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Studies were made about resting spores of Synchytrium solstitiale, a chytrid that causes false rust disease of yellow starthistle (YST). During evaluation of this fungus for biological control of YST, a protocol for resting spore germination was developed. Details of resting spore germination and study of long-term survival of the fungus were documented. Resting spores from dried leaves germinated after incubating them on water agar at least 7 d at 10-15 C. Resting spores were viable after storage in air-dried leaves more than 2 y at room temperature, suggesting they have a role in off-season and long-term survival of the fungus. Each resting spore produced a single sorus that contained a single sporangium, which on germination released zoospores through a pore. YST inoculated with germinated resting spores developed symptoms typical of false rust disease. All spore forms of S. solstitiale have been found to be functional, and the life cycle of S. solstitiale has been completed under controlled laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Resting spore galls differ from sporangial galls both morphologically and biologically, and in comparison, each sporangial gall cleaves into several sori and each sorus produces 5-25 sporangia that rupture during release of zoospores. For this reason S. solstitiale should be reclassified as diheterogallic sensu Karling (Am J Bot 42:540-545). Because resting spores function as prosori and produce an external sorus, S. solstitiale is best placed in into the subgenus Exosynchytrium.  相似文献   

Studying the bacteria of hazardous insects allows the opportunity to find potentially better biological control agents. Therefore, in this study, bacteria from summer chafer (Amphimallon solstitiale L., Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) we isolated and identified the insecticidal effects of bacteria isolated from A. solstitiale and Melolontha melolontha L. (common cockchafer, Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and the mixtures of these bacterial isolates were investigated on A. solstitiale larvae. Crystals from Bacillus sp. isolated from M. melolontha were also purified, and tested against the second and third-stage larvae of A. solstitiale. The bacterial isolates of A. solstitiale were identified as Pseudomonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus cereus and Micrococcus luteus, based on their morphology, spore formation, nutritional features, and physiological and biochemical characteristics. The insecticidal effects of the bacterial isolates determined on the larvae of A. solstitiale were 90% with B. cereus isolated from A. solstitiale, and 75% with B. cereus, B. sphaericus and B. thuringiensis isolated from M. melolontha within ten days. The highest insecticidal effects of the mixed infections on the larvae of A. solstitiale were 100% both with B. cereus+B. sphaericus and with B. cereus+B. thuringiensis. In the crystal protein bioassays, the highest insecticidal effect was 65% with crystals of B. thuringiensis and B. sphaericus isolated from M. melolontha within seven days. Finally, our results showed that the mixed infections could be utilized as microbial control agents, as they have a 100% insecticidal effect on the larvae of A. solstitiale.  相似文献   

Germination of resting spores is described in 2 Synchytrium species viz. Synchytrium lagenariae Mhatre and Mundkur and S. trichosanthidis Mhatre and Mundkur, parasitic on cucurbitaceous hosts. The resting spores of both species behave as prosorus in germination giving rise to an attached superficial sorus of sporangia. Several anomalies observed in germination are briefly described. Efficacy of methods inducing germination is discussed relative to the field conditions.  相似文献   

Ontogenic development and germination of prosorus were traced in 2 species of Synchytrium viz. Synchytrium lagenariae Mhatre & Mundkur and Synchytrium trichosanthidis Mhatre & Mundkur parasitic on cucurbitaceous hosts (Lagenaria siceraria Mol. & Standl. and Trichosanthes anguina L.). Both species showed close similarities in the sequence of prosorus development and germination. Taxonomy of the 2 species in relation to prosoral development and germination is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species to science, Hypolytrum subcompositus is described from Kodmin in South West Cameroon. The species is distinct from other African species and appears to have no close relatives. It is a fairly large perennial with a short erect rhizome with many crowded leaves at its end, and (below the leaves) 1–3 lateral culms carrying reduced leaves and a terminal cinnamon-whitish rather congested inflorescence.  相似文献   

