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Cyclic ADP-ribose, a metabolite of NAD+, is known to modulate intracellular calcium levels and signaling in various cell types, including neural cells. The enzymes responsible for producing cyclic ADP-ribose in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells remain unknown; however, two mammalian enzymes that are capable of producing cyclic ADP-ribose extracellularly have been identified, CD38 and CD157. The present study investigated whether an ADP-ribosyl cyclase/NAD+-glycohydrolase independent of CD38 is present in brain tissue. To address this question, NAD+ metabolizing activities were accurately examined in developing and adult Cd38-/- mouse brain protein extracts and cells. Low ADP-ribosyl cyclase and NAD+-glycohydrolase activities (in the range of pmol of product formed/mg of protein/min) were detected in Cd38-/- brain at all developmental stages studied. Both activities were found to be associated with cell membranes. The activities were significantly higher in Triton X-100-treated neural cells compared with intact cells, suggesting an intracellular location of the novel cyclase. The cyclase and glycohydrolase activities were optimal at pH 6.0 and were inhibited by zinc, properties which are distinct from those of CD157. Both activities were enhanced by guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), a result suggesting that the novel enzyme may be regulated by a G protein-dependent mechanism. Altogether our results indicate the presence of an intracellular membrane-bound ADP-ribosyl cyclase/NAD+-glycohydrolase distinct from CD38 and from CD157 in mouse brain. This novel enzyme, which is more active in the developing brain than in the adult tissue, may play an important role in cyclic ADP-ribose-mediated calcium signaling during brain development as well as in adult tissue.  相似文献   

The equilibrium dissociation constant of NAD+ and pertussis toxin was determined by equilibrium dialysis and by the quenching of the protein's intrinsic fluorescence on titration with NAD+. A binding constant, Kd, of 24 +/- 2 microM at 30 degrees C was obtained from equilibrium dialysis, consistent with the previously determined value for the Michaelis constant, Km, of 30 +/- 5 microM for NAD+ (when the toxin is catalysing the ADP-ribosylation of water and of dithiothreitol). The intrinsic fluorescence of pertussis toxin was quenched by up to 60% on titration with NAD+, and after correction for dilution and inner filter effects, a Kd value of 27 microM at 30 degrees C was obtained, agreeing well with that found by equilibrium dialysis. The binding constants were measured at a number of temperatures using both techniques, and from this the enthalpy of binding of NAD+ to toxin was determined to be 30 kJ.mol-1, a typical value for a protein-ligand interaction. There is one binding site for NAD+ per toxin molecule.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that high‐density lipoprotein (HDL) can specifically bind to streptococcal collagen‐like protein 1 (Scl1) of M41‐type group A Streptococcus (GAS). However, the pathological or physiological significance of Scl1?HDL interaction is unknown. Here, the hypothesis that HDL acts as an opsonin to enhance phagocytosis of HDL‐bound GAS by monocytes given that some scavenger receptors can mediate the endocytosis of HDL was tested by using FITC‐labeled bacteria, human U937 monocytes and HDL for phagocytic assays. HDL (10 µg/mL) was found to significantly enhance internalization of M41‐type (ATCC 12373) GAS by U937 cells after 60 min incubation, compared with an HDL‐free group. The internalized GAS were dead after 60 min incubation with U937 cells regardless of presence and absence of HDL. Although very‐low‐density lipoprotein (VLDL) could specifically bind to ATCC 12373 strain, it did not promote phagocytosis of GAS. Additionally, LDL, HDL and VLDL did not enhance phagocytosis of CMCC 32198 strain because this strain did not bind to these lipoproteins. A physiological concentration of HDL (1000 µg/mL) had a similar effect. Anti‐CD36 antibody completely abolished opsonic phagocytosis whereas anti‐CD4 antibody did not, indicating that CD36 is the major scavenger receptor mediating the uptake of HDL‐opsonized GAS by U937 cells. Furthermore, because rScl1 competitively blocked the interaction of ATCC 12373 strain with HDL recombinant Scl1 (rScl1) derived from M41‐type GAS, it significantly decreased opsonophagocytosis of ATCC 12373 strain but not of CMCC 32198 strain. Therefore, our findings suggest that HDL may be an opsonin that enhances CD36‐dependent opsonophagocytosis of GAS by U937 cells.

