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Within seconds of T cell receptor engagement, a well-characterized series of tyrosine phosphorylation events mediate cellular activation. It is widely accepted that these initial phosphorylations remain stable until protein tyrosine phosphatases return the cell to its basal level. Based on a model of peripheral blood T cell activation, in which the kinetics of phosphorylation can be modulated, we propose an alternate hypothesis that T cell signaling is highly dynamic. Our results demonstrate that tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are occurring co-temporally after T cell receptor cross-linking, regulated by a delicate balance of kinases and phosphatases.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-SL retains mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases in the cytoplasm in an inactive form by association through a kinase interaction motif (KIM) and tyrosine dephosphorylation. The related tyrosine phosphatases PTP-SL and STEP were phosphorylated by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). The PKA phosphorylation site on PTP-SL was identified as the Ser(231) residue, located within the KIM. Upon phosphorylation of Ser(231), PTP-SL binding and tyrosine dephosphorylation of the MAP kinases extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 and p38alpha were impaired. Furthermore, treatment of COS-7 cells with PKA activators, or overexpression of the Calpha catalytic subunit of PKA, inhibited the cytoplasmic retention of ERK2 and p38alpha by wild-type PTP-SL, but not by a PTP-SL S231A mutant. These findings support the existence of a novel mechanism by which PKA may regulate the activation and translocation to the nucleus of MAP kinases.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence suggests that transient production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an important signaling event triggered by the activation of various cell surface receptors. Major targets of H2O2 include protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). Oxidation of the active site Cys by H2O2 abrogates PTP catalytic activity, thereby potentially furnishing a mechanism to ensure optimal tyrosine phosphorylation in response to a variety of physiological stimuli. Unfortunately, H2O2 is poorly reactive in chemical terms and the second order rate constants for the H2O2-mediated PTP inactivation are ~ 10 M− 1 s− 1, which is too slow to be compatible with the transient signaling events occurring at the physiological concentrations of H2O2. We find that hydroxyl radical is produced from H2O2 solutions in the absence of metal chelating agent by the Fenton reaction. We show that the hydroxyl radical is capable of inactivating the PTPs and the inactivation is active site directed, through oxidation of the catalytic Cys to sulfenic acid, which can be reduced by low molecular weight thiols. We also show that hydroxyl radical is a kinetically more efficient oxidant than H2O2 for inactivating the PTPs. The second-order rate constants for the hydroxyl radical-mediated PTP inactivation are at least 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than those mediated by H2O2 under the same conditions. Thus, hydroxyl radical generated in vivo may serve as a more physiologically relevant oxidizing agent for PTP inactivation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Chemistry and mechanism of phosphatases, diesterases and triesterases.  相似文献   

As fibroblasts near senescence, their responsiveness to external signals diminishes. This well-documented phenomenon likely underlies physiological deterioration and limited tissue regeneration in aging individuals. Understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms would provide opportunities to ameliorate these situations. A key stimulus for human dermal fibroblasts are ligands for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). We have shown earlier that EGFR expression decreases by about half in near senescent fibroblasts (Shiraha et al., 2000, J. Biol. Chem. 275 (25), 19343-19351). However, as the cell responses are nearly absent near senescence, other aging-related signal attenuation changes must also occur. Herein, we show that EGFR signaling as determined by receptor autophosphorylation is diminished over 80%, with a corresponding decrease in the phosphorylation of the immediate postreceptor adaptor Shc. Interestingly, we found that this was due at least in part to increased dephosphorylation of EGFR. The global cell phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity increased some threefold in near senescent cells. An initial survey of EGFR-associated protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) showed that SHP-1 (PTPIC, HCP, SHPTP-1) and PTPIB levels are increased in parallel in these cells. Concomitantly, we also discovered an increase in expression of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha (RPTPalpha). Last, inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatases by sodium orthovanadate in near senescent cells resulted in increased EGFR phosphorylation. These data support a model in which, near senescence, dermal fibroblasts become resistant to EGFR-mediated stimuli by a combination of receptor downregulation and increased signal attenuation.  相似文献   

