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We used TWINSPAN and CANOCO to investigate the biogeography of the western Iberian Peninsula on the basis of the distribution of earthworms among ninety areas of Galicia, Portugal, Asturias, León, Zamora, Salamanca, Cáceres, Badajoz and Huelva. This part of Iberia is clearly divisible into a Eurosiberian Region in the north and west and a Mediterranean Region in the south and east. For earthworm faunas, however, the limit between these regions is considerably further south than is conventionally accepted on the basis of Rivas Martinez's (1987) vegetation-type classification. Species character- istic of the Eurosiberian Region include Dendrobaena madeirensis, D. octaedra, Allolobophora caliginosa and various species of the genus Lumbricus . Within this region the earthworm fauna of Asturias is clearly distinct from that of Galicia and northern Portugal. Species characteristic of the Mediterranean Region include Allolobophora caliginosa , A. chlorotica and A. rosea , but inventories from this region are most easily identified by the absence or scarcity of those species characteristic of the Eurosiberian Region. Many areas show intermediate characteristics between the two major regions, and in some cases one region 'intrudes' into the other.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the geographical patterns of the interception of photosynthetically active radiation by vegetation and to describe its spatial heterogeneity through the definition of ecosystem functional types (EFTs) based on the annual dynamics of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a spectral index related to carbon gains. Location The Iberian Peninsula. Methods EFTs were derived from three attributes of the NDVI obtained from NOAA/AVHRR sensors: the annual integral (NDVI‐I), as a surrogate of primary production, an integrative indicator of ecosystem functioning; and the intra‐annual relative range (RREL) and month of maximum NDVI (MMAX), which represent key features of seasonality. Results NDVI‐I decreased south‐eastwards. The highest values were observed in the Eurosiberian Region and in the highest Mediterranean ranges. Low values occurred in inner plains, river basins and in the southeast. The Eurosiberian Region and Mediterranean mountains presented the lowest RREL, while Eurosiberian peaks, river basins, inner‐agricultural plains, wetlands and the southeastern part of Iberia presented the highest. Eurosiberian ecosystems showed a summer maximum of NDVI, as did high mountains, wetlands and irrigated areas in the Mediterranean Region. Mediterranean mountains had autumn–early‐winter maxima, while semi‐arid zones, river basins and continental plains had spring maxima. Based on the behaviour in the functional traits, 49 EFTs were defined. Main conclusions The classification, based on only the NDVI dynamics, represents the spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem functioning by means of the interception of radiation by vegetation in the Iberian Peninsula. The patterns of the NDVI attributes may be used as a reference in evaluating the impacts of environmental changes. Iberia had a high spatial variability: except for biophysically impossible combinations (high NDVI‐I and high seasonality), almost any pattern of seasonal dynamics of radiation interception was represented in the Peninsula. The approach used to define EFTs opens the possibility of monitoring and comparing ecosystem functioning through time.  相似文献   

In this paper, the analysis of the current distribution of species, or species-groups, of the Western–Palaearctic genus Amphimallon Berthold, 1827, based on a phylogenetic hypothesis recently provided and relevant paleogeographical events that occurred in the Mediterranean Basin from Late Paleogene (35 Myr BP) to the present, supports a biogeographical scenario to explain species diversity within this genus. The center of origin of this genus is hypothesized to be in the Iberian Peninsula. Microplate fragments drifting from the Iberian Peninsula, successive landmass suture events between the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Basins, separation of Tethys and Paratethys Oceans, re-establishment of marine connections, uplift of the Alps, and drying out of the Mediterranean are hypothesized as the principal events allowing dispersal of populations throughout Mediterranean Basin and biogeographical vicariances within the genus Amphimallon.  相似文献   

