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The sequence of the mitochondrial COII gene has been widely used to estimate phylogenetic relationships at different taxomonic levels across insects. We investigated the molecular evolution of the COII gene and its usefulness for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships within and among four collembolan families. The collembolan COII gene showed the lowest A + T content of all insects so far examined, confirming that the well-known A + T bias in insect mitochondrial genes tends to increase from the basal to apical orders. Fifty-seven percent of all nucleotide positions were variable and most of the third codon positions appeared free to vary. Values of genetic distance between congeneric species and between families were remarkably high; in some cases the latter were higher than divergence values between other orders of insects. The remarkably high divergence levels observed here provide evidence that collembolan taxa are quite old; divergence levels among collembolan families equaled or exceeded divergences among pterygote insect orders. Once the saturated third-codon positions (which violated stationarity of base frequencies) were removed, the COII sequences contained phylogenetic information, but the extent of that information was overestimated by parsimony methods relative to likelihood methods. In the phylogenetic analysis, consistent statistical support was obtained for the monophyly of all four genera examined, but relationships among genera/families were not well supported. Within the genus Orchesella, relationships were well resolved and agreed with allozyme data. Within the genus Isotomurus, although three pairs of populations were consistently identified, these appeared to have arisen in a burst of evolution from an earlier ancestor. Isotomurus italicus always appeared as basal and I. palustris appeared to harbor a cryptic species, corroborating allozyme data. Received: 12 January 1996 / Accepted: 10 August 1996  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the pig, Sus scrofa, was determined. The length of the sequence presented is 16,679 nucleotides. This figure is not absolute, however, due to pronounced heteroplasmy caused by variable numbers of the motif GTACACGTGC in the control region of different molecules. A phylogenetic study was performed on the concatenated amino acid and nucleotide sequences of 12 protein-coding genes of the mitochondrial genome. The analysis identified the pig (Suiformes) as a sister group of a cow/whale clade, making Artiodactyla paraphyletic. The split between pig and cow/whale was molecularly dated at 65 million years before present. Received: 2 December 1997 / Accepted: 20 February 1998  相似文献   

A mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny of cichlid fish is presented for the most taxonomically inclusive data set compiled to date (64 taxa). 16S rDNA data establish with confidence relationships among major lineages of cichlids, with a general pattern congruent with previous morphological studies and less inclusive molecular phylogenies based on nuclear genes. Cichlids from Madagascar and India are the most basal groups of the family Cichlidae and sister to African–Neotropical cichlids. The cichlid phylogeny suggests drift-vicariance events, consistent with the fragmentation of Gondwana, to explain current biogeographic distributions. Important phylogenetic findings include the placement of the controversial genus Heterochromis basal among African cichlids, the South American genus Retroculus as the most basal taxon of the Neotropical cichlid assemblage, and the close relationship of the Neotropical genera Cichla with Astronotus rather than with the crenicichlines. Based on a large number of South American genera, the Neotropical cichlids are defined as a monophyletic assemblage and shown to harbor significantly higher levels of genetic variation than their African counterparts. Relative rate tests suggest that Neotropical cichlids have experienced accelerated rates of molecular evolution. But these high evolutionary rates were significantly higher among geophagine cichlids. Received: 18 September 1998 / Accepted: 16 December 1998  相似文献   

A higher rate of molecular evolution in rodents than in primates at synonymous sites and, to a lesser extent, at amino acid replacement sites has been reported previously for most nuclear genes examined. Thus in these genes the average ratio of amino acid replacement to synonymous substitution rates in rodents is lower than in primates, an observation at odds with the neutral model of molecular evolution. Under Ohta's mildly deleterious model of molecular evolution, these observations are seen as the consequence of the combined effects of a shorter generation time (driving a higher mutation rate) and a larger effective population size (resulting in more effective selection against mildly deleterious mutations) in rodents. The present study reports the results of a maximum-likelihood analysis of the ratio of amino acid replacements to synonymous substitutions for genes encoded in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in these two lineages. A similar pattern is observed: in rodents this ratio is significantly lower than in primates, again consistent only with the mildly deleterious model. Interestingly the lineage-specific difference is much more pronounced in mtDNA-encoded than in nuclear-encoded proteins, an observation which is shown to run counter to expectation under Ohta's model. Finally, accepting certain fossil divergence dates, the lineage-specific difference in amino acid replacement-to-synonymous substitution ratio in mtDNA can be partitioned and is found to be entirely the consequence of a higher mutation rate in rodents. This conclusion is consistent with a replication-dependent model of mutation in mtDNA. Received: 24 September 1999 / Accepted: 18 September 2000  相似文献   

