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Since landscape attributes show different patterns at different spatial extents, it is fundamental to identify how the relation between landscape structure and plant species diversity at local scale varies with scale. Then, it is fundamental to assess the appropriate extent at which landscape factors affect plant species richness at the local scale. To investigate this relation, data on plant species richness of forest communities at plot scale were extracted from a large data set and landscape metrics were calculated around the same plots for a range of extents (250–3000 m). Then, multiple regression models and variance partitioning techniques were applied to assess the amount of variance explained by the landscape metrics on plant species richness for a range of extents. In general, we found that increasing extent of the surrounding landscape analyzed, improved the strength of relationship between the landscape metrics and the properties of plant communities at plot scale. The medium-large extent was most informative as it combined a decent total variance explained with high variance explained by the pure fractions of complexity, fragmentation and disturbance and the minimum of collinearity. In conclusion, we found that it is possible and beneficial to identify a specific extent, where the redundancy in the predictor variables is minimized and the explanatory power of the pure fractions (or single groups) maximized, when examining landscape structure effects on local plant species richness.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the observed relationship between plant species diversity and spatial environmental heterogeneity? Does the relationship scale predictably with sample plot size? What are the relative contributions to diversity patterns of variables linked to productivity or available energy compared to those corresponding to spatial heterogeneity? Methods: Observational and experimental studies that quantified relationships between plant species richness and within‐sample spatial environmental heterogeneity were reviewed. Effect size in experimental studies was quantified as the standardized mean difference between control (homogeneous) and heterogeneous treatments. For observational studies, effect sizes in individual studies were examined graphically across a gradient of plot size (focal scale). Relative contributions of variables representing spatial heterogeneity were compared to those representing available energy using a response ratio. Results: Forty‐one observational and 11 experimental studies quantified plant species diversity and spatial environmental heterogeneity. Observational studies reported positive species diversity‐spatial heterogeneity correlations at all points across a plot size gradient from ~1.0 × 10?1 to ~1.0 × 1011 m2, although many studies reported spatial heterogeneity variables with no significant relationships to species diversity. The cross‐study effect size in experimental studies was not significantly different from zero. Available energy variables explained consistently more of the variance in species richness than spatial heterogeneity variables, especially at the smallest and largest plot sizes. Main conclusions: Species diversity was not related to spatial heterogeneity in a way predictable by plot size. Positive heterogeneity‐diversity relationships were common, confirming the importance of niche differentiation in species diversity patterns, but future studies examining a range of spatial scales in the same system are required to determine the role of dispersal and available energy in these patterns.  相似文献   

Question: How is the diversity of woody species in a seasonally dry savanna related to plant available water (PAW)? Location: Savannas in central Brazil. Methods: Two‐dimensional soil resistivity profiles to 10‐m depth previously measured along three 10 m × 275 m replicate transects revealed differences in belowground water resources among and within transects: (1) driest/most heterogeneous; (2) wettest/least heterogeneous; and (3) PAW‐intermediate. All woody plants along these transects were identified to species, and height and basal circumference measured. Species diversity was evaluated for the whole transect (total diversity), 100‐m2 plots (alpha‐diversity) and dissimilarity among 100‐m2 plots within transects (beta‐diversity). Correlation analyses were conducted between PAW and vegetation variables at the 100‐m2 scale. Results: The driest/most heterogeneous transect had the lowest total species diversity, while the wettest/least heterogeneous transect showed the lowest beta‐diversity. Floristic variation was correlated with PAW in all transects. In the most heterogeneous transect, species density was positively correlated with PAW in the 0‐400 cm soil layer. Evenness and Simpson's diversity were negatively correlated with PAW in the 700‐1000 cm soil layer. Conclusion: Woody species diversity was related to PAW at a fine spatial scale. Abundant PAW in the top 4 m of soil may favour many species and increase species total diversity. Conversely, abundant PAW at depth may result in lower evenness and total diversity, probably because the few species adapted to obtaining deep soil water can become dominant. Environmental changes altering soil water availability and partitioning in soil layers could affect the diversity of woody plants in this savanna.  相似文献   

