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Characterization of dysgonic, heterotrophic bacteria from drinking water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Only a small percentage of the heterotrophic bacteria encountered in water distribution systems are identifiable, because of these organisms fail to grow on the conventional media used for biochemical characterization. Organisms that would not subculture from the same standard plate count agar used for initial isolation were successfully subcultured on a low-nutrient medium, R3A. These cultures were then inoculated to a modified O/F base medium containing specific substrates. This, combined with a lower incubation temperature (30 degrees C), increased the enzymatic activity of many of the organisms. These reactions established a groundwork for tentative taxonomy.  相似文献   

Only a small percentage of the heterotrophic bacteria encountered in water distribution systems are identifiable, because of these organisms fail to grow on the conventional media used for biochemical characterization. Organisms that would not subculture from the same standard plate count agar used for initial isolation were successfully subcultured on a low-nutrient medium, R3A. These cultures were then inoculated to a modified O/F base medium containing specific substrates. This, combined with a lower incubation temperature (30 degrees C), increased the enzymatic activity of many of the organisms. These reactions established a groundwork for tentative taxonomy.  相似文献   

Strict anaerobic culture techniques were used to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria present at the sediment-water interface of hyperutrophic Wintergreen Lake (Augusta, Mich.). Anaerobic plate counts remained constant from March through December, 1973, ranging from 2.4 X 10(6) to 5.7 X 10(6) organisms/g (dry weight) of sediment. The isolatable bacteria represented a small percentage of the total microbial community, which was shown by direct microscopic counts to be 2.0 X 10' organisms/g (dry weight) of sediment during June and July. Bacteria of the genus Clostridium dominated the isolates obtained, accounting for 71.8% of the 960 isolates examined. A single species, Clostridium bifermentens, comprised 47.7% of the total. Additional bacterial groups and the percentage in which they were isolated included: Streptococcus sp. (10.8%), unidentified curved rods (9.5%y, gram-positive nonsporing rods (5.6%), and motile gram-negative rods (1.9%). Temperature growth studies demonstrated the ability of all the isolates to grow at in situ sediment temperatures. Gas-liqid radiochromatography was used to determine the soluble metabolic end products from [U-14C]glucose and a U-14C-labeled amino acid mixture by representative sedimentary clostridial isolates and by natural sediment microbial communities. At in situ temperatures the natural sediment microflora produced soluble fermentative end products characteristic of those elaborated by the clostridial isolates tested. These results are considered strong presumptive evidence that clostridia are actively metabolizing in the sediments of Wintergreen Lake.  相似文献   

We characterized the culturable, heterotrophic bacterial community in soil collected from a former alpine military site contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. The physiologically active eubacterial community, as revealed by fluorescence-in situ-hybridization, accounted for 14.9 % of the total (DAPI-stained) bacterial community. 4.0 and 1.2 % of the DAPI-stained cells could be attributed to culturable, heterotrophic bacteria able to grow at 20 and 10 °C, respectively. The majority of culturable bacterial isolates (23/28 strains) belonged to the Proteobacteria with a predominance of Alphaproteobacteria. The remaining isolates were affiliated with the Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Five strains could be identified as representatives of novel species. Characterization of the 28 strains demonstrated their adaptation to the temperature and nutrient conditions prevailing in the studied soil. One-third of the strains was able to grow at subzero temperatures (?5 °C). Studies on the effect of temperature on growth and lipase production with two selected strains demonstrated their low-temperature adaptation.  相似文献   

Aims: Phenotypic and molecular methods were used to identify and compare the strain composition of three industrial dairy starters used for the manufacture of viili. Methods and Results: Preliminary differentiation was made by phenotypic methods. Genotypic differentiation was carried out using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and further characterization at strain level by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The isolates could be assigned as acid‐producing Lactococcus lactis strains of both lactis and cremoris subspecies, and aroma producers, identified as L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides. PCR analysis discriminated between the lactococcal subspecies, and cluster analysis of the digestion patterns of PFGE analysis revealed different genotypes in each subspecies. Each Leuconostoc‐genotype seemed to be specific to only a single starter mix. Conclusions: The work proved that in addition to L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis and Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. cremoris, commercial viili starters of traditional origin may contain (i) only L. lactis subsp. cremoris, (ii) both L. lactis subsp. cremoris and L. lactis subsp. lactis as a minority, and – as a new discovery – (iii) only L. lactis subsp. lactis. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results obtained give an overview of the microbial population of viili starters and can be exploited in the development of optimized starter cultures for industrial‐scale manufacture of viili.  相似文献   

Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria present in the surface water of three cold and nutrient-poor lakes in the Chilean Patagonia (Alto Reino, Las Dos Torres and Venus) were analysed for genetic similarity and metabolic diversity using 16S ribosomal DNA and the Biolog EcoPlateTM system, respectively. Bacterial fingerprints of water samples in enriched and non-enriched nutrient broth demonstrated a >50% fingerprinting similarity between the lakes. Metabolic activity was also similar. However, the Biolog EcoPlateTM system carbon substrates revealed functional diversity. Lake Las Dos Torres showed the most fingerprinting similarity between enriched and non-enriched cold water samples. The amounts of living and viable bacteria were also higher in this lake’s water sample, suggesting a predominance of facultative oligotrophic groups. DNA sequencing analysis demonstrated the presence of phylum Bacteroidetes in Lake Alto Reino; phyla Bacteroidetes and Gammaproteobacteria in Lake Las Dos Torres; and phyla Bacteroidetes, Alphaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria in Lake Venus. Although each lake had a unique bacterial community structure, the different bacterial groups may be performing similar metabolic functions, given the similarity in extreme environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This ecotaxonomic study compared the antibiotic tolerance among culturable oxytetracyline-resistant (Ot(r)) heterotrophic strains isolated from two aquatic environments representing human activities in health care and aquaculture, namely hospital effluents and freshwater fishfarms. Using a standardized methodology, samples taken in England and Ireland were analyzed to determine the antibiotic tolerance profiles of two groups of culturable Ot(r) bacterial isolates at the intergeneric and intrageneric level comprising heterotrophs (189 strains) and mesophilic Aeromonas spp. (153 strains), respectively. Antibiogram data of heterotrophic isolates revealed that Irish hospital strains comprised higher frequencies of multi-tolerance than those originating from fishfarm environments whereas a reverse correlation was found among the English heterotrophs. Polyphasic identification of the isolates using fatty acid analysis and API 20E profiling showed that this difference arose from the unique taxonomic diversity within each heterotrophic strain set. Acinetobacter (27%) and Brevundimonas (22%) were predominant among the Irish Ot(r) fishfarm isolates, whereas isolates originating from the English aquaculture site almost entirely consisted of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (86%) exhibiting high frequencies of tolerance to ampicillin and streptomycin. Within both the English and the Irish Ot(r) Aeromonas strain sets, on the other hand, the hospital strain sets displayed higher numbers of multi-tolerant isolates than to fishfarm isolates although country-specific differences were observed for individual antimicrobial agents. The typical occurrence of kanamycin-tolerant aeromonads in the Irish hospital site could to some extent be linked to the typical presence of A. hydrophila DNA hybridization group (HG) 3 strains as determined by fatty acid analysis and fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) fingerprinting. Essentially, these data indicate that tolerance profiles in a specific environment of one country do not necessarily reflect the corresponding tolerance profiles of the same type of environment in another country, and this mainly as a result of the unique taxonomic composition of each site. Ot(r) representatives of Acinetobacter, S. maltophilia, and A. veronii biovar sobria HG8 were common to most if not all of the four sites under study, indicating that these three taxa may serve as potential indicator organisms for monitoring antibiotic tolerance among indigenous bacterial populations in various aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Lake diatom response to recent Arctic warming in Finnish Lapland   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
High-resolution palaeolimnological data from a number of remote and nonpolluted lakes in Finnish Lapland reveal a distinct change in diatom assemblages. This parallels the post-19th century Arctic warming detected by examination of long-term instrumental series, historical records of ice cover and tree-ring measurements. The change was predominantly from benthos to plankton and affected the overall diatom species richness. A particularly strong relationship was found between spring temperatures and compositional structure of diatoms. The change is irrespective of the lake type and catchment characteristics, and is reflected by several other biological indicators, such as chrysophytes and zooplankton, suggesting that entire lake ecosystems have been affected. No corresponding change in the diatom-inferred lake-water pH was observed; hence, atmospheric fallout of acid substances cannot have been the driving force for the observed biological change. The mechanism behind the diatom response is unclear, but it may be related to decreased ice-cover duration, prolonged growing season and increased thermal stability. We postulate that 19th century Arctic warming, rather than acidic or other anthropogenic deposition, is responsible for the recent ecological changes in these high latitude lakes.  相似文献   