Abstract:A taxonomic revision of the lichenized species of the genus Omphalina in the Iberian Peninsula is presented, based upon fungal and lichen herbarium material, as well as on fresh collections. Relevant morphological and ecological features are discussed and a diagnostic key is provided. Four lichenized species, O. ericetorum, O. hudsoniana, O. meridionalis and O. velutina, are recognized. A squamulose vegetative thallus (Coriscium -type) is present only in O. hudsoniana, while the other three species form a thallus of hyphal globules (Botrydina -type). Anatomical features of the vegetative thallus cannot be used to distinguish between these last three species. Whilst O. hudsoniana is known only from the montane belt of the Eurosiberian Region and O. meridionalis seems to be restricted to the Mediterranean Region, living in more or less humid sites of the Supramediterranean belt, the other two species, O. ericetorum and O. velutina, are widespread.  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene archaeo-palaeontological sites in the Iberian Peninsula are located mainly on the coasts. Here, we present for the first time a palaeoenvironmental proxy for Upper Pleistocene locality (Marine Isotope Stage 3 MIS3) that is in the interior peninsular, in the Moncayo massif (Zaragoza). This is actually the boundary between Mediterranean and Eurosiberian climatic regions. This study is based in the site ungulates: Capra pyrenaica, which is larger in size than the current and fossil Capra from the Mediterranean area of the Iberian Peninsula. The horses have a small size, which is similar to that of the horses from Fontainhas and Casares. Significantly lesser in the number of specimens are the roe deer, the southern chamois and the auroch. The study and comparison of the faunal assemblage of the locality of Los Rincones with other sites of the Iberian MIS3 show a cluster of sites in the southern Peninsular, though separated, due to the abundance of Capra pyrenaica. The association of Los Rincones is similar to the southern peninsular sites such as Nerja, Gorham Cave, Cova Beneito and Zafarraya. The ungulate assemblage of Los Rincones represents a landscape with temperate climate, presence of steppe and patches of forest, similar to the current landscape surrounding the cavity today.  相似文献   

Since the end of the last glacial period, European Mediterranean mountains have provided shelter for numerous species of Eurosiberian and Boreal origin. Many of these species, surviving at the southern limit of their range in Europe and surrounded by Mediterranean ones, are relatively intolerant to summer drought and are in grave danger of loss, as a result of increasingly long and frequent droughts in this region. This is the case of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and the Austrian pine (Pinus nigra ssp. salzmannii) which are found on Central Iberian Peninsula at the edge of their natural range. We used a tree ring network of these two species to reconstruct past variations in summer rainfall. The reconstruction, based upon a tree ring composite chronology of the species, dates back to 1570 (adjusted R 2?=?0.49, P?<?0.000001) and captures interannual to decadal scale variability in summer precipitation. We studied the spatial representativeness of the rainfall patterns and described the occurrence rate of extremes of this precipitation. To identify associations between macroclimatic factors and tree radial growth, we employed a principal component analysis to calculate the resultant of the relationship between the growth data of both species, using this resultant as a dependent variable of a multiple regression whose independent variables are monthly mean temperature and precipitation from the average records. Spatial correlation patterns between instrumental precipitation datasets for southern Europe and reconstructed values for the 1950–1992 period indicate that the reconstruction captures the regional signal of drought variability in the study region (the origin of this precipitation is convective: thermal low pressure zones induced in the inland northeastern areas of the Iberian Peninsula). There is a clear increase in the recurrence of extreme dry events as from the beginning of twentieth century and an abrupt change to drier conditions. There appears to be a tendency toward recurrent exceptionally dry summers, which could involve a significant change for the Eurosiberian refugee species.  相似文献   

