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Female sexual arousal: genital anatomy and orgasm in intercourse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In men and women sexual arousal culminates in orgasm, with female orgasm solely from sexual intercourse often regarded as a unique feature of human sexuality. However, orgasm from sexual intercourse occurs more reliably in men than in women, likely reflecting the different types of physical stimulation men and women require for orgasm. In men, orgasms are under strong selective pressure as orgasms are coupled with ejaculation and thus contribute to male reproductive success. By contrast, women's orgasms in intercourse are highly variable and are under little selective pressure as they are not a reproductive necessity. The proximal mechanisms producing variability in women's orgasms are little understood. In 1924 Marie Bonaparte proposed that a shorter distance between a woman's clitoris and her urethral meatus (CUMD) increased her likelihood of experiencing orgasm in intercourse. She based this on her published data that were never statistically analyzed. In 1940 Landis and colleagues published similar data suggesting the same relationship, but these data too were never fully analyzed. We analyzed raw data from these two studies and found that both demonstrate a strong inverse relationship between CUMD and orgasm during intercourse. Unresolved is whether this increased likelihood of orgasm with shorter CUMD reflects increased penile–clitoral contact during sexual intercourse or increased penile stimulation of internal aspects of the clitoris. CUMD likely reflects prenatal androgen exposure, with higher androgen levels producing larger distances. Thus these results suggest that women exposed to lower levels of prenatal androgens are more likely to experience orgasm during sexual intercourse.  相似文献   

Menstrual taboos are nearly ubiquitous and assume parallel forms in geographically distant populations, yet their function has baffled researchers for decades. This paper proposes that menstrual taboos are anticuckoldry tactics. By signaling menstruation, they may advertise female reproductive status to husbands, affines, and other observers. Females may therefore have difficulty in obfuscating the timing of the onset of pregnancy. This may have three consequences: (a) males are better able to assess their probabilities of paternity and to direct their parental investment toward genetic offspring; (b) adulterous pregnancies are more easily detected and penalized, enhancing sexual fidelity; and (c) males avoid marrying pregnant females by relying on menstruation as evidence of nonpregnancy. This hypothesis is tested with 29 months of field data on menstrual taboos among the Dogon of Mali. Key results include the following: (a) cuckoldry is a major Dogon concern, (b) menstrual huts advertise female reproductive status, (c) husbands impose the taboos upon their wives, (d) female defiance of the taboos is undetectable and probably rare, and (e) informants think that the taboos help husbands and patrilineages to avoid cuckoldry. Thus the anti-cuckoldry hypothesis provides helpful insight into the menstrual taboos of the Dogon and should be tested among other populations. This research was supported by The Evolution and Human Behavior Program at the University of Michigan (through Dick Alexander), the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, and the National Science Foundation (BNS-8612291). Beverly Strassmann is a National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellow at the Reproductive Sciences Program, University of Michigan. Her primary research interest is human evolutionary ecology, with recent emphasis on menstruation in natural fertility populations, the effect of polygyny on female fitness, and reproductive endocrinology.  相似文献   

Orgasmic dysfunction in females is commonly reported in the general population with little consensus on its aetiology. We performed a classical twin study to explore whether there were observable genetic influences on female orgasmic dysfunction. Adult females from the TwinsUK register were sent a confidential survey including questions on sexual problems. Complete responses to the questions on orgasmic dysfunction were obtained from 4037 women consisting of 683 monozygotic and 714 dizygotic pairs of female twins aged between 19 and 83 years. One in three women (32%) reported never or infrequently achieving orgasm during intercourse, with a corresponding figure of 21% during masturbation. A significant genetic influence was seen with an estimated heritability for difficulty reaching orgasm during intercourse of 34% (95% confidence interval 27-40%) and 45% (95% confidence interval 38-52%) for orgasm during masturbation. These results show that the wide variation in orgasmic dysfunction in females has a genetic basis and cannot be attributed solely to cultural influences. These results should stimulate further research into the biological and perhaps evolutionary processes governing female sexual function.  相似文献   

