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Degradation of Uric Acid by Certain Aerobic Bacteria   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
We have isolated and identified nine cultures of aerobic bacteria capable of growing on an elective medium containing uric acid as the only source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. Four of these cultures were identified as Aerobacter aerogenes, two as Klebsiella pneumoniae, and the remainder as Serratia killiensis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Bacillus species. Another culture identified as P. fluorescens required both glucose and uric acid for growth. When 23 laboratory stock cultures were inoculated into the uric acid medium, A. aerogenes, B. subtilis, Mycobacterium phlei, P. aeruginosa, and S. marcescens were able to grow. These five cultures also grew when the uric acid was replaced with adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine, xanthine, or allantoin, but growth was poor. In all of these media, including the uric acid medium, addition of glucose along with the nitrogenous compounds yielded good growth. Induction experiments demonstrated that the ability of A. aerogenes, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, P. fluorescens, S. kiliensis, S. marcescens, B. subtilis, and Bacillus sp. to degrade uric acid is an induced property. Of these organisms, only Bacillus sp. accumulated a small amount of intracellular uric acid.  相似文献   

Two bacterial strains that grow anaerobically on betaine were isolated from enrichment cultures and identified as strains of Eubacterium limosum. In a mineral medium supplemented with yeast extract and Casitone, the doubling time of E. limosum strain 11A on betaine was 6 h at 37°C. The molar growth yield amounted to 9 g of dry cell mass per mol. Betaine was fermented in accordance with the following equation: 7 betaine + 2 CO2 → 7 N,N-dimethylglycine + 1.5 acetate + 1.5 butyrate. E. limosum also grew on methanol and choline. The former was converted to acetate and butyrate, and the latter was converted to N,N-dimethylethanolamine, acetate, and butyrate. The conditions for the quantitative determination of N,N-dimethylglycine by capillary tube isotachophoresis have been determined.  相似文献   

Molar growth yields determined from batch cultures of Streptococcus diacetilactis and S. faecalis were appreciably greater at the peaks of maximal growth than after continued incubation and considerable autolysis. The higher molar growth yields were about equal to those determined in a continuous culture. Autolysis during logarithmic growth was minimal. The average Y value for adenosine triphosphate (ATP), determined by using limiting concentrations of glucose, galactose, lactose, and maltose for growing S. diacetilactis and limiting concentrations of glucose for growing S. lactis, S. cremoris, and S. faecalis, was 17.0. This is close to the Y (arginine) value of 17.8 determined with S. faecalis, but 62% greater than the generally accepted value of 10.5. Data are presented indicating that the often-used Y (ATP) value of 10.5 is erroneously low.  相似文献   

The volatile metabolites formed by 18 lactic acid bacteria, representing three genera, were extracted from a complex medium by using a Freon 11 extraction method. The Freon extracts were then analyzed by capillary gas chromatography, and certain extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A total of 35 major peaks, of which 20 were positively identified, were used to differentiate between the various strains. On the basis of the results obtained, it was possible to differentiate between the members of the genera Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, and Leuconostoc, as well as between various species within the genus Leuconostoc. Of the 10 Leuconostoc oenos strains included in this study, 9 yielded similar results, but it was still possible to differentiate between the various strains. L. oenos B66 differed from the other L. oenos strains. Use of the Freon 11 extraction technique to determine volatile metabolites formed by lactic acid bacteria was shown to be highly reproducible and of great value. Furthermore, certain compounds not previously known to be formed by lactic acid bacteria were found.  相似文献   

We sought optimum culture conditions for the production by Pseudomonas chlororaphis B23 of nitrile hydratase activity. Addition of ferric and ferrous ions and the use of methacrylamide as an inducer greatly enhanced nitrile hydratase formation. When P. chlororaphis B23 was cultivated for 26 hr at 25°C in a medium consisting of 1 g of sucrose, 0.5 g of methacrylamide, 0.2 g of l-cysteine, 0.2 g of l-glutamate (Na), 0.2g of l-proline, 50 mg of KH2PO4, 50 mg of K2HPO4, 50 mg of MgSO4·7H20, and 1 mg of FeSO4·7H20 per 100 ml of tap water with the pH controlled at pH 7.5 to 7.8, the enzyme activity in the culture broth was 900-times that previously reported.  相似文献   

