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Ogston P  Raj K  Beard P 《Journal of virology》2000,74(8):3494-3504
We used a sensitive assay to test whether an adeno-associated virus (AAV) productive replication cycle can occur in immortalized human keratinocytes carrying episomal human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) DNA. Following transfection with cloned AAV DNA, infectious AAV was produced, and the infectivity was blocked by anti-AAV antiserum. The HPV-16 E2 protein substantially increased the yield of AAV. Other HPV early proteins did not, in our experiments, show this ability. E2 has been shown to be able to affect p53 levels and to block cell cycle progression at mitosis. We tested the effect of changes in p53 expression on AAV replication and found that large differences in the level of p53 did not alter AAV DNA replication. In extension of this, we found that cellular help for AAV in response to stress was also independent of p53. To test if a mitotic block could trigger AAV DNA replication, we treated the cells with the mitotic inhibitor nocodazole. AAV DNA replication was stimulated by the presence of nocodazole in these and a number of other cell types tested. Yields of infectious virus, however, were not increased by this treatment. We conclude that the HPV-16 E2 protein stimulates AAV multiplication in these cells and propose that this occurs independently of the effects of E2 on p53 and cell cycle progression. Since the effect of E2 was not seen in keratinocytes lacking the HPV-16 episome, we suggest that E2 can help AAV by working in concert with other HPV-16 proteins.  相似文献   

Many human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive high-grade lesions and cancers of the uterine cervix harbor integrated HPV genomes expressing the E6 and E7 oncogenes from chimeric virus-cell mRNAs, but less is known about HPV integration in head and neck cancer (HNC). Here we compared viral DNA status and E6-E7 mRNA sequences in HPV-16-positive HNC tumors to those in independent human keratinocyte cell clones derived from primary tonsillar or foreskin epithelia immortalized with HPV-16 genomes. Three of nine HNC tumors and epithelial clones containing unintegrated HPV-16 genomes expressed mRNAs spliced from HPV-16 SD880 to SA3358 and terminating at the viral early gene p(A) signal. In contrast, most integrated HPV genomes in six HNCs and a set of 31 keratinocyte clones expressed HPV-16 major early promoter (MEP)-initiated mRNAs spliced from viral SD880 directly to diverse cellular sequences, with a minority spliced to SA3358 followed by a cellular DNA junction. Sequence analysis of chimeric virus-cell mRNAs from HNC tumors and keratinocyte clones identified viral integration sites in a variety of chromosomes, with some located in or near growth control genes, including the c-myc protooncogene and the gene encoding FAP-1 phosphatase. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that HPV integration in cancers is a stochastic process resulting in clonal selection of aggressively expanding cells with altered gene expression of integrated HPV genomes and potential perturbations of cellular genes at or near viral integration sites. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that this selection also takes place and can be studied in primary human keratinocytes in culture.  相似文献   

Both the Human papillomavirus (HPV) major (L1) and minor (L2) capsid proteins have been well investigated as potential vaccine candidates. The L1 protein first oligomerizes into pentamers, and these capsomers assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs) that are highly immunogenic. Here we examine the potential of using HPV type 16 (HPV-16) L1 subunits to display a well-characterized HPV-16 L2 epitope (LVEETSFIDAGAP), which is a common-neutralizing epitope for HPV types 6 and 16, in various regions of the L1 structure. The L2 sequence was introduced by PCR (by replacing 13 codons) into sequences coding for L1 surface loops D-E (chideltaC-L2), E-F (chideltaA-L2), and an internal loop C-D (chideltaH-L2); into the h4 helix (chideltaF-L2); and between h4 and beta-J structural regions (chideltaE-L2). The chimeric protein product was characterized using a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that bind to conformational and linear epitopes, as well as a polyclonal antiserum raised to the L2 epitope. All five chimeras reacted with the L2 serum. ChideltaA-L2, chideltaE-L2, and chideltaF-L2 reacted with all the L1 antibodies, chideltaC-L2 did not bind H16:V5 and H16:E70, and chideltaH-L2 did not bind any conformation-dependent MAb. The chimeric particles elicited high-titer anti-L1 immune responses in BALB/c mice. Of the five chimeras tested only chideltaH-L2 did not elicit an L2 response, while chideltaF-L2 elicited the highest L2 response. This study provides support for the use of PV particles as vectors to deliver various epitopes in a number of locations internal to the L1 protein and for the potential of using chimeric PV particles as multivalent vaccines. Moreover, it contributes to knowledge of the structure of HPV-16 L1 VLPs and their derivatives.  相似文献   