This study uses data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) of 1988 to examine factors determining the continued low levels of contraceptive use in Ghana. The women currently using efficient contraception are those who have sexual intercourse regularly, who discuss family planning with their partner, whose husbands approve of the use of family planning, and who live in the northern sector of the country. The finding that husband's approval is an important determinant of efficient contraceptive use has significant policy implications for Ghana and other African countries, to motivate both husbands and wives to share fertility control responsibilities.  相似文献   

A. Béjin 《Andrologie》1997,7(3):336-342
We provide data on several aspects of sexual behaviour: masturbation, age at first intercourse, sexual practices during first intercourse, homosexuality and heterosexuality, sexual practices over a lifetime, sexual activity in the past twelve months, frequency of sexual intercourse, last sexual intercourse, achieving orgasm (through vaginal penetration, masturbation by partners, fellatio and cunnilingus), sexual dysfunctions. Data come from recent national sex surveys in: Great Britain (1990–91; n=18.876), Finland (1991–92; n=2250), the United States (1992; n="3432) and especially from the ACSF survey (n=20.055), the French national telephone survey on sexual behaviour conducted between September 1991 and February 1992. Some results about the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in sexually active men 18 to 69 years old, in France (in %):
  • - “You do not have an erection (impotence)”
  • - “often”: 7%, “sometimes”: 12%
  • -“You ejaculate too early, even before entering you partner” “often”: 5%; “sometimes”: 16%
  • - “You ejaculate too soon, upon or shortly after entering your partner” “often”: 10%; “sometimes”: 27%
  • - “It takes you too long to ejaculate once you have entered your partner” “often”: 4%; “sometimes”: 16%
  • - “You fail to ejaculate at all” “often”: 2%; “sometimes”: 5%
  • - “You don't have an orgasm” “often”: 7%; “sometimes”: 7%
  • - “You feel no or insufficient sexual desire” “often”: 3%; “sometimes”: 16%.
  •   相似文献   

    The menstrual cycles of 14 captive Talapoin monkeys ( Miopithecus talapoin ) were studied by making serial observations on the vaginal smears and sexual skin swellings for up to 15 months. Twelve of these females menstruated and the mean duration of their cycle was32–9 days (95% confidence limits 28.0-37.7). The corresponding value for the seven most regular females was 33.0 days (29.1-36.8). There were rhythmic changes in the vaginal smears and sexual skin during the menstrual cycle. Maximum cornification of the smears and maximum sexual skin swelling were observed at midcycle; the sexual skin deflated and the smear became less cornified during the luteal phase. The follicular phase—i.e. from menstruation to maximum skin swelling lasted 20.4 days with a wide distribution, in contrast to the mean duration of the luteal phase (13.7 days) which showed a pronounced peak at 14 days. The menstrual cycle of the talapoin thus resembles those of certain other Old World monkeys that exhibit perineal sexual skin swelling.
    Sexual behaviour of the male and female was maximal near the female's midcycle and minimal during the luteal phase, with intermediate values in the follicular phase. The males were most aggressive towards other females of the group when one female was at midcycle; there were no consistent changes in aggression between the male and the female herself. The number of times one animal looks at another (a characteristic behaviour pattern in talapoins) was measured and occurred most often at midcycle, but other preliminary observations indicated a more pronounced correlation between this behaviour pattern and an animal's position in the hierarchy.  相似文献   

