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We examined the physiological and biochemical responses of resistant ('Halt' and 'Prairie Red') and susceptible ('TAM 107') wheat, Triticum aestivum L., to injury by the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko). Photosynthetic capacity was evaluated by measuring assimilation/internal CO2 (A/Ci) curves, chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll, and nonstructural carbohydrate content. Total protein and peroxidase specific activity also were determined. No significant differences were detected in chlorophyll concentration between aphid-infested and control TAM 107 plants. The aphid-infested resistant cultivars had similar or significantly higher chlorophyll concentrations compared with their respective control plants. Measurements over time showed that infested Halt plants had delays in photosynthetic senescence, Prairie Red plants had photosynthetic rate changes that were similar to control plants, and TAM 107 plants displayed accelerated photosynthetic senescence patterns. The photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching coefficients were significantly higher in infested Halt plants compared with their respective control plants on day 3. Infested TAM 107 plants had significantly higher photochemical quenching compared with control plants at all times evaluated, and they had significantly higher nonphotochemical quenching on day 3. Throughout the experiment, infested Prairie Red plants exhibited photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching coefficient values that were not significantly different from control plants. Total protein content was not significantly different between aphid-infested and control plants for all cultivars. Differences between physiological responses of infested susceptible and resistant cultivars, particularly temporal changes in photosynthetic activity, imply that resistant Halt and Prairie Red wheat tolerate some impacts of aphid injury on photosynthetic integrity.  相似文献   

Interactions among three trophic levels of resistant and susceptible slenderwheat grasses, Elymus trachycaulum (Link) Goule ex Shinners ex. H.F. Lewis, Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), and a hymenopterous parasitoid were studied in the laboratory and greenhouse. These relationships were compared with a commercial susceptible wheat Triticum aestivum L. variety. Aphids reared on the resistant entries showed significantly lower weights and numbers. Significant reduction of parasitoid mummy weight and adult size was positively correlated with the effects on the aphids. Resistant entries also induced a longer prereproductive period for both the aphids and parasitoids. Numbers of aphids and aphid damage were significantly modified by the addition of parasitoids. Parasitism was higher on plants that did not have leaf rolling. These findings may indicate that antibiosis resistance studied here is not the most desirable because it decreases natural enemy vitality.  相似文献   

We investigated the comparative effects of the feeding damage caused by two Russian wheat aphid (RWA, Diuraphis noxia Kurdjumov) biotypes, RWASA1 and RWASA2, on leaves of three RWA-resistant barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) lines from the USDA-ARS, and used a South African non-resistant cultivar as control. The relationship between aphid breeding capacity and the structural damage inflicted by the aphids was studied, using wide-field fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Colonies of the two biotypes grew rapidly on all four barley lines during a 10 day feeding exposure but as expected, population size and density were generally lower on the resistant lines than on the non-resistant cultivar. The new South African biotype, RWASA2, bred significantly faster than the original RWASA1 biotype. The feeding and water uptake-related damage sustained by phloem and xylem tissues of the resistant lines suggest that RWASA2 was a more aggressive feeder and caused substantially more cell damage than RWASA1. Examination of wound callose distribution after aphid feeding revealed that high levels of wound callose occurred in non-resistant and in resistant lines. Reduction in aphid population size, as well as ultrastructural damage during feeding by RWA biotypes on resistant lines, signals potential antibiotic and tolerant responses of the barley lines to aphid feeding. We infer from callose distribution and ultrastructural studies, that phloem transport would be substantially reduced in the non-resistant PUMA and to a lesser extent in the resistant STARS lines, which suggests that the STARS lines may be a potential source of RWASA1 and RWASA2-resistance.  相似文献   