TGF-beta receptors (TbetaRs) are serine/threonine kinase receptors that bind to TGF-beta and propagate intracellular signaling through Smad proteins. TbetaRs are repressed in some human cancers and expressed at high levels in several fibrotic diseases. We demonstrated that epidermal growth factor (EGF) up-regulates type II TGF-beta receptor (TbetaRII) expression in human dermal fibroblasts. EGF-mediated induction of TbetaRII expression was inhibited by the treatment of fibroblasts with a specific p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor, SB203580, whereas MEK inhibitor PD98059 did not block the up-regulation of TbetaRII by EGF. EGF induced the TbetaRII promoter activity, and this induction was significantly blocked by SB203580, but not by PD98059. The overexpression of the dominant negative form of p38alpha or p38beta significantly reduced the induction of TbetaRII promoter activity by EGF. These results indicate that the EGF-mediated induction of TbetaRII expression involves the p38 MAPK signaling pathway. The EGF-mediated induction of TbetaRII expression may participate in a synergistic interplay between EGF and TGF-beta signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Oxidative modification of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) has recently been recognized as an important regulatory mechanism in biological systems. Reported herein is the oxidative inactivation of the lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase (LYP) with both the general nitrosating reagent sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and also a novel peptide-based nitrosating reagent, Ac-ARLIEDNE(HcyNO)TAREG-NH2, where HcyNO = S-nitrosohomocysteine. The SNP oxidatively inactivated LYP with a kinact of 0.383 per min and a KI of 27.4 μM and mixed-type inactivation kinetics. The peptide was a competitive LYP inactivator with a kinact of 0.0472 per min and a KI of 7.00 μM. LYP nitrosation by SNP was characterized by the addition of several NO moieties to the enzyme, while oxidation of LYP by the peptide did not result in the formation of a LYP-NO adduct. We propose that general NO donors promiscuously nitrosate any free cysteine residue while the active-site directed peptide selectively oxidizes the catalytic cysteine residue, resulting in the formation of a disulfide bond between the catalytic cysteine residue and a second cysteine in the active site.  相似文献   

Vanadium salts such as vanadyl sulfate (VS), potent inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatases, have been shown to mimic, augment, and prolong insulin's action. However, the molecular mechanism of responses to these salts is not clear. In the present studies, we examined if VS-induced effects on insulin action are associated with enhancement or augmentation in the activation state of key components of the insulin signaling pathway. Treatment of insulin receptor-overexpressing cells with insulin or VS resulted in a time-dependent transient increase in phosphorylation and activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK 1/2) that peaked at about 5 min, then declined rapidly to about baseline within 30 min. However, when the cells were treated with VS before stimulation with insulin, sustained ERK 1/2 phosphorylation and activation were observed well beyond 60 min. VS treatment also prolonged the insulin-stimulated activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K), which was associated with sustained interaction between insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and the p(85 alpha) subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) in response to insulin. These data indicate that prolongation of insulin-stimulated ERK 1/2 and PI3-K activation by VS is due to a more stable complex formation of IRS-1 with the p(85 alpha) subunit which may, in turn, be responsible for its ability to enhance and extend the biological effects of insulin.  相似文献   

Ligand binding in the Toll-like/interleukin-1 receptor family results in the recruitment of an intracellular signaling complex. IRAK-1, which is centrally involved in this complex, is able to homo-oligomerize and to bind to Tollip and the adapters MyD88 and IRAK-4. The interactions of IRAK-1 with MyD88 or Tollip are mediated by the N-terminal part of IRAK-1, containing the death domain with the highly conserved threonine at position 66 (T66). Mutation of this amino acid into alanine or aspartic acid stabilized binding to MyD88, Tollip, and IRAK-4, allowing the definitive experimental proof, that all these interactions are mediated by the death domain of IRAK-1. Homo-oligomerization of IRAK-1, which is mediated by the death domain too, is not affected by mutation of T66. Finally, mutation of IRAK-1 at T66 not only allowed stable binding to the signaling adapters, but also enhanced its signaling capacity.  相似文献   

Protein kinases phosphorylating Ser/Thr/Tyr residues in several cellular proteins exert tight control over their biological functions. They constitute the largest protein family in most eukaryotic species. Protein kinases classified based on sequence similarity in their catalytic domains, cluster into subfamilies, which share gross functional properties. Many protein kinases are associated or tethered covalently to domains that serve as adapter or regulatory modules, aiding substrate recruitment, specificity, and also serve as scaffolds. Hence the modular organisation of the protein kinases serves as guidelines to their functional and molecular properties. Analysis of genomic repertoires of protein kinases in eukaryotes have revealed wide spectrum of domain organisation across various subfamilies of kinases. Occurrence of organism-specific novel domain combinations suggests functional diversity achieved by protein kinases in order to regulate variety of biological processes. In addition, domain architecture of protein kinases revealed existence of hybrid protein kinase subfamilies and their emerging roles in the signaling of eukaryotic organisms. In this review we discuss the repertoire of non-kinase domains tethered to multi-domain kinases in the metazoans. Similarities and differences in the domain architectures of protein kinases in these organisms indicate conserved and unique features that are critical to functional specialization.  相似文献   

