micron in diameter). Upon resuscitation, the cells became large rods with a size of mid-log-phase cells (3.0 microns in length). Four days after the cells had become fully resuscitated, the cell size had decreased to approximately 1.5 micron in length and 0.7 micron in width. The cells were able to go through at least two cycles of nonculturability and subsequent resuscitation without changes in the total cell count. This is the first report of resuscitation, without the addition of nutrient, of nonculturable cells, and it is suggested that temperature may be the determining factor in the resuscitation from this survival, or adaptation, state of certain species in estuarine environments.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus, a Gram-negative bacterium found in estuarine waters, is responsible for over 95% of all seafood-related deaths in the United States. As a result of a temperature downshift to 5 degrees C, this organism enters the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state. Changes in the membrane fatty acid (FA) composition of V. vulnificus may be a contributing factor to the ability of this organism to enter into and survive in the VBNC state. This hypothesis was tested by incubating the organism at 5 degrees C in artificial sea water and analyzing the cells' FAs during the initial hours of temperature and nutrient down-shift. Prior to downshift, the predominant FAs were 16:0, 16:1 and 18:0. During the first four hours of downshift, statistically significant changes occurred in 15:0, 16:1, 16:0, 17:0, and 18:0. These results indicate that changes in FA composition occur prior to entry of V. vulnificus into the VBNC state, suggesting that the ability to maintain membrane fluidity may be a factor in this physiological response. Cells in which fatty acid synthesis was inhibited did not survive, indicating that active fatty acid metabolism is essential for entry of cells into the VBNC state.  相似文献   

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