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CD25(+) regulatory T (T reg) cells suppress the activation/proliferation of other CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells in vitro. Also, down-regulation of CD25(+) T reg cells enhance antitumor immune responses. In this study, we show that depletion of CD25(+) T reg cells allows the host to induce both CD4(+) and CD8(+) antitumoral responses following tumor challenge. Simultaneous depletion of CD25(+) and CD8(+) cells, as well as adoptive transfer experiments, revealed that tumor-specific CD4(+) T cells, which emerged in the absence of CD25(+) T reg cells, were able to reject CT26 colon cancer cells, a MHC class II-negative tumor. The antitumoral effect mediated by CD4(+) T cells was dependent on IFN-gamma production, which exerted a potent antiangiogenic activity. The capacity of the host to mount this antitumor response is lost once the number of CD25(+) T reg cells is restored over time. However, CD25(+) T reg cell depletion before immunization with AH1 (a cytotoxic T cell determinant from CT26 tumor cells) permits the induction of a long-lasting antitumoral immune response, not observed if immunization is conducted in the presence of regulatory cells. A study of the effect of different levels of depletion of CD25(+) T reg cells before immunization with the peptide AH1 alone, or in combination with a Th determinant, unraveled that Th cells play an important role in overcoming the suppressive effect of CD25(+) T reg on the induction of long-lasting cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that agonistic anti-CD40 mAb induced T cell-independent antitumor effects in vivo. In this study, we investigated mechanisms of macrophage activation with anti-CD40 mAb treatment, assessed by the antitumor action of macrophages in vitro. Intraperitoneal injection of anti-CD40 mAb into C57BL/6 mice resulted in activation of peritoneal macrophages capable of suppressing B16 melanoma cell proliferation in vitro, an effect that was greatly enhanced by LPS and observed against several murine and human tumor cell lines. Anti-CD40 mAb also primed macrophages in vitro to mediate cytostatic effects in the presence of LPS. The tumoristatic effect of CD40 ligation-activated macrophages was associated with apoptosis and killing of tumor cells. Activation of macrophages by anti-CD40 mAb required endogenous IFN-gamma because priming of macrophages by anti-CD40 mAb was abrogated in the presence of anti-IFN-gamma mAb, as well as in IFN-gamma-knockout mice. Macrophages obtained either from C57BL/6 mice depleted of T and NK cells by Ab treatment, or from scid/beige mice, were still activated by anti-CD40 mAb to mediate cytostatic activity. These results argued against the role of NK and T cells as the sole source of exogenous IFN-gamma for macrophage activation and suggested that anti-CD40 mAb-activated macrophages could produce IFN-gamma. We confirmed this hypothesis by detecting intracytoplasmic IFN-gamma in macrophages activated with anti-CD40 mAb in vivo or in vitro. IFN-gamma production by macrophages was dependent on IL-12. Taken together, the results show that murine macrophages are activated directly by anti-CD40 mAb to secrete IFN-gamma and mediate tumor cell destruction.  相似文献   

Tumor protein D52 (TPD52) is involved in transformation and metastasis and has been shown to be over-expressed in tumor cells compared to normal cells and tissues. Murine TPD52 (mD52) shares 86% protein identity with the human TPD52 orthologue (hD52). To study TPD52 protein as a target for active vaccination recombinant, mD52 was administered as a protein-based vaccine. Naïve mice were immunized with either mD52 protein and CpG/ODN as a molecular adjuvant or CpG/ODN alone. Two weeks following the final immunization, mice were challenged s.c. with syngeneic tumor cells that over-express mD52. Two distinct murine tumor cell lines were used for challenge in this model, mKSA and 3T3.mD52. Half of the mice immunized with mD52 and CpG/ODN rejected or delayed onset of mKSA s.c. tumor cell growth, and 40% of mice challenged with 3T3.mD52 rejected s.c. tumor growth, as well as the formation of spontaneous lethal lung metastases. Mice immunized with mD52 and CpG/ODN generated detectable mD52-specific IgG antibody responses indicating that mD52 protein vaccination induced an adaptive immune response. In addition, mice that rejected tumor challenge generated tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes’ responses. Importantly, microscopic and gross evaluation of organs from mD52 immunized mice revealed no evidence of autoimmunity as assessed by absence of T cell infiltration and absence of microscopic pathology. Together, these data demonstrate that mD52 vaccination induces an immune response that is capable of rejecting tumors that over-express mD52 without the induction of harmful autoimmunity.  相似文献   

