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In order to determine the effect of bacterial proteinases on activation of the protein C system, a negative regulator of blood coagulation, two arginine-specific cysteine proteinases (gingipains R) from Porphyromonas gingivalis, a causative bacterium of adult periodontitis, were examined. Each enzyme activated human protein C in a dose- and incubation time-dependent manner. Interestingly, the form of enzyme being composed of a non-covalent complex containing both catalytic and adhesion domains (RgpA) produced activated protein C 14-fold more efficiently than RgpB which contained the catalytic domain alone. The kcat/Km value of RgpA was 18-fold higher than that of RgpB and comparable to that of the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex, the physiological activator of protein C. RgpA catalyzed protein C activation was augmented 1.4-fold by phospholipids, ubiquitous cell membrane components. Furthermore, RgpA, but not RgpB, could activate protein C in plasma and this resulted in a decrease of the protein C concentration in plasma, which is often observed in patients with sepsis during the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). These data indicate that RgpA is a more potent activator of protein C than RgpB and suggest that only the former enzyme can cause protein C activation in vivo. The present study further suggests that bacterial proteinases may possibly contribute to the consumption of plasma protein C which predisposes to DIC and/or promotes a thrombotic tendency towards DIC in sepsis.  相似文献   

The arginine-specific protease activity of Porphyromonas gingivalis is considered to be an important factor in the pathogenic potential of this organism in destructive periodontal disease. Multiple forms of closely related Arg-x proteases are present in the culture supernatants of P. gingivalis W50. RI is a heterodimer (α/β) in which the catalytic α chain is associated with a second β chain which functions as a haemagglutinin. RIA is a single-chain enzyme (α) and RIB is a highly post-translationally lipid-modified enzyme (LPS-α) with reduced solubility compared to the other two forms. The N-terminal sequence of the α chain of all three forms is identical, suggesting that all these enzymes may arise by differential processing of the prpR1 (protease polyprotein for RI). In the present study we constructed a prpR1? strain of P. gingivalis W50 by insertional gene inactivation and characterized the residual extracellular Arg-x protease activity of the resulting mutant. Loss of prpR1 expression led to the abolition of RI, RIA and RIB but the total Arg-x activity in the supernatant of this strain was reduced by only c. 66%. The remaining activity was composed of two novel forms of Arg-x protease (RIIA and RIIB) which appeared to be structurally and kinetically almost identical to RIA and RIB, respectively, except for two amino acid differences in the N-terminus at position 8 (Q→E) and position 17 (A→P) and with respect to their stability to high pH. Confirmation that RIIA and RIIB are the products of a homologous locus (prR2) was obtained by cloning and sequencing the prR2 which showed the predicted substitutions in the deduced translation. These data indicate that RI, RIA and RIB are produced by prpR1 expression and a maturation pathway which can give rise to a dimer and an unmodifed- or LPS-modified catalytic monomer. Furthermore, RIIA and RIIB, the products of prR2, are exported into the culture supernatant in the absence of prpR1 expression and these forms may also contribute to the pathogenic potential of this organism in destructive disease.  相似文献   

Pg-II fim from various strains of Porphyromonas gingivalis was classified on the basis of each nucleotide sequence, while the distribution of Pg-II fim types in 141 subgingival plaque samples was analyzed using PCR assays. Pg-II fim was divided into two types as follows: strains OMZ409, HG405, 381, ATCC 33277 and BH18/10 (type 1) and strains OMZ314 and HW24D-1 (type 2). The presence of P. gingivalis was demonstrated in 2.8% of healthy subjects and 56.1% of patients with periodontal diseases, and Pg-II fim was detected in 91.8% of the P. gingivalis-positive subjects. We also analyzed the distribution of the Pg-II fim types among Pg-II fim-positive patients, with the following results: type 1 (38.2%), type 2 (56.4%) and types 1 and 2 (5.4%). These findings strongly suggest that P. gingivalis organisms possessing Pg-II fim type 2 was principally detected in patients with periodontal diseases.  相似文献   

