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To date, 24 Legionella pneumophila genes (icm and dot genes) have been shown to be required for intercellular growth and host cell killing. A previous report indicated that the regulation of these genes is complicated and probably involves several regulatory proteins. In this study, a genetic screen performed in Escherichia coli identified the CpxR response regulator as an activator of the L. pneumophila icmR gene. Construction of an L. pneumophila cpxR insertion mutant showed that the expression of icmR is regulated by CpxR. In addition, a conserved CpxR binding site (GTAAA) was identified in the icmR regulatory region and L. pneumophila His-tagged CpxR protein was shown to bind to the icmR regulatory region using a mobility shift assay. Besides its dramatic effect on the icmR level of expression, the CpxR regulator was also found to affect the expression of the icmV-dotA and icmW-icmX operons, but to a lesser extent. The role of CpxA, the cognate sensor kinase of CpxR, was also examined and its effect on the icmR level of expression was found to be less pronounced than the effect of CpxR. The RpoE sigma factor, which was shown to coregulate genes together with CpxR, was examined as well, but it did not influence icm and dot gene expression. In addition, when the cpxR mutant strain, in which the expression of the icmR gene was dramatically reduced, and the cpxA and rpoE mutant strains were examined for their ability to grow inside Acanthamoeba castellanii and HL-60-derived human macrophages, no intracellular growth defect was observed. This study presents the first evidence for a direct regulator (CpxR) of an icm-dot virulence gene (icmR). The CpxR regulator together with other regulatory factors probably concerts with the expression of icm and dot genes to result in successful infection.  相似文献   

