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Turbinaria foliosasp. nov. is described on the basis of several collections made from Dhofar, Sultanate of Oman. The new species is known only from southern Oman, a region of the northern Arabian Sea that is strongly impacted by the upwelling from the summertime monsoon. It is distinguished from other species of the genus by the shape of the leaves and by their loose, non‐congested arrangement. Air vesicles, embedded in the leaves, may be present, but more often are absent. A census of the currently recognized species in the genus Turbinaria is provided. Reference is made to Sargassum turbinarioides and Sargassum turbinati‐folium. These species possess discrete blades and spherical vesicles and thus conform to Sargassum.  相似文献   

Two species of Phycodrys, Phycodrys quercifolia (Bory) Skottsberg and Phycodrys profunda E.Y.Dawson were previously recorded from New Zealand. However, an examination of Phycodrys collections from the New Zealand region showed that all were morphologically different from P. quercifolia (Type locality: the Falkland Islands) and P. profunda (Type locality: CA, USA). RbcL sequence analyses established that the New Zealand Phycodrys species formed a natural assemblage within the genus, consisting of three new species: P. novae-zelandiae sp. nov., P. franiae sp. nov. and P. adamsiae sp. nov. Phycodrys novae-zelandiae is the largest of the three, up to 20 cm in height, with a distinct midrib and multicellular, opposite to subopposite lateral macroscopic veins. It has entirely monostromatic blades except near the midrib and veins, and its procarp contains a three-celled sterile group one (st1) and a one-celled sterile group two (st2). Phycodrys franiae was previously treated as a cryptic species among herbarium collections of P. ‘quercifolia’. It is smaller (4–11 cm high) with weakly developed midribs and veins, the blade is tristromatic throughout, except at the growing margins, and the procarp consists of a four-celled st1 and a two–three-celled st2. Phycodrys adamsiae, previously reported as P. profunda, is a small decumbent or prostrate plant, 1–8 cm long, with a midrib and inconspicuous lateral veins. The blades are tristromatic with serrated margins, two–four-celled surface spines and multicellular marginal holdfasts that differ from those of Californian specimens. The tetrasporangia are borne on marginal bladelets. Phylogenetic analyses place the New Zealand species in a separate group that is distantly removed from most other Phycodrys species.  相似文献   

A new member of Delesseriaceae (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) is described from Southern Taiwan and the Philippines. On the basis of comparative vegetative and reproductive morphology, and phylogenetic analysis inferred from nuclear-encoded large-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences (LSU rDNA), we conclude that it belongs in the genus Drachiella, tribe Schizoserideae, subfamily Phycodryoideae. The new taxon shares with other Drachiella species the absence of macro- and microscopic veins; diffuse growth by marginal and intercalary meristematic cells; a polystromatic, lobed thallus; abundance of rhizoidal marginal proliferations used for attachment; convoluted plastids in surface cells; abundant secondary pit connections among adjacent vegetative cells; large intercellular spaces between surface cells; procarps confined to the upper side of the thallus, circular in outline, consisting of a supporting cell bearing a strongly curved carpogonial branch and two sterile groups that remain undivided; vertical division of gonimoblast initial from auxiliary cell, and unilateral, monopodial branching of gonimoblasts; and mature cystocarps with a massive candelabrum-like fusion cell of fused gonimoblasts bearing carposporangia in branched chains. It is distinguished from the other members of the genus by thalli that consist of extensive tangled mats of prostrate and overlapping decumbent blades, procarps confined to the upper side of the thallus, and the lack of basal stalks or stipes. Whereas the Schizoserideae is predominantly a Southern Ocean tribe, one of the tribe's four genera, Drachiella, was known only from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. We herein report the first record of the genus for the Indo-Pacific Ocean, and describe Drachiella liaoii, sp. nov., as a fourth species in the genus.  相似文献   

Freshwater snails of Oman,South Eastern Arabia   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
A systematic account is given of the extant freshwater snail fauna of Oman, based on recent collections made in Dhofar and in the northern mountainous areas. Also included are certain species found in brackish coastal localities. A total of 8 freshwater species is regarded as belonging to the fauna of normal freshwater; 7 have been found alive (Thiara scabra, Melanoides tuberculata, Lymnaea natalensis, Gyraulus piscinarum, Biomphalaria arabica, Bulinus wrighti and Indoplanorbis exustus) and one is known only as shells (Paludestrina glaucovirens). This report of G. piscinarum is the first for Oman and may be the first reliable identification for Arabia. Three taxa from brackish water, Gangetia miliacea, Iravadia quadrasi and Melanoides sp., are new for the fauna of Oman and of the whole Arabian peninsula. The finding of G. miliacea provides the first instance of any member of the Stenothyridae living west of the Gulf of Oman and identified from whole snails rather than empty shells. I. quadrasi is the first member of its genus to be found alive west of the Gulf of Oman.  相似文献   