We have investigated the mechanisms by which a murine IgA mAb directed against the type III Ag (IgA anti-III mAb) of group B streptococci (GBS) protects neonatal rats from lethal infection with these organisms. Purified IgA anti-III mAb enhanced phagocytosis of type III GBS by rat peritoneal macrophages in vitro by fourfold compared with phagocytosis of buffer-treated GBS. In the absence of antibody, neonatal rat serum did not promote phagocytosis, but addition of neonatal rat serum to GBS opsonized with IgA anti-III led to a sevenfold increase in phagocytosis. Heat inactivation of C destroyed the ability of neonatal rat serum to enhance phagocytosis in the presence of IgA. C3 deposition was observed when GBS coated with IgA anti-III mAb were incubated in untreated neonatal rat serum or in serum treated with Mg/EGTA. This latter observation suggested that C3 deposition occurred through activation of the alternative pathway. The control IgA mAb MOPC 315 did not enhance GBS ingestion or C3 deposition on GBS. Depletion of C in vivo by using cobra venom factor abolished the protective effect of IgA anti-III mAb in the neonatal rat model. These data suggest that the ability of this IgA to activate C further enhances its opsonic activity and may be essential for its protective effect in vivo.  相似文献   

The perfused rat liver responds intensely to NAD+ infusion (20-100 microM). Increases in portal perfusion pressure and glycogenolysis and transient inhibition of oxygen consumption are some of the effects that were observed. The aim of the present work was to investigate the distribution of the response to extracellular NAD+ along the hepatic acinus. The bivascularly perfused rat liver was used. Various combinations of perfusion directions (antegrade and retrograde) and infusion routes (portal vein, hepatic vein and hepatic artery) were used in order to supply NAD+ to different regions of the liver parenchyma, also taking advantage of the fact that its extracellular transformation generates steep concentration gradients. Oxygen uptake was stimulated by NAD+ in retrograde perfusion (irrespective of the infusion route) and transiently inhibited in antegrade perfusion. This indicates that the signal causing oxygen uptake inhibition is generated in the periportal area. The signal responsible for oxygen uptake stimulation is homogenously distributed. Stimulation of glucose release was more intense when NAD+ was infused into the portal vein or into the hepatic artery, indicating that stimulation of glycogenolysis predominates in the periportal area. The increases in perfusion pressure were more pronounced when the periportal area was supplied with NAD+ suggesting that the vasoconstrictive elements responding to NAD+ predominate in this region. The response to extracellular NAD+ is thus unequally distributed in the liver. As a paracrine agent, NAD+ is likely to be released locally. It can be concluded that its effects will be different depending on the area where it is released.  相似文献   

The endocannabinoid anandamide is able to interact with the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channels at a molecular level. As yet, endogenously produced anandamide has not been shown to activate TRPV1, but this is of importance to understand the physiological function of this interaction. Here, we show that intracellular Ca2+ mobilization via the purinergic receptor agonist ATP, the muscarinic receptor agonist carbachol or the Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin leads to formation of anandamide, and subsequent TRPV1-dependent Ca2+ influx in transfected cells and sensory neurons of rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Anandamide metabolism and efflux from the cell tonically limit TRPV1-mediated Ca2+ entry. In DRG neurons, this mechanism was found to lead to TRPV1-mediated currents that were enhanced by selective blockade of anandamide cellular efflux. Thus, endogenous anandamide is formed on stimulation of metabotropic receptors coupled to the phospholipase C/inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate pathway and then signals to TRPV1 channels. This novel intracellular function of anandamide may precede its action at cannabinoid receptors, and might be relevant to its control over neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Host cell caveolae act as an entry-port for group A streptococci   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This study identified caveolae as an entry port for group A streptococci into epithelial and endothelial cells. Scanning electron microscopy as well as ultrathin sections of infected cells demonstrated accumulation of small omega-shaped cavities in the host cell membrane close to adherent streptococci. During invasion, invaginations were formed that subsequently revealed intracellular compartments surrounding streptococci. Caveolin-1 was shown to be present in the membrane of invaginations and the compartment membranes. These compartments were devoid of any classic endosomal/lysosomal marker proteins and can thus be described as caveosomes. Disruption of caveolae with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin and filipin abolished host cell invasion. Importantly, streptococci inside caveosomes avoid fusion with lysosomes. Expressing of SfbI protein on the surface of the non-invasive S. gordonii resulted in identical morphological alterations on the host cell as for S. pyogenes. Incubation of HUVEC cells with purified recombinant sole SfbI protein also triggered accumulation of cavity-like structures and formation of membrane invaginations. Tagged to colloidal gold-particles, SfbI protein was shown to cluster following membrane contact. Thus, our results demonstrate that host cell caveolae initiate the invasion process of group A streptococci and that the streptococcal invasin SfbI is the triggering factor that activates the caveolae-mediated endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

M D Lobban  S P Borriello 《FEBS letters》1992,298(2-3):185-187
Binding of nucleotides, a tetrapolyphosphate, and NAD+ to purified toxin A of Clostridium difficile was determined by monitoring changes in intrinsic fluorescence following excitation at 280 nm, and recording emissions at 340 nm. Binding was specific for concentrations over the range 5 to 100 microM for ATP, GTP, and their respective non-hydrolysable analogues AMP-PNP and Gpp(NH)p, tetrapolyphosphate and NAD+.  相似文献   

