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Crop borders reduce potato virus Y incidence in seed potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crop borders of soybean (Glycine max), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) and potato (Solanum tuberosum) were tested as a means of reducing potato virus Y (PVY) incidence in seed potato. Borders of fallow cultivated ground served as controls. Aphid landing rates were monitored weekly in plots using green tile traps, and PVY incidence was assessed by serologically testing tuber progeny from selected rows in each plot. Average weekly aphid landing rates in fallow-bordered and crop-bordered plots were not significantly different in 1992 (29.4 and 25.2 aphids, respectively) or 1993 (7.3 and 6.6 aphids, respectively). However, crop borders significantly reduced PVY incidence. In 1992, fallow-bordered and soybean-bordered plots averaged 47.8% and 35.0% PVY infection, respectively. In 1993, PVY infection averaged across all crop (soybean, sorghum, and wheat) bordered plots was 2.7% compared to 6.8% in fallow-bordered plots. PVY incidence in the centre rows of fallow-bordered and crop-bordered plots was statistically equivalent, while outer rows of crop-bordered plots had significantly less PVY than outer rows of fallow-bordered plots. Crop borders apparently reduced the number of viruliferous aphids landing on the edge of the plot. The choice of crop species used as a border, or treating the border with a systemic insecticide, did not affect aphid landing rates or PVY incidence. In 1995, PVY incidence in the centre 10 row block of potatoes averaged 2.1% across all crop borders (potato and soybean). PVY infection in the four row potato border averaged 5.7%. Crop borders are readily adaptable to current production practices, although the greatest benefits in reducing PVY incidence would occur in average sized, generation 0 (< 0.2 ha), elite seed potato fields.  相似文献   

Location of the factor for resistance to potato virus Y in tobacco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In these experiments the inhibitory ability of 12 varieties ofNicotiana tabacum L. to potato virus Y was studied by means of drop serological precipitation method. In 11 varieties under study a correlation was found between field resistance and the inhibitory ability of sap. Varieties S 390/1, line 40, fixed A 1 exhibited low inhibitory ability of sap, lines Bel 61-10, R 3, Criolo and Burley N-15 were of medium inhibitory ability and high inhibitory ability was found in varieities Vir?inský zlatý, line 37, A 5205 and R 1. The variety Vir?inský zlatý, which is believed to be susceptible to potato virus Y was found to have high inhibitory ability. This was confirmed by inoculation of leavesChenopodium giganteum Don., determination of the number of lesions by the half leaf test, and determination of relative concentration of potato virus Y by means of serological drop method. None of the varieties under study showed extremely high inhibitory ability against potato virus Y. We believe that laboratory methods of determining the inhibitory ability of sap of tobacco leaves can be used to produce hybrids with high inhibitory ability on potato virus Y. The field resistance of those hybrids should, however, be checked by provocative field experiments.  相似文献   

Under optimum growing conditions neither tuber- nor soil-borne Phoma exigua var. foveata inoculum appreciably affected stand or yield of the subsequent potato crop. Seed tubers with gangrene rots caused high levels of stem and tuber symptoms when planted in var. foveata contaminated or uncontaminated land; contaminated seed tubers with no rots also produced progeny with a high gangrene potential. Sufficient soil-borne inoculum was carried over in land that produced a gangrene affected crop in the previous year to override the effect of tuber disinfection. Effective gangrene control was achieved by a combination of tuber disinfection shortly after harvest over successive years with a 1 in 5 yr potato crop rotation. Gangrene rots usually developed through injuries to the tuber periderm, rots in other tubers being associated with pustules of powdery scab (Spon-gospora subterranea).  相似文献   

The HC-pro protein of potato virus Y interacts with NtMinD of tobacco   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Potato virus Y (PVY) infections often lead to altered numbers of host plant chloroplasts, as well as changes in morphology and inhibited photosynthesis. The multifunctional protein helper component-proteinase, HC-Pro, has been identified in PVY-infected leaf chloroplasts. We used yeast two-hybrid and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays to demonstrate that HC-Pro can interact with the chloroplast division-related factor NtMinD in yeast and tobacco cells, respectively. In addition, we confirmed that residues 271 to 314 in NtMinD are necessary for its interaction with PVY HC-Pro in a yeast two-hybrid analysis using four NtMinD deletion mutants. These residues are necessary for the dimerization of NtMinD, which plays a vital role in chloroplast division. Thus, PVY HC-Pro may affect NtMinD activity by inhibiting the formation of NtMinD homodimers, and this may interfere with chloroplast division and contribute to changes in the numbers of chloroplast per cell observed in PVY-infected plants.  相似文献   