In this study, enumeration and identification of total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and petroleum-utilizing bacteria as well as the degradative potential of petroleum-utilizing bacterial isolates were carried out. The average counts of total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in cow dung and poultry manure were 74.25 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 and 138.75 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 respectively. Acinetobacter sp, Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas sp, and Serratia spp. occurred as aerobic heterotrophs in both cow dung and poultry manure. However, Alcaligenes spp. occurred only in cow dung while, Flavobacterium sp, Klebsiella sp, Micrococcus sp, and Nocardia spp. occurred only in poultry manure as aerobic heterotrophs. The average counts of petroleum-utilizing bacteria in cow dung and poultry manure were 9.25 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 and 17.25 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 respectively. Pseudomonas spp. occurred as petroleum utilizer in both cow dung and poultry manure. However, Bacillus spp. occurred only in cow dung while Acinetobacter spp. and Micrococcus spp. occurred only in poultry manure as petroleum utilizers. Relative abundance of petroleum utilizers in total aerobic heterotrophs ranged from 6.38% to 20.00% for cow dung and from 9.38% to 17.29% for poultry manure. Introduction of pure cultures of petroleum-utilizing bacteria from cow dung and poultry manure into sterile oil-polluted soil revealed oil degradation in one week period.  相似文献   

Methanotrophs closely related to psychrotolerant members of the genera Methylobacter and Methylocella were identified in cultures enriched at 10°C from landfill cover soil samples collected in the period from April to November. Mesophilic methanotrophs of the genera Methylobacter and Methylosinus were found in cultures enriched at 20°C from the same cover soil samples. A thermotolerant methanotroph related to Methylocaldum gracile was identified in the culture enriched at 40°C from a sample collected in May (the temperature of the cover soil was 11.5–12.5°C). In addition to methanotrophs, methylobacteria of the genera Methylotenera and Methylovorus and members of the genera Verrucomicrobium, Pseudomonas, Pseudoxanthomonas, Dokdonella, Candidatus Protochlamydia, and Thiorhodospira were also identified in the enrichment cultures. A methanotroph closely related to the psychrotolerant species Methylobacter tundripaludum (98% sequence identity of 16S rRNA genes with the type strain SV96T) was isolated in pure culture. The introduction of a mixture of the methanotrophic enrichments, grown at 15°C, into the landfill cover soil resulted in a decrease in methane emission from the landfill surface in autumn (October, November). The inoculum used was demonstrated to contain methanotrophs closely related to Methylobacter tundripaludum SV96.  相似文献   

Five bacterial isolates enriched from fuel-contaminated Antarctic soils fixed nitrogen in the dark heterotrophically and nonsymbiotically. Two isolates utilized jet fuel vapors and volatile hydrocarbons for growth but not in N-deficient medium. Bacteria such as these may contribute to in situ biodegradation of hydrocarbons in Antarctic soils.  相似文献   

Two heterotrophic bacteria that oxidized thiosulfate to tetrathionate were isolated from soil. The enzyme system in one of the isolates (C-3) was constitutive, but in the other isolate (A-50) it was induced by thiosulfate or tetrathionate. The apparent K(m) for oxygen for thiosulfate oxidation by A-50 was about 223 mum, but, for lactate oxidation by A-50 or thiosulfate oxidation by C-3, the apparent K(m) for oxygen was below 2 mm. The oxidation of thiosulfate by A-50 was first order with respect to oxygen from 230 mum. The rate of oxidation was greatest at pH 6.3 to 6.8 and at about 10 mm thiosulfate, and it was strongly inhibited by several metal-binding reagents. Extracts of induced A-50 reduced ferricyanide, endogenous cytochrome c, and mammalian cytochrome c in the presence of thiosulfate. A-50, once induced to oxidize thiosulfate, also reduced tetrathionate to thiosulfate in the presence of an electron donor such as lactate. The optimal pH for this reaction was at 8.5 to 9.5, and the reaction was first order with respect to tetrathionate. There was no correlation between the formation of the thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme of A-50 and the incorporation of thiosulfate-sulfur into cell sulfur. Thiosulfate did not affect the growth rate or yield of A-50.  相似文献   

