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We present algorithms for time-series gene expression analysis that permit the principled estimation of unobserved time points, clustering, and dataset alignment. Each expression profile is modeled as a cubic spline (piecewise polynomial) that is estimated from the observed data and every time point influences the overall smooth expression curve. We constrain the spline coefficients of genes in the same class to have similar expression patterns, while also allowing for gene specific parameters. We show that unobserved time points can be reconstructed using our method with 10-15% less error when compared to previous best methods. Our clustering algorithm operates directly on the continuous representations of gene expression profiles, and we demonstrate that this is particularly effective when applied to nonuniformly sampled data. Our continuous alignment algorithm also avoids difficulties encountered by discrete approaches. In particular, our method allows for control of the number of degrees of freedom of the warp through the specification of parameterized functions, which helps to avoid overfitting. We demonstrate that our algorithm produces stable low-error alignments on real expression data and further show a specific application to yeast knock-out data that produces biologically meaningful results.  相似文献   

Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytoscape is a free software package for visualizing, modeling and analyzing molecular and genetic interaction networks. This protocol explains how to use Cytoscape to analyze the results of mRNA expression profiling, and other functional genomics and proteomics experiments, in the context of an interaction network obtained for genes of interest. Five major steps are described: (i) obtaining a gene or protein network, (ii) displaying the network using layout algorithms, (iii) integrating with gene expression and other functional attributes, (iv) identifying putative complexes and functional modules and (v) identifying enriched Gene Ontology annotations in the network. These steps provide a broad sample of the types of analyses performed by Cytoscape.  相似文献   

Using the modelling of solute transport in flowing media as an example, this paper outlines the main aspects of a systematic approach to the modelling of natural systems from experimental time-series data. The objective of the approach, which exploits sophisticated methods of recursive parameter estimation, is to produce a parametrically efficient, data-based model which is both physically meaningful and statistically well defined. Although the proposed methodology has its origins in systems and control theory and may be unfamiliar to some natural scientists, it has been developed and refined for use with natural environmental systems over the past 20 years, and has wide application potential in areas such as biology and ecology. In this sense, the paper is intended to introduce the more general reader to the topic, in the hope that the tutorial review and practical examples will stimulate interest and encourage reference to the many publications cited in the paper. The practical examples are concerned with the modelling of pollutant dispersion in stream channels: phloem translocation and carbon partitioning in plants: and rainfall-streamflow modelling in a river catchment.  相似文献   



Designing appropriate machine learning methods for identifying genes that have a significant discriminating power for disease outcomes has become more and more important for our understanding of diseases at genomic level. Although many machine learning methods have been developed and applied to the area of microarray gene expression data analysis, the majority of them are based on linear models, which however are not necessarily appropriate for the underlying connection between the target disease and its associated explanatory genes. Linear model based methods usually also bring in false positive significant features more easily. Furthermore, linear model based algorithms often involve calculating the inverse of a matrix that is possibly singular when the number of potentially important genes is relatively large. This leads to problems of numerical instability. To overcome these limitations, a few non-linear methods have recently been introduced to the area. Many of the existing non-linear methods have a couple of critical problems, the model selection problem and the model parameter tuning problem, that remain unsolved or even untouched. In general, a unified framework that allows model parameters of both linear and non-linear models to be easily tuned is always preferred in real-world applications. Kernel-induced learning methods form a class of approaches that show promising potentials to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

Current methods for the identification of putatively co-regulated genes directly from gene expression time profiles are based on the similarity of the time profile. Such association metrics, despite their central role in gene network inference and machine learning, have largely ignored the impact of dynamics or variation in mRNA stability. Here we introduce a simple, but powerful, new similarity metric called lead-lag R(2) that successfully accounts for the properties of gene dynamics, including varying mRNA degradation and delays. Using yeast cell-cycle time-series gene expression data, we demonstrate that the predictive power of lead-lag R(2) for the identification of co-regulated genes is significantly higher than that of standard similarity measures, thus allowing the selection of a large number of entirely new putatively co-regulated genes. Furthermore, the lead-lag metric can also be used to uncover the relationship between gene expression time-series and the dynamics of formation of multiple protein complexes. Remarkably, we found a high lead-lag R(2) value among genes coding for a transient complex.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Large scale gene expression data are often analysed by clustering genes based on gene expression data alone, though a priori knowledge in the form of biological networks is available. The use of this additional information promises to improve exploratory analysis considerably. RESULTS: We propose constructing a distance function which combines information from expression data and biological networks. Based on this function, we compute a joint clustering of genes and vertices of the network. This general approach is elaborated for metabolic networks. We define a graph distance function on such networks and combine it with a correlation-based distance function for gene expression measurements. A hierarchical clustering and an associated statistical measure is computed to arrive at a reasonable number of clusters. Our method is validated using expression data of the yeast diauxic shift. The resulting clusters are easily interpretable in terms of the biochemical network and the gene expression data and suggest that our method is able to automatically identify processes that are relevant under the measured conditions.  相似文献   

Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) are complex biological systems that have a large impact on protein levels, so that discovering network interactions is a major objective of systems biology. Quantitative GRN models have been inferred, to date, from time series measurements of gene expression, but at small scale, and with limited application to real data. Time series experiments are typically short (number of time points of the order of ten), whereas regulatory networks can be very large (containing hundreds of genes). This creates an under-determination problem, which negatively influences the results of any inferential algorithm. Presented here is an integrative approach to model inference, which has not been previously discussed to the authors' knowledge. Multiple heterogeneous expression time series are used to infer the same model, and results are shown to be more robust to noise and parameter perturbation. Additionally, a wavelet analysis shows that these models display limited noise over-fitting within the individual datasets.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Inference about regulatory networks from high-throughput genomics data is of great interest in systems biology. We present a Bayesian approach to infer gene regulatory networks from time series expression data by integrating various types of biological knowledge. RESULTS: We formulate network construction as a series of variable selection problems and use linear regression to model the data. Our method summarizes additional data sources with an informative prior probability distribution over candidate regression models. We extend the Bayesian model averaging (BMA) variable selection method to select regulators in the regression framework. We summarize the external biological knowledge by an informative prior probability distribution over the candidate regression models. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate our method on simulated data and a set of time-series microarray experiments measuring the effect of a drug perturbation on gene expression levels, and show that it outperforms leading regression-based methods in the literature.  相似文献   

Responding to change is a fundamental property of life, making time-series data invaluable in biology. For microbes, plate readers are a popular, convenient means to measure growth and also gene expression using fluorescent reporters. Nevertheless, the difficulties of analysing the resulting data can be a bottleneck, particularly when combining measurements from different wells and plates. Here we present omniplate, a Python module that corrects and normalises plate-reader data, estimates growth rates and fluorescence per cell as functions of time, calculates errors, exports in different formats, and enables meta-analysis of multiple plates. The software corrects for autofluorescence, the optical density’s non-linear dependence on the number of cells, and the effects of the media. We use omniplate to measure the Monod relationship for the growth of budding yeast in raffinose, showing that raffinose is a convenient carbon source for controlling growth rates. Using fluorescent tagging, we study yeast’s glucose transport. Our results are consistent with the regulation of the hexose transporter (HXT) genes being approximately bipartite: the medium and high affinity transporters are predominately regulated by both the high affinity glucose sensor Snf3 and the kinase complex SNF1 via the repressors Mth1, Mig1, and Mig2; the low affinity transporters are predominately regulated by the low affinity sensor Rgt2 via the co-repressor Std1. We thus demonstrate that omniplate is a powerful tool for exploiting the advantages offered by time-series data in revealing biological regulation.  相似文献   

Mixture modelling of gene expression data from microarray experiments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
MOTIVATION: Hierarchical clustering is one of the major analytical tools for gene expression data from microarray experiments. A major problem in the interpretation of the output from these procedures is assessing the reliability of the clustering results. We address this issue by developing a mixture model-based approach for the analysis of microarray data. Within this framework, we present novel algorithms for clustering genes and samples. One of the byproducts of our method is a probabilistic measure for the number of true clusters in the data. RESULTS: The proposed methods are illustrated by application to microarray datasets from two cancer studies; one in which malignant melanoma is profiled (Bittner et al., Nature, 406, 536-540, 2000), and the other in which prostate cancer is profiled (Dhanasekaran et al., 2001, submitted).  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Analysis of gene expression data can provide insights into the time-lagged co-regulation of genes/gene clusters. However, existing methods such as the Event Method and the Edge Detection Method are inefficient as they compare only two genes at a time. More importantly, they neglect some important information due to their scoring criterian. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm to identify time-lagged co-regulated gene clusters. The algorithm facilitates localized comparison and processes several genes simultaneously to generate detailed and complete time-lagged information for genes/gene clusters. RESULTS: We experimented with the time-series Yeast gene dataset and compared our algorithm with the Event Method. Our results show that our algorithm is not only efficient, but also delivers more reliable and detailed information on time-lagged co-regulation between genes/gene clusters. AVAILABILITY: The software is available upon request. CONTACT: jiliping@comp.nus.edu.sg SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary tables and figures for this paper can be found at http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~jiliping/p2.htm.  相似文献   