Sequence differences in the tRNA-proline (tRNApro) end of the mitochondrial control-region of three species of Pacific butterflyfishes accumulated 33–43 times more rapidly than did changes within the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cytb). Rapid evolution in this region was accompanied by strong transition/transversion bias and large variation in the probability of a DNA substitution among sites. These substitution constraints placed an absolute ceiling on the magnitude of sequence divergence that could be detected between individuals. This divergence ``ceiling' was reached rapidly and led to a decay in the relative rate of control-region/cytb b evolution. A high rate of evolution in this section of the control-region of butterflyfishes stands in marked contrast to the patterns reported in some other fish lineages. Although the mechanism underlying rate variation remains unclear, all taxa with rapid evolution in the 5′-end of the control-region showed extreme transition biases. By contrast, in taxa with slower control-region evolution, transitions accumulated at nearly the same rate as transversions. More information is needed to understand the relationship between nucleotide bias and the rate of evolution in the 5′-end of the control-region. Despite strong constraints on sequence change, phylogenetic information was preserved in the group of recently differentiated species and supported the clustering of sequences into three major mtDNA groupings. Within these groups, very similar control-region sequences were widely distributed across the Pacific Ocean and were shared between recognized species, indicating a lack of mitochondrial sequence monophyly among species. Received: 30 June 1996 / Accepted: 15 May 1997  相似文献   

We determined the mitochondrial DNA control region sequences of six Bucerotiformes. Hornbills have the typical avian gene order and their control region is similar to other avian control regions in that it is partitioned into three domains: two variable domains that flank a central conserved domain. Two characteristics of the hornbill control region sequence differ from that of other birds. First, domain I is AT rich as opposed to AC rich, and second, the control region is approximately 500 bp longer than that of other birds. Both these deviations from typical avian control region sequence are explainable on the basis of repeat motifs in domain I of the hornbill control region. The repeat motifs probably originated from a duplication of CSB-1 as has been determined in chicken, quail, and snowgoose. Furthermore, the hornbill repeat motifs probably arose before the divergence of hornbills from each other but after the divergence of hornbills from other avian taxa. The mitochondrial control region of hornbills is suitable for both phylogenetic and population studies, with domains I and II probably more suited to population and phylogenetic analyses, respectively.  相似文献   

We describe the molecular evolution of cytochrome b of blind subterranean mole rats. We examined 12 individuals for nucleotide differences in the region of 402 base pairs of mitochondrial cytochrome b. Each individual represents a different population from the entire ecological and speciational range of the four chromosomal species in Israel (2n= 52, 54, 58, and 60) belonging to the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies. Our results indicate the following. (i) There are seven first-position transitional differences, compared to 34 variable third positions, with no observed second-position substitutions. (ii) A maximum of four amino acids differences occurs across the range. (iii) Within-species diversity increases southward. Only 1 autoapomorphic substitution characterizes either 2n= 52 or 2n= 54, but 6–11 substitutions characterize 2n= 58, and 9–13 substitutions characterize 2n= 60. (iv) Both parsimony and maximum-likelihood trees suggest two monophyletic groups: (a) 2n= 52 and 54, and (b) 2n= 58 and 60, as identified earlier by other protein and DNA markers. (v) Mitochondrial cytochrome b heterogeneity is significantly correlated with climatic factors (rainfall) and biotic factors (body size and allozymes). We hypothesize that two selective regimes direct cytochrome b evolution in the S. ehrenbergi superspecies: (i) purifying selection in the flooded, mesic, hypoxic northern range of 2n= 52 and 54 and (ii) diversifying selection in the climatically spatiotemporal, xeric, and variable southern range of 2n= 58 and 60. Thus, the molecular evolution of mitochondrial cytochrome b in S. ehrenbergi is explicable by opposite selective stresses across the range of S. ehrenbergi in Israel, associated with the ecological adaptive radiation of the complex. Received: 23 October 1998 / Accepted: 2 May 1999  相似文献   

