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The effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor overexpression on ligand-induced EGF receptor downregulation was examined using a hepatoma-derived cell line, PLC/PRF/5, which expresses normal amounts of the EGF receptor, and a subline, NPLC/PRF/5, which expresses 10-fold more receptors at its cell surface. PLC/PRF/5 cells efficiently downregulated surface receptor levels upon exposure to saturating and subsaturating concentrations of EGF; the rate of receptor downregulation corresponded to that of ligand-receptor internalization. Upon internalization, EGF receptors were degraded and receptor biosynthesis remained at basal levels. EGF surface receptor remained downregulated for as long as cells were exposed to EGF. By contrast, surface EGF receptor abundance in NPLC/PRF/5 cells decreased by only 5-15% after 1-4 h incubation with subsaturating doses of EGF and actually increased by 67% within 20 h. Exposure of these cells to saturating concentrations of EGF induced modest decreases in surface receptor abundance during the initial 12 h incubation, followed by a progressive decline to 30% of initial values by 24 h. Relative ligand-receptor internalization rates in NPLC/PRF/5 cells were lower than those in PLC/PRF/5, although their surface receptor population was even higher than that predicted by the decreased internalization rates. EGF receptor degradation in NPLC/PRF/5 cells was also inhibited; exposure to saturating levels of EGF for more than 16 h was necessary before significant degradation occurred. Receptor protein and mRNA biosynthesis in NPLC/PRF/5 were stimulated by 8 h exposure to EGF but when saturating concentrations of EGF were present for 16 h, receptor biosynthesis was inhibited. EGF receptor overexpression circumvents the downregulatory effect of EGF by decreasing the rate of receptor internalization, inhibiting degradation of the internalized receptor pool, and stimulating EGF receptor biosynthesis. Conversely, receptor downregulation becomes pronounced at late times when receptor degradation is high and biosynthesis is inhibited.  相似文献   

Signaling from the EGF receptor (EGFR) can trigger the differentiation of a wide variety of cell types in many animal species. We have explored the mechanisms that generate this diversity using the Drosophila peripheral nervous system. In this context, Spitz (SPI) ligand can induce two alternative cell fates from the dorsolateral ectoderm: chordotonal sensory organs and non-neural oenocytes. We show that the overall number of both cell types that are induced is controlled by the degree of EGFR signaling. In addition, the spalt (sal) gene is identified as a critical component of the oenocyte/chordotonal fate switch. Genetic and expression analyses indicate that the SAL zinc-finger protein promotes oenocyte formation and supresses chordotonal organ induction by acting both downstream and in parallel to the EGFR. To explain these findings, we propose a prime-and-respond model. Here, sal functions prior to signaling as a necessary but not sufficient component of the oenocyte prepattern that also serves to raise the apparent threshold for induction by SPI. Subsequently, sal-dependent SAL upregulation is triggered as part of the oenocyte-specific EGFR response. Thus, a combination of SAL in the responding nucleus and increased SPI ligand production sets the binary cell-fate switch in favour of oenocytes. Together, these studies help to explain how one generic signaling pathway can trigger the differentiation of two distinct cell types.  相似文献   