    Data are analysed from the 1973 surveys of the Nigerian segment of the Changing African Family (CAFN) Project, which covered Yoruba women and men in Ibadan and the Western State of Nigeria. Of the 5874 women who were in union during the CAFN 1 survey, 54% reported that their husband had only 1 wife and 46% that their husband had more than 1 wife. Of the 1234 women in unions in the CAFN 2 survey, 49% reported monogamous husbands and 51% polygynous husbands. Differentials in fertility levels between women in monogamous unions and those in polygynous ones are investigated using mean number of children ever born as the measure of fertility. Factors examined include proportion of childless and infertile women, frequency of intercourse, age, educational level, religion, marital mobility (divorce) rank of wife and sexual abstinence. The CAFN 1 survey shows that wives of polygynists tend to be older than those of monogamists. Because of this the reported mean number of children ever born was higher for the wives of polygynists than for the wives of monogamists. When the data are standardized for the difference in age, the fertility levels of the women in the 2 types of unions were much closer to each other. When religion, education, abstinence, and occupation are also taken into account, it is observed that the 2 groups of women have similar levels of fertility. A multiple classification analysis was performed using number of wives of husband, educational level, religion and father's occupation as variables and occupation of spouse, place of birth, length of abstinence, contraceptive practice and age as covariates. The result also shows that the number of wives of the husband does not significantly affect the fertility level of women when other factors are taken into account. A high proportion of the Yoruba women are in polygynous unions and most of those in monogamous unions are potential wives of polygynists. Because of this, and particularly because most women try to have as many children as they can, the women in the 2 types of unions experience similar levels of fertility.  相似文献   

    Examining waiting time to birth among newlywed couples is likely to provide insights into the desire for spacing births among newlywed husbands and wives. Data from the Indian National Family Health Survey of 2005-06 are used to examine the desired waiting time (DWT) to birth among newlywed couples. The dependent variable is spousal concordance on desired waiting times. Overall 65% of couples have concordant desired waiting times. Among discordant couples, wives were more likely to want to wait longer than their husbands. Couples from richer wealth quintiles were more likely than couples from the poorest quintile to have concordant desired waiting times. Muslims were less likely than Hindus to have concordant desires. There is a need for spacing contraceptive methods among newlyweds in India. This may have implications for the Indian Family Planning Programme, which to date has largely focused on sterilization. Programmes need to include newlywed husbands to promote use of spacing methods.  相似文献   

    From an evolutionary point of view, female sexual desire contributes greatly to the success of reproduction by coordinating sexual behavior. It is known that female sexual desire fluctuates with the menstrual cycle. However, little is known about the role of basic emotions during menstrual cycle.We designed a facial EMG study to investigate facial expressions of joy during the menstrual cycle. 35 healthy women underwent 2 EMG sessions (T1 and T2). T1 took place in the follicular phase, T2 in the luteal phase. IAPS pictures of nude men (erotic stimuli) or of animals (control stimuli) were presented at both sessions. The activity of musculus zygomaticus major (responsible for expressing joy) was measured. We tested the hypothesis that zygomaticus activity is more pronounced in the follicular phase than in the luteal phase.The main result was that during the follicular phase, significantly more zygomaticus reactions were observed than during the luteal phase. This effect was restricted only to erotic stimuli. We concluded that an increased positive emotional responsiveness to erotic stimuli during the follicular phase is an important precondition for the probability of sexual activity during the conceptive days and thus for the success of reproduction.  相似文献   

    In the developing world, the dramatic male bias in tobacco use is usually ascribed to pronounced gender disparities in social, political, or economic power. This bias might also reflect under-reporting by woman and/or over-reporting by men. To test the role of gender inequality on gender differences in tobacco use we investigated tobacco use among the Aka, a Congo Basin foraging population noted for its exceptionally high degree of gender equality. We also tested a sexual selection hypothesis—that Aka men’s tobacco use is related to risk taking. Tobacco use, income, tobacco purchases, tobacco sharing, reasons for using tobacco, risk taking, and other variables were measured using structured surveys and peer reports. Tobacco use was verified by testing for salivary cotinine, a nicotine metabolite. Contrary to expectations, we found a very large male bias in tobacco use. Low levels of use among females appeared to be explained by aversions to tobacco, concerns over its negative effects on fetal health, and a desire to attract husbands, who prefer nonsmoking wives. High male use appeared to be related to a desire to enhance hunting abilities and attract and/or retain wives, who prefer husbands that smoke. We conclude that low levels of smoking by Aka women are better explained by the hypothesis that women evolved to avoid plant toxins to protect their fetuses and nursing infants. High male use might be better explained by sexual selection. We also highlight the important role that recreational drugs appear to play in hunter-gatherer sharing relationships.  相似文献   

