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The eastern Patagonian Shelf and continental slope of the south-west Atlantic Ocean support a high biodiversity and abundance of skates. In this study, meso-scale differences in the assemblages, spatial and seasonal distributions of skates are revealed among six habitat zones of the eastern Patagonian Shelf characterized by distinctive oceanographic conditions. Most skates belonged to temperate fauna, and their abundance was much greater in habitats occupied by temperate waters (north-western outer shelf) or mixed waters (northern slope) than in habitats occupied by sub-Antarctic waters (SASW) (south-eastern outer shelf and southern slope). Sub-Antarctic skates were not abundant on the shelf even in habitats occupied by SASW, occurring mainly in deep areas of the lower continental slope. The majority of temperate skates migrated seasonally, shifting northward in winter and spreading southward with warming waters in summer. Most temperate species had two peaks in female maturity (mainly spring and autumn) and spawned in the same habitats where they fed. It is hypothesized that the high biodiversity and abundance of skates on the Patagonian Shelf and Slope are due to the practical absence of their natural competitors, flatfishes, which occupy similar eco-niches elsewhere.  相似文献   

The interactions between seabirds and fisheries pose significant threats for the seabird species such as incidental capture. In contrast, several species of seabirds meet part of their energetic requirements through the use of fisheries discards. Knowledge about the relationship between at-sea distribution of Procellariiformes and fisheries is a key tool in marine ecosystem management. We analysed the spatio-temporal relationship between the areas used by 16 satellite-tracked breeding adults of the Southern Giant Petrel and fisheries distribution and catch at the Patagonian Shelf. We also determined the time spent by adults in different marine jurisdictions. Results indicated a marked spatio-temporal association between birds and fisheries, mainly trawlers. The Southern Giant Petrels concentrated their foraging effort over Argentinean waters. The use of an abundant and predictable food source provided by the fisheries discards may be one of the factors affecting the dynamics of the Southern Giant Petrel populations in Patagonia, Argentina.  相似文献   

In agricultural systems, polyphagous beetles and spiders are abundant components of the beneficial arthropod community. Although data on the dietary ranges of these groups is increasing, remarkably little is understood regarding how individuals interact with their prey at small spatial scales. We demonstrate the utility of a spatially-explicit network model that integrates predator behaviour using predator-prey co-occurrences. Three co-occurrence matrices, one each for June, July and August, were generated using Vortis suction sample data collected from an 80 point grid imposed on a field of winter wheat. Heuristic predator-prey linkages, based on positive spatial co-occurrence, were imposed on these three matrices to create networks. It was found that primary consumers were highly aggregated and showed a strong tendency to co-occur. This contrasted with patterns of predator–predator or predator–prey co-occurrences that either aggregated to their prey or were weak and more scattered. These patterns could not be explained by either competition for resources or body size differences. Procrustean methods indicated that the networks were temporally dynamic, consistently achieving rates of turnover >60%. A negative relationship was found between decreasing predator–prey co-occurrence in the network and the number of prey positives in the guts of those predators. For large polyphagous beetles, the closer they were to their prey at the field scale, the more likely they were to have eaten them. This simple underlying relationship suggests that spatial co-occurrence networks can be used to predict feeding behaviour and could make a valuable contribution to food web structuring.  相似文献   

The open-sea movements of marine animals are affected by the drifting action of currents that, if not compensated for, can produce non-negligible deviations from the correct route towards a given target. Marine turtles are paradigmatic skilful oceanic navigators that are able to reach remote goals at the end of long-distance migrations, apparently overcoming current drift effects. Particularly relevant is the case of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea), which spend entire years in the ocean, wandering in search of planktonic prey. Recent analyses have revealed how the movements of satellite-tracked leatherbacks in the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are strongly dependent on the oceanic currents, up to the point that turtles are often passively transported over long distances. However, leatherbacks are known to return to specific areas to breed every 2–3 years, thus finding their way back home after long periods in the oceanic environment. Here we examine the navigational consequences of the leatherbacks'' close association with currents and discuss how the combined reliance on mechanisms of map-based navigation and local orientation cues close to the target may allow leatherbacks to accomplish the difficult task of returning to specific sites after years spent wandering in a moving medium.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 4808 fishes of 20 species caught in the eastern part of the Patagonian Shelf between 1999 and 2012 were analysed to assess dietary contributions of gelatinous plankton resources. Gelatinous plankton occurred in diets of seven species with two species, Patagonotothen ramsayi and Squalus acanthias, having >10% ctenophores in their diet. Consumption of gelatinous plankton was important in P. ramsayi and was strikingly seasonal, with maximum occurrence (up to 46% of non‐empty stomachs) in late summer to autumn. Ctenophores were most abundant in P. ramsayi of 25–34 cm total length, LT, whereas salps were more frequent in larger >35 cm LT individuals. In winter to spring, occurrence of gelatinous plankton in diets was minimal, reflecting their overall seasonal abundance in the ocean. The recent increase in abundance of P. ramsayi has enabled the species to recycle a significant proportion of the ecosystem production from gelatinous dead end to the main muscular food chain via seasonal reliance on ctenophores, jellyfish and tunicates. This additional influx of production that has been diverted from the gelatinous food chain favours the increase in abundance of several piscivorous top predators and affects the trophic web structure of the Patagonian Shelf ecosystem.  相似文献   

