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Mitochondrial DNA deletions are prominent in human genetic disorders, cancer, and aging. It is thought that stalling of the mitochondrial replication machinery during DNA synthesis is a prominent source of mitochondrial genome instability; however, the precise molecular determinants of defective mitochondrial replication are not well understood. In this work, we performed a computational analysis of the human mitochondrial genome using the “Pattern Finder” G-quadruplex (G4) predictor algorithm to assess whether G4-forming sequences reside in close proximity (within 20 base pairs) to known mitochondrial DNA deletion breakpoints. We then used this information to map G4P sequences with deletions characteristic of representative mitochondrial genetic disorders and also those identified in various cancers and aging. Circular dichroism and UV spectral analysis demonstrated that mitochondrial G-rich sequences near deletion breakpoints prevalent in human disease form G-quadruplex DNA structures. A biochemical analysis of purified recombinant human Twinkle protein (gene product of c10orf2) showed that the mitochondrial replicative helicase inefficiently unwinds well characterized intermolecular and intramolecular G-quadruplex DNA substrates, as well as a unimolecular G4 substrate derived from a mitochondrial sequence that nests a deletion breakpoint described in human renal cell carcinoma. Although G4 has been implicated in the initiation of mitochondrial DNA replication, our current findings suggest that mitochondrial G-quadruplexes are also likely to be a source of instability for the mitochondrial genome by perturbing the normal progression of the mitochondrial replication machinery, including DNA unwinding by Twinkle helicase.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of the DNA unwinding and translocation activities of helicases is necessary for characterization of the biochemical mechanism(s) for this class of enzymes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 helicase was characterized using presteady state kinetics to determine rates of DNA unwinding, displacement of streptavidin from biotinylated DNA, translocation on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), and ATP hydrolysis activities. Unwinding of substrates containing varying duplex lengths was fit globally to a model for stepwise unwinding and resulted in an unwinding rate of ∼75 bp/s and a kinetic step size of 1 base pair. Pif1 is capable of displacing streptavidin from biotinylated oligonucleotides with a linear increase in the rates as the length of the oligonucleotides increased. The rate of translocation on ssDNA was determined by measuring dissociation from varying lengths of ssDNA and is essentially the same as the rate of unwinding of dsDNA, making Pif1 an active helicase. The ATPase activity of Pif1 on ssDNA was determined using fluorescently labeled phosphate-binding protein to measure the rate of phosphate release. The quantity of phosphate released corresponds to a chemical efficiency of 0.84 ATP/nucleotides translocated. Hence, when all of the kinetic data are considered, Pif1 appears to move along DNA in single nucleotide or base pair steps, powered by hydrolysis of 1 molecule of ATP.  相似文献   

DNA sequences that can form intramolecular quadruplex structures are found in promoters of proto-oncogenes. Many of these sequences readily fold into parallel quadruplexes. Here we characterize the ability of yeast Pif1 to bind and unfold a parallel quadruplex DNA substrate. We found that Pif1 binds more tightly to the parallel quadruplex DNA than single-stranded DNA or tailed duplexes. However, Pif1 unwinding of duplexes occurs at a much faster rate than unfolding of a parallel intramolecular quadruplex. Pif1 readily unfolds a parallel quadruplex DNA substrate in a multiturnover reaction and also generates some product under single cycle conditions. The rate of ATP hydrolysis by Pif1 is reduced when bound to a parallel quadruplex compared with single-stranded DNA. ATP hydrolysis occurs at a faster rate than quadruplex unfolding, indicating that some ATP hydrolysis events are non-productive during unfolding of intramolecular parallel quadruplex DNA. However, product eventually accumulates at a slow rate.  相似文献   

The DNA helicase encoded by gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 assembles on single-stranded DNA as a hexamer of six identical subunits with the DNA passing through the center of the toroid. The helicase couples the hydrolysis of dTTP to unidirectional translocation on single-stranded DNA and the unwinding of duplex DNA. Phe(523), positioned in a β-hairpin loop at the subunit interface, plays a key role in coupling the hydrolysis of dTTP to DNA unwinding. Replacement of Phe(523) with alanine or valine abolishes the ability of the helicase to unwind DNA or allow T7 polymerase to mediate strand-displacement synthesis on duplex DNA. In vivo complementation studies reveal a requirement for a hydrophobic residue with long side chains at this position. In a crystal structure of T7 helicase, when a nucleotide is bound at a subunit interface, Phe(523) is buried within the interface. However, in the unbound state, it is more exposed on the outer surface of the helicase. This structural difference suggests that the β-hairpin bearing the Phe(523) may undergo a conformational change during nucleotide hydrolysis. We postulate that upon hydrolysis of dTTP, Phe(523) moves from within the subunit interface to a more exposed position where it contacts the displaced complementary strand and facilitates unwinding.  相似文献   