    Demographic, life-style, and sexual behavior characteristics of a random cluster sample of virgin (n = 605) and nonvirgin (n = 321) students recruited from three high schools in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) in 1994 were compared. The mean age at first intercourse among nonvirgins was 13.76 years for males and 14.8 years for females. 19% of virgins reported engaging in noncoital sexual behavior. 74% of virgin males and 89% of virgin females did not expect to have sexual intercourse in the next 12 months. The following sociodemographic variables were significantly associated with being a virgin: being in grades 9-11, female gender, Asian ethnicity, attendance at a religious school, and doing 14 or more hours of homework a week. In terms of life-style factors, nonvirgins were significantly more likely than virgins to have been involved in a serious relationship in the past year, to have engaged in masturbation of or by a partner, to report oral sex, to do 5 hours or less of homework a week, to drink heavily, drink and drive, and smoke daily. There were no significant differences between groups in terms of their levels of happiness and satisfaction with life. Overall, these findings indicate that sexual intercourse while in high school forms part of a life-style characterized by high-risk behaviors.  相似文献   

    The role of men's jealousy over a wife's infidelity in precipitating marital conflict and wife abuse is well documented. The role of women's jealousy over a husband's infidelity has received little attention, which is puzzling given high potential costs to women of withdrawal of paternal investment. We address this gap by investigating marital conflict and wife abuse among Tsimane forager–farmers of Bolivia. We test predictions derived from male jealousy and paternal disinvestment hypotheses, which consider threats and consequences of infidelity by women (male jealousy hypothesis) and men (paternal disinvestment hypothesis). The paternal disinvestment hypothesis proposes that wife abuse is employed by husbands to limit wives' mate retention effort and maintain men's opportunities to pursue extrapair sexual relationships. Interviews were conducted among husbands and wives in the same marriages using a combination of open-ended and structured items. Spouses agree that the most frequently reported type of marital argument is women's jealousy over a husband's infidelity (N=266 arguments). Roughly 60% of abusive events occurred during arguments over men's diversion of household resources (N=124 abusive events). In multivariate analyses, likelihood of wife abuse is greater in marriages where husbands have affairs, where wives are younger, and where spouses spend more time apart (N=60 husbands, 71 wives). While we find strong support for both male jealousy and paternal disinvestment hypotheses, it is men's infidelity, not women's, that precipitates most instances of marital conflict and wife abuse. We conclude that men's aggression towards their wives facilitates men's diversion of family resources for their selfish interests.  相似文献   

    In women, sexual function, hormones and aging are inextricably related. Sexual activity in women involves interest and motivation, the ability to become aroused and achieve orgasm, the pleasure of the experience and subsequent personal satisfaction. Androgens, as endogenous hormones or given as a therapy, potentially influence female sexual function, with research into the effects of exogenous androgens in women mostly devoted to effects on sexual desire. Some studies have been conducted to delineate the effects of testosterone on arousal, however arousal determined by laboratory measures does not always correlate with subjective reporting of a sensation of arousal. Overall large randomised controlled trials of exogenous testosterone show benefits over placebo on sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, pleasure and satisfaction. The aspects of consideration of androgen therapy for women that continue to stimulate debate in this therapeutic area include whether female sexual dysfunction is a condition that merits pharmacotherapy, how effective is such treatment and whether testosterone therapy is safe.  相似文献   

