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目前,深部真菌感染已是临床治疗各类严重基础疾病所面临的最棘手的问题,如许多免疫力低下的疾病、器官移植和假丝酵母(又称念珠菌)性阴道炎等.  相似文献   

本文研究了一株从水果表皮分离到的假丝酵母,它与至今已发表的所有已知假丝酵母均不相同,定名为北京假丝酵母(Candida beijingensis)。  相似文献   

热带假丝酵母Candida tropicalis (Castellani )Berkhout和麦芽糖假丝酵母C. maltosaKomagata, Nakase & Katsuya是两种可利用烃类作为碳和能量来源的酵母菌,前者还是一种条件致病菌,可引起系统感染。这两种假丝酵母菌在形态和生理生化性状上非常相似,用常规分类方法不易准确地鉴别。本研究对C. Tropicalis和C maltosa的模式菌株以及中国普通微生物菌种保藏中心(CGMCC)保藏的归于这两个种名下的其它菌株进行了脉冲电泳核型比较分析。发现这两个表型相似的种具有明显不同的染色体DNA分子带型,而同一种内的不同菌株却具有相同或相似的分子核型。C.Tropicalis的特异染色体DNA分子带谱为2条8.5—1.2 Mb的带, 4条2.3-3.4 Mb的带。 C maltosa的特异带谱为: 3~4条分子量在1.1-1.3Mb范围内的带, 1条约为2.2Mb的带以及2-3条大小为3.2-3.5Mb的带。 C tropicalis与C maltosa在染色体DNA分子带型上的差异与二者在可溶性淀粉的同化能力和40℃下的生长能力上的差异具有明显的相关性…  相似文献   

报道一种适用于产朊假丝酵母Candida utilis的基因敲除系统,利用该敲除系统获得gsh1基因敲除杂合突变株。根据不同种属酵母菌γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶(γ-GCS)蛋白质的保守序列,克隆C.utilis SZU 07-01的gsh1基因;以商品化质粒pPICZalpha A为基础,构建gsh1基因的敲除载体pPICZalpha A-kan 3,其中,kan基因的启动子TEF被替换为来自于C.utilis SZU 07-01的GAP启动子(pGAP:kan)。质粒电转化C.utilis,获得gsh1基因敲除杂合突变株C.utilis GSH-6。结合发酵培养得到的数据进行分析,突变株的γ-GCS酶活比出发菌株降低17.5%,GSH合成量降低61%,细胞干重降低18.5%。所构建敲除组件pGAP:kan的成功应用为从分子水平研究C.utilis中谷胱甘肽(GSH)的生理功能提供了一种新借鉴。  相似文献   

假丝酵母尿酸酶形成条件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选出了一株产尿酸酶的产朊候丝酵母(Candida utilis)AS2.117。此菌株尿酸酶形成条件的研究表明:尿酸、黄嘌呤和鸟嘌呤对酶形成起诱导作用;玉米浆对菌株生长和酶形成起十分重要的作用;蔗糖、葡萄塘、D-甘露糖和果糖是酶形成的适合碳源;生物素对酶产生有促进作用;在含有玉米浆培养基中加入无机氮源对产酶无作用,添加有机氮略增加产酶量。尿酸酶形成最适培养基组成为(%):蔗糖;,玉米浆3,尿酸0.1,蛋白胨0.1,生物素0.05,KCI0.1,NaCl 0.1。最适pH为6.2。在250ml三角瓶中装30ml培养基为最适。在200r/min的旋转摇床上25℃振荡培养21h,在此条件下最终酶活力可达0.6u/ml。  相似文献   

用分光光度法测定了4株郎比可假丝酵母(Candida lambica)间的DNA-DNA同源性,结果:2.1182与LP012的同源性为90.4%,表明它们是同种的;2.1182与DX22为77.5%,DX22与LP012为76.8%,表明它们虽是同种,但产生了一些分化:LP006与LP012为63.2%,表明它们之间产生了较大的分化,接近种的范围,仍可认为是同种的。  相似文献   

白逢彦   《微生物学通报》1997,24(6):354-356
假丝酵母属(CandidaBerkhout)是酵母菌中最大的一个属,现包括200多种,约占目前已知酵母菌总种数的三分之一[1]。由于假丝酵母的经济重要性及其在整个酵母菌中所占的比重,对该属的分类研究作为其他各方面研究的基础,一直是一个颇为活跃的领域。研究手段不断改进,分类系统木断更新。近10多年来该属的定义已经过两次重大修订[2.3],分子分类学方法在该属的分类学研究中已经由辅助手段变为常用指标。1假丝酵母属的建立及其定义的演变假丝酵母属是Berkhout于1923年建立的[4]。Yarrow和Meyet[2]把球似酵母属(TorutopsisBerlese…  相似文献   