James B. Grace 《Oikos》2001,92(2):193-207
Considerable debate has developed over the importance of community biomass and species pools in the regulation of community diversity. Attempts to explain patterns of plant diversity as a function of community biomass or productivity have been only partially successful and, in general, have explained only a fraction of the observed variation in diversity. At the same time, studies that have focused on the importance of species pools have led some to conclude that diversity is primarily regulated in the short term by the size of the species pool rather than by biotic interactions. In this paper, I explore how community biomass and species pools may work in combination to regulate diversity in herbaceous plant communities. To address this problem, I employ a simple model in which the dynamics of species richness are a function of aboveground community biomass and environmentally controlled gradients in species pools. Model results lead to two main predictions about the role of biomass regulation: (1) Seasonal dynamics of richness will tend to follow a regular oscillation, with richness rising to peak values during the early to middle portion of the growing season and then declining during the latter part of the season. (2) Seasonal dieback of aboveground tissues facilitates the long‐term maintenance of high levels of richness in the community. The persistence of aboveground tissues and accumulation of litter are especially important in limiting the number of species through the suppression of recruitment. Model results also lead to two main predictions about the role of species pools: (1) The height and position of peak richness relative to community biomass will be influenced by the rate at which the species pool increases as available soil resources increase. (2) Variations in nonresource environmental factors (e.g. soil pH or soil salinity) have the potential to regulate species pools in a way that is uncorrelated with aboveground biomass. Under extreme conditions, such nonresource effects can create a unimodal envelope of biomass–richness values. Available evidence from the literature provides partial support for these predictions, though additional data are needed to provide more convincing tests.  相似文献   

In national conservation plans, it is necessary to comparatively assess species pools of different regions and monitor their changes over time. Two specific problems arise: i) species diversity must be standardized per area, because regions differ in size, and ii) the diversity measure should take into account how common or rare the species are on the regional scale. We used the rarefaction method combined with a fitting procedure to calculate the expected number of species E(S). The method takes into account the nonlinearity of species and area, as well as how common or rare each species is and allows analysis of species groups' contribution to total species diversity. The slope parameter of the fitted power function is used as an indicator of species turnover, and thus, of β-diversity. For the analysis, Switzerland was divided into seven biogeographic regions (256–10 642 km2). The diversity of the total species pool and of six ecological species groups was investigated for each region. In every biogeographic region, we find the lowest species turnover in the fertilized meadow group, and the highest species turnover in the pioneer/weedy species and the mountain species groups pioneer/weedy. The results show that among Swiss regions, differences in E(S) are mainly due to the presence or absence of mountain species. Other species groups show a rather constant contribution to the regional species pools. We found the rarefaction method to be a very useful tool for assessing Swiss plant species diversity on a regional scale.  相似文献   

We examine the spatial pattern of woody species diversity at different scales, in two sites of Mt. Holomontas in northern Greece, which falls within the transitional zone between temperate forests and Mediterranean-type ecosystems. We investigate how diversity is distributed in space and whether the perceived pattern changes with the scale of observation. We use two different metrics of diversity: species richness and species turnover. Our main finding is that the spatial pattern of diversity changes with the scale of observation or analysis. For a given scale, the pattern of species richness (alpha diversity) is negatively correlated with the pattern of species turnover (beta diversity). Species-rich areas have more species in common with their neighbors than species-poor areas. The between-scale disparity of the spatial pattern of diversity may be a general feature of ecological systems. For this to be validated, studies with different groups of species in different biomes and in different biogeographical areas are required; our study contributes to this direction providing evidence that this holds true for woody species in Mediterranean communities. Finally, we discuss how these findings might affect important issues in theoretical and applied ecology, such as identifying the environmental factors driving biodiversity.  相似文献   