Li X  Huang Y  Jiang J  Frank SJ 《Cellular signalling》2008,20(11):2145-2155
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) signaling is critical in normal and aberrant cellular behavior. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) mediates important downstream aspects of EGF signaling. Additionally, EGFR undergoes MEK1-dependent ERK consensus site phosphorylation in response to EGF or cytokines such as growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL). GH- or PRL-induced EGFR phosphorylation alters subsequent EGF-induced EGFR downregulation and signal characteristics in an ERK-dependent fashion. We now use reconstitution to study mutation of the sole EGFR ERK phosphorylation consensus residue, (669)T. CHO-GHR cells, which lack EGFR and express GHR, were stably transfected to express human wild-type or T669A ((669)T changed to alanine) EGFRs at similar abundance. Treatment of cells with GH or EGF caused phosphorylation of WT, but not T669A EGFR, in an ERK activity-dependent fashion that was detected with an antibody that recognizes phosphorylation of ERK consensus sites, indicating that (669)T is required for this phosphorylation. Notably, EGF-induced downregulation of EGFR abundance was much more rapid in cells expressing EGFR T669A vs. WT EGFR. Further, pretreatment with the MEK1/ERK inhibitor PD98059 enhanced EGF-induced EGFR loss in cells expressing WT EGFR, but not EGFR T669A, suggesting that the ERK-dependent effects on EGFR downregulation required phosphorylation of (669)T. In signaling experiments, EGFR T669A displayed enhanced acute (15 min) EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation (reflecting EGFR kinase activity) compared to WT EGFR. Further, acute EGF-induced ubiquitination of WT EGFR was markedly enhanced by PD98059 pretreatment and was increased in EGFR T669A-expressing cells independent of PD98059. These signaling data suggest that ERK-mediated (669)T phosphorylation negatively modulates EGF-induced EGFR kinase activity. We furthered these investigations using a human fibrosarcoma cell line that endogenously expresses EGFR and ErbB-2 and also harbors an activating Ras mutation. In these cells, EGFR was constitutively detected with the ERK consensus site phosphorylation-specific antibody and EGF-induced EGFR downregulation was modest, but was substantially enhanced by pretreatment with MEK1/ERK inhibitor. Collectively, these data indicate that ERK activity, by phosphorylation of a threonine residue in the EGFR juxtamembrane cytoplasmic domain, modulates EGFR trafficking and signaling.  相似文献   

Retrotransposition amplifies LINE-1 (L1) to high copy number in mammalian genomes. The L1 protein encoded by ORF1 (ORF1p) is required for retrotransposition. This dependence on ORF1p was investigated by mutating three highly conserved residues, R238, R284 and Y318 to alanine, thereby inactivating retrotransposition. R284A and Y318A were rescued by further substituting the alanine with the appropriate conservative amino acid, e.g. lysine or phenylalanine, respectively, whereas R238K remained inactive. Quantification of the steady-state levels of L1 RNA and ORF1p failed to discriminate active from inactive variants, indicating loss of L1 retrotransposition resulted from loss of function rather than reduced expression. The two biochemical properties known for ORF1p are high-affinity RNA binding and nucleic acid chaperone activity. Only R238A/K exhibited significantly reduced RNA affinities. The nucleic acid chaperone activities of the remaining paired mutants were assessed by single-molecule DNA stretching and found to mirror retrotransposition activity. To further examine ORF1p chaperone function, their energetic barriers to DNA annealing and melting were derived from kinetic work. When plotted against each other, the ratio of these two activities distinguished functional from non-functional ORF1p variants. These findings enhance our understanding of the requirements for ORF1p in LINE-1 retrotransposition and, more generally, nucleic acid chaperone function.  相似文献   

RNF5 is a RING finger protein found to be important in the growth and development of Caenorhabditis elegans. The search for RNF5-associated proteins via a yeast two-hybrid screen identified a LIM-containing protein in C. elegans which shows homology with human paxillin. Here we demonstrate that the human homologue of RNF5 associates with the amino-terminal domain of paxillin, resulting in its ubiquitination. RNF5 requires intact RING and C-terminal domains to mediate paxillin ubiquitination. Whereas RNF5 mediates efficient ubiquitination of paxillin in vivo, protein extracts were required for in vitro ubiquitination, suggesting that additional modifications and/or an associated E3 ligase assist RNF5 targeting of paxillin ubiquitination. Mutant Ubc13 efficiently inhibits RNF5 ubiquitination, suggesting that RNF5 generates polychain ubiquitin of the K63 topology. Expression of RNF5 increases the cytoplasmic distribution of paxillin while decreasing its localization within focal adhesions, where it is primarily seen under normal growth. Concomitantly, RNF5 expression results in inhibition of cell motility. Via targeting of paxillin ubiquitination, which alters its localization, RNF5 emerges as a novel regulator of cell motility.  相似文献   

