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Stirred, pH-controlled anaerobic batch cultures were used to evaluate the in vitro utilisation by canine gut microflora of novel -galactooligosaccharides synthesised with an enzyme extract from a canine Lactobacillus reuteri strain. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), melibiose and raffinose were used as reference carbohydrates for the prebiotic properties of the synthesised oligosaccharide (galactosyl melibiose mixture—GMM). Addition of Lactobacillus acidophilus was used as control for the evaluation of the synbiotic properties of the oligosaccharide with L. reuteri. Populations of predominant gut bacterial groups were monitored over 48 h of batch culture by fluorescent in situ hybridisation, and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production was measured. GMM showed a higher increase in bifidobacteria and lactobacilli population number and size as well as a higher decrease in clostridia population number and size compared to the commercial prebiotics (FOS, melibiose, raffinose). This prebiotic effect was further increased by the addition of L. reuteri followed by a change in the SCFA production pattern compared to GMM alone or GMM with L. acidophilus. The observed change in SCFA production was in accordance with the fermentation properties of L. reuteri, suggesting that the novel synbiotic had a significant effect on the canine gut microflora fermentation.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic analysis of melibiose-fermenting Saccharomyces strains isolated from fermentative processes and natural sources in different world regions was conducted to deduce the evolutionary diversity of Saccharomyces yeasts and find new α-galactosidase MEL genes. The species S. bayanus, S. mikatae, and S. paradoxus were shown to have a single copy of MEL and not accumulate polymeric genes, unlike some S. cerevisiae populations. The polymeric genes MELp1 and MELp2 were identified in S. paradoxus for the first time. Genes identical by 98.7% are located on the chromosomes X and VI, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that MEL genes of the Saccharomyces yeasts are species-specific.  相似文献   

A variety of N-carbobenzoxy, N′-formyl gem-diaminoalkyl derivatives have been obtained through Goldsmith-Wick reaction of Z-α-amino acid/peptide acid derived isocyanates with 96% HCOOH in presence of 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) as catalyst. The reaction proceeds to completion within 2–4 h and results in good yields of the products isolated as stable solids.  相似文献   

To develop a gene expression system for Leuconostoc genus, construction of expression vector and expression of a heterologus protein in Leuconostoc was performed. α-Amylase gene from Lactobacillus amylovorus was cloned into a Leuconostoc cloning vector, pLeuCM, with its own signal peptide. pLeuCMamy was introduced into Leuconostoc citreum CB2567 and a successful expression of α-amy gene was confirmed by enzyme activity assays. About 90% of α-amylase activity was detected in the culture broth, revealing most of expressed α-amylase was secreted out cells. The signal sequence of α-amy gene is a good candidate for the secretion of heterologous protein by using Leuconostoc host-vector system.  相似文献   

The following glycosides of N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (MDP) were synthesized: β-4-tert-butylcyclohexyl MDP, β-2-(adamant-1-yl)ethyl MDP, β-2,2-diphenylethyl MDP, and β-2-(p-biphenyl) ethyl MDP. The starting peracetylated β-N-acetylglucosaminides were prepared by the oxazoline method. They were converted into 4,6-O-isopropylidene-N-acetyl-D-muramic acids, which were coupled with L-Ala-D-Glu(NH2)OBn. The target glycopeptides were obtained after their deprotection. The stimulation of the anti-infection resistance of mice against Staphylococcus aureus by the MDP glycosides was studied.  相似文献   

The lipase Lip2 of the edible basidiomycete, Pleurotus sapidus, is an extracellular enzyme capable of hydrolysing xanthophyll esters with high efficiency. The gene encoding Lip2 was expressed in Escherichia coli TOP10 using the gene III signal sequence to accumulate proteins in the periplasmatic space. The heterologous expression under control of the araBAD promoter led to the high level production of recombinant protein, mainly as inclusion bodies, but partially in a soluble and active form. A fusion with a C-terminal His tag was used for purification and immunochemical detection of the target protein. This is the first example of a heterologous expression and periplasmatic accumulation of a catalytically active lipase from a basidiomycete fungus.  相似文献   

