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Surveys for symbiotic fungi in the guts of aquatic insect larvae (Trichomycetes: Harpellales) in Tasmania, Australia, resulted in the discovery of four new species: two in Gripopterygidae (Plecoptera) nymphs, Plecopteromyces leptoperlarum and P. trinotoperlarum, and two associated with Diptera larvae, Smittium magnosporum in Thaumaleidae and Stachylina dolichospora in Chironomidae. Previously described species of Harpellales from other localities are reported and new host records summarized. A key to all Tasmanian species of Harpellales is provided.  相似文献   

Summary The metabolic effect of hypoxia and anoxia on the larvae ofChironomus thummi andCulex pipiens was investigated. InC. thummi anoxia resulted in a characteristic decrease of ATP and P-arginine concentrations and in an accumulation of alanine and lactate within 60 minutes. These changes continued during prolonged incubation but at lower rates. Ethanol, the major product during long-term anoxia, was largely excreted into the ambient water.A significant accumulation of these metabolites occurred only at a of 7 Torr. However, the proportion of anaerobic energy production even at this low amounted to less than 5% of the total energy consumption measured during experimental anoxia. Thus the chironomid larvae exhibited a remarkable capacity for utilizing very low levels of oxygen to maintain an aerobic metabolism. Complete anaerobiosis was observed only under anoxic conditions.Recovery from prior anoxia began with the reestablishment of normal ATP, P-arginine and succinate concentrations, whereas removal of the accumulated alanine and lactate and replenishment of the normally high level of malate required several hours. Culex larvae were shown to have a very low anaerobic capacity and a high rate of lactate accumulation.The significance of the results is discussed with particular emphasis on comparative aspects.  相似文献   

Lichtwardt RW 《Mycologia》2011,103(4):912-914
A new genus of gut fungus in the Harpellales (Trichomycetes) with the type species Dacryodiomyces oklahomensis, found in Chironomidae larvae, is described from northeastern Oklahoma, USA. The most distinguishing characters are the elongate-ovoid zygospores attached to their zygosporophore at one end (Type IV), together with trichospores bearing a collar and a single appendage.  相似文献   

Klastostachys reflexa, a new genus and species combination in the Harpellales, is established herein based on Stachylina reflexa, which was described in 1988. This gut fungus was found attached to the peritrophic matrix of small bloodworms, Cryptochironomus sp. (Chironomidae), in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA. Klastostachys resembles Stachylina, a genus common in Chironomidae, but the unbranched thalli of Klastostachys disarticulate and disperse with the trichospores remaining attached to their generative cells. This manner of dissemination is unusual among Harpellales, being noted also for Carouxella spp., but members of that genus have zygospores attached at one pole to the zygosporophore (Type IV), whereas Klastostachys zygospores are medially attached to the zygosporophore at right angles (Type I).  相似文献   

水生双翅目昆虫是监测水体重金属污染的理想对象。文章归纳用于监测重金属污染的水生双翅目昆虫的种类,重点介绍水生双翅目昆虫在重金属污染下外部形态、内部结构、生化及分子水平的变化,以及相关生物标志物的研究,为水生双翅目昆虫用于水体重金属污染的生物监测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The attachment of propagules of aquatic fungi often takes place under turbulent conditions, i.e. spores of marine lignicolous fungi and conidia of freshwater Hyphomycetes. It has been demonstrated that attachment in Lemonniera aquatica is effected by three arms of the conidium making contact with the surface and forming appressoria. In this study the mechanisms of attachment of conidia of 10 aquatic Hyphomycetes to a variety of natural and artificial substrata were followed at the light microscope and scanning electron microscope levels.Five species produced appressoria, while in the remaining species attachment and subsequent retention to the substratum was effected solely by the production of mucilage. Examination of selected appressorium-forming species in the transmission electron microscope showed that conidium attachment involved the production of mucilage in the regions of initial contact and only then were appressoria formed. The ecological significance of appresoiria to the aquatic Hyphomycetes is discussed.  相似文献   