Sequence data of mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA (mt-rDNA) and nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA (nuc-rDNA) were compared in two honeybee species (Apis mellifera and Apis dorsata) and a selection of 22 wasp species (Vespidae) with different levels of sociality. The averge substitution rates in mt-rDNA and nuc-rDNA were almost-equal in solitary species. In species with larger nests, however, the difference between the nuclear and the mitochondrial substitution rate significantly increased. The average substitution ratio, ψ (nucleotide substitutions in mt-rDNA/nucleotide substitutions in nuc-rDNA) was 1.48 ± 0.12 (SE) among the solitary Eumeninae, 3.70 ± 0.15 among five primitive social Stenogastrinae species, 3.24 ± 0.20 among five Polistinae species, 5.76 ± 0.33 among nine highly eusocial Vespinae, and 12.7 in the two Apis species. The high egg-laying rate and the effective population size skew between the sexes may contribute to the rise of the substitution ratio in the highly eusocial species. Drift and bottleneck effects in the mitochondrial DNA pool during speciation events as well as polyandry may further enhance this phenomenon. Received: 12 January 1998 / Accepted: 28 April 1998  相似文献   

The Kabukai A site (5 to 8C A.D.) of the Okhotsk cultural area is on Rebun Island, a small island near the coast, north–northwest of Hokkaido, Japan. Specimens of Sus scrofa, called the Sakhalin pig, were discovered in five cultural layers at the Kabukai A site. Ancient DNA was extracted from the remains of 42 Sakhalin pig bones. Thirty-nine nucleotide sequences of the 574-bp mitochondrial DNA control region, estimated to have originated from at least 21 individuals, were amplified and analyzed phylogenetically. Nine distinct haplotypes (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, and D2) from this site were classified into four haplotype groups (A, B, C, and D) by parsimonious network analysis. Phylogenetic analysis of 9 ancient and 55 modern haplotypes indicated that the population of Sakhalin pigs at the Kabukai A site belonged to two distinct clusters; haplotype groups A and B formed a cluster comprised only of themselves, and haplotype groups C and D belonged to the cluster of one of the two genetic groups of Japanese wild boars uniquely distributed in the western part of Japan, including one northeast Mongolian wild boar. Analysis of the haplotype distribution among three archaeological sites and their historical transitions among the five layers reflecting the cultural periods at the Kabukai A site suggests that the Sakhalin pig populations were introduced from Sakhalin island and the Amur River basin in the northeastern Eurasian continent together with some cultural influences. Received: 18 April 2000 / Accepted: 24 November 2000  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecule of the domestic sheep, Ovis aries, was sequenced, together with part of the mtDNA of a specimen representing the other major O. aries haplotype group. The length of the complete ovine mtDNA presented is 16,616 nucleotides (nt). This length is not absolute, however, due to heteroplasmy caused by the occurrence of different numbers of a 75-nt-long tandem repeat in the control region. The sequence data were included in analyses of intraspecific ovine molecular differences, molecular comparisons with bovine mtDNAs, and phylogenetic analyses based on complete mtDNAs. The comparisons with bovine mtDNAs were based on the central domains of the ovine control regions, representing both major ovine haplotype groups, and the corresponding domains of Bos taurus and B. indicus. The comparisons showed that the difference between the bovids was 1.4 times greater than the intraspecific ovine difference. These findings suggest that the strains of wild sheep from which domestic sheep originated were more closely related than were the B. primigenius subspecies which gave rise to B. indicus and B. taurus cattle. Datings based on complete mtDNAs suggest that the bovine and ovine lineages diverged about 30 million years before present. This dating is considerably earlier than that proposed previously. Received: 5 September 1997 / Accepted: 5 May 1998  相似文献   

