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The ammonia and glutamine content of the brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1. The metabolism of glutamine and ammonia was studied in isolated perfused rat liver in relation to its dependence on the direction of perfusion by comparing the physiological antegrade (portal to caval vein) to the retrograde direction (caval to portal vein). 2. Added ammonium ions are mainly converted to urea in antegrade and to glutamine in retrograde perfusions. In the absence of added ammonia, endogenously arising ammonium ions are converted to glutamine in antegrade, but are washed out in retrograde perfusions. When glutamine synthetase is inhibited by methionine sulfoximine, direction of perfusion has no effect on urea synthesis from added or endogenous ammonia. 3. 14CO2 production from [1-14C]glutamine is higher in antegrade than in retrograde perfusions as a consequence of label dilution during retrograde perfusions. 4. The results are explained by substrate and enzyme activity gradients along the liver lobule under conditions of limiting ammonia supply for glutamine and urea synthesis, and they are consistent with a perivenous localization of glutamine synthetase and a predominantly periportal localization of glutaminase and urea synthesis. Further, the data indicate a predominantly periportal localization of endogenous ammonia production. The results provide a basis for an intercellular (as opposed to intracellular) glutamine cycling and its role under different metabolic conditions.  相似文献   

Ammonia reduction is the target for therapy of hepatic encephalopathy, but lack of quantitative data about how the individual organs handle ammonia limits our ability to develop novel therapeutic strategies. The study aims were to evaluate interorgan ammonia metabolism quantitatively in a devascularized pig model of acute liver failure (ALF). Ammonia and amino acid fluxes were measured across the portal drained viscera (PDV), kidneys, hind leg, and lungs in ALF pigs. ALF pigs developed hyperammonemia and increased glutamine levels, whereas glutamate levels were decreased. PDV contributed to the hyperammonemic state mainly through increased shunting and not as a result of increased glutamine breakdown. The kidneys were quantitatively as important as PDV in systemic ammonia release, whereas muscle took up ammonia. Data suggest that the lungs are able to remove ammonia from the circulation during the initial stage of ALF. Our study provides new data supporting the concept of glutamate deficiency in a pig model of ALF. Furthermore, the kidneys are quantitatively as important as PDV in ammonia production, and the muscles play an important role in ammonia removal.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (EC was localized within the matrix compartment of avian liver mitochondria. The submitochondrial localization of this enzyme was determined by the digitonin-Lubrol method of Schnaitman and Greenawalt (35). The matrix fraction contained over 74% of the glutamine synthetase activity and the major proportion of the matirx marker enzymes, malate dehydrogenase (71%), NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (83%), and glutamate dehydrogenase (57%). The highest specific activities of these enzymes were also found in the matrix compartment. Oxidation of glutamine by avian liver mitochondria was substantially less than that of glutamate. Bromofuroate, an inhibitor of glutamate dehydrogenase, blocked oxidation of glutamate and of glutamine whereas aminoxyacetate, a transaminase inhibitor, had little or no effect with either substrate. These results indicate that glutamine metabolism is probably initiated by the conversion of glutamine to glutamate rather than to an alpha-keto acid. The localization of a glutaminase activity within avian liver mitochondria plus the absence of an active mitochondrial glutamine transaminase is consistent with the differential effects of the transaminase and glutamate dehydrogenase inhibitors. The high glutamine synthetase activity (40:1) suggests that mitochondrial catabolism of glutamine is minimal, freeing most of the glutamine synthesized for purine (uric acid) biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Common features of segregation distortion in plants and animals   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Taylor DR  Ingvarsson PK 《Genetica》2003,117(1):27-35
Segregation distortion is increasingly recognized as a potentially powerful evolutionary force. This runs counter to the perception that non-Mendelian genes are rare genetic curiosities, a view that seems to be supported by the near ubiquity of the Mendelian system of inheritance. There are several reasons why segregation distortion may be more important than is evidenced by known empirical examples. One possibility is that the types of segregation distorters we have found are only a subset of a broader range of non-Mendelian systems, many of which go undetected. In this paper, we review what is known about the sex-linked meiotic drive system in the plant, Silene latifolia, and present some data on the mechanism of segregation distortion. We outline the general features that segregation distorters in plants and animals have in common. In some cases, such as the paucity of systems that directly alter meiotic segregation, there are likely to be inherent constraints on the range of systems that can possibly occur. Other generalities, however, support the notion that many forms of meiotic drive are possible, and that the known examples of segregation distortion are likely to be only subset of those that can possibly occur. Non-Mendelian genes may therefore have greater evolutionary importance than their current abundance in nature would suggest.  相似文献   