We previously reported the existence of two different kinds of fimbriae expressed by Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277. In this study, we isolated and characterized a secondary fimbrial protein from strain FPG41, a fimA-inactivated mutant of P. gingivalis 381. FPG41 was constructed by a homologous recombination technique using a mobilizable suicide vector, and failed to express the long fimbriae (41-kDa fimbriae) that were produced on the cell surface of P. gingivalis 381. However, short fimbrial structures were observed on the cell surface of FPG41 by electron microscopy. The fimbrial protein was purified from FPG41 by DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B column chromatography. The secondary fimbrial protein was eluted at 0.15 M NaCl, and the molecular mass of this protein was approximately 53 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE. An antibody against the 53-kDa fimbrial protein reacted with the short fimbriae of the FPG41 and the wild-type strain. However, the 41-kDa long fimbriae of the wild-type strain and the 67-kDa fimbriae of ATCC 33277 did not react with the same antibody. Moreover, the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 53-kDa fimbrial protein showed only 2 of 15 residues that were identical to those of the 41-kDa fimbrial protein. These results show that the properties of the 53-kDa fimbriae are different from those of the 67-kDa fimbriae of ATCC 33277 as well as those of the 41-kDa fimbriae.  相似文献   

A clone expressing a Porphyromonas gingivalis protease from the recombinant plasmid (pYS307) has been identified in a genomic library of P. gingivalis W83. The cloned gene was localized to a 2.4-kb DNA fragment between BamHI and HindIII sites. When a 3.2-kb HindIII fragment of pYS307 was used as a probe in Southern hybridization, HindIII-digested chromosomal DNA of P. gingivalis W83, as well as those of W50 and W12, showed a single 3.2-kb hybridizing band, while that of P. gingivalis 33277 showed a 5.0-kb band. Colonies of E. coli containing pYS307 showed pronounced proteolytic zones on skim milk agar plates only when incubated in an oxygen-free environment. BSA substrate zymography of whole cell extract of E. coli containing pYS307 revealed a protease of approx. 80 kDa which was active under reducing conditions. These results suggest that the cloned protease is thiol-dependent. Antiserum to P. gingivalis W50 reacted with a single band of 80 kDa when a cell lysate sample of an E. coli JM83 containing pYS307 was prepared for electrophoresis in the absence of beta-mercaptoethanol. When samples were solubilized in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol prior to electrophoresis, the antiserum reacted with the bands of 50 and 38 kDa, but there was no reaction observed at 80 kDa. The activity of the cloned protease was inhibited by TLCK, TPCK, EDTA, PMSF, iodoacetic acid and ZnCl2.  相似文献   

Abstract A lysine-specific protease hydrolysing peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of lysine residues in Porphyromonas gingivalis was purified from culture supernatant by a combination of ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and affinity chromatography. The molecular mass was 48 kDa and the p I value was 7.3. The enzyme hydrolysed the peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of lysine residues in synthetic substrates and natural proteins.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis is a predominant periodontal pathogen, whose fimbriae are considered to be a major virulence factor, especially for bacterial adherence and invasion of host cells. In the present study, we investigated the influence of fimbriae on the interactions between alphavbeta3- and alpha5beta1-integrins and their ligand extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (vitronectin and fibronectin), using human alphavbeta3- and alpha5beta1-integrin-overexpressing CHO cell lines (CHOalphavbeta3 and CHOalpha5beta1, respectively). P. gingivalis was found to have significantly greater binding to CHOalphavbeta3 and CHOalpha5beta1 than to control cells, whereas a fimbria-deficient mutant showed negligible binding to any of the tested cell lines. CHOalphavbeta3 and CHOalpha5beta1 cells attached to the polystyrene culture dishes in the presence of their ligand ECM proteins, while fimbriae markedly inhibited those attachments in a dose-dependent manner, with the highest dose of fimbriae achieving complete inhibition. In addition, the binding of vitronectin and fibronectin to CHOalphavbeta3 and CHOalpha5beta1 was inhibited by P. gingivalis cells. These results suggest that P. gingivalis fimbriae compete with ECM proteins for alphavbeta3- and alpha5beta1-integrins, and inhibit integrin/ECM protein-related cellular functions.  相似文献   

Abstract Mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) Pgf-II specific for a 72-kDa major cell-surface protein (72K-CSP) derived from Porphyromonas gingivalis OMZ 409 was prepared. Immunoblotting analysis revealed that mAb Pgf-II reacted with 72K-CSP but not with 41-kDa fimbrial subunit protein (41K-fimbrilin) derived from P. gingivalis 381. Electron microscopic observation revealed that P. gingivalis OMZ 409 possessed peritrichous, thin fimbriae on their surface. Immunogold electron microscopy also demonstrated that mAb Pgf-II bound to the 72K-CSP examined with the gold particles arranged along the fibril array originating from the cell surface of the bacteria. These findings suggested that P. gingivalis 72K-CSP was identifiable as another fimbriae (termed Pg-II fimbriae) different from the fimbriae (termed Pg-I fimbriae) composed of a 41K-fimbrilin. Using multipin peptide synthesis technology, 102 sequential overlapping peptides covering the entire 514 amino-acid stretch of Pg-II fimbriae were synthesised. Seven immunodominant regions within Pg-II fimbrial protein molecule, which definitely reacted with the serum of patients with periodontal diseases, were detected.  相似文献   