Cordylecladia guiryi sp. nov. is described from the Mediterranean Sea, after a comparison of habit, morphology and reproduction with C. erecta, the only species of the genus. The species is characterized by the small dimension of its axes which arise single from the basal crust and by its habitat, growing epiphytically on Posidonia oceanica Delile leaves. Tetrasporangial and gametangial plants as well as the development of the carposporophyte have been studied in detail. The carpogonial branch is 4-celled and it is formed on a supporting cell that also bears a 3-celled auxiliary branch. Tetrasporangia are cruciately divided. The reproductive details confirm Sparling's view about the great variation existing in the organization of the procarp in members of this order.  相似文献   

We document the occurrence of the Oriental butterfly species Euchrysops cnejus in northern Oman. It is very similar to E. osiris whose distribution extends from the Afrotropical region into Dhofar, southern Oman. Oman is thus the only country where both species co-occur. The two species differ in genitalia and in molecular data. We show that based on the COI marker, E. cnejus and E. osiris are sister species and the Oman populations of E. osiris are closely related to the population from continental Africa. Haplotype diversity is lower in E. cnejus, than in E. osiris. Genetic differences were found between the Australian, Oriental and Oman populations of E. cnejus but available data were not sufficient to clarify the origin of the Oman population.  相似文献   

Microcladia exserta, a new species of the red algal genus Microcladia Greville (Ceramiaceae, Ceramiales), is described from the Natal coast of South Africa. This small, creeping alga, an epiphyte on the coralline alga Amphiroa anceps (Lamarck) Decaisne, is distinguished from other species in the genus by the following combination of characteristics: the prostrate habit, the exerted position of the tetrasporangia, and the presence in the cortex of numerous and conspicuous vesicle cells. Evidence is presented to demonstrate that the criterion of an erect habit in Microcladia vs. a prostrate habit in Herpochondria used to separate these genera is not sound.  相似文献   

A new species ofEmericella isolated from forest soil in the Oman,E. omanensis, is described and illustrated. It differs from the other known species of the genus in having bivalvate ascospores with a tuberculate or verruculose convex wall. The new species is compared with the closely related speciesE. desertorum andE. echinulata.  相似文献   

Hemiboea purpurea Yan Liu & W. B. Xu, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to H. follicularis C. B. Clarke, but differs by smaller leaf blades, 3–10×2–5 cm, corolla purple, ca 2.0–2.5 cm long, exserted from the involucre, filaments glandular‐puberulent and staminodes 3. It is only known from one site in the Rongshui County.  相似文献   

A secondarily formed reticulum of cells that encloses axial strands and a carposporophyte that is almost entirely converted to sporangia are the diagnostic features of a new genus, Reticulocaulis (Naccariaceae, Nemaliales), with R. mucosissimus as the type species. A new species of Naccaria, N. hawaiiana permits close comparison with the new genus and other previously described species of Naccaria. Until now, no Naccariaceae were known in the Pacific, and these new taxa are part of the sketchily known subtidal marine flora of Hawaii.  相似文献   

Antarcticothamnion polysporum gen. et sp. nov. (Rhodophyceae: Ceramiaceae) is described from the South Shetland Is. and the Antarctic Peninsula. It differs from all previously described Ceramiaceae in vegetative structure: an indeterminate apex, which divides by alternating oblique septa, produces simple alternate-distichous determinate branches, while indeterminate branches are initiated on main axes in a verticillate arrangement. Reproductive structures are borne on modified indeterminate branch systems. Sporangia are polyhedrally divided. Spermatangia are formed in loose heads. Procarps are borne near the apex, but not always on the subapical cell, of a fertile branch. Two auxiliary cells may participate in the formation of a carposporophyte. A fusion cell is lacking and most cells of the gonimoblast develop into carposporangia, which are binucleate.

The suite of morphological characters exhibited by Antarcticothamnion sets this genus sufficiently apart from all previously described Ceramiaceae to warrant placement in its own tribe, Antarcticothamnieae trib. nov. It shares important features, however, with Callithamnieae, Compsothamnieae, and Ptiloteae.

Apical division is reviewed in the various tribes of Ceramiaceae. It is concluded that a pattern of alternating oblique septa is correlated with transitory or chronic structural imbalance resulting from a particular combination of timing and spatial sequence in the initiation and development of branches. The distribution of oblique apical division within Ceramiaceae is strongly correlated with features generally considered to be important at the level of tribe.

