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Although Trinidadian populations of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, show considerable adaptive genetic differentiation, they have been assumed to show little or no reproductive isolation. We tested this assumption by crossing Caroni (Tacarigua River) and Oropuche (Oropuche R.) drainage populations from Trinidad's Northern Range, and by examining multiple aspects of reproductive compatibility in the F1, F2 and BC1 generations. In open-aquarium experiments, F1 males performed fewer numbers of mating behaviours relative to parental population controls. This is the first documentation of hybrid behavioural sterility within a species, and it suggests that such sterility may feasibly be involved in causing speciation. The crosses also uncovered hybrid breakdown for embryo viability, brood size and sperm counts. In contrast, no reductions in female fertility were detected, indicating that guppies obey Haldane's rule for sterility. Intrinsic isolation currently presents a much stronger obstacle to gene flow than behavioural isolation, and our results indicate that Trinidadian populations constitute a useful model for investigating incipient speciation.  相似文献   

In species in which individuals alternate between mating strategies, males may respond to elevated predation risk by switching from conspicuous courtship displays to less risky or more profitable sneaky mating attempts. As a consequence, in such species female choice is likely to be undermined more frequently in relatively dangerous localities. We tested this prediction using the guppy, a species of fish in which individual males alternate between courtship (solicited) and forced (unsolicited) copulations according to prevailing levels of predation. We collected females at late stages of gestation from four high- and four low-predation populations in Trinidad and examined them for the presence of sperm in their gonoducts. Due to the patterns of sperm storage in guppies, sperm found in the gonoducts of such late-cycle females can only arise from unsolicited copulations. We anticipated that because female guppies are subject to greater sexual harassment in the form of forced mating attempts in high-risk localities, a higher proportion of females in these populations would contain sperm in their gonoducts arising from recent unsolicited copulations. Contrary to this prediction, only one of the four paired comparisons (from the Quaré River) revealed a significant difference in the proportion of females recently inseminated through forced copulations. The paired comparisons for the remaining three rivers revealed no significant differences in the proportion of females with recoverable sperm in their gonoducts. However, overall, we found that 44.5% (±4.3 SE) of females had sperm in their gonoduct arising from sneaky mating, a figure three times higher than previously reported for this species. We discuss these findings in relation to recent predictions concerning the strength of sexual selection in natural populations.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 605–612.  相似文献   

Hull  S. L. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):79-88
Size assortative mating is a common invertebrate mating pattern and is usually accompanied by male and female sexual selection, and these three behaviours can contribute to reproductive isolation. Two distinct populations of the marine prosobranch Littorina saxatilis, H and M, occur within 15 m of each other on the same shore. Previous studies have demonstrated that these two forms have different reproductive strategies and that the rare hybrids between the two forms show evidence of reproductive dysfunction and hence are less fit than the assumed parental forms. In both populations, female shell height was shown to be a predictor of the number of embryos contained within the brood pouch. The mean shell height of the M population was significantly larger than that of the H population, and the M population matures at a larger shell size than the H population. The two populations show complete assortative mating to type in the field, and occupy different microhabitats on the same shore. Therefore, laboratory-based experiments were performed to determine if assortative mating was maintained in sympatry and also to determine the effect of population density on mate choice. The males of both populations showed sexual selection for female size, choosing to mate with females approximately 10% larger than themselves from an assortment of female sizes. The M population showed complete assortative mating to type, irrespective of the density of H and M females, whereas at low densities the H males did occasionally mate with M females. The role of assortative mating and reinforcement (due to natural selection acting against the less fit hybrids), in maintaining the partial reproductive barrier between the two populations is discussed.  相似文献   