    The role of reproductive hormones in mediating sexual desire in healthy women is still unclear. Elucidation was sought in this study by comparing the hormonal milieu of two groups of subjects with markedly different levels of sexual desire. Seventeen women ages 27-39 who met DSM III-R criteria for severe, persistent, and generalized loss of desire (hypoactive sexual desire disorder, HSD), but had no other current psychological or medical problem, were compared to 13 healthy, sexually active women. All subjects and spouses were interviewed extensively to determine the women's sexual desire and responsiveness. Blood samples were drawn every 3 to 4 days for one menstrual cycle and were analyzed by RIA for testosterone, SHBG, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, and luteinizing hormone. Results indicated that the HSD women's gonadal hormones fluctuated normally over the menstrual cycle, were within normal limits for each cycle phase, and were never significantly different from those of controls. Neither testosterone, non-SHBG bound testosterone, nor prolactin differentiated between the HSD women with the most and least severe HSD parameters (e.g., frequency of fantasy, masturbation, or female-initiated coitus), nor between women with lifelong and acquired HSD. The present findings did not provide evidence that reproductive hormones are important determinants of individual differences in the sexual desire of these eugonadal women.  相似文献   

    Several studies have suggested the association of disturbed genital tract microbiota with infertility. Our aim was to clarify the influence of sexual intercourse on partner’s genital tract microbiota in infertile couples. Seventeen couples were studied, and in 5 men inflammatory prostatitis (IP) was diagnosed. Semen samples were collected during menstruation of the female counterpart, two self-collected vaginal samples were taken 3–5 days later – before intercourse and 8–12 h after intercourse. Ureaplasma parvum was found in 59% of women, its prevalence was higher in women whose partner had IP, as well as in half of their male partners. Sexual intercourse caused significant shifts in vaginal microbiota – increase of Nugent score and shifts in cultured microbiota (emergence and disappearance of several species). These changes were less expressed in the presence of normal vaginal microbiota but more prominent in the partners of IP men. These changes may interfere with fertilization.  相似文献   

    Past findings suggest links between orgasms and testosterone (T), as well as sexuality and estradiol (E), and we examined hormone–orgasm links in this study via two hypotheses (below). Participants were 86 women and 91 men who provided a saliva sample and completed a demographics questionnaire, the Orgasm Checklist (Mah and Binik, 2002), the Hurlbert (1991) Index of Sexual Assertiveness, and the Sexual Desire Inventory (Spector and Fremeth, 1996). Results supported the first hypothesis of correlations between T and positive orgasm experience in women, specifically with the relaxation, soothing, and peaceful items in both partnered and solitary orgasm contexts. Results also indicated correlations between E and flooding and spreading items in a solitary orgasm context. There were no associations between hormones and men's perceptions of their orgasm experiences. There was no support for the second hypothesis of associations between higher T and more sexual assertiveness. Post hoc analyses showed associations between E and women's sexual desire, and T and men's sexual desire. We discuss implications of these findings including that solitary vs. partnered orgasm experiences may differ, and suggest that T might be associated with perceptions of psychological experiences of orgasms, and E might be associated with perceptions of physical experiences of orgasms.  相似文献   

    乙型肝炎病毒感染是全球性的健康问题,其传播途径各个国家及地区存在差异.通过对543位慢性HBV感染者的调查分析,家庭中女性慢性HBV感染者其子女在无任何免疫预防干预下感染后慢性化的几率76.0%;男性慢性HBV感染者其子女感染HBV后慢性化的几率达22.5%;夫妻之间HBV感染的结局是以形成保护性抗体为主,调查的543对夫妻中,夫妻双方均为HBsAg阳性的有50对,达9.2%;HBV在夫妻之间的传播的特点是丈夫感染HBV后更容易慢性化:妻子为慢性HBV感染者,其丈夫被感染后慢性化的几率为13.8%(27/196);而丈夫为慢性HBV感染者的家庭中,其妻子被感染后慢性化的几率为7.1%(23/322),差异具有统计学意义(χ2=6.146,P=0.013);除母婴传播外,乙肝病毒在夫妻、父亲和子女、孩子之间以及其他家庭接触性传播也很重要.  相似文献   

