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We have previously characterized the human B cell response to trinitrophenol (TNP)-Brucella abortus (Ba) response as being T cell independent. In this report we examine the role of monocytes in the TNP-Ba antibody response of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Depletion of monocytes by sequential adherence to plastic and Sephadex G-10 passage did not result in decreased plaque-forming cell responses to TNP-Ba, suggesting that monocytes were not required. On the contrary monocytes were probably inhibitory because their removal resulted in enhanced responses. This was confirmed by showing that adding monocytes back reconstituted the inhibition. When interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), a potent activator of monocytes, was added to TNP-Ba-driven PBMC cultures, marked inhibition (greater than 90%) of the responses ensued. This IFN-gamma-mediated suppression was monocyte dependent because it was completely abrogated by monocyte, but not T cell depletion. Previously, we described a concanavalin A (Con A), T cell inhibition pathway of the TNP-Ba response. Both the Con A and IFN-gamma pathways were tested for their ability to inhibit systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patient responses to TNP-Ba. The B cell response of SLE patients was inhibitable by both pathways. In all of the patients, the inhibition was complete (greater than 95%) when IFN-gamma was added to the cultures. In the presence of Con A, greater than 95% inhibition was observed in six of 10 patients, the remainder being inhibited to a lesser extent. Thus the hyperactive B cells from SLE patients can be down-regulated, particularly in the presence of IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Conditioned medium from cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells contains an inactive plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI). This latent PAI can be "activated" with denaturants. For example, less than 0.01 units/microliter of PAI activity was detected in untreated conditioned medium, but medium treated with sodium dodecyl sulfate (1.7 mM), guanidine HCl (4 M), urea (12 M) or KSCN (6 M) contained 0.9, 1.9, 0.8, and 0.5 units/microliter, respectively. This effect was dose-dependent with respect to the particular reagent used, and the same concentration of reagent which induced PAI activity also stimulated the ability of a component in conditioned medium to form sodium dodecyl sulfate-stable complexes with exogenously added plasminogen activators. Neither activity was stimulated by extensive dialysis or by treatment with NaCl (5 M), Na2SO4 (2.8 M), or dicetyl phosphate (0.1%). Analysis of treated and untreated conditioned medium by gel filtration revealed that the latent and active PAIs migrated with apparent Mr values of 30,000 and 50,000, respectively. Thus, "activation" is associated with an increase in the apparent Mr of the molecule. These observations suggest that activation does not result from the removal of either a small dialyzable component from the medium, or of a large Mr component that is bound to the latent PAI. Other possible mechanisms of activation are discussed. We recently isolated an active PAI from bovine endothelial cells (van Mourik, J.A., Lawrence, D.A., and Loskutoff, D.J. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 14914-14921). Monospecific antiserum to this active PAI selectivity immunoprecipitated the latent PAI from conditioned medium. These results indicate that the two PAIs are immunologically related and suggest that the latent form is converted into the active form by the sodium dodecyl sulfate present during the purification.  相似文献   

It has previously been demonstrated that B cells can be activated through two distinct T helper (Th) cell-dependent pathways, one requiring both carrier-hapten linkage and MHC-restricted T-B interaction and the other requiring neither. In addition, it has been shown that different B cell subpopulations exist and that these subpopulations differ in their activation requirements. Previous studies demonstrated that resting B cells containing an Lyb-5+ subpopulation were activated by MHC-unrestricted T cell signals, whereas resting Lyb-5- B cells were activated only through MHC-restricted T-B interaction. It was suggested that this difference resulted from the ability of Lyb-5+ but not Lyb-5-B cells to respond to soluble MHC-unrestricted Th signals. Because Lyb-5+ B cells were responsive in these previous experiments to MHC-unrestricted Th signals, it could not be determined whether Lyb-5+ B cells were also responsive to MHC-restricted Th signals. Consequently, the present study was undertaken to directly address the question of whether Lyb-5+ B cells can be activated under appropriate conditions by MHC-restricted as well as unrestricted T cell-B cell interactions. It was found that unprimed normal B cells (containing Lyb-5+ and Lyb-5-B cells) but not unprimed xid-defective populations (Lyb-5- only) can be activated by cloned KLH-specific and MHC-restricted Th cells in response to either high or low concentrations of TNP-KLH. The IgM response of Lyb-5+-containing B cells to a high concentration of antigen (10 micrograms/ml) was MHC unrestricted, whereas the IgM response of unprimed Lyb-5+ B cells to a low concentration of antigen (0.001 micrograms/ml) was MHC restricted. Thus, unprimed Lyb-5+ B cells can be activated through both MHC-restricted and unrestricted pathways. It was further demonstrated that the activation requirements of Lyb-5+ and Lyb-5- B cells differed even for MHC-restricted B cell activation.  相似文献   