The virulence of Gram-positive bacteria is enhanced by toxins like the Streptococcus pyogenes β-NAD(+) glycohydrolase known as SPN. SPN-producing strains of S. pyogenes additionally express the protein immunity factor for SPN (IFS), which forms an inhibitory complex with SPN. We have determined crystal structures of the SPN-IFS complex and IFS alone, revealing that SPN is structurally related to ADP-ribosyl transferases but lacks the canonical binding site for protein substrates. SPN is instead a highly efficient glycohydrolase with the potential to deplete cellular levels of β-NAD(+). The protective effect of IFS involves an extensive interaction with the SPN active site that blocks access to β-NAD(+). The conformation of IFS changes upon binding to SPN, with repacking of an extended C-terminal α helix into a compact shape. IFS is an attractive target for the development of novel bacteriocidal compounds functioning by blocking the bacterium's self-immunity to the SPN toxin.  相似文献   

Phagolysates obtained in passage of the virulent phage CA1 on M+ SOR+-cultures of streptococcus, serotype 22, offered a possibility of transduction of the M22+-sign to M-SOR--strains of serotype T12. Transductants were selected in direct bactericidal test with subsequent determination of their type in the indirect bactericidal test with homo- and heterologous immune sera. The UV-lysates of the lysogenic M+ SOR+-cultures of serotypes 4, 22, and 49 offered a possibility of transducing both signs conjointly. In this case transductants were selected by the SOR-phenotype in the dishes with serum agar. All the transductants retained the T-serotype of the recipient's strain and segregated M-- and SOR--clones with high frequency. There were for the first time obtained in streptococcus of group A proofs of transduction of M+- and SOR+-signs pointing to their determination by different, but closely conjoint genes. Conditions of the marker transduction, selection and study of transductant were chosen, they opened new possibilities for genetic analysis of the virulence of streptococcus, group A.  相似文献   

Histidine 21 is at the NAD+ binding site of diphtheria toxin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Treatment of fragment A chain of diphtheria toxin (DT-A) with diethylpyrocarbonate modifies His-21, the single histidine residue present in the chain, without alteration of other residues. Parallel to histidine modification, NAD+ binding and the NAD-glycohydrolase and ADP-ribosyltransferase activities of DT-A are lost. Both NAD+ and adenosine are very effective in protecting DT-A from histidine modification and in preserving its biological properties, while adenine is ineffective. Reversal of histidine modification with hydroxylamine restores both NAD+ binding and enzymatic activities of the toxin. The possible role of His-21 in the activity of diphtheria toxin is discussed in relation to the available three-dimensional structure of the related toxin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Protease activity has been demonstrated in culture supernatants of Clostridium tetani at various stages of fermentation. Gel chromatography of the concentrated filtrates revealed the presence of three enzymatically active fractions eluting at separate positions off the column. The smallest protease was found to "nick" the single chain intracellular tetanus toxin, producing the extracellular, two-chain structure of the molecule. As little as 3 ng of active protease were sufficient to cleave 50 microgram of intracellular tetanus toxin, suggesting that this enzyme is responsible for the observed structural change of the toxin molecule during its release into the culture medium. By comparison, the second protease, eluting at an intermediate position, exhibited only marginal activity towards intracellular toxin. The third, largest, enzyme was not active under the conditions of the assay. However, the latter protease effectively hydrolyzed low molecular weight histidyl peptides, and it is concluded that this enzyme is similar to the one described by Miller, P.A. Gray, C.T., and Eaton, M.D. (1960) J. Bacteriol. 79, 95-102. The properties of the partially purified enzymes, including their differential behavior towards a number of protease inhibitors, are reported.  相似文献   

The members of the RCK family of cloned voltage-dependent K+ channels are quite homologous in primary structure, but they are highly diverse in functional properties. RCK4 channels differ from RCK1 and RCK2 channels in inactivation and permeation properties, the sensitivity to external TEA, and to current modulation by external K+ ions. Here we show several other interesting differences: While RCK1 and RCK2 are blocked in a voltage and concentration dependent manner by internal Mg2+ ions, RCK4 is only weakly blocked at very high potentials. The single-channel current-voltage relations of RCK4 are rather linear while RCK2 exhibits an inwardly rectifying single-channel current in symmetrical K+ solutions. The deactivation of the channels, measured by tail current protocols, is faster in RCK4 by a factor of two compared with RCK2. In a search for the structural motif responsible for these differences, point mutants creating homology between RCK2 and RCK4 in the pore region were tested. The single-point mutant K533Y in the background of RCK4 conferred the properties of Mg2+ block, tail current kinetics, and inward ion permeation of RCK2 to RCK4. This mutant was previously shown to be responsible for the alterations in external TEA sensitivity and channel regulation by external K+ ions. Thus, this residue is expected to be located at the external side of the pore entrance. The data are consistent with the idea that the mutation alters the channel occupancy by K+ and thereby indirectly affects internal Mg2+ block and channel closing.Abbreviations TEA tetraethylammonium - EGTA Ethylene glycol-bis (-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - 2S3B model 2-site 3-barrier model Correspondence to: S. H. Heinemann  相似文献   

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