Here we report DNA sequences from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene segments (1,005 base pairs per species) for the extinct woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) and Steller's sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) and the extant Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), the Western Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), and the hyrax (Procavia capensis). These molecular data have allowed us to construct the phylogeny for the Tethytheria. Our molecular data resolve the trichotomy between the two species of living elephants and the mammoth and confirm that the mammoth was more closely related to the Asian elephant than to the African elephant. Our data also suggest that the sea cow–dugong divergence was likely as ancient as the dugong–manatee split, and it appears to have been much earlier (22 million years ago) than had been previously estimated (4–8 million years ago) by immunological comparison. Received: 8 August 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and margay (L. wiedii) are sister-species of Neotropical cats which evolved from a lineage that migrated into South America during the formation of the Panamanian land bridge 3–5 million years ago. Patterns of population genetic divergence of each species were studied by phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences in individuals sampled across the distribution of these taxa. Abundant genetic diversity and remarkably concordant phylogeographic partitions for both species were observed, identifying parallel geographic regions which likely reflect historical faunal barriers. Inferred aspects of phylogeography, population genetic structure, and demographic history were used to formulate conservation recommendations for these species. In addition, observed patterns of sequence variation provided insight into the molecular evolution of the mtDNA control region in closely related felids. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

The New World monkeys are divided into two main groups, Callitrichidae and Cebidae. Callimico goeldii shares traits with both the Cebidae and the Callitrichidae. Recent morphological phyletic studies generally place Callimico as the most basal member of the Callitrichidae. In contrast, genetic studies (immunological, restriction fragment, and sequence data) have consistently placed Callimico somewhere within the Callitrichidae, not basal to this clade. A DNA sequence data set from the terminal 236 codons of the mitochondrial ND4 gene and the tRNAHis, tRNASer, and tRNALeu genes was generated to clarify the position of Callimico. The sequences of 887 base pairs were analyzed by maximum-parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum-likelihood methods. The results of these various methods are generally congruent and place Callimico within the Callitrichidae between the marmosets (Callithrix and Cebuella) and the tamarins (Saguinus and Leontopithecus). Combined analyses of all suitable nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequences confirm the position of Callimico between the marmosets and the tamarins. As available molecular evidence indicates that Callimico is more closely related to the marmosets than to the tamarins, a reconsideration of the morphological evidence in light of the consensus tree from DNA sequence analyses is warranted. The marmosets and tamarins share four morphological characters (loss of the third molar, loss of the hypocone, reduced body size, reproductive twinning). Dwarfism may have evolved repeatedly among the Callitrichidae. It is well-known that the loss of a character can occur many times independently. The reproduction of marmosets and tamarins is extremely specialized and it is difficult to imagine that this complex and unique twinning system evolved separately in marmosets and tamarins. However, it is possible that a secondary reversal to single offspring took place in Callimico. Received: 20 March 1997 / Accepted: 17 December 1997  相似文献   

We inferred the incidence of nucleotide conversions in the COI and 16S rRNA mitochondrial genes of members of the Symphyta and basal Apocrita (Hymenoptera). Character-state reconstructions in both genes suggested that conversions between A and T (AT transversions) occurred much more frequently than any other type of change, although we cannot wholly discount an underlying transition bias. Parsimony analysis of COI nucleotide characters did not recover phylogeny; e.g., neither the Tenthredinoidea nor Apocrita were recovered as monophyletic. However, analysis of COI amino acid characters did recover these relationships, as well as others based on fossil and morphological evidence. Analysis of 16S rRNA characters also recovered these relationships providing conversions between A and T were down-weighted. Analysis of the combined data sets gave relatively strong support for various relationships, suggesting that both data sets supported similar topographies. These data sets, both separately and combined, suggested that the phytophagous Siricidae were more closely related to the predominantly parasitic Apocrita than were the ectoparasitic Orussoidea. This suggests that the wasp parasitic lifestyle did not have a single origin, unless the Siricidae have more recently reverted to phytophagy. Alternatively, parasitism evolved twice independently, once in the Orussoidea and again in the Apocrita. The latter scenario is supported by the observation that the evolution of parasitism was accompanied by a tendency for the larvae to develop inside plant tissues. Adaptations that accompanied the movement of wasps into a confined, wood-boring habitat may have preadapted them to becoming ectoparasitic. Received: 27 March 1996 / Accepted: 2 August 1996  相似文献   