We describe here a Legionella pneumophila type IV secretion system that is distinct from the previously described icm/dot system. This type IV secretion system contains 11 genes (lvh ) homologous to genes of other type IV secretion systems, arranged in a similar manner. The lvh genes were found to be located on a DNA island with a GC content higher than the L. pneumophila chromosome. In contrast to the icm/dot system that was shown to be required for intracellular growth in HL-60-derived human macrophages and Acanthamoeba castellanii, the lvh system was found to be dispensable for intracellular growth in these two hosts. The lvh system was found to be partially required for RSF1010 conjugation, a process that was previously shown to be completely dependent on several icm/dot genes. However, results obtained from analysis of double mutants in the icm/dot genes and the lvh genes revealed that lvh genes can substitute for some components of the icm/dot system for RSF1010 conjugation, but not for intracellular growth. These results indicate that components of the icm/dot system and components of the lvh type IV secretion system are able to interact with one another.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila and Coxiella burnetii have been shown to utilize the icm/dot type IV secretion system for pathogenesis and recently a large number of icm/dot-translocated substrates were identified in L. pneumophila. Bioinformatic analysis has revealed that 13 of the genes encoding for L. pneumophila-translocated substrates and five of the C. burnetii icm/dot genes, contain a conserved regulatory element that resembles the target sequence of the PmrA response regulator. Experimental analysis which included the construction of a L. pneumophila pmrA deletion mutant, intracellular growth analysis, comparison of gene expression between L. pneumophila wild type and the pmrA mutant, construction of mutations in the PmrA conserved regulatory element, controlled expression studies as well as mobility shift assays, demonstrated the direct relation between the PmrA regulator and the expression of L. pneumophila icm/dot-translocated substrates and several C. burnetii icm/dot genes. Furthermore, genomic analysis identified 35 L. pneumophila and 68 C. burnetii unique genes that contain the PmrA regulatory element and few of these genes from L. pneumophila were found to be new icm/dot-translocated substrates. Our results establish the PmrA regulator as a fundamental regulator of the icm/dot type IV secretion system in these two bacteria.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila has been shown to utilize the icm/dot type IV secretion system for pathogenesis. This system was shown to be composed of icm/dot complex components and accessory proteins, as well as a large number of translocated substrates. Bioinformatic analysis of the regulatory regions of all the genes revealed that several icm/dot genes, as well as two genes encoding icm/dot translocated substrates, contain the conserved CpxR regulatory element, a regulator that has been shown previously to control the expression of the icmR gene. An experimental analysis, which included a comparison of gene expression in a L. pneumophila wild-type strain and gene expression in a cpxR deletion mutant, construction of mutants with mutations in the CpxR conserved regulatory elements, controlled expression studies, and mobility shift assays, demonstrated the direct relationship between the CpxR regulator and the expression of the genes. Furthermore, genomic analysis identified nine additional genes that contain a putative CpxR regulatory element; five of these genes (two legA genes and three ceg genes) were suggested previously to be putative icm/dot translocated substrates. The three ceg genes identified, which were shown previously to contain a putative PmrA regulatory element, were found here to be regulated by both CpxR and PmrA. The other six genes (two legA genes and four new genes products were found to be regulated by CpxR. Moreover, using the CyaA translocation assay, these nine gene products were found to be translocated into host cells in an Icm/Dot-dependent manner. Our results establish that the CpxR regulator is a fundamental regulator of the icm/dot type IV secretion system in L. pneumophila.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila, a causative agent of bacterial pneumonia, survives inside phagocytic cells by avoiding rapid targeting to the lysosome. This bacterium utilizes a type IVB secretion system, encoded by the dot/icm genes, to replicate inside host cells. DotL, a critical component of the Dot/Icm secretion apparatus, functions as the type IV coupling protein. In contrast to most dot/icm genes, which are dispensable for growth on bacteriological media, dotL is required for the viability of wild-type L. pneumophila. Previously we reported that DeltadotL lethality could be suppressed by inactivation of the Dot/Icm complex via mutations in other dot/icm genes. Here we report the isolation of non-dot/icm suppressors of this phenotype. These DeltadotL suppressors include insertions that disrupt the function of the L. pneumophila homologs of cpxR, djlA, lysS, and two novel open reading frames, lpg0742 and lpg1594, that we have named ldsA and ldsB for lethality of DeltadotL suppressor. In addition to suppressing DeltadotL lethality, inactivation of these genes in a wild-type strain background causes a range of defects in L. pneumophila virulence traits, including intracellular growth, implicating these factors in the proper function of the Dot/Icm complex. Consistent with previous data showing a role for the cpx system in regulating expression of several dot/icm genes, the cpxR insertion mutant produced decreased levels of three Dot/Icm proteins, DotA, IcmV, and IcmW. The remaining four suppressors did not affect the steady-state levels of any Dot/Icm protein and are likely to represent the first identified factors necessary for assembly and/or activation of the Dot/Icm secretion complex.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease and related pneumonias, infects, replicates within and eventually kills human macrophages. A key feature of the intracellular lifestyle is the ability of the organism to replicate within a specialized phagosome which does not fuse with Iysosomes or acidify. Avirulent mutants that are defective in intracellular multiplication and host-cell killing are unable to prevent phagosome–Iysosome fusion. In a previous study, a 12kb fragment of the L. pneumophila genome containing the icm locus (intracellular multiplication) was found to enable the mutant bacteria to prevent phagosome-Iysosome fusion, to multiply intracellularly and to kill human macrophages. The complemented mutant also regained the ability to produce lethal pneumonia in guinea-pigs. In order to gain information about how L. pneumophila prevents phagosome-Iysosome fusion and alters other intracellular events, we have studied the region containing the icm locus. This locus contains four genes, icmWXYZ, which appear to be transcribed from a single promoter to produce a 2.1–2.4kb mRNA. The deduced amino acid sequences of the Icm proteins do not exhibit significant similarity to other proteins of known sequence, suggesting that they may carry out novel functions. The icmX gene encodes a product with an apparent signal sequence suggesting that it is a secreted protein. The icmWXYZ genes are located adjacent to and on the opposite strand from the dot gene, which is also required for intracellular multiplication and the ability of L. pneumophila to modify organelle traffic in human macrophages. Five L. pneumophila Icm mutants that had been generated with transposon Tn903dIIlacZ were found to have Inserted the transposon within the icmX, icmY, icmZ and dot genes, confirming their role in the ability of the organism to multiply intracellularly.  相似文献   

The entire nucleotide sequence of the transfer region of IncI1 plasmid R64 was determined together with previously reported sequences. Twenty-two transfer genes, traE-Y and nuc, were newly identified in the present study. The protein products of 17 genes were detected by maxicell experiments or by the T7 RNA polymerase expression system. Mutagenesis experiments indicated that 16 genes were indispensable for R64 transfer both in liquid and on surfaces. In summary, the R64 transfer region located within an approximately 54 kb DNA segment was shown to encode the most complex transfer system so far studied. It contains at least 49 genes and may produce 58 different proteins as a result of shufflon DNA rearrangement and overlapping genes. Among the 49 genes, 23 tra, trb and nik genes have been shown to be indispensable for R64 conjugal transfer in liquid and on surfaces. Twelve additional pil genes are required only for liquid matings. The amino acid sequences of 10 R64 tra/trb products share similarity with those of the icm/dot products of Legionella pneumophila that are responsible for its virulence, suggesting that the R64 transfer and L. pneumophila icm/dot systems have evolved from a common ancestral genetic system.  相似文献   

