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In this study we investigated the causes of annual variability in peak aboveground biomass production, net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) during an 8‐year period (1999–2006) in a northern Great Plains grassland near Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. In particular, we tested for a significant relationship between growing season precipitation and productivity and determined whether soil moisture carry‐over from the previous fall–winter could alter this relationship. We also investigated the interaction between soil moisture availability and temperature in controlling grassland productivity. There was a very strong correlation between total precipitation input and average soil moisture content during the May–October growing season. However, the growing season average soil moisture contents in 2003 and 2006 were very similar to those recorded in 1999, despite lower than normal precipitation occurring in these 2 years. This resulted from a positive difference between precipitation and evapo‐transpiration that allowed significant soil moisture to be carried‐over from the previous fall–winter during both 2003 and 2006. Strong logistic relationships were observed between soil moisture and annual productivity based on data from all years except 2003 and 2006, years which had higher productivity than was predicted from the logistic regression. Interaction between temperature and soil moisture explained this difference. Productivity values in 2003 and 2006 were high compared with 1999, a year with approximately the same soil moisture content, and this resulted from the higher average growing season temperatures that were apparent in 2003 and 2006. Analysis of weather records indicated that precipitation in the month of June was significantly higher during El Niño years than during La Niña years in Lethbridge. During the study period, aboveground biomass, NEP and GEP were generally higher in El Niño years and lower in La Niña years because of associated variation in summer precipitation.  相似文献   

Many herbivore populations fluctuate temporally, but the causes of those fluctuations remain unclear. Plant inducible resistance can theoretically cause herbivore population fluctuations, because herbivory may induce plant changes that reduce the survival or reproduction of later-feeding herbivores. Herbivory can also simply reduce the quantity of food available for later feeders and this, too, can cause population fluctuations. Inducible resistance and food limitation often occur simultaneously, yet whether they jointly facilitate or suppress herbivore fluctuations remains largely unexplored. We present models that suggest that food limitation and inducible resistance may have synergistic effects on herbivore population dynamics. The population-level response of the food plant to herbivory and the details of how inducible resistance affects herbivore performance both influence the resulting herbivore dynamics. Our results identify some biological properties of plant-herbivore systems that might determine whether or not cycles occur, and suggest that future empirical and theoretical population dynamics studies should account for the effects of both food limitation and inducible resistance.  相似文献   

Regional analyses and biogeochemical models predict that ecosystem N pools and N cycling rates must increase from the semi-arid shortgrass steppe to the sub-humid tallgrass prairie of the Central Great Plains, yet few field data exist to evaluate these predictions. In this paper, we measured rates of net N mineralization, N in above- and belowground primary production, total soil organic matter N pools, soil inorganic N pools and capture in resin bags, decomposition rates, foliar 15N, and N use efficiency (NUE) across a precipitation gradient. We found that net N mineralization did not increase across the gradient, despite more N generally being found in plant production, suggesting higher N uptake, in the wetter areas. NUE of plants increased with precipitation, and δ15N foliar values and resin-captured N in soils decreased, all of which are consistent with the hypothesis that N cycling is tighter at the wet end of the gradient. Litter decomposition appeared to play a role in maintaining this regional N cycling trend: litter decomposed more slowly and released less N at the wet end of the gradient. These results suggest that immobilization of N within the plant–soil system increases from semi-arid shortgrass steppe to sub-humid tallgrass prairie. Despite the fact that N pools increase along a bio-climatic gradient from shortgrass steppe to mixed grass and tallgrass prairie, this element becomes relatively more limiting and is therefore more tightly conserved at the wettest end of the gradient. Similar to findings from forested systems, our results suggest that grassland N cycling becomes more open to N loss with increasing aridity.  相似文献   

Population dynamics, biomass and secondary net production of orthopterans, particularly acridids, were studied in a temperate grassland at Naukuchiatal, India, from February 1986 to January 1988. A total of 38 plant species were recorded in the grassland and mean aboveground net primary production was 6760 kJ m-2 per year. Thirteen orthopteran species occurred in the grassland. Most individuals were acridids, followed by tettigonids and gryllids; acridids were dominant both in density and biomass. The maximum population density was 5 m-2 and the maximum biomass was 275 mg m-2. Mean secondary net production was 10 kJ m-2 per year. Acridids consumed an average of 2.3% of the above-ground primary production.  相似文献   