Ligand-induced activation of surface receptors, including the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), is followed by a desensitization process involving endocytosis and receptor degradation. c-Cbl, a tyrosine phosphorylation substrate shared by several signaling pathways, accelerates desensitization by recruiting EGFR and increasing receptor polyubiquitination. Here we demonstrate that the RING type zinc finger of c-Cbl is essential for ubiquitination and subsequent desensitization of EGFR. Mutagenesis of a single cysteine residue impaired the ability of c-Cbl to enhance both down-regulation and ubiquitination of EGFR in living cells, although the mutant retained binding to the activated receptor. Consequently, the mutant form of c-Cbl acquired a dominant inhibitory function and lost the ability to inhibit signaling downstream to EGFR. In vitro reconstitution of EGFR ubiquitination implies that the RING finger plays an essential direct role in ubiquitin ligation. Our results attribute to the RING finger of c-Cbl a causative role in endocytic sorting of EGFR and desensitization of signal transduction.  相似文献   

A unique genetic selection was devised at the HIS4 locus to address the mechanism of translation initiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and to probe sequence requirements at the normal translational initiator region that might participate in ribosomal recognition of the AUG start codon. The first AUG codon at the 5' end of the HIS4 message serves as the start site for translation, and the -3 and +4 nucleotide positions flanking this AUG (AXXAUGG) correspond to a eucaryotic consensus start region. Despite this similarity, direct selection for mutations that reduce or abolish ribosomal recognition of this region does not provide any insight into the functional nature of flanking nucleotides. The only mutations identified that affected recognition of this region were alterations in the AUG start codon. Among 150 spontaneous isolates, 26 were shown to contain mutations in the AUG start codon, including all +1 changes (CUG, GUG, and UUG), all +3 changes (AUA, AUC, and AUU), and one +2 change (ACG). These seven mutations of the AUG start codon, as well as AAG and AGG constructed in vitro, were assayed for their ability to support HIS4 expression. No codon other than AUG is physiologically relevant to translation initiation at HIS4 as determined by growth tests and quantitated in his4-lacZ fusion strains. These data and analysis of other his4 alleles are consistent with a mechanism of initiation at HIS4 as proposed in the scanning model whereby the first AUG codon nearest the 5' end of the message serves as the start site for translation and points to the AUG codon in S. cerevisiae as an important component for ribosomal recognition of the initiator region.  相似文献   

J L Goldstein  M S Brown  N J Stone 《Cell》1977,12(3):629-641
Study of the binding, internalization, and degradation of 125l-labeled low density lipoprotein (LDL) in human fibroblasts has disclosed a new mutant allele at the LDL receptor locus. This mutant allele, designated Rb+,io, specifies a receptor molecule that is able to bind 125l-LDL but is unable to facilitate the internalization of the receptor-bound lipoprotein. This allele has been identified through analysis of fibroblasts from four heterozygous relatives of patient J.D., the previously described subject with the clinical syndrome of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia whose fibroblasts bind but do not internalize 125l-LDL (Brown and Goldstein, 1976c).The current pedigree data reveal that J.D. is a genetic compound. From his father, he has inherited the Rb+,io allele. From his mother, J.D. has inherited the Rbo allele, a previously characterized mutant allele that specifies a receptor that is unable to bind LDL and hence is biochemically silent in J.D. Thus the only detectable receptors in the J.D. cells are the products of the Rb+,io allele that can bind, but not internalize, 125l-LDL. The demonstration that the LDL-binding and internalization defects do not complement one another in J.D. supports the conclusion that the mutations causing these two defects are allelic. This in turn suggests that the LDL receptor contains two functional sites on the same polypeptide chain-one that binds LDL and one that is necessary to mediate the internalization of the receptorbound lipoprotein.  相似文献   

