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Foreign Ag-specific TCR-transgenic (Tg) mice contain a small fraction of T cells bearing the endogenous Vbeta and Valpha chains as well as a population expressing an intermediate level of Tg TCR. Importantly, these minor nonclonotypic populations contain > or = 99% of the CD4(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Treg) and, despite low overall Treg expression, peripheral tolerance is maintained. In the OT-II TCR (OVA-specific, Vbeta5(high)Valpha2(high)) Tg scurfy (Sf) mice (OT-II Sf) that lack Treg, nonclonotypic T cells markedly expanded in the periphery but not in the thymus. Expanded T cells expressed memory/effector phenotype and were enriched in blood and inflamed lungs. In contrast, Vbeta5(high)Valpha2(high) clonotypic T cells were not expanded, displayed the naive phenotype, and found mainly in the lymph nodes. Importantly, Vbeta5(neg) T cells were able to transfer multiorgan inflammation in Rag1(-/-) recipients. T cells bearing dual TCR (dual Vbeta or dual Valpha) were demonstrated frequently in the Vbeta5(int) and Valpha2(int) populations. Our study demonstrated that in the absence of Treg, the lack of peripheral expansion of clonotypic T cells is due to the absence of its high-affinity Ag OVA. Thus, the rapid expansion of nonclonotypic T cells in OT-II Sf mice must require Ag (self and foreign) with sufficient affinity. Our study has implications with respect to the roles of Ag and dual TCR in the selection and regulation of Treg and Treg-controlled Ag-dependent T cell expansion in TCR Tg and TCR Tg Sf mice, respectively.  相似文献   

The oral administration of myelin basic protein (MBP) to Lewis rats prior to an encephalitogenic challenge resulted in total inhibition or a significant delay in the onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). In vitro lymphocyte proliferative responses to MBP were significantly decreased in MBP-fed rats when compared with vehicle-fed controls. Suppression of EAE and in vitro proliferative responses to MBP were observed to be antigen specific, since oral feeding of a control protein exerted no suppressive effect. Moreover, the specificity of MBP-induced oral tolerance was shown to be species specific, since feeding guinea pig MBP (GPMBP) or human MBP (HuMBP) induced protection only against a GPMBP or HuMBP challenge, respectively. Conversely, Lewis rats could not be orally tolerized to the self antigen rat MBP.  相似文献   

We report that experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease studied as a model for multiple sclerosis, can be suppressed in Lewis rats by the oral administration of myelin basic protein (MBP). Both the clinical and histopathologic manifestations of the disease were suppressed in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, proliferative responses to MBP and, to a lesser extent, serum levels of anti-MBP antibody were suppressed by feeding MBP. Suppression of clinical and histologic disease was observed whether animals were fed MBP before or after disease induction, although suppression was more complete when rats were fed before immunization. Disease was also suppressed by the oral administration of either encephalitogenic or nonencephalitogenic fragments and decapeptides of the MBP molecule, with more complete suppression observed when nonencephalitogenic fragments were fed, suggesting that suppressor determinants exist in the MBP molecule distinct from the encephalitogenic region. The oral administration of a non-disease-inducing portion of an autoantigen represents an antigen-specific method by which an experimental autoimmune disease can be immunoregulated.  相似文献   

B cells play a critical role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes. To investigate the mechanisms by which B cell depletion therapy attenuates islet β cell loss and particularly to examine the effect of B cells on both diabetogenic and regulatory Ag-specific T cells, we generated a transgenic BDC2.5NOD mouse expressing human CD20 on B cells. This allowed us to deplete B cells for defined time periods and investigate the effect of B cell depletion on Ag-specific BDC2.5 T cells. We depleted B cells with anti-human CD20 Ab using a multiple injection protocol. We studied two time points, before and after B cell regeneration, to examine the effect on BDC2.5 T cell phenotype and functions that included antigenic response, cytokine profile, diabetogenicity, and suppressive function of regulatory T (T(reg)) cells. We found unexpectedly that B cell depletion induced transient aggressive behavior in BDC2.5 diabetogenic T cells and reduction in T(reg) cell number and function during the depletion period. However, after B cell reconstitution, we found that more regenerated B cells, particularly in the CD1d(-) fraction, expressed immune regulatory function. Our results suggest that the regenerated B cells are likely to be responsible for the therapeutic effect after B cell depletion. Our preclinical study also provides direct evidence that B cells regulate both pathogenic and T(reg) cell function, and this knowledge could explain the increased T cell responses to islet Ag after rituximab therapy in diabetic patients in a recent report and will be useful in design of future clinical protocols.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the oral administration of guinea pig myelin basic protein (MBP) protects Lewis rats against the induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) when subsequently immunized with guinea pig MBP in CFA. In addition, animals made orally tolerant to MBP also have diminished proliferative and antibody responses to MBP, but not to other Ag. Nonetheless, the mechanism of oral tolerance to MBP in the EAE model remains undefined. In the present study, we report that T cells isolated from the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes of MBP orally tolerized animals can adoptively transfer protection against EAE. Furthermore, these T cells are of the CD8+ subclass. In addition, CD8+ T cells from MBP orally tolerized animals also suppress in vitro proliferative responses and antibody responses to MBP in an Ag-specific fashion. These results demonstrate that active cellular mechanisms are initiated after oral administration of an autoantigen that can down-regulate an experimental autoimmune disease and provide the basis for the isolation and characterization of the cells mediating both in vivo and in vitro suppression.  相似文献   

