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Feeding and prey-selection of wild Atlantic salmon post-smolts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The diet of post-smolt Atlantic salmon Salmo salar caught in the Trondheimsfjord and Frohavet in central Norway, based on stomach contents analysis, showed a gradual change during migration from the river to the estuary, fjord and coastal areas. Post-smolts caught in the estuary had eaten intertidal gammarid amphipods, while post-smolts caught further seawards preyed upon available marine prey such as Calanus spp., adult euphausiids and fish larvae. The frequency of adult insects was high in all post-smolt stomachs. The gradual change in diet suggested that feeding conditions in the early marine phase were important for post-smolt survival and growth. With the exception of the copepods, there was no overall similarity between species composition of the plankton samples and the stomach contents. Although the hypothesis that the post-smolts are opportunistic feeders cannot be rejected, the composition of the stomach contents suggests a possible selectivity of advantageous prey.  相似文献   

A synthesis of results from two projects was assessed to analyse possible influence of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis on marine Atlantic salmon Salmo salar survival. During the years 1992–2004, trawling for wild migrating post-smolts was performed in Trondheimsfjord, a fjord in which no Atlantic salmon aquaculture activity is permitted. Prevalence and intensity of sea lice infections on migrating wild post-smolts differed between years. A correlation analysis between 1 sea-winter (SW) Atlantic salmon catch statistics from the River Orkla (a Trondheimsfjord river) and sea lice infections on the migrating smolts in the Trondheimsfjord was not significant. Up to 2% reduction in adult returns due to sea-lice infection was expected. In addition, experimental releases from 1996 to 1998 with individually tagged groups of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts given protection against sea-lice infection was performed. Higher recaptures of adult Atlantic salmon from 1998 treated smolts compared to the control group may correspond to high abundance of sea lice found on the wild smolt, and may indicate influence on post-smolt mortality. These studies indicate that post-smolt mortality in Trondheimsfjord is marginally influenced by sea lice infection; however, the methods for assessing wild smolt mortality might be insufficient. Higher infections of sea lice farther out in the fjord may indicate more loss in Atlantic salmon returns in some years.  相似文献   

A surface trawl survey (2001-2005) in Penobscot Bay, Maine, U.S.A., and the nearshore Gulf of Maine waters was conducted to investigate early marine dynamics of a hatchery-dependent Atlantic salmon Salmo salar population from a severely modified river system. Data generated were used to evaluate the effect of stocking location and time on migration success and to describe the migratory pathways and environments that post-smolts traverse. Significant differences in early migration success were detected among different stocking groups, but subsequent marine survival was independent of stocking group. While the post-smolt population was primarily composed of hatchery origin smolt-stocked fish, other life-stage stocking strategies (i.e. parr stocking) represented a higher proportion of the population than previously assumed. Catch distribution suggests evidence of an initial marine migratory pathway out of the dynamic Penobscot Bay environment. The hypothesized benefits of a predator refuge based on the co-occurring species complex is considered minimal for emigrating post-smolts given a mismatch in the size overlap among species and low abundance of other co-occurring diadromous populations. These data can be used to modify current management actions to optimize S. salar recovery and inform future research agendas.  相似文献   

Dietary analyses of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolt stomachs collected from 2001 to 2005 in Penobscot Bay, Maine, U.S.A., have yielded insights into the feeding ecology of early marine phase post-smolts from different rearing origins. Most stomachs contained only one or two prey types, suggesting active prey selection. Post-smolts that lived in the river longer (i.e. from naturally reared and parr-stocked origins) were smaller and consumed more fishes than invertebrates compared to larger post-smolts that emigrated immediately post-stocking (i.e. from smolt-stocked origins). Naturally reared S. salar consumed c. 84% fishes and 16% crustaceans and parr-stocked S. salar consumed 64% fishes and 34% crustaceans. Stocked smolts consumed 48% fishes and 40% crustaceans. Differences in the type and quantity of consumed prey may be indicative of behavioural differences among rearing origins that influence post-smolt survival.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry was utilized to track 49 brown trout (Salmo trutta) and 37 Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) first-time migrants of wild origin [post-smolts; mean LF (fork length): 169 and 172 mm] in a large fjord in northern Norway. The S. trutta were registered at sea for more than twice the time of the S. alpinus (medians of 54 and 22 days, respectively). Both species were mostly detected near river mouths (>80% of detections) and almost exclusively spent their time (>95%) within the interior 18 km of the fjord. They were surface oriented, with most detections at <1 m depth and S. trutta deeper on average (median mean depths of 0.7 and 0.5 m, respectively). This study concludes that post-smolts of both species stay closer to the surface and to river mouths than larger veteran migrants. This study emphasizes the importance of river mouths and upper water layers for the survival of both species during their first marine migration.  相似文献   

