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The LAP (leucine-rich repeat and PDZ-containing) family of proteins play a role in maintaining epithelial and neuronal cell size, and mutation of these proteins can have oncogenic consequences. The LAP protein Erbin has been implicated previously in a number of cellular activities by virtue of its PDZ domain-dependent association with the C termini of both ERB-B2 and the p120-catenins. The present work describes the NMR structure of Erbin PDZ in complex with a high affinity peptide ligand and includes a comprehensive energetic analysis of both the ligand and PDZ domain side chains responsible for binding. C-terminal phage display has been used to identify preferred ligands, whereas binding affinity measurements provide precise details of the energetic importance of each ligand side chain to binding. Alanine and homolog scanning mutagenesis (in a combinatorial phage display format) identifies Erbin side chains that make energetically important contacts with the ligand. The structure of a phage-optimized peptide (Ac-TGW(-4)ETW(-1)V; IC(50) = approximately 0.15 microm) in complex with Erbin PDZ provides a structural context to understand the binding energetics. In particular, the very favorable interactions with Trp(-1) are not Erbin side chain-mediated (and therefore may be generally applicable to many PDZ domains), whereas the beta2-beta3 loop provides a binding site for the Trp(-4) side chain (specific to Erbin because it has an unusually long loop). These results contribute to a growing appreciation for the importance of at least five ligand C-terminal side chains in determining PDZ domain binding energy and highlight the mechanisms of ligand discrimination among the several hundred PDZ domains present in the human genome.  相似文献   

We report a structural comparison of the first PDZ domain of ZO-1 (ZO1-PDZ1) and the PDZ domain of Erbin (Erbin-PDZ). Although the binding profile of Erbin-PDZ is extremely specific ([D/E][T/S]WV(COOH)), that of ZO1-PDZ1 is similar ([R/K/S/T][T/S][W/Y][V/I/L](COOH)) but broadened by increased promiscuity for three of the last four ligand residues. Consequently, the biological function of ZO-1 is also broadened, as it interacts with both tight and adherens junction proteins, whereas Erbin is restricted to adherens junctions. Structural analyses reveal that the differences in specificity can be accounted for by two key differences in primary sequence. A reduction in the size of the hydrophobic residue at the base of the site(0) pocket enables ZO1-PDZ1 to accommodate larger C-terminal residues. A single additional difference alters the specificity of both site(-1) and site(-3). In ZO1-PDZ1, an Asp residue makes favorable interactions with both Tyr(-1) and Lys/Arg(-3). In contrast, Erbin-PDZ contains an Arg at the equivalent position, and this side chain cannot accommodate either Tyr(-1) or Lys/Arg(-3) but, instead, interacts favorably with Glu/Asp(-3). We propose a model for ligand recognition that accounts for interactions extending across the entire binding site but that highlights several key specificity switches within the PDZ domain fold.  相似文献   

PDZ domains are protein-protein interaction modules that recognize specific C-terminal sequences to assemble protein complexes in multicellular organisms. By scanning billions of random peptides, we accurately map binding specificity for approximately half of the over 330 PDZ domains in the human and Caenorhabditis elegans proteomes. The domains recognize features of the last seven ligand positions, and we find 16 distinct specificity classes conserved from worm to human, significantly extending the canonical two-class system based on position -2. Thus, most PDZ domains are not promiscuous, but rather are fine-tuned for specific interactions. Specificity profiling of 91 point mutants of a model PDZ domain reveals that the binding site is highly robust, as all mutants were able to recognize C-terminal peptides. However, many mutations altered specificity for ligand positions both close and far from the mutated position, suggesting that binding specificity can evolve rapidly under mutational pressure. Our specificity map enables the prediction and prioritization of natural protein interactions, which can be used to guide PDZ domain cell biology experiments. Using this approach, we predicted and validated several viral ligands for the PDZ domains of the SCRIB polarity protein. These findings indicate that many viruses produce PDZ ligands that disrupt host protein complexes for their own benefit, and that highly pathogenic strains target PDZ domains involved in cell polarity and growth.  相似文献   