Many sea hares (Opisthobranchia, Anaspidea) sequester secondary metabolites from their algal diets. Tests of the hypothesis that sequestered metabolites deter predators have yielded ambiguous results. We manipulated secondary metabolites in vivo by collecting the sea hare Stylocheilus striatus from different host algae, and by raising it in the laboratory on artificial diets containing or lacking secondary metabolites (malyngamides A and B). Sea hares were then offered to fish. Fish identity affected vulnerability of sea hares to predation far more than did diet history. Wrasses and bream ate most sea hares tasted; damselfishes, goatfishes, and other fishes rejected most. Diet history affected vulnerability of sea hares to wrasses in one of four experiments, and if data from all experiments were pooled, but the effect was modest. Diet history did not affect vulnerability of sea hares to other fish taxa. Despite several studies, evidence for diet-derived defenses against predators in sea hares remains equivocal.  相似文献   

Summary Current evidence suggests that many animals trade off energy gain against the risk of predation while feeding. In contrast, energetic considerations alone have proven successful in explaining and predicting the behaviour of feeding hummingbirds. This success may reflect the relative lack of natural predation on hummingbirds, but this study suggests that it may additionally reflect the lack of studies taking a predation perspective. In particular, when Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna) are faced with an obstructed view of their surroundings, they engage in behaviour suggestive of anti-predatory vigilance. In doing so, they voluntarily reduce their rate of energy intake. These birds also forgo better feeding opportunities that occur close to the ground, where observations suggest they are wary of opportunistic predators such as roadrunners (Geococcys californianus). While energy-based concepts will remain useful in the study of hummingbird feeding behaviour, the lack of predation on these birds should not be equated with an insensitivity to the risk of predation. This realization may lead to further insights into hummingbird-plant interactions, and hummingbird biology in general.  相似文献   


Traps were set for rodents and mustelids on five islands (Motukiekie, Moturua, Okahu, Urupukapuka, and Waewaetorea) in the eastern Bay of Islands in March 1984. Kiore (Rattus exulans) were caught on Moturua Island and Norway rats (R. norvegicus) on all five islands, but no mustelids were caught or seen. Kiore on Moturua Island were very scarce compared with other northern offshore islands, perhaps because of competition from Norway rats and the presence of stoats and cats. Kiore were breeding and young matured in the season of their birth. Norway rats were scarce and found mainly near the shoreline on four of the islands. On Waewaetorea Island they were plentiful and widespread despite the possible presence of stoats. About a third of the mature females were visibly pregnant. Average litter size was 6.9 embryos, and 44% of the parous females had borne two or three litters. Females first ovulated at 180 ± 5 g weight and 356 ± 5 mm total length on average. Males first produced sperm at 189 ± 7 g weight and 364 ± 4 mm total length. Most rats matured before reaching a tooth-wear age index of 5.  相似文献   

Summary Animals often must feed away from protective cover, sometimes at a considerable risk of being preyed upon. Feeding at the maximum rate while away from cover may simultaneously minimize the time spent exposed to predators, but this is not always the case. Under some circumstances, carrying prey items to protective cover before they are consumed will minimize the time spent exposed to predators, whereas feeding at maximum efficiency (staying to eat prey where they are found) will actually increase the time spent exposed to predators. Whether or not there is a conflict between maximizing foraging efficiency and minimizing exposure time, depends upon the travel time to cover relative to the handling time of a prey item; short handling times and/or long travel times are associated with the no-conflict situation, whereas the conflict situation is associated with long handling times and/or short travel times to cover. Free-ranging chickadees foraging at an artificial patch at various distances from cover can distinguish between these two foraging situations. When there is no conflict, they stay and eat at the patch. Their behavior in the conflict situation indicates that they are tradingoff foraging considerations against the risk of predation. When the cost of carrying is low and the benefit gained is high, the chickadees elect to carry items to cover; they tend to stay and eat at the patch when the relative magnitudes of costs and benefits are reversed.  相似文献   