The freshwater phase of the first seaward migration of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is relatively well understood when compared with our understanding of the marine phase of their migration. In 2021, 1008 wild and 60 ranched Atlantic salmon smolts were tagged with acoustic transmitters in 12 rivers in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland. Large marine receiver arrays were deployed in the Irish Sea at two locations: at the transition of the Irish Sea into the North Atlantic between Ireland and Scotland, and between southern Scotland and Northern Ireland, to examine the early phase of the marine migration of Atlantic salmon smolts. After leaving their natal rivers' post-smolt migration through the Irish Sea was rapid with minimum speeds ranging from 14.03 to 38.56 km.day−1 for Atlantic salmon smolts that entered the Irish Sea directly from their natal river, to 9.69–39.94 km.day−1 for Atlantic salmon smolts that entered the Irish Sea directly from their natal estuary. Population minimum migration success through the study area was strongly correlated with the distance of travel, populations further away from the point of entry to the open North Atlantic exhibited lower migration success. Post-smolts from different populations experienced different water temperatures on entering the North Atlantic. This was largely driven by the timing of their migration and may have significant consequences for feeding and ultimately survivorship. The influence of water currents on post-smolt movement was investigated using data from previously constructed numerical hydrodynamic models. Modeled water current data in the northern Irish Sea showed that post-smolts had a strong preference for migrating when the current direction was at around 283° (west-north-west) but did not migrate when exposed to strong currents in other directions. This is the most favorable direction for onward passage from the Irish Sea to the continental shelf edge current, a known accumulation point for migrating post-smolts. These results strongly indicate that post-smolts migrating through the coastal marine environment are: (1) not simply migrating by current following (2) engage in active directional swimming (3) have an intrinsic sense of their migration direction and (4) can use cues other than water current direction to orientate during this part of their migration.  相似文献   

Changes were measured in some of the major physiological variables associated with seawater adaptability, growth and energetics in wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts and post-smolts migrating from the river and through the estuary, fjord and coastal areas in the River Orkla and the Trondheimsfjord, Norway during late May to early June. Gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity increased to levels of 12–16 µmol ADP mg protein−1 h−1 in post-smolts caught in higher salinity zones, probably representing long-term levels of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in oceanic conditions. Muscle moisture was regulated within narrow limits (77·7–78·7%) in fish from all zones during both years, suggesting that post-smolts adapt to marine conditions without any long-term disturbance of hydro-mineral balance. Lipid and glycogen content showed a general trend towards depletion from the river, through the fjord and into the ocean. There was, however, no significant change in protein content. The present results confirm that smolts are naturally 'energy deficient' during downstream migration, and suggest that post-smolts also mobilize energy reserves during their early marine phase, while protein is allocated for somatic growth. Plasma growth hormone (GH) levels increased transiently during passage through the estuary and fjord, with lower levels observed in post-smolts caught off-shore, i.e. in fish which were feeding on marine prey and had adapted to the marine environment. These physiological changes may confer substantial selective advantages during the critical early marine phase of anadromous salmonids, and hence are adaptive for long-term survival in sea water.  相似文献   