RecD2 from Deinococcus radiodurans is a superfamily 1 DNA helicase that is homologous to the Escherichia coli RecD protein but functions outside the context of RecBCD enzyme. We report here on the kinetics of DNA unwinding by RecD2 under single and multiple turnover conditions. There is little unwinding of 20-bp substrates by preformed RecD2-dsDNA complexes when excess ssDNA is present to trap enzyme molecules not bound to the substrate. A shorter 12-bp substrate is unwound rapidly under single turnover conditions. The 12-bp unwinding reaction could be simulated with a mechanism in which the DNA is unwound in two kinetic steps with rate constant of kunw = 5.5 s−1 and a dissociation step from partially unwound DNA of koff = 1.9 s−1. These results indicate a kinetic step size of about 3–4 bp, unwinding rate of about 15–20 bp/s, and low processivity (p = 0.74). The reaction time courses with 20-bp substrates, determined under multiple turnover conditions, could be simulated with a four-step mechanism and rate constant values very similar to those for the 12-bp substrate. The results indicate that the faster unwinding of a DNA substrate with a forked end versus only a 5′-terminal single-stranded extension can be accounted for by a difference in the rate of enzyme binding to the DNA substrates. Analysis of reactions done with different RecD2 concentrations indicates that the enzyme forms an inactive dimer or other oligomer at high enzyme concentrations. RecD2 oligomers can be detected by glutaraldehyde cross-linking but not by size exclusion chromatography.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human ChlR1 (DDX11) gene are associated with a unique genetic disorder known as Warsaw breakage syndrome characterized by cellular defects in genome maintenance. The DNA triplex helix structures that form by Hoogsteen or reverse Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding are examples of alternate DNA structures that can be a source of genomic instability. In this study, we have examined the ability of human ChlR1 helicase to destabilize DNA triplexes. Biochemical studies demonstrated that ChlR1 efficiently melted both intermolecular and intramolecular DNA triplex substrates in an ATP-dependent manner. Compared with other substrates such as replication fork and G-quadruplex DNA, triplex DNA was a preferred substrate for ChlR1. Also, compared with FANCJ, a helicase of the same family, the triplex resolving activity of ChlR1 is unique. On the other hand, the mutant protein from a Warsaw breakage syndrome patient failed to unwind these triplexes. A previously characterized triplex DNA-specific antibody (Jel 466) bound triplex DNA structures and inhibited ChlR1 unwinding activity. Moreover, cellular assays demonstrated that there were increased triplex DNA content and double-stranded breaks in ChlR1-depleted cells, but not in FANCJ−/− cells, when cells were treated with a triplex stabilizing compound benzoquinoquinoxaline, suggesting that ChlR1 melting of triple-helix structures is distinctive and physiologically important to defend genome integrity. On the basis of our results, we conclude that the abundance of ChlR1 known to exist in vivo is likely to be a strong deterrent to the stability of triplexes that can potentially form in the human genome.  相似文献   

The 5′-3′ resection of DNA ends is a prerequisite for the repair of DNA double strand breaks by homologous recombination, microhomology-mediated end joining, and single strand annealing. Recent studies in yeast have shown that, following initial DNA end processing by the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 complex and Sae2, the extension of resection tracts is mediated either by exonuclease 1 or by combined activities of the RecQ family DNA helicase Sgs1 and the helicase/endonuclease Dna2. Although human DNA2 has been shown to cooperate with the BLM helicase to catalyze the resection of DNA ends, it remains a matter of debate whether another human RecQ helicase, WRN, can substitute for BLM in DNA2-catalyzed resection. Here we present evidence that WRN and BLM act epistatically with DNA2 to promote the long-range resection of double strand break ends in human cells. Our biochemical experiments show that WRN and DNA2 interact physically and coordinate their enzymatic activities to mediate 5′-3′ DNA end resection in a reaction dependent on RPA. In addition, we present in vitro and in vivo data suggesting that BLM promotes DNA end resection as part of the BLM-TOPOIIIα-RMI1-RMI2 complex. Our study provides new mechanistic insights into the process of DNA end resection in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Srs2 protein possesses 3′ to 5′ DNA helicase activity and channels untimely recombination to post-replication repair by removing Rad51 from ssDNA. However, it also promotes recombination via a synthesis-dependent strand-annealing pathway (SDSA). Furthermore, at the replication fork, Srs2 is required for fork progression and prevents the instability of trinucleotide repeats. To better understand the multiple roles of the Srs2 helicase during these processes, we analysed the ability of Srs2 to bind and unwind various DNA substrates that mimic structures present during DNA replication and recombination. While leading or lagging strands were efficiently unwound, the presence of ssDNA binding protein RPA presented an obstacle for Srs2 translocation. We also tested the preferred directionality of unwinding of various substrates and studied the effect of Rad51 and Mre11 proteins on Srs2 helicase activity. These biochemical results help us understand the possible role of Srs2 in the processing of stalled or blocked replication forks as a part of post-replication repair as well as homologous recombination (HR).  相似文献   