Ethanol extracts of 12 marine unicellular algae were assayed for agglutinating activity against native and enzyme-treated human and animal erythrocytes. All of the algae assayed agglutinated at least one group of normal erythrocytes from humans. Notably, all algal extracts agglutinated erythrocytes of hemophilia patients arising from coagulation disorders. Meanwhile, all algae had a strong reaction with monkey erythrocytes, but to a lesser extent or not at all with sheep erythrocytes. Both trypsin and pronase improved the detection of most algal agglutinins and caused a drastic increase in hemagglutinating activity after treatment for 2 h or more. However, hemagglutinating activity decreased or disappeared completely when two extracts of different algal species were combined. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 24, 262–266. Received 24 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 06 January 2000  相似文献   

Phosphotyrosine peptides are useful starting points for inhibitor design and for the search for protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) phosphoprotein substrates. To identify novel phosphopeptide substrates of PTP1B, we developed a computational prediction protocol based on a virtual library of protein sequences with known phosphotyrosine sites. To these we applied sequence-based methods, biologically meaningful filters and molecular docking. Five peptides were selected for biochemical testing of their potential as PTP1B substrates. All five peptides were equally good substrates for PTP1B compared to a known peptide substrate whereas appropriate control peptides were not recognized, showing that our protocol can be used to identify novel peptide substrates of PTP1B.  相似文献   

Leptin, the LEP gene product, is produced in placenta where it has been found to be an important autocrine signal for trophoblastic growth during pregnancy. Thus, we have recently described the antiapoptotic and trophic effect of leptin on choriocarcinoma cell line JEG-3, stimulating DNA and protein synthesis. We have also demonstrated the presence of leptin receptor and leptin signaling in normal human trophoblastic cells, activating JAK-STAT, PI3K and MAPK pathways. In the present work we have employed dominant negative forms of MAPK and PKB constructs to find out the signaling pathways that specifically mediates the effect of leptin on protein synthesis. As previously shown, leptin stimulates protein synthesis as assessed by 3H-leucine incorporation. However, both dominant negative forms of MAPK and PKB inhibited protein synthesis in JEG-3 choriocarcinoma cells. The inhibition of PKB and MAPK activity by transfection with the dominant negative kinases prevented the leptin stimulation of p70 S6K, which is known to be an important kinase in the regulation of protein synthesis. Moreover, leptin stimulation of phosphorylation of EIF4EBP1 and EIF4E, which allows the initiation of translation was also prevented by MAPK and PI3K dominant negative constructs. Therefore, these results demonstrate that both PI3K and MAPK are necessary to observe the effect of leptin signaling that mediates protein synthesis in choriocarcinoma cells JEG-3.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the cellular redox state on nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced neuronal differentiation and its signaling pathways. Treatment of PC12 cells with buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) reduced the levels of GSH, a major cellular reductant, and enhanced NGF-induced neuronal differentiation, activation of AP-1 and the NGF receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkA. Conversely, incubation of the cells with a reductant, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), inhibited NGF-induced neuronal differentiation and AP-1 activation. Consistent with the suppression, NAC inhibited NGF-induced activation of TrkA, formation of receptor complexes comprising TrkA, Shc, Grb2, and Sos, and activation of phospholipase Cgamma and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Biochemical analysis suggested that the cellular redox state regulates TrkA activity through modulation of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). Thus, cellular redox state regulates signaling pathway of NGF through PTPs, and then modulates neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Modulation of recombinant N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) currents by insulin was studied using the Xenopus oocyte expression system. Insulin (0.8 microM, 10 min) regulated NMDAR currents in a subunit-specific manner. Currents from epsilon1/zeta1, epsilon2/zeta1, and epsilon4/zeta1 receptors were variably potentiated, whereas currents from epsilon3/zeta1 receptors were not. Protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein kinase C were found to be involved in insulin-mediated modulation in an NMDAR subtype-specific way. Pretreatment with a specific PTK inhibitor, lavendustin A, attenuated and blocked the insulin effect on epsilon2/zeta1 and epsilon4/zeta1, respectively. Preincubation with selective protein kinase C inhibitors, staurosporine or calphostin C, depressed the response of epsilon1/zeta1 and epsilon2/zeta1 receptors to insulin. Basal regulation of NMDAR currents by endogenous PTKs and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) was also investigated. Of the four receptor subtypes, only epsilon1/zeta1 receptor currents were affected by basal PTK inhibition via lavendustin A, whereas PTP inhibition by phenylarsine oxide or orthovanadate enhanced currents from epsilon1/zeta1 and epsilon2/zeta1 receptors. Surprisingly, a stimulatory PTP modulation was observed for epsilon4/zeta1. As NMDAR subunits are differentially expressed in the brain, the observed subtype-specific modulations of NMDAR currents by insulin, PTKs, and PTPs may provide important insights into certain NMDAR-dependent physiological and pathological processes.  相似文献   