CD8 CTLs have been accountable for the major effector cells responsible for the rejection of tumor cells. And CD40 signaling and IL-12 have been shown to be the essential pathways involved in the activation process. Immunizing mice with dendritic cells transduced with an adenovirus expressing the human melanoma antigen gp100, an immunization strategy of xenoimmunization, stimulated potent tumor protection dependent on effective CD4 T cells in the absence of CD8 T cells. Further studies revealed that neither CD40 signaling nor IL-12 was indispensable for the activation of dendritic and CD4 T cells in this model. Stimulation of effective antitumor immunity targeting the self-antigen did not elicit autoimmunity. The implications of this study were discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of CD4(+) T cells in the induction of an optimal antitumor immune response has largely been attributed to their ability to provide costimulatory signals for the priming of MHC class I-restricted CD8(+) CTL. However, many reports have demonstrated a requirement for CD4(+) T cells in the effector phase of tumor rejection indicating a greater responsibility for CD4(+) T cells in controlling tumor outgrowth. We demonstrate here a critical role for CD4(+) T cells in restraining initial tumor development through the inhibition of tumor angiogenesis. Using a tumor variant that is unresponsive to IFN-gamma, we show that tumor responsiveness to IFN-gamma is necessary for IFN-gamma-dependent inhibition of tumor angiogenesis by CD4(+) T cells. These studies reveal a pivotal role for CD4(+) T cells in controlling early tumor development through inhibition of tumor angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Immune responses wane during aging, posing challenges to the potential effectiveness of cancer immunotherapies. We previously demonstrated that in the context of a promising immunotherapeutic, OX40 agonist (αOX40), older animals exhibited impaired anti-tumor immune responses and diminished CD4 T cell effector differentiation. In this study, we hypothesized that tumor immune responses could be maintained during aging through caloric restriction (CR) or dietary supplementation with resveratrol (RES), a CR mimetic. Mice were placed on either a calorically restricted diet or a RES-formulated diet starting between 4 and 6 months of age and continued until mice reached 12 months of age. Tumor immune responses were assessed after challenging with either sarcoma or breast tumor cells followed by αOX40 treatment. Our results show that CR, but not RES, maintained OX40-mediated anti-tumor immunity. In addition, CR fully sustained antigen-specific CD4 T cell priming in aged hosts (12 months old), whereas tumor-specific CD8 T cell priming was not fully maintained compared to young reference animals (2 months old). Thus, CR appears to maintain immunological fitness of the CD4 T cell priming environment during aging, which is critical for optimal OX40-mediated responses.  相似文献   

Based on the specificity of antigen recognition and the ability to generate long-lived memory responses, cancer immunotherapies primarily target tumor-associated T cells. Systemic administration of anti-IL-10R1 antibody in combination with local CpG administration has been shown to induce tumor regression in a T-cell-dependent manner. Here, we confirmed the anti-tumor efficacy of anti-IL-10R1 and CpG therapy in the highly aggressive B16F10 melanoma model. However, T cells were not required for tumor growth inhibition. Through cellular depletions and genetic models of leukocyte deficiency, we demonstrated that T, B, and NK cells, and neutrophils are not essential for anti-tumor efficacy. Nevertheless, hematopoietic cells as a whole are required for anti-IL-10R1- and CpG-induced tumor growth inhibition, suggesting that the collective action of multiple subsets of hematopoietic-derived cells is required for anti-tumor efficacy.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy, a homeostatic process that shuttles cytoplasmic constituents into endosomal and lysosomal compartments, has recently been shown to deliver antigens for presentation on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II. Autophagy-mediated antigen processing in thymic epithelial cells has been suggested to be involved in the generation of a self-MHC restricted and self-tolerant CD4+ T cell repertoire. Furthermore, there is accumulating evidence that the up-regulation of autophagy by pattern-recognition receptor signaling represents an innate defense mechanism against intracellular pathogens. Thus, through linking pathogen breakdown with the presentation of pathogen-derived autophagy substrates on MHC class II, autophagy serves a dual function at the interface of the innate and the adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