In perennial grasslands, the below-ground population of meristems (bud bank) plays a fundamental role in plant population dynamics. Here, we tested the 'meristem limitation hypothesis' prediction - that bud banks increase along an increasing precipitation/productivity gradient in North American grasslands - and assessed the seasonal dynamics of bud banks. We sampled bud and stem populations quarterly at six sites across a 1100 km gradient in central North America. Bud banks increased with average annual precipitation, which explained 80% of the variability between the sites. In addition, seasonal changes in grass bud banks were surprisingly similar across a 2.5-fold range in precipitation and a 4-fold range of productivity: densities peaked in March, decreased in June and increased slightly in September. Increasing meristem limitation may constrain vegetation responses to inter-annual changes in resources. An important consequence of this is that biomes with large bud banks may be the most responsive to environmental change. If meristem limitation represents an important constraint on productivity responses to environmental variability, then bud banks must be considered in developing predictive models for grassland responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

Few studies have addressed the effects of food availability as a proximate factor affecting local adult survival in long-lived organisms and their consequences at local population dynamics. We used capture-recapture analysis of resightings of 10 birth cohorts of ringed Audouin's gulls, Larus audouinii, to estimate adult survival and dispersal (both emigration and immigration). For the first time, permanent emigration (the transient effect in capture-recapture analysis) was modelled for the whole population and not only for the newly marked birds. Gulls exploit to a large extent fishes discarded from trawlers, and a trawling moratorium established since 1991 has decreased food supply for the colony. This was used as a natural experiment of food availability to assess its effects on adult survival and emigration. These and other demographic parameters were used in a projection modelling to assess the probabilities of extinction of the colony under two scenarios of lower and higher food availability. Food availability (together with the age of individuals) influenced emigration probabilities, but not adult survival, which was estimated at 0.91 (s.e. = 0.02). When food was in shorter supply during the chick-rearing period, emigration was very high (ca. 65%) for younger breeders, although this rate decreased sharply with age. Probabilities of extinction were very high when food availability was low, and when environmental stochasticity was introduced, and only stochastic immigration from the outside seemed to prevent extinction. The results highlight the importance of dispersal processes in the population dynamics of long-lived organisms.  相似文献   

