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Nocturnal shifts in thermal and metabolic responses of the immature rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immature rats were tested at 2, 7, 11, and 15 days of age to determine steady-state thermoregulatory responses during light (L) and dark (D) phases of the daily cycle. Pups were housed with dams in a vivarium illuminated from 0700 to 1900 h. During each phase tests began approximately 1 h after the change in the light conditions of the vivarium. Duration of each test was approximately 7 h. Rats were tested individually in temperature-controlled cylinders at ambient temperatures (Ta) = 25.0, 30.0, 32.5, and 35.0 degrees C. Both colonic (Tco) and tail skin temperatures of each animal were measured continuously. O2 content of effluent air from each cylinder was determined to provide an estimate of metabolic rate (M). Immature rats, at 2 to 11 days of age, exhibited significant L:D differences in M and Tco. However, no significant L:D differences in these responses were noted at 15 days of age. In every case, nocturnal increases in Tco were associated with a rise in M. L:D differences in Tco response were not attributed to a significant change in total thermal conductance. These data support the conclusion that the immature rat exhibits daily variation in metabolic rate, which is the primary contributor to L:D shifts in Tco.  相似文献   

Isolated acini were prepared from the pancreas of immature rats (age less than 1 hr. - 48 hrs) in order to study the development of the secretory process. The ultrastructural integrity of the acinar cells was maintained after digestion and stimulation with secretagogues. Acini prepared from rats aged 24 - 48 hours responded to both CCK-8 and carbachol with significant increases in amylase release. Although typical biphasic dose response curves were obtained, the curves were shifted to the right by 1 - 2 log units, compared to the responses of adult acini. At ages younger than 24 hours, acini were insensitive to secretagogues but were sensitive to the calcium ionophore A23187. CCK receptors were virtually absent from membranes prepared from newborn pancreases, but binding of CCK, although small, was measurable at 12 hours and slowly increased up to 48 hours. A greater amount of binding was seen at 72 hours, which appeared constant up to 14 days. At 21 days, adult levels of binding were found. These results confirm previous studies that the rat pancreas is insensitive to secretagogues in the first 24 hours of life. After age 24 hours the secretory process is intact but less sensitive to secretory agents than the more mature pancreas. In the case of CCK, this may be due to lesser numbers of CCK receptors and/or affinity of CCK for its receptor.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of IgE-bearing lymphocytes in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IgE-bearing lymphocytes were detected by immunofluorescence in the spleen of neonatal Hooded Lister strain rats within 24 hr after birth. The same cells were detected in the bone marrow as early as the 4th day after birth. Both fetal spleen and liver obtained 1 day before birth contained IgM-bearing cells but no detectable IgE-bearing cells. The proportion of IgE-bearing cells in the spleen and bone marrow increased during the neonatal period and reached an adult level within 3 to 4 weeks after birth. In adult Hooded Lister rats, IgE-bearing cells were 3 to 6% of total spleen cells and 1.5 to 2.2% of bone marrow cells. Most of the IgE-bearing cells from bone marrow cells. Most of the IgE-bearing cells from both newborn and adult animals carried IgM determinants on their surface. Capping experiments showed that epsilon chain determinants and mu chain determinants belonged to separate molecules. IgG2a-bearing lymphocytes were detected in the neonatal spleen as early as the 4th day after birth, but a significant number of these cells was not detected in the bone marrow until the 4th week. In newborn spleen the percentage of IgE-IgM double bearing cells was higher than that of IgG2a-bearing cells.  相似文献   