Both the underlying molecular mechanisms and the kinetics of TCR repertoire selection following vaccination against tumor Ags in humans have remained largely unexplored. To gain insight into these questions, we performed a functional and structural longitudinal analysis of the TCR of circulating CD8(+) T cells specific for the HLA-A2-restricted immunodominant epitope from the melanocyte differentiation Ag Melan-A in a melanoma patient who developed a vigorous and sustained Ag-specific T cell response following vaccination with the corresponding synthetic peptide. We observed an increase in functional avidity of Ag recognition and in tumor reactivity in the postimmune Melan-A-specific populations as compared with the preimmune blood sample. Improved Ag recognition correlated with an increase in the t(1/2) of peptide/MHC interaction with the TCR as assessed by kinetic analysis of A2/Melan-A peptide multimer staining decay. Ex vivo analysis of the clonal composition of Melan-A-specific CD8(+) T cells at different time points during vaccination revealed that the response was the result of asynchronous expansion of several distinct T cell clones. Some of these T cell clones were also identified at a metastatic tumor site. Collectively, these data show that tumor peptide-driven immune stimulation leads to the selection of high-avidity T cell clones of increased tumor reactivity that independently evolve within oligoclonal populations.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are potent APCs and attractive vectors for cancer immunotherapy. Using the B16 melanoma, a poorly immunogenic experimental tumor that expresses low levels of MHC class I products, we investigated whether DCs loaded ex vivo with apoptotic tumor cells could elicit combined CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell dependent, long term immunity following injection into mice. The bone marrow-derived DCs underwent maturation during overnight coculture with apoptotic melanoma cells. Following injection, DCs migrated to the draining lymph nodes comparably to control DCs at a level corresponding to approximately 0.5% of the injected inoculum. Mice vaccinated with tumor-loaded DCs were protected against an intracutaneous challenge with B16, with 80% of the mice remaining tumor-free 12 wk after challenge. CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells were efficiently primed in vaccinated animals, as evidenced by IFN-gamma secretion after in vitro stimulation with DCs loaded with apoptotic B16 or DCs pulsed with the naturally expressed melanoma Ag, tyrosinase-related protein 2. In addition, B16 melanoma cells were recognized by immune CD8(+) T cells in vitro, and cytolytic activity against tyrosinase-related protein 2(180-188)-pulsed target cells was observed in vivo. When either CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells were depleted at the time of challenge, the protection was completely abrogated. Mice receiving a tumor challenge 10 wk after vaccination were also protected, consistent with the induction of tumor-specific memory. Therefore, DCs loaded with cells undergoing apoptotic death can prime melanoma-specific helper and CTLs and provide long term protection against a poorly immunogenic tumor in mice.  相似文献   

The effect of subchronic nicotine consumption on cell immunity in rats with adjuvant-induced monoarthritis and in intact animals was investigated. In intact animals, nicotine intake was associated with increase of absolute T-cell number and T-cell proliferative response to mitrogen stimulation in vitro, the latter being not due to the altered lymphocyte sensitivity to glucocorticoids. Nicotine intake by rats with arthritis resulted in significant expansion of T-helper and cytotoxic cells and decrease of natural killers in blood.  相似文献   

This study shows that removal of a T cell subpopulation can evoke effective tumor immunity in otherwise nonresponding animals. Elimination of CD25-expressing T cells, which constitute 5-10% of peripheral CD4+ T cells in normal naive mice, elicited potent immune responses to syngeneic tumors in vivo and eradicated them. The responses were mediated by tumor-specific CD8+ CTLs and tumor-nonspecific CD4-8- cytotoxic cells akin to NK cells. Furthermore, in vitro culture of CD25+4+ T cell-depleted splenic cell suspensions prepared from tumor-unsensitized normal mice led to spontaneous generation of similar CD4-8- cytotoxic cells capable of killing a broad spectrum of tumors; reconstitution of CD25+4+ T cells inhibited the generation. In this culture, self-reactive CD25-4+ T cells responding to self peptides/class II MHC complexes on APCs spontaneously proliferated upon removal of CD25+4+ T cells, secreting large amounts of IL-2. The IL-2 thus produced appeared to be responsible for the generation of CD4-8- NK cells as lymphokine-activated killer cells, because direct addition of an equivalent amount of IL-2 to the culture of CD4-8- cells generated similar lymphokine-activated killer/NK cells, whereas coculture of normal CD4-8- cells with CD25-4+ T cells from IL-2-deficient mice did not. Thus, removal of immunoregulatory CD25+4+ T cells can abrogate immunological unresponsiveness to syngeneic tumors in vivo and in vitro, leading to spontaneous development of tumor-specific effector cells as well as tumor-nonspecific ones. This novel way of evoking tumor immunity would help to devise effective immunotherapy for cancer in humans.  相似文献   

