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Summary Radioiodinated -bungarotoxin (-Bgt) was used to localize -Bgt-acetylcholine receptors in the carotid body of the rat. The gamma spectrometer analyses indicated a high uptake of [125I] -Bgt in carotid bodies incubated in vitro (1.51 fmole per organ). Incorporation of the isotope was effectively blocked by pretreatment of carotid bodies with d-tubocurarine and unlabeled -Bgt, but not by atropine. Light microscopic autoradiography showed a heavy labeling of some parenchymal cells. Electron-microscopic autoradiography revealed that labeling was localized along the interface between parenchymal cells, especially where their cytoplasmic processes engage in complex interdigitations. The silver grain counts on electron-microscopic autoradiographs suggest that labelings are preferentially associated with the plasma membrane of certain Type I cells. It is suggested that these Type I cells in the rat's carotid body probably are provided with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on their plasma membranes.This research was partly supported by a grant from the Edward G. Schleider Foundation of New Orleans.The authors extend appreciation to Drs. Akira Arimura, Dept. of Medicine, for supplying a part of the radioisotope and to James Fisher, Dept. of Pharmacology, Tulane Medical School, for use of the gamma spectrometer. Appreciation also is extended to Mrs. Lia Pedroza for technical assistance  相似文献   

Residual acidic α-mannosidase, varying in amount up to approx. 15% of normal values, can be measured in various organs of a calf with mannosidosis. The highest specific activity and relative proportion of residual activity were found in the liver. Chromatography on DEAE-cellulose showed that the residual activity was associated with two components, which were eluted at comparable positions with those found in normal tissues. The residual activity had a lower thermal stability and a higher Km value for a synthetic substrate than did the normal enzyme. No differences in molecular weight or electrophoretic mobility between normal acidic α-mannosidase and the residual activity were observed by gel filtration and electrophoresis on cellulose acetate respectively. The isoelectric focusing profiles for the α-mannosidase in the normal and pathological livers were very similar. It is suggested that a mutant enzyme, resulting from a mutation in a structural gene, accounts for the residual acidic α-mannosidase in mannosidosis. The mutant enzyme, which cross-reacts with antiserum raised against normal bovine acidic α-mannosidase, is present at a decreased concentration compared with the normal enzyme. There is a correlation between the concentrations of residual activity and cross-reacting material in mannosidosis. α-Mannosidase with a pH optimum of 5.75 and which is activated by Zn2+ was also detected in the liver of the calf with mannosidosis. However, it is probably not a product of the defective gene because addition of Zn2+ indicated that it was also present in normal tissues.  相似文献   

Because the use of monoamine reuptake inhibitors as weight-reducing agents is limited by adverse effects, novel antiobesity drugs are needed. We studied acute effects of the noradrenaline (NA) and serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitor sibutramine (SIB), alone and after pretreatment with α1- and α2-adrenoceptor (AR), and 5-HT1/2/7, 5-HT1B and 5-HT2C receptor antagonists in order to determine which ARs and 5-HT receptors act downstream of SIB on feeding and locomotion. Acute effects on caloric and water intake, meal microstructure and locomotion were assessed, using an automated weighing system and telemetry in male rats with restricted 18-h access to Western style diet. SIB 3 mg/kg reduced meal size and frequency, which suggests enhanced within- and postmeal satiety. Imiloxan (α2B-AR), WB4101 (α1-AR), SB-224289 (5-HT1B), and modestly BRL 44408 (α2A/D-AR) attenuated SIB's effect on meal size, suggesting that α2B- and α1-ARs and 5-HT1B receptors mediate within-meal satiety, with a modest role for α2A/D-ARs. Only prazosin (α1/2B/2C-AR) counteracted SIB's effect on meal frequency. At 3 mg/kg, SIB modestly increased locomotion. This effect was blocked by metergoline (5-HT1/2/7), WB4101 (α1-AR), and RX821002 (α2-AR). Interestingly, the α2-AR antagonists atipamezole and RX821002 enhanced SIB's effect on caloric intake, probably due to inverse agonistic actions at α2A-autoreceptors that further enhanced release of NA that regulates caloric intake. Thus, an inverse agonist of presynaptic α2A-ARs might beneficially enhance SIB's weight-reducing effect and offer novel treatment for obesity. All in all, the present data supports the ARs and 5-HT receptors involved in the effects of SIB on different aspects of caloric intake and locomotion.  相似文献   