Nitrite production by heterotrophic bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Heterotrophic bacteria were enumerated from the Seattle drinking water catchment basins and distribution system. The highest bacterial recoveries were obtained by using a very dilute medium containing 0.01% peptone as the primary carbon source. Other factors favoring high recovery were the use of incubation temperatures close to that of the habitat and an extended incubation (28 days or longer provided the highest counts). Total bacterial counts were determined by using acridine orange staining. With one exception, all acridine orange counts in chlorinated samples were lower than those in prechlorinated reservoir water, indicating that chlorination often reduces the number of acridine orange-detectable bacteria. Source waters had higher diversity index values than did samples examined following chlorination and storage in reservoirs. Shannon index values based upon colony morphology were in excess of 4.0 for prechlorinated source waters, whereas the values for final chlorinated tap waters were lower than 2.9. It is not known whether the reduction in diversity was due solely to chlorination or in part to other factors in the water treatment and distribution system. Based upon the results of this investigation, we provide a list of recommendations for changes in the procedures used for the enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria from drinking waters.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacteria were enumerated from the Seattle drinking water catchment basins and distribution system. The highest bacterial recoveries were obtained by using a very dilute medium containing 0.01% peptone as the primary carbon source. Other factors favoring high recovery were the use of incubation temperatures close to that of the habitat and an extended incubation (28 days or longer provided the highest counts). Total bacterial counts were determined by using acridine orange staining. With one exception, all acridine orange counts in chlorinated samples were lower than those in prechlorinated reservoir water, indicating that chlorination often reduces the number of acridine orange-detectable bacteria. Source waters had higher diversity index values than did samples examined following chlorination and storage in reservoirs. Shannon index values based upon colony morphology were in excess of 4.0 for prechlorinated source waters, whereas the values for final chlorinated tap waters were lower than 2.9. It is not known whether the reduction in diversity was due solely to chlorination or in part to other factors in the water treatment and distribution system. Based upon the results of this investigation, we provide a list of recommendations for changes in the procedures used for the enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria from drinking waters.  相似文献   

AIMS: The chemical/physical environment of groundwater may contribute to the existence of a subpopulation of small-sized bacteria (filterable bacteria) that fails to be trapped on conventional 0.45 microm-pore-size membrane filters during routine bacteriological water quality analyses. Efforts were directed to determining an efficient recovery method for detection of such cells. METHODS AND RESULTS: Individual groundwater supplies in a rural setting were examined by a double membrane filtration procedure to determine the presence of heterotrophic plate count (HPC) bacteria capable of escaping detection on conventional pore size (0.45 microm) membrane filters but retained on 0.22 microm-pore-size filters. Since optimum cultural conditions for recovery of filterable bacteria are not well defined, initial efforts focused on evaluation of various media (R2A, m-HPC and NWRI) and incubation temperatures (15, 20, 28 and 35 degrees C) for specific recovery of filterable bacteria. Maximum recovery of small-sized HPC bacteria occurred on low-nutrient concentration R2A agar incubated for 7 d at 28 degrees C. Similarly, identical cultural conditions gave enhanced detection of the general HPC population on 0.45 microm-pore-size filters. A 17-month survey of 10 well water supplies conducted with the cultural conditions described above resulted in detection of filterable bacteria (ranging in density from 9 to 175 cfu ml-1) in six of the groundwater sources. The proportion of filterable bacteria in any single sample never exceeded 10% of the total HPC population. A majority of the colonies appearing on the 0.22 microm membrane filters was pigmented (50-90%), whereas the proportion of colonies demonstrating pigmentation on the larger porosity filters failed to exceed 50% for any of the samples (19-49%). CONCLUSION: A reliable recovery method was developed for the detection of filterable bacteria from groundwater. During a subsequent survey study using this procedure, filterable bacteria were detected in a majority of the groundwater supplies examined; however, the density of filterable bacteria in any single sample never exceeded 10% of the total HPC population. Identification of randomly selected isolates obtained on the 0.22 microm filters indicated that some of these filterable bacteria have been implicated as opportunistic pathogens. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: We have determined the presence of small-sized HPC bacteria in ground water that may go undetected when using standard porosity membrane filters for water quality analyses. Further study is needed to assess the significance and possible health risk associated with presence of filterable bacteria in drinking water supplies from groundwater sources.  相似文献   

