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Abstract The induction of the synthesis of extracellular xylanases was investigated in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans using a number of compounds, including xylans of different origin, monosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides and xylose derivatives. Certain xylans (wheat arabinoxylan, oat spelt xylan, birchwood xylan and 4-O-methyl-D-glucurono-D-xylan) were found to be the most powerful inducers. Also, xylooligosaccharides such as xylobiose, xylotriose and xylotetraose served as inducers, their efficiency being directly related to their chain length. Xylose, on the contrary, was not a true inducer. Of the three endo-β-(1,4)-xylanases secreted by A. nidulans , that of 24 kDa was not under carbon catabolite repression, whereas the other two, of 22 and 34 kDa, were under glucose repression mediated by the creA gene product.  相似文献   

Abstract β-Glucosidase in Aspergillus nídulans was found to be both intracellular and extracellular. The intracellular β-glucosidase was synthesized after the exhaustion of carbon source in the medium. The extracellular enzyme appeared with autolysis of the mycelium. Biosynthesis of β-glucosidase was not induced by various carbohydrates but repressed to varying extents in the presence of glucose, glycerol, and 2-deoxyglucose. This repression was not relieved by addition of cAMP. The repression was relieved much more by mutations in the creA gene than by one in the creC gene. Thus, β-glucosidase synthesis in A. nidulans is subject to carbon catabolite repression.  相似文献   

Abstract β-xylosidase (EC has been purified from Aspergillus nidulans mycelium grown on oat-spelt xylan as sole carbon source. Its pH optimum for activity was found to be 5.0 and the optimum temperature was 50 °C. Its molecular mass was estimated by gel filtration to be 180000. Using p-nitrophenyl-β-d-xylopyranoside as substrate, the K m and V max values have been found to be 1.1 mM and 25.6 μmol min−1(mg protein)−1, respectively. Enzyme activity was inhibited by Hg2+, Ag2+, and Cu2+ at a concentration of 1 × 10−3 M. The synthesis of β-xylosidase in A. nidulans is strongly induced by arabinose and xylose and is subject to carbon catabolite repression mediated by the cre A gene product.  相似文献   

pH regulation of penicillin production in Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
As shown by both bioassay and high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis, penicillin G production by Aspergillus nidulans is subject to regulation by the pH of the growth medium. Penicillin titres were highest at alkaline pH and in strains carrying mutations in the regulatory gene pacC which mimics the effects of growth at alkaline pH. They were lowest at acid pH and in strains carrying mutations in the palA, palB, palC, palE or palF genes which mimic the effects of growth at acid pH.  相似文献   

Abstract The degradation pathway for L-arabinose, which consists of a sequence of alternating reduction and oxidation reactions prior to ultimate phosphorylation, was studied in Aspergillus nidulans wild-type as well as in an L-arabinose non-utilizing mutant. The inability of the mutant to use L-arabinose was caused by the absence of L-arabitol dehydrogenase activity. The effect of the mutation on polyol accumulation patterns was studied upon growth on various carbon sources. The presence of L-arabinose resulted in intracellular accumulation of arabitol in this mutant. Moreover, the mutant secreted arabitol under these conditions and, in contrast to the wild-type, featured enhanced expression of enzymes involved in L-arabinose catabolism as well as of extracellular glycosyl hydrolases involved in degradation of the plant cell wall polysaccharide L-arabinan.  相似文献   

The trehalose operon of Bacillus subtilis is subject to regulation by induction, mediated by the repressor TreR, and by carbon catabolite repression (CCR). For in vitro investigations, TreR from B. subtilis was overproduced and purified. Its molecular mass, as estimated by SDS-PAGE, is 27 kDa. Size fractionation under native conditions yielded a size estimate of 56 kDa, indicating that TreR exists as a dimer in its native state. Analysis of its interaction with various DNA fragments shows that TreR is able to recognize two tre operators with different efficiencies, and indicates cooperative binding. Previous results have suggested that CCR of the tre operon occurs by a mechanism in which the specific regulator, TreR, may be involved independently of the central component, CcpA. The data presented here indicate that the TreR-tre operator interaction is influenced by several effectors. Thus, the presence of trehalose-6-phosphate, as well as glucose-1-phosphate and sodium chloride, inhibits tre operator binding. Glucose-6-phosphate can act as an anti-inducer, which might reflect its additional role in CCR exerted by glucose. Received: 28 April 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1998  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of the gas vesicle gene cluster in haloarchaea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gas vesicles are buoyant intracellular organelles composed of a rigid proteinaceous membrane surrounding a gas-filled space. Many prokaryotic microorganisms including photosynthetic and heterotrophic bacteria and halophilic and methanogenic archaea produce gas vesicles. In the majority of cases gas vesicles function in providing vertical motility to cells in aquatic environments. Recent genetic analysis of several halophilic archaeal (haloarchaeal) species has shown that a large cluster of genes [gvpMLKJIHGFEDACN(O)] is necessary for gas vesicle formation.  相似文献   