We previously reported on a positive correlation between two effects of estrogen on rat uterus, namely the early increases in cGMP and in water content of the organ suggesting that they were under the control of the same hormone sensitive regulatory process or linked by a cause to effect relationship. Up to now we were unable to find experimental conditions that would dissociate the two responses. In this work, immature Wistar rats were treated with colchicine (50 micrograms/animal) given at the same time as estradiol-17 beta (1 microgram/animal) or with estradiol alone. The experiments showed: (1) that the estradiol induced increase in uterine wet weight that occurs during the first 8 h after hormone injection was completely suppressed in the presence of colchicine indicating that it might depend on an intact microtubular system and (2) that, by contrast, the estrogen-induced increase in uterine cGMP remained unaffected by the colchicine presence. These data allow to conclude that the cGMP response to estradiol can be dissociated from the wet weight response and, therefore, that it is not controlled by the latter. From this and from data in the literature the hypothesis is proposed that the increase in uterine cGMP content might trigger the wet weight response, this possibly through a positive action on some microtubular function.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of the FMRFamide (molluscan cardioexcitatory neuropeptide)-containing structures in the forebrain and diencephalon of the rat was investigated by employing immunohistochemical methods. FMRFamide-like immunoreacted (FMRF-IR) fibers first appeared in the borders of the periventricular zone and the preoptic area at embryonic day 18 (E18). Toward birth, the FMRF-IR fibers gradually increased both in immunoreactivity and in number in these areas. A pronounced increase in FMRF-IR was also found in the septum, the arcuate nucleus, the median eminence, the paraventricular nucleus and the amygdaloid complex. A few FMRF-IR fibers appeared at the prenatal stage in the caudate nucleus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the dorsomedial nucleus and the cortex. The first FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons were seen in the caudate-putamen and the amygdaloid complex at E21. These FMRF-IR cells increased in immunoreactivity and a significant number of cells was noted in these nuclei in the adult rat. The highest density of FMRF-IR neurons, especially in the amygdala and tuberal hypothalamic area, was detected at postnatal two weeks (P15). FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the forebrain and diencephalon appeared in the cell fibers prior to that observed in the cell bodies. This may suggest that some of the immunoreacted fibers may have originated from the lower areas of the rat brain. High densities of FMRF-IR cells present in the embryonic and early postnatal stages may indicate that FMRFamide is an important factor involved in developmental organization of the central nervous system. These results also indicate a differential genesis of FMRF-IR neuronal groups in different regions.  相似文献   

ECL cells produce histamine and chromogranin A, and are restricted to the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach. ECL cell ontogeny has been studied in some detail in the rat. Using histidine decarboxylase immunostaining, the first ECL cells can be demonstrated at embryonic day 17. Immunoreactive histamine and chromogranin A appear one day later. At embryonic day 20, the vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 is also present in the ECL cells. Neonatally the ECL cell proliferation is slow; however, one to three weeks postnatally there is a rapid growth of ECL cells to populate the basal half of the glands. Gastrin is known to be an important stimulator of ECL cell activity and growth in the adult rat. As revealed in recent mouse gene knock out models gastrin does not seem to play a role in the early ECL cell differentiation and development.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the changes that occur in the thermoregulatory ability of the immature rat repeatedly exposed to low-level microwave radiation. Beginning at 6-7 days of age, previously untreated rats were exposed to 2,450-MHz continuous-wave microwaves at a power density of 5 mW/cm2 for 10 days (4 h/day). Microwave and sham (control) exposures were conducted at ambient temperatures (Ta) which represent different levels of cold stress for the immature rat (ie, "exposure" Ta = 20 and 30 degrees C). Physiological tests were conducted at 5-6 and 16-17 days of age, in the absence of microwaves, to determine pre- and postexposure responses, respectively. Measurements of metabolic rate, colonic temperature, and tail skin temperature were made at "test" Ta = 25.0, 30.0, 32.5, and 35.0 degrees C. Mean growth rates were lower for rats exposed to Ta = 20 degrees C than for those exposed to Ta = 30 degrees C, but microwave exposure exerted no effect at either exposure Ta. Metabolic rates and body temperatures of all exposure groups were similar to values for untreated animals at test Ta of 32.5 degrees C and 35.0 degrees C. Colonic temperatures of rats repeatedly exposed to sham or microwave conditions at exposure Ta = 20 degrees C or to sham conditions at exposure Ta = 30 degrees C were approximately 1 degrees C below the level for untreated animals at test Ta of 25.0 degrees C and 30.0 degrees C. However, when the exposure Ta was warmer, rats exhibited a higher colonic temperature at these cold test Ta, indicating that the effectiveness of low-level microwave treatment to alter thermoregulatory responses depends on the magnitude of the cold stress.  相似文献   