One cornerstone of ecological theory is that nutrient availability limits the number of species that can inhabit a community. However, the relationship between the spatial distribution of limiting nutrients and species diversity is not well established because there is no single scale appropriate for measuring variation in resource distribution. Instead, the correct scale for analyzing resource variation depends on the range of species sizes within the community. To quantify the relationship between nutrient distribution and plant species diversity, we measured NO3- distribution and plant species diversity in 16 paired, modified Whittaker grassland plots in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Semivariograms were used to quantify the spatial structure of NO3- from scales of 0.4–26 m. Plant species diversity (Shannon-Weiner diversity index; H ) was quantified in 1-m2 plots, while plant species richness was measured at multiple spatial scales between 1 and 1,000 m2. Small-scale variation in NO3- (<0.4 m) was positively correlated with 1-m2 H , while 1,000-m2 species richness was a log-normal function of average NO3- patch size. Nine of the 16 grassland plots had a fractal (self-similar across scales) NO3- spatial distribution; of the nine fractal plots, five were adjacent to plots that had a non-fractal distribution of NO3-. This finding offered the unique opportunity to test predictions of Ritchie and Olff (1999): when the spatial distribution of limiting resources is fractal, communities should display a left-skewed log-size distribution and a log-normal relationship between net primary production and species richness. These predictions were supported by comparisons of plant size distributions and biomass-richness relationships in paired plots, one with a fractal and one with a non-fractal distribution of NO3-. In addition, fractal plots had greater large-scale richness than paired non-fractal plots (1,0–1000 m2), but neither species diversity (H ) nor richness was significantly different at small scales (1 m2). This result is most likely explained by differences in the scale of resource variation among plots: fractal and non-fractal plots had equivalent NO3- variation at small scales but differed in NO3- variation at large scales (as measured by the fractal dimension). We propose that small-scale variation in NO3- is largely due to the direct effects of plants on soil, while patterns of species richness at large scales is controlled by the patch size and fractal dimension of NO3- in the landscape. This study provides an important empirical step in understanding the relationship between the spatial distribution of resources and patterns of species diversity across multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

Aim The term relict refers to a formerly widespread species currently occurring in refugia that provide a persistent combination of specific ecological conditions. In peatlands, direct palaeoecological evidence of relict status exists for some plant species and, in the case of calcareous sediments, for some snail species. We tested whether some species are significantly linked to old calcareous fens at the millennial scale independent of the effect of recent fen area. We focused on three organism groups – vascular plants, bryophytes and land snails – that differ in the degree of preservation of their remains in calcareous fen sediments and in their dispersal ability. Location Western Carpathians (Slovakia and the Czech Republic). Methods The sample sites comprised 47 well‐preserved calcareous fens, from which we compiled complete recent species lists, measured the area and analysed radiocarbon‐dated samples from the deepest sediment and from the beginning of complete deforestation, as indicated by plant and snail fossils. Using the species co‐occurrences in large data sets, we identified calcareous fen specialists and compared their recent distribution patterns against a null model that controlled for the effect of fen area. Results Two land snail species, eleven vascular plant species and no bryophyte species have statistically significant affinities with old fens, independent of the effect of recent fen area. For one bryophyte and one snail, the effects of age and area are not distinguishable. Main conclusions The results for land snails, being abundantly preserved and easily determinable in calcareous fen deposits, are in full accordance with the direct macrofossil evidence. This suggests that our approach indirectly revealed a relict distribution of the species. Identification of species that are significantly linked to ancient localities at the millennial scale has great potential in palaeoecology for the detection of stands with old sediments, and in nature conservation as a tool for the identification of long‐term‐persisting rare species that infrequently colonize young sites and thus deserve priority in the protection of their habitats. From a theoretical perspective, limited dispersal from old to new localities of the same habitat can contribute to spatial effects in biotic assemblages, even at relatively fine scales.  相似文献   