产朊假丝酵母是生物安全(Generally Recognized as Safe,GRAS)的微生物,也是一种重要的工业微生物。近20年来,随着分子生物学技术的发展,产朊假丝酵母的基因表达系统和基因工程研究及开发应用取得了显著的进展,使得利用该菌表达多种物质成为可能。本文概述了产朊假丝酵母的生物学特点、外源基因表达系统、基因敲除、遗传转化等方面的研究和应用进展。  相似文献   

Abstract Competition experiments revealed that adenine and guanine were transported by a purine permease in both Candida glabrata 4 and a C. glabrata 4 cytosine permease negative mutant. The C. glabrata 4 cytosine permease negative mutant was isolated using 5-fluorocytosine selection. This mutant no longer transported cytosine, but transported adenine and guanine. A transport system for hypoxanthine was not detected. Hence, in addition to the cytosine permease, a purine permease exists in C. glabrata . This differs from the purine cytosine permeases in Saccharomyces cereuisiae and Candida albicans which transport adenine, cytosine, guanine and hypoxanthine.  相似文献   

目的调查住院患者光滑念珠菌检出的特征。方法回顾性调查分析白求恩国际和平医院2008年1月~2009年4月住院患者中光滑念珠菌检出阳性者的临床资料,以同期白念珠菌检出患者为对照。结果其间共有52例详细病史资料记录的光滑念珠菌检出患者,以60岁以上老年人为主,占65.4%;主要分离自痰标本,占76.9%。患者患有多种基础疾病,以肺部感染(28例,53.8%)、恶性肿瘤(20例,38.5%)、脑梗死(15例,28.8%)常见。使用抗生素(52例,100%)、留置导尿管(15例,28.8%)是光滑念珠菌检出者的主要实施医疗措施。氟康唑是临床最常用的治疗光滑念珠菌感染药物(23例,44.2%)。光滑念珠菌检出患者死亡率高(14例,26.9%),高于同期白念珠菌检出对照组(6.2%,P=0.004)。结论光滑念珠菌检出患者与白念珠菌检出具有相似的临床流行病学特征。  相似文献   

近年来,光滑念珠菌侵入性感染及其耐棘白菌素治疗失败的病例不断增多,深入研究其耐药机制十分有必要。Fks突变在光滑念珠菌棘白菌素耐药发生的过程中有着极其重要的地位,其与棘白菌素的MIC值及体内治疗结果密切相关,且有很多因素可以对Fks突变的发生及其作用产生影响。  相似文献   

Aim: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the size‐dependent antifungal activity of different silver nanoparticles (SN) colloidal suspensions against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata mature biofilms. Methods and Results: The research presented herein used SN of three different average sizes (5, 10 and 60 nm), which were synthesized by the reduction of silver nitrate through sodium citrate and which were stabilized with ammonia or polyvinylpyrrolidone. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays were performed using the microdilution methodology. The antibiofilm activity of SN was determined by total biomass quantification (by crystal violet staining) and colony forming units enumeration. MIC results showed that all SN colloidal suspensions were fungicidal against the tested strains at very low concentrations (0·4–3·3 μg ml?1). With regard to biomass quantification, SN colloidal suspensions were very effective only against C. glabrata biofilms, achieving biomass reductions around 90% at a silver concentration of 108 μg ml?1. In general, all SN suspensions promoted significant log10 reduction of the mean number of cultivable biofilm cells after exposure to silver concentrations at or higher than 108 μg ml?1. Moreover, the results showed that the particle size and the type of stabilizing agent used did not interfere in the antifungal activity of SN against Candida biofilms. Conclusions: This study suggests that SN have antifungal therapeutic potential, but further studies are still required namely regarding formulation and delivery means. Significance and Impact of the Study: SN may contribute to the development of new strategies for the improvement of oral health and quality of life particularly of the complete denture wearers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of silver nanoparticles (SN) against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata adhered cells and biofilms. SN (average diameter 5 nm) were synthesized by silver nitrate reduction with sodium citrate and stabilized with ammonia. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) tests were performed for C. albicans (n = 2) and C. glabrata (n = 2) grown in suspension following the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute microbroth dilution method. SN were applied to adhered cells (2 h) or biofilms (48 h) and after 24 h of contact their effect was assessed by enumeration of colony forming units (CFUs) and quantification of total biomass (by crystal violet staining). The MIC results showed that SN were fungicidal against all strains tested at very low concentrations (0.4–3.3 μg ml?1). Furthermore, SN were more effective in reducing biofilm biomass when applied to adhered cells (2 h) than to pre-formed biofilms (48 h), with the exception of C. glabrata ATCC, which in both cases showed a reduction ~90%. Regarding cell viability, SN were highly effective on adhered C. glabrata and respective biofilms. On C. albicans the effect was not so evident but there was also a reduction in the number of viable biofilm cells. In summary, SN may have the potential to be an effective alternative to conventional antifungal agents for future therapies in Candida-associated denture stomatitis.  相似文献   