The seasonal and spatial variations of microbial communities in Arctic fjelds of Finnish Lapland were studied. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) and terminal restriction fragment analysis (T-RFLP) of amplified 16S rRNA genes were used to assess the effect of soil conditions and vegetation on microbial community structures along different altitudes of two fjelds, Saana and Jehkas. Terminal restriction fragments were additionally analysed from c. 160 cloned sequences and isolated bacterial strains and matched with those of soil DNA samples. T-RFLP and PLFA analyses indicated relatively similar microbial communities at various altitudes and under different vegetation of the two fjelds. However, soil pH had a major influence on microbial community composition. Members of the phylum Acidobacteria dominated especially in the low pH soils (pH 4.6-5.2), but above pH 5.5, the relative amount of terminal restriction fragments corresponding to acidobacterial clones was substantially lower. Both T-RFLP and PLFA analysis indicated stable microbial communities as the DNA and fatty acid profiles were similar in spring and late summer samples sampled over 3 years. These results indicate that differences in microbial community composition could be explained primarily by variation in the bedrock materials that cause variation in the soil pH.  相似文献   

With the increase in industrial and agricultural activities, a large amount of nitrogenous compounds are released into the environment, leading to nitrate pollution. The perilous effects of nitrate present in the environment pose a major threat to human and animal health. Bioremediation provides a cost-effective and environmental friendly method to deal with this problem. The process of aerobic denitrification can reduce nitrate compounds to harmless dinitrogen gas. This review provides a brief view of the exhaustive role played by aerobic denitrifiers for tackling nitrate pollution under different ecological niches and their dependency on various environmental parameters. It also provides an understanding of the enzymes involved in aerobic denitrification. The role of aerobic denitrification to solve the issues faced by the conventional method (aerobic nitrification–anaerobic denitrification) in treating nitrogen-polluted wastewaters is elaborated.  相似文献   

Thiosulfate was oxidized stoichiometrically to tetrathionate during growth on glucose byKlebsiella aerogenes, Bacillus globigii, B. megaterium, Pseudomonas putida, two strains each ofP. fluorescens andP. aeruginosa, and anAeromonas sp. A gram-negative, rod-shaped soil isolate, Pseudomonad Hw, converted thiosulfate to tetrathionate during growth on acetate. None of the organisms could use thiosulfate as sole energy source. The quantitative recovery of all the thiosulfate supplied to heterotrophic cultures either as tetrathionate alone or as tetrathionate and unused thiosulfate demonstrated that no oxidation to sulfate occurred with any of the strains tested. Two strains ofEscherichia coli did not oxidize thiosulfate. Thiosulfate oxidation in batch culture occurred at different stages of the growth cycle for different organisms:P. putida oxidized thiosulfate during lag and early exponential phase,K. aerogenes oxidized thiosulfate at all stages of growth, andB. megaterium andAeromonas oxidized thiosulfate during late exponential phase. The relative rates of oxidation byP. putida andK. aerogenes were apparently determined by different concentrations of thiosulfate oxidizing enzyme. Thiosulfate oxidation byP. aeruginosa grown in chemostat culture was inducible, since organisms pregrown on thiosulfate-containing media oxidized thiosulfate, but those pregrown on glucose only could not oxidize thiosulfate. Steady state growth yield ofP. aeruginosa in glucose-limited chemostat culture increased about 23% in the presence of 5–22 mM thiosulfate, with complete or partial concomitant oxidation to tetrathionate. The reasons for this stimulation are unclear. The results suggest that heterotrophic oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate is widespread across several genera and may even stimulate bacterial growth in some organisms.  相似文献   

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