The species composition, relativeabundance, and seasonal dynamics of selectednatural enemies of cereal aphids were monitoredin spring wheat fields in Moscow, Idaho in 1997and 1998. Trials also examined the potentialimpact of resistance to Russian wheat aphid(RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko)(Homoptera: Aphididae) in wheat, on aphidbiological control agents. Natural enemypopulations were monitored on two springwheats: D. noxia susceptible variety`Centennial' and resistant genotype `IDO488'. Field plots were artificially infested withadult D. noxia, and sampled for cerealaphids and parasitoids weekly. Coccinellidpredators were monitored once in 1997 and twicein 1998. The coccinellids Hippodamiaconvergens Guerin, Coccinellaseptempunctata L., C. transversoguttataBrown and C. trifasciata Mulsant weredetected. No significant differences in adultor immature coccinellid densities were observedbetween the D. noxia resistant andsusceptible genotypes. During both years, themost abundant primary hymenopteran parasitoidswere Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh), Aphidius ervi Haliday, A. avenaphis(Fitch), and Lysiphlebus testaceipes(Cresson), Aphelinus varipes (Foerster),Aphidius colemani Viereck, Aphidiuspicipes (Nees), Aphidius sp., Monoctonus washingtonensis Pike & Stary, Praon gallicum Stary, Praon occidentaleBaker, and Praon sp. were also detected. Numbers of both D. noxia and D.rapae were significantly greater on Centennialthan on IDO488 in both years. When all speciesof cereal aphids and parasitoids areconsidered, the total percentage parasitism wasnot significantly different between thegenotypes. There was no interaction betweenD. noxia resistance and the populationdensity of the predators or parasitoidsmonitored. These results suggest that the D. noxia resistant line had no adverse impacton natural enemies under the conditions ofthese field experiments.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Homoptera: Aphididae), reproduces parthenogenetically in North America and must survive year-round on host plants, including in late summer when small grains are not in cultivation. During this time, cool-season perennial wheatgrasses (Poaceae: Triticeae) contribute substantially to aphid survival, crested wheatgrass (Agropyron spp.) particularly. In greenhouse studies, the number of aphids per plant was measured after four infestation periods on unvernalized and vernalized wheatgrasses. Before placement on these test plant species, aphids were reared either on winter wheat or on the grass host species on which aphid progeny were counted. On vernalized plants, aphids reared on wheat resulted in more aphids per test plant than when the aphids were reared on wheatgrasses, but on unvernalized plants the number of aphids per test plant did not differ significantly regardless of rearing host. Aphids on crested wheatgrass were similar in number to the other grasses when plants were unvernalized. However, when plants were vernalized, crested wheatgrass supported significantly more aphids than some of the other hosts. Aphid numbers increased on all test species as infestation period lengthened, and plant growth was largely unaffected by aphid feeding. These results suggest if sufficient moisture is available during summer when small grains are not in cultivation, all host species observed are capable of sustaining aphids. Crested wheatgrass is an abundant and important host of the Russian wheat aphid in its northern range of the western United States, but other less prevalent wheatgrasses also may contribute to aphid survival during late summer when small grains are not in cultivation.  相似文献   

The intercellular peroxidase and chitinase activities of three wheat cultivars [Triticum aestivum L. cvs `Tugela DN', `Molopo DN' (Gariep) and `Betta DN'] containing the Dn-1 gene for resistance to the Russian wheat aphid (RWA) Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) and the corresponding near-isogenic susceptible cultivars (`Tugela', `Molopo' and `Betta') were studied under conditions of infestation and non-infestation. The aim was to gain information on the mechanism of resistance. The resistance response was induced by RWA infestation. Infestation rapidly induced the activities of both enzymes selectively in resistant wheat to levels of magnitudes higher than those in susceptible wheat. The genetic background in which the Dn-1 resistance gene is bred played a role and the level of activity corresponded to the level of resistance. Immunologic studies confirmed that the induction of enzyme activities was due to the induction of higher protein levels. These results indicate that peroxidase and chitinase may have a role in insect resistance. Received: 20 June 1997 / Revision received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 5 June 1998  相似文献   