We undertook a field study to determine whether comb cell size affects the reproductive behavior of Varroa destructor under natural conditions. We examined the effect of brood cell width on the reproductive behavior of V. destructor in honey bee colonies, under natural conditions. Drone and worker brood combs were sampled from 11 colonies of Apis mellifera. A Pearson correlation test and a Tukey test were used to determine whether mite reproduction rate varied with brood cell width. Generalized additive model analysis showed that infestation rate increased positively and linearly with the width of worker and drone cells. The reproduction rate for viable mother mites was 0.96 viable female descendants per original invading female. No significant correlation was observed between brood cell width and number of offspring of V. destructor. Infertile mother mites were more frequent in narrower brood cells.  相似文献   

The stored-product mites are the most abundant and frequent group of pests living on the stored food products in Europe. They endanger public health since they produce allergens and transmit mycotoxin-producing fungi. Novel acaricidal compounds with inhibitory effects on the digestive enzymes of arthropods are a safe alternative to the traditional neurotoxic pesticides used for control of the stored-product pests. In this work, we explored the properties of acarbose, the low molecular weight inhibitor of -amylases (AI), as a novel acaricide candidate for protection of the stored products from infestation by Acarus siro (Acari: Acaridae). In vitro analysis revealed that AI blocked efficiently the enzymatic activity of digestive amylases of A. siro, and decreased the physiological capacity of mites gut in utilizing a starch component of grain flour. In vivo experiments showed that AI suppressed the population growth of A. siro. The mites were kept for three weeks on experimental diet enriched by AI in concentration range of 0.005 to 0.25%. Population growth of A. siro was negatively correlated with the content of AI in the treated diet with a half-population dose of 0.125%. The suppressive effect of AIs on stored-product mites is discussed in the context of their potential application in GMO crops  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides are promising candidates for therapeutic and industrial application owing to their broad spectrum. In this work, a cost-effective method for expression of a potent antimicrobial peptide, bovine lactoferricin derivative LfcinB15-W4,10, has been developed. The oligonucleotide encoding the peptide was linked to generate different oligomeric oligonucleotide segments containing from one to nine but eight tandem copies which was inserted individually to the E. coli expression vector pET32a. The thioredoxin fusion peptides were successfully expressed and detected with different molecular weight on SDS gel, respectively. Among the monomer and other multimeric peptides, the tetramer was expressed at the highest level. After purification, more than 10 mg of tetramer with 99% purity was obtained from 1 l culture and exhibited similar antimicrobial activity as synthetic LfcinB15-W4,10 monomer. The expression system in this study provides a potential production method for lactoferricin derivatives and other antimicrobial peptides in research and industrial applications.  相似文献   

The industrial potential to use extreme thermophilic microorganisms and their enzymes lies in applications in which the temperature cannot be adjusted (cooled) at will. The production of enzymes from wild-type thermophiles is very low, therefore, for industrial applications, it is necessary to use recombinant microorganisms. In this paper, the cloning of a heat-stable -glucosidase from Sulfolobus solfataricus using lactic acid bacteria as expression system is reported. The extremophilic -glucosidase was cloned in Lactococcus lactis and correctly folded despite being expressed at a lower temperature. The recombinant cells were assayed for enzyme residual activity at 75 °C in order to analyze the direct use of whole cells as biocatalysts. Maximum activity corresponded to 40 U/l in static cultures. The protein yield was further improved by optimizing fermentation and reached 600 U/l in batch mode. Microfiltration led to an even higher enzyme production of 850 U/l as a result of increased biomass. The overall production of -glucosidase using the engineered L. lactis strain in microfiltration fermentation is 1,000-fold higher than obtained using the wild-type.  相似文献   

Production of beta-galactosidase by Aspergillus carbonarius grown on deproteinized cheese whey as basal medium was optimized (cultivation period of 6 d, pH 4.5, cultivation temperature 30 degrees C). The enzyme was partially purified (52.9-fold with an overall yield of 45.3% and a final specific activity of 4588 mu kat/g protein. The optimum pH for the enzyme activity was pH 4.5. The enzyme is to some extent thermostable. Metal ions are not required for enzyme activity. The enzyme may be considered for prospective use in food industry.  相似文献   