Abstract A monoclonal antibody (mAb-PC) was produced against a BA p NA-hydrolyzing protease possessing hemagglutinating activity (Pase-C) from Porphyromonas gingivalis . Other P. gingivalis BA p NA-hydrolyzing enzymes (Pase-B and Pase-S) did not react with this antibody. By ELISA or SDS-PAGE and Western immunoblotting analysis, mAb-PC recognized all P. gingivalis and P. endodontalis strains tested but did not recognize other members of the Porphyromonas genus nor other putative periodontopathogenic organisms. Pase-C, extracellular vesicles (ECV) and human strains of P. gingivalis showed two major immunoreactive bands (44 kDa and 40 kDa), whereas a different pattern was obtained with animal strains of P. gingivalis . Biotinylarginyl chloromethane, an irreversible inhibitor of trypsin-like proteases, did not affect the reactivity of Pase-C with mAb-PC on immunoblot. By reversed-phase electronmicroscopy following immunogold labeling, the antibody was shown to bind to the cell surface of P. gingivalis . mAb-PC inhibited the hemagglutinating activity of both P. gingivalis cells and ECV whereas a monoclonal antibody against LPS of P. gingivalis did not. These results suggest that Pase-C is located on the cell surface of P. gingivalis and may participate in erythrocyte binding.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis 381 cells were incubated with 125I-histidine-rich polypeptide (histatin) 5 in the presence or absence of unlabeled histatin 5, to evaluate the histatin-binding capacity of the cells. The binding of histatin 5 was rapid, reversible, saturable and specific. The number of histatin 5-binding sites per cell was 3,600, and the dissociation constant (Kd) was in the order of 10(-6) M. These findings suggest that histatin interacts with certain bacterial cells through specific binding sites on their surface, and will allow the development of a histatin radioreceptor assay.  相似文献   

The major outer membrane proteins Pgm6 (41 kDa) and Pgm7 (40 kDa) of Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 are encoded by open reading frames pg0695 and pg0694, respectively, which form a single operon. Pgm6 and Pgm7 (Pgm6/7) have a high degree of similarity to Escherichia coli OmpA in the C-terminal region and are predicted to form eight-stranded beta-barrels in the N-terminal region. By sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Pgm6/7 appear as bands with apparent molecular masses of 40 and 120 kDa, with and without a reducing agent, suggesting a monomer and trimer, respectively. To verify the predicted trimeric structure and function of Pgm6/7, we constructed three mutants with pg0695, pg0694, or both deleted. The double mutant produced no Pgm6/7. The single-deletion mutants appeared to contain less Pgm7 and Pgm6 and to form homotrimers that migrated slightly faster (115 kDa) and slower (130 kDa), respectively, than wild-type Pgm6/7 under nonreducing conditions. N-terminal amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry analysis of partially digested Pgm6/7 detected only fragments from Pgm6 and Pgm7. Two-dimensional, diagonal electrophoresis and chemical cross-linking experiments with or without a reducing agent clearly showed that Pgm6/7 mainly form stable heterotrimers via intermolecular disulfide bonds. Furthermore, growth retardation and arrest of the three mutants and increased permeability of their outer membranes indicated that Pgm6/7 play an important role in outer membrane integrity. Based on results of liposome swelling experiments, these proteins are likely to function as a stabilizer of the cell wall rather than as a major porin in this organism.  相似文献   