Biotype 2 of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), was identified in the United States in 2003 and is virulent to all commercially available cultivars of winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L., that are resistant to biotype 1. We compared the development and reproduction of biotype 2 D. noxia at 21.7 +/- 0.12 degrees C on 'Trego' (PI 612576), a susceptible commercial cultivar, and on lines CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 that represent putative resistance sources. CI 2401 is a pure wheat line originating in the former USSR (Tajikistan), whereas 03GD1378027 is a USDA-ARS breeding line originally developed from crosses with a South African line that carried a large rye translocation conferring D. noxia resistance. Both lines previously showed resistance to biotype 1 and are currently being used in the development of D. noxia-resistant wheat cultivars. Both solitary apterous virginoparae of biotype 2 and their progeny experienced a reduction in survival and prolonged developmental times on CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 compared with Trego, but the former lines did not differ significantly from each other with respect to either measure of aphid performance. Progeny developed faster than did their foundress mothers on CI 2401 and Trego, but not on 03GD1378027. Mean foundress fecundity did not differ between CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 but was reduced on these lines relative to Trego. Foundresses also were more often found off plants of CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 than Trego. Estimates of intrinsic rate of increase were higher on Trego than on either CI 2401 or 03GD1378027, the latter two lines yielding similar values. The negative impacts of CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 on development and reproduction of biotype 2 indicate that these lines represent sources of resistance effective against this biotype.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 1997 and 1998 to evaluate the impact of resistance to Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), on the cereal aphid complex in wheat. Two spring wheats were planted: the variety "Centennial" (Russian wheat aphid susceptible) and the advanced line IDO488 (Russian wheat aphid resistant). IDO488 incorporates the resistance found in PI 294994 into a Centennial background. Field plots were artificially infested with adult D. noxia and sampled weekly. The most abundant aphid species in 1997 were Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker), Sitobion avenae (F.), D. noxia, and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.). In 1998, the order of abundance was M. dirhodum, R. padi, S. avenae, and D. noxia. The resistant genotype had significantly fewer D. noxia than the susceptible one during both years. However, plant genotype had no significant effect on the other aphid species in either year. Both the initial density of D. noxia and plant growth stage, had a significant effect on D. noxia population development, but had no effect on the other aphid species. There was no interaction between D. noxia resistance and the population density of the other aphid species observed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the physiological responses of barley, Hordeum vulgare L., to the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is critical to understanding the defense response of barley to aphid injury and identifying resistance mechanisms. This study documented the impact of D. noxia feeding on resistant (‘Sidney’) and susceptible (‘Otis’) barley through chlorophyll fluorescence measurements, chlorophyll content, and carbon assimilation (A–Ci) curves recorded at 1, 3, 6, 10, and 13 days after aphid introduction. All chlorophyll fluorescence parameters evaluated were similar between aphid-infested and control plants for both cultivars. A–Ci curves showed that D. noxia feeding negatively impacts the photosynthetic capacity in both cultivars, but this effect was greater in the susceptible plants. From the A–Ci curves, it is apparent that compensation occurs in resistant barley by day 10, but by the conclusion of the experiment, aphid populations reached levels that overwhelmed the resistant barley seedlings. Differences observed in carbon assimilation curves between control and infested plants show that D. noxia feeding impacts the dark reaction, specifically rubisco activity and RuBP regeneration. It is likely that declines in the photochemical efficiency and chlorophyll content of the plants may be a secondary effect and not the primary trigger of declines in host plant function.  相似文献   

The reproductive rates of Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), Biotype 1 (RWA 1) and Biotype 2 (RWA 2) were compared in the laboratory at three temperature regimes on a Russian wheat aphid resistant cultivar ('Prairie Red') and a susceptible cultivar ('TAM 107'). The objective of this study was to expose RWA 1 and RWA 2 to three temperature regimes and two levels of resistance to find whether there were reproductive differences that may occur within each biotype as well as differences in reproduction between biotypes. In addition, temperature effects of the Dn4 gene on biotype reproduction were noted. Differences in reproductive rates between the two biotypes seem to be driven by temperature. For both biotypes, longevity and reproductive rate parameters, except for intrinsic rate of increase, were lower at the 24-29 degree C temperature regime than the 13-18 degree C and 18-24 degree C temperature regimes. The intrinsic rate of increase was higher for both biotypes at the 18-24 degree C and 24-29 degree C temperature regimes than at the 13-18 degree C temperature regime. Reproductive rates between biotypes were similar at the two higher temperature regimes, but the fecundity for RWA 1 was less than RWA 2 at the 13-18 degree C temperature. The change in fecundity rates between RWA 1 and RWA 2 at lower temperatures could have ecological and geographical implications for RWA 2.  相似文献   

Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh), a polyphagous and cosmopolitan parasite of aphids, was imported from China to the USA for biological control of Diuraphis noxia (Mordwilko), a pest of small grains. We studied several aspects of its biology on D. noxia hosts in the laboratory at 3 constant temperatures, 10.0, 21.1, and 26.7 °C. Females lived significantly longer than males at all 3 temperatures, and longevity was greatest at 10 °C, followed by 21.1 and 26.7 °C. Fecundity (= number of mummies) did not differ significantly among the 3 temperatures studied. The ovarian egg-load was 129.1 ± 9.3, and was significantly affected by the size of adult females. A pre-oviposition period ± 0.26 days) was detected at 10 °C, but not at the other temperatures. Pre-imaginal survivorship was similar among temperatures, while R o and T c decreased with temperature, and r m increased with temperature. The offspring sex ratio (proportion females) was lowest at 26.7 °C, and similar between 10.0 and 21.1 °C. In addition, the offspring sex ratio significantly declined with the age of the female parent. The suitability of D. rapae for colonization against D. noxia in North America is discussed in relation to its responses to temperature and the climate of its home range.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae) is a global pest of wheat and barley. This arthropod is difficult to manage with pesticides or biological control agents due to the aphid’s ability to seek shelter in rolled leaves and also to develop virulent biotypes. During the past 20 years, the use of aphid-resistant cereal cultivars has proven to be an economically and ecologically beneficial method of protecting crops from D. noxia damage. Our research reports the results of experiments to determine the categories of D. noxia biotype 2 resistance present in Cereal Introduction Triticeae (CItr) 2401, and a barley genotype (IBRWAGP4-7), compared to control resistant and susceptible wheat and barley genotypes. CItr2401 and IBRWAGP4-7 exhibit no antixenosis, but both genotypes demonstrated antibiosis to D. noxia in the form of reduced aphid populations. Reduced leaf dry weight change, a measure of plant tolerance of D. noxia feeding, was significantly less in CItr2401 and IBRWAGP4-7 plants than in plants of susceptible control varieties. However, tolerance was negated when a tolerance index was calculated to correct for differences in aphid populations. Barley IBRWAGP4-7 is a new source of D. noxia biotype 2 resistance. D. noxia foliar leaf damage and population growth were significantly less on IBRWAGP4-7 plants than on plants of the susceptible barley variety Morex. IBRWAGP4-7 plants were equal in resistance to plants of the resistant barley STARS 9301 and wheat genotype CItr2401. Handling editor: Heikki Hokkanen  相似文献   

Host plant resistance can effectively manage Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) Kurdjumov (Homoptera: Aphididae) in areas where it is an economically important pest of wheat. However, biotypes of D. noxia virulent on wheat containing resistance gene Dn4 have been reported in both the United States and South Africa. Thirty wheat genotypes, including susceptible Yuma, resistant CItr2401, as well as 25 genotypes containing Dn4 and three genotypes containing Dny were planted under greenhouse conditions in Bethlehem, South Africa, and screened with D. noxia biotype RWASA3. RWASA3 caused susceptible damage symptoms in MTRWA92‐145, Ankor, Halt, Bond CL, 18FAWWON‐SA 262, Prowers99, 18FAWWON‐SA 264, Hatcher, Yumar, Corwa and Thunder CL all reported to contain the Dn4 resistance gene. Genotypes PI586956, Stanton and 18FAWWON‐SA 257, containing the Dny‐resistance gene were susceptible to RWASA3. Similarly, coinciding development of virulence to resistance genes Dn4 and Dny was reported in the United States. However, in this study, 13 Dn4‐containing genotypes showed moderate resistance when screened with RWASA3 alluding to a more complex biotype‐gene‐interaction. These findings could indicate that Dn4 and Dny may be related and possibly share a similar or common resistance factor. Further studies will be aimed at explaining these results investigating the possibility of an allelic cluster or series for Dn4, possibly including Dny.  相似文献   