Black nightshades are a group of species best known for their ‘poisonous’ or noxious weedy reputation. It is not so well known that species of this group serve as emerging food source in many countries worldwide especially in the African continent. Despite the fact that the section has recently been studied extensively, taxonomy is still unsettled and debated because of inter- and intraspecific hybridization, phenotypic plasticity and polyploidization. In this study we analyze the genetic relationships among diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species of sect. Solanum, which have possibly taken part in the formation of Solanum nigrum, utilizing multi-locus (SCoT, ISSR) markers combined with chloroplast trnL-F sequence data and morphological characters. We scored 51 morphological characters united with SCoT (171), ISSR (224) and trnL-F (1042), for simultaneous analysis of 49 terminals and 1488 characters. The topology of the tree is concordant with the results of the network analysis. In the phylogenetic networks, all the accessions of the diploid species shared a split with all of the polyploid species. This reflected a high portion of shared ISSR and SCoT bands between diploids and polyploids. In addition, a strong split divided the diploid species. The history of S. nigrum might be reticulate with hybrid speciation playing an important rule. Genetically differentiated diploids in few combinations have created a series of genetically distinct polyploid populations. The insufficient isolation that permitted further recombination between ancient polyploids and diploids have resulted in high level of genotypic and phenotypic polymorphism. This high level of novel genomic variability obviously enabled species to succeed in their new environment.  相似文献   

Dana Bernátová 《Biologia》2008,63(2):175-176
The paper brings information on an isolated occurrence and morphological characters of Carex × involuta and C. juncella populations in the Vel’ká Fatra Mts. Their presence has been known neither from the territory of Slovakia nor from the whole Western Carpathians till now.  相似文献   

Seven analogues of p-nitrophenyl T-antigen [Galβ(1→3)GalNAcα(1→O)PNP] have been synthesized as potential substrates for elucidation of the substrate specificity of endo-α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase. These compounds, which are commercially unavailable, include: GlcNAcβ(1→3){GlcNAcβ(1→6)}GalNAcα(1→O)PNP [core 4 type], GalNAcα(1→3)GalNAcα(1→O)PNP [core 5 type], GlcNAcβ(1→6)GalNAcα(1→O)PNP [core 6 type], GalNAcα(1→6)GalNAcα(1→O)PNP [core 7 type], Galα(1→3)GalNAcα(1→O)PNP [core 8 type], Glcβ(1→3)GalNAcα(1→O)PNP and GalNAcβ(1→3)GalNAcα(1→O)PNP. The assembly of these synthetic probes was accomplished efficiently, based on di-tert-butylsilylene(DTBS)-directed α-galactosylation as a key reaction.  相似文献   

Root segments from seedlings of Panax ginseng produced adventitious roots directly when cultured on 1/2 MS solid medium lacking NH4NO3 and containing 3.0 mg l−1 IBA. Using this adventitious root formation, we developed rapid and efficient transgenic root formation directly from adventitious root segments in P. ginseng. Root segments were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens (GV3101) caring β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. Putative transgenic adventitious roots were formed directly from root segments on medium with 400 mg l−1 cefotaxime and 50 mg l−1 kanamycin. Kanamycin resistant adventitious roots were selected and proliferated as individual lines by subculturing on medium with 300 mg l−1 cefotaxime and 50 mg l−1 kanamycin at two weeks subculture interval. Frequency of transient and stable expression of GUS gene was enhanced by acetosyringon (50 mg l−1) treatment. Integration of transgene into the plants was confirmed by the X-gluc reaction, PCR and Southern analysis. Production of transgenic plants was achieved via somatic embryogenesis from the embryogenic callus derived from independent lines of adventitious roots. The protocol for rapid induction of transgenic adventitious roots directly from adventitious roots can be applied for a new Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation protocol in P. ginseng.  相似文献   

