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IVET was used to identify genes that are specifically expressed in the rhizosphere of the pea-nodulating bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum A34. A library of R. leguminosarum A34 cloned in the integration vector pIE1, with inserts upstream of a promoter-less purN:gfp:gusA, was conjugated into purN host RU2249 and recombined into the genome. After removal of colonies that expressed the reporter genes of the vector under laboratory conditions, the library was inoculated into a nonsterile pea rhizosphere. The key result is that 29 rhizosphere-induced loci were identified. Sequence analysis of these clones showed that a wide variety of R. leguminosarum A34 genes are expressed specifically in the rhizosphere including those encoding proteins involved in environmental sensing, control of gene expression, metabolic reactions and membrane transport. These genes are likely to be important for survival and colonization of the pea rhizosphere.  相似文献   

A screening for hydrogen uptake (hup) genes in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae isolates from different locations within Spain identified no Hup+ strains, confirming the scarcity of the Hup trait in R. leguminosarum. However, five new Hup+ strains were isolated from Ni-rich soils from Italy and Germany. The hup gene variability was studied in these strains and in six available strains isolated from North America. Sequence analysis of three regions within the hup cluster showed an unusually high conservation among strains, with only 0.5-0.6% polymorphic sites, suggesting that R. leguminosarum acquired hup genes de novo in a very recent event.  相似文献   

The replicator region of the Rhizobium leguminosarum cryptic plasmid pRL8JI   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract The replicator region of the cryptic plasmid pRL8JI from Rhizobium leguminosarum strain 3841 was cloned and sequenced. The recombinant plasmid (pYK3) was selected by function from a partial Eco RI library of total DNA cloned in pSUP202 and shows incompatibility with plasmid pRL8JI when conjugated into R. leguminosarum strains 3841 and its derivative 1062. The cloned insert (∼ 10.5 kb) comprises five Eco RI fragments none of which confers replicative stability when cloned individually. A single 5.0-kb Bam HI fragment, that spans all five Eco RI fragments and confers replicative stability on pSUP202 in R. leguminosarum , has been sequenced. This replicator region shows organisational and sequence similarity to the replicator regions of the Agrobacterium plasmids pTiB6S3 and pRiA4b. It has three open reading frames ( repA, repB, repC ) and a conserved intergenic sequence.  相似文献   

Plasmids pIM13, pT127 and pBC16 delta 1, introduced by transformation into Clostridium acetobutylicum N1-4081, were shown to replicate in, and to confer antibiotic resistance upon this new host. Recombinant plasmids were constructed by inserting erythromycin-resistant plasmid pIM13 into the unique ClaI site of pBR322 or by ligating a tetracycline-resistant determinant of plasmid pT127 to HindIII-linearized pIM13. The hybrid plasmids replicated and expressed erythromycin resistance in C. acetobutylicum strain N1-4081 and in Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis, indicating that they might be useful as shuttle vectors for transferring genes between these strains. The efficiency and stability of different replicons in C. acetobutylicum were compared.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of plasmids in the saprophytic growth of Rhizobium is mostly unknown. Plasmid-cured and complemented derivatives of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain W14-2 were used to investigate the role of plasmids in the growth of this strain in sterile soil incubated under favorable moisture and temperature conditions. Strain W14-2 contains four plasmids ( a,b,c,d ). Absence of single plasmids in plasmid-cured derivatives generally did not reduce growth in soil when compared to the wild-type but absence of plasmid a delayed growth. Derivatives were unable to grow in soil when only plasmids a or d were present in cells. When only plasmids b or c were present, growth was delayed and the final population in 7 days was approximately 10% of the wild-type population. When the wild-type was co-inoculated at equal population into soil with derivatives lacking plasmids a , c , or d, the population of the wild-type at 7 days incubation was approximately 10 times larger than those of the derivatives. Elimination of only plasmid b did not reduce the ability of the strain to grow in soil when competing with the wild-type. Plasmids were involved in saprophytic growth of strain W14-2 in soil and may be important to the ecology of Rhizobium .  相似文献   