The formation of “bloaters” (hollow stock) in cucumbers brined for salt-stock purposes at 5 to 10% salt has been associated with gaseous fermentation caused chiefly by yeasts. Recently, serious early bloater damage, not attributable to yeasts, has been observed in commercial-scale experiments on control of bloaters in overnight dill pickles brined in 50-gal barrels at 3.0 to 4.5% salt. Growth of fermentative species of yeasts was effectively controlled by the addition of 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1% sorbic acid or its sodium salt. In contrast to this, the fermenting brines showed extremely high populations of acid-forming bacteria, identified as Lactobacillus plantarum, L. brevis, and Pediococcus cerevisiae. The gas-forming species (i.e., L. brevis) constituted a high proportion of the total populations. Representative isolates from 36 barrels of overnight dill pickles were tested for their ability to produce bloaters in 1-quart jars of pasteurized cucumbers equilibrated at 4 to 5% salt, 0.25% lactic acid, and pH 4.0. Bloaters, identical with those made by yeast cultures, were produced in all jars inoculated with L. brevis. No bloaters were produced by L. plantarum and P. cerevisiae. These results suggest that the control of bloater damage in cucumber fermentations, particularly at low salt concentrations, may necessitate inhibition of gas-forming lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of 13 amine-forming lactobacilli to several bacteriocins was investigated by an agar diffusion assay. All strains were susceptible to nisin and to five bacteriocins of enterococcal origin. Pediocin PA-1, bavaricin A, lactococcin A, and a bacteriocin from Enterococcus faecalis 1061 did not show inhibitory activity. Two bacteriocin-producing enterococci and a nisin-producing Lactococcus lactis strain were employed as starters in separate cheese-making experiments. Outgrowth of histamine producer Lactobacillus buchneri St2A, which was added to the milk at levels of up to 190 CFU/ml, was almost completely inhibited. No histamine formation was detected in the cheeses made with bacteriocin-producing starters. In the control cheese without bacteriocin, St2A reached levels of 1.1 x 10(sup8) CFU/g, and 200 mg of histamine per kg was found after 4 months of ripening. To our knowledge, this is the first report of bacteriocin-mediated inhibition of histamine formation in foods.  相似文献   

We found that species combinations such as Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus IFO3831 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kyokai-10 can form a mixed-species biofilm in coculture. Moreover, the Kyokai-10 yeast strain can form a biofilm in monoculture in the presence of conditioned medium (CM) from L. casei IFO3831. The active substance(s) in bacterial CM is heat sensitive and has a molecular mass of between 3 and 5 kDa. In biofilms from cocultures or CM monocultures, yeast cells had a distinct morphology, with many hill-like protrusions on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Glutamic acid producing bacteria accumulated a large amount of valine in the presence of the excess biotin, when sodium acrylate monomer (Na-AM) was added at the earlier phase of culture. Brevibacterium roseum ATCC 13825, particularly, accumulated the large amount of valine among bacteria tested and the conditions of valine accumulation by this strain were investigated.

The most effective addition time of Na-AM was at the earlier phase of logarithmic phase. The optimal concentration of Na-AM for the accumulation of valine was 1.0 per cent (v/v). Most effective nitrogen sources were the combination of 1.0 per cent urea and 0.2 per cent ammonium sulphate. The additions of Mn2+ and Fe2+ increased valine accumulation. By the excess concentration of biotin for growth, 20 μg/liter or more, did not affected valine accumulation, while the presence of the suboptimal condition of biotin for growth was not good for the formation of valine even in the presence of Na-AM. The accumulation of valine reached 9.0 mg/ml from 75.0 mg/ml of glucose in the presence of 50 μg/liter of biotin and 1.0 per cent (v/v) of Na-AM.

This strain possessed considerable activity of valine formation regardless of the addition of Na-AM and promoted the accumulation of valine by the addition of Na-AM.  相似文献   

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