Summary Vibratome sections of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum were immunostained for -tubulin using the TU-Ol monoclonal antibody. In all three regions, electron microscopy of the immunostained preparations revealed — in addition to the previously described reaction of pyramidal apical dendritic microtubules — consistent staining of the ribosomal apparatus of astrocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The activity and localization of -glucan phosphorylase in experimental canine glycogen-depleted heart tissue has been investigated with biochemical and histochemical methods using dextran as enzyme acceptor. Only linear, essentially unbranched, dextrans exhibit acceptor properties; highly branched dextrans are not suitable acceptors for the enzyme. Results of Michaelis-Menten constant measurements for the linear essentially unbranched dextran fractions used, indicate that the affinity of the enzyme for the non-reducing end group of the dextran molecule increases with increasing molecular weight of the acceptor.In the glycogen-depleted tissue of anoxic and ischaemic cardiac musculature there is a gradual inactivation of the enzyme during the ischaemic period. Shortly before total inactivation the affinity of the enzyme, especially for the lower molecular dextran fractions, is greatly reduced. Therefore, for the histochemical demonstration of phosphorylase activity in infarcted areas of the heart it is essential to use as acceptor an unbranched dextran fraction with a high average molecular weight.This investigation was partially supported by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).  相似文献   

Summary A modified method for the histochemical demonstration of the activity of -glucan phosphorylase is described. In the histochemical system the enzyme catalyses the synthesis of glycogen by transglucosylation from -d-glucosylphosphate. The incubation medium contains dextran as glucosyl acceptor. Therefore, in contrast with the unmodified method, the new technique is able to demonstrate the activity of phosphorylase in ischaemic glycogen-depleted tissues.  相似文献   

Summary A strong positive immunoreaction with an -endorphin antiserum occurs in two distinct sites of the goldfish and carp neurohypophysis. Fluorescent nerve terminals are found in the laminar nerve processes located in the rostral pars distalis, but the immunocytological reaction is mainly localised on the nerve processes of the posterior neurohypophysis lying between the intermediate lobe cells. Almost all the digitations of the neurohypophysis are strongly fluorescent. The immunoreactive fibres probably originate from the hypothalamus, where perikarya displaying the same immunoreaction have been found in the pars lateralis of the nucleus lateralis tuberis and in some minor centres. The possibility that the immunoreactive substances revealed on the neurohypophyseal processes may originate in the intermediate lobe cells is also discussed. It has now to be established if this hypothalamo-hypophyseal system contains a substance with endorphic properties or only some immunologically related substance devoid of the corresponding physiological activities.  相似文献   

We conducted an immunoelectron-microscopic study for histamine (HA) in the enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells of normal rats and rats given alpha-fluoromethylhistidine (alpha-FMH, 3 mg/kg per hour) via osmotic minipumps over a period of 24 h. The indirect immunoperoxidase procedure utilized a mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb), AHA-2, which is produced against glutaraldehyde-conjugated HA. alpha-FMH is a potent and irreversible inhibitor of the HA-forming enzyme histidine decarboxylase and is known to reduce tissue HA concentrations in several tissues. The present study clearly demonstrated that HA immunoreactivity, which was found to a high degree in the cores of the granules and secretory vesicles and in the cytoplasm of ECL cells of control rats, was completely abolished from the corresponding compartments in the cells of alpha-FMH-treated rats. Furthermore, treatment with alpha-FMH drastically lowered the number of secretory vesicles and was associated with larger cores in the granules of the ECL cells. These results seem to support the idea of a HA-pathway mechanism, emphasizing that the granules in normal ECL cells take up HA from the cytosol during its transport from the Golgi zone to the more peripheral portion of the cell and condense it in their cores, thus forming mature secretory vesicles. However, the present study showed that not only the secretory vesicles but also almost all the granules seen in ECL cells were already loaded with HA in their cores, suggesting that the newborn granules very rapidly take up HA from the cytosol. Also suggested was the fact that HA depletion impairs the maturation of the granules into secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