Phylogenetic relationships within Ptiloteae, a tribe characterized inter alia by oblique apical division, are suggested from an analysis of branching patterns. The validity of Falklandiella as a genus distinct from Dasyptilon is emphasized. Gymnothamnion and Tokidaea are removed from Ptiloteae, but without being assigned to another tribe. Tanakaella is removed from Sphondylothamnieae to Compsothamnieae, while Mazoyerella is removed from Compsothamnieae to Spermothamnieae.

Spongoclonium orthocladum A. et E. S. Gepp is discussed as a possible species of Antarcticothamnion, while an undescribed alga from the South Orkney Is. is definitely indicated as a second species of the genus.  相似文献   

The genus Reinboldiella essentially consists of tiny, membranous blades, epiphytic on benthic red algae, with a wide distribution in the north-western Pacific Ocean (Taiwan, Korea and Japan). In this study, we re-examined the generitype R. schmitziana from Taiwan and neighbouring islands. Two new species of Reinboldiella, R. orientalis sp. nov. and R. taiwanensis sp. nov. are recognized from Taiwan based on comparative morphological studies and molecular analyses of RuBisCO large subunit (rbcL) gene sequences. Reinboldiella orientalis is characterized by its rosette-like appearance, with both erect and prostrate, membranous flat blades whereas R. taiwanensis is distinguishable by mainly consisting of erect, membranous blades with few, short prostrate blades in basal parts of the thalli. Thalli of R. schmitziana also have a rosette-like appearance, but their erect flat blades have cylindrical bases or stipes. The rbcL phylogenetic analyses also support the separation of R.schmitziana’ from Taiwan and R. schmitziana from Japan and Korea.  相似文献   

A new leafhopper species of the megophthalmine genus Tiaja Oman, found in the coastal dune community of north-western North America, is described. An account is given of the biology and behaviour of the species.  相似文献   

A new genus, Augophyllum Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand gen. nov. related to Nitophyllum, tribe Nitophylleae, subfam. Nitophylloideae of the Delesseriaceae, is established to contain the type species Augophyllum wysorii Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand sp. nov. from Caribbean Panama; Augophyllum kentingii Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand sp. nov. from Taiwan; Augophyllum marginifructum (R. E. Norris et Wynne) Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand comb. nov. (Myriogramme marginifructa R. E. Norris et Wynne 1987) from South Africa, Tanzania, and the Sultanate of Oman; and Augophyllum delicatum (Millar) Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand comb. nov. (Nitophyllum delicatum Millar 1990 ) from southeastern Australia. Like Nitophyllum, Augophyllum is characterized by a diffuse meristematic region, the absence of macro‐ and microscopic veins, procarps consisting of a supporting cell bearing a slightly curved four‐celled carpogonial branch flanked laterally by a cover cell and a sterile cell, a branched multicellular sterile group after fertilization, absence of cell fusions between gonimoblast cells, and tetrasporangia transformed from multinucleate surface cells. Augophyllum differs from Nitophyllum by the blades becoming polystromatic inside the margins, often with a stipitate cylindrical base, the possession of aggregated discoid plastids neither linked by fine strands nor forming bead‐like branched chains, spermatangia and procarps initiated at the margins of blades, not diffuse, and a cystocarp composed of densely branched gonimoblast filaments borne on a conspicuous persistent auxiliary cell with an enlarged nucleus. Analyses of the rbcL gene support the separation of Augophyllum from Nitophyllum. An investigation of species attributed to Nitophyllum around the world is expected to reveal other taxa referable to Augophyllum.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):205-206
描述了自重庆市发现的荨麻科荨麻属一新种,城口荨麻,此种与异株荨麻有亲缘关系,区别特征为此种的茎被少数刺毛,叶片多为心形,雄、雌花序均不分枝,瘦果在中央稍凹陷。  相似文献   

A gelidialean red alga that was newly found in Japanese waters is referred to as Gelidiella ligulata Dawson. It is characterized by erect lanceolate blades developing from a creeping axis that are relatively large in the genus Gelidiella. Among the 22 species currently recognized in the genus, Gelidiella indica Sreenivasa Rao is most similar to G. ligulata and a further comparative study is needed to elucidate the status of G. indica. Gelidiella ligulata and the type species of the genus, Gelidiella acerosa (Forsskal) Feldmann et Hamel, have the unicellular independent attachments that are common to the members of Gelidiella investigated to date. This type of attachment is unique in the Gehdiales and this feature may be a useful taxonomic criterion in distinguishing Gelidiella from other genera.  相似文献   

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