Forty‐four parthenogenetic lineages of Myzus persicae s.l. (Sulzer) from tobacco crops and peach orchards located in various regions of Greece were examined to determine their response to the insecticide pymetrozine using leaf‐dip bio‐assays. The results show that the aphid has not developed resistance, as all lineages exhibited resistance factors bellow 6.0. In transmission experiments of potato virus Y (PVY) using a lineage of the tobacco‐adapted subspecies M. persicae nicotianae Blackman on tobacco plants, one foliar application with pymetrozine provided adequate protection for 7 days. Pymetrozine significantly reduced both virus acquisition and inoculation compared with the untreated control and the reduction was comparable to a mineral oil application. These results are discussed in terms of the advantage of incorporating pymetrozine as a compound of pest management strategies against M. persicae s.l. and for control of non‐persistent viruses, especially in crops such as tobacco because of the high selection pressure from neonicotinoids resulting in potential of resistance developing in aphid populations.  相似文献   

When mechanically inoculated to susceptible tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cultivars, nine isolates of PVY from Umbria (Central Italy) and two from Southern Latium gave rise to rapid systemic infection which developed within 6–8 days after inoculation. Systemic spread of the same isolates was slower, or much slower, in infected pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars, 8–14 days for Southern Latium isolates and 20 - 35 days for Umbrian ones. Aphid (Myzus persicae)-moculation of pepper and tobacco plants with two of the Umbrian and one of the Southern Latium isolates confirmed the results from sap-transmission and showed that fewer inoculated pepper plants become infected, especially with Umbrian isolates. In agreement with the data on systemic spread, aphid-acquisition trials indicated that tobacco plants became efficient PVY sources for vectors 6–8 days after inoculation with either group of isolates. Peppers became efficient acquisition hosts 8–15 days after inoculation with Southern Latium isolates but not until 22–45 days after inoculation with Umbrian ones. Southern Latium isolates induced more severe symptoms in pepper cultivars than Umbrian isolates did. One of the Southern Latium isolates was able to systemically infect the resistant pepper cv. Yolo Y, which was never infected by the Umbrian isolates. The Umbrian isolates tested seem to be better adapted to tobacco than peppers, while Southern Latium ones are well adapted to both.  相似文献   

The accumulation of potato virus Y?(PVY?) and potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) was studied in plants of Solanum brevidens co-infected with each of six viruses or a viroid. Virus could not be detected by ELISA in plants of S. brevidens infected solely with PVY. However, accumulation of PVY was increased c. 1000-fold in plants doubly infected with tobacco mosaic virus or potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). PVY titres in doubly infected plants of S. brevidens were between 1% and 0.1% of those found in the PVY-susceptible interspecific Solanum hybrid DTO-33. Double infections of 5. brevidens by PVY and alfalfa mosaic virus or potato viruses M, S, T or X did not significantly enhance PVY accumulation. Accumulation of PLRV was not enhanced in plants co-infected with any of the six viruses or PSTVd.  相似文献   

Although Solanum brevidens could be infected with potato virus X (PVX), potato virus Y0 (PVY0) and PVYN, no symptoms of infection were apparent and tests by double antibody sandwich ELISA, electron microscopy and sap transmission to local lesion test plants indicated that the titres of PVX were less than a tenth of those of PVY0 and PVYN were less than a hundredth of those in infected plants of PDH40, a susceptible dihaploid clone of S. tuberosum cv. Pentland Crown. Furthermore, PVY0- and PVYN- infected leaves of S. brevidens were a poor source of inoculum in aphid transmission tests. The possibility of a common mechanism and genetic basis of resistance to PVY, PVX and potato leaf roll virus in S. brevidens is discussed.  相似文献   

Stylet penetration activities of two aphid species were recorded electrically and compared with their efficiency of potato virus Y transmission. B. helichrysi (Kltb.) acquired the virus during 15% of single penetrations on infected leaves. These acquisitions were associated with the occurrence of cell membrane puncture by stylets, recorded during 44% of the penetrations. D. platanoidis (Schrank) punctured membranes during only 8% of penetrations, and its acquisition efficiency was less than 1%. The frequency with which aphids puncture cell membranes appears to partially determine their vector efficiency.  相似文献   

Molecular mapping of the potato virus Y resistance gene Rysto in potato   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ry sto is a dominant gene which confers resistance to potato virus Y (PVY) in potato. We have used bulked segregant analysis of an F1 tetraploid potato population to identify three AFLP markers linked to and on either side of Ry sto . The tomato homologue of one of these AFLP markers was assigned to linkage group XI by analysis of an F2 mapping population of tomato, suggesting that Ry sto is also on chromosome XI of the potato genome. This map position was confirmed by the demonstration that Ry sto was linked to markers which had been previously mapped to chromosome XI of the potato genome. Four additional AFLP markers were identified that were closely linked to Ry sto in a population of 360 segregating progeny of a potato cross between a resistant (Ry sto ) and a susceptible parent. Two of these markers were on either side of Ry sto , separated by only a single recombination event. The other two markers co-segregated with Ry sto . Received: 29 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 August 1996  相似文献   