本研究的目的是i)确定伊比利亚半岛一种大疣蛛(Macrothele calpeiana)分布的气候相关性以预测其潜在分布,ii)详细阐述该物种在伊比利亚半岛的分布假说,iii)通过推断模型预测确认该物种在北非和整个地中海地区的适合区域,iv)预测气候变暖对蜘蛛潜在分布区的影响。基于物种的存在、远离目前环境条件下的可能缺失以及其它的气候参数,使用广义线性模型发展了潜在分布的可预测模型。蜘蛛在伊比利亚半岛上的潜在分布远大于目前已知的分布区,延伸到尚未发现蜘蛛分布的葡萄牙广大地区。本文提出了该种大疣蛛在适合分布区域内没有分布的历史因素。北非具有适合该物种的条件但却没有该属物种的分布支持了大疣蛛(Macrothele)祖先的东方起源假说。对地中海地区蜘蛛分布的推断突出显示了阿根廷地区有合适的分布区,该地区也发现有另一种欧洲大疣蛛。气候变暖将对现存于伊比利亚的M.calpeiana种群产生负面影响,因为气候变暖将减少并破碎化蜘蛛在北非的潜在栖息地。目前,急需确认在葡萄牙广大地区是否存在蜘蛛物种,发展对该属的系统发育研究以确定大疣蛛属起源和扩散史的理论。  相似文献   

Origins and biogeography of the chub, genus Squalius (formerly within the genus Leuciscus), in the Iberian Peninsula were inferred from comparison between patterns of geographic distribution and phylogenetic relationships among populations belonging to 14 European Squalius species. The phylogeny recovered was based on the complete sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Squalius species were grouped into three major clades. The basal clade included species distributed across the ancient Paratethys Sea. The second clade included species from Central and East Europe and the northern areas of the Mediterranean basin towards Minor Asia. The third clade included species from the Mediterranean Peninsulas (Iberian, Italy, and Balkans). The Iberian Squalius species do not constitutes a monophyletic group. Our data indicate that the Iberian Peninsula was colonized at least twice by two different monophyletic lineages, a meridional group and a Central Europe group. The amount of species diversity found in the Iberian Peninsula and the phylogenetic relationships among these species, together with their geographic distribution, suggest that the Central Europe lineage colonized the Iberian Peninsula at a latter time. Our data indicate that the northeastern Iberian lineage is phylogenetically close to Greek populations of Squalius cephalus, while the second lineage formed a monophyletic group including Squalius pyrenaicus, Squalius carolitertii, Squalius aradensis, and Squalius torgalensis. The speciation process that generated these species and the geographic structure of their populations, principally in S. pyrenaicus, can be attributed to paleogeographical events like the ancient endorrheism and the development of hydrographic basins.  相似文献   

A human mandible from the site of Cova del Gegant is described here for the first time and compared with other Middle and Upper Pleistocene representatives of the genus Homo from Europe and Southwest Asia. The specimen was recovered from sediments which also yielded Mousterian stone tools and Pleistocene fauna. The preserved morphology of the mandible, particularly in the region of the mental foramen, clearly aligns it with the Neandertals, making the Cova del Gegant the only known site in Catalonia documenting diagnostic human skeletal remains in association with Middle Paleolithic stone tools. This represents an important new addition to the human fossil record from the Iberian Peninsula and joins the Ba?olas mandible in documenting the course of human evolution in the northern Mediterranean region of Spain.  相似文献   

The Italian and Balkan peninsulas have been places traditionally highlighted as Pleistocene glacial refuges. The Iberian Peninsula, however, has been a focus of controversy between geobotanists and palaeobotanists as a result of its exclusion from this category on different occasions. In the current paper, we synthesise geological, molecular, palaeobotanical and geobotanical data that show the importance of the Iberian Peninsula in the Western Mediterranean as a refugium area. The presence of Aesculus aff. hippocastanum L. at the Iberian site at Cal Guardiola (Tarrasa, Barcelona, NE Spain) in the Lower–Middle Pleistocene transition helps to consolidate the remarkable role of the Iberian Peninsula in the survival of tertiary species during the Pleistocene. The palaeodistribution of the genus in Europe highlights a model of area abandonment for a widely-distributed species in the Miocene and Pliocene, leading to a diminished and fragmentary presence in the Pleistocene and Holocene on the southern Mediterranean peninsulas. Aesculus fossils are not uncommon within the series of Tertiary taxa. Many appear in the Pliocene and suffer a radical impoverishment in the Lower–Middle Pleistocene transition. Nonetheless some of these tertiary taxa persisted throughout the Pleistocene and Holocene up to the present in the Iberian Peninsula. Locating these refuge areas on the Peninsula is not an easy task, although areas characterised by a sustained level of humidity must have played an predominant role.  相似文献   