Endogenous phenolic compounds (PC) affecting Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae propagation were isolated from the roots of etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings before and within one or two day after inoculation. It was established that, during the first day after inoculation, PC-induced stimulation of bacterial growth in roots was replaced by its inhibition, which was somewhat more pronounced at 8°C. The ratio between PC fractions was also changed during the first day after inoculation, especially strongly at low temperature; and this was evidently the cause for Rhizobium growth inhibition in root cells.  相似文献   

Although many studies have shown that animal-associated bacterial species exhibit linkage disequilibrium at chromosomal loci, recent studies indicate that both animal-associated and soil-borne bacterial species can display a nonclonal genetic structure in which alleles at chromosomal loci are in linkage equilibrium. To examine the situation in soil-borne species further, we compared genetic structure in two soil populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii and two populations of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae from two sites in Oregon, with genetic structure in R. leguminosarum bv. viciae populations recovered from peas grown at a site in Washington, USA, and at a site in Norfolk, UK. A total of 234 chromosomal types (ET) were identified among 682 strains analysed for allelic variation at 13 enzyme-encoding chromosomal loci by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE). Chi-square tests for heterogeneity of allele frequencies showed that the populations were not genetically uniform. A comparison of the genetic diversity within combined and individual populations confirmed that the Washington population was the primary cause of genetic differentiation between the populations. Each individual population exhibited linkage disequilibrium, with the magnitude of the disequilibrium being greatest in the Washington population and least in the UK population of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae. Linkage disequilibrium in the UK population was created between two clusters of 9 and 23 ETs, which, individually, were in linkage equilibrium. Strong linkage disequilibrium between the two major clusters of 8 and 12 ETs in the Washington population was caused by the low genetic diversity of the ETs within each cluster relative to the inter-cluster genetic distance. Because neither the magnitude of genetic diversity nor of linkage disequilibrium increased as hierarchical combinations of the six local populations were analysed, we conclude that the populations have not been isolated from each other for sufficient time, nor have they been exposed to enough selective pressure to develop unique multilocus genetic structure.  相似文献   

Abstract Isolates of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae from pea and lentil nodules taken at one field site in France were tested in the laboratory for their ability to donate and receive plasmids by conjugation. Five isolates of 20 tested as donors were found to be capable of donating a plasmid which restored the ability to nodulate V. sativa to an isolate which had spontaneously lost this ability. Of 16 isolates tested as recipients all were found to be competent to receive one or more Tn5-labelled test plasmids at a frequency that varied widely (10−9− 10−3 per recipient) dependent upon both the recipient and the plasmid transferred. Three distinct plasmids carrying genes essential for symbiotic functions (pSym) were consistently shown to be transferred at a lower frequency than a cryptic plasmid. Collectively, these results indicate a significant potential for plasmid transfer within the natural soil population. During this work, several independent derivatives were obtained which contained two bv. viciae pSym. These plasmids usually appeared to be compatible together in cells ex planta, but the one acquired in matings was apparently frequently lost (10−2 per cell) in nodules of V. sativa . Hybrid derivatives containing bv. viciae and bv. phaseoli pSym, apparently retained both plasmids in nodules when P. vulgaris was the host plant but lost the bv. phaseoli pSym at high frequency (4 × 10−1 per cell) in nodules of V. sativa . Structural rearrangements among the plasmids of these transconjugants were also detected in cells recovered from nodules.  相似文献   

The importance of genotype-specific selection between host and symbiont, founder effect, and clonal reproduction in Rhizobia leguminosarum biovar trifolii populations is relatively unknown. A field experiment was conducted to sample 1268 isolates of R. l. bv. trifolii from four genotypically distinct Trifolium pratense plants for allozyme variation at nine loci. Genetic and genotypic variation, population genetic substructure, and linkage disequilibrium were estimated. Of the 1268 isolates 188 genotypically distinct strains (electrophoretic types or ETs) were identified with an average of 11.04 different ETs per plant. Total genetic diversity in the plot was 0.346 and most of the variation was found within plants (= 80%). Our data suggests that genotype-specific selection between the rhizobia and the four host-plant genotypes tested does not influence local population structure, but evidence of founder effect was present. Significant linkage disequilibrium was observed and is most likely due to the clonal reproduction of R. l. bv. trifolii.  相似文献   