The alcoholic fermentation for fuel ethanol production in Brazil occurs in the presence of several microorganisms present with the starter strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in sugarcane musts. It is expected that a multitude of microbial interactions may exist and impact on the fermentation yield. The yeast Dekkera bruxellensis and the bacterium Lactobacillus fermentum are important and frequent contaminants of industrial processes, although reports on the effects of both microorganisms simultaneously in ethanolic fermentation are scarce. The aim of this work was to determine the effects and interactions of both contaminants on the ethanolic fermentation carried out by the industrial yeast S. cerevisiae PE-2 in two different feedstocks (sugarcane juice and molasses) by running multiple batch fermentations with the starter yeast in pure or co-cultures with D. bruxellensis and/or L. fermentum. The fermentations contaminated with D. bruxellensis or L. fermentum or both together resulted in a lower average yield of ethanol, but it was higher in molasses than that of sugarcane juice. The decrease in the CFU number of S. cerevisiae was verified only in co-cultures with both D. bruxellensis and L. fermentum concomitant with higher residual sucrose concentration, lower glycerol and organic acid production in spite of a high reduction in the medium pH in both feedstocks. The growth of D. bruxellensis was stimulated in the presence of L. fermentum resulting in a more pronounced effect on the fermentation parameters than the effects of contamination by each microorganism individually.  相似文献   



To convert α-acetolactate into acetoin by an α-acetolactate decarboxylase (ALDC) to prevent its conversion into diacetyl that gives beer an unfavourable buttery flavour.


We constructed a whole Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell catalyst with a truncated active ALDC from Acetobacter aceti ssp xylinum attached to the cell wall using the C-terminal anchoring domain of α-agglutinin. ALDC variants in which 43 and 69 N-terminal residues were absent performed equally well and had significantly decreased amounts of diacetyl during fermentation. With these cells, the highest concentrations of diacetyl observed during fermentation were 30 % less than those in wort fermented with control yeasts displaying only the anchoring domain and, unlike the control, virtually no diacetyl was present in wort after 7 days of fermentation.


Since modification of yeasts with ALDC variants did not affect their fermentation performance, the display of α-acetolactate decarboxylase activity is an effective approach to decrease the formation of diacetyl during beer fermentation.

Efficient transformation of leaf disc-derived callus of Codonopsis lanceolata was obtained using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring a binary vector, pYBI121, that carries the neomycin phosphotransferase (npt II) gene as a selectable marker. The green shoots recovered from agroinfected explants on selection medium (containing 0.1 mg/l α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 1 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 100 mg/l kanamycin, and 250 mg/l cefotaxime) were rooted on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 mg/l IBA and 10 mg/l kanamycin. To optimize the transformation conditions, several factors were assessed, including the co-cultivation period, the duration of pre- and post-culture in darkness and light, the kanamycin concentration, and the Agrobacterium densities. We produced transgenic Codonopsis lanceolata overexpressing γ-tocopherol methyltransferase (γ-TMT) by this protocol. Moreover, the α-tocopherol content of the plants was enhanced by the overexpression of this gene. Bimal Kumar Ghimire and Eun Soo Seong contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Different lines of cell suspension cultures of Taxus × media Rehd. and Taxus floridana Nutt. were cryopreserved with a two-step freezing method using a simple and inexpensive freezing container instead of a programmable freezer. Four to seven days old suspension cell cultures were precultured in growth medium supplemented with 0.5 M mannitol for 2 d. The medium was then replaced with cryoprotectant solution (1 M sucrose, 0.5 M glycerol and 0.5 M dimethylsulfoxide) and the cells incubated on ice for 1 h. Before being plunged into liquid nitrogen, cells were frozen with a cooling rate of approximately −1 °C per min to −80 °C. The highest post-thaw cell viability was 90 %. The recovery was line dependent. The cryopreservation procedure did not alter the nuclear DNA content of the cell lines. The results indicate that cryopreservation of Taxus cell suspension cultures using inexpensive freezing container is possible.  相似文献   

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