In this study, the in vitro effects of some sulfonamide derivatives, which are carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, on the enzymes activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phospho gluconate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase were investigated. For this purpose, these three enzymes were purified from human erythrocytes. Purification procedure composed of four steps; preparation of the hemolysate, ammonium sulfate precipitation, 2′,5′-ADP Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography, and gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G-200. 5-(3α-Hydroxy-5-β-cholanamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide (1), 5-(3α,12α-Dihydroxy-5-β-cholanamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide (2), 5-(3α,7α,12α-Trihydroxy-5-β-cholanamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide (3), 5-(3α,Acetoxy-5-β-cholanamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide (4), 5-(3α,7α,12α-Triacetoxy-5-β-cholanamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide (5), 5-(3,7,12-Trioxo-5-β-cholanamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide (6), acetazolamide, and dorzolamide were tested in this experiment. Compounds 3, 5, and dorzolamide showed inhibitory effects on the activity of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and I50 values and Ki constants were calculated as 0.0601 mM, 0.00253 mM, and 1.41 mM and 0.0878 ± 0.0274 mM, 0.0042 ± 0.0009 mM, and 3.1446 ± 0.2081 mM, respectively. Glutathione reductase was also inhibited by 1 and 2. I50 values and Ki constants were 0.0471 mM and 0.0723 ± 0.0388 mM for 1 and 0.0045 mM and 0.0061 ± 0.0014 mM, for 2. If these sulfonamide derivatives are proposed as drugs, some of which are being used in glaucoma treatment such as acetazolamide and dorzolamide, these results should be taken into consideration concerning via these enzymes.  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation of tyrosine residues is a key regulatory mechanism for numerous cellular events. Protein tyrosine kinases and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) have a pivotal role in regulating both normal cell physiology and pathophysiology. Accordingly, deregulated activity of both protein tyrosine kinases and PTPs is involved in the development of numerous congenitically inherited and acquired human diseases, prompting obvious pharmaceutical and academic research interest. The development of compound libraries with higher selective PTP inhibitory activity has been bolstered by the realization that many natural products have such activity and thus are interesting biologically lead compounds, which properties are widely exploited. In addition, more rational approaches have focused on the incorporation of phosphotyrosine mimetics into specific peptide templates (peptidomimetic backbones). Additional factors furthering discovery as well as therapeutic application of new bioactive molecules are the integration of functional genomics, cell biology, structural biology, drug design, molecular screening and chemical diversity. Together, all these factors will lead to new avenues to treat clinical disease based on PTP inhibition.  相似文献   

For many types of cells, an increase in cell density leads to characteristic changes in intracellular signalling and cell function. It is unknown, however, whether cell density affects the function of T lymphocytes. It is presented here that aggregation of Jurkat T cells, murine thymocytes or human peripheral blood T cells, results in gradual modification of the Lck tyrosine kinase. Within one hour of aggregation, Lck in the detergent-insoluble lipid raft fraction is dephosphorylated mainly at the carboxy-terminal tyrosine. Further aggregation leads to gradual loss of Lck protein from both lipid raft and non-raft fractions which is accompanied by increased protein ubiquitination, a process that is more evident in the detergent-soluble fraction. In contrast, the expression of LAT, which like Lck distributes to raft and non-raft membrane, or Csk, a kinase with a structure similar to Lck, is not affected by cell aggregation. Dephosphorylation of lipid raft-associated Lck, albeit with reduced kinetics, is observed in aggregated Jurkat CD45-deficient cells as well, suggesting involvement of additional tyrosine phosphatases. Changes in Lck structure and expression correlate with reduced ability of aggregated cells to fully activate protein tyrosine phosphorylation after stimulation of the TCR, and with changes in the activation of down-stream signalling cascades.  相似文献   

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