Tagging data were used to examine the relationships between smolt size, post-smolt growth and sea age at first maturity for the short-migrating Neva strain of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) ranched in the Bothnian Sea and the Gulf of Finland. The results provided evidence that post-smolt growth was influenced by both relative and absolute smolt size. For both sea-areas, 2-year smolts of small relative size within a release group grew more rapidly in the sea than did smolts of higher relative, but equivalent absolute size. The negative influence of increasing relative smolt size on marine growth was, however, outweighed by the stronger positive influence of increasing absolute smolt size. A 160-mm increase in smolt size (140–300 mm) resulted in an overall growth advantage of about 1 year. In the Bothnian Sea, the predicted mean length after 1 year in the sea was 288 ± 25 mm for 140-mm smolts and 560 ± 16 mm for 300-mm smolts. Under the more favourable conditions of the Gulf of Finland, the respective mean lengths were 369 ± 15 mm and 613 ± 12 mm. The sea age at first maturity was inversely related to both freshwater and marine growth rates. For both sea areas, large smolts yielded proportionately more grilse than did small ones. Smolt years with good post-smolt growth rates yielded more grilse than did years with poor growth rates. The overall level of grilsing was higher in the Gulf of Finland than in the Bothnian Sea. These results suggest that the relationships between smolt size, post-smolt growth and age at first maturity in the sea are influenced by the environmental conditions of the respective sea area. A framework explaining the links between smolt size, marine growth, survival and sea age at maturity in Neva salmon is presented for the Gulf of Finland and the Bothnian Sea.  相似文献   

Until July, post-smolt salmon Salmo salar ( n =337; 129–375 mm L T, mean 225 mm) in the Bothnian Sea relied largely on surface fauna (mainly terrestrial insects). From August onwards, fish was the principal food type. The smallest piscivorous post-smolts were <200 mm, but the main shift to piscivory occurred at sizes of 240–320 mm. Piscivory was promoted by a large smolt size. Almost all one-sea-winter (1-SW) salmon ( n =316; 278–524 mm, mean 397 mm) were piscivorous. Over 70% of the post-smolt and 96% of the 1-SW salmon with identifiable fish species in their stomachs had preyed on herring Clupea harengus. Other fish prey included the ten-spined Pungitius pungitius and three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteusaculeatus but no sprats Sprattus sprattus. The results support earlier observations of a close relationship between recruitment of herring and production of salmon in the Bothnian Sea, and of the crucial role of smolt size in determining the ability of feeding salmon for utilizing the food resources of the area.  相似文献   

The physiological effects of episodic pH fluctuations on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in eastern Maine, U.S.A., were investigated. During this study, S. salar smolts were exposed to ambient stream-water chemistry conditions at nine sites in four catchments for 3 and 6 day intervals during the spring S. salar smolt migration period. Plasma chloride, plasma glucose, gill aluminium and gill Na(+)- and K(+)-ATPase levels in S. salar smolts were assessed in relation to ambient stream-water chemistry during this migration period. Changes in both plasma chloride and plasma glucose levels of S. salar smolts were strongly correlated with stream pH, and S. salar smolt mortality occurred in one study site with ambient stream pH between 5·6 and 5·8 during the study period. The findings from this study suggest that physiological effects on S. salar smolts are strongly correlated with stream pH and that in rivers and streams with low dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations the threshold for physiological effects and mortality probably occurs at a higher pH and shorter exposure period than in rivers with higher DOC. Additionally, whenever an acidification event in which pH drops below 5·9 coincides with S. salar smolt migration in eastern Maine rivers, there is potential for a significant reduction in plasma ions of S. salar smolts.  相似文献   

Estuarine residency and marine movements of 43 anadromous Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (mean ± s.d . fork length = 523 ± 97 mm) were examined using acoustic tracking in inner Frobisher Bay (IFB; 63° N; 68° W), Canada, from July to September 2008 and 2009. A mean ± s.d . migration duration of 63 ± 7 days occurred from late June to early September. Detected S. alpinus were either continuously (maximum 34 days) or intermittently present in estuarine zones, on average residing approximately one third of time tracked and returning once every 9 days. Significantly higher estuarine residency during the final 15 migration days suggested that a transition phase may occur prior to freshwater re‐entry. Low travel rates during flood tide suggested individuals staged before accessing intertidal and estuarine zones. Although the two main estuaries were c. 22 km apart, 19% of tagged individuals used both. Individuals remained relatively close to freshwater overwintering systems, although late‐migration inter‐estuarine movements may have indicated natal homing. Approximately half of the individuals exhibited extra‐estuarine travel, mostly during mid‐migration, but remained within 3 km of shore ranging < 30 km straight line distance (SLD) of either estuary. It was concluded that IFB S. alpinus (1) spent a significant portion of their migration within or adjacent to the estuaries and (2) had a restricted marine distribution within 30 km SLD of the river mouths.  相似文献   