The Q motif, conserved in a number of RNA and DNA helicases, is proposed to be important for ATP binding based on structural data, but its precise biochemical functions are less certain. FANCJ encodes a Q motif DEAH box DNA helicase implicated in Fanconi anemia and breast cancer. A Q25A mutation of the invariant glutamine in the Q motif abolished its ability to complement cisplatin or telomestatin sensitivity of a fancj null cell line and exerted a dominant negative effect. Biochemical characterization of the purified recombinant FANCJ-Q25A protein showed that the mutation disabled FANCJ helicase activity and the ability to disrupt protein-DNA interactions. FANCJ-Q25A showed impaired DNA binding and ATPase activity but displayed ATP binding and temperature-induced unfolding transition similar to FANCJ-WT. Size exclusion chromatography and sedimentation velocity analyses revealed that FANCJ-WT existed as molecular weight species corresponding to a monomer and a dimer, and the dimeric form displayed a higher specific activity for ATPase and helicase, as well as greater DNA binding. In contrast, FANCJ-Q25A existed only as a monomer, devoid of helicase activity. Thus, the Q motif is essential for FANCJ enzymatic activity in vitro and DNA repair function in vivo.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human ChlR1 gene are associated with a unique genetic disorder known as Warsaw breakage syndrome characterized by cellular defects in sister chromatid cohesion and hypersensitivity to agents that induce replication stress. A role of ChlR1 helicase in sister chromatid cohesion was first evidenced by studies of the yeast homolog Chl1p; however, its cellular functions in DNA metabolism are not well understood. We carefully examined the DNA substrate specificity of purified recombinant human ChlR1 protein and the biochemical effect of a patient-derived mutation, a deletion of a single lysine (K897del) in the extreme C terminus of ChlR1. The K897del clinical mutation abrogated ChlR1 helicase activity on forked duplex or D-loop DNA substrates by perturbing its DNA binding and DNA-dependent ATPase activity. Wild-type ChlR1 required a minimal 5' single-stranded DNA tail of 15 nucleotides to efficiently unwind a simple duplex DNA substrate. The additional presence of a 3' single-stranded DNA tail as short as five nucleotides dramatically increased ChlR1 helicase activity, demonstrating the preference of the enzyme for forked duplex structures. ChlR1 unwound G-quadruplex (G4) DNA with a strong preference for a two-stranded antiparallel G4 (G2') substrate and was only marginally active on a four-stranded parallel G4 structure. The marked difference in ChlR1 helicase activity on the G4 substrates, reflected by increased binding to the G2' substrate, distinguishes ChlR1 from the sequence-related FANCJ helicase mutated in Fanconi anemia. The biochemical results are discussed in light of the known cellular defects associated with ChlR1 deficiency.  相似文献   