Foran  Jeffery A.  King  Robert H. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,94(3):237-246
The population dynamics of a planktonic rotifer (Polyarthra vulgaris) were examined in a brown water, acid lake in northern Michigan, U.S.A. Predation by Chaoborus punctipennis and low food (Navicula spp. and Cyclotella spp.) concentrations were the main factors limiting P. vulgaris populations of all factors examined. The data presented here support a hypothesis for zooplankton limitation by an invertebrate predator.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of invertebrate predation (Notonectidae: Anisops spp.), food limitation, and certain abiotic factors in driving the population dynamics of Daphnia carinata were studied for a two year period in a large farm dam in southern Victoria, Australia. Detailed measurements were made on the population densities of Daphnia and Anisops spp., the amount of food available, the nutritional status, and the size-specific fecundity of Daphnia. The density of the Daphnia population at the field site oscillated closely with water temperature. The amplitude of the population fluctuations varied seasonally, being much greater during the warmer months of the year and switching to fluctuations with low peaks when water temperature dropped below approximately 15°C. Anisops spp. densities were greatest in winter and declined during the spring of each year. Nymphs appeared in late spring and early summer and numerically dominated the population. During the warmer periods of the year, the daphnid population went through a series of rapid growth phases leading to over-exploitation of food resources and subsequent population collapses. Daphnia population densities were not correlated with Anisops numbers suggesting that predation was not a major regulatory factor during the warmer periods of the year. When water temperatures fell below ca. 15°C daphnid population densities remained low despite high food levels. During this period the impact of Anisops may have been greater. Two distinct phases were identified: a warm water period when food limitation was the main regulatory factor, and a cool water period when Anisops predation may have been the paramount factor. Low oxygen concentrations were associated with heavy rainfall in the spring and may have had a limiting effect on Daphnia for short periods. Daphnia may have had an important role in sustaining the Anisops population in the pond over each winter.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to describe the age structure and variation in annual radial growth in populations of Pinus strobus, Larix laricina, and Prunus serotina as a means of characterizing tree establishment in the Oswegatchie Plains, a shrub barren surrounded by forest in the Adirondack Mountains of northern New York. Population age structure was determined in 10 m wide transects established perpendicular to the plain-forest border. Age of individual stems was determined by counts of internodes for pine seedlings, counts of growth rings on cut larch seedlings, and counts of growth rings in increment cores extracted from larger stems of all three species. Variation in tree annual radial growth was described by measuring the width of individual growth rings on increment cores and analyzing the data in relation to climatic and historical records of the site. The populations of P. strobus and L. laricina were about 100 years old. The P. serotina population in the open and at the forest margin was only 50 years old. P. strobus and L. laricina had a discontinuous age structure marked by an age gap of about 30 years which occurred between the 1910's and the 1940's in the two populations. Seedlings of P. strobus and L. laricina were more abundant and older at the forest edge than under the forest canopy. Pattern of age distribution in seedlings of P. strobus was described equally well with a negative exponential model as with a power function model. In all three species tree age was poorly related to the tree diameter at breast height. Variations in annual radial growth throughout population life-history were more marked in L. laricina than in P. strobus or P. serotina. Monthly rainfall and monthly mean temperature and snowfall explained 94% of variation in radial growth of P. serotina, 67 to 78% of variation in radial growth of P. strobus, and 54 to 55% of variation in radial growth of L. laricina. P. serotina growth was best correlated with weather conditions during the first half of the growing season. In contrast, P. strobus growth was better correlated with weather conditions toward the end of the season. Major variation in L. laricina growth was more closely related to past outbreaks of the larch sawfly, Pristophora erichsonii, than to climatic conditions. Tree esta blishment through time has been episodic in all three species, with little or no establishment during the intervening time periods. Age structure data do not support the hypothesis that a significant advance of the forest edge has occurred over the past several decades. Successful establishment of trees may occur at times but because of the severity of site conditions and the vulnerability of forest stands to natural disturbances, the vegetational characteristics of the Plains will probably remain very different from the surrounding forest.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the mechanisms driving superpredation, the killing of smaller mesopredators by larger apex predators, is important because of the crucial role superpredation can play in structuring communities and because it often involves species of conservation concern. Here we document how the extent of superpredation has changed over time, and assessed the impact of such temporal variation on local mesopredator populations using 40 yr of dietary data collected from a recovering population of northern goshawks Accipiter gentilis, an archetypical avian superpredator. We then assessed which mechanisms were driving variation in superpredation, e.g. was it opportunistic, a response to food becoming limited (due to declines in preferred prey) or to reduce competition. Raptors comprised 8% of goshawk diet on average in years when goshawk abundance was high, which is higher than reported elsewhere. Additionally, there was a per capita increase in superpredation as goshawks recovered, with the proportion of goshawk diet comprising raptors increasing from 2 to 8% as the number of goshawk home‐ranges increased from ≤ 14 to ≥ 25. This increase in superpredation coincided with a population decline in the most commonly killed mesopredator, the Eurasian kestrel Falco tinnunculus, which may represent the reversal of the ‘mesopredator release’ process (i.e. mesopredator suppression) which occurred after goshawks and other large raptors declined or were extirpated. Food limitation was the most likely driver of superpredation in this system given: 1) the substantial decline of two main prey groups in goshawk diet, the increase in diet diversity and decrease in goshawk reproductive success are all consistent with the goshawk population becoming food‐limited; 2) it's unlikely to be purely opportunistic as the increase in superpredation did not reflect changes in the availability of mesopredator species; and 3) the majority of mesopredators killed by goshawks do not compete with goshawks for food or nest sites.  相似文献   

Doig  L. E.  North  R. L.  Hudson  J. J.  Hewlett  C.  Lindenschmidt  K.-E.  Liber  K. 《Hydrobiologia》2017,787(1):323-339