    T. Kavanagh  R. J. Shephard 《CMAJ》1977,116(11):1250-1253
    Questionnaires on sexual activity were completed by 161 patients attending an exercise-centred rehabilitation program an average of some 3 years after a myocardial infarction. In almost half the group, sexual activity was unchanged or increased compared with the period before the infarction. In the remainder it was reduced; this group included 29 men who had adopted a more passive sexual role and 26 who were now having angina or ventricular premature beats during intercourse. Although the patients with diminished activity could not be distinguished by means of formal personality test, questionnaires completed by their wives suggested that they were less willing to assume responsibility, had increased difficulty in adjusting to life at home and at work and were more neurotic and depressed than those with normal or increased activity. Furthermore, those with decreased sexual activity had a poorer response to training in terms of attendance, final average jogging distance and gains in physiologic status. Since the frequency of angina and ventricular premature beats was less during intercourse than during standard laboratory exercise, it was concluded that normal sexual relations carry no special risk for the average postcoronary patient; indeed, by enhancing self-esteem and encouraging effective participation in an exercise programm, acceptance of normal sexual activity may improve the prognosis.  相似文献   

    Circulating levels of the neuro-hypophysial nonapeptide oxytocin increase during sexual arousal and orgasm in both men and women. A few studies have evaluated the effect of the menstrual cycle on plasma oxytocin in normally cycling, sexually active, healthy fertile women using or not using contraceptive pills. In 20 ovulating women and 10 women taking an oral contraceptive (group 1 and group 2, respectively), sexual function, hormonal profile, and plasma oxytocin (OT) were evaluated throughout the menstrual cycle. In group 1, plasma OT was significantly lower during the luteal phase in comparison with both the follicular and ovulatory phases. Plasma oxytocin was significantly correlated with the lubrication domain of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) during the luteal phase and showed a trend towards statistical significance during the follicular phase. In group 2, plasma OT did not show any significant fluctuation throughout the menstrual cycle, even though a significant correlation was evident with both the arousal and the lubrication domain of the FSFI during the assumption of the contraceptive pill. These findings suggest that plasma OT fluctuates throughout the menstrual cycle in normally cycling healthy fertile women with adequate sexual activity but not taking any oral contraceptive pill. Moreover, plasma OT levels significantly relates to the genital lubrication in both women taking and not taking oral contraceptive pill apparently confirming its role in peripheral activation of sexual function.  相似文献   

    This paper reports the results of reproduction with 45 wild African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) (36 females and 9 males) during the nine years from 1981 to 1989 under indoor individually-caged conditions. In 206 cases of menstruation observed, menstrual discharge lasted for 2.5 +/- 1.2 days in cycles of 22-48 days, and the length of each menstrual cycle was 31.2 +/- 6.5 days. Females who had regular menstrual cycles were subjected to "one-to-one timed mating"; females and males were put together on a one-to-one basis daily only for a certain period of time on and after the day of ovulation. Females who had irregular menstrual cycles or had no menstruation were subjected to "every-other-day mating"; females and males were put together on a one-to-one basis every other day for at least 16 weeks. The pregnancy rate (No. of pregnant females/No. of mated females) by one-to-one timed mating was 48.9% (116/237); 2.0 mating trials were needed to obtain one case of pregnancy. On the other hand, the pregnancy rate (No. of pregnant females/No. of mating trials) by every-other-day mating was 96% (48/50). Females who delivered normally totaled 129. The mean gestation period was 165 days when males, weighing 343 g on average at birth, were delivered, and 166 days when females, weighing 318 g on average at birth, were delivered. The male and female newborns were nursed for 131 and 138 days, respectively, on average. Details are summarized in Table 3. This paper also reports 23 cases of abortion, 6 stillbirths, and 6 cases of Caesarean section, by which three live fetuses and three dead fetuses were obtained.  相似文献   

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