Although there has been growing interest in the effect of dispersal on species diversity, much remains unknown about how dispersal occurring at multiple scales influences diversity. We used an experimental microbial landscape to determine whether dispersal occurring at two different scales - among local communities and among metacommunities - affects diversity differently. At the local scale, dispersal initially had a positive effect and subsequently a neutral effect on diversity, whereas at the metacommunity and landscape scales, dispersal showed a consistently negative effect. The timing in which dispersal affected beta diversity also differed sharply between local communities and metacommunities. These patterns were explained by scale- and time-dependent effects of dispersal in allowing spread of species and in removing spatial refuges from predators. Our results suggest that the relative contribution of opposing mechanisms by which dispersal affects diversity changes considerably over time and space in hierarchical landscapes in which dispersal occurs at multiple scales.  相似文献   

No empirical studies have examined the relationship between diversity and spatial heterogeneity across unimodal species richness gradients. We determined the relationships between diversity and environmental factors for 144 0.18 m2 plots in a limestone pavement alvar in southern Ontario, Canada, including within-plot spatial heterogeneity in soil depth, microtopography and microsite composition. Species richness was unimodally related to mean soil depth and relative elevation. Microsite heterogeneity and soil depth heterogeneity were positively correlated with species richness, and the richness peaks of the unimodal gradients correspond to the maximally spatially heterogeneous plots. The best predictive models of species richness and evenness, however, showed that other factors, such as ramet density and flooding, are the major determinants of diversity in this system. The findings that soil depth heterogeneity had effects on diversity when the effects of mean soil depth were factored out, and that unimodal richness peaks were associated with high spatial heterogeneity in environmental factors represent significant contributions to our understanding of how spatial heterogeneity might contribute to diversity maintenance in plant communities.  相似文献   

Off-channel temporary pools on riverbanks have characteristic seasonal wet–dry cycles resulting from direct inflow of river water or hyporheic flow seepage. This study addressed two questions regarding the role of temporary pools in supporting diversity of riparian vegetation in a regulated river in Japan: (1) do temporary pools maintain high native riparian plant species diversity? And, (2) how do physical environmental factors affect the pattern of plant species distribution? The study was conducted on a 1-km section of the Hayade River alluvial fan in Niigata Prefecture, central Japan. Two to five transect belts consisting of 20 contiguous plots (1 m × 1 m) were laid out in two off-channel temporary pools and six other sites classified by physiognomy. Vascular plant presence, relative elevation, and substratum type were recorded in all plots. Species richness, Simpson’s reciprocal index (1/D), and Shannon–Wiener function (H′) were calculated by life form to estimate plant species diversity. Two conclusions could be drawn from the results. First, the temporary pools maintained high native riparian plant species diversity in this regulated river floodplain. Second, several environmental factors (seasonal wet–dry cycle, low elevation, complex micro-topography, and fine substrata) created spatial and seasonal heterogeneity of moisture conditions in the temporary pools, supporting plant species diversity. For sustainable maintenance of riparian plant species diversity, progressive river-management should restore original riverine dynamics to generate a shifting mosaic of diverse geomorphology.  相似文献   