为探究分布于我国不同地域的广聚萤叶甲(Ophraella communa)种群之间的分化现状,本文对来自南京、长沙和福州等3个地理种群的交配选择行为及杂交后代发育表现进行了研究.结果表明,在试验观察的6 h内南京种群与福州种群间个体发生交配的概率显著低于对照(种群内雌雄个体间的交配),但南京种群与长沙种群个体间发生交配的概率与对照无显著差异;南京和福州种群的雄性与同种群雌性交配选择次数显著多于与异种群雌性交配的次数,但南京与长沙种群间个体交配的次数与对照无显著差异.3个地理种群间个体杂交后代在卵孵化率、幼虫化蛹率和成虫羽化率等发育特性上与对照(种群内个体自交)无显著差异.根据研究结果推测,广聚萤叶甲南京种群与福州种群间在个体交配行为上存在着一定程度的交配前隔离.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation occurs when reproductive isolation evolves ultimately as a result of divergent natural selection between populations inhabiting different environments or exploiting alternative resources. I tested a prediction of the ecological model concerning the fitness of hybrids between two young, sympatric species of threespine sticklebacks (Benthics and Limnetics). The two species are ecologically and morphologically divergent: the Benthic is adapted to feeding on invertebrates in the littoral zone of the lake whereas the Limnetic is adapted to feeding on zooplankton in the open water. The growth rate of two types of hybrids, the Benthic backcross and the Limnetic backcross, as well as both parent species, was evaluated in enclosures in both parental habitats in the lake. The use of backcrosses is ideal because a comparison of their growth rates in the two habitats estimates an ecologically dependent component of their fitness while controlling for any intrinsic genetic incompatibilities that may exist between the Benthic and Limnetic genomes. The backcross results revealed a striking pattern of ecological dependence: in the littoral zone, Benthic backcrosses grew at approximately twice the rate of Limnetic backcrosses, while in the open water, Limnetic backcrosses grew at approximately twice the rate of Benthic backcrosses. Such a reversal of relative fitness of the two cross-types in the two environments provides strong evidence that divergent natural selection has played a central role in the evolution of postmating isolation between Benthics and Limnetics. Although the rank order of growth rates of all cross-types in the littoral zone was Benthic > Benthic backcross > Limnetic backcross > Limnetic, neither backcross differed significantly from the parent from which it was mainly derived. Implications of this result are discussed in terms of ecological speciation and possible introgressive hybridization between the species. Results in the open water were less clear and were not fully consistent with the ecological model of speciation, mainly as a result of the low growth rate of Limnetics. However, analysis of the diet of the fish in the open water suggests that these enclosures may not have been fully successful at replicating the food regimes characteristic of this habitat.  相似文献   

Divergent habitat preferences can contribute to speciation, as has been observed for host-plant preferences in phytophagous insects. Geographic variation in host preference can provide insight into the causes of preference evolution. For example, selection against maladaptive host-switching occurs only when multiple hosts are available in the local environment and can result in greater divergence in regions with multiple vs. a single host. Conversely, costs of finding a suitable host can select for preference even in populations using a single host. Some populations of Timema cristinae occur in regions with only one host-plant species present (in allopatry, surrounded by unsuitable hosts) whereas others occur in regions with two host-plant species adjacent to one another (in parapatry). Here, we use host choice and reciprocal-rearing experiments to document genetic divergence in host preference among 33 populations of T. cristinae. Populations feeding on Ceanothus exhibited a stronger preference for Ceanothus than did populations feeding on Adenostoma. Both allopatric and parapatric pairs of populations using the different hosts exhibited divergent host preferences, but the degree of divergence tended to be greater between allopatric pairs. Thus, gene flow between parapatric populations apparently constrains divergence. Host preferences led to levels of premating isolation between populations using alternate hosts that were comparable in magnitude to previously documented premating isolation caused by natural and sexual selection against migrants between hosts. Our findings demonstrate how gene flow and different forms of selection interact to determine the magnitude of reproductive isolation observed in nature.  相似文献   

How natural selection might be involved in speciation remains a fundamental question in evolutionary biology. When two or more species co-occur in the same areas, natural selection may favor divergence in mating traits. By acting in sympatric but not allopatric populations, natural selection can also affect mate choice within species and ultimately initiate speciation among conspecific populations. Here, we address this potential effect in the sea rock-pool beetles Ochthebius quadricollis and O. urbanelliae. The two species, which inhabit the Mediterranean coasts, co-occurr syntopically in an area along the Italian Tyrrhenian coast and completed reproductive isolation by reinforcement. In this article, through mating trials under laboratory conditions between conspecific populations, we found in O. quadricollis no deviations from random mating. Conversely, in O. urbanelliae, we found a clear pattern of premating isolation between the reinforced populations sympatric with O. quadricollis and those nonreinforced allopatric. This pattern is consistent with the view that natural selection, which completed the reproductive isolation between the two species in sympatry, led incidentally also to partial premating reproductive isolation (I(PSI) estimator from 0.683 to 0.792) between conspecific populations of O. urbanelliae. This case study supports an until recently underappreciated role of natural selection resulting from species interactions in initiating speciation.  相似文献   

同域物种形成是指在缺少地理隔离的情况下分化出新种,相比异域物种形成更为罕见,存在较多的研究空白.该文分析了近十年来与被子植物同域物种形成相关的国内外研究,着重论述同域物种形成的影响因素和种对间的生殖隔离.考虑到历史上的地理隔离难以确定,加之种对间亲缘关系很近,同域物种的判定容易引发争议.其成因可分为生态因素和突变因素:...  相似文献   