The E7 early viral protein of the oncogenic human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) has been strongly implicated in the maintenance of the malignant phenotype in cervical cancers and cancer-derived cell lines. HPV-16 E7 is a nuclear phosphoprotein that can cooperate with ras to transform baby rat kidney cells, transactivates the adenovirus E2 promoter, and binds to the retinoblastoma (RB) protein. The E7 phosphoprotein of the nononcogenic HPV-6b, which is generally associated with benign genital warts, is similar to the HPV-16 E7 in amino acid sequence but differs dramatically in migration in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, sedimentation in nondenaturing glycerol gradients, and the ability to bind the RB protein. Our results indicate that the RB protein preferentially binds the phosphorylated form of HPV-6b E7, which comprises a minor fraction of the total E7 expressed in transiently transfected COS-7 cells. These characteristics may help to explain the difference in the oncogenic potential of the oncogenic and nononcogenic types of genital papillomaviruses.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are unique in that they generate mRNAs that apparently can express multiple proteins from tandemly arranged open reading frames. The mechanisms by which this is achieved are uncertain and are at odds with the basic predictions of the scanning model for translation initiation. We investigated the unorthodox mechanism by which the E6 and E7 oncoproteins from human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) can be translated from a single, bicistronic mRNA. The short E6 5' untranslated region (UTR) was shown to promote translation as efficiently as a UTR from Xenopus beta-globin. Insertion of a secondary structural element into the UTR inhibited both E6 and E7 expression, suggesting that E7 expression depends on ribosomal scanning from the 5' end of the mRNA. E7 translation was found to be cap dependent, but E6 was more dependent on capping and eIF4F activity than E7. Insertion of secondary structural elements at various points in the region upstream of E7 profoundly inhibited translation, indicating that scanning was probably continuous. Insertion of the E6 region between Renilla and firefly luciferase genes revealed little or no internal ribosomal entry site activity. However when E6 was located at the 5' end of the mRNA, it permitted over 100-fold-higher levels of downstream cistron translation than did the Renilla open reading frame. Internal AUGs in the E6 region with strong or intermediate Kozak sequence contexts were unable to inhibit E7 translation, but initiation at the E7 AUG was efficient and accurate. These data support a model in which E7 translation is facilitated by an extreme degree of leaky scanning, requiring the negotiation of 13 upstream AUGs. Ribosomal initiation complexes which fail to initiate at the E6 start codon can scan through to the E7 AUG without initiating translation, but competence to initiate is achieved once the E7 AUG is reached. These findings suggest that the E6 region of HPV-16 comprises features that sponsor both translation of the E6 protein and enhancement of translation at a downstream site.  相似文献   

Using vaccinia virus as a live vector, we show that the expression of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E7 fused to a nonhemolytic portion of the Listeria monocytogenes virulence factor, listeriolysin O (LLO), induces an immune response that causes the regression of established HPV-16 immortalized tumors in C57BL/6 mice. The vaccinia virus construct expressing LLO fused to E7 (VacLLOE7) was compared with two previously described vaccinia virus constructs: one that expresses unmodified E7 (VacE7) and another that expresses E7 in a form designed to direct it to intracellular lysosomal compartments and improve major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted responses (VacSigE7LAMP-1). C57BL/6 mice bearing established HPV-16 immortalized tumors of 5 or 8 mm were treated with each of these vaccines. Fifty percent of the mice treated with VacLLOE7 remained tumor free 2 months after tumor inoculation, whereas 12 to 25% of the mice were tumor free after treatment with VacSigE7LAMP-1 (depending on the size of the tumor). No mice were tumor free in the group given VacE7. Compared to VacE7, VacSigE7LAMP-1 and VacLLOE7 resulted in increased numbers of H2-D(b)-specific tetramer-positive CD8(+) T cells in mouse spleens that produced gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor alpha upon stimulation with RAHYNIVTF peptide. In addition, the highest frequency of tetramer-positive T cells was seen in the tumor sites of mice treated with VacLLOE7. An increased efficiency of E7-specific lysis by splenocytes from mice immunized with VacLLOE7 was also observed. These results indicate that the fusion of E7 with LLO not only enhances antitumor therapy by improving the tumoricidal function of E7-specific CD8(+) T cells but may also increase the number of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells in the tumor, the principle site of antigen expression.  相似文献   

Many specific antiviral and antitumour immune responses have been attributed to the protective effects of antigen-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Recognition of virus infected or tumour cells by CTL requires presentation of at least one peptide epitope from a virus or tumour-specific antigen by the relevant MHC Class I molecule. Viral genes with mutations which remove CTL epitopes may thus be favoured for survival. Human cervical cancers are caused by papillomavirus infection, and these cancers consistently express the E7 protein of the oncogenic papillomavirus. We therefore investigated the MHC Class I restricted T cell epitopes of the human papillomavirus type 16 E7 oncoprotein using mice of five different genetic backgrounds, and an IFN-gamma ELISPOT assay, to determine the frequency with which MHC Class I epitopes might be expected in this small oncoprotein (98 amino acids). No MHC Class I restricted responses were detected in E7 immunized BALB/c (H-2d), CBA/CaH (H-2 k), FVB/N (H-2q) or A2KbH2b human HLA2.1 transgenic mice. In C57BL/6 J (H-2b) mice, a previously identified single antigenic epitope was detected. Therefore, we conclude that there is a paucity of MHC Class I restricted T cell epitopes in HPV16 E7 protein because of its small size. This might be advantageous to the virus. Furthermore here we present a quick and easy method to exhaustively determine CD8 T cell epitopes in proteins using a unique set of overlapping 8, 9 and 10 mer synthetic peptides.  相似文献   