Intracellular signaling cascades induced by Wnt proteins play a key role in developmental processes and are implicated in cancerogenesis. It is still unclear how the cell determines which of the three possible Wnt response mechanisms should be activated, but the decision process is most likely dependent on Dishevelled proteins. Dishevelled family members interact with many diverse targets, however, molecular mechanisms underlying these binding events have not been comprehensively described so far. Here, we investigated the specificity of the PDZ domain from human Dishevelled-2 using C-terminal phage display, which led us to identification of a leucine-rich binding motif strongly resembling the consensus sequence of a nuclear export signal. PDZ interactions with several peptide and protein motifs (including the nuclear export signal sequence from Dishevelled-2 protein) were investigated in detail using fluorescence spectroscopy, mutational analysis and immunoenzymatic assays. The experiments showed that the PDZ domain can bind the nuclear export signal sequence of the Dishevelled-2 protein. Since the intracellular localization of Dishevelled is governed by nuclear localization and nuclear export signal sequences, it is possible that the intramolecular interaction between PDZ domain and the export signal could modulate the balance between nuclear and cytoplasmic pool of the Dishevelled protein. Such a regulatory mechanism would be of utmost importance for the differential activation of Wnt signaling cascades, leading to selective promotion of the nucleus-dependent Wnt β-catenin pathway at the expense of non-canonical Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of the PDZ2 domain of the scaffolding protein syntenin, both unbound and in complexes with peptides derived from C termini of IL5 receptor (alpha chain) and syndecan, reveal the molecular roots of syntenin's degenerate specificity. Three distinct binding sites (S(0), S(-1), and S(-2)), with affinities for hydrophobic side chains, function in a combinatorial way: S(-1) and S(-2) act together to bind syndecan, while S(0) and S(-1) are involved in the binding of IL5Ralpha. Neither mode of interaction is consistent with the prior classification scheme, which defined the IL5Ralpha interaction as class I (-S/T-X-phi) and the syndecan interaction as class II (-phi-X-phi). These results, in conjunction with other emerging structural data on PDZ domains, call for a revision of their classification and of the existing model of their mechanism.  相似文献   

PDZ domains (PDZs), the most common interaction domain proteins, play critical roles in many cellular processes. PDZs perform their job by binding specific protein partners. However, they are very promiscuous, binding to more than one protein, yet selective at the same time. We examined the binding related dynamics of various PDZs to have insight about their specificity and promiscuity. We used full atomic normal mode analysis and a modified coarse‐grained elastic network model to compute the binding related dynamics. In the latter model, we introduced specificity for each single parameter constant and included the solvation effect implicitly. The modified model, referred to as specific‐Gaussian Network Model (s‐GNM), highlights some interesting differences in the conformational changes of PDZs upon binding to Class I or Class II type peptides. By clustering the residue fluctuation profiles of PDZs, we have shown: (i) binding selectivities can be discriminated from their dynamics, and (ii) the dynamics of different structural regions play critical roles for Class I and Class II specificity. s‐GNM is further tested on a dual‐specific PDZ which showed only Class I specificity when a point mutation exists on the βA‐βB loop. We observe that the binding dynamics change consistently in the mutated and wild type structures. In addition, we found that the binding induced fluctuation profiles can be used to discriminate the binding selectivity of homolog structures. These results indicate that s‐GNM can be a powerful method to study the changes in binding selectivities for mutant or homolog PDZs. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PICK1 (protein interacting with C kinase 1) contains a single PDZ domain known to mediate interaction with the C termini of several receptors, transporters, ion channels, and kinases. In contrast to most PDZ domains, the PICK1 PDZ domain interacts with binding sequences classifiable as type I (terminating in (S/T)XPhi; X, any residue) as well as type II (PhiXPhi; Phi, any hydrophobic residue). To enable direct assessment of the affinity of the PICK1 PDZ domain for its binding partners we developed a purification scheme for PICK1 and a novel quantitative binding assay based on fluorescence polarization. Our results showed that the PICK1 PDZ domain binds the type II sequence presented by the human dopamine transporter (-WLKV) with an almost 15-fold and >100-fold higher affinity than the type I sequences presented by protein kinase Calpha (-QSAV) and the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (-DSLL), respectively. Mutational analysis of Lys(83) in the alphaB1 position of the PDZ domain suggested that this residue mimics the function of hydrophobic residues present in this position in regular type II PDZ domains. The PICK1 PDZ domain was moreover found to prefer small hydrophobic residues in the C-terminal P(0) position of the ligand. Molecular modeling predicted a rank order of (Val > Ile > Leu) that was verified experimentally with up to a approximately 16-fold difference in binding affinity between a valine and a leucine in P(0). The results define the structural basis for the unusual binding pattern of the PICK1 PDZ domain by substantiating the critical role of the alphaB1 position (Lys(83)) and of discrete side chain differences in position P(0) of the ligands.  相似文献   