Due to critical amino acid changes in the 72-89 sequence, the determinant of human (Hu) basic protein (BP) that induces experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Lewis rats most likely differs from rat and guinea pig BP. To discern encephalitogenic sequence(s), the immunodominant epitopes recognized by Hu-BP-specific T cell lines were identified using synthetic peptides that corresponded to the Hu-BP sequence. The Hu-BP-reactive T cell line contained two distinct specificities, one directed at the 87-99 (Hu) sequence restricted by I-E, and the second directed at the 55-74 (Hu) sequence restricted by I-A. T cells specific for the 87-99 determinant recognized both Hu- and Rt-BP, were highly encephalitogenic, and accounted for the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis-inducing activity of the Hu-BP line. T cells directed at the S55-74 (Hu) sequence did not recognize Rt-BP and were not encephalitogenic. The same TCR V genes (homologous to the mouse V alpha 2 and V beta 8 families) that we showed previously were utilized preferentially in response to the I-A restricted 72-89 encephalitogenic sequence were also present in T cell lines specific for both the S55-74 and S87-99 epitopes. These data indicate that encephalitogenic activity of BP in Lewis rats is related to discrete T cell epitopes that are present on or cross-react with rat-BP. Furthermore it would appear that genes in the TCR V alpha 2 and V beta 8 families are widely used in response to different BP epitopes restricted by either I-A or I-E molecules.  相似文献   

Animal experiments show that lymphocytes activated in the intestine circulate through mesenteric lymph nodes, lymphatics, and blood, returning to the gut. Homing into intestinal lamina propria is mediated by lymphocyte surface homing receptors, mainly the alpha4beta7-integrin. We studied in humans whether intestinal T cells entering the blood upon antigenic activation would exhibit homing commitments to the gut. Volunteers were immunized with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) first orally and then parenterally or only parenterally, and the expression of alpha4beta7 on T cells specific for KLH or tetanus toxoid was studied. Circulating T cells were depleted of alpha4beta7+ cells by immunomagnetic selection. This depletion removed a significant proportion of the KLH-specific cells (mean decrease in proliferative response of 71%) in the orally immunized volunteers. No difference in the KLH-induced proliferation was found between the total and the alpha4beta7-depleted populations in volunteers parenterally immunized with KLH, regardless of whether a preceding mucosal priming had taken place or not. In both immunization groups, the depletion of alpha4beta7+ cells had no influence on the proliferative response to tetanus toxoid. We conclude that, in contrast to T cells activated by parenteral immunization, gut-derived T cells have preferential homing commitments to the gut. This commitment was no longer observed after a subsequent parenteral Ag administration. Besides showing that the site of Ag encounter determines the expression of homing receptors, the present study is the first to provide evidence for a circulation of newly activated Ag-specific intestinal T cells back to the gut in humans.  相似文献   

This phylogenetic study of central and peripheral nervous system myelin proteins demonstrates that important changes occur in the composition of certain myelin proteins during evolution. Only two components, myelin basic protein (MBP) and myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) are present in all Gnathostomata representatives investigated. While MBP components varied considerably even among the representatives of a given order, the apparent molecular weight of MAG showed little variation indicating that the conservation of the molecular structure could be important for the function of MAG in glia axon interactions.  相似文献   