Efficient B cell responses to most polysaccharide antigens such as TNP-PAA or TNP-Ficoll require factors produced by activated T cells. However, the mechanism of T cell activation during such responses has not been established, because these antigens do not activate T cells, either directly or in conjunction with I-A gene products. We used a panel of antigen-specific monoclonal helper T cells to study T cell activation during the course of such responses. We show that activated I-A-identical B cells directly stimulate these monoclonal T cells, and that this stimulation is in the absence of nominal antigen. The high frequency of inducer cells that are stimulated by activated B cells suggests a major biologic role for this novel pathway of T cell activation.  相似文献   

The ability of Th cells, type 1 (TH1), to activate and induce differentiation of B cells into antibody-secreting cells is controversial because 1) some clones of TH1 cells provide help while others do not, and 2) by using the same TH1 clone, different laboratories disagree on whether they provide help to B cells. One possible explanation for the latter is the variability in the activation status of the B cells used in different laboratories. In the present studies, we have used Ag-specific B cells from athymic (nu/nu) mice, or sterilely housed nu/+ mice to study the TH1-mediated activation of B cells that had received little or no prior help from T cells and/or antigen in vivo. These B cells express low levels of surface Ia (sIa) Ag, and fail to secrete IgG2a in response to TH1 cells plus Ag; in contrast, responses to TH2 cells plus Ag are normal. To explore this observation further, we prepared "surface(s) Ia1o" B cells from conventionally housed BALB/c mice by sorting spleen cells on the fluorescence-activated cell sorter. This sIalo population also failed to produce IgG2a in response to TH1 cells plus Ag. In contrast, the sIahi, (presumably more mature) B cells, responded to both the TH1 and TH2 cells. The addition of LPS, TH2 cells or the lymphokine, IL-4, to cultures of sIalo B cells from normal or nu/nu mice (plus Ag and TH1 cells), restored IgG2a responses to control levels. Low sIa levels were not the sole cause of nonresponsiveness of the nu/nu B cells because a 24-h pulse with IL-4 restored sIa to control levels without restoring IgG2a production after activation with TH1 cells plus Ag. These data support the conclusion that sIalo B cells are immature and require an activation/maturation signal from IL-4 in vivo in order to respond to TH1 cells and Ag in vitro.  相似文献   

In some plants, particularly herbaceous species, a considerable proportion of incident ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280-320 nm) penetrates into the leaf mesophyll where it is potentially damaging to nucleic acids and the photosyn-thetic machinery. We used optical techniques to look at the spatial variation in UV-B penetration through the epidermis of foliage of two herbaceous species (Chenopodium album and Smilacina stellata)and a conifer (Picea pun-gens). Measurements of UV-B penetration in intact foliage with a fibre-optic microprobe revealed that 300 nm radiation reached 161±36μm (mean±SD) into leaves of C. album, 154±40μm in S. stellata and 17±2μm in P. pungens, with epidermal transmittance being 39±14%, 55±19% and 0%, respectively. A thin polymer film was developed which fluoresced blue when irradiated by UV-B. Fresh epidermal leaf peels were placed over the film and irradiated with UV-B, and microscopic examination of the film from below allowed us to determine the spatial pattern of UV-B penetration through the epidermis. In herbaceous species, film fluorescence below cell walls, but not epidermal and guard cell protoplasts indicated that UV-B transmittance was much greater through anticlinal cell wall regions than protoplasts. Ultraviolet-B transmittance through large areas of epidermal cells could be induced by plasmolysis. Epidermal transmittance was also relatively high through stomal pores (and what appear to be nuclei in Smilacina), but relatively low through stomatal guard cells. Results from the fluorescing film technique were substantiated by direct measurements of UV-B transmittance through epidermal peels with a fibre-optic microprobe run paradermally along the bottom or inner side of irradiated peels. In Smilacina, we estimate that UV-B epidermal transmittance was up to 90% through anticlinal cell wall regions, but <10% through protoplast areas. In contrast to herbaceous species, we did not detect any UV-B transmittance through the epidermis of P. pungens with either the fluorescing film or the fibre-optic microprobe technique. The epidermis appears to be a much more spatially uniform UV-B filter in conifers than in these herbaceous species.  相似文献   