Recent work has used graphs to modelize expression data from microarray experiments, in view of partitioning the genes into clusters. In this paper, we introduce the use of a decomposition by clique separators. Our aim is to improve the classical clustering methods in two ways: first we want to allow an overlap between clusters, as this seems biologically sound, and second we want to be guided by the structure of the graph to define the number of clusters. We test this approach with a well-known yeast database (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Our results are good, as the expression profiles of the clusters we find are very coherent. Moreover, we are able to organize into another graph the clusters we find, and order them in a fashion which turns out to respect the chronological order defined by the the sporulation process.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: In clinical practice, pathological phenotypes are often labelled with ordinal scales rather than binary, e.g. the Gleason grading system for tumour cell differentiation. However, in the literature of microarray analysis, these ordinal labels have been rarely treated in a principled way. This paper describes a gene selection algorithm based on Gaussian processes to discover consistent gene expression patterns associated with ordinal clinical phenotypes. The technique of automatic relevance determination is applied to represent the significance level of the genes in a Bayesian inference framework. RESULTS: The usefulness of the proposed algorithm for ordinal labels is demonstrated by the gene expression signature associated with the Gleason score for prostate cancer data. Our results demonstrate how multi-gene markers that may be initially developed with a diagnostic or prognostic application in mind are also useful as an investigative tool to reveal associations between specific molecular and cellular events and features of tumour physiology. Our algorithm can also be applied to microarray data with binary labels with results comparable to other methods in the literature.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: High-throughput technologies have facilitated the acquisition of large genomics and proteomics datasets. However, these data provide snapshots of cellular behavior, rather than help us reveal causal relations. Here, we propose how these technologies can be utilized to infer the topology and strengths of connections among genes, proteins and metabolites by monitoring time-dependent responses of cellular networks to experimental interventions. RESULTS: We demonstrate that all connections leading to a given network node, e.g. to a particular gene, can be deduced from responses to perturbations none of which directly influences that node, e.g. using strains with knock-outs to other genes. To infer all interactions from stationary data, each node should be perturbed separately or in combination with other nodes. Monitoring time series provides richer information and does not require perturbations to all nodes. Overall, the methods we propose are capable of deducing and quantifying functional interactions within and across cellular gene, signaling and metabolic networks. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary material is available at http://www.dbi.tju.edu/bioinformatics2004.pdf  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Temporal gene expression profiles provide an important characterization of gene function, as biological systems are predominantly developmental and dynamic. We propose a method of classifying collections of temporal gene expression curves in which individual expression profiles are modeled as independent realizations of a stochastic process. The method uses a recently developed functional logistic regression tool based on functional principal components, aimed at classifying gene expression curves into known gene groups. The number of eigenfunctions in the classifier can be chosen by leave-one-out cross-validation with the aim of minimizing the classification error. RESULTS: We demonstrate that this methodology provides low-error-rate classification for both yeast cell-cycle gene expression profiles and Dictyostelium cell-type specific gene expression patterns. It also works well in simulations. We compare our functional principal components approach with a B-spline implementation of functional discriminant analysis for the yeast cell-cycle data and simulations. This indicates comparative advantages of our approach which uses fewer eigenfunctions/base functions. The proposed methodology is promising for the analysis of temporal gene expression data and beyond. AVAILABILITY: MATLAB programs are available upon request.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Inferring genetic networks from time-series expression data has been a great deal of interest. In most cases, however, the number of genes exceeds that of data points which, in principle, makes it impossible to recover the underlying networks. To address the dimensionality problem, we apply the subset selection method to a linear system of difference equations. Previous approaches assign the single most likely combination of regulators to each target gene, which often causes over-fitting of the small number of data. RESULTS: Here, we propose a new algorithm, named LEARNe, which merges the predictions from all the combinations of regulators that have a certain level of likelihood. LEARNe provides more accurate and robust predictions than previous methods for the structure of genetic networks under the linear system model. We tested LEARNe for reconstructing the SOS regulatory network of Escherichia coli and the cell cycle regulatory network of yeast from real experimental data, where LEARNe also exhibited better performances than previous methods. AVAILABILITY: The MATLAB codes are available upon request from the authors.  相似文献   

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