Plant damage and yield response to the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), were evaluated on a susceptible (TAM 107) and a resistant (RWA E1) winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L., in three Colorado locations in the 1993 and 1994 crop years. Russian wheat aphid was more abundant on TAM 107 than on RWA E1. Russian wheat aphid days per tiller were greater at the higher infestation levels. Yield losses as a result of Russian wheat aphid infestation occurred most of the time with TAM 107 but rarely with RWA E1. Seed densities were reduced at higher infestation levels in TAM 107 at two locations. Russian wheat aphids per tiller had a negative relationship to yield in TAM 107 but not in RWA E1. In TAM 107 yield decreased as aphid densities increased, but yield remained constant regardless of initial aphid abundance on RWA E1 in all environments. Seed densities were reduced at higher infestation levels in TAM 107 at two locations. The resistance conferred by the Dn4 gene seems to be an effective management approach across a range of field conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Aphid behaviour-modifying semiochemicals were tested against Russian wheat aphid Diuraphis noxia in South African wheat. Volatile substances from plant essential oils, methyl salicylate, 1,8-cineole and menthol were tested in the laboratory and field in combination with the D. noxia -susceptible wheat variety Betta and the resistant variety Elands. All three substances were repellent to D. noxia in olfactometric tests. Diuraphis noxia settled less on Elands plants that had been exposed to the volatiles, whereas the effect of the volatiles on D. noxia settling on Betta was less obvious. A slow-release pellet formulation was used to apply semiochemicals in wheat in replicated plot field trials in 2004 and 2005. In 2004, semiochemicals reduced aphid populations in Elands, but led to increased aphid populations in Betta. Further, the impact of the chemicals on aphid numbers and grain quality (thousand grain weight) varied according to plant variety, indicating an interaction between semiochemicals and plant resistance/variety.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of phenological development on the pattern of photosynthate translocation was studied in crested wheatgrass [Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.] plants grown in a nursery under semi-natural environmental conditions at Logan, Utah. Radiophosphorus was used to trace the photosynthate translocation from April 13, 1968, through December 2, 1968.In early spring photosynthates were translocated about equally to the roots and younger leaves. Translocation was chiefly upward during the flower stage but was reversed with raturation of the inflorescence. In late summer the plants appeared quiescent but substantial 32P was transported to the underground portions of the plant. After quiescence was broken in the fall, shoot and root growth were resumed simultaneously with peak 32P movement to the crown and roots.The concentration of total available carbohydrates in the roots and crowns reached a maximum level just prior to quiescence and decreased during shoot production in the fall. Presumably, the carbohydrates were used in growth and the accumulation of carbohydrates for the winter is apparently not critical in crested wheatgrass. Since the plants have many basal leaves throughout the winter, they may have the capacity to carry out photosynthesis on warm, sunny winter days and are capable of immediately initiating growth in the spring.Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Paper 1074.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae), is one of the most devastating insect pests of wheat (Triticum spp.) and barley (Hordeum spp.) in the world. Yield losses and control costs are valued at several hundred million dollars each year. The use of D. noxia-resistant cultivars is an ecologically, economically, and biologically sound method of managing this pest. Several D. noxia resistance (Dn) genes from wheat have been used to develop cultivars resistant to D. noxia. However, a new U.S. D. noxia biotype (biotype 2) in Colorado is virulent to all known Dn genes except the Dn7 gene from rye (Secale spp.). Hence, there is an immediate need to identify and characterize unique sources of D. noxia resistance to biotypes. In this article, we report resistance to D. noxia biotype 2, identified in a selection from wheat cereal introduction (CItr) 2401, that is controlled by two dominant genes. CItr2401 has a strong antibiosis effect that is exhibited as a reduced intrinsic rate of increase of D. noxia biotype 2. CItr2401 plants also exhibit tolerance to leaf rolling and chlorosis. No antixenosis was detected in CItr2401.  相似文献   