Mouse peritoneal macrophages stimulated with LPS produce large amounts of pro-IL-1 beta. When these cells were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine, however, little labeled cytokine appeared in the medium after a chase, and that which was externalized was not processed to its mature biologically active form. In an effort to promote proteolytic maturation of IL-1 beta, macrophages were treated with agents that were expected to compromise their viability. The calcium ionophore A23187 and the detergent saponin caused complete release of nonprocessed 35-kDa pro-IL-1 beta and liberation into the extracellular medium of the cytoplasmic marker enzyme LDH and the lysosomal enzyme beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase. Hypotonic lysis resulted in the release of a 20-kDa IL-1 beta species that was distinct from the 17-kDa mature species. Importantly, incubation of the murine macrophages with the potassium/proton ionophore nigericin led to a quantitative conversion of pro-IL-1 beta to a 17-kDa species. The N-terminus of this nigericin-derived product possessed the amino acid sequence expected for mature biologically active IL-1 beta. Monensin, an ionophore similar to nigericin, did not induce release or proteolysis of IL-1 beta. Complete release of mature IL-1 beta required concentrations of nigericin in excess of 2 microM and a minimum of 10 min of treatment. Mature 17-kDa IL-1 beta was observed within the nigericin-treated cells before their lysis. Nigericin's effect was not limited to mouse peritoneal macrophages, inasmuch as the ionophore also induced release and proteolytic maturation of IL-1 beta produced by LPS-stimulated human peripheral blood monocytes. Treatment of macrophages with LPS and nigericin, therefore, results in a unique series of intracellular events that promote formation of mature 17-kDa IL-1 beta.  相似文献   

The binding and transport of glycoalbumin (gA) by the endothelium of murine myocardial microvessels were studied by perfusing in situ 125I-gA or gA-gold complexes (gA-Au) and examining the specimens by radioassays and EM, respectively. After a 3-min perfusion, the uptake of radioiodinated gA is 2.2-fold higher than that of native albumin; it is partially (approximately 55%) competed by either albumin or D-glucose, and almost completely abolished by the concomitant administration of both competitors or by gA. D-mannose and D-galactose are not effective competitors. Unlike albumin-gold complexes that bind restrictively to plasmalemmal vesicles, gA-Au labels the plasma-lemma proper, plasmalemmal vesicles open on the lumen, and most coated pits. Competing albumin prevents gA-Au binding to the membrane of plasmalemmal vesicles, while glucose significantly reduces the ligand binding to plasmalemma proper. Competition with albumin and glucose gives additive effects. Transcytosis of gA-Au, already detected at 3 min, becomes substantial by 30 min. No tracer exit via intercellular junctions was detected. gA-Au progressively accumulates in multivesicular bodies. The results of the binding and competition experiments indicate that the gA behaves as a bifunctional ligand which is recognized by two distinct binding sites: one, located on the plasma membrane, binds as a lectin the glucose residues of gA; whereas the other, confined to plasmalemmal vesicles, recognizes presumably specific domains of the albumin molecule.  相似文献   

An in vitro line of the B cell tumor BCL1 was developed. The cell line carried u-, S-, and A-chains on the cell surface as judged by analysis of surface iodinated proteins but did not secret Ig. ASfter stimulation with LPS, limpid A, or bacterial lipoprotein, 20 to 40% of the tumor cells matured to IgM secretors when detected in a plaque assay. Two other polyclonal B cell activators, namely dextransulphate and PPD, had at most a marginal stimulatory effect. The ability of the cells to become activated to IgM secretion as well as the expression of cell surface IgM and IgD makes the BCL1 unique among murine B cell tumors.  相似文献   