DNA helicases are directly responsible for catalytically unwinding duplex DNA in an ATP-dependent and directionally specific manner and play essential roles in cellular nucleic acid metabolism. It has been conventionally thought that DNA helicases are inhibited by bulky covalent DNA adducts in a strand-specific manner. However, the effects of highly stable alkyl phosphotriester (PTE) lesions that are induced by chemical mutagens and refractory to DNA repair have not been previously studied for their effects on helicases. In this study, DNA repair and replication helicases were examined for unwinding a forked duplex DNA substrate harboring a single isopropyl PTE specifically positioned in the helicase-translocating or -nontranslocating strand within the double-stranded region. A comparison of SF2 helicases (RecQ, RECQ1, WRN, BLM, FANCJ, and ChlR1) with a SF1 DNA repair helicase (UvrD) and two replicative helicases (MCM and DnaB) demonstrates unique differences in the effect of the PTE on the DNA unwinding reactions catalyzed by these enzymes. All of the SF2 helicases tested were inhibited by the PTE lesion, whereas UvrD and the replication fork helicases were fully tolerant of the isopropyl backbone modification, irrespective of strand. Sequestration studies demonstrated that RECQ1 helicase was trapped by the PTE lesion only when it resided in the helicase-translocating strand. Our results are discussed in light of the current models for DNA unwinding by helicases that are likely to encounter sugar phosphate backbone damage during biological DNA transactions.  相似文献   

Two pathways have been proposed for eukaryotic Okazaki fragment RNA primer removal. Results presented here provide evidence for an alternative pathway. Primer extension by DNA polymerase δ (pol δ) displaces the downstream fragment into an RNA-initiated flap. Most flaps are cleaved by flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) while short, and the remaining nicks joined in the first pathway. A small fraction escapes immediate FEN1 cleavage and is further lengthened by Pif1 helicase. Long flaps are bound by replication protein A (RPA), which inhibits FEN1. In the second pathway, Dna2 nuclease cleaves an RPA-bound flap and displaces RPA, leaving a short flap for FEN1. Pif1 flap lengthening creates a requirement for Dna2. This relationship should not have evolved unless Pif1 had an important role in fragment processing. In this study, biochemical reconstitution experiments were used to gain insight into this role. Pif1 did not promote synthesis through GC-rich sequences, which impede strand displacement. Pif1 was also unable to open fold-back flaps that are immune to cleavage by either FEN1 or Dna2 and cannot be bound by RPA. However, Pif1 working with pol δ readily unwound a full-length Okazaki fragment initiated by a fold-back flap. Additionally, a fold-back in the template slowed pol δ synthesis, so that the fragment could be removed before ligation to the lagging strand. These results suggest an alternative pathway in which Pif1 removes Okazaki fragments initiated by fold-back flaps in vivo.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interaction between human DNA polymerase η (hpol η) and the Werner syndrome protein (WRN). Functional assays revealed that the WRN exonuclease and RecQ C-terminal (RQC) domains are necessary for full stimulation of hpol η-catalyzed formation of correct base pairs. We find that WRN does not stimulate hpol η-catalyzed formation of mispairs. Moreover, the exonuclease activity of WRN prevents stable mispair formation by hpol η. These results are consistent with a proofreading activity for WRN during single-nucleotide additions. ATP hydrolysis by WRN appears to attenuate stimulation of hpol η. Pre-steady-state kinetic results show that kpol is increased 4-fold by WRN. Finally, pulldown assays reveal a bipartite physical interaction between hpol η and WRN that is mediated by the exonuclease and RQC domains. Taken together, these results are consistent with alteration of the rate-limiting step in polymerase catalysis by direct protein-protein interactions between WRN and hpol η. In summary, WRN improves the efficiency and fidelity of hpol η to promote more effective replication of DNA.  相似文献   

The emerging link between iron metabolism and genome integrity is increasingly clear. Recent studies have revealed that MMS19 and cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster assembly (CIA) factors form a complex and have central roles in CIA pathway. However, the composition of the CIA complex, particularly the involvement of the Fe-S protein IOP1, is still unclear. The roles of each component are also largely unknown. Here, we show that MMS19, MIP18, and CIAO1 form a tight “core” complex and that IOP1 is an “external” component of this complex. Although IOP1 and the core complex form a complex both in vivo and in vitro, IOP1 behaves differently in vivo. A deficiency in any core component leads to down-regulation of all of the components. In contrast, IOP1 knockdown does not affect the level of any core component. In MMS19-overproducing cells, other core components are also up-regulated, but the protein level of IOP1 remains unchanged. IOP1 behaves like a target protein in the CIA reaction, like other Fe-S helicases, and the core complex may participate in the maturation process of IOP1. Alternatively, the core complex may catch and hold IOP1 when it becomes mature to prevent its degradation. In any case, IOP1 functions in the MMS19-dependent CIA pathway. We also reveal that MMS19 interacts with target proteins. MIP18 has a role to bridge MMS19 and CIAO1. CIAO1 also binds IOP1. Based on our in vivo and in vitro data, new models of the CIA machinery are proposed.  相似文献   