MUS81-EME1 is a conserved structure-selective endonuclease with a preference for branched DNA substrates in vitro that correspond to intermediates of DNA repair. Cells lacking MUS81 or EME1 show defects in the repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICL) resulting in hypersensitivity to agents such as mitomycin C. In metazoans, a proportion of cellular MUS81-EME1 binds the SLX4 scaffold protein, which is itself instrumental for ICL repair. It was previously reported that mutations in SLX4 that abolished interaction with MUS81 affected ICL repair in human cells but not in murine cells. In this study we looked the other way around by pinpointing amino acid residues in MUS81 that when mutated abolish the interaction with SLX4. These mutations fully rescued the mitomycin C hypersensitivity of MUS81 knockout murine cells, but they were unable to rescue the sensitivity of two different human cell lines defective in MUS81. These data support an SLX4-dependent role for MUS81 in the repair, but not the induction of ICL-induced double-strand breaks. This study sheds light on the extent to which MUS81 function in ICL repair requires interaction with SLX4.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel protein (BERP) that is a specific partner for the tail domain of myosin V. Class V myosins are a family of molecular motors thought to interact via their unique C-terminal tails with specific proteins for the targeted transport of organelles. BERP is highly expressed in brain and contains an N-terminal RING finger, followed by a B-box zinc finger, a coiled-coil (RBCC domain), and a unique C-terminal beta-propeller domain. A yeast two-hybrid screening indicated that the C-terminal beta-propeller domain mediates binding to the tail of the class V myosin myr6 (myosin Vb). This interaction was confirmed by immunoprecipitation, which also demonstrated that BERP could associate with myosin Va, the product of the dilute gene. Like myosin Va, BERP is expressed in a punctate pattern in the cytoplasm as well as in the neurites and growth cones of PC12 cells. We also found that the RBCC domain of BERP is involved in protein dimerization. Stable expression of a mutant form of BERP lacking the myosin-binding domain but containing the dimerization domain resulted in defective PC12 cell spreading and prevented neurite outgrowth in response to nerve growth factor. Our studies present a novel interaction for the beta-propeller domain and provide evidence for a role for BERP in myosin V-mediated cargo transport.  相似文献   

Monoubiquitination of histone H2B is required for methylation of histone H3 on lysine 4 (K4), a modification associated with active chromatin. The identity of the cognate ubiquitin ligase is unknown. We identify Bre1 as an evolutionarily conserved RING finger protein required in vivo for both H2B ubiquitination and H3 K4 methylation. The RING domain of Bre1 is essential for both of these modifications as is Lge1 (Large 1), a protein required for cell size control that copurifies with Bre1. In cells lacking the euchromatin-associated histone variant H2A.Z, BRE1, RAD6, and LGE1 are each essential for cell viability, supporting redundant functions for H2B ubiquitination and H2A substitution in the formation of active chromatin. Notably, analysis of mutants demonstrates a function for Bre1/Lge1-dependent H2B monoubiquitination in the control of cell size.  相似文献   

H M Wang  M Collins  K Arai    A Miyajima 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(12):3677-3684
Interleukin 3 (IL-3) is a T cell-derived lymphokine that supports the growth and development of hematopoietic cells. Tyrosine phosphorylation has been suggested to play an important role in IL-3-dependent cell proliferation. To test whether a growth factor receptor carrying a tyrosine kinase can be functional in IL-3 dependent cells, we used a retroviral vector to introduce the human EGF receptor into a murine IL-3-dependent pre-mast cell line, IC2. The EGF receptors expressed on the infected clones bind EGF with both high and low affinities. EGF stimulates the infected cells for a short term growth response. In the presence of IL-3 and EGF, infected clones differentiate into more mature mast cells characterized by increases in intracellular granulation and histamine content. This differentiation is reversible when EGF is removed. EGF induces tyrosine phosphorylation of several cellular proteins and the expression of oncogenes c-fos and c-myc, in a manner analogous to IL-3 stimulation. These results indicate that the EGF receptor is functional in the pre-mast IC2 cells; EGF can support short-term proliferation and activates the signals that induce cell differentiation. Thus, EGF receptor-expressing IC2 cells provide a unique cellular system for in vitro study of mast cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinase receptors of the EGFR family play a significant role in vital cellular processes and in various cancers. EGFR members are unique among kinases, as the regulatory elements of their kinase domains are constitutively ready for catalysis. Nevertheless, the receptors are not constantly active. This apparent paradox has prompted us to seek mechanisms of regulation in EGFR's cytoplasmic domain that do not involve conformational changes of the kinase domain. Our computational analyses, based on the three-dimensional structure of EGFR's kinase domain suggest that direct contact between the kinase and a segment from the C-terminal regulatory domains inhibits enzymatic activity. EGFR activation would then involve temporal dissociation of this stable complex, for example, via ligand-induced contact formation between the extracellular domains, leading to the reorientation of the transmembrane and intracellular domains. The model provides an explanation at the molecular level for the effects of several cancer-causing EGFR mutations.  相似文献   