The Dishevelled (Dvl) protein, which conveys signals from receptors to the downstream effectors, is a critical constituent of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Because the PDZ domain of Dvl protein functions through associations with a wide range of protein partners, Dvl protein involved in the Wnt signaling pathway has been considered to be therapeutic targets in cancers. In this study, we performed structure-based pharmacophore model of the Dvl PDZ domain to discover novel small-molecule binders and identified eight compounds with micromolar affinity. The most potent compound identified, BMD4702, efficiently bound to the Dvl PDZ domain with 11.2 μM affinity and had a 0.186 μM KD value according to surface plasmon resonance and fluorescence spectroscopy, respectively. Combining both structural–kinetic relationship analyses and docking studies, we fourmulated that the ligand-binding site is composed of three H-bonds and three hydrophobic features. Thus, our approach led to the identification of potent binders of the Dvl PDZ domain and the findings provide novel insights into structure-based approaches to design high-affinity binders for the Dvl PDZ domain.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial serine protease HtrA2/Omi helps to maintain mitochondrial function by handling misfolded proteins in the intermembrane space. In addition, HtrA2/Omi has been implicated as a proapoptotic factor upon release into the cytoplasm during the cell death cascade. The protein contains a C-terminal PDZ domain that packs against the protease active site and inhibits proteolytic activity. Engagement of the PDZ domain by peptide ligands has been shown to activate the protease and also has been proposed to mediate substrate recognition. We report a detailed structural and functional analysis of the human HtrA2/Omi PDZ domain using peptide libraries and affinity assays to define specificity, X-ray crystallography to view molecular details of PDZ-ligand interactions, and alanine-scanning mutagenesis to probe the peptide-binding groove. We show that the HtrA2/Omi PDZ domain recognizes both C-terminal and internal stretches of extended, hydrophobic polypeptides. High-affinity ligand recognition requires contacts with up to five hydrophobic side chains by distinct sites on the PDZ domain. However, no particular residue type is absolutely required at any position, and thus, the HtrA2/Omi PDZ domain appears to be a promiscuous module adapted to recognize unstructured, hydrophobic polypeptides. This type of specificity is consistent with the biological role of HtrA2/Omi in mitochondria, which requires the recognition of diverse, exposed stretches of hydrophobic sequences in misfolded proteins. The findings are less consistent with, but do not exclude, a role for the PDZ domain in targeting the protease to specific substrates during apoptosis.  相似文献   

PTPN4, a human tyrosine phosphatase, protects cells against apoptosis. This protection could be abrogated by targeting the PDZ domain of this phosphatase with a peptide mimicking the C-terminal sequence of the G protein of an attenuated rabies virus strain. Here, we demonstrate that glioblastoma death is triggered upon intracellular delivery of peptides, either from viral origin or from known endogenous ligands of PTPN4-PDZ, such as the C terminus sequence of the glutamate receptor subunit GluN2A. The killing efficiency of peptides closely reflects their affinities for the PTPN4-PDZ. The crystal structures of two PTPN4-PDZ/peptide complexes allow us to pinpoint the main structural determinants of binding?and to synthesize a peptide of high affinity for PTPN4-PDZ enhancing markedly its cell death capacity. These results allow us to propose a potential mechanism for the efficiency of peptides and provide a target and a robust framework for the design of new pro-death compounds.  相似文献   