The functional role of UV irradiation, in combination with the E6 and E7 proteins of the cutaneous human papillomavirus (HPV) types in the malignant conversion of benign papillomatous lesions, has not been elucidated. Transgenic SKH-hr1 hairless mice expressing HPV-20 and HPV-27 E6 and E7 proteins in the suprabasal compartment were generated and exposed to chronic UV irradiation. Histological and immunohistochemical examination of skin samples revealed enhanced proliferation of the epidermal layers and papilloma formation in both transgenic strains in comparison to what was observed with nontransgenic mice. Squamous cell carcinoma developed in the HPV-20 E6/E7 transgenic line as well as in the HPV-27 E6/E7 transgenic line. Several weeks after cessation of UV-B exposure, enhanced proliferation, as measured by BrdU incorporation, was maintained only in HPV-20 transgenic skin. Keratin 6 expression was increased in the transgenic mice throughout all cell layers. Expression of the differentiation markers involucrin and loricrin was reduced and disturbed. p63alpha expression was differentially regulated with high levels of cytoplasmic expression in clusters of cells in the granular layer of the skin in the transgenic lines 20 weeks after cessation of UV-B exposure, in contrast to uninterrupted staining in the nontransgenic lines. p53 was expressed in clusters of cells in nontransgenic and HPV-27 transgenic mice, in contrast to an even distribution in a higher number of cells in HPV-20 transgenic animals.  相似文献   

We and others have previously reported that human papillomavirus (HPV)-16 E6 protein expression sensitizes certain cell types to apoptosis. To confirm that this sensitization occurred in HPV's natural host cells, and to explore the mechanism(s) of sensitization, we infected human keratinocytes (HKCs) with retroviruses containing HPV-6 E6, HPV-16 E6, HPV-16 E7, or HPV-16 E6/E7. Apoptosis was monitored by DNA fragmentation gel analysis and direct observation of nuclei in cells stained with DAPI. Exposure of HKCs to etoposide, cisplatin, mitomycin C (MMC), atractyloside, and sodium butyrate, resulted in a time and dose-dependent induction of apoptosis. Expression of HPV-16 E6 and HPV-16 E6/E7, but not HPV-6 E6 or HPV-16 E7, enhanced the sensitivity of HKCs to cisplatin-, etoposide- and MMC-, but not atractyloside- or sodium butyrate-induced apoptosis. Expression of both HPV-16 E6 and HPV-16 E6/E7 decreased, but did not abolish, p53 protein levels relative to normal HKCs, and resulted in cytoplasmic localization of wt p53. P53 induction occurred in HPV-16 E6 and HPV-16 E6/E7 expressing cells after exposure to cisplatin or MMC, though never to levels found in normal untreated HKCs. P21 levels were decreased in HPV-16 E6 and HPV-16 E6/E7 expressing HKCs, and no induction of p21 was seen in these cells following exposure to cisplatin or MMC. Caspase-3 activity was found to be elevated in HPV-16 E6-expressing HKCs following exposure to cisplatin and MMC as documented by fluorometric and Western Blot analysis. Expression of wt CrmA or treatment of HPV-16 E6 expressing HKCs with the caspase-3 inhibitor DEVD.fmk prevented HPV-16 E6-induced sensitization in HKCs. These results suggest that HPV-16 E6 and HPV-16 E6/E7 expression sensitizes HKCs to apoptosis caused by cisplatin, etoposide and MMC, but not atractyloside or sodium butyrate. The data also suggest that wt p53 and caspase-3 activity are required for HPV-16 E6 and HPV-16 E6/E7-induced sensitization of HKCs to DNA damaging agents.  相似文献   