We previously characterized several tumor-specific T cell clones from PBL and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes of a lung cancer patient with identical TCR rearrangements and similar lytic potential, but with different antitumor response. A role of the TCR inhibitory molecule CD5 to impair reactivity of peripheral T cells against the tumor was found to be involved in this process. In this report, we demonstrate that CD5 also controls the susceptibility of specific T cells to activation-induced cell death (AICD) triggered by the tumor. Using a panel of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and PBL-derived clones expressing different levels of CD5, our results indicate that T lymphocyte AICD in response to the cognate tumor is inversely proportional to the surface expression level of CD5. They also suggest a direct involvement of CD5 in this process, as revealed by an increase in tumor-mediated T lymphocyte AICD following neutralization of the molecule with specific mAb. Mechanistically, our data indicate that down-regulation of FasL expression and subsequent inhibition of caspase-8 activation are involved in CD5-induced T cell survival. These results provide evidence for a role of CD5 in the fate of peripheral tumor-specific T cells and further suggest its contribution to regulate the extension of CTL response against tumor.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccination represents a promising approach to harness the specificity and potency of the immune system to combat cancer. Finding optimal strategies for tumor Ag preparation and subsequent pulsing of DC, as well as improving the immunogenicity of weak tumor Ags remain among the first challenges of this approach. In this report, we use a prophylactic vaccine consisting of DC loaded with whole, nonmanipulated B16-F10 melanoma cells that had been stressed by heat shock and gamma irradiation. Stressed B16-F10 cells underwent apoptosis and were internalized by bone marrow-derived DC during coculture. Surprisingly, coculture of DC with stressed B16-F10 undergoing apoptosis and necrosis did not induce DC maturation. However, a marked retardation in tumor growth was observed in C57BL/6 mice immunized using DC loaded with stressed B16-F10 cells and subsequently challenged with B16-F10 cells. Growth retardation was further increased by treating DC with LPS before in vivo administration. In vivo depletion studies revealed that both CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells played a critical role in retarding tumor growth. In addition, treatment with anti-CD25 Ab to deplete CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells before DC vaccination considerably improved the effect of the vaccine and allowed the development of long-lived immune responses that were tumor protective. Our results demonstrate that depletion of regulatory T cells is an effective approach to improving the success of DC-based vaccination against weakly immunogenic tumors. Such a strategy can be readily applied to other tumor models and extended to therapeutic vaccination settings.  相似文献   

Triggering of T cell activation via CD4 dimers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The onset of activation in Th cells is triggered by localized co-engagement of TCRs and the coreceptor CD4. A CD4 crystal suggested that CD4 may form dimers in some circumstances. In this study, we use live-cell fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging to demonstrate that CD4 dimers are present at a basal level on the cell surface and accumulate at the synapse. Mechanistically, we reveal two conditions under which dimers are highly relevant. First, CD4 dimers are more proficient in mediating prolonged cell contacts with APCs in the presence or absence of Ag. This is consistent with a model whereby the dimer functions to increase T-APC avidity. Second, we show that dimer mutations result in an increased level of an inactive lckTyr(505) bound to the CD4 molecule relative to dimer-competent CD4. We also find a consistent defect in signaling onset in these cells. This supports a role for CD4 dimerization in maintaining active signaling machinery. We suggest that modulation of the dimer/monomer ratio may permit tuning of activation thresholds during initial engagement.  相似文献   

The development of an effective vaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a research area of intense interest. Mounting evidence suggests that protective immunity to M. tuberculosis relies on both MHC class II-restricted CD4(+) T cells and MHC class I-restricted CD8(+) T cells. By purifying polypeptides present in the culture filtrate of M. tuberculosis and evaluating these molecules for their ability to stimulate PBMC from purified protein derivative-positive healthy individuals, we previously identified a low-m.w. immunoreactive T cell Ag, Mtb 8.4, which elicited strong Th1 T cell responses in healthy purified protein derivative-positive human PBMC and in mice immunized with recombinant Mtb 8.4. Herein we report that Mtb 8.4-specific T cells can be detected in mice immunized with the current live attenuated vaccine, Mycobacterium bovis-bacillus Calmette-Guérin as well as in mice infected i.v. with M. tuberculosis. More importantly, immunization of mice with either plasmid DNA encoding Mtb 8.4 or Mtb 8.4 recombinant protein formulated with IFA elicited strong CD4(+) T cell and CD8(+) CTL responses and induced protection on challenge with virulent M. tuberculosis. Thus, these results suggest that Mtb 8.4 is a potential candidate for inclusion in a subunit vaccine against TB.  相似文献   