Summary Ornithine decarboxylase, a key enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis and cell growth, has been localized in mouse kidney by autoradiography after administration of radiolabeled -difluoromethylornithine. This drug is an enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase and forms a covalent bond with the enzyme. It was found that ornithine decarboxylase is present in all cell types studied but that the highest content occurs in the proximal convoluted tubules followed by the distal convoluted tubules and the collecting tubules. The majority of the enzyme is located in the cytoplasm but about 10–15% is present in the nuclei (often associated with nucleolus-like components) of the cells of the proximal and distal convoluted tubules. The labeled ornithine decarboxylase was lost rapidly from both nucleus and cytoplasm of all the cell types examined, and labeling by radioactive -difluoromethylornithine was greatly reduced if the mice were pretreated for 5 h with cycloheximide to block protein synthesis. These results indicate that ornithine decarboxylase turns over rapidly in all of the cells.  相似文献   

Summary The paper deals with the question, whether the Herring bodies and the granular structures formed by the so-called Gomori-substance in the neurohypophysis are artefacts or not. It is shown that the Gomori-substance and also its globular and granular structures are present in paraffin sections of the gland prepared according to the freezing-drying technique of Altmann-Gersh. All Gomori-substance is washed away, however, if the sections are treated with toluene and alcohol. If, on the contrary, the sections are treated with Bouin before the paraffin is removed, the Gomori-substance is precipitated and stands the treatment with alcohol. After staining with Gomori's haematoxylin and phloxine such preparations give the same picture of the Gomori-substance as common, wet-fixed Bouin preparations, provided the fixation has been carefully made. This strongly suggests that the classical opinion of the Gomori-substance as a granular matter which occasionally forms larger globulets (Herring bodies) truly reflects the conditions in the living tissue. Gersh and Tarr, who used the common technique when making their freezing-drying preparations, apparently lost the Gomori-substance when they treated the sections with alcohol. Their statement that the Herring bodies and other granular matter in the neurohypophyseal interstitia are artefacts is therefore to be abandoned.  相似文献   

The water-binding properties of bovine lens α-crystallin, collagen from calf skin and bovine serum albumin (BSA), were investigated with various techniques. The water absorptive capacity was obtained in high vacuum desorption experiments volumetrically, and also gravimetrically in controlled atmosphere experiments. NMR spin–echo technique was used to study the hydration of protein samples and to determine the spin–spin relaxation times (T2) from the protons of water, absorbed on the proteins. Isolated bovine lenses were sectioned into 11–12 morphological layers (from anterior cortex through nucleus to posterior cortex). Crystallin profiles were obtained for each lens layer using thin-layer isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel (IEF). The water content in relation to dry weight of proteins was measured in individual morphological lens layers. During the water vapor uptake P/P0=0.75, α-crystallin did not absorb water, suggesting that hydrophobic regions of the protein are exposed to the aqueous solvent. At P/P0=1.0, the absorption of water by α-crystallin was 17% with a single component decay character of spin–echo (T2=3 ms). Addition of water to α-crystallin to about 50% of its w/w in the protein sample showed T2=8 ms with only one single component decay of the spin–echo signal. The single component decay character of the spin–echo indicates at the tightly bound water by α-crystallin. Under a relative humidity P/P0=1.0, collagen and BSA absorbed correspondingly 19.3% and 28% of water and showed a two-component decay curve with T2 of about 5 and 40 ms. The findings demonstrate the presence of two water fractions in collagen and BSA which are separated in space. The IEF data suggest a tight binding of water with α-crystallin with similar distribution patterns in the lens layers. The IEF data demonstrate a possible chaperone-like function for α-crystallin in the nucleus and inner cortex of the lens, but not in the outer cortex. To conclude, it was found that α-crystallin can immobilize and bind water to a greater extent than other proteins such as collagen and BSA. These results shed new light on structural properties of α-crystallin and have important implications for understanding the mechanism of the chaperone-like action of this protein in the lens and non-ocular tissues.  相似文献   