In Gram-positive bacteria, the HPr protein of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system can be phosphorylated at two distinct sites, His-15 and Ser-46. While the former phosphorylation is implicated in phosphoryl transfer to the incoming sugars, the latter serves regulatory purposes. In Bacillus subtilis, the two phosphorylation events are mutually exclusive. In contrast, doubly phosphorylated HPr is present in cell extracts of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. In this work, we studied the ability of the two single phosphorylated HPr species to accept a second phosphoryl group. Indeed, both Enzyme I and the HPr kinase/phosphorylase from M. pneumoniae are able to use phosphorylated HPr as a substrate. The formation of doubly phosphorylated HPr is substantially slower as compared to the phosphorylation of free HPr. However, the rate of formation of doubly phosphorylated HPr is sufficient to account for the amount of HPr(His approximately P)(Ser-P) detected in M. pneumoniae cells.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin binding to chemostat-grown hemin-excess and hemin-limited cells of Porphyromonas gingivalis W50, and to cells of the avirulent, beige-pigmenting variant W50/BE1, was quantified. Hemin-excess W50 bound more hemoglobin than hemin-limited W50, mirroring the hemin-binding ability of these cells [Microb Ecol Health Dis 7:9–15, 1994]. In contrast to hemin, hemoglobin binding was not enhanced by sodium dithionite. The hemoglobin-binding capacity of hemin-excess W50/BE1 was below that of hemin-limited W50 and only observed under oxidizing conditions. Scatchard analysis revealed similar affinity constants for hemin-excess and hemin-limited W50, and confirmed a lower binding maximum for the latter. Hemin-excess W50/BE1 displayed cooperative binding of hemoglobin. These differences in binding were reflected in the binding of a horse radish peroxidase-conjugated hemoglobin (HHRPO) in a dot-blot assay. However, neither the 32-kDa hemin-binding protein, nor its 19-kDa heat-modified form, from either hemin-limited W50 or hemin-excess W50/BE1, bound this conjugate. These data indicate that hemoglobin binding by P. gingivalis is hemin-regulated and occurs via a mechanism different from hemin binding. Received: 2 June 1997 / Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

The porphyrin requirements for growth recovery of Porphyromonas gingivalis in heme-depleted cultures are investigated. In addition to physiologically relevant sources of heme, growth recovery is stimulated by a number of noniron porphyrins. These data demonstrate that, as for Haemophilus influenzae, reliance on captured iron and on exogenous porphyrin is manifest as an absolute growth requirement for heme. A number of outer membrane proteins including some gingipains contain the hemoglobin receptor (HA2) domain. In cell surface extracts, polypeptides derived from HA2-containing proteins predominated in hemoglobin binding. The in vitro porphyrin-binding properties of a recombinant HA2 domain were investigated and found to be iron independent. Porphyrins that differ from protoporphyrin IX in only the vinyl aspect of the tetrapyrrole ring show comparable effects in competing with hemoglobin for HA2 and facilitate growth recovery. For some porphyrins which differ from protoporphyrin IX at both propionic acid side chains, the modification is detrimental in both these assays. Correlations of porphyrin competition and growth recovery imply that the HA2 domain acts as a high-affinity hemophore at the cell surface to capture porphyrin from hemoglobin. While some proteins involved with heme capture bind directly to the iron center, the HA2 domain of P. gingivalis recognizes heme by a mechanism that is solely porphyrin mediated.  相似文献   

The addition of 0.1 M L-lysine to the fermentation medium reduced the production of penicillin by about 50% in Aspergillus nidulans. To analyse this effect at the molecular level, the expression of the penicillin biosynthesis genes acvA and ipnA, encoding delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase and isopenicillin N synthetase, was studied by using translational fusions with different reporter genes (strain AXB4A, acvA-uidA, ipnA-lacZ fusions; AXB4B, acvA-lacZ, ipnA-uidA fusions) integrated in single copy at the chromosomal argB locus of Aspergillus nidulans. Irrespective of the reporter genes used the expression of acvA and ipnA fusion genes was repressed in L-lysine grown cultures. The expression of a fusion gene of an A. nidulans primary metabolism gene (oliC-lacZ) was not affected by L-lysine.  相似文献   

The regulation of the syntheses of two arabinan-degrading extracellular enzymes and several intracellular l-arabinose catabolic enzymes was examined in wild-type and carbon catabolite derepressed mutants of Aspergillus nidulans. α-l-Arabinofuranosidase B, endoarabinase, l-arabinose reductase, l-arabitol dehydrogenase, xylitol dehydrogenase, and l-xylulose reductase were all inducible to varying degrees by l-arabinose and l-arabitol and subject to carbon catabolite repression by d-glucose. With the exception of l-xylulose reductase, all were clearly under the control of creA, a negative-acting wide domain regulatory gene mediating carbon catabolite repression. Measurements of intracellular enzyme activities and of intracellular concentrations of arabitol and xylitol in mycelia grown on d-glucose in the presence of inducer indicated that carbon catabolite repression diminishes, but does not prevent uptake of inducer. Mutations in creA resulted in an apparently, in some instances very marked, elevated inducibility, perhaps reflecting an element of “self” catabolite repression by the inducing substrate. creA mutations also resulted in carbon catabolite derepression to varying degrees. The regulatory effects of a mutation in creB and in creC, two genes whose roles are unclear, but likely to be indirect, were, when observable, more modest. As with previous data showing the effect of creA mutations on structural gene expression, there were striking instances of phenotypic variation amongst creA mutant alleles and this variation followed no discernible pattern, i.e. it was non-hierarchical. This further supports molecular data obtained elsewhere, indicating a direct role for creA in regulating structural gene expression, and extends the range of activities under creA control.  相似文献   