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease initiated by host-parasite interactions which contributes to connective tissue destruction and alveolar bone resorption. Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.g.), a black-pigmented Gram-negative anaerobic bacterium, is a major pathogen in the development and progression of periodontitis. To characterize the role that P. gingivalis and its cell surface components play in disease processes, we investigated the differential expression of proteins induced by live P.g., P.g. LPS, and P.g. FimA, using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in combination with mass spectrometry. We have tested whether, at the level of protein expression, unique signaling pathways are differentially induced by the bacterial components P.g. LPS and P.g. FimA, as compared to live P.g. We found that P.g. LPS stimulation of THP-1 up-regulated the expression of a set of proteins compared to control: deoxyribonuclease, actin, carbonic anhydrase 2, alpha enolase, adenylyl cyclase-associated protein (CAP1), protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), glucose regulated protein (grp78), and 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70), whereas FimA treatment did not result in statistically significant changes to protein levels versus the control. Live P.g. stimulation resulted in 12 differentially expressed proteins: CAP1, tubulin beta-2 chain, ATP synthase beta chain, tubulin alpha-6 chain, PDI, vimentin, 60-kDa heat shock protein, and nucleolin were found to be up-regulated, while carbonic anhydrase II, beta-actin, and HSP70 were down-regulated relative to control. These differential changes by the bacteria and its components are interpreted as preferential signal pathway activation in host immune/inflammatory responses to P.g. infection.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis is one of the major periodontitis-causing pathogens. P. gingivalis secretes a group of proteases termed gingipains, and in this study we have used the RgpB gingipain as a biomarker for P. gingivalis. We constructed a naive camel nanobody library and used phage display to select one nanobody toward RgpB with picomolar affinity. The nanobody was used in an inhibition assay for detection of RgpB in buffer as well as in saliva. The nanobody was highly specific for RgpB given that it did not bind to the homologous gingipain HRgpA. This indicated the presence of a binding epitope within the immunoglobulin-like domain of RgpB. A subtractive inhibition assay was used to demonstrate that the nanobody could bind native RgpB in the context of intact cells. The nanobody bound exclusively to the P. gingivalis membrane-bound RgpB isoform (mt-RgpB) and to secreted soluble RgpB. Further cross-reactivity studies with P. gingivalis gingipain deletion mutants showed that the nanobody could discriminate between native RgpB and native Kgp and RgpA in complex bacterial samples. This study demonstrates that RgpB can be used as a specific biomarker for P. gingivalis detection and that the presented nanobody-based assay could supplement existing methods for P. gingivalis detection.  相似文献   

This paper describes the overexpression of the Rgp-1 (arginine) protease domain from Porphyromonas gingivalis. This protease and the related Kgp (lysine) protease, both of which display trypsin-like specificity, have been implicated as major virulence factors and may play a significant role in the etiology of periodontal disease. Both Rgp-1 and Kgp are initially translated as polyproteins, each containing a protease domain and multiple adhesin domains. The Rgp-1 protease domain was expressed in E. coli, purified, refolded, and assayed for activity. These expression studies demonstrated that prior to the formation of inclusion bodies in the E. coli cytoplasm, the protease was proteolytically active and could hydrolyze a specific synthetic substrate. When the Rgp-1 protease domain was purified from inclusion bodies and refolded, it was found to be autolytically active and displayed specific catalytic activity. This is the first report on the expression and purification of active Rgp-1 from E. coli. Polyclonal antisera raised against recombinant protein recognized the native form of the protease in the P. gingivalis strain W50, indicating that the recombinant protein contained some of the antigenic determinants of the native protease.  相似文献   

Yu WH  Hu H  Zhou Q  Xia Y  Amar S 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e15613


Periodontitis is the most common human infection affecting tooth-supporting structures. It was shown to play a role in aggravating atherosclerosis. To deepen our understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease, we exposed human macrophages to an oral bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis), either as live bacteria or its LPS or fimbria. Microarray data from treated macrophages or control cells were analyzed to define molecular signatures. Changes in genes identified in relevant pathways were validated by RT-PCR.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We focused our analysis on three important groups of genes. Group PG (genes differentially expressed by live bacteria only); Group LFG (genes differentially expressed in response to exposure to LPS and/or FimA); Group CG (core gene set jointly activated by all 3 stimulants). A total of 842 macrophage genes were differentially expressed in at least one of the three conditions compared to naïve cells. Using pathway analysis, we found that group CG activates the initial phagocytosis process and induces genes relevant to immune response, whereas group PG can de-activate the phagocytosis process associated with phagosome-lysosome fusion. LFG mostly affected RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway.


In light of the fact that acute infections involve live bacteria while chronic infections involve a combination of live bacteria and their byproducts, group PG could represent acute P. gingivalis infection while group LFG could represent chronic P. gingivalis infection. Group CG may be associated with core immune pathways, triggered irrespective of the specific stimulants and indispensable to mount an appropriate immune response. Implications in acute vs. chronic infection are discussed.  相似文献   

The vesicles of Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 strongly aggregated Streptococcus cricetus, S. rattus, and S. mutans, but poorly aggregated S. sobrinus. The adherence of S. mutans OMZ 70 to hydroxyapatite (HA) coated with whole saliva was increased in parallel with the quantity of the vesicles. The significant increase of adherence of S. mutans OMZ 70 by the vesicles was also observed on the HA coated with parotid saliva, submandibular saliva, serum, and type I collagen. These findings suggest that the vesicles may act as a bridge between mutans streptococcus and the tooth surface.  相似文献   

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