Oral administration of a myelin component, myelin basic protein (MBP), induces immunological unresponsiveness to CNS Ags and ameliorates murine relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (REAE). However, a recent clinical trial in which multiple sclerosis patients were treated with repeated doses of oral myelin was unsuccessful in reducing disease exacerbations. Therefore, we directly compared the tolerizing capacity of myelin vs MBP during REAE in B10.PL mice. Oral administration of high doses of myelin, either before disease induction or during REAE, did not provide protection from disease or decrease in vitro T cell responses. In contrast, repeated oral administration of high doses of MBP suppressed established disease and MBP-specific T cell proliferation and cytokine responses. The frequency of IL-2-, IFN-gamma-, and IL-5-secreting MBP-specific T cells declined with MBP feeding, implicating anergy and/or deletion as the mechanism(s) of oral tolerance after high Ag doses. We have previously shown that the dosage and timing of Ag administration are critical parameters in oral tolerance induction. Studies presented here demonstrate that Ag homogeneity is also important, i.e., homogeneous Ag (MBP) is more effective at inducing oral tolerance than heterogeneous Ag (myelin).  相似文献   

Mice homozygous for the mutation myelin deficient (mld), an allele of shiverer, exhibit decreased CNS myelination, tremors, and convulsions of progressively increasing severity leading to an early death. In this report we demonstrate in mld mice that the gene encoding myelin basic protein (MBP) is expressed at decreased levels and on an abnormal temporal schedule relative to the wild-type gene. Southern blot analyses, field-inversion gel electrophoresis studies, and analyses of mld MBP cosmid clones indicate that there are multiple linked copies of the MBP gene in mld mice. We have introduced an MBP transgene into mld mice and found that myelination increases and tremors and convulsions decrease. Mld and shiverer mice with zero, one, or two copies of the MBP transgene express distinct levels of MBP mRNA and myelin. The availability of a range of mice expressing graded levels of myelin should facilitate quantitative analysis of the roles of MBP in the myelination process and of myelin in nerve function.  相似文献   

Specificity of T lymphocyte lines for peptides of myelin basic protein   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
T lymphocyte lines specific for myelin basic protein (BP) can mediate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), or can protect against the active induction of the disease. To investigate the antigenic fine specificity of guinea pig (GP) BP-specific T cell lines raised from different rat strains, and to determine whether functionally different T lymphocyte lines and clones recognized the same or different regions of the BP molecule, the proliferation responses of line cells were assessed after stimulation with purified peptides of GP-BP. Lewis rat T cell lines and clones selected for responses to whole GP-BP responded selectively to the 68-88 amino acid sequence of GP-BP, but not to the 1-37, 43-67, or 89-169 sequences. The region of GP-BP recognized by Lewis T cells was additionally defined to include the 75-80 amino acid sequence, because a T cell clone responded equally to GP and rat BP which differed by only one amino acid at position 79, but did not respond to human or bovine BP, which had a Gly-His insertion in this region. T lymphocyte lines derived from the F344 and PVG (Weizmann) rat strains shared the same selective response to peptide 68-88, but lines from BN rats responded to an epitope(s) outside of the 68-88 sequence. The functional capacity of the various T cell lines to mediate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) or to induce resistance against EAE was independent of their specificity for the different GP-BP peptides; lines specific for epitope(s) within or excluded from the 68-88 sequence could be encephalitogenic depending on their strain of origin, and various lines specific for the 68-88 peptide could induce both disease and protection, disease only, or neither activity.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of myelin basic protein   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

D-aspartic acid in purified myelin and myelin basic protein   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The presence of the biologically uncommon D-isomer of aspartic acid in the white matter of human brains has been reported previously from this laboratory (1). We now report that the level of D-aspartate in human brains is higher in purified myelin than in white matter and is even higher in the myelin basic protein fraction. There also appears to be a difference in the level of D-aspartate found in human brain as compared to bovine brain, possibly a species or age-related difference.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms inducing food-sensitive intestinal inflammation, we focused on the OVA23-3 mouse, a transgenic mouse strain expressing a T cell receptor that recognizes ovalbumin (OVA). Mice administered an egg-white (EW) diet containing OVA showed a trend of loose feces and significant weight loss. Histology of the jejunum showed severe inflammation with villous atrophy. Thus, we studied the role of T cells and intestinal microflora in the development of the inflammation. Severe villous disruption was observed in sections of the jejunum from OVA23-3 mice and RAG-2 gene-deficient OVA23-3 mice fed with EW-diet. Further, a larger number of T cells was found in the lamina propria of the jejunum of EW-diet fed OVA23-3 mice, RAG-2 gene-deficient mice and germfree OVA23-3 mice compared with those of control-diet fed mice. However, severe inflammation was not detected in the jejunum of germfree OVA23-3 mice. CD4+ T cells from the MLN of EW-diet fed OVA23-3 mice showed a Th2 cytokine secretion profile. These observations have thus clarified that antigen-specific Th2 cells play important roles in the development of intestinal inflammation. Although the presence of indigenous bacteria was not essential for the inflammation, T cells could mediate a more severe inflammatory response in their presence.  相似文献   