The degree of hydroxylation of the lysine residue located in both alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-chains of collagen in the N-terminal, non-helical telopeptide region of the molecule has been determined in collagen from various sources after isolation of the peptides (alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-CB1) that contain the lysine residue in question and are obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage of collagen alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-chains respectively. As with collagen from chick tibia, bone collagens from rat tibia and femur and embryonic chick frontal bone, have a high degree of hydroxylation (approx. 50% or more) of the lysine residue in both alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-CB1 peptides. This is in contrast with the lack of hydroxylation of this residue in both alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-chains of all skin collagens so far examined. The presence of hydroxylysine in alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-CB1 peptides from tendon collagen is also indicated. In rat tail tendon collagen the amount of hydroxylation is only slight but in the much less soluble tendon collagen from embryonic chick leg tendons, approximately one-third of the lysine is hydroxylated.  相似文献   

Summary The -cells of the pancreatic islets have been shown to contain -aminobutyric acid (GABA) together with insulin. Autoradiographic analysis indicated that high affinity GABA binding sites (GABA receptors) are not present in the pancreas. High affinity GABA uptake sites are present, not in -cells, but in a few cells on the periphery of the islets. These observations cast doubt on the suggestion that GABA has a paracrine role in the pancreas.  相似文献   

The laminin α2 chain is specifically expressed in the basement membrane surrounding muscle and nerve. We screened biologically active sequences in the mouse laminin N-terminal region of α2 chain using 216 soluble peptides and three recombinant proteins (rec-a2LN, rec-a2LN+, and rec-a2N) by both the peptide- or protein-coated plate and the peptide-conjugated Sepharose bead assays. Ten peptides showed cell attachment activity in the plate assay, and 8 peptides were active in the bead assay. Seven peptides were active in the both assays. Five peptides promoted neurite outgrowth with PC12 cells. To clarify the cellular receptors, we examined the effects of heparin and EDTA on cell attachment to 11 active peptides. Heparin inhibited cell attachment to 10 peptides, and EDTA significantly affected only A2-8 peptide (YHYVTITLDLQQ, mouse laminin α2 chain, 117-128)-mediated cell attachment. Cell attachment to A2-8 was also specifically inhibited by anti-integrin β1 and anti-integrin α2β1 antibodies. These results suggest that A2-8 promotes an integrin α2β1-mediated cell attachment. The rec-a2LN protein, containing the A2-8 sequence, bound to integrin α2β1 and cell attachment to rec-a2LN was inhibited by A2-8 peptide. Further, alanine substitution analysis of both the A2-8 peptide and the rec-a2LN+ protein revealed that the amino acids Ile-122, Leu-124, and Asp-125 were involved in integrin α2β1-mediated cell attachment, suggesting that the A2-8 site plays a functional role as an integrin α2β1 binding site in the LN module. These active peptides may provide new insights on the molecular mechanism of laminin-receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARSs) are ligases (EC.6.1.1.-) that catalyze the acylation of amino acids to their cognate tRNAs in the process of translating genetic information from mRNA to protein. Their amino acid and tRNA specificity are crucial for correctly translating the genetic code. Glycine is the smallest amino acid and the glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS) belongs to Class II AARSs. The enzyme is unusual because it can assume different quaternary structures. In eukaryotes, archaebacteria and some bacteria, it forms an ??2 homodimer. In some bacteria, GlyRS is an ??2??2 heterotetramer and shows a distant similarity to ??2 GlyRSs. The human pathogen eubacterium Campylobacter jejuni GlyRS (CjGlyRS) is an ??2??2 heterotetramer and is similar to Escherichia coli GlyRS; both are members of Class IIc AARSs. The two-step aminoacylation reaction of tetrameric GlyRSs requires the involvement of both ??- and ??-subunits. At present, the structure of the GlyRS ??2??2 class and the details of the enzymatic mechanism of this enzyme remain unknown. Here we report the crystal structures of the catalytic ??-subunit of CjGlyRS and its complexes with ATP, and ATP and glycine. These structures provide detailed information on substrate binding and show evidence for a proposed mechanism for amino acid activation and the formation of the glycyl-adenylate intermediate for Class II AARSs.  相似文献   

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