The 5-upstream non-coding region of an FI-carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) gene of Aspergillus aculeatus No. F-50 was obtained and sequenced up to –777 nucleotide in pCMG23. The 5-upstream region of different lengths were constructed and fused to a reporter gene (Escherichia coli lacZ) in pAN923-42BD, and the resulted constructs were introduced into the A. nidulans. The -galactosidase activities of the transformant with 5-upstream fragment of larger than 319 bp were expressed by the induction, but that of 109 bp drastically decreased to the basal level. This suggests that the region between –109 and –319 of the 5-upstream non-coding region is involved in the regulation of the FI-CMCase expression.  相似文献   

微生物利用木质纤维素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木质纤维素原料是世界上最为丰富的资源之一,可用作微生物发酵生产高附加值生物化学品的原料。与传统用于微生物发酵的可食用生物质原料相比,目前微生物利用木质纤维素还存在以下几个关键问题:开发经济有效的木质纤维素预处理工艺、提高微生物对木质纤维素水解液中第二大单糖木糖的有效利用水平、增强微生物对木质纤维素水解液中混糖的综合利用能力以及提高微生物对木质纤维素水解液中糠醛、乙酸等发酵抑制物的耐受能力。综述了近年来国内外针对这几个关键问题的最新研究成果。为今后微生物大规模利用木质纤维素进行商业生产提出了展望和建议。  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis 381 cells were incubated with 125I-histidine-rich polypeptide (histatin) 5 in the presence or absence of unlabeled histatin 5, to evaluate the histatin-binding capacity of the cells. The binding of histatin 5 was rapid, reversible, saturable and specific. The number of histatin 5-binding sites per cell was 3,600, and the dissociation constant (Kd) was in the order of 10(-6) M. These findings suggest that histatin interacts with certain bacterial cells through specific binding sites on their surface, and will allow the development of a histatin radioreceptor assay.  相似文献   

Succinic acid (SA) is a four carbon dicarboxylic acid of great industrial interest that can be produced by microbial fermentation. Here we report development of a high-yield homo-SA producing Mannheimia succiniciproducens strain by metabolic engineering. The PALFK strain (ldhA-, pta-, ackA-, fruA-) was developed based on optimization of carbon flux towards SA production while minimizing byproducts formation through the integrated application of in silico genome-scale metabolic flux analysis, omics analyses, and reconstruction of central carbon metabolism. Based on in silico simulation, utilization of sucrose would enhance the SA production and cell growth rates, while consumption of glycerol would reduce the byproduct formation rates. Thus, sucrose and glycerol were selected as dual carbon sources to improve the SA yield and productivity, while deregulation of catabolite-repression was also performed in engineered M. succiniciproducens. Fed-batch fermentations of PALFK with low- and medium-density (OD600 of 0.4 and 9.0, respectively) inocula produced 69.2 and 78.4 g/L of homo-SA with yields of 1.56 and 1.64 mol/mol glucose equivalent and overall volumetric SA productivities of 2.50 and 6.02 g/L/h, respectively, using sucrose and glycerol as dual carbon sources. The SA productivity could be further increased to 38.6 g/L/h by employing a membrane cell recycle bioreactor system. The systems metabolic engineering strategies employed here for achieving homo-SA production with the highest overall performance indices reported to date will be generally applicable for developing superior industrial microorganisms and competitive processes for the bio-based production of other chemicals as well.  相似文献   

The extracellular proteases ofAspergillus nidulans are known to be regulated by carbon, nitrogen and sulphur metabolite repression. In this study, a mutant with reduced levels of extracellular protease was isolated by screening for loss of halo production on milk plates. Genetic analysis of the mutant showed that it contains a single, recessive mutation, in a gene which we have designatedxprE, located on chromosome VI. ThexprE1 mutation affected the production of extracellular proteases in response to carbon, nitrogen and, to a lesser extent, sulphur limitation. Three reversion mutations,xprF1, xprF2 andxprG1, which suppressxprE1, were characterised. BothxprF andxprG map to chromosome VII but the two genes are unlinked. ThexprF1, xprF2 andxprG1 mutants showed high levels of milk-clearing activity on medium containing milk as a carbon source but reduced growth on a number of nitrogen sources. Evidence is presented that thexprE1 andxprG1 mutations alter expression of more than one protease and affect levels of alkaline protease gene mRNA.  相似文献   

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