Fungal biodiversity in freshwater, brackish and marine habitats was estimated based on reports in the literature. The taxonomic groups treated were those with species commonly found on submerged substrates in aquatic habitats: Ascomycetes (exclusive of yeasts), Basidiomycetes, Chytridiomycetes, and the non-fungal Saprolegniales in the Class Oomycetes. Based on presence/absence data for a large number and variety of aquatic habitats, about 3,000 fungal species and 138 saprolegnialean species have been reported from aquatic habitats. The greatest number of taxa comprise the Ascomycetes, including mitosporic taxa, and Chytridiomycetes. Taxa of Basidiomycetes are, for the most part, excluded from aquatic habitats. The greatest biodiversity for all groups occurs in temperate areas, followed by Asian tropical areas. This pattern may be an artifact of the location of most of the sampling effort. The least sampled geographic areas include Africa, Australia, China, South America and boreal and tropical regions worldwide. Some species overlap occurs among terrestrial and freshwater taxa but little species overlap occurs among freshwater and marine taxa. We predict that many species remain to be discovered in aquatic habitats given the few taxonomic specialists studying these fungi, the few substrate types studied intensively, and the vast geographical area not yet sampled.  相似文献   

Larvae of the chironomid Stictochironomus pictulus were collected from Lake Biwa, central Japan. Both the fatty acid composition of the total lipid fraction and the carbon stable isotope ratios of whole larvae were determined. Larvae showed δ13C values of −57.4‰ to −62.4‰, similar to the values of methane recorded from the lake sediments. A high level of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs; approximately 50% of total fatty acids) and an extremely low level of n-3 series polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the total lipids of S. pictulus indicated a predominantly bacterial nutrition for this species. Moreover, chironomid tissues contained large amounts of the Type I methanotroph group-specific fatty acid, 16:1(n-8) (approximately 8% of total fatty acids). This is the first time such a fatty acid biomarker has been described from freshwater invertebrates. The data suggest that S. pictulus larvae directly feed upon methanotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

The massive environmentally buffered nests of some social insects can contain millions of individuals and a wide variety of parasites, commensals and mutualists. We suggest that the ways in which these homeostatic fortress environments affect the evolution of social insect symbionts are relevant for epidemiology, evolutionary biology and macroecology. We contend that specialized parasites will tend to become less virulent and mutualists less cooperative, compared to those associated with solitary or small-colony hosts. These processes are expected to contribute to the very high symbiont diversity observed in these nests. We hypothesize that biodiversity gradients in these hotspots might be less affected by abiotic latitudinal clines than gradients in neighboring 'control' habitats. We suggest several research lines to test these ideas.  相似文献   

昆虫共生菌的次级代谢产物研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物与昆虫的共生是一种普遍现象,昆虫种类繁多,与昆虫共生的微生物也多种多样。昆虫共生菌是活性次生代谢产物的重要来源。本文对自2008年以来已报道的177个昆虫共生菌的次级代谢产物进行了统计和分析,结果表明:61.6%的化合物为新天然产物(生物碱类新化合物最多),其中,约75%的新化合物来源于昆虫共生真菌,25%来源于细菌;醌酮类化合物是昆虫共生菌源天然产物的主要结构类型,占23.2%;47.5%的化合物具有显著的抗肿瘤、抗菌、除草和抗氧化等生物活性,且化合物中的主要活性类型是抗菌和抗肿瘤活性,活性范围覆盖面最广的结构类型是生物碱类。以上结果表明昆虫共生菌的次级代谢产物是先导性化合物的重要来源且具有丰富的生物活性类型。本文以天然产物的结构分类为切入点,结合其研究菌株来源、生物活性等进行综述,旨在为充分挖掘昆虫共生菌次级代谢产物提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Valle LG  Santamaria S 《Mycologia》2004,96(3):682-701
A study of larval Diptera (Chironomidae, Culicidae and Simuliidae) from Spain has been carried out to fulfill a catalogue of species of the genus Smittium (Harpellales: Legeriomycetaceae) present within these hosts. Among the reported taxa, eight are new species: Smittium brevisporum, S. bulbosporo-phorus, S. gracilis, S. hecatei, S. heterosporum, S. inex-pectans, S. prostratum and S. pseudodimorphum. We also report six previously described species, which are new for the Iberian Peninsula: S. alpinum, S. dipterorum, S. megazygosporum, S. pusillum, S. typhellum and S. fecundum. Three other species (S. simulii, S. culicis and S. culisetae) previously were reported from Spain. In two of them (S. fecundum and S. culicis), we describe for the first time the presence of zygospores. Some of the included species have been artificially cultured as well as ultrastructurally studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), with the purpose of observing the surface of both trichospores and the trichospore collar and the morphology of the trichospore appendage.  相似文献   