Cellular uptake, nuclear translocation, and chromatin binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the protein domain of the EGF surface receptor (MAb 425) and against the carbohydrate Y determinant on the EGF receptor (MAb Br 15-6A) were analyzed in cell lines that express surface EGF receptor. Both EGF and MAb 425 were translocated to the nucleus and bound in nondegraded form to the chromatin of all cells tested. MAb Br 15-6A was taken up only by SW 948 colorectal carcinoma cells which express EGF receptor whereas neither EGF nor MAb 425 was taken up by SW 707 colorectal carcinoma cells which do not express EGF receptor. MAb 425 immunoprecipitated a 230- to 250-kDa chromatin protein, which appears to be the EGF chromatin receptor. EGF was localized in a single EcoRI DNA fragment suggesting that the chromatin binding was highly specific. Binding of EGF to primarily DNase II-sensitive chromatin regions protected these regions from nuclease action. The role of growth factor binding to chromatin in neoplastic transformation is discussed.  相似文献   

Ellipse alleles are mutations of the EGF-receptor homologue that reduce the number of ommatidia in the eye imaginal disc. Cobalt sulfide staining, expression of hairy and scabrous proteins, and mosaic analysis indicated that Elp mutations affect ommatidial precluster formation in the morphogenetic furrow. BrdU incorporation studies suggest that cells diverted from precluster formation instead enter S-phase after the morphogenetic furrow. Genetic studies suggest that the DER has multiple functions during eye development and that several recessive hypomorphic alleles affect another aspect of DER function that is required after precluster formation. Elp mutations show genetic interactions with the neurogenic mutations Notch and Delta. The small number of ommatidia that differentiate in Elp/Elp are separated more than in wildtype and have been studied to investigate what aspects of ommatidium development are intrinsic to the ommatidium itself. It appears that each developing ommatidium cues the determination of photoreceptors, cone cells, and primary pigment cells, but that the secondary and tertiary pigment cells, and the mechanosensory bristles, can form independently. The normal rotation of ommatidia in the dorsal-ventral axis does not require the presence of the ommatidial array. A short-range signal from a nearby ommatidium is important for mitosis. Cells not close to an ommatidium do not go through mitosis and many die.  相似文献   

We molecularly cloned the src coding region of tsNY68, a mutant of Rous sarcoma virus temperature sensitive (ts) for transformation, and constructed a series of ts wild-type recombinant src genes. DNA containing the hybrid genes was transfected into chicken cells together with viral vector DNA and helper viral DNA, and infectious transforming viruses were recovered. Characterization of these recombinant viruses indicated that at least two mutations are present in the 3' half of the mutant src gene, both of which are required for ts. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed three differences in the deduced amino acid sequence compared with the parental virus. Two of these changes, a deletion of amino acids 352 to 354 and an amino acid substitution at position 461, are responsible for the ts phenotype.  相似文献   

The arenavirus small RING finger Z protein is the main driving force of arenavirus budding. The primary structure of Z is devoid of hydrophobic transmembrane domains, but both lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and Lassa fever virus Z proteins accumulate near the inner surface of the plasma membrane and are strongly membrane associated. All known arenavirus Z proteins contain a glycine (G) at position 2, which is a potential acceptor site for a myristoyl moiety. Metabolic labeling showed incorporation of [(3)H]myristic acid by wild-type Z protein but not by the G2A mutant. The mutation G2A eliminated Z-mediated budding. Likewise, treatment with the myristoylation inhibitor 2-hydroxymyristic acid inhibited Z-mediated budding, eliminated formation of virus-like particles, and caused a dramatic reduction in virus production in LCMV-infected cells. Budding activity was restored in G2A mutant Z proteins by the addition of the myristoylation domain of the tyrosine protein kinase Src to their N termini. These findings indicate N-terminal myristoylation of Z plays a key role in arenavirus budding.  相似文献   

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