The restriction of aphid reestablishment onto plants by epigeal predators represents a critical component of integrated pest management. To further realize the potential that these predators might have in control programs, it is necessary to quantify such behavior as aphid falling rate to reveal the number of aphids that are available as potential prey. This study calculated the falling rate of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae), and tested whether this aphid more likely fell from wheat plants that differed between flat leaf architecture versus those with furled leaves. Specifically, the hypothesis was tested that a resistant wheat line (flat leaves) will have a higher aphid falling rate than a susceptible closely related line (furled leaves). The experiment was performed at Fort Collins and Akron, Colorado, USA, from May through July, 2008. Aphids were sampled from infested wheat rows to estimate aphid density, and sticky traps were used to capture falling aphids and to measure falling rate. Falling rates ranged from 0.7 to 69.5% in Fort Collins and from 1.4 to 59.5% in Akron. The falling rate of D. noxia was more influenced by plant growth stage than aphid densities, with the highest falling rate occurring after wheat senescence. Wheat plants with flat leaf architecture did not significantly increase aphid falling rate. Diuraphis noxia falls at a higher rate at lower aphid densities, which is when epigeal predators could have their greatest biological control impact.  相似文献   

The probing behavior of two aphid species, Myzus persicae (Sulz.) and Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley), was electronically monitored on susceptible and resistant lettuce lines using a DC amplifier. A waveform pattern associated with extracellular stylet pathway activities, pattern C, occurred for longer periods when either aphid species probed resistant plants. This pattern is usually regularly interrupted by drops in electrical potential lasting a few seconds, reflecting cell membrane punctures followed by rapid withdrawal of the stylet tips. For M. persicae on resistant lettuce a large increase in pattern C without these potential drops accounted for the increased duration of this pattern. For N. ribisnigri the increase in pathway activity on resistant plants was due to an increase in the more typical pattern C with potential drops, as well as to an increased duration of pattern F, associated with a curious type of stylet penetration within cell walls. Both aphids made more but shorter probes on resistant than on susceptible plants, and these probes led less frequently to periods of sieve element contact and ingestion. The effects of resistance appear to involve both mesophyll and phloem factors. The underlying mechanisms, however, remain unclear. The results indicate which stylet penetration activities or waveform patterns are of interest for further investigation of resistance mechanisms.
Résumé Le comportement de sondage de variétés sensibles et résistantes de laitues par deux espèces de pucerons, Myzus persicae (Sulz.) et Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley), a été enregistré électroniquement en utilisant un amplificateur DC. Les deux espèces de pucerons ont présenté une amplification de l'onde de type C associée au cheminement extracellulaire des stylets lors du sondage des variétés résistantes. Cette onde est normalement interrompue par des chutes de quelques secondes du potentiel électrique, traduisant des ponctions de la membrane cellulaire suivies par un rapide retrait de l'extrémité des stylets. La forte augmentation de l'onde C mais sans chutes de potentiel rend compte de la plus longue durée de cette onde chez M. persicae sur laitue résistante. L'accroissement du cheminement des stylets chez N. ribisnigri sur plantes résistantes est dû à une augmentation de l'onde C typique avec chutes de potentiel, ainsi qu'à une prolongation de l'onde F liée à la pénétration des stylets dans les parois cellulaires. Les deux espèces font des sondages plus brefs et plus nombreux sur variétés résistantes, et ces sondages entraînent des contacts moins fréquents avec les éléments criblés et débouchent moins souvent sur de l'ingestion. Les effects de la résistance semblent impliquer des facteurs liés à la fois au mésophylle et au phloème. Les mécanismes sous-jacents, cependant, ne sont pas encore clairs. Ces résultats Montrent que l'examen des ondes liées à la pénétration des stylets est important pour des études ultérieures sur les mécanismes de résistance.

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