Two morphologically and ecologically distinct forms of smelt, Osmerus, reside sympatrically in Lake Utopia, south-western New Brunswick, Canada. The ‘normal-sized’ form matures at greater than 200 mm standard length, averages about 31–33 gill rakers, and spawns in lake outlets. By contrast, the ‘dwarf-sized’ form matures at less than 150 mm standard length, averages 34–36 gill rakers, and spawns in small streams 3–5 weeks later than the normal form. We tested whether these sympatric forms represented ecological polymorphism within a single population or two reproductively isolated demes by assaying variation within and between forms by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site and nuclear minisatellite DNA analyses. Analysis of smelt mtDNA with twelve restriction enzymes resolved ten composite genotypes (differing by an average 0.27% sequence divergence) which differed markedly in frequency between the forms. Net percentage sequence divergence between the forms was O.l6%. A Wagner parsimony/ bootstrapping analysis of the restriction site presence/absence matrix, however, suggested that there were no significant distinctions between dwarf and normal smelt based on the phylogeny of composite genotypes. Hybridization studies of genomic DNA digests with a minisatellite probe indicated both that nuclear restriction fragment differentiation and the frequency of specific fragments differed significantly between the forms. Significant genetic differentiation between the sympatric forms demonstrates that they are distinct gene pools and reproductively isolated. Our molecular evidence for reproductive isolation between dwarf and normal smelt in Lake Utopia, coupled with the persistent morphological and ecological differentiation between them, argues strongly that they are behaving as distinct species. The Lake Utopia Osmerus populations provide further illustration of the potential for rapid differentiation to the level of biological species in postglacial environments.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Two sibling species of tephritid fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis , occur sympatrically throughout the range of B. neohumeralis in Australia. Isolation between the two species appears to be maintained by a difference in mating time: B. tryoni mates at dusk, whereas B. neohumeralis mates during the middle of the day. A morphological difference in humeral callus color also distinguishes the two species. Despite clear phenotypic evidence that B. tryoni and B. neohumeralis are distinct species, genetic differentiation as measured by four markers–nuclear DNA sequences from the white gene and the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS2), and mitochondrial DNA sequences from the cytochrome b (cytb) and cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) genes–is very small. Minor fixed differences occur in the ITS2 sequence, however, in all other cases the two species exhibit a high level of shared polymorphic variation. The close genetic similarity suggests either that speciation has occurred very rapidly and recently in the absence of any mitochondrial DNA sorting or that the sharing of polymorphisms is due to hybridization or introgression. A third species within the tryoni complex, B. aquilonis , is geographically isolated. Bactrocera aquilonis is also genetically very similar, but in this case there is clear differentiation for the mitochondrial loci. The three species form a group of considerable interest for investigation of speciation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Significant genetic differences ( F ST = 0·032) were found between littoral and profundal morphs of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus from Fjellfrøsvatn, northern Norway, using microsatellite DNA analysis. The morphs had strong reproductive isolation in time and space; the segregation of a separate profundal morph is rare in postglacial lakes.  相似文献   

Wing patterns of Hyphantria adult male moths collected in central Missouri were examined throughout the breeding season. Three major peaks of adult flight were observed: the first peak consisted mainly of adults with spotted wings, while the second and third peaks consisted of immaculate adults. Black‐headed larvae appeared in the field following the first major peak of moth flight, and red‐headed larvae appeared in the field following the second peak. Sympatric red‐headed and black‐headed forms were collected in the field and subsequently reared on an artificial diet under conditions of 16 h light : 8 h dark (LD 16:8) at 25°C. The larval period of the black‐headed form was shorter than the red‐headed, whereas the pupal period of the black‐headed form was longer than the red‐headed. Pupal development is retarded in some individuals at high temperatures in the black‐headed form. Photoperiodic response curves for pupal diapause were different between the two forms. The critical photoperiod for pupal diapause was 15 h 10 min in the red‐headed form, which was longer than that for the black‐headed form (14 h 40 min). The two forms responded to shifts in photoperiod differently. These developmental responses temporally separate the two forms in the field; the red‐headed and black‐headed forms represent a set of adaptations favoring univoltinism and bivoltinism, respectively. Red‐headed larvae fed mainly at night, while the black‐headed larvae fed without a clear day–night rhythm. Nocturnal feeding in the red‐headed form is adaptive to protection against predation, but fails to fully utilize heat units and thus to produce a second generation.  相似文献   