Micro-organisms must adapt to environmental change to survive, and this is particularly true for fungal pathogens such as Candida glabrata. C. glabrata is found both in the environment and in diverse niches in its human host. The ambient pH of these niches varies considerably, and therefore we have examined the response of C. glabrata to changes in ambient pH using a proteomic approach. Proteins expressed in C. glabrata cells growing at pH 4.0, 7.4 or 8.0 were compared by 2-DE, and 174 spots displaying reproducible and statistically significant changes in expression level were identified by peptide mass fingerprinting, thereby extending our 2-DE map of the C. glabrata proteome to a total of 272 identified spots. Proteins involved in glucose metabolism, the TCA cycle, respiration and protein synthesis were expressed at lower levels during growth at pH 7.4 and/or 8.0, whereas proteins involved in stress responses and protein catabolism were expressed at higher levels under these alkaline conditions. Our data suggest that C. glabrata perceives low pH as less stressful than higher pH. This contrasts with another opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans, Candida albicans.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, Candida spp have been responsible for an increasing number of infections, especially in patients requiring intensive care. Knowledge of local epidemiology and analysis of the spread of these pathogens is important in understanding and controlling their transmission. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of 31 Candida albicans and 17 Candida glabrata isolates recovered from intensive care unit patients from the tertiary hospital in Krakow between 2011-2012. The strains were typed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) polymerase chain reaction using five primers (CD16AS, HP1247, ERIC-2, OPE-3 and OPE-18). The results of the present investigation revealed a high degree of genetic diversity among the isolates. No clonal relationship was found among the C. albicans strains, whereas two C. glabrata isolates were identical. The source of Candida infection appeared to be mostly endogenous; however, the presence of two clonal C. glabrata strains suggested the possibility of cross-transmission of these pathogens. Our study confirmed the high discriminatory power of the RAPD technique in the molecular typing of Candida clinical isolates. This method may be applied to the evaluation of transmission routes of pathogenic fungi on a local level.  相似文献   

Germ-free transgenic epsilon 26 (Tgepsilon26) mice, deficient in both natural killer (NK)- and T-cells, were inoculated (orally) with each of two Candida glabrata (BG2 or BG1003) or Candida albicans (CAF2-1 or SC5314) strains. Candida glabrata- or C. albicans-colonized mice exhibited similar numbers of viable Candida in the alimentary tract. Neither C. glabrata nor C. albicans caused systemic candidiasis of endogenous (alimentary tract) origin. Candida albicans invaded oroesophageal (tongue, palate, esophagus) and keratinized gastric tissues, evoked hyperkeratosis and a prominent, chronic, granulocyte-dominated, inflammatory response in all infected tissues, stimulated the production of splenic granulocytes and was lethal for the mice within 3-5 weeks after oral colonization. The two C. glabrata strains colonized the alimentary tract and penetrated into the keratinized (cardia-antrum) gastric tissues, but in contrast to C. albicans, were unable to infect oroesophageal tissues. Furthermore, C. glabrata strains were not lethal for the Tgepsilon26 mice, and did not evoke an inflammatory response in colonized gastric tissues or stimulate the production of splenic granulocytes. This 'stealth-like' behavior could explain the ability of C. glabrata to persist in infected tissues and survive as a commensal in the alimentary tract.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of persistence and virulence associated with Candida glabrata infections are poorly understood, limiting the ability to fight this fungal pathogen. In this study, the multidrug resistance transporters CgTpo1_1 and CgTpo1_2 are shown to play a role in C. glabrata virulence. The survival of the infection model Galleria mellonella, infected with C. glabrata, was found to increase upon the deletion of either CgTPO1_1 or CgTPO1_2. The underlying mechanisms were further explored. In the case of CgTpo1_1, this phenotype was found to be consistent with the observation that it confers resistance to antimicrobial peptides (AMP), such as the human AMP histatin‐5. The deletion of CgTPO1_2, on the other hand, was found to limit the survival of C. glabrata cells when exposed to phagocytosis and impair biofilm formation. Interestingly, CgTPO1_2 expression was found to be up‐regulated during biofilm formation, but and its deletion leads to a decreased expression of adhesin‐encoding genes during biofilm formation, which is consistent with a role in biofilm formation. CgTPO1_2 expression was further seen to decrease plasma membrane potential and affect ergosterol and fatty acid content. Altogether, CgTpo1_1 and CgTpo1_2 appear to play an important role in the virulence of C. glabrata infections, being at the cross‐road between multidrug resistance and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

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