Traditional earthworm taxonomy is hindered due to their anatomical simplicity and the plasticity of the characteristics often used for diagnosing species. Making phylogenetic inferences based on these characters is more than difficult. In this study we use molecular tools to unravel the phylogeny of the clitellate family Hormogastridae. The family includes species of large to mid-sized earthworms distributed almost exclusively in the western Mediterranean region where they play an important ecological role. We analyzed individuals from 46 locations spanning the Iberian Peninsula to Corsica and Sardinia, representing the four described genera in the family and 20 species. Molecular markers include mitochondrial regions of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI), 16S rRNA and tRNAs for Leu, Ala, and Ser, two nuclear ribosomal genes (nearly complete 18S rRNA and a fragment of 28S rRNA) and two nuclear protein-encoding genes (histones H3 and H4). Analyses of the data using different approaches corroborates monophyly of Hormogastridae, but the genus Hormogaster is paraphyletic and Hormogaster pretiosa appears polyphyletic, stressing the need for taxonomic revisionary work in the family. The genus Vignysa could represent an early offshoot in the family, although the relationships with other genera are uncertain. The genus Hemigastrodrilus is related to the Hormogaster elisae complex and both are found in the Atlantic drainage of the Iberian Peninsula and France. From a biogeographic perspective Corsica and Sardinia include members of two separate hormogastrid lineages. The species located in Corsica and Northern Sardinia are related to Vignysa, whereas Hormogaster pretiosa pretiosa, from Southern Sardinia, is closely related to the Hormogaster species from the NE Iberian Peninsula. A molecular dating of the tree using the separation of the Sardinian microplate as a calibration point (at 33 MY) and assuming a model of vicariance indicates that the diversification of Hormogastridae may be ancient, ranging from 97 to 67 Ma.  相似文献   

A new Xeromphalina species from Mediterranean evergreen forests of the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula is described. It is characterized by its habitat on soil, arcuate-decurrent lamellae, trama hyphae which turn distinctly orange-brown to red-brown in KOH solution, thick-walled caulocystidia with an attenuate apex reminding setulae, and versiform to irregularly cylindrical cheilocystidia, which are conspicuously branched forming coralloid excrescences. LM microphotographs illustrate its diagnostic features. Additionally, two nuclear ribosomal DNA regions from this new taxon were sequenced and compared with homologue sequences from existing species in the genus Xeromphalina, supporting its recognition as a new species.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers in 80 populations belonging to 18 species of Potentilla L. subgen. Potentilla from the Iberian Peninsula and two of P. maura, a North African endemic taxon, have been counted. The basic number of chromosomes is always x = 7 and these chromosomes are small (between 1 and 2 μm). For three species, the number of chromosomes is reported for the first time and, for another six, this number has been established in Iberian representatives. Moreover, new ploidy levels have been obtained for P. hispanica and P. crantzii with regard to their entire distribution area, and in P. cinerea and P. neumanniana for the Iberian Peninsula. Some taxonomic, phylogenetic and phytogeographic comments are made for several species or groups of species from the West Mediterranean region. In 13 species only one ploidy level has been found, but six species have several ploidy levels. Seven ploidy levels occur in the investigated taxa. The frequency of each ploidy level represented within Iberian Potentilla is analysed and the data are compared with those available for taxa from the rest of the distribution area of the genus.  相似文献   