Prezygotic mating isolation has been a major interest of evolutionary biologists during the past several decades because it is likely to represent one of the first stages in the transition from populations to species. Mate discrimination is one of the most commonly measured forms of prezygotic isolation and appears to be relatively common among closely related species. In some cases, it has been used as a measure to distinguish populations from subspecies, races, and sister species, yet the influences of various evolutionary mechanisms that may generate mate discrimination are largely unknown. In this study, we measured the level and pattern of mate discrimination among 18 populations of a cosmopolitan drosophilid species, Drosophila ananassae , from throughout its geographical range and its sister species, Drosophila pallidosa, which has a restricted geographical distribution in the South Pacific Islands. In addition, we measured genetic differentiation between all 18 populations using mitochondrial DNA polymorphism data. Mate discrimination varies considerably throughout the species range, being higher among populations outside the ancestral Indonesian range, and highest in the South Pacific. Our results suggest that colonization and genetic differentiation may have an influence on the evolutionary origin of mate discrimination. Our phylogeographical approach clarifies the ancestral relationships of several populations from the South Pacific that show particularly strong mate discrimination and suggests that they may be in the early stages of speciation. Furthermore, both the genetic and behavioral results cast doubt on the status of D. pallidosa as a good species.  相似文献   

We have studied an agent model which presents the emergence of sexual barriers through the onset of assortative mating, a condition that might lead to sympatric speciation. In the model, individuals are characterized by two traits, each determined by a single locus A or B. Heterozygotes on A are penalized by introducing an adaptive difference from homozygotes. Two niches are available. Each A homozygote is adapted to one of the niches. The second trait, called the marker trait has no bearing on the fitness. The model includes mating preferences, which are inherited from the mother and subject to random variations. A parameter controlling recombination probabilities of the two loci is also introduced. We study the phase diagram by means of simulations, in the space of parameters (adaptive difference, carrying capacity, recombination probability). Three phases are found, characterized by (i) assortative mating, (ii) extinction of one of the A alleles and (iii) Hardy-Weinberg like equilibrium. We also make perturbations of these phases to see how robust they are. Assortative mating can be gained or lost with changes that present hysteresis loops, showing the resulting equilibrium to have partial memory of the initial state and that the process of going from a polymorphic panmictic phase to a phase where assortative mating acts as sexual barrier can be described as a first-order transition.  相似文献   

Abstract.— To understand the process of speciation, we need to identify the evolutionary phenomena associated with divergence between populations of the same species. A powerful approach is to compare patterns of trait differences between populations differing in their evolutionary histories. A recent study of genetic divergence between populations of the meadow grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus , from different locations around Europe has allowed us to use this species to investigate which aspects of evolutionary history are associated with divergence in morphology and mating signals. During the last glaciation C. parallelus was confined to a number of refugia in southern Europe and has subsequently recolonized the northern part of the continent. This process of isolation followed by range expansion has created populations differing markedly in their evolutionary pasts–some have been isolated from one another for thousands of years, others have undergone repeated founder events, and others now live in sympatry with a closely related species. Using laboratory-reared grasshoppers from 12 different populations with a range of evolutionary histories, we quantify differences in morphology, chemical signals, and male calling-song. The observed pattern of divergence between these populations is then compared with the pattern predicted by hypotheses about what drives divergence. This comparison reveals that long periods in allopatry and processes associated with repeated founder events are both strongly associated with divergence.  相似文献   