The E6 proteins from high-risk, cancer-causing types of human papillomavirus (HPV) are characterized by the presence of a PDZ (PSD95/Dlg/ZO-1) binding motif in their extreme carboxy termini, through which they interact with a number of cellular PDZ domain-containing substrates. In order to ascertain how many of these are degraded by E6 in vivo, we performed an extensive analysis of the effects of E6 ablation on the expression levels of a number of previously reported E6 PDZ substrates. Using HPV type 16 (HPV-16)-positive CaSKi cells and HPV-18-positive HeLa cells, we have found that MAGI-1 is a major degradation target of both HPV-16 and HPV-18 E6. In contrast, hDlg, hScrib, PTPN3, TIP2, FAP1, and PSD95 all exhibit various degrees of susceptibility to E6-induced degradation, and a high degree of HPV type specificity is observed for certain substrates. We also show that E6 preferentially targets MAGI-1 within the nucleus and at membrane sites. One of the direct consequences of MAGI-1 degradation is a loss of tight-junction integrity, as determined by mislocalization of the tight-junction protein ZO-1. Ablation of E6 expression restores tight junctions, and this restoration is dependent on the presence of MAGI-1. These results demonstrate that oncogenic HPV E6 proteins disrupt cellular tight junctions through the degradation of MAGI-1, and they provide further evidence of how the PDZ binding potential of E6 can contribute to HPV-induced malignancy.  相似文献   

The E7 oncoprotein of human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) transforms basal and suprabasal cervical epithelial cells and is a tumor-specific antigen in cervical carcinoma, to which immunotherapeutic strategies aimed at cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) induction are currently directed. By quantifying major histocompatibility complex class I tetramer-binding T cells and CTL in mice expressing an HPV16 E7 transgene from the keratin-14 (K14) promoter in basal and suprabasal keratinocytes and in thymic cortical epithelium, we show that antigen responsiveness of both E7- and non-E7-specific CD8+ cells is down-regulated compared to non-E7 transgenic control mice. We show that the effect is specific for E7, and not another transgene, expressed from the K14 promoter. Down-regulation did not involve deletion of CD8+ T cells of high affinity or high avidity, and T-cell receptor (TCR) Vbeta-chain usage and TCR receptor density were similar in antigen-responsive cells from E7 transgenic and non-E7 transgenic mice. These data indicate that E7 expressed chronically from the K14 promoter nonspecifically down-regulates CD8+ T-cell responses. The in vitro data correlated with the failure of immunized E7 transgenic mice to control the growth of an E7-expressing tumor challenge. We have previously shown that E7-directed CTL down-regulation correlates with E7 expression in peripheral but not thymic epithelium (T. Doan et al., J. Virol. 73:6166-6170, 1999). The findings have implications for the immunological consequences of E7-expressing tumor development and E7-directed immunization strategies. Generically, the findings illustrate a T-cell immunomodulatory function for a virally encoded human oncoprotein.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the PDZ-binding motif of the E6 oncoprotein from the mucosal high-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV) types plays a key role in HPV-mediated cellular transformation in in vitro and in vivo experimental models. HR HPV E6 oncoproteins have the ability to efficiently degrade members of the PDZ motif-containing membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family; however, it is possible that other PDZ proteins are also targeted by E6. Here, we describe a novel interaction of HPV type 16 (HPV16) E6 with a PDZ protein, Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory factor 1 (NHERF-1), which is involved in a number of cellular processes, including signaling and transformation. HPV16 E6 associates with and promotes the degradation of NHERF-1, and this property is dependent on the C-terminal PDZ-binding motif of E6. Interestingly, HPV16 E7, via the activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase complexes, promoted the accumulation of a phosphorylated form of NHERF-1, which is preferentially targeted by E6. Thus, both oncoproteins appear to cooperate in targeting NHERF-1. Notably, HPV18 E6 is not able to induce NHERF-1 degradation, indicating that this property is not shared with E6 from all HR HPV types. Downregulation of NHERF-1 protein levels was also observed in HPV16-positive cervical cancer-derived cell lines, such as SiHa and CaSki, as well as HPV16-positive cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Finally, our data show that HPV16-mediated NHERF-1 degradation correlates with the activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3'-OH kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling pathway, which is known to play a key role in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus (HPV) E7 oncoprotein exists as a dimer and acts by binding to many cellular factors, preventing or retargeting their function and thereby making the infected cell conducive for viral replication. Dimerization of E7 is attributed primarily to the C-terminal domain, referred to as conserved region 3 (CR3). CR3 is highly structured and is necessary for E7's transformation ability. It is also required for binding of numerous E7 cellular targets. To systematically analyze the molecular mechanisms by which HPV16 E7 CR3 contributes to carcinogenesis, we created a comprehensive panel of mutations in residues predicted to be exposed on the surface of CR3. We analyzed our novel collection of mutants, as well as mutants targeting predicted hydrophobic core residues of the dimer, for the ability to dimerize. The same set of mutants was also assessed functionally for transformation capability in a baby rat kidney cell assay in conjugation with activated ras. We show that some mutants of HPV16 E7 CR3 failed to dimerize yet were still able to transform baby rat kidney cells. Our results identify several novel E7 mutants that abrogate transformation and also indicate that E7 does not need to exist as a stable dimer in order to transform cells.  相似文献   

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