Seven male subjects exercised for 1, 3, 10 and 20 min on a cycle ergometer at 20, 60 and 80% VO2max, and then held to fatigue a sustained contraction of the quadriceps at 40% maximal voluntary contraction in order to determine what influence various levels of dynamic exercise would have on isometric function of the same group of muscles. Muscle temperature was measured before and within 15 s of the completion of the cycling to determine whether changes in muscle temperature might influence the subsequent isometric performance. Isometric endurance was shorter as the severity of the cycling increased beyond 20% VO2max, and as the duration of cycling increased up to 10 min. There were discrete linear relationships between muscle temperature and isometric endurance associated with cycling at 60% and 80% VO2max. There was a direct inverse relationship between quadriceps strength after cycling and muscle temperature, yet a significant reduction in strength occurred only after cycling at 80% VO2max. These results suggest that the encroachment on endurance and strength are controlled by different mechanisms. The heart rates during the isometric contractions were dependent on the preceding rhythmic exercise and decreased after exercise at 60 or 80% VO2max. In contrast, the blood pressure always increased during the isometric contractions, reaching similar values at the point of fatigue, regardless of the severity of the previous rhythmic exercise. These data provide additional evidence that separate mechanisms control changes in heart rate and blood pressure.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in clostridial isolates after animal passage with other flora in mixed infections were studied by utilizing a subcutaneous abscess model in mice. We used 26 isolates of 7 clostridial species, and one isolate each of Bacteroides fragilis and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Abscesses were induced by all 7 Clostridium perfringens and 3 Clostridium butyricum isolates and by some of the other isolates. A thick granular wall prior to animal inoculation was shown only in C. perfringens, C. butyricum, and C. difficile. This structure was observed in other clostridia only following their animal passage alone or when co-inoculated with K. pneumoniae or B. fragilis.  相似文献   

Streptococcus bovis JB1 cells energized with glucose transported glutamine at a rate of 7 nmol/mg of protein per min at a pH of 5.0 to 7.5; sodium had little effect on the transport rate. Because valinomycin-treated cells loaded with K and diluted into Na (pH 6.5) to create an artificial delta psi took up little glutamine, it appeared that transport was driven by phosphate-bond energy rather than proton motive force. The kinetics of glutamine transport by glucose-energized cells were biphasic, and it appeared that facilitated diffusion was also involved, particularly at high glutamine concentrations. Glucose-depleted cultures took up glutamine and produced ammonia, but the rate of transport per unit of glutamine (V/S) by nonenergized cells was at least 1,000-fold less than the V/S by glucose-energized cells. Glutamine was converted to pyroglutamate and ammonia by a pathway that did not involve a glutaminase reaction or glutamate production. No ammonia production from pyroglutamate was detected. S. bovis was unable to take up glutamate, but intracellular glutamate concentrations were as high as 7 mM. Glutamate was produced from ammonia via a glutamate dehydrogenase reaction. Cells contained high concentrations of 2-oxoglutarate and NADPH that inhibited glutamate deamination and favored glutamate formation. Since the carbon skeleton of glutamine was lost as pyroglutamate, glutamate formation occurred at the expense of glucose. Arginine deamination is often used as a taxonomic tool in classifying streptococci, and it had generally been assumed that other amino acids could not be fermented. To our knowledge, this is the first report of glutamine conversion to pyroglutamate and ammonia in streptococci.  相似文献   

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