High densities of the invasive sea slug, Pleurobranchaea maculata, have been detected on the Argentinean coast, but studies on the species’ adaptation have been absent until now. Stomach contents of P. maculata in two sampling sites located at Golfo Nuevo, Patagonia Argentina, revealed animals as a major prey, but surprisingly algae ingestion on both sampling sites was abundant. This fact was not reported in previous studies that described opportunistic carnivorous feeding habits of species belonging to the genus Pleurobranchaea. Significant differences in the species prey items were found between sampling sites; however, sedentary polychaetes were the main consumed group at both sites. These results are useful to understand the adaptation of this invasive species in Argentinean waters and to monitor future changes in the benthic communities colonised by P. maculata.  相似文献   

Diet of Patagonian hog-nosed skunkConepatus humboldtii Gray, 1837 was studied in southeastern Argentinean Patagonia. Faeces from skunks were collected and analysed on a yearly basis. A wide variety of prey ranging from invertebrates (81.6% of occurrences), mammals, reptiles and plant material occurred in the faeces. Though Patagonian hog-nosed skunk was reported as primarily insectivorous regarding its feeding anatomy and behaviour, vertebrate prey predominated over invertebrates when results were expressed as consumed biomass. The consumption of invertebrate prey increased during summer, probably due to an increase in its abundance. The increase in the consumption of rodents and carrion by skunks during autumn-winter could be due to a shift from open grassy areas to other habitats to find alternative prey.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Disappearance of different amounts of aphid ingested by three species of polyphagous predators, the carabids Bembidion lampros (Herbst) and Nebria brevicollis (F.) and the staphylinid Philonthus cognatus Stephens, was monitored by a quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The effect on the rate of inactivation of prey antigens by the ingestion of subsequent, non-aphid food was also studied.
2. Antigen inactivation was significantly more rapid in the staphyilinid than in the carabids.
3. No statistically significant differences were found in the rate of antigen inactivation between beetles which consumed only aphids and those which were given a different type of food after feeding on aphids; the detection period was longer in the former groups. A higher proportion of beetles with low levels of aphid antigen were found earlier in the latter group.
4. The results did not unequivocally support the prediction derived from optimal digestion theory that beetles without continuous access to food would retain an initial meal longer than beetles with unlimited access.  相似文献   

Percentages of tooth fracture and mandible shape are robust predictors of feeding habits in Carnivora. If these parameters co‐vary above the species level, more robust palaeobiological inferences could be made on fossil species. A test of association is presented between mandible shape and tooth fracture in a subset of extant carnivorans together with large Pleistocene fossil predators from Rancho La Brea (Canis dirus, Panthera atrox, and Smilodon fatalis). Partial least square (PLS) and comparative methods are employed to validate co‐variation of these two parameters in extant carnivorans. Association between mandible shape and percentage of tooth fracture is strongly supported, even if both blocks of data exhibit a phylogenetic signal to a different degree. Dietary adaptations drive shape/fracture co‐variation in extant species, although no significant differences occur in the PLS scores between carnivores and bone/hard food consumers. The fossil species project into PLS morphospace as outliers. Their position suggests a unique feeding behaviour. The increase in the size of prey, together with consumption of skin and hair from carcasses in a cold environment, might have generated unusual tooth breakage patterns in large predators from Rancho La Brea. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 70–80.  相似文献   

Thiel  Martin  Ullrich  Niklas  Vásquez  Nelson 《Hydrobiologia》2001,456(1-3):45-57
Estimates of the predation rates of benthic nemerteans are often based on observations of single individuals, and consequently they may not be representative for all members of a population of these predators. Herein we conducted controlled and repeatable laboratory experiments on the predation rate of the hoplonemertean Amphiporus nelsoni Sánchez 1973, which is common at exposed rocky shores along the central Chilean coast. During the austral fall (April, May 2000), nemerteans were observed in relatively high numbers crawling in the intertidal zone during early morning or late-afternoon low tides. When these nemerteans were offered living amphipods held by a forceps, they immediately attacked the amphipods and fed on them. In the laboratory experiments, nemerteans preferred the amphipod Hyale maroubrae Stebbing, 1899, which is also very common in the natural habitat of A. nelsoni. The nemerteans preyed to a higher extent on small males and non-ovigerous females than would have been expected from their abundance. We suggest that these (non-reproductive) stages of H. maroubrae are very mobile and therefore have a high likelihood of encounters with nemerteans. Predation rates reached maxima when nemerteans were provided prey densities of four or more of their preferred prey species, H. maroubrae, furthermore indicating that encounter rates with prey may affect predation rates. In long-term laboratory experiments, A. nelsoni consumed more amphipods during low tide conditions than during high tide conditions. Many nemerteans in the field prefer particular environmental conditions (e.g. nocturnal low tides), which restricts the time available for successful feeding. In the long-term experiment, predation rates of A. nelsoni never exceeded 0.5 amphipods nemertean–1 d–1. Maximum feeding events were 3 or 4 amphipods nemertean–1 d–1, but this only occurred during 10 out of a possible 2634 occasions. Nemerteans that had consumed 3 or 4 amphipods during 1 day, consumed substantially less prey during the following days. Towards the end of the long-term experiment, average predation rates decreased to 0.2 amphipods nemertean–1 d–1, corresponding to predation rates reported for other nemertean species (0.1–0.3 prey items nemertean–1 d–1). We suggest that predation rates from laboratory experiments represent maximum estimates that may not be directly transferable to field populations. Additionally, low predator–prey encounter rates with preferred prey in the field may further limit the predation impact of nemertean predators in natural habitats.  相似文献   