The early marine migratory behaviour of two populations of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar was compared in a common-garden experiment. Post-smolts from a river in a long fjord (Laerdal River, 144 km from the open coastline, n = 79) and a short fjord (Flekke River, 20 km from the open coastline, n = 80) in western Norway were tagged with acoustic transmitters and released during the spring of 2005 and 2006 in the inner part of the Hardangerfjord system (Opo River mouth, 179 km from the open coastline). The migratory behaviour of the tagged fish was monitored by acoustic listening stations in the fjord system up to 167 km from the release site. The Laerdal fish began migrating before the Flekke fish and had higher progression rates in the middle part of the fjord system. A greater number of Laerdal fish was detected along the most direct migratory route and in the outermost part of the Hardangerfjord system, which is indicative of a higher survival. The results from this study demonstrate differences in early marine migratory behaviour between S. salar from two different stocks and suggest that the distance a S. salar population travels to reach the open coastline may influence its early marine migratory behaviour and performance. The selective pressures of marine predation and arrival time at feeding areas in the ocean may be stronger for stocks with a longer inshore migration, creating more efficient migrants over time.  相似文献   

The Atlantic salmon has a complex life-cycle in which it encounters a salinity barrier initially upon migration to the sea as a young smolt and later as an adult salmon returning to its natal river. Concurrent with seawater migration is a process termed smoltification which is a series of metabolic changes which transform the freshwater parr into smolts adapted for life in the marine environment. To gain an understanding of events occurring at the molecular level in the salmon liver during this developmental process, a cDNA library prepared from post-smolt salmon liver mRNA was screened with total liver cDNA probes synthesised from parr and smolts. Clones which hybridised more strongly to the smolt probe than the parr probe were chosen as candidates, for an analysis of liver gene expression implicated in seawater adaptation. Many of these cDNA clones encoded the iron binding protein transferrin. Transferrin mRNA levels were determined to be significantly higher in seawater smolt salmon than in freshwater smolts implying that transferrin may play a role in seawater adaptation.  相似文献   

The post-smolt stage of salmon, Salmo salar L., is subject to heavy mortality in Norway. Each year 35 000 hatchery-reared smolts are stocked in the River Surna. Smolt stocking at sea and in the fjord resulted in recovery rates of adult salmon which were up to three times better than those resulting from river stockings. This was supposed to be due to by-passing some predators. In 1984 and 1985 predators and their predation on smolts were studied in the R. Surna estuary. Cod, Gadus morhua , were found to prey heavily on smolts, and a total mortality up to 24.8% was found in a small restricted area. Cod are thought to assemble in the Surna estuary in the spring, foraging on the smolt run.  相似文献   

The migration pattern of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) post-smolts in the Baltic Sea was investigated based on tag recoveries of Carlin-tagged wild and hatchery-reared smolts released in the Simojoki river in 1972–2005. Exact date of sea entry was known only for the wild smolts. Tag recoveries of wild salmon in the estuary within 10 km from the river mouth were received on average 3.5 days (±2.0 SD) after release. Time required for emigration from the estuary was dependent on the sea surface temperature (SST) off the river ( R 2 = 0.625, P = 0.004), being shorter in years with warmer than colder sea temperatures. Outside the estuary, the wild and hatchery-reared post-smolts migrated southwards along the eastern coast of the northern Gulf of Bothnia, the tag recoveries coinciding with the warm thermal zone in the SST occurring along the coastal area. After arriving in the southern Gulf of Bothnia in late summer the post-smolts mostly migrated near the western coast, reaching the Baltic main basin in late autumn. The relationships between the marine conditions and migration patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