The comparative phylogeography and evolutionary history of three native cyprinid genera, Squalius (subfamily Leuciscinae), Chondrostoma (subfamily Leuciscinae) and Barbus (subgenus Luciobarbus ; subfamily Cyprininae), were examined focusing mainly in the South-Western region of the Iberian Peninsula, where recently described endemic species are present with considerably restricted distribution areas. In order to accomplish that the variation at the complete cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) was analysed for specimens from the South-Western region, and also for representatives of the three genera from all over the Iberian Peninsula. Data indicate different evolutionary histories, with distinct time periods of colonization between the two cyprinid subfamilies in the Iberian Peninsula. Four new Iberian ichthyogeographic areas are accordingly proposed based on congruent phylogeographic and geological evidences: the South-Western, the South-Eastern, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Evidence was provided for the older isolation of the South-Western area in the Miocene during the Endorheic Drainages phase, designating a clearly defined and distinct ichthyogeographic area. A new molecular clock calibration is proposed for the subgenus Luciobarbus .  相似文献   

A karyological study of 15 taxa ofScorzonera L. from the Iberian Peninsula has been made. The chromosome numbers found inS. hispanica var.pinnatifida, S. baetica, S. reverchonii, S. angustifolia, S. laciniata var.calcitrapifolia and var.subulata (2n = 14) are new. Diploid cytotypes with 2n = 14 and 2n = 12 prevail, andS. hispanica var.crispatula is the only taxon which exhibits autopolyploidy (2n = 14, 28). x = 7 is considered to be the base chromosome number within the genus, with x = 6 being derived from it by translocation. This and detailed karyotype analyses allow to group the Iberian Peninsula species ofScorzonera into three groups.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Northern Iberian Peninsula is dominated by various types of vegetation from deciduous oak and ash to evergreen oak woodlands. A recent vegetation map of Spain portrays vegetation series which are characterized in terms of their phytogeographic region or bioclimatic (altitudinal) belt. The aim of this paper is to determine whether the areas comprised by both phytogeographic regions (Eurosiberian and Mediterranean) in the study area, as established from the phytogeographic characterization of the vegetation, can be discriminated by climatic variables using multivariate methods, and to compare these with other conventional approaches. In addition, bioclimatic (altitudinal) belts and the main vegetation types were tested for discrimination by climatic variables. Conventional climatic criteria as well as discriminant and principal component analysis were applied to climatic data from 205 meteorological stations for which vegetation information had been taken from the vegetation map. Conventional criteria are good predictors of the phytogeographic division (Mediterranean and Eurosiberian regions) in the study area. Results were improved by multiple discriminant analysis based on climatic data of the dry period of the year (June to September). Both regions in the study area can be predicted with over 95 % accuracy. Using the same multivariate procedure and temperature data the bioclimatic (altitudinal) belts of the study area can be predicted with over 90 % accuracy. The main vegetation groups of the study area can also be predicted with over 80 % accuracy. Ordination analysis supported the results of the discriminant analysis. Empirical models have been generated to predict the phytogeographic- and belt character of any station in the area. The significance of the various periods of the year for discriminating regions and belts is evaluated. The responsiveness to climatic events during the year may be region specific. This study confirms the strong relationship between climate and vegetation in the Northern Iberian Peninsula, particularly regarding the Eurosiberian-Mediterranean boundary.  相似文献   

The Iberian Peninsula represents a hot spot of cyphophthalmid (mite harvestman) disparity, with four of the eight genera currently recognized in the family Sironidae represented in the region – a generic diversity and morphological disparity not found in any other region of the World so far. From these, two genera (Iberosiro and Odontosiro) are monotypic, and are restricted to the western side of the peninsula. Parasiro is restricted to the north‐east region, from the Catalonian Coastal Ranges and both sides of the Eastern Pyrenees, in areas where the annual rainfall surpasses 1000 mm, and mostly restricted to areas with Paleozoic and Variscan rocks, with other species of the genus extending to Corsica, Sardinia, and the Italian Peninsula. A second species of the genus Paramiopsalis, Paramiopsalis eduardoi sp. nov. from Fragas do Eume, is described here along with a re‐diagnosis of the genus. Paramiopsalis species, together with Odontosiro, inhabit the north‐west corner of the Iberian Peninsula, an area with some of the highest recorded annual rainfall, and with Paleozoic rocks from the Iberian Massif or Variscan granitoid rocks. A phylogenetic analysis of the members of the family Sironidae using four molecular markers, despite not including all of the Iberian genera, clearly shows the non‐monophyly of the Iberian Cyphophthalmi, indicating that the Iberian Peninsula is home to multiple ancient lineages of mite harvestmen. The two Paramiopsalis species form a sister clade to the Balkan genus Cyphophthalmus, whereas Parasiro constitutes the first lineage of the sironids represented.  相似文献   