GIPC (GAIP-interacting protein, C terminus) represents a new target class for the discovery of chemotherapeutics. While many of the current generation of anticancer agents function by directly binding to intracellular kinases or cell surface receptors, the disruption of cytosolic protein-protein interactions mediated by non-enzymatic domains is an underdeveloped avenue for inhibiting cancer growth. One such example is the PDZ domain of GIPC. Previously we developed a molecular probe, the cell-permeable octapeptide CR1023 (N-myristoyl-PSQSSSEA), which diminished proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells. We have expanded upon that discovery using a chemical modification approach and here report a series of cell-permeable, side chain-modified lipopeptides that target the GIPC PDZ domain in vitro and in vivo. These peptides exhibit significant activity against pancreatic and breast cancers, both in cellular and animal models. CR1166 (N-myristoyl-PSQSK(εN-4-bromobenzoyl)SK(εN-4-bromobenzoyl)A), bearing two halogenated aromatic units on alternate side chains, was found to be the most active compound, with pronounced down-regulation of EGFR/1GF-1R expression. We hypothesize that these organic acid-modified residues extend the productive reach of the peptide beyond the canonical binding pocket, which defines the limit of accessibility for the native proteinogenic sequences that the PDZ domain has evolved to recognize. Cell permeability is achieved with N-terminal lipidation using myristate, rather than a larger CPP (cell-penetrating peptide) sequence. This, in conjunction with optimization of targeting through side chain modification, has yielded an approach that will allow the discovery and development of next-generation cellular probes for GIPC PDZ as well as for other PDZ domains.  相似文献   

Pan L  Wu H  Shen C  Shi Y  Jin W  Xia J  Zhang M 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(21):4576-4587
Protein interacting with c kinase 1 (PICK1) regulates the trafficking of receptors and ion-channels such as AMPA receptors. Traditionally, the PICK1 PDZ domain is regarded as an adaptor capable of binding to receptors trafficked by PICK1, and the lipid-binding BAR domain functions to tether PICK1 directly to membranes. Here, we show that the PICK1 PDZ domain can directly interact with lipid membranes. The PDZ domain and lipid membrane interaction is mediated by both a polybasic amino-acid cluster and a conserved 'Cys-Pro-Cys' motif located away from the peptide ligand-binding groove. Disruption of the PDZ and lipid membrane interaction totally abolished synaptic targeting of PICK1. Although mutation of the CPC motif did not affect the interaction between PICK1 and AMPA receptors, the mutant PICK1 was unable to cluster the GluR2 subunit of the receptor. In neurons, PICK1 containing the same mutation displayed dramatically compromised capacity in the trafficking of AMPA receptors. Taken together, our findings not only uncovered the novel lipid membrane-binding property of the PICK1 PDZ domain, but also provided direct evidence supporting the functional relevance of the PDZ-lipid interaction.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses and cancer   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Transient macromolecular complexes are often formed by protein-protein interaction domains (e.g. PDZ, SH2, SH3, WW) which recognize linear sequence motifs with in vitro affinities typically in the micromolar range. The analysis of the resulting interaction networks requires a quantification of domain specificity and selectivity towards all possible ligands with physiologically relevant affinity. As representative examples, we determined specificity as a function of ligand sequence-dependent affinity contributions by statistical analysis of peptide library screens for the AF6, ERBIN and SNA1 (alpha-1-syntrophin) PDZ domains. For this purpose, the three PDZ domains were first screened for binding with a peptide library comprising 6223 human C termini created by SPOT synthesis. Based on the detected ligand preferences, we designed focused peptide libraries (profile libraries). These libraries were used to quantify the affinity contributions of the four C-terminal ligand residues by means of ANOVA models (analysis of variance) relating the C-terminal ligand sequences to the corresponding dissociation constants. Our models agreed well with experimentally determined dissociation constants and allowed us to design super binding peptides. The latter were shown experimentally to bind to their cognate PDZ domains with the highest affinity. In addition, we determined structure-activity relationships and thereby rationalized the position-specific affinity contributions. Furthermore, we used the statistical models to predict the dissociation constants for the complete ligand sequence space and thus determined the specificity overlap for the three investigated PDZ domains (). Altogether, we present an efficient method for profiling protein-protein interaction domains that provides a biophysical picture of specificity and selectivity. This approach allows the rational design of functional experiments and provides a basis for simulating interaction networks in the field of systems biology.  相似文献   