Summary Many somatic fusion hybrids have been produced between a dihaploid potato Solanum tuberosum and the sexually-incompatible wild species S. brevidens using both chemical and electrical fusion techniques. S. brevidens was resistant to both potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY), the viruses being either at low (PLRV) or undetectable (PVY) concentrations as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The S. tuberosum parent was susceptible to both viruses. A wide range of resistance, expressed as a decrease in virus concentration to both viruses was found amongst fusion hybrids, four of which were especially resistant. The practicality of introducing virus resistance from S. brevidens into cultivated potatoes by somatic hybridisation is discussed.  相似文献   

Sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) was common (25–30% average incidences), and farmers recognised it as an important disease, in sweet potato crops in southern Mpigi, Masaka and Rakai Districts in Uganda, but SPVD was rare in Soroti and Tororo Districts. Whiteflies, which are the vector of sweet potato chlorotic stunt crinivirus (SPCSV) a component cause of SPVD, were correspondingly common on sweet potato crops in Mpigi and rare on crops in Tororo. However, aphids, which are the vectors of sweet potato feathery mottle potyvirus (SPFMV), the other component cause of SPVD, were not found colonising sweet potato crops, and itinerant alate aphids may be the means of transmission. Different sweet potato cultivars were predominant in the different districts surveyed and four local cultivars obtained from Kanoni in S. Mpigi, where whiteflies and SPVD were common, were more resistant to SPVD than four cultivars from Busia in Tororo District, where whiteflies and SPVD were rare. However, nationally released cultivars were even more resistant than the local cultivars from Kanoni. Yield results and interviews with farmers indicated that farmers in S. Mpigi were making compromises in their choice of cultivars to grow, some key factors being SPVD susceptibility, and the yield, taste, and marketability, duration of harvest and in-ground storability of the storage roots. These compromises need to be included in an assessment of yield losses attributable to SPVD.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) is an important plant pathogen, whose host range includes economically important crops such as potato, tobacco, tomato, and pepper. PVY presents three main strains (PVY(O), PVY(N) and PVY(C)) and several recombinant forms. PVY has a worldwide distribution, yet the mechanisms that promote and maintain its population structure and genetic diversity are still unclear. In this study, we used a pool of 77 complete PVY genomes from isolates collected worldwide. After removing the effect of recombination in our data set, we used bayesian techniques to study the influence of geography and host species in both PVY population structure and dynamics. We have also performed selection and covariation analyses to identify evolutionarily relevant amino acid residues. Our results show that both geographic and host-driven adaptations explain PVY diversification. Furthermore, purifying selection is the main force driving PVY evolution, although some indications of positive selection accounted for the diversification of the different strains. Interestingly, the analysis of P3N-PIPO, a recently described gene in potyviruses, seems to show a variable length among the isolates analyzed, and this variability is explained, in part, by host-driven adaptation.  相似文献   

Varietal differences in susceptibility to potato virus Y   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In addition to giving different kinds of symptoms when infected with potato virus Y , individual potato varieties also differ in their susceptibility to infection, in the concentration of virus attained in their sap, and in their efficiency as sources of virus for aphides. Their relative susceptibility in the open when exposed to equal chances of infection is correlated with the ease with which they become infected when colonized with infective aphides, and can be assessed from tests made under glass. Methods for making such tests are described; these need few tubers and give reproducible results. It is considered that they could be applied in studying the inheritance of this type of resistance and to test the behaviour of new seedlings. The American variety Katahdin was the most resistant of those tested, but there were significant differences between commercial British varieties.
In the open, all varieties were equally colonized by aphides and resistance to infection with virus Y was not correlated with resistance to leaf roll.  相似文献   

重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)载体被认为是最有希望的临床应用基因治疗载体之一。rAAV载体基因传递的有效性与病毒衣壳蛋白的免疫原性之间的矛盾是制约该类基因药物开发的关键难题,提高其表达效率是rAAV载体研发的主攻方向之一。研究发现,紫外线、γ射线等辐射可以提高rAAV载体的基因表达效率,其作用效果与辐射种类和剂量、细胞种类和状态、载体感染指数和感染时间等因素有关。其机制可能与DNA损伤反应,特别是DNA双链断裂修复有关。对辐射与rAAV载体的表达效率之间关系的深入了解,为两者的联合应用打开方便之门。本文将对UV、γ射线等辐射提高rAAV载体表达效率的机制、影响因素及其在基因治疗领域的应用进展进行综述。  相似文献   

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