Aim Species distribution models have been used frequently to assess the effects of climate change on mountain biodiversity. However, the value and accuracy of these assessments have been hampered by the use of low‐resolution data for species distributions and climatic conditions. Herein we assess potential changes in the distribution and community composition of tree species in two mountainous regions of Spain under specific scenarios of climate change using data with a high spatial resolution. We also describe potential changes in species distributions and tree communities along the entire elevational gradient. Location Two mountain ranges in southern Europe: the Central Mountain Range (central west of the Iberian Peninsula), and the Iberian Mountain Range (central east). Methods We modelled current and future distributions of 15 tree species (Eurosiberian, sub‐Mediterranean and Mediterranean species) as functions of climate, lithology and availability of soil water using generalized linear models (logistic regression) and machine learning models (gradient boosting). Using multivariate ordination of a matrix of presence/absence of tree species obtained under two Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios (A2 and B2) for two different periods in the future (2041–70 and 2071–2100), we assessed the predicted changes in the composition of tree communities. Results The models predicted an upward migration of communities of Mediterranean trees to higher elevations and an associated decline in communities of temperate or cold‐adapted trees during the 21st century. It was predicted that 80–99% of the area that shows a climate suitable for cold–wet‐optimum Eurosiberian coniferous and broad‐leaved species will be lost. The largest overall changes were predicted for Mediterranean species found currently at low elevations, such as Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinaster, Quercus ilex ssp. ballota and Juniperus oxycedrus, with sharp increases in their range of 350%. Main conclusions It is likely that areas with climatic conditions suitable for cold‐adapted species will decrease significantly under climate warming. Large changes in species ranges and forest communities might occur, not only at high elevations within Mediterranean mountains but also along the entire elevational gradient throughout this region, particularly at low and mid‐elevations. Mediterranean mountains might lose their key role as refugia for cold‐adapted species and thus an important part of their genetic heritage.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants, and especially the emblematic genus Baldellia (Alismataceae), are among the most threatened organisms, due to unprecedented human-driven habitat destructions. Therefore protection plans are crucially needed and call for thoroughly documenting the genetic diversity and clarifying the taxonomy of this endangered genus. Our sampling included 282 individuals from 42 natural populations and covered the whole geographical range of the genus, across Europe and the Mediterranean. We combined sequencing of nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplastic trnL-ndhF regions with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genotyping to investigate the Alismataceae phylogeny, and produce a phylogeography of Baldellia. Our phylogeny strongly supported the monophyly of Baldellia and placed it as the sister clade to Luronium and Alisma, therefore excluding, as previously supposed, a close genetic relatedness to the predominantly neotropical genus Echinodorus. The phylogeography of Baldellia outlined patterns consistent with a hypothesis considering glacial refugia located in the Iberian Peninsula and the Italy/Balkan region from which two distinct genetic lineages re-colonized Europe. These two lineages corresponded respectively to Baldellia ranunculoides (Italy/Balkan derived populations) and Baldellia repens (populations recovered from the Iberian Peninsula refuge), therefore supporting differences outlined between the two taxa in previous ecological and morphological studies. These results allowed clarifying taxonomic uncertainties by confirming the genetic distinctness of B. repens according to B. ranunculoides. A third lineage, Baldellia alpestris, originated and remained endemic to the mountainous regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Unexpectedly, B. repens populations collected in northern Africa, appeared to be genetically distinct from their European counterparts, this calls for further investigation to fully address their genetic and conservation status. Finally, we detected a large hybridization zone in northwestern Europe between B. repens and B. ranunculoides. These results were discussed in light of conservation approaches for Baldellia populations.  相似文献   

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