Recent progress in chimeric antigen receptor-modified T-cell(CAR-T cell) technology in cancer therapy is extremely promising, especially in the treatment of patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In contrast, due to the hostile immunosuppressive microenvironment of a solid tumor, CAR T-cell accessibility and survival continue to pose a considerable challenge, which leads to their limited therapeutic efficacy. In this study, we constructed two anti-MUC1 CAR-T cell lines. One set of CAR-T cells contained SM3 single chain variable fragment(sc Fv) sequence specifically targeting the MUC1 antigen and co-expressing interleukin(IL) 12(named SM3-CAR). The other CAR-T cell line carried the SM3 sc Fv sequence modified to improve its binding to MUC1 antigen(named p SM3-CAR) but did not co-express IL-12. When those two types of CAR-T cells were injected intratumorally into two independent metastatic lesions of the same MUC1+ seminal vesicle cancer patient as part of an interventional treatment strategy, the initial results indicated no side-effects of the MUC1 targeting CAR-T cell approach, and patient serum cytokines responses were positive. Further evaluation showed that p SM3-CAR effectively caused tumor necrosis, providing new options for improved CAR-T therapy in solid tumors.  相似文献   

Summary The Ca2+-activated K+ channel in rat pancreatic islet cells has been studied using patch-clamp single-channel current recording in excised inside-out and outside-out membrane patches. In membrane patches exposed to quasi-physiological cation gradients (Na+ outside, K+ inside) large outward current steps were observed when the membrane was depolarized. The single-channel current voltage (I/V) relationship showed outward rectification and the null potential was more negative than –40 mV. In symmetrical K+-rich solutions the single-channelI/V relationship was linear, the null potential was 0 mV and the singlechannel conductance was about 250 pS. Membrane depolarization evoked channel opening also when the inside of the membrane was exposed to a Ca2+-free solution containing 2mm EGTA, but large positive membrane potentials (70 to 80 mV) were required in order to obtain open-state probabilities (P) above 0.1. Raising the free Ca2+ concentration in contact with the membrane inside ([Ca2+]i) to 1.5×10–7 m had little effect on the relationship between membrane potential andP. When [Ca2+]i was increased to 3×10–7 m and 6×10–7 m smaller potential changes were required to open the channels. Increasing [Ca2+]i further to 8×10–7 m again activated the channels, but the relationship between membrane potential andP was complex. Changing the membrane potential from –50 mV to +20 mV increasedP from near 0 to 0.6 but further polarization to +50 mV decreasedP to about 0.2. The pattern of voltage activation and inactivation was even more pronounced at [Ca2+]i=1 and 2 m. In this situation a membrane potential change from –70 to +20 mV increasedP from near 0 to about 0.7 but further polarization to +80 mV reducedP to less than 0.1. The high-conductance K+ channel in rat pancreatic islet cells is remarkably sensitive to changes in [Ca2+]i within the range 0.1 to 1 m which suggests a physiological role for this channel in regulating the membrane potential and Ca2+ influx through voltage-activated Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

It was examined whether B cells can serve as antigen-presenting cells (APC) in the antibody response to a T-dependent antigen, trinitrophenyl-ovalbumin (TNP-OVA). B cells purified from mice primed with TNP (TNP-B cells) responded to TNP-OVA in the presence of purified T cells sensitized with OVA (OVA-T cells). OVA-T cells required the addition of APC to proliferate in response to TNP-OVA. APC activity of TNP-B cells in the T-cell proliferation was abolished by 4000 R irradiation. Our experiments also revealed that an antibody response requires more adherent cells than the T-cell proliferation. These results indicate that adherent cells possibly accompanying the T- and B-cell preparations were at a less than functional level. There was genetic restriction between T and B cells for the antibody response. B cells in the pellet fraction of 70% Percoll density sedimentation behaved similarly to the unfractionated TNP-B cells in the antibody response. A T-cell clone specific for human gamma-globulin (HGG) also induced an anti-TNP antibody response in B cells from unprimed mice in the presence of TNP-HGG. These results suggest that B cells are able to elicit an antibody response to a T-dependent antigen in the presence of carrier-primed T cells without the participation of macrophages.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transforms human B-lymphocytes into proliferating blasts which are efficiently established into cell lines. The viral DNA in these cell lines is usually present as complete, unintegrated plasmid molecules. A cis-acting element of EBV, oriP, permits plasmid maintenance in adherent cells that carry EBV DNA. We constructed a vector, pHEBo, that carries oriP and showed that it is also efficiently maintained as a plasmid when introduced into EBV-transformed B-lymphoblasts. The pHEBo vector carries the coding sequences for the hph gene from Escherichia coli such that it can be expressed in mammalian cells and confers resistance to the antibiotic hygromycin B. Hygromycin B kills EBV-transformed lymphoblasts at concentrations of 50 to 300 micrograms/ml. The combination of oriP plus the expressed hph gene makes pHEBo useful for the stable introduction of genes on plasmids into EBV-transformed lymphoblasts. Because pHEBo is derived from the plasmid pBR322 it can be easily isolated from lymphoblasts by reintroduction into E. coli.  相似文献   