Re-initiation of DNA replication at origins within a given cell cycle would result in DNA rereplication, which can lead to genome instability and tumorigenesis. DNA rereplication can be induced by loss of licensing control at cellular replication origins, or by viral protein-driven multiple rounds of replication initiation at viral origins. DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are generated during rereplication, but the mechanisms of how these DSBs are repaired to maintain genome stability and cell viability are poorly understood in mammalian cells. We generated novel EGFP-based DSB repair substrates, which specifically monitor the repair of rereplication-associated DSBs. We demonstrated that homologous recombination (HR) is an important mechanism to repair rereplication-associated DSBs, and sister chromatids are used as templates for such HR-mediated DSB repair. Micro-homology-mediated non-homologous end joining (MMEJ) can also be used but to a lesser extent compared to HR, whereas Ku-dependent classical non-homologous end joining (C-NHEJ) has a minimal role to repair rereplication-associated DSBs. In addition, loss of HR activity leads to severe cell death when rereplication is induced. Therefore, our studies identify HR, the most conservative repair pathway, as the primary mechanism to repair DSBs upon rereplication.  相似文献   

Origin recognition complex (ORC), consisting of six subunits ORC1–6, is known to bind to replication origins and function in the initiation of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. In contrast to the fact that Saccharomyces cerevisiae ORC recognizes the replication origin in a sequence-specific manner, metazoan ORC has not exhibited strict sequence-specificity for DNA binding. Here we report that human ORC binds preferentially to G-quadruplex (G4)-preferable G-rich RNA or single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). We mapped the G-rich RNA-binding domain in the ORC1 subunit, in a region adjacent to its ATPase domain. This domain itself has an ability to preferentially recognize G4-preferable sequences of ssDNA. Furthermore, we found, by structure modeling, that the G-rich RNA-binding domain is similar to the N-terminal portion of AdoMet_MTase domain of mammalian DNA methyltransferase 1. Therefore, in contrast with the binding to double-stranded DNA, human ORC has an apparent sequence preference with respect to its RNA/ssDNA binding. Interestingly, this specificity coincides with the common signature present in most of the human replication origins. We expect that our findings provide new insights into the regulations of function and chromatin binding of metazoan ORCs.  相似文献   

Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be employed to study conformational heterogeneity and real-time dynamics of biological macromolecules. Here we present single molecule studies on human genomic DNA G-quadruplex sequences that occur in the telomeres and in the promoter of a proto-oncogene. The findings are discussed with respect to the proposed biological function(s) of such motifs in living cells.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) are the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. The highest rates of early onset HCCs occur in geographical regions with high aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) exposure, concomitant with hepatitis B infection. Although the carcinogenic basis of AFB1 has been ascribed to its mutagenic effects, the mutagenic property of the primary AFB1-DNA adduct, AFB1-N7-Gua, in mammalian cells has not been studied extensively. Taking advantage of the ability to create vectors containing a site-specific DNA adduct, the mutagenic potential was determined in primate cells. This adduct was highly mutagenic following replication in COS-7 cells, with a mutation frequency of 45%. The spectrum of mutations was predominantly G to T base substitutions, a result that is consistent with previous mutation data derived from aflatoxin-associated HCCs. To assess which DNA polymerases (pol) might contribute to the mutational outcome, in vitro replication studies were performed. Unexpectedly, replicative pol δ and the error-prone translesion synthesis pol ζ were able to accurately bypass AFB1-N7-Gua. In contrast, replication bypass using pol κ was shown to occur with low fidelity and could account for the commonly detected G to T transversions.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA, the trypanosome mitochondrial genome, is a network of interlocked DNA rings including several thousand minicircles and a few dozen maxicircles. Minicircles replicate after release from the network, and their progeny reattach. Remarkably, trypanosomes have six mitochondrial DNA helicases related to yeast PIF1 helicase. Here we report that one of the six, TbPIF1, functions in minicircle replication. RNA interference (RNAi) of TbPIF1 causes a growth defect and kinetoplast DNA loss. Minicircle replication intermediates decrease during RNAi, and there is an accumulation of multiply interlocked, covalently closed minicircle dimers (fraction U). In studying the significance of fraction U, we found that this species also accumulates during RNAi of mitochondrial topoisomerase II. These data indicate that one function of TbPIF1 is an involvement, together with topoisomerase II, in the segregation of minicircle progeny.  相似文献   

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