Reinforcement speciation is the process whereby selection against hybrids drives the evolution of enhanced pre‐mating reproductive isolation. Work has focused on divergent mating preferences (assortative mating) but pre‐mating isolation can also arise via various migration modification behaviours, such as divergent habitat preferences. The relative importance of these two different mechanisms of reinforcement remains unclear. A recent theoretical model (Yukilevich–True model) found that relative fixation probabilities between these mechanisms can vary. Additionally, natural populations of Timema cristinae walking‐sticks exhibit variation (polymorphism) in both mechanisms, generating questions about the patterns expected for allele frequencies prior to fixation, during the early stages of the speciation process. In the present study, we report: (1) new analyses examining the correlation between fixation probabilities for assortative mating and migration modification in the Yukilevich–True model; (2) novel simulations examining allele frequencies in polymorphic populations; and (3) empirical patterns of reinforcement in T. cristinae in the context of theoretical predictions. Simulations of both types yielded congruent results, revealing that the outcome of reinforcement was dependent on the strength of selection. Under weak selection, reinforcement by either mechanism is unlikely. Under intermediate selection, the conditions favoring the rise and fixation of one mechanism favored the rise and fixation of the other. However, assortative mating evolved somewhat more readily than migration modification. Populations of T. cristinae, which experience such intermediate selection, supported these predictions. Under strong selection, the evolution of migration modification generally interfered with the evolution of assortative mating by decreasing migration between populations, thereby reducing selection for assortative mating. Congruence of the results for allele frequencies versus fixation probabilities suggests that similar patterns of reinforcement are expected during different stages of the speciation process. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 305–319.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata , in Trinidad have demonstrated rapid population differentiation at small geographic scales. However, most studies to date have focused on localities in Trinidad's Northern Range where barrier water falls mark sharp discontinuities in the selection regime and limit scope for gene flow. There is little information on the ecology of the guppy in the rest of the island even though its distribution amongst fish communities and habitats has important evolutionary implications. To determine how large-scale distribution patterns might affect the evolutionary potential of the guppy we surveyed 80 sites representative of a broad range of freshwater environments. We found guppies, which occurred in 80% of our samples, to be the most widely distributed freshwater fish in Trinidad. Guppies are common in predator-rich and turbid habitats, precisely those localities where female preferences are likely to be undermined. Moreover, the widespread distribution of this adaptable species, combined with its promiscuous mating system, may promote gene flow across geographical scales that transcend local selection regimes. These factors are likely to impede the evolution of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Knowledge on interspecific pre‐ and post‐zygotic isolation mechanisms provides insights into speciation patterns. Using crosses (F1 and backcrosses) of two closely related flea beetles species, Altica fragariae and A. viridicyanea, specialized on different hosts in sympatry, we measured: (a) the type of reproductive isolation and (b) the inheritance mode of preference and host‐specific performance, using a joint‐scaling test. Each species preferred almost exclusively its host plant, creating strong prezygotic isolation between them, and suggesting that speciation may occur at least partly in sympatry. Reproductive isolation was intrinsic between females of A. fragariae and either A. viridicyanea or F1 males, whereas the other crosses showed ecologically dependent reproductive isolation, suggesting ecological speciation. The genetic basis of preference and performance was at least partially independent, and several loci coded for preference, which limits the possibility of sympatric speciation. Hence, both ecological and intrinsic factors may contribute to speciation between these species.  相似文献   

1. Certain groups of fruit flies in the genus Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) are exemplars for sympatric speciation via host plant shifting. Flies in these species groups are morphologically similar and overlap in their geographic ranges, yet attack different, non‐overlapping sets of host plants. Ecological adaptations related to differences in host choice and preference have been shown to be important prezygotic barriers to gene flow between these taxa, as Rhagoletis flies mate on or near the fruit of their respective host plants. Non‐host‐related assortative mating is generally absent or present at low levels between these sympatrically diverging fly populations. 2. However, some Rhagoletis taxa occasionally migrate to ‘non‐natal’ plants that are the primary hosts of other, morphologically differentiated fly species in the genus. These observations raise the question of whether sexual isolation may reduce courtship and copulation between morphologically divergent species of Rhagoletis flies, contributing to their prezygotic isolation along with host‐specific mating. 3. Using reciprocal multiple‐choice mating trials, we measured sexual isolation among nine species pairs of morphologically differentiated Rhagoletis flies. Complete sexual isolation was observed in eight of the nine comparisons, while partial sexual isolation was observed in the remaining comparison. 4. We conclude that sexual isolation can be an effective prezygotic barrier to gene flow contributing to substantial reproductive isolation between many morphologically distinct Rhagoletis species, even in the absence of differential host plant choice and host‐associated mating.  相似文献   

The pace of divergence and likelihood of speciation often depends on how and when different types of reproductive barriers evolve. Questions remain about how reproductive isolation evolves after initial divergence. We tested for the presence of sexual isolation (reduced mating between populations due to divergent mating preferences and traits) in Rhagoletis pomonella flies, a model system for incipient ecological speciation. We measured the strength of sexual isolation between two very recently diverged (~170 generations) sympatric populations, adapted to different host fruits (hawthorn and apple). We found that flies from both populations were more likely to mate within than between populations. Thus, sexual isolation may play an important role in reducing gene flow allowed by early-acting ecological barriers. We also tested how warmer temperatures predicted under climate change could alter sexual isolation and found that sexual isolation was markedly asymmetric under warmer temperatures – apple males and hawthorn females mated randomly while apple females and hawthorn males mated more within populations than between. Our findings provide a window into the early speciation process and the role of sexual isolation after initial ecological divergence, in addition to examining how environmental conditions could shape the likelihood of further divergence.  相似文献   

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