Carex damiaoshanensis X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng, a new species of Cyperaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. This new species resembles C. scaposa C. B. Clarke in its arundinaceous leaves and spikes arranged in a compound panicle, but differs from the latter in having glabrous culms, cauline leaves, and rachises of secondary inflorescences, panicle with fewer secondary inflorescences, and spikes with sparse pistillate flowers. Micromorphology of culms, cauline leaves, peduncles of secondary inflorescences, and achenes under SEM supports the recognition of this new species as well.  相似文献   

描述了我国广西大苗山莎草科Cyperaceae一新种——大苗山薹草Carex damiaoshanensis X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng。本种形态上与花葶薹草C. scaposa C. B. Clarke接近, 区别主要在秆、秆生叶和支花序轴均无毛, 支花序数较少, 小穗疏生雌花。对秆、支花序梗、秆生叶和小坚果扫描电镜观察也显示了这二者的区别。  相似文献   

The development of resting spores in 2 Synchytrium species namely Synchytrium lagenariae Mhatre and Mundkur and S. trichosanthidis Mhatre and Mundkur parasitic on cucurbitaceous hosts has been studied. Both the species have a similar pattern of development and do not exhibit gross variation in their sequence and mode of development.  相似文献   

Linocarpon species are reported from Pandanaceae in Australia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Seychelles, Thailand and Vanuatu. Linocarpon lammiae sp. nov. were collected on decaying leaves of Pandanus tectorius in Hong Kong. Linocarpon siamensis sp. nov. and L. suthepensis sp. nov. were collected from decaying leaves of P. penetrans in Thailand. These taxa are described, illustrated and compared with Linocarpon species with similar ascospore morphology and dimensions. Included are a synoptic table, which compares the new species to similar known species, and a dichotomous key to species of Linocarpon known from members of the Pandanaceae.  相似文献   

A new species of Plagiomnium (Mniaceae), P. guizhouense Y.-J.Yi & S.He from Guizhou, China is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to P. affine in having spinosely serrate leaf margins with teeth consisting of up to 4 or more cells, a broadly elliptic leaf shape, and a decurrent leaf base, but is distinguished from the latter species by having a cuspidate leaf apex, broader marginal differentiation with borders consisting of 4–5 rows of linear, thick-walled cells, strongly ciliate marginal teeth that are sometimes branched and up to 7 cells long in upper fertile stem leaves and perichaetial leaves, and a much shorter leaf costa that ends just above mid-leaf in the lower leaves.  相似文献   

Abstract  A new species of Frankliniella Karny, probably introduced to Australia from the Caribbean area, is described here as causing feeding damage to the young leaves of Lantana in south-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales. The new species is unusual within this large, primarily Neotropical genus, in that it feeds only on leaves, not in flowers, and that adult females are either apterous or fully winged. Only 10 of the 160 described species of Frankliniella are known to exhibit wing reduction, and notes are given on these together with notes on the seven species of the genus that are not endemic to the New World. Life history studies, including sex and morph ratios, indicate that egg to adult can require as little as 12 d, but despite breeding well in greenhouses, the species is not known to develop large populations in the field in Australia.  相似文献   

Manihot allemii M. J. Silva is described and illustrated as a new species, and its morphological affinities and conservation status is discussed. It is most similar to M. salicifolia Pohl in having a subshrubby and erect habit and in the general aspect of its unlobed leaves, but differs from it in having leaves that are conspicuously petiolate, an inflorescence that is a congested spike‐like thyrse, entire and diminute bracts and bracteoles subtending flowers of both sexes, pistillate calyx that is deeply lobed with oblong lobes, and staminate flowers with 8 or 10 stamens. Both species belong to a group of 14 species recognized by their possession of entire and unlobed leaves, which are the subject of taxonomic studies by the second author. Some notes on the leaf anatomy of species of Manihot that have entire and unlobed leaves are also presented.  相似文献   

Further evidence on the origin of the cultivated winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) is presented. Recent evidence concerning chromosome numbers of previously unavailable species in the genus and observational evidence of false rust (Synchytrium psophocarpi (Rac.) Gäumann) onP. grandiflorus Wilczek in Zaïre is discussed. Consideration includes previously published studies on morphology and cytology to support an African center of origin and points toP. grandiflorus as the progenitor species of the cultivated winged bean.  相似文献   