Aims Monitoring and assessing diversity change at a large scale is important for any meaningful biodiversity conservation and management. Spatial analysis techniques can provide information about different aspects of diversity distribution including change. We applied some common spatial analysis methods and additive partitioning of species diversity in the Northeast China Transect as a case study to show how to characterize the distribution and change of tree diversity in this area from different perspectives.Methods The field data were collected from the permanent plots conducted every 4 km. The additive partitioning of species diversity was used to characterize the diversity of tree species at different scales. Moran's I was used for identifying the spatial scale of autocorrelation, lacunarity was studied for diversity patch contagion and dispersion and spectral entropy was used for assessing the overall spatial distribution.Important findings Data collected from 1986 to 1994 indicate that the change of α diversity was not significant in the study area, but the change of β diversity was significant. The percentage of α diversity in total diversity (γ) increased from 14.2 to 17.2%, and the percentage of β diversity decreased from 85.8 to 82.8%. For both α and β diversities, the scale of spatial autocorrelation decreased at the scale of 25–40 km and increased around 15–20 and 200 km. The lacunarity of α diversity decreased significantly and there was a sudden change at the scale of 56–68 km, but the lacunarity of β diversity increased across scales. The spectral entropy decreased slightly in α diversity and remained similar for β diversity. By using spatial analysis, we can monitor the diversity change over a large area and also assess the effectiveness of the current conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Invasion should decline with species richness, yet the relationship is inconsistent. Species richness, however, is a product of species pool size and biotic filtering. Invasion may increase with richness if large species pools represent weaker environmental filters. Measuring species pool size and the proportion realised locally (completeness) may clarify diversity‐invasion relationships by separating environmental and biotic effects, especially if species’ life‐history stage and origin are accounted for. To test these relationships, we added seeds and transplants of 15 native and alien species into 29 grasslands. Species pool size and completeness explained more variation in invasion than richness alone. Although results varied between native and alien species, seed establishment and biotic resistance to transplants increased with species pool size, whereas transplant growth and biotic resistance to seeds increased with completeness. Consequently, species pools and completeness represent multiple independent processes affecting invasion; accounting for these processes improves our understanding of invasion.  相似文献   

Diversity is a complex term that includes taxonomic, functional, spatial and temporal aspects of organisms variety. Conservation policies must be supported by holistic studies of ecosystem function, must aim to transform scientific knowledge into social responsibility creating a culture of respect towards nature and should also include economic components. Mediterranean ecosystems will likely experience the greatest proportional changes in biodiversity due to the substantial influence of land use and climate change as major drivers. Land use includes not only rural abandonment but also intensive exploitation of native forests (cork oak woodlands) or shrublands for animal or crop production. These last two are dependent on large Nitrogen (N) inputs. In this paper we intend to show the responses of Mediterranean ecosystems to increased N availability in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem functionality. We present two case studies: 1) a gradient of N availability due to a N point source; and 2) N manipulative field experiment (doses and forms). With these results our aim is to pinpoint the importance of improving scientific knowledge at a local level before we establish conservation policies at global level. The two case studies reflect a strong influence of the N source on ecosystem function. Finally, we use the SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis approach to underpin the complexities of human intervention in the N cycle and the problem it poses for policies of plant conservation.  相似文献   

Many theoretical and empirical studies have shown that species diversity in a trophic level can impact the capture of limited resources in ways that cascade up or down a food web. Only recently, however, have ecologists begun to consider how diversity at multiple trophic levels might act in concert to have opposing or reinforcing effects on resource use. Here, we report the results of an empirical study of a model, tritrophic food web in which we manipulated the diversity of host plant species ( Medicago sativa , Trifolium pratense and Vicia faba ) and natural enemy species ( Harmonia axyridis , Coleomegilla maculata and Nabis sp.) of a widespread herbivorous pest (the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum ) in laboratory microcosms. We found that increasing natural enemy richness from one to three species increased the proportion of aphids consumed by 0.14. This effect of enemy diversity was due to facilitative interactions and/or a reduction in intraspecific competition in the more diverse assemblages. We also found an independent and additive main effect of host plant richness, with the proportion of aphids consumed by natural enemies decreasing by 0.14 in plant polycultures. A reduction in predator efficiency on a single host plant, Vicia faba , appeared to be responsible for this plant diversity effect. Aphid population sizes were, therefore, simultaneously determined by a top-down effect of natural enemy diversity, and an opposing bottom-up effect of host plant diversity that modified enemy–prey interactions. These results suggest that population sizes in nature, and biotic controls over insect pests, are influenced by species diversity at multiple trophic levels.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the importance (number of species, plant cover) of the exotic flora in seven well‐defined sectors of one of the most important transportation waterways in North America. To determine the impact of exotic species on wetland plant diversity and reconstruct the spread of some invasive species. Location St Lawrence River, southern Québec. Methods The exotic flora (vascular plants) of wetlands bordering the St Lawrence River was studied using 713 sampling stations (25 m2) along a 560‐km long corridor. Results Exotic species represent 13.7% of the vascular flora of the St Lawrence wetlands. The relative plant cover occupied by exotic species is high in some of the fluvial sectors (42–44%), but low (6–10%) in the estuarine sectors. Wetlands (marshes) surrounding islands were particularly susceptible to invasion by exotic plants. Historical, abiotic and landscape factors may explain the differences observed between sites. Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) is the most common exotic species of the St Lawrence wetlands, but other species, namely flowering‐rush (Butomus umbellatus L.) and reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) are much more invasive. There is no linear relationship between the exotic species cover and the diversity of wetland plants; low diversity sites can be dominated by either exotic or native plant species. In the other sites, exotic species generally have little impact on plant communities and can contribute to increase diversity. Common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel) and reed canary grass, both considered as exotic species in this study, clearly have a stronger impact on plant diversity than flowering‐rush and purple loosestrife. Main conclusions This study shows that the global impact of an invader cannot be adequately evaluated with only a few highly invaded sites. While nationwide strategies have been developed to control exotic species, large surveys are essential to adapt them to regional particularities.  相似文献   