Erbin is a recently described member of the LAP (leucine-rich repeat and PDZ domain) protein family. We used a C-terminally displayed phage peptide library to identify optimal ligands for the Erbin PDZ domain. Phage-selected peptides were type 1 PDZ ligands that bound with high affinity and specificity to the Erbin PDZ domain in vitro. These peptides most closely resembled the C-terminal PDZ domain-binding motifs of three p120-related catenins: delta-catenin, ARVCF, and p0071 (DSWV-COOH). Analysis of the interactions of the Erbin PDZ domain with synthetic peptides matching the C termini of ARVCF or delta-catenin also demonstrated specific high affinity binding. We characterized the interactions between the Erbin PDZ domain and both ARVCF and delta-catenin in vitro and in vivo. The Erbin PDZ domain co-localized and coprecipitated with ARVCF or delta-catenin complexed with beta-catenin and E/N-cadherin. Mutagenesis and peptide competition experiments showed that the association of Erbin with the cadherin-catenin complex was mediated by the interaction of its PDZ domain with the C-terminal PDZ domain-binding motifs (DSWV-COOH) of ARVCF and delta-catenin. Finally, we showed that endogenous delta-catenin and Erbin co-localized in and co-immunoprecipitated from neurons. These results suggest that delta-catenin and ARVCF may function to mediate the association of Erbin with the junctional cadherin-catenin complex. They also demonstrate that C-terminal phage-display technology can be used to predict physiologically relevant ligands for PDZ domains.  相似文献   

PDZ domain proteins of synapses   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
PDZ domains are protein-interaction domains that are often found in multi-domain scaffolding proteins. PDZ-containing scaffolds assemble specific proteins into large molecular complexes at defined locations in the cell. In the postsynaptic density of neuronal excitatory synapses, PDZ proteins such as PSD-95 organize glutamate receptors and their associated signalling proteins and determine the size and strength of synapses. PDZ scaffolds also function in the dynamic trafficking of synaptic proteins by assembling cargo complexes for transport by molecular motors. As key organizers that control synaptic protein composition and structure, PDZ scaffolds are themselves highly regulated by synthesis and degradation, subcellular distribution and post-translational modification.  相似文献   

The abundant and dynamic post-translational modification of nuclear and cytosolic proteins by beta-O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is catalyzed by O-GlcNAc-transferase (OGT). Recently, we reported the identification of a novel family of OGT-interacting proteins (OIPs) that interact strongly with the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain of OGT (Iyer, S. P., Akimoto, Y., and Hart, G. W. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 5399-5409). Members of this family are modified by O-GlcNAc and are excellent substrates of OGT. Here, we further investigated the role of the TPR domain in the O-GlcNAcylation of OIP106, one of the members of this OIP family. Using N-terminal deletions, we first identified the region of OIP106 that binds OGT, termed the OGT-interacting domain (OID). Deletion analysis indicated that TPRs 2-6 of OGT interact with the OID of OIP106. The apparent Km of OGT for the OID of OIP106 is 3.35 microm. Unlike small peptide substrates, glycosylation of the OID was dependent upon its interaction with the first 6 TPRs of OGT. Furthermore, the isolated TPR domain of OGT competitively inhibited glycosylation of the OID protein, but did not inhibit glycosylation of a 12-amino acid casein kinase II peptide substrate, providing kinetic evidence for the role of the TPR domain as a protein substrate docking site. Additionally, both the OID of OIP106 and nucleoporin p62 competed with each other for glycosylation by OGT. These studies support the model that the catalytic subunit of OGT achieves both high specificity and a remarkable diversity of substrates by complexing with a variety of targeting proteins via its TPR protein-protein interaction domains.  相似文献   

Papillomaviruses, long associated with benign skin tumors, have been linked more recently to human cancers, particularly to cervical carcinoma. Molecular analysis of the virus has identified the transforming gene and its regulation by both viral and cellular trans:-acting factors. This viral regulatory mechanism is altered in carcinomas. However, lack of progress in developing an in vitro system has hampered investigation of the viral life cycle and the biology of the virus--host: cell interaction.  相似文献   

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