Oral administration of myelin basic protein (MBP) suppresses experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Lewis rats immunized with MBP in Freund's adjuvant. The immunomodulator bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) when given orally in conjunction with MBP enhances the protective effects of MBP feeding in EAE. This synergy was achieved only following oral administration of LPS but not following subcutaneous injection. In contrast, subcutaneous administration of LPS abrogated oral tolerance. A synergism between oral LPS and MBP was also demonstrated for antigen-specific suppression of delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses. Antibody responses to MBP were suppressed by oral administration of MBP but not by MBP plus LPS. The lipid A moeity of LPS mimicked the effects of LPS on disease protection and DTH suppression. These data demonstrate that adjuvants can enhance the induction of antigen-specific oral tolerance for suppression of cell-mediated experimental autoimmune responses.  相似文献   

Spleen cells (SC) from tumor-bearing mice and mice immunized with porcine myelin basic protein (MBP) reacted in vitro in E-rosette augmentation assays with MBP and certain of its constituent peptides. Peptides 1-115, 43-169, 64-83, 113-121, and 153-161 reacted significantly with both types of SC, while peptide 1-19 reacted only with SC from MBP-immunized mice. The phenomenon of specific inhibition of peptide reactivity by a moderate excess of a related protein was used to identify peptides as accessible epitopes of that protein. Peptide 113-121 was specifically inhibited by excess MBP when reacted with both types of SC, whereas peptide 64-83 was inhibited by excess MBP only when reacted with SC from MBP-immunized mice. These reactions suggest that the immunizing antigen in tumor-bearing mice is related to MBP but differs in epitopes associated with peptides 1-19 and 64-83.  相似文献   

We have applied a double tagging system in order to study whether purified myelin basic protein is able to adhere to normal human peripheral T lymphocytes without the need to purify cells. Evaluation of myelin basic protein adherence to peripheral blood mononuclear cells was determined with biotinylated myelin basic protein and fluoresceinated avidin, and lymphocyte population was identified by the corresponding phycoerythrinated monoclonal antibody. The observed adherence of myelin basic protein to T lymphocytes was found to depend on protein conformation.  相似文献   

The processing and presentation of whole myelin basic protein (MBP) and a 12 amino acid encephalitogenic peptide were investigated using MBP-immune and peptide-immune murine T cell lines. Myelin basic protein is the major component of central nervous system (CNS) white matter capable of inciting an autoimmune response which leads to the disease, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), in a number of animal species. MBP-immune T cell lines caused a form of adoptively transferred EAE when injected into naive, syngeneic recipients. It has been found that both whole MBP and peptide required processing in order to induce proliferation of the T cell lines. The proliferative response was greatest when MBP was processed under conditions in which proteolysis was prevented. The demonstration that activation of encephalitogenic MBP immune T cells requires a processed form of MBP may have relevance to the human inflammatory CNS demyelinating condition, multiple sclerosis, for which EAE is the EAE is the prime animal model.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding the dietary protein antigen, ovalbumin (OVA), on OVA-specific IgG and IgA immune responses involving Peyer's patches (PP) and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) were examined. Mice were administered soluble OVA by gastric intubation. One to 3 days later, PP, MLN, or spleen cells from these donor mice were adoptively transferred into normal syngeneic recipients. After two subsequent immunizations, spleens from the recipient mice were assayed for IgA and IgG anti-OVA plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses. None of the tissues from normal (unfed) mice had the inherent ability to alter recipients' IgG or IgA PFC responses. Within 1 day of OVA feeding, however, cells were generated in the PP that could augment recipients' IgA anti-OVA PFC responses and suppress IgG PFC responses. Three days after OVA feeding, these cells were present in MLN as well, and whereas the IgG suppressor cell also appeared to migrate to spleen, the IgA helper cell did not. The cells mediating antigen-specific IgG suppression and IgA help were both T cells but could be distinguished by surface phenotype. We therefore conclude that protein feeding induces differential, isotype-specific immunoregulation in gut-associated lymphoid tissues, part of which is mediated by an antigen-specific IgA helper T cell.  相似文献   

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