中国珍珠菜属(报春花科)一新种——右旋过路黄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新种右旋过路黄Lysimachia dextrorsiflora X. P. Zhang, X. H. Guo &; J. W. Shao进行了描述和绘图。该新种产于中国安徽和福建, 因茎匍匐, 叶对生, 花黄色, 单生叶腋与过路黄L. christinae Hance近缘, 但其花冠裂片在蕾期右旋(顺时针)旋转排列(俯视), 花梗通常长于叶片与叶柄长之和, 花期4月初至5月初而不同。  相似文献   

描述了苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)石蝴蝶属(Petrocosmea Oliv.)一新种——黄斑石蝴蝶(P.xanthomaculata G.Q.Gou et X.Y.Wang)。新种与贵州石蝴蝶(P.cavaleriei Lévl.)相近,但叶多数,20~40枚,叶基心形,花冠白色,在裂片之间具明显黄色斑纹,苞片小,长约1 mm,花柱除上部外密被开展的白色长柔毛而不同。  相似文献   

越南铁线莲属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文描述的产于越南的毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis一新种C. hagiangensis N. T. Do是欧亚大陆第一个具单性花的种, 在花构造方面与单性铁线莲组单性铁线莲亚组sect. Aspidanthera Spach subsect. Dioicae (Prantl) W. T. Wang的种类近缘, 但叶均为单叶, 萼片呈卵形或宽卵形而不同。在单性铁线莲亚组的种, 叶通常为复叶, 只在C. dimorphophylla W. T. Wang和C. variifolia W. T. Wang同时为单叶和复叶, 此外萼片呈长圆形、倒披针形或狭卵形。  相似文献   

Didymodon mesopapillosus J. Kou, X.‐M. Shao & C. Feng is described and illustrated as a new species from Tibet, China. It is characterized mainly by its ovate to ovate‐lanceolate leaves appressed to weakly erect when dry, margins recurved from leaf base to apex, laminal cell superficial walls markedly thicker than the internal walls, laminal papillae present only on both sides of costa, short‐excurrent costa, undifferentiated basal cells and differentiated perichaetial leaves. This species is compared with similar species and its ecology is discussed.  相似文献   

Andromeda is recorded for the first time in north eastern China near the border between China and DPR Korea. This monotypic genus is widely distributed in Northern America, Europe, and Northern Asia but has not been reported in China before. The genus and species, A.polifolia, is described, and the pictures of the plant and its habitats are presented. Also in this paper, a new species, Clematis peii from Xishuangbanna, southern Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to sect. Clematis and is closely related to C.chingii, but differs in its ternate leaves with nearly entire leaf margin and long anthers (nearly 3mm long) with protruding connectives. Other close allies with ternate leaves were also compared in this study.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):56-68

A new species of Pseudocrossidium R.S.Williams, P. exiguum M.J.Cano &; J.A.Jiménez, is described from South America (Argentina, Brazil and Peru). The species is distinguished morphologically by its lingulate to oblong-ovate leaves, leaf marginal cells not or scarcely differentiated from inner, costa ending below apex or percurrent, and semicircular to elliptical in cross-section with two guide cells, scarcely differentiated perichaetial leaves and peristome of short and straight teeth. Drawings and light microscope photographs of the new species are provided. The principal distinctive characters that separate it from the nearest species of Pseudocrossidium and related genera are discussed.  相似文献   

Microstachys crassifolia, a new species from Chapada dos Veadeiros region in the State of Goias, central Brazil, is here described and illustrated. Its habit and general morphology resembles that of M. nana Silva & Esser, an endemic species from the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. Both species are hemicryptophytes from grasslands, with a well‐developed underground system, glabrous leaves and reddish inflorescences and fruits, but M. crassifolia has fleshy leaves without glands while M. nana has membranaceous leaves with pateliform, submarginal glands.  相似文献   

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