The MHC class II DQB gene of horse was isolated and characterized. No obvious mutations causing frame shifts, or destruction of putative protein structure and splicing machinery were detected. Nucleotide sequence of exon 2 was consistent with an allelic sequence of the W23 haplotype. The cytoplasmic region of the equine DQB gene comprised two exons and an intron. A novel fragment of the gene was identified at the 3' intergenic region proximal to the ELA-DQB gene by sequence comparison between the human and horse DQB genes. This sequence showed the highest identity to exon 3 region of the DQB gene, however the 5' half of this exon was truncated as compared with the intact exon. This gene fragment was also identified in the same site of the HLA-DQB gene.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism that results in monoallelic expression of genes depending on parent-of-origin of the allele. Although the conservation of genomic imprinting among mammalian species has been widely reported for many genes, there is accumulating evidence that some genes escape this conservation. Most known imprinted genes have been identified in the mouse and human, with few imprinted genes reported in cattle. Comparative analysis of genomic imprinting across mammalian species would provide a powerful tool for elucidating the mechanisms regulating the unique expression of imprinted genes. In this study we analyzed the imprinting of 22 genes in human, mouse, and cattle and found that in only 11 was imprinting conserved across the three species. In addition, we analyzed the occurrence of the sequence elements CpG islands, C + G content, tandem repeats, and retrotransposable elements in imprinted and in nonimprinted (control) cattle genes. We found that imprinted genes have a higher G + C content and more CpG islands and tandem repeats. Short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) were notably fewer in number in imprinted cattle genes compared to control genes, which is in agreement with previous reports for human and mouse imprinted regions. Long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) and long terminal repeats (LTRs) were found to be significantly underrepresented in imprinted genes compared to control genes, contrary to reports on human and mouse. Of considerable significance was the finding of highly conserved tandem repeats in nine of the genes imprinted in all three species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Comparative sequence analysis of tmRNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Minimal secondary structures of the bacterial and plastid tmRNAs were derived by comparative analyses of 50 aligned tmRNA sequences. The structures include 12 helices and four pseudoknots and are refinements of earlier versions, but include only those base pairs for which there is comparative evidence. Described are the conserved and variable features of the tmRNAs from a wide phylogenetic spectrum, the structural properties specific to the bacterial subgroups and preliminary 3-dimensional models from the pseudoknotted regions.  相似文献   

Comparative sequence analysis of IS50 transposase-related protein sequences in conjunction with known structural, biochemical, and genetic data was used to determine domains and residues that play key roles in IS50 transposase function. BLAST and ClustalW analyses have been used to find and analyze six complete protein sequences that are related to the IS50 transposase. The protein sequence identity of these six homologs ranged from 25 to 55% in comparison to the IS50 transposase. Homologous motifs were found associated with each of the three catalytic residues. Residues that play roles in transposase-DNA binding, protein autoregulation, and DNA hairpin formation were also found to be conserved in addition to other residues of unknown function. On the other hand, some homologous sequences did not appear to be competent to encode the inhibitor regulatory protein. The results were also used to compare the IS50 transposase with the more distantly related transposase encoded by IS10.  相似文献   

We used gene sequencing to determine whether clinical (sporadic, epidemic, and endemic) and environmental isolates of Legionella pneumophila serogroup (sg) 1 belong to specific lineages. A total of 178 clinical and environmental L. pneumophila sg 1 isolates, defined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and epidemiological data as sporadic, epidemic, or endemic, were analyzed for polymorphisms in five gene fragments. The fragments belonged to three housekeeping genes (coding for aconitase [acn], aspartate-beta-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [asd], and RNA polymerase beta subunit [rpoB]) and two surface protein genes (coding for the macrophage infectivity potentiator [mip] and the major outer membrane protein [mompS]). The phylogenetic tree inferred from sequence polymorphisms of the five genes identified two large clusters, one consisting of 133 poorly differentiated strains and containing two smaller clusters (10 and 2 strains) unrelated to each other and the other consisting of 42 strains. Clinical and environmental isolates could not be distinguished on this basis, and no link between genetic background and epidemiological type was found, suggesting that other factors are responsible for differences in pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Fan H  Yang HH  Hu Y  Buetow KH  Lee MP 《Genomics》2004,83(3):395-401
We performed a comparative genomic sequence analysis between human and mouse for 24 imprinted genes on human chromosomes 1, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, and 20. The MEME program was used to search for motifs within conserved sequences among the imprinted genes and we then used the MAST program to analyze for the presence or absence of motifs in the imprinted genes and 128 nonimprinted genes. Our analysis identified 15 motifs that were significantly enriched in the imprinted genes. We generated a logistic regression model by combining multiple motifs as input variables and the 24 imprinted genes and the 128 nonimprinted genes as a training set. The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of our model were 98, 92, and 99%, respectively. The model was further validated by an open test on 12 additional imprinted genes. The motifs identified in this study are novel imprinting signatures, which should improve our understanding of genomic imprinting and the role of genomic imprinting in human diseases.  相似文献   

The bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) or BoLA is organized differently from typical mammalian MHCs in that a large portion of the class II region, called class IIb, has been transposed to a position near the centromere on bovine chromosome 23. Gene mapping indicated that the rearrangement resulted from a single inversion, but the boundaries and gene content of the inverted segment have not been fully determined. Here, we report the genomic sequence of BoLA IIb. Comparative sequence analysis with the human MHC revealed that the proximal inversion breakpoint occurred approximately 2.5 kb from the 3' end of the glutamate-cysteine ligase, catalytic subunit (GCLC) locus and that the distal breakpoint occurred about 2 kb from the 5' end from a divergent class IIDRbeta-like sequence designated DSB. Gene content, order and orientation of BoLA IIb are consistent with the single inversion hypothesis when compared with the corresponding region of the human class II MHC (HLA class II). Differences with HLA include the presence of a single histone H2B gene located between the proteasome subunit, beta type, 9 (PSMB9) and DMB loci and a duplicated TAP2 with a variant splice site. BoLA IIb spans approximately 450 kb DNA, with 20 apparently intact genes and no obvious pseudogenes. The region contains 227 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and approximately 167 kb of retroviral-related repetitive DNA. Nineteen of the 20 genes identified in silico are supported by bovine EST data indicating that the functional gene content of BoLA IIb has not been diminished because it has been transposed from the remainder of BoLA genes.  相似文献   

Comparative biology: beyond sequence analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Comparative analysis is a fundamental tool in biology. Conservation among species greatly assists the detection and characterization of functional elements, whereas inter-species differences are probably the best indicators of biological adaptation. Traditionally, comparative approaches were applied to the analysis of genomic sequences. With the growing availability of functional genomic data, comparative paradigms are now being extended also to the study of other functional attributes, most notably the gene expression. Here we review recent works applying comparative analysis to large-scale gene expression datasets and discuss the central principles and challenges of such approaches.  相似文献   

Human chromosome 5q11.2-q13.3 and its ortholog on mouse chromosome 13 contain candidate genes for an inherited human neurodegenerative disorder called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and for an inherited mouse susceptibility to infection with Legionella pneumophila (Lgn1). These homologous genomic regions also have unusual repetitive organizations that create practical difficulties in mapping and raise interesting issues about the evolutionary origin of the repeats. In an attempt to analyze this region in detail, and as a way to identify additional candidate genes for these diseases, we have determined the sequence of 179 kb of the mouse Lgn1/SMA interval. We have analyzed this sequence using BLAST searches and various exon prediction programs to identify potential genes. Since these methods can generate false-positive exon declarations, our alignments of the mouse sequence with available human orthologous sequence allowed us to discriminate rapidly among this collection of potential coding regions by indicating which regions were well conserved and were more likely to represent actual coding sequence. As a result of our analysis, we accurately mapped two additional genes in the SMA interval that can be tested for involvement in the pathogenesis of SMA. While no new Lgn1 candidates emerged, we have identified new genetic markers that exclude Smn as an Lgn1 candidate. In addition to providing important resources for studying SMA and Lgn1, our data provide further evidence of the value of sequencing the mouse genome as a means to help with the annotation of the human genomic sequence and vice versa.  相似文献   

Summary A broad-spectrum mercury resistance locus (mer) from a spontaneous chloramphenicol-sensitive (Cms), arginine auxotrophic (Arg) mutant of Streptomyces lividan 1326 was isolated on a 6 kb DNA fragment by shotgun cloning into the mercury-sensitive derivative S. lividans TK64 using the vector pIJ702. The mer genes form part of a very large amplifiable DNA sequence present in S. lividans 1326. This element was amplified to about 20 copies per chromosome in the Cms Arg mutant and was missing from strains like S. lividans TK64, cured for the plasmid SLP3. DNA sequence analysis of a 5 kb region encompassing the whole region required for broad-spectrum mercury resistance revealed six open reading frames (ORFs) transcribed in opposite directions from a common intercistronic region. The protein sequences predicted from the two ORFs transcribed in one direction showed a high degree of similarity to mercuric reductase and organomercurial lyase from other gram-negative and gram-positive sources. Few, if any, similarities were found between the predicted polypeptide sequences of the other four ORFs and other known proteins.  相似文献   

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