Aim Climate‐based models often explain most of the variation in species richness along broad‐scale geographical gradients. We aim to: (1) test predictions of woody plant species richness on a regional spatial extent deduced from macro‐scale models based on water–energy dynamics; (2) test if the length of the climate gradients will determine whether the relationship with woody species richness is monotonic or unimodal; and (3) evaluate the explanatory power of a previously proposed ‘water–energy’ model and regional models at two grain sizes. Location The Iberian Peninsula. Methods We estimated woody plant species richness on grid maps with c. 2500 and 22,500 km2 cell size, using geocoded data for the individual species. Generalized additive models were used to explore the relationships between richness and climatic, topographical and substrate variables. Ordinary least squares regression was used to compare regional and more general water–energy models in relation to grain size. Variation partitioning by partial regression was applied to find how much of the variation in richness was related to spatial variables, explanatory variables and the overlap between these two. Results Water–energy dynamics generate important underlying gradients that determine the woody species richness even over a short spatial extent. The relationships between richness and the energy variables were linear to curvilinear, whereas those with precipitation were nonlinear and non‐monotonic. Only a small fraction of the spatially structured variation in woody species richness cannot be accounted for by the fitted variables related to climate, substrate and topography. The regional models accounted for higher variation in species richness than the water–energy models, although the water–energy model including topography performed well at the larger grain size. Elevation range was the most important predictor at all scales, probably because it corrects for ‘climatic error’ due to the unrealistic assumption that mean climate values are evenly distributed in the large grid cells. Minimum monthly potential evapotranspiration was the best climatic predictor at the larger grain size, but actual evapotranspiration was best at the smaller grain size. Energy variables were more important than precipitation individually. Precipitation was not a significant variable at the larger grain size when examined on its own, but was highly significant when an interaction term between itself and substrate was included in the model. Main conclusions The significance of range in elevation is probably because it corresponds to several aspects that may influence species diversity, such as climatic variability within grid cells, enhanced surface area, and location for refugia. The relative explanatory power of energy and water variables was high, and was influenced by the length of the climate gradient, substrate and grain size of the analysis. Energy appeared to have more influence than precipitation, but water availability is also determined by energy, substrate and topographic relief.  相似文献   

短命植物是早春多雨、夏季干热环境而形成的特殊植物类型,古尔班通古特沙漠南部是短命植物集中分布区,对保持沙漠稳定、防风固沙起到重要作用.目前对短命植物群落多样性、生态功能以及空间分布等研究较少.本研究采用分层抽样方法,调查分析了古尔班通古特沙漠南部35个样点3.86×104m2的短命植物多样性特征.共发现93个物种,分属...  相似文献   

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