The innate immune system recognizes invading microbes via conserved pattern recognition receptors and uses inflammatory signals to concert adaptive defense mechanisms. However, microbial and host parameters involved in CD4 T cell priming and direction of Th1, Th2, and Th17 differentiation in the context of infections with complex pathogens in vivo are incompletely understood. In this study, we used Legionella pneumophila, which triggers membrane-bound and cytosolic pattern recognition receptors, to study the innate instruction of adaptive immunity. Upon airway infection, T cells were primed exclusively in the lung-draining lymph nodes and differentiated into Th1/Th17 effector cells upon arrival in the lung. Although engagement of membrane-bound pattern recognition receptors was sufficient for initial T cell activation and proliferation, cytosolic pattern recognition was required for effector T cell differentiation. In the absence of cytoplasmic pattern recognition, MyD88 was key for T cell priming, whereas, in its presence, MyD88-mediated signals were crucial for Th17 differentiation. Specifically, cytosolic sensing of Legionella-derived flagellin, inflammasome activation, and IL-1 signaling contributed to Th17 development. In the absence of TLR signaling, a simultaneous Th1/Th2 response developed that was independent of the inflammasome-IL-1 axis. Collectively, these data illustrate the important role for various pattern recognition receptors triggered by complex pathogens and how they each instruct specific differentiation programs in responding CD4 T cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that depending on their maturation state, dendritic cells (DC) could either induce T cell tolerance (immature and semimature DC) or T cell activation (mature DC). Pretreatment of C57BL/6 mice with encephalitogenic myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)(35-55) peptide-loaded semimature DC protected from MOG-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis. This protection was mediated by IL-10-producing CD4 T cells specific for the self Ag. Here we show that semimature DC loaded with the MHC class II-restricted nonself peptide Ag (OVA) induce an identical regulatory T cell cytokine pattern. However, semimature DC loaded simultaneously with MHC class II- and MHC class I-restricted peptides, could efficiently initiate CD8 T cell responses leading to autoimmune diabetes in a TCR-transgenic adoptive transfer model. Double-peptide-loaded semimature DC also induced simultaneously in the same animal partially activated CD8 T cells with cytolytic function as well as protection from MOG-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Our study suggests that the decision between tolerance and immunity not only depends on the DC, but also on the type and activation requirements of the responding T cell.  相似文献   

While Salmonella enterica is seen as an archetypal facultative intracellular bacterial pathogen where protection is mediated by CD4+ T cells, identifying circulating protective cells has proved very difficult, inhibiting steps to identify key antigen specificities. Exploiting a mouse model of vaccination, we show that the spleens of C57BL/6 mice vaccinated with live-attenuated Salmonella serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) strains carried a pool of IFN-γ+ CD4+ T cells that could adoptively transfer protection, but only transiently. Circulating Salmonella-reactive CD4+ T cells expressed the liver-homing chemokine receptor CXCR6, accumulated over time in the liver and assumed phenotypic characteristics associated with tissue-associated T cells. Liver memory CD4+ T cells showed TCR selection bias and their accumulation in the liver could be inhibited by blocking CXCL16. These data showed that the circulation of CD4+ T cells mediating immunity to Salmonella is limited to a brief window after which Salmonella-specific CD4+ T cells migrate to peripheral tissues. Our observations highlight the importance of triggering tissue-specific immunity against systemic infections.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated the protective efficacy of intranasal vaccination with a defined Francisella tularensis subsp. novicida DeltaiglC mutant (KKF24) against pulmonary F. novicida U112 challenge. In this study, we further characterized the mechanisms of KKF24-induced immunity. Intranasally vaccinated KKF24 C57BL/6 major histocompatibility class (MHC) class II-/- mice produced minimal antigen-specific interferon (IFN)-gamma and serum antibodies and were highly susceptible (0% survival) to F. novicida challenge, compared to MHC class I-/- or wild-type mice (both 100% survival). Protective immunity could be transferred by immune serum into recipient wild type, but not IFN-gamma-/- mice. The protective effect of KKF24 vaccination against the respiratory F. novicida U112 challenge was not abrogated by anti-CD4 neutralizing antibody treatment and was not conferred by adoptive transfer of KKF24-specific CD4+ T cells. The protective effect of antibody was partially dependent upon Fc receptor-mediated clearance. Taken together, our data indicate that CD4+ T cells are required for priming, but not during the effector phase, of anti-KKF24 antibody-mediated IFN-gamma-dependent immunity against pulmonary F. novicida infection.  相似文献   

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