The effects of methadone (METH) on serum levels of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), corticosterone (CS) and TSH were determined in developing rats. METH increased PRL, GH and CS and decreased TSH at all ages tested, but the time course and magnitude of these effects changed during ontogeny. METH effects on day 10 were lower in magnitude than those observed in adults. In 20 day old pups, METH effects on GH and CS were comparable to those of adults, but TSH effects were still blunted. METH effects on hormone secretion in both 10 and 20 day old pups lasted longer than those observed in adults. Naloxone blocked all hormonal responses in adults, but did not completely block METH effects on CS secretion in 10 day old pups.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B was found to inhibit both glucose-induced spike activity and glucose utilization in isolated rat pancreatic islets under conditions previously shown to increase insulin release (Lacy, P.E., Klein N.J. and Fink. C.J. (1973) Endocrinology 92, 1458–1468). However, cytochalasin B did not prevent the depolarization of islet cells caused by high glucose. The results indicate that neither glycolysis nor spike activity are necessary events leading to insulin release.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of insulin receptors in the rat hemochorial placenta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding of 125I-insulin to rat placental membranes was time and protein concentration dependent, reversible, and specific. Unlabeled porcine insulin competed for 125I-insulin binding with an IC50 of 65 nM, while IGF-I was much less potent with an IC50 of 2.12 mM. Specific binding of 125I-insulin decreased during the second half of gestation from Days 11 to 19. Scatchard analysis of the binding data for membranes prepared from Gestation Days 11 and 19 yielded typical curvilinear plots which showed a marked decrease in the number of binding sites in late gestation placenta. Beginning on Day 14, insulin binding was characterized with isolated labyrinth and basal zone portions of the hemochorial placenta. There was no evidence for differences in Kd values or the number of binding sites in these two functionally distinct portions of the rat placenta. Crosslinking of 125I-insulin followed by SDS-PAGE showed a single protein with a molecular weight of 130,000 from placental tissues on Gestation Days 11 and 19 and confirmed a gestational decrease in the number of insulin receptors. In solubilized, lectin-purified preparations from placenta and liver membranes, insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of a Mr 95,000 protein. 32P-incorporation into this 95,000 protein was stimulated fivefold by insulin in Day 11 placenta receptor, whereas no detectable 32P-incorporation was found in Day 19 placenta. Thus, while the alpha- and beta-subunits of insulin receptors in mid and late gestation placenta have molecular weights which are similar to receptors in maternal liver, data indicate the presence of a functional difference in insulin-stimulated kinase activities.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum against hemocyanin-conjugated histamine was used to study the cellular stores of histamine in the stomach, especially the oxyntic mucosa, of fetal and early postnatal rats. Tissues were fixed in 4% 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethyl-aminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC-DI) and standard immunofluorescence technique was used. Histamine was first detected on the 16th embryonic (E16) day when a few histamine-immunoreactive (HA-ir) cells and nerve fibers were observed in the muscular layer of the stomach wall. On day E18, HA-ir cells were visualized for the first time in the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach, and from that day on the number of such cells increased slowly initially and after day E20 more rapidly. At birth many of the HA-ir cells in the oxyntic mucosa possessed processes giving them a paracrine-like appearance typical of enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL cells). Only a very small number of the HA-ir cells represented metachromatically stained mast cells and were located in the submucosa. After birth, the number of HA-ir ECL cells increased steadily, until day 21 when the distribution and number was very similar to that of the adult. The results suggest that histamine-containing neurons and ECL cells appear in the stomach wall before birth, and that there are histamine-containing ECL cells in the mucosa and mast cells in the submucosa of the stomach wall at birth.  相似文献   

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