Siri A  Marti GA  López Lastra CC 《Mycologia》2008,100(3):381-386
Harpellales (Zygomycota: Trichomycetes) fungi are cosmopolitan obligate inhabitants of the gut of immature insects. A biweekly survey of gut fungi associated with chironomid (Chironomidae: Diptera) larvae living in the impounded water from Eryngium cabrerae (Apiaceae) phytotelmata from Punta Lara forest, Argentina, was done Jan 2003-Dec 2004. Two species of Harpellales were associated with chironomid larvae, Smittium phytotelmatum in the hindgut of Polypedilum sp. and Stachylina lentica in the midgut of both Polypedilum sp. and Metriocnemus eryngiotelmatus. No statistically significant differences were recorded in the prevalence of these Harpellales between seasons. Environmental variables (temperature, rainfall and relative humidity), impounded water volume, pH and chironomid larval density did not have an effect on the prevalence of the Trichomycetes.  相似文献   

The fungus Harpella melusinae (Harpellales: Trichomycetes) is obligately associated with the midguts of larval Simuliidae (Diptera). The level of infestation of a population of Simulium ornatum by H. melusinae was monitored at a stream in Hampshire, England. Significant temporal changes in the level of infestation were recorded during monthly and weekly collections; a twenty-fold increase being recorded over a nine-day period. Possible mechanisms by which these changes occur are discussed.  相似文献   

Many plant species are characterized by a life cycle with a long-lived, subterranean phase that is completely dependent on mycorrhizal fungal symbionts for fixed carbon. This type of life cycle is both phylogenetically and ecologically widespread and is found in diverse vascular plant lineages from the tropics to subalpine meadows. Here we report on the molecular identities of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with the autotrophic and underground mycoheterotrophic life cycle phases of the ferns Botrychium crenulatum and B. lanceolatum. We show that the Glomus taxa found in the mycoheterotrophic life cycle phases of B. crenulatum and B. lanceolatum are also found in conspecific and heterospecific photosynthetic neighboring plants. From our DNA sequence data, we infer carbon flow from photosynthetic plants to mycoheterotrophic plants through shared glomalean fungal networks. Finally, our phylogenetic analyses identify a major Glomus clade that forms associations with mycoheterotrophic life cycle stages of B. crenulatum and B. lanceolatum.  相似文献   

White MM  Siri A  Lichtwardt RW 《Mycologia》2006,98(2):333-352
Collections of trichomycete symbionts of larval aquatic insects in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and vicinity in the southern Appalachian region of the USA resulted in finding many taxa of Harpellales, including an unusual new monotypic genus, Barbatospora ambicaudata in Simuliidae, and five new species in Thaumaleidae or Chironomidae, Harpellomyces montanus, Smittium lentaquaticum, Sm. minutisporum, Stachylina gravicaudata and St. stenospora. In addition a new species of Amoebidium (Amoebidiales), A. appalachense, attached to the anal tubules of bloodworms (Chironomidae) is described. Axenic cultures of three of the new taxa were obtained, plus Sm. culisetae. Fourteen identified species representing 13 genera of previously known Harpellales are recorded from Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera and Diptera, as well as a new Dipteran host record for an unidentified harpellid that was found in a Blephariceridae. Also identified were Paramoebidium corpulentum and many undetermined species of Paramoebidium (Amoebidiales) from four orders of aquatic insect larvae. The occurrence of an Enterobryus species in Diplopoda and another Eccrinales from an aquatic beetle is noted. Amoebidiales,  相似文献   

Scale insects are commonly associated with obligate, intracellular microorganisms which play important roles in complementing their hosts with essential nutrients. Here we characterized the symbiotic system of Greenisca brachypodii, a member of the family Eriococcidae. Histological and ultrastructural analyses have indicated that G. brachypodii is stably associated with coccoid and rod‐shaped bacteria. Phylogenetic analyses have revealed that the coccoid bacteria represent a sister group to the secondary symbiont of the mealybug Melanococcus albizziae, whereas the rod‐shaped symbionts are close relatives of Arsenophonus symbionts in insects – to our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of Arsenophonus bacterium in scale insects. As a comparison of 16S and 23S rRNA genes sequences of the G. brachypodii coccoid symbiont with other gammaprotebacterial sequences showed only low similarity (~90%), we propose the name ‘Candidatus Kotejella greeniscae’ for its tentative classification. Both symbionts are transovarially transmitted from one generation to the next. The infection takes place in the neck region of the ovariole. The bacteria migrate between follicular cells, as well as through the cytoplasm of those cells to the perivitelline space, where they form a characteristic ‘symbiont ball’. Our findings provide evidence for a polyphyletic origin of symbionts of Eriococcidae.  相似文献   

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