Aside from a companion investigation to this study, there are currently no peer-reviewed phosphorus (P) release rate data for northern North American (i.e., Canadian) reservoirs. Using Lake Diefenbaker, Saskatchewan, Canada as a case study, we tested the effect of variation in overlying water DO conditions on the P release rates from sediment cores. Sediment cores from four down-reservoir locations in Lake Diefenbaker were incubated under high (>8 mg l−1), low (2–3 mg l−1), or anoxic (<1 mg l−1) DO concentrations. Sediment cores were then analyzed for total P (TP) and three geochemical P fractions to assess how the DO regime influenced sediment P inventory. Maximum P release rates were highest under anoxic conditions and similar among sites (15.0–20.3 mg m−2 day−1), with the low-DO rates intermediate to the high-DO and anoxic P fluxes. Predictive internal P loading models considering only hypolimnetic anoxia may therefore oversimplify and thus underestimate P mobilization in situ. Non-apatite inorganic P (54 ± 10% across sites) from the top 1 cm of the sediment profile was the main source of P released during incubations, indicating that sampling on a coarser scale of resolution could obscure the relationship between sediment geochemistry and short-term P flux.


The population dynamics of small rodents in a tropical African grassland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monthly estimates were obtained of the density of small rodents in tropical grassland in Rwenzori Park, Uganda between April 1972 and September 1973. Of the 12 species of rodents present, the most numerous were Lemniscomys striatus, Lophuromys sikapusi, Mus triton, Mylomys dybowskii and Praomys natalensis . In a live trapping grid estimates were obtained using direct enumeration, numbers caught, Hayne's Lincoln Index and Jolly's method. Monthly estimates ranged between 16·67 and 63·32 animals per hectare. Intensive removal trappings were also undertaken and these gave estimates of 6·45 to 27·24 per hectare. The inconsistency of the two estimates may be accounted for by small microhabitat and vegetational differences.
Breeding occurs in Lemniscomys and Praomys during the wet season whilen Lophuromys it is more extended but nevertheless seasonal. There is considerable evidence of rapid population turnover as the five species examined in detail had a mean duration of residence between two and three months. Few animals were resident for more than eight months.
The monthly standing crop biomass ranged from 672 to 2221 g/ha on the live trapping grid and from 348 to 1126 g/ha on the intensive removal grids. Estimates of net annual production on the live trapping grid rely on a number of assumptions but are nevertheless relatively high ranging from 5897 to 7072 g/ha.
Fires had a significant indirect effect on the composition of the fauna. Mus triton and Lemniscomys increased their numbers in the five months following the burn to levels not previously attained whereas Mylomys and Lophuromys were less frequent during this period. Several species of avian, reptilian and mammalian predators are recorded.  相似文献   

Maintenance of genetic diversity has recently become a management goal for a number of species, due to its importance for present and future population viability. Genetic drift, primarily through differential reproductive success and inbreeding, can accelerate the loss of genetic diversity in recently recovered populations. We attempt to quantify the consequences of these factors on the genetic diversity contained in a small, recently founded wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) population by examining the genetic variation in this conservation herd, the calves born therein, and its large source population. The Hook Lake Wood Bison Recovery Project was initiated to found a disease-free herd of wood bison containing a representative amount of the genetic diversity present in the Wood Buffalo National Park metapopulation. Levels of diversity in the Hook Lake Wood Bison Recovery Project founders are higher than in previous salvage attempts. To examine the effects of differential reproductive success on this population, we monitored parentage of the calves born in the Hook Lake Wood Bison Recovery Project for 3 years since the founders reached sexual maturity. Two of the male founders sired over 90% of the offspring born in this population, which has led to a reduction in diversity in their calves. Monitoring of reproductive success, and incorporation of selective breeding strategies will be required to reduce the rate at which genetic diversity is lost from this small, isolated population. These steps should occur in other recovery projects, particularly when a small number of individuals are capable of dominating reproduction.  相似文献   

We review studies that consider how food affects primate population abundance. In order to explain spatial variation in primate abundance, various correlates that parameterize quality and quantity of food in the habitat have been examined. We propose two hypotheses concerning how resource availability and its seasonality determine animal abundance. When the quality of fallback foods (foods eaten during the scarcity of preferred foods) is too low to satisfy nutritional requirement, total annual food quantity should determine population size, but this relationship can be modified by the quality or the quantity of fallback foods. This mechanism has been established for Japanese macaques and sportive lemurs that survive lean seasons by fat storage or extremely low metabolism. Second, when fallback food quality is high enough to satisfy nutritional requirement but quantity is limited, quantity of fallback food should be a limiting factor of animal abundance. This is supported by the correlation between fig density, which is a high-quality fallback food, and gibbon and orangutan abundance. For a direct test of these hypotheses, we need more research that determines both the quality of food that animals require to satisfy their nutritional requirement and the quantity of food production. Leaves are often regarded as superabundant, but this assumption needs careful examination.  相似文献   

Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) undergo 8- to 11-year population cycles caused by direct and/or interactive effects of overwinter food shortage and predation. However, the demographic significance of food shortage during cyclic population lows remains unclear. I evaluated the importance of overwinter food limitation to the demography (numbers, age and sex ratios) of low-density hare populations during two winters in Manitoba. Also, I examined whether the hypothesized differences in demography of fed and unfed hare populations could be explained by altered movement patterns or social dynamics. Bimonthly live-trapping revealed that food failed to have a direct long-term effect on the number, or change in number, of hares estimated to be on the three supplemented areas, relative to three control areas. Modest numerical responses to supplementation tended to be short-term (i.e., restricted to winter) and related to pre-supplementation densities, with the study area characterized by the highest hare density displaying the strongest and most consistent response to added food. During winter the percentage of females was remarkably variable among study areas and time periods, but added food may have augmented slightly the proportion of females captured in traps. There tended to be slightly more juveniles on supplemented areas during winter periods, and this effect was strongest during the first winter (1991–1992). I found that immigration rates and percentage of hares that were considered to be transient animals were similar on supplemented and control areas, and that spatial distribution of radio-collared animals on versus off of study areas also was similar. Because the overall effect of food on hare populations was small and short-lived, and could be explained largely by small increases in survival and reproduction, I conclude that the study population was not subject to overwinter food limitation. Received: 22 February 1998 / Accepted: 12 February 1999  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of the spatial distribution of many species is patchiness. This spatial patchiness may be generated by very different processes, e.g. fragmentation, succession and extinction-colonisation dynamics. In this study, we apply a spatial realistic metapopulation model to analyse the occupancy pattern of a rare and endangered grasshopper, Stauroderus scalaris. found in an extensive network of 158 patches. When the study was initiated in 1985 the regional occupancy was 9.3% declining down to 7.1% in 1989. Then there was a spatial expansion of the population and in 1993 as many as 27.3% of the patches were occupied and 32.9% in 1995. During this expansion phase, the dynamics obeyed metapopulation principles: large patches and less isolated ones were more likely to be colonised. In the beginning, local extinction risks were negatively related to patch size and positively influenced by isolation. However, later on neither area nor isolation affected extinction probabilities. Altogether, 20 extinctions and 56 colonisations were observed. The shift in regional occupancy, with a growth of ca 20%, coincides with perturbations to the patch network and the warmest summer in 140 yr. Our results suggest that S. scalaris persists on a dynamic habitat mosaic, where refuges are crucial during adverse periods, and stochastic environmental factors (disturbances and climate), that are correlated over large areas, are generating population dynamic patterns that are hard to predict using current modelling techniques.  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下, 降水格局发生改变, 呈现降水总量不变, 但降水强度增加、降水频率降低的趋势, 影响了地下生态系统的结构和功能。土壤微食物网作为地下生态系统的重要组成部分, 在驱动生态系统多功能性方面起着重要作用。降水格局的变化能够通过土壤微食物网的改变对生态系统产生影响。然而, 以往研究多关注于降水量的变化对微食物网的影响, 降水格局变化对其影响的研究较少。因此, 本研究在内蒙古温带草原开展连续8年的降水添加控制试验(控制降水总量不变, 降水频率及强度改变), 包括5个降水强度处理(2 mm、5 mm、10 mm、20 mm和40 mm), 通过磷脂脂肪酸法(PLFA)确定微生物含量, 高通量测序法(16S和ITS)确定微生物多样性及群落结构, 线虫形态学鉴定确定线虫群落组成及结构。结果表明在降水总量不变降水强度改变的背景下, 高降水强度(20 mm)促进了北方温带草原真菌含量的增长, 适度降水强度(10 mm)促进了微生物的多样性。而线虫的多度随着降水强度的增加而增大, 中高降水强度下线虫多样性最高。土壤微食物网的变化进一步影响了生态系统多功能性, 主要通过提高真菌生物量、食真菌线虫多度和线虫多样性, 从而提高了生态系统多功能性。  相似文献   

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