Abstract After the introduction of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii into a loamy sand and a silt loam, high recovery percentages were determined using quantitative immunofluorescence. Soil type, but not inoculum density between 104 and 108 cells per gram of soil, significantly influenced the recovery percentage of the immunofluorescence technique. Recovery percentages determined using selective plating were independent of either soil type or inoculum density and exceeded those determined by immunofluorescence.
The serological and genetic markers used for detection were stable during 55 days of incubation in phosphate-buffered saline and soil extract solution. After the introduction of R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii into both sterilized soil types, the population increased to 0.5–1×109 cells per gram of soil, but a decline was demonstrated in non-sterile loamy sand and silt loam during incubation of 90 days at 15°C. Starvation of rhizobial cells in the phosphate-buffered saline and soil extract solution, as well as incubation in both soil types, resulted in a significant decrease in mean cell size.  相似文献   

The mRNA population in pea root hairs was characterized by means of in vitro translation of total root hair RNA followed by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the translation products. Root hairs contain several mRNAs not detectable in total RNA preparations from roots. Most of these root hair-specific mRNAs occur in elongating root hairs at higher levels than in mature root hairs. The expression of some genes in pea root hairs is typically affected by inoculation with Rhizobium leguminosarum. One gene, encoding RH-42, is specifically induced while the expression of another gene, encoding RH-44, is markedly enhanced. Using R. leguminosarum mutants it was shown that the nodC gene is required for the induction and enhancement of expression of the RH-42 and RH-44 genes, respectively, while the Rhizobium chromosomal gene pss1, involved in exopolysaccharide synthesis, is not essential. After induction of the nod genes with apigenin the bacteria excrete into the culture medium a factor that causes root hair deformation. This deformation factor stimulates the expression of the RH-44 gene but does not induce the expression of the gene encoding RH-42.  相似文献   

Abstract 56 isolates of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae from one field were characterized by analysis of plasmid profile, total DNA restriction pattern and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of 2 chromosomal regions and of symbiotic (Sym) plasmid. Different levels of similarity exist in patterns generated by the different techniques. At the level of partial similarity these techniques give comparable results for more than 80% of the isolates, with the exception of RFLP profiling with the Sym probe. Analysis at this level allows the grouping of the isolates that have most of their non-Sym genome similarly organized. At the level of total similarity, the techniques are no more equivalent and provide complementary information on possible evolution of the different elements of the genome identified by each specific technique. The non-Sym plasmids defining classes were strongly associated with specific chromosomal backgrounds. In contrast, variations in Sym plasmids were not related with variations in the remaining genome. Host range towards chromosomes was variable among the Sym plasmids, which may reflect plasmid transfer between strains.  相似文献   

In a strain of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli, three copies of the regulatory nodulation gene nodD were identified on the Sym plasmid and sequenced. Two were closely linked to each other and the third was near, but not adjacent, to the nodABC genes. Each of these nodD genes could correct the Nod- defect of a nodD mutant strain of R. leguminosarum biovar viciae on peas. A truncated form of nodD2 could also correct this mutant, indicating that the C-terminus of NodD2 is not needed for inducing activity. Upstream of nodD1 and in the same operon is a newly described gene, noIE, whose product appears to be exported into the periplasm. Close to nodD2 is another gene, noIP, with no known counterpart in other rhizobia. Both noIP and noIE-nodD1 are preceded by 'nod-box' sequences and, in the former case, there appear to be two tandemly repeated nod-box sequences. Mutations in each of the nodD genes and in the noIE and noIP genes did not abolish nodulation or nitrogen fixation on beans.  相似文献   

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