Challenge with peptide Ag in the absence of adjuvant results in tolerance of CD8 T cells specific for the Ag. In contrast, administration of IL-12 along with peptide results in massive clonal expansion, development of effector function, and establishment of a long-lived memory population. Using adoptive transfer of TCR-transgenic CD8 T cells, this effect of IL-12 is shown to be independent of CD4 T cells and to require costimulation provided by CD28 and possibly LFA-1. IL-12 supports responses when IL-12Rbeta1-deficient mice are used as recipients for the adoptively transferred CD8 T cells, demonstrating that the IL-12 is acting directly on the T cells rather than on host APC. These results provide strong support for a three-signal model for in vivo activation of naive CD8 T cells by peptide Ag, in which the presence or absence of the third signal determines whether tolerance or activation occurs. In contrast, memory CD8 T cells are effectively activated by peptide Ag in the absence of IL-12 or adjuvant.  相似文献   

Human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV) envelope (Env) glycoproteins induce fusion, leading to rampant syncytium formation in a broad range of cell lines. Here, we identified murine, hamster, canine, and porcine cell lines that are resistant to HTLV-1 Env-induced syncytium formation. This resistance was not due to the absence of functional receptors for HTLV Env, as these cells were susceptible to infection with HTLV Env-pseudotyped virions. As murine leukemia virus (MLV) Env and HTLV Env present close structural homologies (F. J. Kim, I. Seiliez, C. Denesvre, D. Lavillette, F. L. Cosset, and M. Sitbon, J. Biol. Chem. 275:23417-23420, 2000), and because activation of syncytium formation by MLV Env generally requires cleavage of the R peptide in the cytoplasmic domain of the Env transmembrane (TM) component, we assessed whether truncation of the cytoplasmic domain of HTLV Env would alleviate this resistance. Indeed, in all resistant cell lines, truncation of the last 8 amino acids of the HTLV Env cytoplasmic domain (HdC8) was sufficient to overcome resistance to HTLV Env-induced syncytium formation. Furthermore, HdC8-mediated cell-to-cell infection titers varied according to the target cell lines and could be significantly higher than that observed with HTLV Env on HeLa cells. These data indicate that a determinant located within the 8 carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic amino acids of TM plays a distinct role in HTLV Env-mediated cell-to-cell infection and syncytium formation.  相似文献   

In this study, we have shown that, when expressed in Xenopus oocytes, trout anion exchanger 1 (tAE1) was able to act as a bifunctional protein, either an anion exchanger or a chloride conductance. Point mutations of tAE1 were carried out and their effect on Cl- conductance and Cl- unidirectional flux were studied. We have shown that mutations made in transmembrane domain 7 had dramatic effects on tAE1 function. Indeed, when these residues were mutated, either individually or together (mutants E632K, D633G, and ED/KG), Cl- conductance was reduced to 28-44% that of wild-type tAE1. Moreover, ion substitution experiments showed that anion selectivity was altered. However, the exchanger function was unchanged, as evidenced by the fact that Cl- influx and K(m) were identical for each of these mutants and similar to the wild-type protein parameters. By contrast, mutations made in the C-terminal domains of the protein (R819M, Q829K) affected both transport functions. Cl- conductance was increased by approximately 200% with respect to tAE1 and anion selectivity was impaired. Likewise, Cl- influx was increased by approximately 260% and was no longer saturable. These and other mutations carried out in transmembrane domains 7, 8, 12-14 of tAE1 allow us to demonstrate without doubt that, in addition to its anion exchanger activity, tAE1 can also function as a chloride channel. Above all, this work led us to identify amino acids involved in this double function organization.  相似文献   

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