In the Mingan Islands, northern Gulf of St Lawrence (eastern Canada), the whelk Buccinum undatum displays a strong escape response to its predator, the asteroid Leptasterias polaris, nevertheless large sexually mature individuals occasionally approach feeding L. polaris to obtain food. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that reproductive requirements increase the tendency of sexually mature whelks to approach feeding asteroids. Prior to egg laying, females (which invest more energy than males into the production of reproductive structures) represented 72% of the adult whelks that approached feeding L. polaris, but only 36% of the adults randomly collected from the study area. Furthermore, females that were attracted to feeding asteroids had smaller reproductive organs (after accounting for body size) than females randomly collected from the study area. Similarly, prior to egg laying, females fed longer and ingested more food than males when tested in the presence of L. polaris in the laboratory. After egg laying, however, females and males displayed a similar tendency to feed in the presence of a predator, both in the field and in the laboratory. Predator-impact indices, computed by contrasting the feeding activity of whelks in the absence and presence of a predator, indicated that females (but not males) responded more boldly to predators prior to than after egg laying, despite a general decrease in feeding activity at that period. Taken together, our observations indicate that the tendency of adult whelks to approach feeding predators is influenced by potential reproductive gains. Because such gains are presumably more directly linked to a given feeding opportunity in sexually active individuals, whelks may be selected to display increased levels of boldness towards predators with the onset of sexual maturity. Thus, potential reproductive benefits may partly explain the size-dependent tendency of whelks to approach feeding asteroids. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

1. The feeding rates, diet composition and diel periodicity in feeding activity among larvae of the damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum Charp., exposed to chemical, visual and mechanical stimuli from the predators Ranatra linearis (L.), Notonecta glauca L. and Rutilus rutilus (L.) were investigated.
2. In response to chemical cues produced by all the predator species, larvae reduced their rate of feeding significantly (especially on large, sedentary prey).
3. Small larvae reacted more strongly than large ones to the kairomone produced by N. glauca.
4. The fish kairomone induced a reduction in feeding activity during daylight hours only. This reaction was more intense than the reaction to non-chemical cues.
5. Observed predator-induced changes in diet composition, caused directly by reduced activity during feeding, are discussed as an antipredator behaviour of damselfly larvae.  相似文献   

In fjord systems, freshwater inputs occur by ice melting and river discharge, affecting seawater salinity along fjord and adjacent waters, and potentially the ecology of early life stages of marine fish occurring in the area. During austral spring 2008, a bio-oceanographic cruise was carried out in southern Chile between 47°00′ and 50°09′S, an area influenced by Baker River discharge and ice melting of Northern and Southern Ice Fields, the largest glaciers from Patagonia. Surface salinity and temperature ranged from 1.22 to 32.80, and from 8.11 to 10.68°C, respectively. Larval lightfish Maurolicus parvipinnis (Sternoptychidae) and Falkland sprat Sprattus fuegensis (Clupeidae) were the dominant species, with abundances of 2.2–39.9 larvae 10 m−2 and 3.4–77.1 larvae 10 m−2, respectively. Postflexion stages of both species were collected mainly in surface density fronts. Otolith-based growth analyses estimated linear growth rates of 0.136 mm day−1 for M. parvipinnis of 4.1–15.1 mm, and 0.448 mm day−1 for S. fuegensis of 5.4–20.5 mm. Recent Otolith Growth Index (ROGI), based on the residual analysis of the relationship between increment width of outermost five microincrements and otolith radius, indicates that larval M. parvipinnis collected in low salinity waters showed a reduction of its recent growth rate compared those collected in saltier waters. Also, ROGI was positively correlated with salinity of the water column for larval M. parvipinnis. Gut content analysis showed that large larvae collected near sources of freshwater had lower number of prey in its guts and preyed on different items than fish larvae collected in saltier waters. Therefore, freshwater inputs from rivers and glaciers from Patagonia affected horizontal distribution, recent growth and feeding of larval fish in fjords and channels of southern Chile.  相似文献   

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