The annual variation in sea-age of maturation for a hatchery dependent stock of Atlantic salmon was compared to variation in post-smolt growth as evidenced by circuli spacing patterns. The proportion of returns of 1-seawinter (1 SW) and 2 SW salmon and the fraction of the smolt year class or cohort that maturated as 1 SW fish, were compared to seasonal growth indices determined from circuli spacing on the scales of smolt class survivors returning as 1 SW and 2 SW spawners. Using image processing techniques, we extracted inter-circuli distances from scales from 2244 recaptured fish. Spacing data for the first year at sea were collected and then expressed as seasonal growth indices for the spring period, when post-smolts first enter the ocean; the summer, when growth appears maximal; and winter, when growth appears to be at a minimum. In general, circuli spacings were wider for 1 SW than for the 2 SW returns of the same smolt cohort. The 1 SW fraction was significantly and positively correlated with late summer growth, suggesting that growth during this season is pivotal in determining the proportion of a smolt class that matures early.  相似文献   

Salmon ( Salmo salar ) formed the largest proportion by mass offish found in the stomachs of red-breasted mergansers ( Mergus serrator ) shot during the smolt run in north-east Scotland. Salmon parr represented approximately two-thirds by mass of juvenile salmon eaten, whilst smolts were present in a smaller proportion than previously predicted. The median lengths of parr and smolts eaten were 70 and 115 mm, respectively; the latter being significantly smaller than the smolt population sampled during annual production estimates on the river.  相似文献   

In general, hatchery salmonid smolts experience higher mortality during migration than wild smolts, which is suggested to be due to domestication effects and that hatchery fish lack experience of the natural environment. However, possible differences in feeding during smolt migration between hatchery and wild smolts have rarely been addressed. We compared the number of feeding smolts and stomach fullness among wild Atlantic salmon smolts, hatchery-reared smolts released as 1-year-old parr, and hatchery-reared smolts released as 2-year-old smolts during their descent to sea in River Tornionjoki. In addition, estimations of prey selection among the smolt groups were conducted. A high proportion of wild smolts and smolts stocked as parr actively fed during the smolt migration. A lower proportion of smolts stocked as smolts was feeding and their stomach fullness were much reduced in comparison with the two other groups. The study also indicated that the feeding of migrating smolts is selective rather than opportunistic. In conclusion, this study suggests that stocked 2-year-old smolts may enter sea with an inferior foraging behaviour and it is a possibility that this may contribute to the observed low post-smolt survival in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The results of three investigations, two with wild smolt and one with hatchery-reared smolt of altic salmon, were analysed with regard to mortality due to predation during river and estuarine migration. This mortality was found to be high, at least 50% of the initial number of smolt was estimated not to reach marine waters. Smolt mortality may be important in population regulation, analoguous to other animal species having the same life strategy with two life stages and a transfer to a new habitat connected to the shift in life stage.  相似文献   

In this study, cost effective (in terms of reducing loss of power production) measures for increasing bypass migration of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were developed and tested by establishing statistical models for timing of smolt migration and favourable diversion of water to the bypass. Initial tracking of radio-tagged smolts showed very low bypass migration under normal hydropower operations. Bypass migration increased when bypass discharge was experimentally increased and a model was developed that described relationships between total river discharge, bypass diversion and smolt migration route. Further improvements were obtained by installing two strobe lights at the power-production tunnel entrance that increased bypass migration during the night, but not during daytime. According to the behaviour of radio-tagged fish, the implemented measures contributed to increasing the annual percentage of bypass migration from 11 to 64%, and according to model predictions to 60-74% when the hydropower facilities were operated according to the developed models. To ensure correct timing of discharge diversion a smolt migration model was developed based on environmental variables that could successfully predict the general pattern of migration timing. The concept presented for improving smolt migration past hydropower intakes should be applicable in many systems where migration past hydropower installations cannot easily be solved by screening systems.  相似文献   

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