Evolutionary geneticists have increasingly used sequence variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as a source of historical information. However, conclusions based on these data remain tentative because a sufficiently clear understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of mtDNA has yet to be developed. In this paper we present the results of computer simulations designed to illustrate the effects of social structure, geographical structure, and population size on the rate of nucleotide substitution and lineage sorting of mtDNA. The model is based in part on the social structure of macaque monkeys. Simulated populations of females were divided into 25 social groups; the animals in each were distributed in a hierarchy of four dominance rank categories. The probabilities for offspring survivorship were varied among dominance ranks to reflect the fitness consequences of social structure. Population size was varied across runs from 100 to 300 females. The pattern of female migration was also varied to mimic either the island model or the stepping-stone model. All these variables are shown to affect the lineage sorting period (LSP), and certain combinations of parameter values can cause the retention of mtDNA polymorphisms for a very long time. In addition, the simulations exhibited a negative relationship between the LSP and substitution rate over a modest and realistic range of LSP values. An important implication of these results is that estimates of time since isolation based on the assumption of a constant molecular clock may be biased and unreliable.  相似文献   

Nine members of the genus Taenia (Taenia taeniaeformis, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia ovis, Taenia multiceps, Taenia serialis, Taenia saginata, Taenia solium and the Asian Taenia) were characterised by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene sequences and their genetic relationships were compared with those derived from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data. The extent of inter-taxon sequence difference in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (5.9–30.8%) was usually greater than in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (2.5–18%). Although topology of the phenograms derived from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data differed, there was concordance in that T. multiceps, T. serialis (of canids), T. saginata and the Asian Taenia (of humans) were genetically most similar, and those four members were genetically more similar to T. ovis and T. solium than they were to T. hydatigena and T. pisiformis (of canids) or T. taeniaeformis (of cats). The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence data may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structure of the Taeniidae.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome was determined for a conger eel, Conger myriaster (Elopomorpha: Anguilliformes), using a PCR-based approach that employs a long PCR technique and many fish-versatile primers. Although the genome [18,705 base pairs (bp)] contained the same set of 37 mitochondrial genes [two ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA), and 13 protein-coding genes] as found in other vertebrates, the gene order differed from that recorded for any other vertebrates. In typical vertebrates, the ND6, tRNAGlu, and tRNAPro genes are located between the ND5 gene and the control region, whereas the former three genes, in C. myriaster, have been translocated to a position between the control region and the tRNAPhe gene that are contiguously located at the 5′ end of the 12S rRNA gene in typical vertebrates. This gene order is similar to the recently reported gene order in four lineages of birds in that the latter lack the ND6, tRNAGlu, and tRNAPro genes between the ND5 gene and the control region; however, the relative position of the tRNAPro to the ND6–tRNAGlu genes in C. myriaster was different from that in the four birds, which presumably resulted from different patterns of tandem duplication of gene regions followed by gene deletions in two distantly related groups of organisms. Sequencing of the ND5–cyt b region in 11 other anguilliform species, representing 11 families, plus one outgroup species, revealed that the same gene order as C. myriaster was shared by another 4 families, belonging to the suborder Congroidei. Although the novel gene orders of four lineages of birds were indicated to have multiple independent origins, phylogenetic analyses using nucleotide sequences from the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and cyt b genes suggested that the novel gene orders of the five anguilliform families had originated in a single ancestral species. Received: 13 July 2000 / Accepted: 30 November 2000  相似文献   

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